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Hello everyone, I think about this topic a lot so I figured I would present it to you: We all know that through human history certain breakthroughs in technology are made that allow for the creation of more advanced machines and such. Beyond the canonical storyline, what breakthroughs do you think were made by the Matoran/Agori/any other species? And what point in advancement is spherus magna in? I saw a tumblr post about a mechsuit for krana appose to a bohrok body, and I thought that would be pretty cool. There is also the typical gun/laser gun thing, but have those already been invented in the bionicle/MU universe? Tell me what you think!
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As some of you may know, I have been on a long hiatus from BZP. I had what many would call an epiphany of sorts, and it greatly changed many aspects of my life. Since then, I began to study of things that are not found on our televisions, things like alternative energy, conspiracy, terraforming, subjects which are "Taboo" to most people. Along my way, I found my calling in life to do something, greater than most people. An ambition for a future of enlightenment and integrity. I feel a great catalyst on this journey will be the unveiling of hidden technologies long used by our military and government, but hidden from us, the civilian people. There are amazing things out there right now, things that many of you would never believe exist in this time. One must simply break out of their everyday routines and look for them. I have begun my own technology company, right now its very small, I am the only employee, so its about as small as you can get. However, in my studies of science and geometry, physics and metaphysics, I have been able to create a device that will eventually be capable of amplification of an electrical current from 100 percent to 1600 percent or more. This prototype I call the PEAR, or Pyramid Electricity Amplification Router. This is nearly the same thing that Nikola Tesla was working on 70 years ago, with electromagnetic induction, however his patents were bought out and hidden by wealthy corporate entities such as JP Morgan. I feel that if you can teach people how to generate their own electricity, rather than paying for the utility, this will lead to a great leap in not only our evolution, but our consciousness as well. People will begin to think, hey, if we can power our own homes, what else can we become self sustaining with? The videos here explain my concept. The magnets are called Neodymium sphere magnets, they are very powerful and are not toys. They have enough pull force to break fingers and destroy sensitive electrical devices if moved too closely to them. The coils seen are what are known as "rodin" coils. As seen in the videos, these coils not only produce more electricity than they consume, they also have applications for healing, cymatics, and anti gravity. Many people remain in the dark about these technologies, such as magnetic motors, plasma energy, hydrogen fuel and other reactive and renewable energies. This is by design, because now, more are becoming aware and the result is gasoline prices plummeting, which we are now seeing nationwide. Im not sure about you people, but I want to accomplish more in my life than just having enough money to retire. I look at my lifes goals, and others, and I see a great difference. My goals are to abolish fossil fuels, debt based currency and privately owned banks, and liberate all willing people from the need for a "government", to make them truly a sovereign people. I am making it happen through education and sharing my work, and that is why I share it here now. BZP is a great window to many youthful minds, full of creativity and untainted in the indoctrination of life as we know it. They are the future and they are the audience I seek. I hope you will take the time to read this and watch these videos, as they may open your mind to a new level of thinking and consciousness, never before thought of.... Magnetic Pyramid Concept Working: Rodin Coil Anti Gravity:
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- Rodin Coil
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Okay, so I got a Kindle Fire in the mail this morning, and I`ve been testing out for most of the day. (Day off work, whoo!) So far everything seems to be running smoothly. Netflix is fantastic (it is wonderful to be able to point and click to edit subtitle and audio options while the video is running, and it loads really quickly when browsing through the video). I also got a bluetooth keyboard, which is very tiny. While it does make me feel like a giant, my cat has so far stepped around the kindle entirely as my hands are taking up all of the walking space on the keyboard. That is a major bonus in my favor. XP Also, it`s short, so it doesn`t look like they will be chewing on the corners of my screen anytime soon. Texting on Skype is proving to be a bit of a challenge, though. That and the apostrophe key is a bit tricky to master as it`s part of a shift function on the k key (I am not used to this happening to a commonly used key). Also, there is no mouse and it`s kind of blowing my mind away. The battery life seems to be holding up well. When I first turned it on it was at 69% and now after an afternoon of activity it has gone down to around 40% which doesn`t seem too shabby. One of the main reasons I decided to get a tablet was because my laptop has a loose wire which disabled the screen. I can still use it, but it requires a monitor to be attached, which makes the portability moot. Also, I had some spending money from the holidays. The holidays be a dangerous thing. Ye be warned. GET OFF MY LAWN! (Wait, I can`t find the key for the squiggley line! NOOOOOOOOOO!) Tekulo <3 Edit: Found it! ~
Yes, this is something that's been buzzing in the back of my head for years; the disturbing similarities between the Great Beings from Bionicle, and the Forerunners from Halo.Let's do a rundown, shall we?1. They're both a species/group that are very much shrouded in mystery within their respective media.2. They both invented massive super-structures (Forerunner Shield Worlds, the Halo Array, the Great Spirit Robot, the Red Star) to cope with some sort of massive disaster (The Flood parasite, the Shattering)3. Both are immediately associated with inventors and scholars, and possess sort of a god-like status.4. They're often portrayed in clothing that obcsures their features, so we don't really know what they look like.5. Both created very advanced technology/nanotech that still functions after several tens of thousands of years (All the robots within the Halo rings, the Baterra)So, thoughts?
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Looks like I have a call to make tomorrow, as my phone won't text or connect to the internet. Bummer.
Vote away.
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It arrived.
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I'm going to ponify my new phone, so I'm going to make wallpapers for it. I mean, the dimensions are 720x1280, so they're going to be nice and big. :3
- My Little Pony
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New Phone Ordered, Arrival Is Due Friday
Angel Beat posted a blog entry in Star Blogging across the universe
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Today, I'm going to do a one-off feature - my "Premier" Membership runs out on the 28th, and I'm undecided on the matter of actually buying it when that happens. The purpose of this Tech Highlight is to point out the very real possibility of practical electric vehicles. The Tesla Roadster takes approx. 3.5 hours to charge, and, on a full charge, can go for about 245 miles - not too shabby, considering that other electric cars can take about 20 hours to charge and still don't go as far as the Tesla Roadster, but it still sounds pretty bad for a long trip - driving halfway there and then having to stop for 3.5 hours doesn't sound very good. But, when you consider that they've been able to get solar panels to achieve about 21% efficiency in commercial applications, it's easy to see how a solar cell on top of the car could help prevent the battery from ever quite falling to zero, getting rid of the annoying stop in the middle of a trip - and possibly accelerating charging when you are stopped. If you want to make things just that little bit better - or throw in a supplementary system for conditions where you don't exactly have the optimal amount of sunlight - then a small wind turbine powered by the wind flowing over the car just might be ideal. Now, of course, neither of these supplementary systems are efficient enough to power a car on their own, but they don't have to - the core of the power system will be the energy you get from the power grid, which hopefully has something like a nuclear power plant instead of a coal-fired power plant at the center of it all. The solar cell and wind turbine are there to extend the life of the main battery. This concept, I think, is what the future of high-tech energy systems will look like - a central, reliable system supplemented by things designed to make it all work just a little bit better.
I love seeing how wrong people were back in 'the old days', ie. the 90's. So you could imagine how fun it was for me when I found this ancient website telling people all about screens. I find it hilarious that there was a time when a 1600x1200 resolution was "Terrible" on a 14-inch monitor. I mean, a DPI of 142 is nothing compared to say, the Retina display on the iPhone 4S, or the 720p HD screens on the upcoming Galaxy Nexus and HTC Rezound, but it's pretty good for a (albeit tiny) monitor. It's certainly better than the hideously unacceptable 640x480, which the site deems 'best', with it's measly DPI of 57, which is odd, because the site then states that Mac renders text assuming 72 DPI, whilst Windows assumes 96, so the best would be 1024x768, because the site is optimised for it and it's in between both those sizes. It is referring to the text size. In the 90's, computers could not scale text, and didn't actually know their monitor's DPI. The bottom right cell is accurate, though - that's about standard in monitors today. Although we use 16:9 or 16:10 instead of 4:3, but that's about the same DPI and a similar size. I imagine, though, that when this was written (based on the Mac OS screenshot, I place it as late 1999) a 21-inch monitor would have been outrageously expensive and near unheard-of. I also found this quote: "Larger monitors must contain smaller pixels in order to maintain the same resolution". That's simply wrong, because, if he is talking about the amount of pixels (the actual resolution), larger screens actually need BIGGER pixels than smaller ones to maintain the resolution, because there's more space to put the same amount of pixels in, but he's using the term 'resolution' wrongly, referring to the DPI. For the DPI to remain constant the pixels need to be the same size. That's what that means. If they're smaller, you have a higher DPI. If they're bigger, you have a lower DPI. You will not keep the DPI the same by shrinking the pixels, and if you're talking about pixel size and DPI, screen size is irrelevant. Furthermore, this person seems to be of the belief that you should change your computer's resolution. Under no circumstances should anyone EVER change the resolution of their computer from their screen's native resolution. You lose sharpness, all the elements are too big/small, the computer can't optimise the display for your screen, and it just generally looks horrid. OK, rant over, I don't want to be annoyed at 90's people. I'm sure they were just ignorant/primitive. I'm also sure that the people of 5-10 years in the future will look back at us and scoff at things just like this - Flash, perhaps, or RAM. Or displays that aren't transparent. Or lack of hover technology. "McFly, you bojo!", they'll say, "Those boards don't work on water!" "Unless you've got POWAH!"
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Alright, as I said a couple entries back, I'll be getting a Playstation 3 soon, but what games would you guys recommend? I mean sure, I'm certainly getting Portal 2, Well reserving a copy anyway.
An HD one too. Pretty darn Awesome.
Pretty sweet, it really is a lot lighter imho, and the Facetime camera and back camera, awesome. :3 Got it as a gift, before ANYBODY says ANYTHING.
Yeeeah! :3 Got them reserved at Gamestop, hopefully they'll have em' tomorrow, so I think I'll go pick em' up in the mornin'.
Doe anybody know of a good, free, reliable video editor? Id prefer if it had a few decent transitions, maybe a primitive audio editor at least. Im just flat out sick of WMM.
Im thinking of making some, would you guys use them if I posted them? The Calendar is back on.
Should I get one?
For plenty reasons beyond me, I may have to get this ol' hard drive reformatted. Sooo, I kinda would prefer that to get a fresh start. *Proceeds to back up vital game saves and personal files*
"In Layman terms. Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out." XD Best quote ever. Also, the Portal Demo is fantastic, I just want to know, is the full game worth the price?