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Showing results for tags 'Updated 03/10/16'.
Q&A Forum Rules and Guidelines Welcome to Q&A! This forum serves both new and old members alike providing a place for any questions they may have about BZPower's rules, norms, traditions, and more. Just as everyone is welcome to ask questions here, everyone is welcome to provide answers. Just please do keep in mind the following guidelines when doing so. Follow BZPower Q&A on Twitter! -- This topic's tag will always reflect the date of the latest update. Information on what was updated will always be found in the "Recent Updates" section at the end of this post. -- Regarding posting questions: Please search for your answer before posting. Please make use of the Search feature at the top of the forum page - but if the topics found are reasonably old, feel free to repost as the answer may have changed. In addition, we have several official help topics listed at the bottom of this post. Please post BZPower-related questions only. LEGO-related inquiries belong in their respective forums. Also, please see the section below on when to use the Tracker versus when to use this forum. *NEW!* Please follow your topic actively. The Q&A staff relies on your confirmation that your question has been satisfactorily answered. Please keep us up-to-date with any new information or questions you may have as well. (Staff - please do not close a topic until such confirmation is given, either in a response to your answer, your confirmation of an answer, or otherwise. The exception is if the question belongs elsewhere.) Regarding posting answers: Please do not repeat or confirm answers. Confirmation is when a member quotes an answer thought to be correct and verifies it. Only Q&A staff members are allowed to do so - this rule is in place so that an incorrect answer is not accidentally confirmed! Likewise, please post only if you know the answer. Otherwise, the post only serves to clutter the topic. We want the answers to members' questions to be easy to find in topics. All rules in the Reference Desk apply, especially the rules on respecting other members. When to use the Tracker: The Tracker is in place for all bug reports, technical issues, and general (that is, not subforum-specific) suggestions for BZPower. Remember to mark your ticket accordingly - "Issue" for bugs and technical problems, "Suggestion" for ideas and requests. Please see this post in the Compendium for more information. Official Help Topics: These topics exist to consolidate posts about a given subject. Please use them accordingly: The New Q&A Compendium: A general and exhaustive FAQ for just about every aspect of BZPower. Please search through this first! BZPower Policy Change Reference: This will list recent updates to BZPower and subforum rules and policies. Official Proto Energy Topic: Please post in here if you have any questions about how Proto Energy works on BZPower. Official Pictures Topic: Please post in here if you have any questions about posting images on BZPower. (Blog Q&A: All Blog-related questions go here.) -- Otherwise, there is no revival limit in this forum - but topics will be closed once a member has confirmed that his or her question has been satisfactorily answered. Finally, the Q&A staff members, listed below, are always available to answer questions over PM. Or, you can tweet @BZPowerQA. Please do not hesitate to contact us! Sincerely, -Windrider- Q&A Forum Leader -- Recent Updates: 03/10/2016: Rules condensed and streamlined further. 12/21/2013: Link to BZPower Q&A Twitter feed added. @BZPowerQA
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Games & Trivia Rules Welcome to Games & Trivia! This topic will serve to present the updated rules of this forum. -- This topic's tag will always reflect the date of the latest update. Information on what was updated will always be found in the "Recent Updates" section at the bottom of this post. -- What Belongs in G&T: Games! Not RPGs, though! See below. And yes, trivia is welcome too, including topics dedicated to your BZPower Quizzes. Role-Playing Games: We have three forums for your RPG needs: Bionicle RPG, LEGO RPG, and OTC. Please be aware that each forum has a different approval process for RPGs. If you are planning to start one, be sure to familiarize yourself with the process in the appropriate forum. While RPGs generally involve a storyline determined through players' actions as they take on the role of an original character, "Strategy games" in which players take on a role are allowed here. If you are unsure of the nature of your game, please PM me or a G&T Forum Assistant before posting it. LEGO Games Only!: This forum is meant for LEGO-related games and trivia only: Bionicle, Hero Factory, Ninjago, etc. BZPower-related games (such as "Describe the Sig of the Member above You" or "How Well Known Are You?") belong in COT. Playing a Game: It is the duty of all players to read the host's rules of the game and follow them. Failure to do so will result in intervention by the G&T staff. Be courteous to your fellow players. That is all! General Rules and Guidelines: All BZPower Rules and Guidelines do apply, including no flaming, spamming, or inappropriate content. Hosts can double post. This is intended to help hosts of games such as Hitman and Mafia, as well as is an effort to reduce spam. Players should not double post. -- Official and Useful Topics: BZP Mafia Discussion -- G&T Contest History: G&T Contest #1: It's Not about Your Post Count... || Results! G&T Contest #2: Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows || Results! -- Thank you all for reading. I will leave this topic open in case anyone has a question about these rules that they would like to ask the G&T staff. On behalf of all the BZPower staff, we hope you enjoy your time here! Sincerely, -Windrider- G&T Forum Leader -- Recent Updates: 03/10/2016: Rules streamlined and condensed further. 10/13/2015: Contest history added to this post. 09/03/2014: Hosts are now able to double post.