So, yeah, I made a bird for BBCC 65. It was a little rushed by my standards; concept to pictures in three days, so it's not as good as it could be, obviously. Legs in particular are pretty bad, as you might notice. Sorry about he BBCC 64 tag, I apparently was under the impression it was 64 not 65 now. Picture links to a much bigger and better lit picture. Gallery (when public) Some comments about it: Medium Blue is a nice color, though, so it was nice to use that in a MOC for the first time. I've noticed as time goes on, my MOCs seem to have gotten rather unstable. Barely anything on the torso of this guy is legitimately connected; it's all just sandwiched in there. It could be that I'm just out of practice, though, because it has been a really long time since I built anything.