Gallery: Moana-Nui is the fusion of a former Dark Hunter and a variety of aquatic Rahi. Only some Dark Hunters remember who Moana-Nui was before being fused to the aquatic Rahi. Those who know can’t say, for they know what the Shadowed One will do if they speak. The only thing they can say is Moana-Nui sold information on the Dark Hunters, especially the Shadowed One, to the Brotherhood of Makuta. Moana-Nui’s mind and feelings were taken over by those of the Rahi, but one of the Dark Hunter’s feelings remains: hatred. Armed with an axe imbued with elemental Water powers, Moana-Nui despises all living creatures, especially the Shadowed One and will go out of its way to harm anyone, especially Dark Hunters. Note: edited to fix bad links