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I know why out of universe these two exist side-by-side, but if one had a choice between the two, why would anyone choose the Miru over the Kadin? Levitation vs. Flight - it's obvious which is better. Am I missing something or is there a situation where their Miru is better than the Kadin?
A long while back I posted a topic displaying two kanohi Ignika that I had 3D printed. I ended up keeping one for myself and selling the other to a friend, but since then I've gotten a lot of messages asking if I could make the model available on Shapeways so that anyone could have one. I didn't do this earlier because The model actually had a slight issue in that the plus rod needing sanding to fit properly and I didn't want to sell lots of copies of the model in that condition. Recently, I made a model of a redesigned Miru and using more accurate measurements was able to get the plus rod just right. The original model of the Ignika also had a slight defect in the fact that one of the cylinders on the side of its head was not copied over properly. Both of these issues have now been fixed, so I've decided to make it available to you guys. For more details on each of the masks available for sale, here are their individual topics (note that the Ignika one is very old, and as a result, dead): Ignika: Miru: Here is my Shapeways shop from where they can be purchased: I thought I'd also point out you can view either mask from any angle on their respective Shapeways pages. If I've left anything out, or you have any questions I'd love to hear them! Also, If you do buy one of these, shoot me a PM once it arrives! I'd love to hear any feedback or even see pictures if you can. Toa Tupac has kindly provided us with some (very nice) pictures of the Ignika in the translucent detail plastic:
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- 3d Printed
- mask
(and 3 more)
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Some of you old timers may remember me from a fan project that went on waaaaay back when to create 3D media for Bionicle called Bionicle: Next Generation, or as the guy who made the 3D model which was later turned into a solid bronze vahi ( and 3D printed a voya nui online game style Ignika ( A few months back I was with a friend who shares my love of Bionicle and he showed me a redesign of a Miru he drew. Since his birthday was coming up I suggested that I could model his design and get it printed. As you can imagine he jumped on the idea and after a month or so of on and off work I finally had a final model, and a couple weeks after that his present arrived in the mail from Shapeways. I unfortunately forgot to ask him to get some pictures of it before he painted it, but with that aside I really like what he did with the white paint and I feel it gives it a tribal feeling reminiscent of those early years. Here is the Photobucket gallery: inside it are also some progress pictures (that are pretty bad quality I must admit as at the time I was just using them for feedback from my friend) as well as some of the original drawings my friend did. I apologize for not having better quality images of the mask itself, I'm just using what I have. After seeing the mask, me and my buddy were really happy with how it turned out, so we thought we might as well make it available to anyone else who wants one! I have a topic discussing the details of obtaining that along with my old Ignika model (which I am now also putting up for you guys on Shapeways) right here:
| | | So this goes along with the Onua MOC I made a few months ago. I'm slowly working my way through all the Toa, and this is Lewa! One of my goals with these is to give them forms that represent their elements a bit more. Onua had that industrial-punk, mole vibe, and I've tried to give Lewa a spritely, trickstery, agile, flighty look to represent a lot of traditional characterizations of air elementals in fiction. He's a young, jovial, agile guy with big hands for swinging through forests and jungles. This one was far more challenging than Onua, as Lewa uses as a main colour basic LEGO green, which, as we all know, has been absent in constraciton sets for a very long time. This made his colour-scheme much harder, so I had to improvise with black and grey. Think of the black as a cloth wrap covering parts of his limbs. The slight hunch is due to the MNOLG. In his first appearance, Lewa comes out of the shadows and his head moves sideways and forward almost unnaturally. This image of Lewa has always stuck with me, and it really seems to fit the more lemur-y or monkey-ish vibe parts of the MOC were going for, and was really the key to the whole MOC. That is a makoki stone piece around his neck in the picture with the golden miru. And the infected mask is indeed painted, I did that probably a good 12 years ago now (wow). So, uh, hey.
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I know this has probably already been asked, but I'm really confused about the difference between the Miru and Kadin. The Kadin just seems like a better version of the same sort of power :L What are the pros and cons of each? In my head I imagine the Miru as being like a Jetpack from Halo, where it just makes you go up, so by varying the application of the power you can achieve levitation (though much more smoothly with a Miru), but it's not really for getting you anywhere at speed, more for getting you over obstacles and saving yourself from falls. In contrast, I imagine the Kadin as being a bit like a Banshee from Halo, where you have to constantly move forward to stay in flight. It's great for covering distance at speed but it's horrible in tight corners where the only way to stay "hovering" is to fly in really tight circles. These are ideas I have come to after considering their names and the little I know of their uses, but I have no real evidence so it would be great it you could enlighten me c:
I made the base for this a while ago, but now I've gotten back to work on it and figured I'd post the progress pictures. I've already made a Hau, but I'm using a slightly different process for this Miru. It started with a paper file from CrunchbiteNuva, then I coated it with fiberglass resin and reinforced it with fiberglass. Now I've coated it with Bondo body filler and sanded it down, I'll add more coats then paint it, with less damage detail than the Hau. Without further ado: and here's a closer look at it, I realized that one coat would be an excellent base for an Infected mask: My garage is a mess right now thanks to some water damage so I'm working on a pizza box on a board, in the driveway. Ta-Metru it ain't. I'll post more pictures as it gets closer to completion.
Hello all, I'm new to the BZPower, having recently rediscovered my childhood packed away neatly in the attic. I am looking to buy a handful of kanohi, looking around in various threads, but I decided I should start my own topic just in case I could get someone's attention! If you have any of the following and are willing to either sell them or trade, please let me know! I have what I am looking for listed below, as well as masks I am willing to trade. What I'm looking for (name your price, or anything I have that you would like to trade): -Hau: in Tahu's default red color -Chrome Hau/Rua-Infected Hau -Miru: Lewa needs his default green Miru!-Any of the six gold/silver kanohi for the Toa Mata, or all of them. I'm also looking for a full Stars Tahu set! If you've got one of the above and would like to make an offer or a trade or something like that, just shoot me an email via the address on my profile and we will discuss it. For this process I would prefer to deal in cash via good old-fashioned snail mail. However, I'm not responsible for anything lost in the mail! What I can trade (Not sell, but trade!): Assorted Kanohi -Light Blue Mahiki-Light Blue Pakari-Default red Hau Nuva - ONLY if you've got a Red Hau or a Chrome Rua to trade!-Infected Hau Nuva - ONLY if you've got an Infected Hau to trade!-Brown Kakama-Avohkii (x2) - One gold, one sparkly transparent - Preferably if you have a gold or silver Kanohi for any of the six Toa Mata to trade, but I will relent if you make a reasonable offer. -Black Ruru Assorted Krana -Blue Xa-Grey Vu-Yo (x2) - One Purple, one Yellow-Silvery-blue Ca (for Gahlok-Kal)-Orange Su Other-Toa Nuva armor (two chest plates and two shoulder pads) - ONLY if you have a default red Hau for Toa Mata Tahu! Here's a picture: Again, I am willing to buy or trade if you have something I'm looking for, but I will only trade the above if you've got something I need. Thanks for taking the time to look!