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NOTE: I have built MOCs of the Shadow Toa, which can be found here: Review thread here: Chapter 1 He awoke to the sound of water lapping on a shore. The sound made him feel at peace, as though nothing could go wrong with the world. Then he tried to move, and excruciating pain shot through every molecule of his being. He felt his muscles, his organs, all soft tissue in his body dissolve. A horrid scream erupted from his metallic mouth as his body writhed in the sand. Finally, the convulsions ceased, the pain left as quickly as it came. Gingerly, the suspicious being tried to move his index finger. The appendage obeyed it's master's commands with no trouble. Odd, he thought. Deciding that laying on the sand wouldn't give him answers, he stood up. There remained not even a clue to indicate the torture he endured, save the fact that his whole body now felt...different. When he raised his arms, he no longer felt a muscle flex, but a hinge creak and a piston hiss. Realizing he could find no more answers about what happened to him, he decided to scan his surroundings to see where he was. On the shore about twenty paces away was a gold-colored kanohi. Noticing for the first time that he wasn't wearing a mask, he walked over to it, his stride wobbly and awkward. Another oddity, he thought. I don't remember having such long legs. He bent to pick up the mask. Come to think of it, I don't remember anything. He donned the mask, and felt energy surge through his body. This is more my style, he thought with a grin. Now, let's see what else is here. Seeing nothing else in the immediate area besides some flying rahi, the newly masked being strode along the coastline. He noted that since he donned the mask, he walked with ease, as though he had long legs his whole life. After about ten minutes of walking, he spotted a badly damaged cage smashed against a large rock. Upon inspection, he found a plate on what he could only assume was once the door that had on it the word "Nulehk". Nulehk. Hm. Seems to me that word is familiar. A name, perhaps? He turned the plate over in his hands, and found the image of the mask he wore carved into the metal. My name? He contemplated the word. "Nulehk. Noo-leck". He thought his voice sounded strange, but the word seemed right. Nulehk it is, then. Feeling like the island he was on was potentially dangerous, Nulehk grabbed two bars from the cage and walked inland. * * * * Kotan walked up the mountain, head groggy and full of dark memories and images. He hated it here, a barren place with sand and rocks everywhere. Not a single tree in sight on the whole island. He didn't even know why he was climbing the mountain(which was becoming more and more apparent was a live volcano), except for the feeling of high altitude winds. Kotan tried to shake the clouds from his mind, but couldn't. "Think, Kotan", he said to himself as he sat down on a rock to rest. "You are a Toa. Of air, by your armor color. You were given a special task...and you somehow woke up in a pile of metal scraps on this barren wasteland. And you developed a habit of talking to yourself. Or have you always done that?" He sighed as he could remember no more. "At least I remembered my name", he chuckled. "Talking to oneself is difficult when one doesn't even know their own name." He continued his ascent. * * * * The Toa grunted as he hefted his warhammer out of the mess that used to be a young Tahtorak. Rage burned within his very being, odium at the world in general. He hated that he was here, on this hot, rocky island. He hated that all he could remember were three names. He hated most of all, though, that he couldn't tell which one was his, or if any were at all. Nulehk, Mutran, and Outa. Each seemed familiar and foreign at the same time. He looked down at his hands. They were dark blue. That makes no sense. I'm a Toa of water? I thought they were only female. He looked out to the sea. It won't hurt to try, I guess. He lifted his hands and concentrated on the water, not entirely sure how a Toa uses their elemental energies. Suddenly, his arms burst with sky-blue and black crackles of energy, and a spire of ice shot out of the ocean. Close, he thought. This still doesn't explain who I am, how I got here, or why there's a broken cage here. Calming himself, he put away his hammer and shield. I guess until I learn more, I can call myself Ko-Toa. After all, I must have been a Ko-Matoran once, right? Ko-Toa was not entirely convinced of that theory.