OOOOOOH MY GOSH I FEEL LIKE A KID AGAIN TAHU IS AWESOME KOPAKA IS AWESOME ONYA ONUA IS AWESOME GALI IS OKAY LEWA IS ALSO OKAY POHATU IS SORT OF OKAY-ISH AND WHO IS EKIMU AND MAN THAT MUST HAVE HURT WHEN HE SLAMMED MAKUTA IN THE FACE WITH HIS HAMMER AND GEARS AND PURPLE AND AND AND- *hype train crashes* *Crawls out of the wreckage, dusts self off, takes a deep breath, and tries to act like the mature, responsible adult that he is* All right. I think Bionicle 2015 is gonna be pretty good. And yes, I know I said I was done with Bionicle fanfics, but I'm starting to get ideas for a new fic set in the Legendverse (Mata Nui vs. Ekimu, anyone?) and maybe do The Biological Chronicle: 2015, too, though both probably will not come for quite a while since I am so busy with my other projects. But there's a very real possibility that I will do both sometime next year. Why can't 2015 be here already? -TNTOS-