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Prologue: Meta Land TG: (hits cowbell) Helryx: Ta-ha-ha-hu Ta-ha-ha-ha-hu, Ta-ha-ha-hu Ta-ha-ha-ha-hu, Ta-ha-ha-hu Ta-ha-ha-ha-hu, Ta-ha-ha-hu Ta-ha-ha-ha! I think about that day I left him in my golden throne room, West of the left arm. We were fighting hard, and he was about to kill me. I did what I had to do. 'Cause I just knew. When he served me right, He listened to me all the time, Especially when I lied. A Orderly Empire made of hate and tyranny! It called me to be their proud Queen… Except, Her Orderly Empress. Helryx and Axonn: With the Toa Code to my name, I dropped it, here I came, Could be evil or just insane! Teridax: Um, well, maybe... Helryx: Cause maybe in Mata Nui, They’ll all give up, We’ll have to see. They’ll see my face and think of how they--- Orderly Faction: Tried to kill us. Climb these hills, I'm reaching for the heights, and chasing all the lights that shine. And when they beat you down, you'll get up off the ground, 'cause fate just rolls around, and the battle’s just begun. Axonn: I hate 'em ev'ry day, the fighters in the canyons that stomped my poor foot away. The bodies in the battles left by rebels fought before. They say "you suck at leading us." So Axxie shuts them up! Roodaka: And always when the answer's "no", Or when their work is going slow, their heart stones need not need to glow. They’re all hypocrites. Karzahni: And some days as I walk along, a snotty being will come along... Roodaka and Karzahni: That'll be the reason to obliterate them. Orderly Faction: Climb these hills, I'm reaching for the heights, and chasing all the lights that shine. And when they beat you down, you'll get up off the ground, 'Cause fate just rolls around, and the battle’s just begun. TG: (BIG BAND BREAK. PLAYS ALL INSTRUMENTS AT SAME TIME.) TG: (ALSO REALLY HITS COWBELL) Helryx: And when they let you down, the morning rolls around... Orderly Faction: ‘Cause the battle's just begun, see the battle's just begun, This song’s not making fun, of “Another Day of Sun,” Just when we will have won, The Resistance will be done, And, it's the battle's just begun… You’ll see the Empire won! ===It's finally here! Here's the Prologue to The Hero Tahu, the third season of the remake series of The Adventures of Tahu--which is now officially titled Tahu's Antics: Orderly Turmoil. Expect new releases, including chapters and specials, every Friday. That means that Chapter 1 is coming in only three days! I seriously hope you guys enjoy this comedy---it's been long in the making to be the best thing it can possibly be. Let's get it on. ~|MetaStriker Productions|~
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--- Tahu’s Consequence Prologue: Capture In Ko-Metru... I have to keep running. For me. For them. For us. Using his Suva to telepathically connect to his Kakama Nuva, Kopaka weaved in and out of the streets, past oblivious Dark Hunters and Makuta, as he sped towards the Silver Sea. I don’t know why they didn’t tell me. They should’ve told me. Tahu wasn’t the only one who lost Lewa and Gali. Kopaka stopped in an alley to catch his breath. Lewa’s death had been announced years ago with the disappearance of the Mahri. No one seemed to know how he died or where his body was… That’s interesting. They could announce Lewa’s death. But they couldn’t acknowledge the statuses of the Mahri or Gali? I’m starting to see why they didn’t trust her. Checking warily around the corner using his Akaku, Kopaka sped out again, running to the shoreline. He slammed into a wall of protosteel. “Argh!” Kopaka fell to the ground, his vision spinning out of control. “What the--how did I not see this?” Considering that he literally has the Mask of Sight, I’m wondering the same thing. ...we couldn’t even make it two hundred words, could we? Ugh... In NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD... Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to think of some narration to follow up this awfully cheap plot point. And I can’t think of anything that could possibly make this any less cheesy. Why don’t you just READ THE SCRIPT THAT I GAVE YOU? Frankly, that’s no fun. And come on. You’d think that after the second rewrite of this chapter, you’d actually have something reasonable written down. First of all, this is only the FIRST rewrite of this chapter. I added it in the anniversary edition. Hm. Okay. Second, the city’s in lockdown. There’s Dark Hunters and Makuta patrolling the streets. Of course there’s extra added security. Sure. And last, but CERTAINLY not least, you’re not the author of this comedy. Even you were, it wouldn’t fix the problems that you believe exist in it, because you’re the root of every single interruption and detraction from the story that has occurred thus far. ...ouch. I’m really getting annoyed here. You need to calm it down, dude. Are we done here yet? Or do you guys want to introduce yourselves? We’ll save it for a happier chapter, Transition Guy. At the moment, I think Narrator needs to wallow in his own pity and actually do what I tell him to do. Fair enough. Minutes Later, at the Border of Ko-Metru… “Hey! Wake up! I have to arrest you and capture you! Grrrrrrr!” Kopaka’s eyes snapped open. A few feet above him, The Shadowed One bent over, looking down at Kopaka’s face. His face was trying to be terrifying, but the Toa was not fazed. “Really? This huge, stealthy chase scene to escape Metru Nui, just to get caught by you?” Kopaka stood up calmly, staring TSO down. “This isn’t even a defeat in my eyes. It’s quite laughable, in fact. How’s your pizza protodermis rash faring?” TSO blankly looked at Kopaka. “I’m not joking. I’m actually here to throw you in jail. And I mean, it certainly got oily and red, but I squeezed all the dots away. No worries.” “That’s disgusting. You’ll definitely be scarred for life. Thankfully, that won’t be much longer for you.” “What? The dots weren’t long! They were dots!” Kopaka facepalmed. “You doofus. I meant your life.” “Hey!” TSO took out his Staff of Protodermis and pointed it at Kopaka. “I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid!” Down the Road… “He’s so stupid,” Helryx muttered as she heartlessly steered her truck towards Kopaka. “What? I don’t want to kill him!” Helryx turned to the audience. “He won’t die if I run him over! I promise!” Instantly, her fourth tire blew out, making her lose control of the van. The van veered left and right down the street as it sped towards Kopaka and TSO. Kopaka jumped back, hearing the van uncontrollably weave through the last two intersections. Diving out of the direct impact zone, Kopaka shot a sheet of ice into the street parallel to the protosteel shell. The truck exploded upon impact, launching Kopaka ten feet away, sprawling onto the concrete ground. He blacked out. An Hour Later… “Honey! Wake up!” Helryx blinked. For a split-second, she saw that she had landed at the foot of the protosteel wall, which had broken open from the explosive impact. Her feet were hanging off the edge, into the Silver Sea. “Never...again, Teridax.” She stood up, imbalanced from the explosion. Her armor, yet again, was scorched, and she was forty-nine percent sure she had broken her foot. “Where’s TSO?” Teridax motioned behind him. TSO’s body was still. “No...don’t worry, he’s not dead. I’m pretty sure he’s just dreaming about the Link is Dead in Majora’s Mask theory.” “Ugh. I kinda wish he didn’t make it, to be honest. And...Kopaka?” “He’s holding on by a really thin icicle. We’re not sure if he’s going to make it.” Helryx scowled. “That ice joke sucked. And no. We need him alive. He’s the only feasible key I have to find Tahu.” “Oh,” Teridax said, stepping back. “My bad.” “And get back here.” As he continued to shy away from Helryx, she strutted over and clamped his arm. “You’re not any better than them. You’re going to suffer the repercussions of your choices, just as everyone who has failed to support me will. I am ruthless.” To Be Continued… ---
Hah, I said yesterday would be my last entry but it wasn't. I guess I didn't accurately grasp the concept of "one week" and didn't think the Premier Perks would extend all day Thursday. My bad. Well anyway, I really have nothing to reveal regarding the STILL UNTITLED REMAKE COMEDY. At this point, I'm either going to have to go with SPIRIT's title or just slap something else up there. Also, make sure to check out OKONICLE: The Okay Chronicle!! It's a comedy collaboration between myself and Master Inika on the story of 2001...somewhat. Check it out, it's something that I hope is fun for everyone to read! Here's the link: Again, I don't have an official release date for The Hero Tahu, but trust me when I say that I am working on it and it will most definitely come. Above all, I want to give the comedy the level of polish it deserves, no matter how long it takes, because I know it's all worth it. Perhaps I'll release a spin-off? I'm not entirely sure, but it's something I may look into eventually. Right now, my priorities are whatever's going on in my life, followed by OKONICLE, followed by THT. Whatever the case, I hope to be around here as much as I can. Until I feel that I'm done. And don't worry, I'm not done yet. I haven't been done for years. Even when I took a hiatus in 2013, I kinda figured I'd be back someday. I'm happy I am. See you next July 20th, ~MetaStriker
Day 5!! Already two days before I bid my blog goodbye for a year. Sad. Well anyway, today I'm going to throw together some hodge-podge stuff. Some timeline info on the remake, some deleted scenes. Teasers for the third season will come tomorrow and Wednesday. Hope you enjoy! GENERAL NOTES ABOUT THE REMAKE Four seasons - Transport, Consequence, The Hero, CENSORED (what? I can't give you the title just yet!) Replacing The Adventures of Tahu canon (this is correct) Will obliterate The Fire Chronicles canon (Yes. As stated before, TFC and its sequel are no longer canon with the release of this comedy.) Releasing chapters weekly, at least 6-7 days apart (Besides a few monthly gaps, this remained mostly true.) PSAs, Specials, Interviews still exist (That they do.) Brutaka/Vezon storyline = main addition (Brutaka was a minor character in TAoT. Here, he's a major character along with Vezon, despite their mysterious showings so far. They'll be further explored in The Hero Tahu.) More epicomedy (Somewhat true, but a large number of chapters in this comedy have contradicted this.)Humor is mostly reserved to NAW characters (This is mostly true, however.) [*]TNTS, Narrator, Censorer, Transition Guy, Guardius, Formata, Extra Guy (Yup.) [*]No stupid romantic subplots. (Almost...) [*]Will Hero Factory appear? If so, not until S2E10. (You'll see.) [*]No fan-made characters or Nintendo storyline, besides NAW (Still remains true. Meta may be a white and gold version of Meta Knight, but he's also a part of MetaStriker so...) [*]Only Narrator ventures out of Wig Salon. (Pretty much. TSO joined him last-minute.) [*]Less extra characters; characters that appear are mainly recurring/play some major role in story (Mostly true, though I'm looking to add a few characters in The Hero Tahu.) [*]More background (YES.) [*]Lewa's dead. (Yup. This was explained.) [*]Motivation for fighting. (I mean, if you haven't seen it by now...) [*]Still needs a title (sTiLL neeDS a TiTLe) ...seriously!! Please vote for a title. Next up... UNTITLED REMAKE COMEDY PLOT TIMELINE: 2006-2011 2006 NOTE: Everything before this year has gone just as usual in the plot. The Toa Inika defeat the Piraka. The Ignika falls into Mahri Nui, and the Toa pursue it. As Teridax's essence prepares to follow them into The Cord, a hurricane destroys the Piraka Stronghold. The Piraka and Umbra are killed; as the hurricane surfaces, the leader of the Order stands in the stronghold's ruins. Helryx stops Teridax from following the Toa and forces him to form an alliance with her, or face death. Suspicious, Brutaka questions Helryx's agenda. She ignores him. Axonn sides with Helryx in agreement, without hesitation. Brutaka attacks Axonn in disagreement, but Helryx fluidly pushes Brutaka away from them, into the raging storm outside. Helryx declares an end to the Order of Mata Nui and crowns herself as empress of the Orderly Empire. Teridax officially abandons his plans and joins her, reorganizing the Brotherhood of Makuta to be an army faction under the Order. 2007 The Toa Inika transform into the Toa Mahri, fighting the Barraki in search of the Ignika, Mask of Life. Helryx and Axonn travel to Odina to ally with the Dark Hunters. They meet some of the Toa Nuva there, convincing them to abandon their mission and return to Metru Nui. Helryx effortlessly convinces the rather dumb Shadowed One to ally with them, thus gaining control of the Dark Hunter army. Teridax possesses a Maxilos robot and, following Helryx's orders, travels to the Pit jail. He kills Lesovikk, Sarda and Idris during their fight with Karzahni. Though Karzahni despises Teridax, he allies with him to stop the Mahri and join the Empire's ranks. Axonn returns to Voya Nui to lead the Voyatoran into the Nui Caves. They disappear. TSO orders a siege of Voya Nui, looting the volcano of resources and destroying all known evidence of the beings' existence on the island. Vezon comes across the unconscious Brutaka and awakens him. The two realize the Dark Hunters are attacking the island and decide to escape together. Brutaka creates a dimensional portal and they disappear through it. Axonn enters the Cord, descending to the five Toa Mahri who are preparing to destroy it. Matoro locates and swims toward the Ignika. Helryx appears, knocking Matoro unconscious. She fails to retrieve the Ignika, which falls past the void of Voya Nui into Karda Nui. The Toa Mahri ascend the Cord with the Mahritoran and destroy the Cord. Behind them, Axonn effortlessly knocks out the group, placing them into stasis tubes. He meets up with Helryx, who is lugging along Matoro in a stasis tube, and they teleport back to Daxia Fortress. Mata Nui dies. 2008 The Ignika falls into Karda Nui alone, where it sinks to the bottom of the swamp. Lewa, who is using the Great Sundial to find the Codrex, notices something fall into the water. Levitating it from the Swamp of Mystery, Lewa dons the Ignika to revive Mata Nui and dies, unbeknownst to anyone but the remaining Av-Matoran, who have no way of contacting beings outside of Karda Nui. Mata Nui is revived, but is confined within the Ignika. The mask sinks back into the swamp and lays dormant for nine years. Helryx and Axonn secure the stasis tubes in Daxia Fortress. Helryx rebuilds Teridax's old body and appoints him Assistant to Her Orderly Empress. Axonn is appointed Her Orderly Mercenary, Karzahni is appointed Her Orderly General, and TSO is appointed Her Orderly Stalwart. Helryx calls for a mass meeting in the Coliseum. She announces that Mata Nui has died despite the efforts of the Toa Mahri, but she will be leading in their stead under the Orderly Empire. Suspicious, Taka sneaks to Mangai, where he finds that the Bahrag are still imprisoned, the Great Sundial is gone, and there is no sign of Lewa's body anywhere. He returns to Metru Nui without being noticed. The remaining Toa Nuva are appointed Her Special Guard. Helryx mentions that Lewa failed to obtain the Great Sundial and was murdered alone by the Bahrag. Reunification between the Matoran/Toa/Turaga and the Makuta/Dark Hunters occurs Brutaka and Vezon arrive in the actual BIONICLE storyline, observing what could have happened if everything went as planned. Realizing the horror of Helryx's plan, they try to go back, but teleport into a different dimension… 2009 On Bara Magna, the Skrall attack the Arena Magna during the Great Tournament and destroy it.After several months of fighting, the separated tribes all surrender to the Rock Tribe. The Skrall Empire, led by Tuma, takes control of Bara Magna and dismantles the Glatorian system. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "The Adventures of Tahu" storyline. They realize how bad the writing and jokes are and get out of there. [*]Taka journeys to Artakha and tells the being about his discovery. Artakha begins to dissent against the Orderly Empire. 2010 BIONICLE ends in the real world. The story of HERO FACTORY is established in the real world, and thus becomes a part of all alternate universes.Von Nebula loses to the Alpha Team, and is jailed inside his Black Hole Staff, spiraling through black holes continuously. [*]Artakha continues to reject the ideals of the Empire. Karzahni quietly lays siege to the island, destroying its Crystal Serpents and imprisoning his brother on his own island. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "Tahu vs. Tahu," where they see Tahu Stars singing his sword. Scrambling into the basement, they meet the dual Vezon toys for a quick sip of tea before they jump to another dimension. 2011 I join BZPower on March 19th, 2011. BZPower's Forum Construction occurs. The forums return in October 2011. Defeated, Von Nebula continues to spiral through tunnels of his black hole.He finally emerges on the coffee table of the Toa Nuva meeting room in Daxia Fortress. They freak out and alert Helryx. Helryx also freaks out. Teridax rushes in and uses his shadow powers to reanimate the portal and send Von Nebula back through the black hole. [*]Aware that Artakha has been incarcerated for rebelling, Taka goes to the Turaga of Metru Nui. They have also been suspicious of the empire. He tells them to not tell any of the Toa Nuva, but Nokama tells Gali. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "Choose Your Own BIONICLE Adventure." They choose to hop another dimension. === Wow. I'm sure that provided a ton of backstory. Keep in mind that the remake takes place in 2016-2017, so there's still five years of content I've yet to reveal One more small tidbit: Deleted Scene (Tahu’s Transport, Chapter 5) Moments passed. Moments turned to minutes. Minutes passed to ten-minute increments, because the author just had to draw out the dramatic effect as long as possible. … You can’t disagree. Now, normally this is the part where Helryx has some dramatic monologue about trying to find a little droplet of water to create a geyser out of, which symbolizes how one little slice of hope can achieve success. But since this is the second time we’re retelling this story, we’re going to drag out the dramatic effect of waiting even longer. And even longer than that. You know what I don’t agree with? The fact that we managed to fix so much about what was going wrong with this comedy, yet you got more annoying. Dude. Character development. Dude. Plot > Pointless Little Banter Between The Author And His Annoying Narrator. Keep math out of this. As a droplet of water fell from a broken sewage pipe, the droplet expanded in milliseconds to create a geyser out of. === Short, but sweet. I cut that part out because it was too drawn out and too rant-y for my tastes. This would've occurred from when the crowd of Matoran, Toa and Turaga rush into Nuju's Lab to see Helryx seemingly crushed under the pile of debris to when she rises out to give her terrorizing speech and kills Nuju. Good stuff. See you all tomorrow!! Hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any thoughts why not post them below in the comments? ~Meta
Hey guys! Now is your chance to choose a name for the untitled remake of The Adventures of Tahu! The remake has been running since October 23rd, 2016 and currently features two complete seasons, Season 1: Tahu's Transport and Season 2: Tahu's Consequence (both shown above.) Season 3: The Hero Tahu, is currently in pre-production, with a Season 4 planned. So yes, I'm about halfway through the remake and I don't even have a title for the whole comedy yet. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I prioritized making the comedy over creating a title for it. Now that I am taking a hiatus to get my life in order, perfect THT, and post OKONICLE, I thought it'd be a great time to explore possible names for this remake, among my other promises to release other content from the comedy. So, here are my ideas. If you have any of your own suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments, along with whatever name you may vote for. Thank you so, so much! The Adventures of Tahu: Redux The New Adventures of Tahu Tahu's Adventure Tahu's Journey |Tahu| Order and Freedom The Flames of Freedom Sparks of Justice Invented Disaster Tahu's Adventures 2: This Time It's Not Tahu's Adventures 1 ...and your own! If I think of more, I'll add them. Thank you! ~Meta
The hackers didn't mess me up this time Presenting the finalized prologue of my invention, The Adventures of Tahu... --- Tahu’s Transport Prologue: Motives YEAR: 2007 The Toa swam, closer and closer to the hole in the ocean floor. The golden mask shined brightly in his grasp, the mask knowing that its purpose was about to be fulfilled. So did the Toa, swimming further and further away from his team and the Barraki warlords…he’d no need to say goodbye… A blue hand punched through his thoughts and into his head, knocking the Toa away. The owner of the hand, a Toa of Water, gave Toa Mahri Matoro a cold stare as she thrusted her shield down, blocking him from continuing forward. Huh? What was that? Matoro pondered. Why is this Toa here…what is she...the mask! The gold mask drifted away, falling into the hole Matoro had been approaching. Out of sight, the Ignika fell from the skies of Karda Nui into its murky swamps, where it would lay, uninterrupted, for years to come. “You’re ruining my destiny! I have to save Mata Nui! Don’t you even care that he’s about to die? You don’t even deserve to be a T--” The Toa swung her spiked mace into Matoro’s gut, knocking him out instantly. “It’s a shame you don’t care about my destiny.” She looked at her comlink, giving a thumbs-up as she rose into the mouth of the Cord... Inside the Cord… Axonn smiled as he looked at his mistress Helryx, who gave him the signal. “Well, what are you waiting for, Toa? Destroy this blasted cord!” The Toa Mahri did just that, watching Voya Nui fall straight down, crushing the remains of Mahri Nui. Axonn smiled slightly, then unsheathed his axe and smashed it into Jaller’s back, all with his battle cry. “HERE’S AXXIE!” Minutes Later… Helryx cackled, hauling an unconscious Matoro on top of the five other defeated Toa Mahri. “I don’t deserve to be a Toa. What rubbish.” “What rubbish,” Axonn repeated, opening the first of six stasis tubes that the Mahri would slumber in for years to come. Helryx shook her head. “I don’t care that Mata Nui is dead. That was his destiny. Now it’s time to take matters into our own hands. We shall, finally, create our own destinies.” YEAR: 2012 “But…she told you not to go…are you disobeying the orders of the empress?” “I have to, Tahu. It’s been racing through my mind…they couldn’t have just disappeared without not doing their job.” It was a starry night. Five years had passed since Helryx had founded the Orderly Empire, and five years had passed without any answers of the Mahri’s whereabouts. Gali, one of the most trusted members of the Toa Nuva, had grown suspicious of their disappearance, and was preparing to leave for Daxia to ask Helryx for permission to search for them...even though Helryx forbade any mention of them. “Gali,” Tahu put his arm around her, chuckling. “Pohatu and Onua disappeared to play Skyrim when they were supposed to be doing their job.” “I know, but…look, don’t worry about me.” Gali slipped away, walking to the edge of the balcony, turned towards the stars. “You know me well enough…or will I have to find a different—“ Tahu smiled. “You won’t have to—I’m always here for you, Gali…I…I wish I could go—“ “It’d be too obvious. And I know you want to get out of here.” Gali sighed. “I’m sorry, Tahu, but I can’t bear to lose…wait, why don’t you talk to Helryx about that? Maybe, like, a trip to Zakaz or the Southern Continent—“ “You and I both know that’s not what I want, Gali. No, I want to see the world, or even other worlds than this. We could expand the empire, get more resources, meet new people—and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Gali blushed. “Neither would I, Tahu. However…that will have to wait until I get back. Save the memories for me, won’t you?” Gali walked out of the apartment, leaving Tahu alone. The two would not meet again for another five years. And in that time, Gali, Tahu’s best friend and “sweetheart” was presumed dead by almost everyone. Note that I said “almost”, not— Narrator, stop spoiling the story! Sorry, boss. Moving on, then… YEAR: 2017 Ten years had passed since Helryx founded the Orderly Empire. Ten years had passed since Mata Nui had died. Five years had passed since Gali left to search for the Mahri. Five years had passed since Tahu was last happy. He had enough. He wanted answers. Answers to why he couldn’t leave to find Gali. Answers to why Helryx had outlawed Nintendo consoles in the empire. Tahu wanted a way out. A way to find Gali. A way out…of the terror he was slowly realizing the empire possessed. To Be Continued… --- Four years to the day have passed since the original comedy ended, and after sequel series, spin-offs, and reboots have tanked, I've finally decided to rewrite the original entirely and give it the level of polish and love I think it deserves. With filled plot holes and more focused humor, I hope this reboot will be something you all enjoy, even if I don't update it as frequently as you imagine I should (I'm quite busy xD). In re-rebooting the series, I've finally moved away from the plain "The Adventures of Tahu" name, because "Adventures" itself is obvious, general, and implies relations with Sonic games that I love to death but are actually terrible creations of our time . Changing the focus to Tahu himself seems so much more simplified and accurate to the premise of the entire comedy. It's not about the adventures; it's about himself and how he grows through his transport, consequences and heroes that he faces that have lasting effects on him. That is what matters. ~MS
I decided this time to let the old TFC topic rot away, instead having a fresh new topic to post in. It feels good. So anyway, welcome to the final season of The Fire Chronicles! For info you may have missed on Terror please check out the Spring CFE link in my sig. Character and Color Chart Prologue: Findings Chapter 1: Perceptions Special 1: Destined to Fade Chapter 2: The Long and Winding Road Chapter 3: The Bermuda Triforce PSA 1: Return of the Meta Chapter 4: Cue Gerudo Valley Music Chapter 5: Un-expectations It's all a choice. This is it. Scratch out what I said above. I'M BACK READ AT YOUR OWN RISK Well, let us start with the prologue, shall we? The Fire Chronicles: Terror Prologue: Findings In the Orderly Fortress… To the Council... I hope that when you get this it won't be too late...this is indeed a time of great terror. While the prophecy has been destroyed, and the Empire has fled Makuhero City, I hear that they are attempting to attack Spherus Magna once again...this time targeting the Gates and the Council building. I am slightly surprised that they are not searching for Icarax…but perhaps their plan is complete and they have no use for him. I have seen Ranox, ever so slowly, start to influence Helryx more. I experienced this especially after the skirmish in the Temple of Time—it’s almost as if he feels the need to do it himself. It is pitiful that she does not see the big picture: Ranox does not care about her. He simply cares about a way to get revenge—a way to destroy anyone that did and is getting in his way. And as for the Nintendo prisoners—they are easy to get back. I trust that the Nintendo characters I allowed entry in the beginning of the comedy will be able to get them back…note that I said Nintendo, not Bubsy. Although to get the Avokhii back will be a challenge, as it is in Helryx’s quarters, I trust the Nintendo characters strongly with that as well. While my power is slowly returning, I still cannot gain control of NAW. Meta is still holding onto it…with a frail grip. But will we be too late? Meta needs to get out of his position, or, at the very least, scoot over so I can take control in some form. It is needed to destroy the impending evil. Please help. Tahu: Toa of Platinum “Well, that’s nice.” Tahu muttered. “I guess we should—oh wait, there’s another letter…” To the Council… As the owner of this comedy, I am well aware of the letter my doppelganger has sent to you. I write to you in the hope that you realize how wrong and inexperienced he is. I have led this comedy fairly well (certainly better than he has). I employed the old narrator immediately in his time of need, whereas TTP sent him into a dark realm that he had no control over. That was fairly stupid of him and I would never trash my employees like that. “Well…he is kinda right. He stood up for my comrades when they were being bullied,” Snake said. Listen to Snake. He’ll tell you everything. “…that is just downright creepy. Let’s just keep reading this.” With this, I can blame the rise of Ranox onto him because he exiled Narrator and thus influenced the poor chap to come back…and thus defeat the Great Being. Secondly, the power that I hold is meant for one person and one person only, as you held it as. TTP let no one else get in his way, and lead the comedy in a way that he calls smooth and a way I call mediocre. It depends on the way he runs it. His idea was broken up into groups, but I personally let my beings work to the best of their ability to help out around NAW. They get what they get, do what they do, and don’t get upset. I do agree, however, that Ranox is becoming a bigger threat. Because of TTP’s non-existing attempts to stop Ranox, he has grown more powerful each day. I am trying to work out a solution currently that I need your help with. I do also request that you save my friends from the Fortress; each Nintendo character plays an instrumental role (and two rescuers is enough, I wish to ensure the safety of my friends). I, however, have no intention to include him in the plan—I’m sure all of your power combined will be enough to defeat Ranox. Of course, all of the reasons above further support the fact that I am not holding a frail grip on NAW…I am only changing it to fit the needs of the people. As a prerequisite of my plan, I humbly ask you to seek out Keetongu as he will be able to cure Nuhrii of his…downsizing. I know he is on Spherus Magna…but I do have a bad feeling he is in danger. Thank you, Meta Nuva Tahu put the letter down, then glanced at the two letters. “…so now what do we do?” End of Prologue Edit: Fixed on 3/31/14.
Well, a year and week (curse you, hackers) has passed since the start of my first comedy and the first entry in The Adventures of Tahu series...that, of course, being The Adventures of Tahu. Looking back on it, I realize that there were some continuity errors, the humor was pretty bad and the writing overall needed a here we are. Thus, regarding the above, this remake is to be taken as CANON. And if you don't understand yet, think of it this way. The original Star Fox game was released on the SNES in 1993. In 1997, Star Fox 64 was released as a remake of the original game for the N64. That game is considered canon, so much so that most people don't even know there was a SF game in '93... Now that I'm done with my rant, let's start this again... The Anniversary Edition of Tahu: Transport Prologue: The Motives TEN YEARS AGO… The Toa swam, closer and closer to the hole in the ocean floor. The golden mask shined brightly in his grasp, knowing itself that its purpose was about to be fulfilled. The Toa himself swam further and further away from his team and the Barraki warlords, knowing that his purpose would soon be fulfilled…he’d no need to say goodbye… A blue hand punched through his thoughts and into his head, knocking the Toa away. The owner of the blue hand, a blue Toa of Water, gave Toa Mahri Matoro the death stare. Huh? What was that? Matoro pondered. Why is this Toa here…and why is she royally screwing up my destiny? The Toa of Water punched Matoro yet again, knocking the mask out of his hands. The gold mask fell into the hole, into a murky swamp, where it was undiscovered for another ten years. The Toa looked at Matoro again. “Perhaps that mask made it, but you will not.” She looked at her comlink. In the Cord… Axonn smiled as he looked at his mistress Helryx, who gave him the signal. “Well, what are you waiting for, Toa? Destroy this blasted cord!” The Toa Mahri did just that, watching Voya Nui fall straight down, crushing the remains of Mahri Nui. Axonn smiled slightly, then unsheathed his axe and smashed it into Jaller’s back, all with his battle cry. “HERE’S AXXIE!” Back on the Ocean Floor… Helryx cackled. “Five down, one to go. You see, Toa, no one messes with the Orderly Empire…even before it’s even begun.” FIVE YEARS AGO… “But…she told you not to go…are you disobeying the orders of the empress?” “I have to, Tahu. It’s been racing through my mind…they couldn’t have just disappeared without not doing their job.” “Gali, Pohatu and Onua disappeared to play Skyrim when they were supposed to be doing their job.” “I know, but…look, don’t worry about me. You know me well enough…or will I have to find a different—“ Tahu chuckled. “You won’t have to—I’m always here for you, Gali…I…I wish I could go—“ “It’d be too obvious. And I know you want to get out of here.” Gali sighed. “I’m sorry, Tahu, but I can’t bear to lose…wait, why don’t you talk to Helryx about that? Maybe, like, a trip to Zakaz or the Southern Continent—“ “You and I both know that’s not what I want, Gali. No, I want to see the world, or even other worlds than this. We could expand the empire, get more resources, meet new people—and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Gali blushed. “Neither would I, Tahu. However…that will have to wait until I get back. Save a ticket for me, will you?” Gali jumped out the window of the apartment, leaving Tahu alone. The two would not meet again for another five years. And in that time, Gali, Tahu’s best friend and “sweetheart” was presumed dead by almost everyone. Note that I said “almost”, not— Narrator, stop spoiling the story! Sorry, boss. Moving on, then… In the Present Day… Ten years had passed since Helryx founded the Orderly Empire. Ten years had passed since Mata Nui had died. Five years had passed since Gali left to search for the Mahri. Five years had passed since Tahu was last happy. He had enough. He wanted answers. Answers to why he couldn’t leave to find Gali. Answers to why Helryx had outlawed Nintendo consoles in the empire. Tahu wanted a way out. A way to find Gali. A way out…of the terror he was slowly realizing the empire to have. To Be Continued… This is an entirely new chapter to the series. Originally, Chapter 1 was the prologue and Chapter 1, but I kinda figured I’d explain the backstory this time: the rise of the Orderly Empire and Gali’s disappearance are two key factors for Tahu visiting Helryx in the first chapter. It’s too bad I only thought of this during Season 2 of TAoT. Also, the titles for each chapter will mostly be changed from the original, though there might be a few that stay the same. And yes, I will be doing reflections on each chapter, basically comparing it to the original.
And here we are: the third spinoff to TAoT (and hopefully this is more successful than the last two!!!).This comedy will last for 10-15 chapters, which should quench your thirs for TFC!Actually, the end of this comedy will be critical to TFC's storyline. might want to read this, otherwise you won't understand TFC at all.Anyway.How to Escape the Wig SalonPrologue: QuestionsIn the Wig Salon… The Wig Salon is a dreadful place. Some, like Turaga Nuju, say that it is most relaxing. But others, like Black Hole, find it dreadful and want to escape. Take it from me, the one and only Narrator. Well, it used to be that way. After I annoyed my master ever-so much, he ordered me to the wig salon for eternity. But here’s the problem: the Wig Salon Retirement Home, or WSRH, is where dead people go. I’m not dead. I was simply ordered here for eternity. TN:TS didn’t stab me, or give me poisoned protodermis. He couldn’t, because all of us in, well, our company, are immortal. So how can I be here, then? And how can I get out?Chapter 1: Endings and BeginningsAt the Entrance to the WSRH… The portal opened up once again, to show the dead from Chapter 3.7 of TAoT file in. Tarix walked in, with a jagged line of black scratched across his chest plate. “Yeah, that’s how it happened,” Tarix said, showing Nuju how he’d died. “Hmmm,” Nuju thought. “Shadow bolt?” “Indeed,” Tarix answered. “It only hurt for a second, then it took me.” “I’m sorry,” Nuju answered. “But this is for the better. Welcome to the Wig Salon Retirement Home, where you can relax after death.” “Retirement home? I thought that this was a bad place!” “Wrong you are, young Glatorian. You’ll never need to worry about anything ever again.” “Good. Can I see Berix?” “Yes. Third door on your left,” Nuju said, pointing to the hallway. I watched as Tarix opened the door to Berix’s voice. It makes me wonder, how people can be so happy being dead. I guess, because, they’re dead, and I’m not. Not really, anyway. What makes this even worse, though, is that even if he wanted to, TN:TS couldn’t break me out. The same Great Being that created me, TN:TS, and the rest of our team, created this underworld. To get out, we’d have to overpower him. But can we? “Narrator, you can’t keep thinking about this,” Nuju said, interrupting my thoughts. “There’s no hope for any of us to get out of here while Ranox rules this world. We should just enjoy what we have now…“ But something popped into my head. We had defeated Ranox once before. Could we do it again? “There’s a chance,” I said, “isn’t there?” “Possibly,” Nuju said. “But we’d need an awful lot of help.”To Be Continued…How was it?~MN~
My inspiration for this comedy was during my CCC review of TAoT. The reviewer asked many questions, asking how this happened and that occurred...Well, I'm very happy to answer all of your questions about what happened before TAoT, which is why I created this prequel comedy to TAoT (I also made Ackar and the Hot Hand, which as crazy as it seems, is canon).Presenting The Adventures of Tahu: How it All Began (or TAoT: HAB for short): The Adventures of Tahu: How it All BeganPrologue: Intention In the beginning of the world, there was nothing... Yeah, I know. It sounds cliché, doesn’t it? Sorry, but I had to start this comedy with something. Oh, that’s right, I never introduced myself! I’m Transition Guy, the guy who writes all the titles, transitions, and stuff similar to that in my boss’ (Tahu Nuva: Toa of Silver’s) comedies at NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD.I basically look like a silver Onua Nuva. All the other members of the Toa Nuva work at NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD too, except they’re silver and more powerful versions of them:Censoring Sister (silver Gali Nuva) censors uncool (to say the least) words and information that is not supposed to be known (whether at that time or ever); Narrator (Lewa Nuva) narrates the comedies; the Po-Police (bronze versions of Pohatu Nuva except for the Chief, who is silver) take away people that are not doing their jobs (in work or in the comedy); and the Guards (Kopaka Nuva) protect TN:TS. Well, now that that’s over with, let’s go back to the story now. So, in the beginning of the world, there was nothing. No BIONICLE, no lamps, no pie, and certainly no comedies. That was before the Great Beings came to the world of Spherus Magna. They created multiple beings, beautiful lands, jungles, and such. But we know about that already, don’t we?That was millions of years ago, though…way before the true reason everything existed came along and made this and other comedies. His name was Toa Tahu Mata, who later turned into the great and powerful Tahu Nuva: Toa of Silver.But what happened before TAoT? How and why did Helryx take over the Matoran Universe? Why did Axonn go completely insane? Why did all the Toa take Helryx’s side at first? What happened on Bara Magna after Helryx’s big win? And how did TN:TS create a comedy and NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD, or ACRONYM WITHHELD for short? Here is TN:TS on the purpose of this comedy:“Well, to just put it in a PSA or a Special, would confuse the reader more than before. Plus, there is so much expansion that can be done on the subject, so we are putting it in a spin-off comedy.”In short, instead of answering all your questions in one spin-off-like chapter from TAoT, we are putting it in a prequel comedy that will still attach onto TAoT, but introduce new characters and stuff like that. We’re sure you’ll like it! Sincerely, TG and the Crew of NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD To Be Continued…Well, how was it? Post your thoughts below! Also, I have made a color chart for this, I will post it when (or if ) someone replies back!~TN:TS~