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Hey guys! This is part one of a Canon compliant story I'm working on, set in the middle of Chapter 3 of Bionicle Legends: The Final Battle. Hope you enjoy! Pohatu, Gali, and Takanuva flew to the east, skimming over the treacherous swamp water. The Toa of Light was careful not to touch it, having been warned by his fellow Toa about the water’s mutagenic power. As the three Toa soared through the air, Pohatu and Gali brought Takanuva up to date on what had been happening. They had arrived in Karda Nui to awaken the Great Spirit, but faced opposition from the Makuta. They had been at war with the Makuta, and encountered the Matoran of Light, some of whom had been corrupted by the Makuta. The last detail sickened Takanuva. In his time spent alone guarding Metru Nui, he had come to the conclusion that he must have been a Matoran of Light in the past, though those memories were blocked. He was no stranger to amnesia, after all, so he reasoned that these must have been just more memories that he couldn’t recover. I probably worked alongside some of the Matoran the Makuta had corrupted, he thought, they might have even been good friends. I swear it – even if it means Mata Nui stays asleep, even if I have to die trying – the shadow Matoran will be cured. “They’ll pay,” Takanuva said aloud as he flew. Looking downwards, he glanced his own reflection in the water, and a brief moment of fear overtook him. It was easy to forget, but he hardly resembled the Toa he had gotten used to seeing in his reflection. His gold traded for dark gray, his right hand sparking with shadow energy, the Toa of Light was no longer the fresh beacon of hope that Takua had become upon donning the Mask of Light. What have I become? The thought rang through Takanuva’s mind, as all his past adventures came back to him. He had recently seen a world in which he saw the capacity for evil that Toa possessed, and while he had managed to put away his misgivings, the memory still haunted him. “Takanuva!” The Toa of Light looked upwards, and suddenly jumped back in the air. For the briefest moment, he saw the face of Toa Tuyet, wearing her familiar mask of Intangibility. He hadn’t known Tuyet well, but her alternate self had opposed him in a world that she ruled. It shook him to his core, seeing how evil a Toa could become. But this doesn’t make sense! Thoughts raced through Takanuva’s mind faster than light. She died as I left! How is she here? He drew a heavy breath, but only a moment after he had jumped, he saw the face of Toa Gali in front of him instead. “I can tell something is wrong,” she said in a calm voice, “what’s bothering you?” Behind her, Toa Pohatu hovered in midair, watching on with concern behind his eyes. Takanuva hovered in midair, his eyes wide with shock. When he saw Gali approach, he must have briefly mistaken her for Tuyet, he reasoned. He couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at his outburst, but he still couldn’t shake a feeling of unease. The Makuta have perverted my power, he thought to himself, I’ve been hunted down by evil alternate Toa and yet another Makuta. My people, people I’ve never met, are being corrupted and controlled, and I’ve done nothing about it. I’m tired, but the battle isn’t anywhere near- “I’m fine,” Takanuva said, interrupting his own thoughts, “just thought I saw something. That’s all.” With that, he turned back around, and continued his flight. Gali and Pohatu stayed behind for just a moment, and shared a glance at each other. Neither was convinced by Takanuva’s argument, but decided it best not to argue. With a sigh, Gali flew through the air, with Pohatu following close behind. * * * Kopaka, Lewa, and Onua took cover behind a massive tree. As they hid, a barrage of shadow attacks came from the five Makuta hovering by the tree branch across from them. For hours, the two sides had been locked in a standstill. "Any more helpful stories?” Kopaka asked, ducking as a bolt of shadow passed overhead. “I’m starting to feel like a sitting duck.” “I’ve got one,” Lewa said with a smirk, “I call it, ‘Heroic Toa Lewa Quick-Saves Everyone.’ Just watch.” “Oh, this one is my favorite,” Onua chuckled. In an instant, the Toa Nuva of Air kicked off of a tree branch and rocketed up into the air. Kopaka looked on in shock, but before anything could be done, Makuta Chirox had flown off in pursuit of Lewa. Watching as the chase began, Onua and Kopaka turned to each other and nodded in understanding. “He's taking the bait,” Kopaka muttered. As he watched the Makuta chase down the Toa of Air, he drew his Midak Skyblaster, and fired. The ball of light careened just past the Makuta, distracting Chirox and forcing him to retreat. Lewa soared back to reunite with his fellow Toa, letting out an energetic cry as he flew through the air. The three returned to their cover behind a massive tree branch, and then decided that it was Kopaka’s turn. The Toa of Ice emerged from his cover and fired a wave of ice at the five Makuta. His enemies quickly scattered to the wind, only to then fly in formation to converge on him. His unusually joyous expression dropped as the five creatures of shadow flew straight towards him. Turning back, he flew down towards the swamp, and soon found himself joined by another flier. Toa Tahu flew beside Kopaka, wearing a smug grin on his face. “Too much for you to handle, brother?” Kopaka rolled his eyes as the two dodged fire from their attackers. “Very funny. Where are the others?” "I sent Pohatu to find Gali.” Tahu quickly turned around in midair, and flung a pillar of fire at Makuta Vamprah. “What about yours?” The Toa of Ice glanced over his shoulder, and spotted Onua and Lewa pursuing the Makuta. “Closer than you think,” he said. As the two flew together in formation, they shared a rare moment of laughter as the Makuta chased them down. The two Toa weaved in and out of tree branches, flying gracefully as they dodged oncoming bolts of shadow. “Lewa must be so proud,” Tahu chuckled. As the two rounded a corner, they suddenly found themselves backed up against a pillar of rock. They both skidded to a halt, and as they began to fly back, they suddenly found themselves cornered. The five Makuta now hovered before the Toa in formation, and prepared to strike. Bitil’s mask glowed briefly, but before he could activate his power, he was suddenly struck from behind. As he scampered forward through the air, the Makuta turned back to watch as Onua and Lewa lowered to meet them. For just a moment, all was still. In an instant, it was carnage. The four Toa on each side charged the Makuta, firing blasts of elemental energy in every direction. The Makuta were quick to return fire, sending volleys of shadow at the Toa Nuva. Onua raised a chunk of Earth and hurled it, only for it to be brought to pieces by a swift move from Antroz's blade. Tahu fired a blast at Chirox, but the batlike creature parried the attack by launching a Tridax pod. Lewa was able to intercept it just in time, using a gust of wind to send the shadow leeches careening into the waters below. Kopaka sent forth an elemental attack from his blade, but Gorast's mask caused the air surrounding him to crystallize into ice. Moments later, a frozen Kopaka began falling, only to be broken free by Tahu. It quickly became clear which side had the advantage. The Toa were outnumbered and outmatched by the horde of Makuta, but it was clear that they weren't about to quit. * * * As the battle continued in the sky, a bone white, skeletal figure watched from the waters below. Stalking across stones and branches on his long, spindly legs, Krika watched as his fellow Makuta battled with the Toa and sighed, turning his gaze downwards. For just a moment, he considered leaving them to their fate. He had long been harboring doubts towards the grand plan the Brotherhood had been following, but now, the appearance of the Toa of Light in the swamp had all but confirmed what he had long suspected. The Makuta were fighting a losing battle. He looked at his own reflection in the waters below. It had been changed since he arrived, the water had mutated him into the ghastly creature he now saw. Karda Nui had changed him forever, and if he wasn’t careful, it would become his grave. So, he thought to himself, why don’t I just leave? Staring at the waters below, he remembered the stone with the Brotherhood symbol engraved upon it. If he still had it, leaving would be no trouble. He had offered it to Gali before, wanting to give her a chance. Perhaps now he could do the same. Was there still time? Could he leave his fellow Makuta to die, and escape the same fate? No, he sighed. His destiny was here, in Karda Nui. Whatever it entailed, it was his to face. As he began to hover in the air, rising toward the battle, he prepared to accept whatever destiny had in store for him. * * * “Hey! Pay attention!” Tanma cried while linked onto Toa Lewa’s back. A Tridax pod fired right towards the Toa Nuva of Air, but Tanma had been able to bat it out of the way just before it unleashed a swarm of shadow leeches on the two. “Ever-sorry, friend!” Toa Lewa said with his usual gleeful tone as he fired balls of light at the Makuta, using his midak skyblaster. “Glad you’re here, in case I get mixed-distracted.” As the two rolled through the air in circles around the Makuta, Lewa let out a raucous cheer, but found it cut short as a blast hit him in the stomach. Suddenly, Toa Lewa found his arms and legs frozen in place, as though he had been struck by a sudden paralysis. Tanma felt the blast, but disconnected from the Toa just before it hit him. He flew upwards through the air, but looked down to watch as Lewa plummeted towards the roots of a nearby tree. He started back towards Lewa, but stopped himself, as he spotted a monstrous Makuta approaching him. The Av-Matoran thought fast. With luck, the Makuta had yet to see him. He could use this to his advantage. Against himself, he chuckled lightly. This would be a rescue plan worthy of Toa Lewa’s legacy. * * * “Tanma!” The Toa of Air cried weakly, but he found his call to have no answer, as the Av-Matoran was no longer riding on his back. The Toa tried in vain to jolt his head around to look for his companion, but his focus soon shifted as his rocket boosters gave out, and his limp body plummeted towards the ground. Lewa screamed for just a moment, but stopped as he saw the tree roots down below, ready to catch his fall. It could be worse, I suppose, he thought to himself, just before he collided with the ground. His body ached in pain from the impact. Only inches of wood now protected Lewa from the waters below, and the Toa of Air watched helplessly as the black and green figure of Makuta Gorast landed beside him. * * * “Oh, this is perfect,” Gorast sneered, perched upon a tree branch just next to the Toa of Air. “I have always wanted an Air Toa for a trophy.” She pulled back her Nynrah Ghost blaster, and began charging another attack. “Hey!” Lewa just barely found the energy to talk, still struggling in vain to rise to his feet. “Listen-hear close, Makuta, for I have something you may want.” Gorast knew this was a bluff, of course, but felt compelled to entertain him. After all, she reasoned, I may as well offer him this much in his last moments. She lowered her blaster to the ground, and met the Toa’s eyes. “Well? What is it?” Lewa smirked. “A distraction.” Before Gorast could react, something struck her in the back of her head. Turning back, she came mask to mask with the green armored Av-Matoran, hovering in place as his rocket booster propelled him. “Well,” Tanma said, “I suppose this is a story for heroic Tanma?” He rushed out the last word, and quickly flew off towards the other Toa and Makuta. Gorast growled in frustration, before turning her attention back to the paralyzed Toa that lay before her. To her shock, however, Lewa was back on his feet. “Wore off, I guess.” Lewa smirked, and charged forward with his Air Sword. The Makuta blocked his attack with two of her sharp claws, and quickly retaliated with her other two hands. Lewa dodged out of the way just before she could sink her claws into him, and took off into the sky once more. Gorast chuckled, and beat her wings as she began her pursuit anew.
I have been hard at work recreating some of my favorite masks. The only 3d model I did not create was the board game Ignika, this was a 3d model that I found on Thingiverse, that I remodeled to work with the 2001 Toa Mata Heads.
What it says here. Happy 15th anniversary to Bionicle’s 2006 storyline! It’s where six of our Matoran friends, Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Hewkii, Nuparu, and Hewkii, became new Toa called the Toa Inika, and they went to fight against a team of six evil lizard monsters that are counterparts to Toa called the Piraka. The Piraka are from a species called Skakdi, and they were once members of the Dark Hunters until they went rogue. The Piraka are Zaktan, the mysterious air-using leader who can turn into tiny insects called Protodites; Hakann, the egoistic fire-using guy who can shoot mental blasts; Vezok, the water-using spy who can absorb and copy powers; Avak, the stone-using engineer with the big cheeks who can make prisons that can counter his enemies’ abilities; Reidak, the strong earth-using hunter who can adapt to things; and Thok, the ice-using guy who can make inanimate objects to life and use them as weapons. The storyline happened because the Toa have to find a Legendary Kanohi with a mind of its own called the Kanohi Ignika, aka the Mask of Life, to heal the Great Spirit Mata Nui to prevent him from dying, otherwise their world will be collapsed. The mask is located in the island of Voya Nui, where the Piraka are here to steal it. They used Makuta Teridax’s essence called Antidermis to enslave all but six of the island’s Matoran residents. The Piraka teamed up with a rogue guardian of the Mask named Brutaka. The Toa Nuva couldn’t defeat these guys. Things get worse when a seventh but rogue Piraka named Vezon, who is actually a part of Vezok and is crazy, like the Joker from DC Comics and Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, got the mask and has an enlarged Rahi spider called a Fenrakk as his steed. The Toa got help from another guardian and Brutaka’s ex-friend named Axonn, who is Bionicle’s own Hulk from Marvel. The Toa freed the people and faced many battles, including one with Umbra, who is a guardian of the mask who has light powers. When the Toa reach to Vezon and fight him, Fenrakk was turned by the mask into the mighty Kardas Dragon. However, the Toa defeated all of the Piraka and the dragon and Matoro got the mask because it chose him to be its bearer, but the dragon hurt Matoro, and this caused the mask to fly into the ocean, which caused the events of the 2007 storyline, with the Barraki and Mahri Nui, to happen. The storyline has five chapter books, five comic books, a video game called Bionicle Heroes, which is one of the best things that Bionicle has, and a bunch of online games, including the Voya Nui Online Game. Sadly, there is no direct-to-video movie for this for some reason (why?). However, the 2006 storyline is one of my favorite storylines because of the content that it has. This year also was the last year to have a combo Titan set, which is Vezon and Kardas, for some reason (why? Because of the budget?). But, I love the sets. The spines, glowing red eyes, and glowing teeth of the Piraka are cool. So are the squishy masks and light-up swords of the Toa Inika. We also got some promotional videos, like “Yo, yo, Piraka”, which is a rap song with the Piraka, and The All-American Rejects’ song with the Toa Inika called “Move Along”. These songs are awesome. How do you feel about the storyline? What’s your favorite moment and set? I love the fights, and I love Reidak, Nuparu, Axonn, Brutaka, and the Vezon sets the most. The video game is quite awesome for how complete it is compared to Bionicle: The Game in 2003 because nothing gets uneven. The game may have glitches and it’s a bit repetitive and tedious, but it’s a very good game, and it should be remastered to have better graphics, set accuracies, dialogue with voices, and get rid of the glitches. I love that the game references to Bionicle’s past years before 2006, despite Bionicle not having its 5th anniversary celebrated for some reason. We got a lot of fan favorites in that year, and this is the first year where we got sets that have bendable arms and legs and can have human-based body structures at the same time (we always see people with stiff limbs, Toa Metru’s shoulders being in a V-shaped position, and uneven arms from the past years before 2006). I also love that the Toa have their own evil lizard-based counterparts to fight, despite the monsters having limited elemental powers that require using certain weapons or others. Fond memories, and I wish we can have that again if everything goes well in Lego Ideas’ voting campaign with Bionicle as a choice this year. That year was also the only year to have a Great Being in a set, who is happened to be in in disguise of a Matoran named Velika. That year was the second year to have play sets, where we have mini-figures that are made of many pieces rather than one or two (2005 was weird). This year also is the first year to have canister villains with individual personalities rather than swarm enemies. We got some combo models, and one of them, Irnakk, was sold as a set that has the exclusive golden Thok spine and Technic tubes. It’s a pity that Jaller, Kongu, and Matoro don’t have a combiner. If they did, I would imagine it would be a bulky-looking Toa, like Jovan. Plus, how come Irnakk got a set box rather than having the other three-canister set combiners get them, too. This year is basically the last G1 year to have new designs before the other years used much of the same pieces.
Hi, guys! Today is the 15th anniversary of Bionicle: The Legend Reborn, the fourth and final direct-to-video Bionicle movie! To celebrate, let me tell you the summary of it: It is about a good-hearted ruler, Mata Nui (played by a Star Trek actor named Michael Dorn) being overthrown by an evil tyrant, Makuta Teridax, who banished him to a planet called Bara Magna, where it is a complete, decayed desert. In there, there are tribes and warriors called Glatorian fighting each other in arena matches to survive in the desert planet as they struggle to do so. The tribes also face threats from evil warriors called the Skrall and Bone Hunters. It is up to Mata Nui to help the tribes battle and defeat these villains in order for him to go back home and defeat the tyrant. Basically, it primarily is about the second half of the 2009 storyline, and it’s a loose continuation of Bionicle: Mask of Light in 2003. Unlike the first three films in 2003-2005, this film is made by Threshold Studios, the company who later made the Hero Factory TV show in 2010-2013. Plus, the set of voice actors is changed to a new set of more popular voice actors, and the animation makes the character look almost exactly like the sets while covering up some empty part rather than having muscles showing on some body parts. The movie’s DVD includes a music video called Bye Bye Babylon by Cryoshell and a short called Metus’ Revenge, which takes place after the events of the film. Now, about my opinion, I watched and loved the film. It’s epic! It’s quite relatable because it reminds me of a fact that when I went from a school to a different one, I miss my old friends, but I can make some new ones. Trust me, I graduated a school in early 2009 and then went to a new school in late 2009. It feels crazy, but I got used to it gradually. Anyway, I also love the funny and action parts. The short is funny and fun to watch, too. Lol. My favorite scenes are the Skopio fight, Tuma fight, and the Glatorian and Mata Nui combining their powers to defeat the evil army. I love Michael Dorn’s portrayal. It’s very interesting that Mata Nui learns to defend himself as a warrior rather than just a ruler that he once was. The animation is good, as it gives actual mouths with teeth and makes characters almost exactly like their sets while the muscles are fitted inside the armor, as you can see them through the holes. It’s interesting that the Mask of Life and Glatorian’s helmets have mouth guards that flip to open or close, like Transformers in the Transformers movies.:) Anyway, those are the positives. Here are some negatives. The movie should have included the end of the 2008 storyline for a good prologue. The island of Mata Nui should have looked destroyed because it is destroyed. There should have been more action scenes rather than talking most of the time. I wish that all 2009 storyline characters could have been in the movie, like Malum wanted to have revenge on Mata Nui for breaking a Vorox’s stinger tail because that Vorox could be a part of Malum’s pack of Vorox, and Gelu having Ice powers. The animation makes the heads kind of hard to tell whether the characters are smiling or frowning when the heads look like Iron Man’s helmet from Marvel. It’s like they are skulls. What’s up with the spinning axles that happen sometimes? Why some characters’ armor pieces get misplaced sometimes? Why not show all weapons from the sets? Why Mata Nui have his sword in his set? I mean, some of the characters, including Mata Nui, don’t have Thornax Launchers for some reason. What the movie did with the Skopio’s design is silly and lazy. I mean, why make it look like Telluris being fused to his own vehicle? That’s disgusting. The script felt kind of short while the the first three movies have a bit more serious tones. Low budget, perhaps? That’s the same problem with the Hero Factory TV show.:( Well, I remember fondly that when it was announced in February, I was so hyped for it, and when I got the DVD and watched. It was mostly worth the wait. Happy 10th anniversary, movie! Man, it’s so long ago!:D There’s also a novelization of the movie. Originally, the movie was going to be the start of a new trilogy where Mata Nui finds his way back home and save it from Teridax, but the sequels in 2010 and 2011 were sadly cancelled when Bionicle was announced to be cancelled in November 2009. That was shocking and depressing. I was looking forward to them, and I wanted The Legend Reborn’s cliffhanger to be resolved. That’s where my depression happened, and the cliffhanger seemed traumatic (but I know that Mata Nui’s quest is completed in 2010, though).:( However, Greg Farshtey was kind enough to show us a draft of the script for the fifth movie. We would presume that the sixth movie would be about Mata Nui and his gang on Bota Magna and probably completing his quest, judging for the end of the fifth movie’s script. The 2010 storyline is about something else where Mata Nui completes his quest earlier, which is kind of rushed. Along the way, in early 2010, there was a web series called Mata Nui Saga, where Michael Dorn voiced Mata Nui, who narrates the 2010 storyline. So, what are your memories and favorite parts of the movie? How you feel about it? What things does the movie remind you of? For me, the things that remind me are: 1. The Marvel Cinematic Universe - How Mata Nui ended up on another world is sort of like how Captain Marvel arrived in Earth in the Captain Marvel movie. In the first Thor movie, Thor got banished to Earth. In the third Thor movie called Thor: Ragnarok, Thor unintentionally crash landed onto another world, where there are gladiator matches and he finds some familiar things, like Korg’s species and the Hulk. Thor’s fight with the Hulk in the arena kind of reminds me of Mata Nui’s fight with Tuma. How T’Challa from the Black Panther movie is overthrown by his evil relative is like how Mata Nui got banished while there are these scheduled man-to-man fights. 2. DC Comics - How Mata Nui crash landed on Bara Magna is sort of like Superman’s arrival on Earth, as both learn about their origins eventually. Plus, in The Dark Knight Rises movie in 2012, how Bane banished Batman in a desert place while harassing Batman’s home place kind of reminds me of The Legend Reborn. Also, in the Shazam movie in this year, how Shazam shares his powers with his friends reminds me of Mata Nui giving his Glatorian friends elemental powers. 3. Transformers - Bionicle characters using mouth guards remind me of the Transformers movies, where the Transformers use mouth guards. Plus, the Revenge of the Fallen movie in 2009 is sort of like The Legend Reborn. 4. Prince of Persia movie in 2010 - How there are fights in the desert in that movie reminds me of the fights in The Legend Reborn. 5. Disney’s Aladdin - The desert parts remind me of The Legend Reborn, kind of. 6. Disney’s Hercules - How Hercules got sent to another place reminds me of how Mata Nui got forced to get stuck on Bara Magna. 7. The Lion King - How Scar banished Simba and then Simba going to the wastelands reminds me of The Legend Reborn 8. The Emperor’s New Groove - How Ezma threw Kusco out of his kingdom and Kusco ended up on another place kind of reminds me of The Legend Reborn. 9. Hero Factory - There is a TV episode where a gold beetle is crawling around the desert before encountering something strange from outer space, which is how The Legend Reborn started. 10. Ninjago’s Seasons 8 and 9 in 2018 - How Garmadon caused most of the Ninja to be banished into another world, which is a desert, while he takes over their home realm, and then how the Ninja struggle in the new desert realm reminds me of The Legend Reborn.
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A swarm of scarabax beetles scurried across a sand dune, in search of their evening meal. On most evenings, this hunt was uneventful. The beetles would feed and then return to their underground tunnels. But this night was destined to be different. My entry for this year's BZPower t-shirt design contest. There technically isn't a theme this year, but I wanted to do something 2009-based to stay in line with the recent designs (which have all been themed after the Bionicle year from 10 years prior). This was my first time using Clip Studio Paint, so I thought it'd be good to start out with something a bit simple.
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- Legend Reborn
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Toa Ignika Toa Ignika by Toa TimeLord, on Flickr "They call it the Mask of Life, but it might as well be a Mask of Death. Ask anyone who has tried to get their hands on it." This is my version of the classic G1 character.
I bought mask here (link) and I pointed it using Citadel Auric Armour Gold paint. Big gallery:
During this year's spring break, I, being a certified SCUBA diver, took advantage of this year's tenth anniversery of the Mahri Nui storyline, which as you all know took place underwater. I brought with two of the 2007 Bionicle sets, Toa Mahri Matoro and the Barakki Ehlek down to the Bahamas and on St. Patrick's Day brought both of them 15 feet into the depths and took several pictures of both hero and villian in various poses. It was a huge hit in Bionicle fan groups on FaceBook, so I am sure that you guys on BZPower will love it. Enjoy. Sorry for some blurriness, it was because I took these pictures through my iPhone encased in a waterproof bag. Don't worry, I still have that Ignika.
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Hey guys. I have a Kanohi Ignika from Shapeways coming in today and I plan to paint it. Anyone have tips for a first timer? I figure that like with any kind of painting, you have layers. So I'll start with black because I want it to have a older feel. But I also want to make it unearthly: old, yet there is a strange energy emitting from it to show that it is mystical and alive. How would i go about capturing that? I've been wanting to get Warhammer 40k figures and I have noticed that they have great paint selections. Would Citadel paints be compatible with Bionicle sets and it's type of plastic (as opposed to the material it's supposed to be used on, W40K figures)?
Sand Tarakava replica for sale and masks for trade
Mask Hunter Lewa posted a topic in Buy/Sell/Trade
FOR SALE Sand Tarakava replica Description: The only part which is different than in PurpleDave's prototype Sand Tarakava is mask. I wasn't 100% sure about head behind jaws (6th photo), so I made two versions and I will include parts for both of them. Instruction in form of photos on CD. Price: £50 Shipping costs: Poland: £1.45 Europe and Russia: £3.55 North America, Africa: £4.25 South and Central America, Asia: £5.05 South America: £6.85 Payment: Paypal FOR TRADE (masks for masks) I have: Misprints: *I have to mention that Blue Ruru has small white line on mouth. Other masks: I can also look for Krana if you are looking for them since few left from completing my Krana collection. I want: Flat Dark Gold Vahi Pearl Gold Ignika Feel free to ask me with any offer. All items are in Poland (Europe). -
So, this is a fanfic based on a (rather flawed) theory I made a couple weeks ago, about the Toa Inika being dead and "revived" using the souls of other dead beings from the Red Star. Soon after posting the theory, a fellow BZP member, Ghidora131, said that it would make a good fanfic. So, I PMed him and we started planning. What we came up with makes one of the darkest years of Bionicle even darker, and the ending will leave you questioning your very existence. We've changed events prior to 2006 as well, such as the deaths of characters that did not die in canon. So, without further rambling, here's what you came for. Discussion Topic Deignition A fan-made story written by BZP members Arzaki and Ghidora131. Okay yeah, so this chapter was absolutely god-awful and I hate myself for writing. I know that literally no one is ever going to see this, but just in case someone ever does, they'll know just how absolutely terrible this is and they don't have to waste their time reading it. Trust me, it's terrible. Ghidora and I might continue back on this soon. Maybe. Hopefully I put more effort into the chapters that I write, because wow, this one was so terrible. I really should just nuke this epic. Just clean it off the face of the earth. Chapter 1 A Bit of Exposition Takanuva was lost in thought as he led the Matoran to their destination. Of course, not much thought really remained in his mind. He had lost some of his sanity during his adventures around Mata Nui. He had seen almost half of Po-Koro wiped out by the plague, and witnessed the destruction of Ga-Koro firsthand. The main causes of his slight insanity were watching Jaller die and himself going through the experience of being fused with another being. Despite being a bit off his rocker, Takanuva was still relatively competent, and knew that he needed to the protect the six Matoran he was escorting. Jaller, the leader of this group, picked the bravest Matoran he knew for this mission. These five brave Matoran were Kongu, Hahli, Nuparu, Hewkii, and Matoro. Hewkii and Hahli weren’t at the peak of their strength, but they were still bold. Hewkii was severely weakened and slightly senile due to contracting the plague of Po-Koro and witnessing most of this closest and life-long friends drop dead in front of him. Despite overcoming the sickness, his body never really got over its effects, and he still feels terrible for being too weak to help Ga-Koro during the Bohrok invasion. He blames himself for the destruction of the village and for the extreme injuries Maku took during it. Hahli, too, was scarred by the destruction of Ga-Koro. Other than being injured herself, she saw Maku get nearly killed by debris. Due to the terrible things that happened in her life, she lost faith in Mata Nui, and blames him for all that has happened. When she heard that he was dying, she was almost glad. However, she could not refuse Jaller’s invitation to this mission. He was one of the few friends she had left. After a while of walking, the group of seven came across a tunnel, which absorbed all waves of light and sound. The group tied their hands to each other to prevent getting lost, and made their way through the tunnel with little commotion. Matoro, however, thought he felt another being with him, and helped this being escape the tunnel with him. He exited last, and when he looked back into the tunnel after making sure everyone else was there, he saw no one. It was at this point that Matoro started to that he might have been going insane, or maybe he was hallucinating due to the lack of senses. After a few more minutes of travelling, the group came across an old gateway, made of some sort of gray stone. On the other side was a lonely looking Matoran, who ran away upon seeing the group. Everyone chased after him, but a barrier of some strange substance materialized in front of Takanuva just as he was about to go through the gate. He and the Matoran were separated, and it didn’t take rocket science to figure that one out. After attempting to bid farewell through some sort of wall, Takanuva reluctantly headed back through the tunnel to his home of Metru Nui. The rest of the group resumed their chase. The startled Matoran led them to a land known as Karzahni. The land where dust rises, fire is cold, and ice burns. Dangerous Rahi ran rampant, and all around were strange looking Matoran who appeared absolutely miserable and lonely. Soon after they entered, they were approaching by the ruler of this land, also named Karzahni, who captured them and took their masks, replacing them with strange new ones. He forced them to work in the furnaces and forges of the land, but kept Hahli so that she could tell him of the outside world. Hours of work and hard labor led to exhaustion for the other five Matoran, and it was a relief when an obviously senile Matoran approached them. He told them to follow him and gather any friends they had. While Kongu went looking for Hahli, the other four followed the clearly insane Matoran to a room that had sort of strange cannon-esque devices overlooking an ocean. The odd Matoran told the other four to enter the canisters mounted on the walls, so that he could bust them out of there. Before they could manage to enter the canisters, Kongu and Hahli sprinted into the room, very out of breath. Seconds later, the thundering footsteps of Karzahni could be heard before the entire wall came down in an explosion of flame and stone. One stone hit Hewkii directly in the head, knocking him out cold. Oh, the irony. As Karzahni stepped over the small remaining part of the wall, his foot landed directly on Kongu, crushing and killing him. He switched his attention to Hahli, the closest living Matoran, and struck her with his flaming chains. She died soon after due to impact. Laughing maniacally, Karzahni continued to whip his chains throughout the room, eventually killing every Matoran in there. He stuffed the dead bodies in the canisters to dispose of them, and launched them using the cannons in the room. He watched as they flew through the air, toward the area known as Voya Nui. He used his Kanohi Olisi, the Great Mask of Alternate Futures, to see what might happen to the canisters. What he saw surprised him greatly. He saw the canisters washing ashore Voya Nui, with bodies larger than those he placed in them emerging from the cylindrical vehicles. They were cackling with crimson colored electricity, the likes he had never seen before. Weapons had somehow materialized with them, and the six beings crossed said weapons above them. A magnificent beam of light shot forth from the point where the tools crossed, straight into the air, parting the clouds as it pierced them. The storm was coming, and it wouldn't stop for anything.
A long while back I posted a topic displaying two kanohi Ignika that I had 3D printed. I ended up keeping one for myself and selling the other to a friend, but since then I've gotten a lot of messages asking if I could make the model available on Shapeways so that anyone could have one. I didn't do this earlier because The model actually had a slight issue in that the plus rod needing sanding to fit properly and I didn't want to sell lots of copies of the model in that condition. Recently, I made a model of a redesigned Miru and using more accurate measurements was able to get the plus rod just right. The original model of the Ignika also had a slight defect in the fact that one of the cylinders on the side of its head was not copied over properly. Both of these issues have now been fixed, so I've decided to make it available to you guys. For more details on each of the masks available for sale, here are their individual topics (note that the Ignika one is very old, and as a result, dead): Ignika: Miru: Here is my Shapeways shop from where they can be purchased: I thought I'd also point out you can view either mask from any angle on their respective Shapeways pages. If I've left anything out, or you have any questions I'd love to hear them! Also, If you do buy one of these, shoot me a PM once it arrives! I'd love to hear any feedback or even see pictures if you can. Toa Tupac has kindly provided us with some (very nice) pictures of the Ignika in the translucent detail plastic:
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Hello and welcome all to Glatorian Chronicles #12, which is the twelfth and final installment of the Glatorian Chronicles series!But first, let me tell new readers exactly what the GC is: This GC is, as I said before, the final installment. After this, there will be no more GC stories, even though there are other Glatorian characters in the BIONICLE universe. I only wanted to do the twelve characters released as canister sets, which with the posting of this last GC I have finally succeeded in doing.This GC, FYI, stars Mata Nui and thus is written from his point of view. Hope you enjoy it:Glatorian Chronicles #12: The Future Begins Where the Past EndsI walked through a swamp, keeping a careful eye open for a certain someone. I smelled the boggy water, heard the sounds of Rahi swimming beneath the water or flying above the treetops, felt the mud clinging to the underside of my feet, and tasted the humidity in the air. I saw the fallen stalactites scattered around the area, towering above me like the Black Spike Mountains. It was all so real that I almost forgot that it wasn’t.All these things that I smelled, heard, felt, tasted, and saw were the memories of a mask, a mask that had once walked among the living yet was not one of them. I had never physically been in Karda Nui before, but from the information I had gathered, this was how it looked just prior to my awakening. Or, I should say, prior to the awakening of Makuta Teridax in my body.As I walked across the mud islets in the swamp, I mulled over what had happened only a few hours ago. I had used a prototype of my original robot body to fight Makuta Teridax for the fate of my people and the Spherus Magnans. Thanks to the actions of Toa Tahu, I had managed to slay Teridax once and for all, saving the inhabitants of both Spherus Magna and my own universe while restoring the planet to its original state. After that, I had returned to the Mask of Life, for I had one last loose end to tie up: Toa Ignika, the spirit of the Mask of Life.Ever since Teridax forced my spirit into the Mask of Life so many months ago, my soul had dominated Ignika’s. Ignika’s soul had been dominant only once since I controlled of the mask and that when giving Toa Tahu the golden armor. Now I needed to talk with Ignika.I had never mentioned this before, but for a while now I had felt Ignika’s spirit growing stronger within the mask. At first, Ignika didn’t seem to care that I was in control, but recently it has been harder for me to remain in control of the mask. I had concluded that Ignika was trying to become the dominant soul again, although I didn’t know why.That was another reason I had rejected the offer to become leader of the new Spherus Magna. So long as Ignika was trying to reassert his control over the mask, it would be like having a ruler with a split personality: dangerous and unpredictable, maybe even worse than Teridax. As I favored peace and not conflict, I decided to figure out just what Ignika was so unhappy about.The only problem was finding Ignika. While it was true that we both shared the same vessel, our minds were not one. Therefore it was possible for Ignika to hide himself from me, as he appeared to be doing now, but I knew that I would find him eventually. He couldn’t hide forever.Just then, I heard the fluttering and buzzing of wings above me. Looking up, I saw all eight of the Karda Nui Makuta -- the ones Toa Ignika and the Toa Nuva had fought here -- flying toward me. Their weapons were drawn and they were not coming to say hello.Just as I readied myself for combat, a yellow blur shot past me. Startled, I looked up into the sky to see a single yellow-and-silver-armored Toa on a skyboard fighting all eight Makuta at once. And amazingly, he was winning.Every Makuta the yellow Toa hit with his blade screamed in pain and exploded into dust. The Makuta attempted to put up a fight, but they were clearly outmatched by this unstoppable Toa. Bitil summoned multiple versions of himself from the past, but not a single one survived the Toa’s onslaught. Icarax tried to come up from behind, though the Toa seemed to have seen that coming, for he whirled around and with one swift blow completely disintegrated the Makuta.Soon, where eight powerful Makuta once flew, none remain. Only the yellow Toa still flew, looking down at me with cold green eyes as he sheathed his sword and put away his Midak Skyblaster.“You are a great fighter, Ignika,” I said, clapping my hands. “And for that I applaud you.”“I don’t want your applause,” said Ignika as he lowered from the sky. “I don’t want anything from you, Mata Nui.”“Yes, I’ve noticed your less-than-friendly attitude toward me lately,” I said as Ignika landed. “That is why I have come looking for you. What have I done to wrong you? I cannot think of why you would be so upset at me.”Ignika looked at me coldly, but didn’t answer. Instead, he folded his arms, turned around, and sat down on his skyboard, with not even one word of elaboration for this display of immature behavior.I sighed. Ignika had what the Agori would call a very childish mind. I had seen young Agori villagers act like Ignika during my time on Bara Magna, but I had never had to discipline any of them. That was always their parents’ responsibility. Therefore I was unsure how to handle this situation exactly.So I said, “Ignika, you know I can’t read your mind. Tell me what you are so upset about.”He still didn’t look at me, nor did he say anything. I was starting to think it was easier fighting Makuta Teridax than dealing with a stubborn mask, but I didn’t give up then and I wasn’t giving up now. I needed to get Ignika to talk to me, and I knew the best way how.“Ignika, stop this,” I told him. “Would Matoro act so childishly when he was upset? Wouldn’t he tell his friends the reasons for his anger, rather than keeping it to himself and leaving his friends to guess it?”That seemed to do it, for Ignika looked up at me. His expression was still unkind, however. He was frowning and his eyes were narrowed, although I did not feel apprehensive or fear. Emotions couldn’t hurt someone unless they were acted upon and Ignika was not acting upon his emotions yet.“You’re . . . right,” said Ignika reluctantly. “I just thought it was obvious why I am angry.”“Well, it’s not,” I said. ”We may share the same mask, but that doesn’t mean I can read your thoughts, Ignika. Tell me what is upsetting you.”Ignika stood up and turned to face me. I felt power radiating from his body like heat, but I stood my ground. Ignika wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. That much I knew.“I want to be a Toa again,” Ignika said, pointing at his own body. “And I am angry because you’re not letting me create a new body for myself so I can be a Toa again.”“Ah,” I said. “I didn’t realize you still wanted to be a Toa.”“Of course you didn’t,” said Ignika, not looking me in the eyes. “You were too busy saving the world to care about the wants of a simple mask.”I wanted to argue that that wasn’t true, but I knew that Ignika was right. During my time as the Great Spirit of my body, I had never really paid attention to what happened inside of me. My focus was always on the outside, on the planets I visited and cultures I observed. I rarely thought about what the people I ruled and protected were going through. It appeared that I had done the same thing with Ignika, except on a much smaller scale.So I said, “Ignika, I apologize for not taking your own wants into account. I just did what I thought was for the greater good. I didn’t intend to upset you.”“That’s a joke,” said Ignika with a laugh. “And that’s funny because I’m not good at spotting jokes. The only thing I got to do was give Tahu the golden armor, and that was only because Tren Krom sent me a message that activated the golden armor feature. You were the one fighting Teridax and saving two worlds while I just sat by and basically did nothing.”“As you said, you gave Tahu the golden armor,” I pointed out. “If Tahu had never received the golden armor, I would never have defeated Teridax once and for all. And then we’d all be dead, Ignika, you included.”“I know,” said Ignika, kicking a nearby stone into the muddy water with a splash. “But, unless you have sand in your ears, you’d have noticed that I said that Tren Krom sent a message to me that activated the golden armor feature. It wasn’t a conscious choice on my part.”“Yet it was still a heroic deed nonetheless,” I said.Ignika looked up at me with a scorching glare and said, “Was it, Mata Nui? I’m not so sure. If I was forced to do it, how can it be heroic? Aren’t heroes the people who choose to act when everyone else chooses not to? How can I be heroic if I wasn’t given a choice to act or not to act?”“You have a point,” I admitted. “But giving you a body so you can play hero won’t change that.”Too late did I realize the mistake I made in saying that, for Ignika’s eyes flared and he said, “Play hero? You think I only want to play hero, like . . . like a child?”It was at that moment that a sharp pain resonated through the back of my head. It wasn’t physical pain, for inside the mask I didn’t have a physical body. It was a mental or spiritual pain, the kind only a spirit could inflict upon another spirit. That meant Ignika was attacking me.I cried out as I fell to my knees. The blow felt strong and concentrated, not accidental. Was Ignika trying to harm me? Or was he, in his anger, simply losing control of his powers?Whatever the case, I knew I had to calm him down somehow before he went too far.So I looked up at Ignika, whose arms were still folded and whose eyes were still cold.“I want my body back,” Ignika said, his green eyes more feral than rational. “You know, the only reason I let you control the mask in the first place was because I thought you’d let me have my body back once you completed your mission. But if you won’t willingly give control of the mask back to me, then maybe I’ll just take it back by force.”Another stab of pain in my head, but I kept my eyes locked on Ignika. I showed no weakness to him, because I now knew that he was intentionally trying to subdue me. And, with horror, I realized he would probably succeed, for up until now he had merely allowed me control of the mask. In a sheer contest of wills, I knew he’d crush me unless I could reason with him.“Ignika,” I said, struggling to raise my hand. “Don’t do this. Toa don’t force others to give them the things they want. It’s not heroic.”“Well, Mata Nui, you yourself said that I was just playing hero,” Ignika replied. “So, I can do whatever I want, since I’m not a ‘real’ Toa.”The next attack was so fierce, so powerful, that I nearly blacked out. I hit the mud and slowly started sinking in. I couldn’t even move my limbs I was so weak. His will was crushing mine, as easily as a giant crushes an ant.I couldn’t allow Ignika to become the dominant spirit or recreate his body, however. Repeating the Great Beings’ mistakes was something I had vowed to prevent at all costs. To keep history from repeating itself, the Mask of Life needed to be out of the picture, at least temporarily. And so I needed to defeat Ignika somehow, prevent him from regaining control of the mask before it was too late.At first, I feared that I would not be able to dominant Ignika’s fierce, overwhelming will. Yet, as I sank deeper into the mud, I realized that Ignika, in order to attack me, must have made a mental connection between us. If he could attack my mind, then maybe I could attack his, as well.I would not, however, attack with anger and frustration, which were Ignika’s choice weapons. Instead, I would hit Ignika with something even worse: my memories.Using all of my mental energy, I found the mental connection between our minds. This move seemed to surprise Ignika, for the pressure he was putting on me lifted slightly, but it was just enough to give me an opening. Calling upon my memories, I projected them into his mind, allowing him to see the things I had seen repeated many, many times on my journey across the universe.Whole planets at war with each other, fighting over badly-needed natural resources that they didn’t want to share. Dictators ordering the deaths of millions of innocent people for no reason other than to satisfy their bloodlust. Weapons of mass destruction blowing up whole cities, annihilating thousands of beings in the blink of an eye. Soldiers armed with deadly weapons going from city to city, killing anyone they came across, even -- or especially -- if that person was a civilian.And, finally, I showed him one of my earliest memories, from when I first left Spherus Mana: The Shattering. I showed him the massive explosion that ripped through the planet. Showed him Spherus Magna shattering into three smaller planets as the population plunged into chaos due to the catastrophe and sudden lack of central government. Showed him the corpse of an Agori that was flung from the shattered planet, which drifted by my head even as I departed from Spherus Magna to begin my 100,000 year long journey around the universe.And, without warning, I was back on the surface of the swamp at Ignika’s feet. Ignika’s will no longer pressed down on my own, so I stood back up and looked at Ignika to see how he had reacted to the memories I had shared with him.Ignika looked like he had fallen over in the mud himself, for his yellow and silver armor was streaked with it. His green eyes were no longer cold with apathy, but wide with shock and horror.For a moment, I wondered if I had gone too far. The horrors I had shown him had shaken even me and I had more experience with death and mass destruction than Ignika did. Had I shocked Ignika so badly that he could no longer speak? Had I somehow damaged his mind with the horrors that I had showed him?Then Ignika spoke. “I . . . I had no idea there was such suffering and evil in the universe . . .”I nodded. “It’s hard to believe, but I hope you now understand why I cannot allow you to become Toa Ignika once more.”“I . . . I think I do,” said Ignika, one hand on his heartlight. “But I would never do any of that.”“I know you wouldn’t, but others would,” I said as I wiped some of the mud off my hands. “Even if you did nothing, the Spherus Magnans would divide into groups: those who support you and those who don’t. They would harm each other in their zeal for or against me. Yet it has nothing to do with you, Ignika, and everything to do with me.”Ignika looked at me in confusion. “What do you mean?”“I’m an important figure to both the native Spherus Magnans and to the inhabitants of my former body,” I said. “They want me to rule them, but I know that would be foolish. It’d be best for them to learn to rule themselves, rather than relying on another powerful yet fallible being to make all of the hard decisions for them. And besides, not all of them want me as their leader. Many, I am sure, want nothing more than to see me dead.”“I see,” said Ignika, realization slowly dawning in his eyes. “I think I understand what you mean. You don’t want either of us to become dictators or somehow disrupt the new society, is that it?”“Exactly,” I said, nodding. “Under different circumstances, I would let you become Toa Ignika again. As it is, though, too many people still associate the Mask of Life with me and will associate it with me for many years to come. I don’t want people to take advantage of you in order to get to me.”Ignika nodded unhappily. “You’re right. Maybe it would be too dangerous for me to make a new body. I guess that it’s for the greater good that I remain a mask forever.”Sighing, Ignika turned away, probably to leave, but I had to say one last thing to him. He sounded so sad, which made me feel sorry for him. I didn’t want to crush his spirits, yet at the same time I didn’t want to install false hope in him, either. I would give him something to look forward to. Something that would make the inevitable years of waiting that awaited us bearable.“Hey, Ignika,” I said, putting one hand on his shoulder.Ignika looked at me, frowning. “Yes, Mata Nui? What is it?”“I just wanted to tell you that it won’t be this way forever,” I said. “Someday, we’ll return and live among the Spherus Magnans. Maybe if a new threat emerges, Toa Ignika can live once more.”“And what if Spherus Magna is never threatened by a new evil?” asked Ignika. “Do I remain a mere mask forever?”“No,” I said as I shook my head. “If the day comes when the Spherus Magnans no longer look upon me or the Mask of Life with the reverence with which they do currently, then we can return and live among them like normal people. You could even be a Toa again if you wanted to.”Ignika smiled, the first time I had ever seen him do it. “Thank you, Mata Nui. You are a kind being.”I took my hand off of his shoulder and said, “You’re welcome, Ignika. In the meantime, I think we’ll both have to be patient, because it’ll probably be a while before we can return to the physical world.”Ignika shrugged. “Before I became a Toa the first time, all I ever did was wait for someone to come and use me to heal you. I think you’re the one who is going to have to learn patience, Mata Nui.”It took me a moment to realize, but that was the first time I had ever heard Ignika joke. Before I could comment on it, Ignika started his skyboard and flew away. I stood in the swamp and watched him go, wondering what the future had in store, not only for us, but for Spherus Magna as a whole as well.I was also making plans, arrangements for where the Mask of Life would be placed until its proper time. Right now it was in the hands of Toa Tahu, but I knew a better place where it could stay until the time came for Ignika and I to return. It was a dangerous place, one that most beings could not get to, but it was, in my opinion, the best place to hide the mask. I just needed to communicate to Tahu to contact the Order of Mata Nui and then, like Ignika, I would wait.THE END of the Glatorian Chronicles.To be continued in “Dawn of the New Century.” Coming to the Epics forum late 2012/early 2013. And so the Glatorian Chronicles is finally, truly finished. It was a fun project, one I honestly didn't think I'd ever actually finish, but here I am, posting the very last story in the series, which just feels great. I should celebrate.Comments, criticism, questions, etc. are all welcomed and encouraged .-TNTOS-Edit: Made a few changes in response to Yukiko's review below.
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- Glatorian Chronicles
- Mata Nui
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All right, I'm back! I'm looking for a few Kanohi to finish off my collection, so here they are: 1x White Hau 1x Brown Hau 1x Gold Hau (Not the 14K one. ) 1x Green Akaku 1x Black Kakama 1x Blue Kakama 1x Teal Kakama 1x Burnt Orange Kakama 1x Trans-Orange Kaukau 1x Trans-White Kaukau 1x Black Miru 1x Teal Miru 1x Brown Miru And also 1x Gold Ignika. Pricewise, I'll pay Bricklink prices. Offer me the Ignika at any price under £10. I'm interested in any 2001 misprints as well, but those are low priority so I might turn quite a few offers on misprints down unless they're really good ones. [Edit]: I'm looking for a few pieces as well. They are: 4x white Inika leg bones (Picture) 1x gold Inika chest armour type 2 (Picture) And also I'm selling/trading a Red Forehead Poisoned Hau Nuva! (Picture) For £3.50.
What happened to the Ignika and Vahi? The Ignika now harbours Mata Nui's spirt and went where exactly? Into hiding? What would it wait for? Could it stop Velika? Why does Mata Nui want to sleep again, he was asleep for 1000 years?! What happened to the Vahi? Where is Vopoark? What does he want to do with the mask of time? Could he be the missing link? Could he complete the Vahi? Why did he not go to the Dark Hunters with it? What is he going to do? We will probably never know the answers.
"The final battle is here! The gallant knight Mata Nui gears up andsets off to slay the evil beast, Makuta!" I started out to make a revamp of the (titan) Toa Mata Nui, but I got to liking the idea of a revamped Toa-sized Mata Nui to go along with my work-in-progress Makuta. I was aiming for the look of a knight (Mata Nui) going to slay the pesky dragon (Makuta) and ultimately incorporate more gold pieces than Toa Mata Nui did (Though that doesn't take much ). Main Photo Portrait Close-up with shield Without weapons Flickr album
First off, I'll say that unless I've said so, I'd like to buy everything from people inside the UK or Europe, to cut down on postage. I've also put the prices I want to start at next to the items. For starters, I want to get a complete collection of 01/02 Great Kanohi. I want: Haus: £1 1x White 1x Brown 1x Blue (Nearly got one) 1x Green (Nearly) 1x Infected 1x Metallic Gold (I have one of Kayru's reserved, but if you can give me a deal in Europe, then that's fine.) 1x Chrome Silver £9 (Nearly have one!) Akakus: £1 1x Black 1x Brown 1x Blue 1x Green 1x Metallic Silver Kakamas: £1 1x Red 1x White 1x Black 1x Green 1x Blue 1x Metallic Silver (Nearly got one!) 1x Teal 1x Burnt Orange (Nearly have one) Kaukaus: £1 1x Trans-Red 1x Transparent (White on white) 1x Trans-Black 1x Trans-Neon Orange 1x Trans-Green 1x Metallic Silver Pakaris: £1 1x White (Nearly!) 1x Green (Nearly got one) Mirus: £1 1x Red 1x White (Nearly) 1x Black 1x Brown 1x Blue 1x Teal If you have any of these, post here or PM me. And I'm not interested in misprints. At all. I'm also searching for an Ignika from the Toa Mata Nui titan set, from anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Sets I want: Matoro Mahri £5 Matoro Inika £5 Jaller Inika £5 Kurahk £4 Vorahk £4 Guurahk £4 Vamprah £5 Solek £2 Gavla £2 Kirop £2 Mutran and Vican £7 Icarax £10 Onua Mistika £5 08 Takanuva £15 And that's all I want. (For now...) I'm also selling Krana, or I'll trade them in return for Kanohi. I have: 1x Orange Ja 1x Red Vu 1x Purple Bo 1x White Za 1x White Yo Thanks for looking! [Edit (20/09/14)]: The Chrome Hau is now on there! [Edit (30/09/14)]: The Krana are all gone now. [Edit (7/10/14)]: I have a Sand Blue Akaku and a Red Pakari on the way from Bricklink now.
OK so we know about the Makuta's master plan. We know he needed to dispose of Mata Nui's spirit somehow and he chose to do that by putting it into the Kanohi Ignika and launching it into outer space. My question is: why the Ignika? It's the most powerful mask in the Matoran Universe. If I were overthrowing someone my first choices would be (a) kill him or (b) put him in a position where he has no power. There were like a million powerless Matoran Kanohi he could've put his spirit into, why did he choose the most powerful Kanohi of all, the one Kanohi that could create a new body and grant its allies Elemental Powers? And come to think of it, why did he put his spirit in a Kanohi at all, which can survive outer space? Why didn't he just put Mata Nui's spirit into Hafu, ejected Hafu into outer space (he did that anyway) and that would be the end of it: Mata Nui would be dead. BS01 states that the Makuta knew about the Ignika's power to obliterate all life in the Matoran Universe and wanted it gone for that reason, but that doesn't answer my question: the Makuta could have easily expelled both the Ignika and a hypothetical other host for the spirit of Mata Nui such as Hafu. That wouldn't solve the problem of having some sentient Kanohi out there with powers over life, but at least it would be controlled by the very immature Toa Ignika. Although the chances of Mata Nui coming back to fight the Makuta might have been small, it's like the Makuta was trying to run a risk here by giving the most powerful object in his universe the mind of the former most powerful being who he had now turned into his mortal enemy. So, why?
As you can probably tell, I want to get both Legendary Masks in gold. The only problem is, BrickLink and eBay don't have any golden Ignikas, and the Vahis on BrickLink are all from the US. So basically, if you live in Europe and have a Dark Gold Vahi and/or a Gold Ignika, then I'd like to buy them. I would offer a trade, but none of my Kanohi are on the same scale of rarity as the two which I'm asking for. I'd prefer to get both masks from the same person to cut down on shipping costs than from two different people. [Edit]: I've got a Vahi sorted, so all I'm looking for now is an Ignika. [Another Edit]: I have become slightly desperate! I'll now take an Ignika from anywhere!
Just a quick question about the nature of Legendary Masks… could two simultaneously exist in the mainstream universe? I mean, I've always thought that since they representative of fundamental parts of the MU, they directly correlate with said parts (if everything in the MU unexpectedly died, or if the mask was destroyed, the other be affected), and if two, lets say, Ignika's existed, would it upset the balance of the MU? What if one was destroyed but the other remained? Could the Mask of Creation let Artakha create another Legendary? Just a thought
I am an aspiring writer hoping to try my hand at bionicle fanfiction. That being said although this story is not canon I am going to try and keep it as close to the main story as possible. This takes place at the beginning of the 2008 storyline. If this preview gets good reviews I will post new chapters on my profile blog. Enjoy and please let me know what think. I will let you guys know if I decide to continue the story or not. WHITENESS That was what seemed to surround the white armored being. He had woken up in a seemingly endless room of pure white. Looking around, the being tried to remember how he had got here. "Wherever here is", he muttered to himself. Suddenly he saw himself falling, then there was a great flash of light. Shaking off the vision, the being noticed a sword and a strange blaster-type weapon lying on the floor. "Hmm, are these mine?" he said. He picked up the sword and felt a shock travel through his whole body. A name suddenly appeared in his thoughts. Matoro Memories flooded back into his mind. He remembered that he had died after using the Mask of Life to save the Great Spirit Mata Nui. He also noticed he was an Inika again. "So if I died", Matoro thought, "What am I doing here?" Suddenly an image of the Mask of Life appeared in front of Matoro and began to speak. "I see your memories have returned" the mask said. "Can you explain why I'm here? And where here even is?" asked Matoro. "You are inside of me'' said the Mask. ''When you used the mask your body was destroyed, but I managed to save your mind and spirit before you died. I contained them in here and began to bring you back to life, but to bring your mind back I had to give you some kind of physical form you could attach yourself to. I chose your Inika form simply because it is more familiar to me, and it is what The Great Beings intended you to be''. ''So would it be possible for me to have a true body again?'' Matoro asked. ''I could create a new body for you'' the mask said, ''but I do not wish to release you at this time. You see, I saved you because you intrigued me, Toa. I have never had a mask bearer use my power with such selfless confidence, and heroism. In short, I want to know why you were so different''. ''Great'' groaned Matoro ''I'm nothing more than a curiosity. My life actually has no meaning to you. How ironic, The Mask of Life finds other life meaningless. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I SACRIFICED MYSELF? Matoro yelled, I DID IT BECAUSE THERE ARE THINGS OUT THERE WORTH LIVING FOR! If I didn't try to save Mata Nui all of my friends would be dead with me. Everyone would have died, and even if we somehow survived I could never live with my failure. I never wanted to be a hero, and yet I never realized: It's those who never want to be a hero, that somehow end up saving us all". Matoro looked directly at the mask and said: "If you don't want to give me a body, at least do this for me. ''Become a hero''. The image of the mask vanished, and Matoro sat down and sighed. He had hoped the mask did have at least some emotion in it. Suddenly he felt energy surging through the room, and a window appeared in front of him. Looking through it, Matoro realized he could see the world from the mask's point of view. The mask had created a body for itself and was just finishing creating a hoverboard to escape what appeared to be the bottom of a swamp. As they flew off Matoro heard the mask's voice echo through the white chamber: I will be a hero, in honor of the hero that went before me. Matoro smiled as he watched them fly away from the swamp. It was a new beginning. To be continued. Maybe
The old Kanohi Ignika mask was amazing and better than the others, but with the Ignika mask from 2007 to the last year look more like a Downgraded. And think about it, if the old Ignika mask was Mata-Nui mask, That will look amazing but no we just got the mask with a body on it but that just what i think. So i like to know out of all the Ignika Forms which one do you like the most and why.
So, my question is: During the events in Karda Nui, the Ignika entered countdown to end all life. But the Red Star revives anyone that dies. So why would the countdown have mattered? (If the Red Star had actually worked correctly, of course) I don't know if this has already been asked, but thanks for answering.
Ignika - life. From a simple mask, it became a number of forms upon the journey to save the Great Spirit. Matoran(the one that appeared to Matoro) Front Side Back Toa Front Side Back Spear-readied Mata Nui (Bara Magna form) Front Side Back Riding Head-on Honestly, I'll be the first to admit that the Toa form is pretty gnarly from the chest-down. I was running pretty low on spare parts to work with by the time I built him - the Matoran and Mata Nui-renditions had been done for a good while by that point - but I still wanted to get it done. I tried to show a progression through the forms here, where certain aspects were added-upon as the Mask carried on - this is mostly in the spear, the hips and legs, and the shoulders. Thanks for viewing.