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~Well Known Facts~ Bunda's favorite Bionicle character is Taipu. Bunda's favorite Bionicle set is Gadunka. Bunda's favorite franchises are Pokémon, Lego, Mass Effect, and Halo. Bunda's favorite color is purple. Bunda's favorite Pokémon are Leafeon, Lapras and Typhlosion. Bunda has a crush on Tali from Mass Effect. Bunda is a perfectly average Halo player, who has a KD of 1.07. Bunda's favorite weapon in Halo is the Plasma Pistol. His favorite vehicle is the Revenant. Bunda's favorite books are probably The Two Towers and the Azumumanga Daioh omnibus. He is aware of how different those books are. Bunda's favorite TV shows and series are Soul Eater, The Last Airbender, LOST, Invader ZIM, Castle and Fringe. He is sad only Castle and Fringe are still airing. He is excited for The Legend of Korra and hopes they make a second season of Soul Eater. Bunda's favorite characters from Avatar is Toph, and a three way tie for second place would include Iroh, Mai and Ty Lee. Bunda was born in Winter, but his element is so Earth. ~Slightly More Obscure Facts~ Bunda's favorite character from Soul Eater is Crona, even though he found him to be very irritating at first. Now he relates to him. Bunda's favorite character from Azumanga Daioh is Osaka, or maybe Tadakichi San. Bunda has crushes on Zooey Deschanel and Liv Tyler. Bunda is only an active member of three forums, including BZP. Bunda wants to play through Pokémon Grey version with his favorite Pokémon from every generation, including Lapras from GenI, Typhlosion and Crobat from GenII, and Leafeon from GenIV. He doesn't know what he wants to use from Gen III and V because his favorite Pokémon from GenIII is Walrein and that's redundant with Lapras. He is considering Scrafty. Bunda's favorite music genres are pop, electronic, folk, and alt rock. Bunda still cannot find music from the Christian genre he enjoys, beyond Switchfoot and Relient K, and he doesn't count those because they are not really part of the genre. Bunda wishes more people would read Hank the Cowdog, because the book series is genius. Bunda's favorite animal is the rat. Bunda was not born in the year of the rat. Bunda was born in the year of the monkey. Bunda's least favorite animal is EVERY MONKEY. Bunda's only consolation for this cosmic disaster is that the character of the monkey in Fruits Basket is vastly superior to the character of the rat. Bunda's fear of monkeys stems from the fact that he watched Evolution when he was way too young. Bunda misses his pet rat, Pezzy May Tricksy Ratty [last name censored.] Bunda also misses his dog, Kip. Bunda also misses his dog Pippi, who smelled weird and was very senile. Bunda also misses his rabbits, several of whom died in gruesome and mysterious ways. Bunda has less than a dozen good friends, only one of whom lives in the state he currently resides in. Bunda is probably going to Texas A&M next year even though he doesn't like maroon. Bunda likes burnt orange even less, however, so he'll probably be able to squeak by. Bunda is currently watching the original FMA series, and is not terribly impressed. Bunda can passably imitate an angry squirrel ~Facts You Probably Don't Know~ Bunda can also passably imitate an angry rabbit, even though they make no sounds. Body language speaks volumes. Bunda has watched every season of American Idol and thinks this year is the best by far. He was happy Stefano went home last night. He hopes Jacob goes home next week. Then it will be the best top five ever. He likes Haley best, but hopes she doesn't win so she doesn't get one of the lame American Idol contracts. He will probably buy her album, which is something he has never done before. Bunda, in fact bought her rendition of Blue off iTunes, and that is unprecedented. Bunda's entry into the current Hero Factory contest has been done for like a week. It's made almost entirely out of 2.0 parts. It's hideous. And not in a good way. Bunda is gay, possibly a bit bi, and has previously only mentioned this to Tilius of BZP and his own mother. Bunda's mother was curiously silent and has never brought it up again. Bunda intentionally posted this far down the list because he wanted to say it but didn't want to broadcast it to the entire planet. Bunda doesn't like it in Hawaii and wants to move back to Texas. Bunda is happy there's a Lego convention in Texas now. Bunda has always lived in a Christian home and has been surrounded by Christian people, but only recently has he actually started looking into religious stuff. Bunda has been assumed to be Christian by pretty much everyone and never felt like contradicting them. Bunda believes in Jesus and what he said but still struggles with the concept of religion. Bunda thinks Jesus struggled with religion, too, so he's okay with that. Bunda has been reading many books about it lately. Bunda only just started reading the Bible seriously. Bunda is not starting with Genesis, but randomly started with Hosea. Bunda thinks Hosea is nice poetry even if you don't believe it's true. Bunda used to believe in Young Earth Creationism but recently realized it is an impossibility so now he doesn't know what to think, though he still believes in Intelligent Design. Bunda gets seasick. Bunda hates most fast food. Bunda likes Panda Express, however. Bunda is fat even though he likes to eat healthy things naturally. Bunda probably eats too much healthy things. Bunda has never had a dream where he was flying. Bunda's dreams generally consist of getting lost in Wal Mart. Bunda thinks they are terrifying dreams. Bunda once had a dream where he was attacked by hundreds of Gollums from the animated hobbit. Bunda is probably scarred for life. Bunda is terrified of roaches and most cheese graters. Bunda is frustrated by the alarming lack of good looking official Pokémon shirts. Bunda wonders if people can identify which one of these is not like the others. Bunda is now taking questions. Bunda edit: Bunda gets to use this picture again. It is his greatest artistic accomplishment. Bunda wonders what he was thinking when he made this other one:
Bunda somehow forgot to mention 30 Rock as one of his favorite shows.
I like the green ones because they're so perverse.
At least we live on a hill.
Tickets from Lihue to Washington DC are more than 1000. D: So basically no way I'm coming this year. The only possibility is if I somehow maybe possibly have moved back to Texas by then, because from Austin to DC is like 300 which is much more manageable. See ya... sometime.
I hate my camera. Desperately.
When you're homescooled being sick doesn't get you out of school.
Went to the store, looked around, saw none. Asked an employee and she gave me this blank look, and said, "What's that?" I left promptly.
Took me four episodes, but now I love that show. Must watch moar!
Tasteful Halloween decorations. Our neighbors seem to be trying to outdo each other for silliest yard.
Got a family computer. Macbook Pro. Now we don't have to fight over who gets to use dad's work computer. lol Problem is, the colors are BURNING MY EYES and I can't figure out how to make them normal. They're all so crisp and juicy... which I like... but some colors look weird and washed out, yellow especially, and all the basic in-computer settings look even worse than the default. Maybe I'll figure something out later. Now I have to decide... should I get Starcraft II for this computer or wait until I get my own? When I get one it'll definitely be running on Windows, so the game won't be compatible (between both computers). I'll probably wait. I have plenty of games to keep me busy... I still haven't taken The Orange Box out of its case, Reach is still fun, I've been playing HeartGold more recently, ordered TFU II, haven't finished the first Scribblenauts yet, bought Limbo but haven't played it yet... yeah. hmm for some reason the keyboard's backlight won't turn on
I love this song so much right now...
I look like a groundhog. I dunno if that's better than a puffball mushroom or worse.
love edit: Yue is very bright tonight.
Tali. Tali Cerberus Paragon Legion Earth Kingdom Water Tribe GLaDOS two pic from midnight release one two Two things I've been doing recently, guess. First person to guess right gets nothing. Everyone else gets nuked. Reach is awesome. Legendary is hard again. I'd show you a picture of my Noble Six but Bungie's servers aren't working right. Bird in the garage! again No one online? Inside of pocket, perhaps. On a walk, scenic. one horse rainbow(not double, I know what it means) New Xbox, old Xbox, size difference. Notice power supply. Succinct!
1) I went to open a bank account finally. I was wearing one of my Mass Effect shirts (yes I have two ), the one with the Cerberus symbol on it. The guy that was helping me and my mum sign up asked me if I destroyed the Collector Base or not. I love it when stuff like that happens. (It doesn't often.) 2) [redacted] 3) This and this are paid off AND I CANNOT WAIT FOR SEPTEMBER 14TH. 4) My parents have started watching Avatar season 3. I guess if they watched the first two seasons that means they like it, right? XP Also, my mom talks to the TV when she gets into things so I guess her warning Zuko not to trust Azula is also a good sign. lol 5) I'm sure there was something else. 6) Oh yeah I dunno if I'll ever get those Hero Factory reviews made, I'd like to, but I've been busy/distracted/also my room is SO HOT in the summer so it's not terribly nice to be in there for taking photos/building and stuff. And I am so sick of using our ###### camera, I guess I should buy another.
#1: 2% milk is the best. #2: Toilet paper goes over, not under.
Opinions are immunities for being told you're wrong. Paper rock and scissors... they all have their pros and cons.
Sent Tempest, Kimi & Kumi, a crab with a vuvuzela, and three Ruki to Brickfair yesterday. If you have any questions about reassembling them (I sent pics and they should be in big chunks, but still), just shoot me a PM, CF. I knew Halo: Reach would be amazing... but I didn't know it would be as amazing as it's turning out to be. I plunked down a massive wad of cash to get the Legendary Edition. I don't think I'll regret it. I've been playing Monkey Island 2: Special Edition lately. Dang that game is hard. I played the demo for Limbo. It was one of the most haunting things I've ever seen... must get the full game. Skopio, Kaxium, Cendox, the Atlantis Shadow Snapper, a spaceman keychain, the six HF Heroes, Meltdown and Rotor will be landing on my porch on Tuesday. Perhaps I will write some reviews? Perhaps not. But perhaps so. I finally trained a good Togekiss on my HeartGold. I thought it would be sturdier than it is, but oh well. It still seems like it will be a good addition to my 20 or so trained Pokémon. Next up... Tyranitar, Gallade and another Swampert.
... And Bunda saw that it was totally awesome. B) I typed in "Eisley," and out came... well, a lot of my favorite bands. And then some sweet tunes I hadn't heard before. Stuff I already liked: Jason Mraz, The Shins, IZ, Feist, The Postal Service, The White Stripes, Imogen Heap, The Hush Sound, Coldplay, Regina Spektor, and of course Eisley... Stuff I hadn't heard but liked and want to listen to more: Jaymay, Headlights, Stars, Ingrid Michaelson, Sarah Blasko, Kate Nash... probably some other stuff I didn't bookmark. I'd heard of Pandora before, just hadn't tried it. Made my walk much more enjoyable. Airbender and Twilight thoughts
There were doing a lot of filming on this island, Kauai, up until a few days ago... actually, my brother is an extra. He was in a scene with Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush... who knows if you will be able to see him in the film, but he's there! And then they just packed up an vanished along with all their trailers and stuff. They were doing a lot of filming at the abandoned Coco Palms hotel... I wonder what... hmm... Oh, and my brother got a call back so he's on Oahu now for some more filming. So I guess you could at least see him some in the shot, otherwise they could have just got anyone else and not have to have flown him over... anyway, cool. I just felt like blogging. And I just finished reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Crazy books. Humpty Dumpty sure was infuriating.
Got the first three from the library today... yay Also, my parents started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender tonight... and are enjoying it. LOL And the first few episodes are some of the most boring... XD (Just wait until Toph and Azula show up...) Yeah, I'm currently obsessed with that show. Again.
So it looks kind of bland, huh. Is it okay for guys to use buttons and stuff? I am unaware of manbag etiquette.
I think all of my shirts have deodorant stains now. Even though I've been using the ones that say "No Stains!" "Fights Stains!" "Shirt Friendly!" >_< ... ...
My sister and her friend made fortune cookies and asked me to make the fortunes~~~~~ Naturally they were misfortune cookies. Some of the better ones (basically all just mutilated fortunes I found elsewhere): There are a lot more... Also, bacon in sushi... GLORIOUS. I had to cook the fish though because seriously it might taste good but my mind can't handle it.