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Please note that this set is not for sale. I'm happy to chat with other collectors though. Thank you! Hello! Today's Bionicle day, and I made a promise a while ago to post an unseen prototype set of a 2001 rahi, so here it is. I'm a Lego prototype collector and found this when going through a cache of prototypes I hunted down. I figured it'd be appreciated if I dusted them off and shared them with the world! You can tell that the parts are prototypes by comparing the moulds to any moulds that were released, mostly by being rougher than (and containing scrapped details of released) Lego elements. The pieces in this set can also be compared to known prototypes already online: Most obviously the kanohi are prototypes with codes on the front. All Toa Mata parts on these Nui-Rama are genuine prototype pieces too, including the red 32551 hook, and the red 32506 claws even show evidence of being the first claws to ever be produced. Please see the last images. The tail piece, 32177, was also never released in red nor yellow, and have to my knowledge never been seen in those colours before (however Google Images has a cached, very mysterious listing, of a yellow claw here, but I assume that was an error). Of course the colour scheme raises questions, so I'm looking for more information on this: The colour scheme matches Muaka and Kane-Ra. Were all rahi supposed to have those two colours? Were all rahi supposed to have several colour packs released? Were the colours somehow swapped around between the rahi? Or was this just a first test where they didn't focus on the colours? The Toa Mata parts on it are prototypes, but the rahi were designed and released after the Toa. However these predate the earliest looks we've seen of any rahi. Was the Nui-Jaga perhaps first designed next to the Toa, and if so were there perhaps more rahi prototypes that were dropped/designed with alternate colours at this stage? Did it have a nickname by the designers similar to the legendary Sand Tarakava? (Otherwise I will make some up!) If you can help out maybe contacting the designer of the set, please let me know! I'm planning on uploading a "prototype overview" video to my new YouTube channel soon, going through every nerdy little detail about this set, so feel free to subscribe if that interests you! There will be more stuff coming too! Not a full prototype set like this, but some interesting Bionicle things plus some RoboRiders and Slizer. Let me know what you think! Some more images:
Hey guys, I don’t really collect anymore and don’t have much time to spend searching like I used to, but I figured I’d just drop this here and leave it, just in case somebody sees it. I’ve been quietly searching for a prototype trans green Mohtrek (pictured) for awhile. It’s my favorite proto mask, and would pretty much wrap up my Bionicle collection. Please reach out if you or someone you know has one, it’d mean a great deal to me!
Dm me for prices and/or what kind of kraata and/or krana Complete sets cannot be broken up. You have to buy more than one mask to purchase except (protodermis masks and dark blue ruru) The gunmetal hau last picture came from a lot of masks from a lego employee. And has code on back. When you purchased two items,I'll list it on ebay and i'll send the link.
Recently I acquired two yellow prototype Shadow Leeches. I'd like to find as much information about prototype Shadow Leeches as possible. I've made some observations, but that's really as far as I've gotten, as there isn't a lot of information available on them. Attached I have a picture of my proto leeches, as I only want to post images that are mine. Firstly, there are two kinds of proto leeches from what I've seen. There are the ones I have, that are essentially the final product. The only difference is that they come in unreleased colors, which include translucent yellow, blue, red, and orange, with varying amounts of red speckling throughout them all. Then there is what I think is an earlier version, that includes a prototype Tridax Pod. The Tridax Pod is an opaque orange, with a veinier detailing. As far as the actual leeches here go, there are versions of what looks to be the final mold in opaque orange, but more interestingly, there are opaque light blue ones that have a completely different design, and look more like a hard plastic than rubber. Feel free to post images of these if anybody has/finds any. Secondly, which this is pretty much "ooh these are kind of similar", I noticed that the Shadow Leeches are extremely similar to squid ammo. When including the prototypes, there are light blue, turquoise, yellow, orange, and red leeches. The squid ammo come in light blue, turquoise, yellow, and orange, which is very close to an identical color palette (as long as we don't take the red speckling in the proto leeches into account). Moving on from the color similarities, the pieces themselves are similar (bar the squid's tails, but we'll get to that). They both have circular heads with large teeth. As far as the tails go, there is an image in the Shadow Leeches page in the Villains Wiki that shows the leeches with tails, very similar to the squid, and looks to be about the same size overall with very similar features. I'm unsure if the picture they show is official or not, though. That pretty much wraps up all I know/have observed, I would love to hear any information regarding these as they are very special to me and I am looking to someday have a full set of the prototype colors (so speaking of, if you have any, hit my DM's). Thank you for reading all this and I look forward to seeing any information you all may have to provide!
Hello BZP I've been interested in finally completing my bionicle set collection and I thought that listing it on here to see if anyone has any spare sets to sell to me rather than waiting for any better deals on ebay. Anyway the list of sets I need are (all complete with the box or sealed) want list: Rahaga: Gaaki Pouks Kualus Norik Bomonga Iruini Rahi: Nui-jaga Master Builder click Titans: Irnakk Mutran and Vican Makuta Icarax Mazeka Vehicle: Rockoh T3 Jetrax T6 Jetrax T6 Yellow cendrox V1 Kaxium V3 Thronatus V9 Matoran 08' Tanma Solek Photok Radiak Gavla Kirop Agori: Raanu Other: Toa mata Canister bonus Posters (all 6) 2016 Red brainstock Umerak Selling Metru Blue Matatu Prototype Trans Lime Green Miru x2 NYCC 2014 Tahu Mask SDCC 2015 Scorpio Mask Nuva Masks ( list Updated Later) Krana (list Updated Later) PM if you are interested. And Willing to trade if you have anything on the want list or lower the price for what I'm selling. I'm also willing to pay in cash if we can make a fair deal.
A friend of mine just bought pink Brain Attack Stormer's helmet. He found it in lot of parts which were rejects from Lego factory. Sadly, I don't have any knowledge about Hero Factory collectibles, so I hope to find HF experts here . Anyone know if this part is one of a kind or maybe more of them exist? And is it prototype or misprint rejected from production? And how much it could be worth? I'm posting it in B/S/T since friend said that if price will be good enough, he may consider selling it. Here are more detailed pics: Part has "© 2012 LEGO" and part number on it and it comes from trusted source.
I'm currently not looking to trade it. I ship from UK first class international to any destination. Transactions will be made through PayPal. LINK TO PHOTO:
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So I was randomly browsing images about the Barraki when I remembered that back in 2007, the toy store I frequented had this small display aquarium advertising them with one of the Barraki, I think it was Kalmah, in them. Thing is, the display set had a squid-launcher unlike the final released version. Instead of a more crossbow-like design, it was more, I don't know, Sci-Fi like? Seemed a bit like a spaceship. Anyway, I was kind of disappointed those versions weren't in the commercial products, and unfortunately the store owner was also into Bionicle so he wouldn't sell it to me at a price I could afford (didn't have a big allowance at such a young age). Are any of these parts floating around or do any BZPower members have them? After a quick search didn't come up with anything other than a few TTV discussions, I became curious. How rare are these things? Do their owners just not frequent Bionicle communities, or are the prototype squid launchers just not sought after and thus they don't warrant mention? Here are images of what I'm talking about:
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Hello Bionicle fans, Special offer for the Trans-Red Kanoka SEALED (with French Bionicle comics #1) Price on BL $50 Price on BZP $45 Special offer for 10202 Ultimate Dume (with exclusive Mask of Power) SEALED Price on BL $120 Price on BZP $110 Full set of 96 Krana $250 $150 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $100 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $200 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) SEALED Price on BL $54 Price on BZP $45 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $14.50) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
I like to study and collect various interesting BIONICLE things on the Internet. I was very surprised when I realized there is no such place on the web with all BIONICLE prototypes. So I decided to create the full Prototypes Database with all protos I found on the web. It contains early versions of the sets, pieces, masks, book covers and even videos. Enjoy. Full BIONICLE Prototypes Database If you found something that I've missed, post it in this topic. Your contribution will make the database more complete.
Hello Bionicle fans, Back for a few weeks to sell a few items of my Bionicle collection! Kanohi 2001 prototypes Click here to go to my BL store Kanoka "175" $15 I have a lot of regular Kanoka to sell if interested Trans-Red Kanoka (TRK) $50 Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock $1200 $800 This is the model to own, parts are very different from the final model, the rock itself is also completely different, check pictures below : Full set of 96 Krana $250 $200 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $120 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $250 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku for $5, shipping add $5 for 1-5 sets, tracking add $2.50 (many available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) $50 - Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi ($5 value) offered, limited offer! Worlidwide shipping with tracking : $19 (Europe $14.50) Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Trades : I am only looking for the following sets 852293 Castle Giant Chess set10123 Cloud cityLego Gentle Giant Blackhole StormtrooperLego Gentle Giant Darth Vader (with Anakin's head)Lego Gentle Giant Stormtrooper (with Han Solo's head)Lego Gentle Giant Boba Fett75060 UCS Slave I75095 UCS TIE Fighter75098 UCS Assault on HothRules Trading : you send firstSelling : you pay for shipping fees, IBAN or PaypalRead my topic until here? Interested in the White Huna or Yellow Ruru? PM your offer!
Hi i am selling off a considerable portion of my Bionicle Collection in order to fund stuff for my University Course. I would appreciate any purchases and take advantage of some of the rare items on this list! FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! Note: All sets and parts are in great condition and include all parts (unless stated otherwise) If prices are not to your liking i am open to a partial discount for a large order or may include shipping in price! Just Ask! If you have ay particular set requests let me know and i may have it somewhere! Collectibles WMKK £200 (INCLUDING Velvet Bag and Card Certificate of Authentication!) My Kraata collection of around 110 pieces (marked red on photo at the bottom) including TOK and Shadow kraata £200 NYCC Mask of Fire £50 SDCC Skull Scorpio Mask £35 SOLD Gold Kulta Mask polybag £8 (opened, but in great condition, all parts/papers/pieces included plus original bag) SOLD Misprint Blue Matatu £15 Misprint Brown Ruru £15 PROTOTYPE Jalla Tohunga £60 All Rhotuka (no Bley Rhotuka) £16 My extra Krana Collection MOST ARE NOW SOLD Books Saga of Takanuva EU release Comic book £7 Sets Misc. Exo Toa £18 Purple Nui Jaga £10 Boxor £13 2005 Keetongu £14.50 Sidorak £14.50 Toa Norik £12.50 2006 Thok £6 Avak £6 Zaktan £6 Matoro £6 Nuparu £6 Vezok £6 Hakann £6 2007 Matoro £6 Caraper £6 Takadox £6 Jaller £6 Hahli £6 Nocturne £15 Kharzahni £40 (including with matoran and trap but NO CAPE) 2008 Takanuva £35 Mezeka £15 Lewa £7 Tahu £7 Pohatu £7 Bitil £7 Gorast £7 Krika £7 Antroz £7 Vultraz £12 Av Matoran £18 (all 6) 2009 Tarix £7 Gresh £7 Cendox v1 £13 Stronius £7 2015 Tahu £12 Pohatu £6 Lewa £8 Gali £10 Onua £10 Ekimu (just figure) £6 LOSS £8 POJ £5 POF £5 POS £5 POE £5 1 Skull Spider 50p (ask for color and how many) 2016 Onua £12 Gali £8 Tahu £11 Umerak £13 Uxar £5 Akida £5 Ikir £5 SUB NOTE: If you would like instructions/boxes please let me know to check if i have them. As this going to inflate package size the price will go up after that.
SAND TARAKAVA REPLICA AND DISPLAY TOHUNGA NOW SOLD Up for grabs is a Prototype Jala Tohunga with a bag signed off and numbered by a Lego employee. Starting price is £75. Please PM for negotiations! Also up for grabs is a Replica Sand Tarakava (without mask) Please PM for details and shipping info. I have a price in mind but its up for discussion mainly! FInally i have some display tohunga for sale. These were never actually used for the display at McDonald's and have just stayed boxed up this whole time. They are in great condition and come in this special box! Please Pm for details. Starting price £60. PICTURES: PROTO JALA AND BAG SAND TARAKAVA REPLICA - SOLD DISPLAY TOHUNGA - SOLD
Have any such pieces surfaced yet? I'm curious if there are any unique pieces that might be worth going after.
Well, when I found out that I had managed to win a Villain Pack, I immediately went slightly insane and started designing a villain to go with it. Gearbox/spine configuration Weapon detail Of course, there were several parts I wanted that aren't available in LDD, so I ended up using HF heads and shell add-ons in place of G2 heads and Skull armor, just to show what the color arrangement will be like when I order the parts and build him for real--and I'm still not sure if Lego makes a chestplate that won't clash with the gold/gunmetal/white color scheme. The final version will probably have a custom cape, as well. Any feedback at this stage is greatly appreciated!
I'd like to share something I got from eBay back in 2012. This label was printed out and stuck onto a mint-condition Vakama Hordika set. I was hoping it was a prototype Toa Iruini set, but oh well. It wasn't expensive and both the set and the label were very much worth the purchase. I only got around to scanning and straightening the scissor-traced mock-up just now. Enjoy.
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Hi Guys, Although on my last sale topic most of my masks are sold i still have most of my krana. So i am doing a deal. I have around 100 krana that i am willing to part with for £40 for the whole lot. Most are in great shape. There are a few in not so great shape, but thats an odd few. How does that sound to you guys?. I am willing to negotiate. As for the Sand Tarakava Replica. It took me a while to track down the parts and some were expensive. So i do have a minimum for how much i am willing to sell it, so do PM with offers or reply to the topic below. Obviously it has no mask but that is easily made with a spray panted ruru. I personally just dont have the time, and if i were to do it i would want it to be done properly. All parts are correct. The only thing i would say is there is a 1% chance a few of the smaller pins or bushings being the different shade of gray. I have checked just in case but I have not noticed anything. Please get back to me if interested. Everything is negotiable with me! ;D
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- sandtarakava
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Misprint? Prototype? or just a knock off : Kaukau Nuva
Slumber posted a topic in Bionicle Discussion
Hey, recently through some purchases on ebay i stumbled across a curious looking mask in a bundle of normal pieces. I may be some what knowledgable within the misprint/prototype realm of bionicle however i have never seen such a mask before. So i feel it may be just a knock off mask. However i would like absolute confirmation and i would appreciate anyones help. -
So I was watching the Making of feature on Mask of Light and I noticed this fellow sitting on a table: He's a 2003 Matoran prototype (he's even got Throwbot arms like Jaller here), he's got a Pakari, and looks pretty gold and white to me (could be blue and black though?) So it's Takua, right? But why would there be a set of Takua as a gold and white Matoran? Something wacky like Special Edition In-the-Process-of-Transformation Takua? I don't know. Maybe you have an idea?
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I found some of these in a bulk. The Heads are misprinted giving the clones different expressions. The Clone on the right is NOT a misprint and is there for comparision. How much are these?
So, we all remember those prototype images of the sets on a decorative shelf that got leaked last summer, yes? Here's the original image. Why do I bring this up? Because, in one of the topics in BST, someone mentioned there being a "prototype Mask of Creation" in the upper-right-hand corner of the package. Intrigued, I pulled up an image of it, and took a good look. Realizing it was the same design from the other early image, I decided to check the prototype versions of the Mask of Creation that were featured on the LEGO BIONICLE Facebook page shortly after the line's resurrection was announced. Interestingly, none of the masks... Even remotely resemble this... (There were others on the FB page, but they all featured overly-ornate head-adornments, whereas this one is plain) Interesting, yes? Now, I can understand it being used in something that was nowhere near finalized if it actually is a prototype version of the Mask of Creation. However, 2015 is already under way. Why use that same image on any package if that mask design doesn't exist? Or, does it? The team revealed that a Mask of Time will exist in this new wave, but it will be a whole mask this time, rather than just the bottom half of one. This could mean that the Vahi 2.0 will have the same features as the original did, or it could just mean that the new Mask of Time will cover the whole face, while bearing little to no resemblance to its predecessor. My question is: Could this mask potentially be the Mask of Time? Or perhaps some other mask we've not yet heard of? Thoughts? Theories? Theatrics?
Hey everyone, I'm searching for a very specific video. On August 6th 2008, there was a report about Bionicle on a german TV show called "Galileo". I know there was also a russian version, wich can be found much more easily. This version however, has been cut to about half the length of the german report. The video could be seen on Galileo's official website for a while, but it has been taken down a couple of years ago. I've searched the Internet for the full report but I couldn't find it anywhere. There was a site still hosting the video last year, wich I am unable to find now, so I assume it has been taken down by now. Does anyone know if the full report is still avalaible somewhere , or has someone downloaded it while it was still online? Any help is kindly appreciated! Edit: Here are a couple of screencaps
Hey, does anyone know any info on the trans orange Bionicle 2015 Tahu mask? It looks pretty awesome...
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I found this in a bulk. Does anyone know how much it is?
(I put this here, since I don't see much more of a place that I can put it. Staff, if you see fit to move it, please do so. An impromptu prototype set release isn't something we exactly... have a section for.) In addition to being god of the known universe (just kidding), I have actually been a intern for The LEGO Group for quite some time, working as a general researcher for statistics pertaining to the sales of sets, as well as consumer-prompted products (such as Ideas). LEGO had, obviously, seen the call for the return of BIONICLE, and actually began planning its return about a year after its end. Being in my position in the company (not to mention my interest in BIONICLE as a whole), they provided me with some prototype sets, which I could give them feedback on. (Bear in mind, from this point on, this is a prototype set, not the final design. Much, or all, could have changed.) It has now been about a week and a half since LEGO officially announced the return of BIONICLE, and they contacted me the other day, saying that I could release pictures and information about the prototype set that they gave me. So, with great excitement, I bring to you the "LEGO BIONICLE Small Set Size" prototype (boring name, I know, but I'm not allowed to actually tell you the character's name). View the whole gallery here once it's visible, or click on each photo below to see the full-size image. (Sorry, I don't know how to rotate the photos in Brickshelf, or if you even can.) || || || || || || || In the first two photos, I'm just showing the all-around design. In an attempt to give some of the "old feel" of Bionicle back (stylized as BIONICLE, but I'm just going to write it as Bionicle from here out; I like the look better, and being an intern gives me some flexibility with some things). In the third and fourth photos, I'm showing one of LEGO's new innovations with the joint pieces. Technically, they're called "stress relieving fractures", but basically what they are is just small breaks in the joint that cause them, basically, to not break further. Personally, I found those nice. Not having to worry about the eventual snap of the joint that slackens the entire appendage. The fifth photo is just showing the pieces. I think all of you should recognize at least most of them. You'll notice that the weapon-like thing (technically, it is a "defense tool") is kept intact; this is another new concept that LEGO is introducing with the advent of the "new" Bionicle. Some of the more complex sections of the sets actually come pre-assembled. Obviously, they can be taken apart, but they come pre-built to not confuse younger fans. The sixth and seventh photos show the general building process - just building the body, then attaching "tools" and such. The eighth, obviously, is the necessary FACE OFF against a Bohrok*. Anyway, that's about it! I hope you all enjoyed this special preview into the possibilities of 2015 LEGO BIONICLE sets! *(This Bohrok is actually a semi-MOC that I've had for... over three years?! Wow. Anyway, you can see it here.) Whoops, forgot to link the photos. Fixed, now! yes yes yes this is all a prank i admit it