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This is it! The twentieth entry in my BZPower blog! Why is that significant? Probably because I just decided it would be! Blog-like writing has been a theme of my internet presence from near the beginning of my teenage experience. I got my first blog on (now just in January 2004. My English teacher wanted us to create personal blogs for writing exercises outside of class, a new concept to 15 year-old me, but apparently, some of my peers had discovered Xanga (remember that!?) by then. Anyway, it was pretty simple. I wrote in it weekly based on whatever prompt my teacher assigned the class, but occasionally, we got the chance to do free-writes and write about whatever was on our minds. This was something I re-discovered joy in, for originally, I had to keep a journal (with paper! The primitivity!) back in the sixth grade. I actually had fun writing in it daily, but I was naive and thought my expressions within were private. Unfortunately, some imp pulled my journal out of the class stack one day and revealed some things I had written about another person. It wasn't nice , but the exposure was cruel, and I was humiliated in front of the class for it. After that, I became very wary and anxious about doing any kind of personal writing. Therefore, my lesson learned, I was able to outgrow my anxiety and thrived in blogging years later in my English class. Even after school ended for summer vacation, I still posted a few times over the summer. By now, commenting was enabled, and some of my peers could read and comment on my thoughts. But most gave up their blogs permanently after the school year, so I was alone. In time, I abandoned the blog as well. A year later, in 2005, new friends introduced me to Myspace. I was hesitant initially, but since a lot of these friends I wanted to keep in contact with over long distances, I decided to embrace it. And of course, once I found out that you could write your own blogs on your page, I was hooked. I wrote regularly on that thing from 2005 to 2008, usually juvenile, smart-aleck kind of stuff that only a cocky high school kid would write. Other times, I'd get a bit introspective or remark on local events in my town and high school. Eventually, I started adding more friends from high school, so there often lively comments and bulletins exchanged between us. Several friends actually complimented me on my writing, and that encouraged me to write more. In 2007, with the end of high school nigh, I joined another social media site: Facebook. Once again, I found Facebook (it was a lot simpler back then!) had a blogging function (of sorts) called Notes. It was a lot cleaner-looking than the Myspace blog, so I started writing some thoughts down there, too, often copying and pasting them into my Myspace page later. As my friend count on Facebook increased steadily into college, I started to give Facebook more precedence with blogging. Eventually, spam bots, glitches, and general lack of activity on Myspace forced me to give it up in late 2008. The future would be with Facebook, and as of this writing, I have almost 90 Notes written on Facebook. It would be more, but my output seriously started to lag after college, as did my readership. I think Facebook encouraged this, as they sidelined the Notes function more and more until it was almost invisible to the casual user. Plus, I think most people don't like reading too much anymore. Where does the BZPower Blog fit in all this? Well, if you scroll back through my 20 entries, you'll see my first post was in 2006, during a renewed Premier membership in the summertime. So, that was back in the Myspace heyday. It was kind of a "secret" or "joke" blog, since I made no connections in it to my "real" identity on Myspace. I wanted to keep my BZPower and BIONICLE fandom separate from the "real me" in high school, which, looking back, was kind of dumb. I was already a nerd, BIONICLE fan notwithstanding! Speaking of secret blogs, I also kept a Livejournal from 2005 to 2007. I mainly did it to get in touch with an old crush from my middle school days. That sort of didn't work out like I had hoped, but there is definitely some interesting writing on there that was not on Facebook or Myspace. With this twentieth entry, I have been more prolific on BZPower's blog than anywhere else in the past two years, if not more. I guess I like the fact that this blog is still a bit removed from my non-BIONICLE identity, and part of me is fine with the reduced traffic on this site now that BIONICLE is dead and buried. I feel like I am contributing to an archive for one of the internet's lost tribes--a dwindling folk who still remember their past and customs even as time and society pass them by. Someday, there may be nothing left of BZPower but these forums and the blogs. In that way, it pleases me to be doing my part in ensuring some memorial to my presence here, a veritable "BIONICLE Guru was here" epitaph on the gravestone in the cemetery of the Internet's never-quite dead.
What is something good that has happen in your life recently?
What is your favorite day of the week, and why is it your favorite?
twenty five years ago (6-14-1994) i was born in my birth-town ov Springfield, Missouri! we moved up to St. Louis and we still remain here! point is; being in existence for 25 years is crazy! i didn't think i'd survive twenty five years! i had the mindset that i would kill myself before then! but honestly it feels good to be alive and well! i ain't gonna die anytime soon cuz i don't want to die yet! anyway, i would appreciate some Happy Birthday wishes and prayers! and hopefully the next twenty five+ years will be just as good if not better! God bless!
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The SpongeBob episode Squeaky Boots is just a child-friendly adaptation of 'The Telltale Heart' by Edgar Allan Poe. It's amazing what things you realize in the middle of the night while deprived of sleep.
What is your favorite dinosaur?
This is what I did with them: Making my way downtown, walking fast- Actually, it's more of a vehicle at this point. Vroom vroom. Look at this beauty! Those soulless eyes, snake neck, three heads, and claws attached to it's neck! What's not to love? Not gonna lie, it took me 30 minutes to figure out that front portion. Yep, that's a working propeller. The green piece is all that's keeping it from falling over, though. The legs took the most time of any of the construction. Unseen was the wheel on the back for the arm action, and it works just fine!
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Which you do prefer: soft shell tacos or hard shell tacos?
If you could take any Gen 1 or Gen 2 Bionicle character and give them a nickname that would be considered canon for them in their official stories, what character would you choose and what nickname would you give them?
Teridax called all of Makuta to Mata-Nui to play tag game. While Teridax wishes for everybody to have a fun, it's matter of honor for all Makuta. They will pointlessly fight for tag, not sure whether it is better to have or not to have tag. And so, this game starts with Makuta trying to tag each other. And to kill each other. Each round, player with tag have at least 24 hours to perform action. In this time limit, they can choose to tag somebody, by writing so into this topic. This has 50% chance to give tag to targeted player (removing tag from "attacker") and 50% chance to kill targeted player (one of those always happens). If player does not tag anybody (either by writing he doesn't target anybody or by doing nothing in time limit), he has 50% chance of being killed, giving tag to random player. Players who have got tag can't be targeted and one player can't be targeted more than once per round. When there is nobody to target (ie. when everybody, who is alive, has tag), group of alive players wins the game. When all players, who haven't got tag, are already targeted in current round, chance of random dying doesn't apply. Random chances are determined by me (Nik) on "". Special roles (Players with special roles don't know about them. They are revealed upon death.): Teridax - Has 25% chance of dying when tagged instead of usual 50%. Bitil - Upon being tagged, has 50% chance of killing player who tagged him. Two people will have tag on start. More can be added in case of more players to keep it interesting. Spots: 1. Ghidora 2427135. Makuta Luroka 3. ShadowVezon - Winner 4. Voltex 5. Petewa the Bitil 6. Kopekemaster 7. FF the Forgotten - Winner 8. fishers64 the Teridax 9. Dark Samus 10. Toa Kapura 11. Shadowhawk 12. Toa Smoke Monster Registration is now closed.
Yeah, so, I wrote this for Sergei Rahkmaninoff for the Secret Santa thing. I couldn't think of a title, hence whatever that is up there ^. Also, obviously, Sergei Rachmaninoff never composed a fourth symphony (OR DID HE). Just seemed a handy name to give his fictional piece. Sergei Rachmaninoff logged into his LEGO account and found his way to the Kanoka Club page. He glanced down at the little paper thing that came with his Toa Nokama set and typed in the string of letters and numbers upon it: 34NOK09U. Once entered, he looked scrolled through the list of purchasable items until he found what he had been saving up for months to get, Rahkshi Rock. He had heard so much about Vorahk's performance and just had to see it for himself. He confirmed that he wanted to buy it and readied himself for the musical masterpiece. He was stunned. He had never seen or heard anything so beautiful and reaching such a level of perfection in his life. He was humbled by it as well. He knew he would never be able to reach such magnificence in his pieces, but it also gave him a drive to get as good as he could; he may never be able to reach Rahkshi Rock's flowing melody, but he would try. It inspired him. Filled with a sudden passion, he began composing. He worked all through the night and into the next day before he rested, and that was only for a few hours before he began working again. After days of work, he looked at his completed Symphony No. 4. He felt relieved, in a way, as though the piece had been weighing upon his subconscious for some time now and had only just been removed. He reviewed it, finding it to be quite to his liking, and called the conductor for a nearby large orchestra. He told him of his new piece and asked if the conductor would be interested in having a performance of it soon. The conductor was greatly interested in it, and said he could have his orchestra ready to play it within the month, and that he'd drive by the following morning to pick up a copy of the sheet music. Contented with this prospect and with the melody of Rahkshi Rock still floating through his mind, Sergei fell asleep. The next morning the conductor took a copy of the composition which Sergei had made shortly beforehand. In the weeks before the performance, Sergei relaxed, reading books, listening to records of music, and above all, watching Rahkshi Rock. It haunted him; how could a mortal create such an infinitely powerful work of art? At the performance, Sergei sat in his private canopy booth, specifically chosen for the best sonic quality. He closed his eyes and swayed his hands to the rhythm. At one point, later in the piece, he looked down at the audience below. He smiled as he saw their enjoyment of the music. Then he spotted him. Vorahk, Sergei's idol, sitting in the audience and listening to his music. He couldn't believe it. Despite adoring listening to the first performance of his new piece, he could scarcely contain himself until the end. He must see Vorahk, even if just for a moment. To speak to him... It would be an honor beyond all he had yet received in his life. As soon as the piece neared its end - handy knowing precisely when it would end, Sergei thought - he left his booth and made his way into the main entry hall. He scanned for the easily noticeable form of Vorahk until he found him. He made his way towards the Rahkshi, growing more nervous with every step, and shook Vorahk's hand. "Hello, sir, my name is Sergei." "Sergei?" the Rahkshi responded, "As in, the composer of this fine work?" "You exaggerate it, my friend. Only one of my humble works. I am a fan of your own," he said. "Ah, why thank you! It's an honor to hear praise from as esteemed a virtuoso as yourself." "Why thank you. You enjoyed it, I hope?" "Absolutely. Without a doubt my favorite yet. Though I must say that The Isle of the Dead has dealt me a good deal of inspiration through the years." "Thank you again. Actually, I became inspired to write this piece right after having listened to Rahkshi Rock. It was fantastic." "Really? Well, that's great to hear." The conversation continued for some time. Rachmaninoff was thrilled to be speaking to such a level with him, and after a few minutes decided to ask a question that had been steadily growing in his mind whilst they talked. "I... Well, it may be a silly thing to ask, as I know how busy you must be, but have you ever thought of working on music... with someone before?" Vorahk cocked his head, seeming to understand what Sergei was getting to. "A bit, yes. You?" "Well, not much before tonight. But in talking to you, I have come to the conclusion that we may... Erm, what I'm saying is, would you like to compose a piece of music together?" The Rahkshi grinned. "Certainly. In fact, I've been getting similar thoughts tonight as well. Perhaps we could meet up somewhere tomorrow and begin work?" "Sounds perfect. My house is nearby to this theatre. You could come over in the morning and we could discuss ideas." Vorahk nodded. The two artists shook hands and parted ways. Rachmaninoff had completely forgotten about the performance of his piece. He didn't particularly care. He had bigger and better things to do than think about that. He tossed and turned through the night, hardly getting any sleep due to excitement for the coming day. The next morning came and Rachmaninoff stepped into it eager with expectations of what they could accomplish together. Vorahk arrived and they began work. Complex symphonies with a larger array of instruments than typical, quartets of electric guitars, drum sets, and perfectly crafted harmonies. It was pefect; all Sergei had dreamed about had come true.
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- secret santa
- sergei rahkmaninoff
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While we already have a fanmade Matoran dictionary, sometimes it would just be nice to have a way to make Matoran-sounding words that don't mean anything, which is why I made this. It's still in a very preliminary phase, and not all the words it makes sound really Matoran. I'm also focusing on just the sounds of the words from 2001, as the language was at its most cohesive then. Any ideas, criticisms, or bug catches are welcome.
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NOTE: I got this one from a episode of Victorious. If you had to choose between losing a leg or never being able to get on the Internet again for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Would you still eat french fries if you didn't have any dipping sauce to go with them?
So today was less eventful, with marching in a competition with ourselves, me breaking a lyre, and 11th grade orientation and schedule getting. Still fun though.
Just thought to drop this here. It's a poem of sorts I came up with the other day, and wanted to share it. I'm not revealing its title because I'd like to see if someone can actually understand what it's all about, without the title (which is quite plain). Storm of black and gold Blind hate, a gaze to behold Nothing escapes its furious sight Nothing stops its dreadful flight All fear its poisonous might All flee the swarm, no use to fight Heart of violence, encased in perfect shape Dagger of scorn, hidden in beauty’s cape There you go.
This is the semi-official discussion topic for the Kanohi Force. Let it all out!
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- dontdeletethis
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This is my first contribution to BZPower in a while. Here's a random matoran for you all. Tell me what you think! link
So. What do I do if the saxophone I found in the band room in May that I asked my band director to get repaired had an unforeseen problem. =P (it was missing a spring in the D Palm key, which explained a lot =P)
This thread is for April Fool's Day! If you noticed the Spinnies, and wanted to post just to see another Spinny, this is the place to do that! Post anything you want- as long as it abides by the rules. No one wants to get in trouble. And about spam: please only talk about the ham. Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, bacon and spam is a breakfast nobody wants though. To the Staff: Please close this thread after April Fool's day.
Vote (and discuss) away!
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THIS: Please link to images over 500 kB. -B6 So there is that. I just did this in pencil here, and then filled it in. I would of done it in photoshop, but I was to lazy. Until next time, Aurora EDIT:DANG IT, I GOT BLACKSIXED!!!!
Hello, I'm Kung Fu Rahkshi Destroyer, here with something I like to call 'The Unscripted.' This is where I review...well, whatever I want, really. So, sit back and enjoy the show...story...thing...JUST READ IT ALREADY! Review the First: MLP:FiM ________________________________ "Now hold on a second here, My Little Pony?!" You may ask. "That silly toy for little girls? What on Earth is that doing here?! I wanted a grown up review of grown up stuff on a website that's a gathering place for fans of a toyline, why, back in MY day, arglesnargleshnorkypft!" Now, let me stop you right there. My little Pony: Friendship is Magic has very little to do with the toys of the 80's, or really any other version of My Little Pony. This show actually has good storylines, well developed characters, and a respect for the intelligence of the audience. "Impossible! You'd have to be girly and not a true man to enjoy something like that!" Well, actually- "You'd have to be incredibly stupid and a social misfit!" If you'd let me finish- "You'd have to have no friends and be horribly-" SHUUUUT UUUP!!! DO. I HAVE. YOUR. ATTENTION?! GOOD. Anyways, believe it or not, this version of My Little Pony is actually good, thanks to a woman named Lauren Faust. Lauren Faust had previously worked on a few different animated shows in the past, such as Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and The Powerpuff Girls. Her work with MLP began when she approached Hasbro with an idea for something called 'Galaxy Girls. 'Hasbro instead said, "Hey, Lauren, we like these ideas 'n stuff you are presentin' here wit the Galaxy and the Girls, but I have a different idea. What if we replaced 'Galaxy' wit 'My Little,' and then replaced 'Girls' wit 'Pony?'" And thus began My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A large part of the show's development was fueled by Lauren's belief that shows for girls shouldn't have to be 'girly,' so to speak. They could be just as grown up and respectful as boy's shows, if not even more. Once the show was made, the final product was far removed from the awful girly pit of despair and fluff, and was actually respectable. Of course, the show would never have taken off if it weren't for the people of the internet and their desire to send a giant 'Screw You!' through to the heavens. What do I mean by that? Well, when the first episodes aired, a review of it that basically called it a low sellout was put online. This ticked off people who actually thought the show was pretty awesome, and the review was met with scathing comments, and really just made people like the show even more, followed by it sweeping across websites and becoming a major hit. (My story of discovering the show was also a giant 'Screw You!,' but that's another topic.) Anyways, now that we have the history of the show out of the way, let's talk about the show itself. The show takes place in Equestria, which I can only describe as what you would see if you read mythology and then hit up the Tylenol. I'm not kidding, everything mythological is here, and I mean EVERYTHING. They put in so much mythology that they even have TARTARUS in there. I mean granted, it's not actually seen, just talked about, but still! On top of that, they actually create their OWN mythology for the show too, so there's a lot going on here. The main inhabitants of this world are three types of magical ponies, Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. Oh, and there are also some Alicorns in there, who are all princesses. I don't know why that is either, it's never really explained. The show focuses on Unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they learn about the magic of friendship, which is actually literal magic in this show, as evidenced in the Elements of Harmony, which are basically magic artifacts powered by friendship to create FREAKIN LASER BEAMS. The first two seasons are 26 episodes long each, and are generally your basic stuff that you would expect, like evil former rulers, Q from Star Trek, pop culture references, and topping it all off with a big two-parter involving a wedding and an invasion from shapeshifting bug-ponies that get defeated pretty much just like Team Rocket. These are notable for popularizing the show and managing to do a decent job of teaching lessons while handling subjects you might not expect on a kid's show. Then there was Season 3. Hoo boy. Season 3. In case you're wondering why I held off talking about this season, it's because this one has caused an EXTREME amount of controversy, fueled by rather unintelligent fans and leading to a broken fanbase. This season took the most chances, and not all of them work. For example, this season starts off with having to defend a Crystal Empire from a tyrant king that enslaved it's inhabitants before being turned into shadow and trapped in ice about a thousand years back. Of course, he's back and wants to do the same thing, except now he's an immensely large shadow monster. Oh, and it's implied that he killed off all the children in his reign. Charmed yet? A major complaint about this season is that it's too dark and strays away from the original idea of the show, as seen above. Yeah, that can be a problem. I mean, I certainly don't mind some darker and edgier material as long as it's done well. If it's done well, then it feels more mature and more respectful to it's audience. However, it's a very fine line, and if you don't balance correctly, it'll just come off as awkward and mean-spirited, and that is a problem with this season. Take Spike, for example. Spike is a dragon, and the assistant to Twilight Sparkle. He's also an orphan. And the main target for comedic suffering. Not a good combo there. Granted, they previously handled this pretty well in that he usually deserved what was coming to him, and it never really affected him that much. Then, in the third season, he started being picked on by the writers for really no good reason, and that does show. The third season seems to be trying to get away with as much as a kid's show can, like having Ponyville taken over and turned into the 'kid friendly' version of Nazi Germany, showing blood, (granted the blood was just a very tiny amount from accidental stabbing with a needle, but still more than most kid's programming can get away with) Chrysalis killing a kitten, and Tim Curry. (Yes, I know the last two are from the comics, but I still count them. There's still a lot of Nightmare Fuel from the episodes if you're that picky.) (Also, Optimus Prime was in the comics. What was up with that?) Another complaint is that they changed stuff, like reforming one of the fan favorite villains and turning Twilight into an Alicorn. This complaint holds very little ground with me, as they actually did these things well. Remember how Transformers was ruined forever when they changed something? Or how Bionicle totally sucked after they switched stuff around? No? THEN STOP YOUR COMPLAINING. SOME PEOPLE LIKE CHANGE. STOP SHOVING YOUR OPINION INTO OUR FACES. I'm going to have to end this review here, although you can expect me to go a lot more in-depth about the series in the future. I will say this before I go: watch MLP:FiM if you haven't already. You're free to like it or dislike it, but please just give it a fair judgement. I personally like it quite a bit. So, Arrivederci, and goodnight.