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Every once in a while Nostalgia strikes and I take a look at something that was really cool and "in" when I was about 6 years old or so. That usually involves looking at old cartoons. Often enough one finds that what was considered epic storytelling at that age is rather simple in hindsight. But sometimes you find that something that was seemingly boring at the time was actually really cool! The next Generation was the Star Trek show I grew up with. Unfortunately, back in 90s and slightly more interested in a certain brand of plastic building-bricks, it was something that would occasionally be watched. But since the original run ended in 94 and everything after was re-runs, those instances were rare. After all, there was Lego to be built and then there was Star Wars. And as you might guess, as a kid, I was more interested in X-Wings and lightsabers and AT-ATs (Oh Mata Nui, no sportscar will ever be as cool as an imperial walker, hands down! I DON'T CARE IF THERE'S NO PARKING SPOTS FOR AT-ATs, I WILL WALK TO WORK IN IT!)! Star-Trek on the other hand had people in bright-coloured uniform walking around on an absolutely clean Starship discussing the possible consequences of interfering with the developent of other species. Now, that was between age 4 to 8 and it never really interested me. That is until last month. I was stuck in bed thanks to an unhappy stomach. With nothing better to do I finally came across video-compilation of great movie-quotes. Among them the most inspirational quotes from Patrick Steward as Captain Picard. The realisation went something like this: "That show was really cool!" So somehow I've managed to watch the first 4 seasons again since then. I have to say the best episodes have to be those where Spiner gets on his Sherlock Holmes, or those where Steward can fully employ his classic Shakesperean acting or really steps up as an advocate for the equal rights of all living things. I am not a Trekkie by any means, but there is something very enjoyable about watching his speeches. And more importantly, they have some applicability to real life as well. I guess some things you can only really appreciate once you're old enough to know what they were all talking about. Maybe you have something like that from your early days as well. It has nothing to do with feeling older, btw. It's just about looking back at some stuff that's ten or fifiteen years in the past, to see how it holds up today. Now, with that said, I will return back to creating art and studying gamedesign...But first, I will need something to drink: Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.