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After seeing a comment on the BZP Facebook page, I got a great idea concerning Vultraz, and couldn't resist writing it up to see where it goes. So, let's give it a shot! ~Intro~ “Six years! I’ve been stuck here for six years! Experimented on by the Great Beings, guarded day and night by the Makuta, and only just escaped a few weeks ago. I’ve been on the run ever since!” Brutaka just nodded, stroking the edge of his mask. This little red Toa (or, what he knew to be a Toa) had come to him, begging for help. The Toa, who called himself Vultraz, insisted that in his universe, beings of his stature were the Matoran, and the larger, stronger figures were Toa. Brutaka was fully aware of what his Kanohi Olmak was capable of, so he reasoned that Vultraz must be telling the truth. They were sitting in a darkened chamber in Brutaka’s home, away from prying eyes and ears. The gold-and-blue titan leaned forward in his chair. “So, you want me to just open up a portal back to your universe and let you escape, when you might very well be a wanted criminal here in ours? Why should I offer you freedom in place of justice?” Vultraz leaped to his feet. “Because I’m not from here! I was taken prisoner and held against my will. It would be an act of injustice to keep me here a second longer.” He stepped up to Brutaka, their masks just inches apart. “So, get me out of here. Now.” Brutaka leaned back again. “What’s in it for me?” The Shadow Matoran had nothing to offer him in exchange for his services, and no way to threaten someone so powerful. “I don’t know.” He sighed. “I’m desperate here.” The titan quickly got to his feet, startling Vultraz and causing him to step backward. “Very well, then. An adventure, it is, then. Let’s be off.” Vultraz couldn’t hide the look of confusion on his face. “What do you mean?” “I’m coming with you,” Brutaka said as he gathered some items from around the room and stuffed them into his pack. “I have been terribly bored and in need of something to do. A little adventure wouldn’t hurt.” Finally, he lifted his double-bladed weapon from where it hung on the wall, dust falling from its surface as he swung it. “Ready?” Wasn’t expecting this, Vultrax thought. He hadn’t planned on having company, but he figured that having Brutaka along couldn’t hurt. He might even prove useful. “Ready as I can be, I suppose.” A portal opened in midair before the unlikely pair. “Good!” Brutaka exclaimed. “Then, off we go!” And he threw Vultraz through the opening, before following, himself, leaving an empty home behind. Comments and criticism appreciated.
King Vultraz Four Matoran stood gathered around a faded yellow map, creased from many folds over the years. One Matoran, with white and gray armor, held a torch aloft; one, with bright red and yellow armor, held the map. One with blue and red armor carried a burlap sack filled with supplies and had a frying pan strapped to his hip; and the final member of the group was clad in dark red and black armor. “Are you sure that we’re in the right place?” the map holder asked, pointing to their location upon the map once again. “I’m pretty sure we’ve walked past the statue of Turaga Vakama drowning in moldy socks about six times now.” “You’re wrong, Jaller,” said the torch holder. “We’re over here - in the mountain pass. Well, it looks like a mountain pass on the map, at least. It looks more like a giant muaka died than anything.” “Don’t be gross, Mazeka,” the red and black armored Matoran snapped, fiddling with a plastic spoon. “I’m telling you that we’re on the right track - Voltex said this was the right path.” “We don’t even know Voltex, Vultraz!” Mazeka responded. “I don’t care if he said he used to be iBrow, he doesn’t look anything like him!” “Believe what you want,” Vultraz said, “but you decided to come along with me, and I’m in charge. I say we trust Voltex, which means we follow the path that Voltex gave us. Is that understood? Or do I have to leave you behind?” “No,” Mazeka muttered. “I wanna get rich too.” “Then let’s stop squabbling like birds and get a move on,” Vultraz said, continuing down the path. “Come on!” The others hurried forwards, Jaller folding the map up and tucking it into a pouch hanging on his shoulder and Mazeka doing his best to keep the entire group within the light of the torch. He had already made the mistake of allowing Jaller to leave the circle of light once; some sort of spidery creature had very nearly eaten the Ta-Matoran before the others had realized what was going on. “Do birds actually squabble?” asked the fourth member of the party. “I’ve always wondered that.” “Shut up, Takua,” Mazeka said. “You have not, you big fat liar.” As the blue and red Av-Matoran fell silent, Jaller spoke up again: “What exactly are we looking for, Vultraz?” “Bionicle is beginning again,” the Shadow Matoran answered, pulling a sword from its sheath at his waist and examining the blade. “Voltex told me of a mythical Kanohi mask that had been used to foretell it. He also accidentally informed me that whoever wears this Kanohi, whether they be Matoran, Toa, or some other being, shall become a king.” “King of what?” Jaller asked. “I dunno,” Vultraz said, shrugging. “I just thought it sounded cool.” “What if it turns you ugly?” asked Takua. “Takua, I swear to Mata-Nui, if you open your mouth one more time, I’m going to throw you off the next cliff I see,” Mazeka said. “Play nice, Mazeka,” Vultraz ordered. “The chamber of the mask requires four beings to open. We need to keep Takua alive until then.” “And after?” “I might allow you to kill him. Or I might allow him to kill you. How does that sound, Takua?” Takua shrugged, downcast, and Mazeka rolled his eyes irritably. The Ko-Matoran stomped forward, with the intent of “accidentally” leaving Takua behind - but unfortunately for him, he walked right into Vultraz, who had stopped without warning. With a cry, Mazeka fell backwards and dropped the torch; while Jaller and Takua combined managed to catch him, the torch rolled back down the hill they had been climbing, and vanished out of sight into the darkness. “...anyone have a light?” Mazeka whispered. “We don’t need one. We’re here,” Vultraz said from somewhere in front of him. “Come, put your hands on mine - theoretically, that should open the door.” “And if it doesn’t?” Mazeka asked, stepping forward carefully. “Then we shall undoubtedly be eaten by spiders,” Vultraz said, grabbing his hand and pulling it forward. “There - leave it there. Takua, Jaller, hurry up.” “We’re coming,” Jaller huffed. “Calm your horses.” The four Matoran had hardly held their hands against the rock wall in front of them for a moment when there was a blinding flash of green light and they felt the world spin around them. Who enters the Chamber of the Mask? “I do!” Vultraz announced, working on the assumption that the others could hear the voice in their heads as well. “I, Vultraz!” What do you wish to claim? “I wish to claim the great Kanohi mask,” Vultraz said, “and become King!” Ah, but King of what? “This guy is like Takua,” Mazeka muttered. “This conversation is already hopeless.” “Shut up and let him focus,” Jaller hissed. “King of Bionicle!” Vultraz yelled. “That is my title! Vultraz, King of Bionicle!” Then King of Bionicle you shall be, Vultraz. Slowly the world stopped spinning, revealing the surrounding area to be a massive, empty chamber - except for the pedestal in the center, upon which sat a golden mask; the great Kanohi of legend. A soft glow seemed to emanate from the mask, as it floated up into the air and towards the four Matoran. “I don’t like this,” Takua said. “Shut up,” Mazeka said. Reaching out, Vultraz grabbed the great Kanohi mask, wasting no time in shoving it upon his face. For a brief moment his whole being glowed gold; then the great Kanohi fused onto his old mask, giving the impression that Vultraz wore a crown. The Shadow Matoran turned to the others, seeming confused. “How do you feel?” asked Jaller. “Really powerful,” Vultraz said. “You know, like that feeling when you know that if you really wanted to, you could vaporize everyone in the room.” “, we’re not familiar with that feeling,” Mazeka said slowly. “Whatever,” Vultraz said, shrugging and glancing around. “You know, I really thought ultimate power would be more difficult to obtain.” “Technically it was,” Jaller pointed out. “It took you six years, and you had to go through how many dimensions?” “But I only learned about the great Kanohi mask this morning,” Vultraz said. “It took us less than a day to get up here and seize control of the universe. Somebody up there clearly wasn’t watching the security footage of the universe.” “So now what are you gonna do?” asked Jaller. “Who knows?” Vultraz said, shrugging. “I feel like I might go golfing. Or maybe start a zoo… or summon a herd of Guckoo birds to terrorize the village we passed on the way up. They need to learn to fear their new king.” “So that’s it?” Jaller asked. “You’re just going to terrorize the world?” “Basically,” Vultraz said. “at some point I’ll power you guys up so that you can help.” And that was that. The End. Just something I whipped up today. People were comparing the golden mask in the official Bionicle 2015 art to Vultraz's mask and making "King Vultraz" jokes, which culminated in this piece here. Upon viewing the picture I was inspired to toss this little story together; for those of you who read the Vultraz's Diner series, this can be considered canon. It takes place many, many years (or perhaps just one year) after One Last Stop. But none of that is required reading. Anyway don't expect any more of this, I've got my hands full with the Mafia epics and my FTL story.
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Read King Vultraz The Premise After seizing control of a the "Great Kanohi Mask" and becoming a king, we return to Vultraz now. He runs a Diner in Metru-Nui, he's lost his precious Mask, and everything is spiralling downward. This epic will contain "mini-arcs"; every three or so chapters will be tied together by some sort of central concept, but the epic will still contain several over-arching plotlines. The Story (Topic) The Diner C1 - C2 - C3 The Cast TBA So... you can review here! This does not, at the moment, have a steady release schedule planned; I'll post chapters as I write them.
CHAPTER 1 - THE DINER, PART 1 It was an ordinary morning - just like it always is at the beginning of any tale. Seven airships had crash landed in Ga-Metru during the night, destroying half the Metru, while Po-Metru had somehow launched themselves into the sky, and they now hovered several hundred feet above where they had formerly been connected to the rest of the city. Down to the south in BZ-Koro, these events were of no concern to the customers enjoying the typical servings of Vultraz’s Diner, and the staff of said Diner were happily going about their jobs… as happily as they could, anyway; working for Vultraz was always a bit of a chore to all but the most loyal of workers. A red and black Matoran of Shadow meandered through the various tables and booths in the restaurant, a white chef’s hat upon his head, a white apron tied around his waist, and a plastic spoon tucked into his pocket. In his hands were a pen and notepad, upon which he scribbled the comments of his various customers. To those who did not know him personally (everyone that did not work at the diner), this habit made Vultraz seem kind and well-mannered, caring about his customers more than any of the other restaurants within BZ-Koro. That assumption could not be further from the truth. “Um, excuse me, sir?” The Shadow Matoran paused, pen halfway to his pocket; he turned around slowly to face the Le-Matoran that had spoken. “Yes?” “My coffee was stone cold when it arrived,” the Le-Matoran said, gesturing towards the untouched mug that was suspiciously lacking the tell-tale steam that came with actually being hot coffee. “Don’t you have a guarantee that your coffee will arrive so piping hot that drinking it scalds the tongue?” “We don’t have tongues,” Vultraz said. “We’re biomechanical beings. The fact that we even consume food and drinks rather than just absorbing energy in a horribly defined way doesn’t even make sense.” The Le-Matoran blinked, momentarily confused, before reaching into a pocket of the cloak that he had wrapped around his chair and pulling out a small piece of folded paper. He rapidly unfolded it and flattened it upon the table, reviewing an ad for the Diner that clearly stated a personal guarantee from Vultraz himself that the coffee would be so piping hot when served that drinking it would scald the tongue. “If you don’t mind, I would like two things,” the Le-Matoran said after a moment of silence. “And those are?” “The first is a refund,” the Le-Matoran said, standing and throwing on his cloak, pulling out a business card and tucking it into Vultraz’s apron. “The second is your appearance in the Metru-Nui court in two weeks’ time, after I sue you.” “I-you can’t-what?” Vultraz spluttered. Vultraz glared at the Le-Matoran as he turned around briefly to smirk before exiting the Diner, the doors rattling as they were slammed shut. The Shadow Matoran remained where he was standing, mouth slightly open, as everything continued like normal around him. --- Once he regained his sense of reality a few minutes later (after several customers had excused themselves, creeped out by the owner staring at them with a gaping mouth), he immediately launched into detective mode. “Who’s been on coffee this morning?” he demanded as soon as he entered the kitchen. The black and yellow, bug-like face of his personal assistant, a Makuta named Bitil, poked out of the office that they both shared. “Why, is something up?” “A coffee was stone cold and now I’m being sued,” Vultraz fumed. “Who was on coffee?” “Jaller does coffee on Tuesday,” Bitil answered. “He’s on break out back right now. Would you like me to page him?” “No,” Vultraz said, grabbing a wooden baseball bat from its resting place in the corner. “I’ve got this one under control. Get your medical kit ready. You’ll probably have to fix up a few limbs once I’m done… and maybe a mask as well.” “Yes sir.” The Shadow Matoran tossed his hat to the side and threw his apron up onto the hook, hefting the baseball bat onto his shoulder as he made his way through the kitchen, ducking underneath the wooden beam carried by the hulking monstrosity that was Makuta Icarax and shivering as the walk-in freezer doors were opened as he passed by. As he kicked the back door open and stepped into the alley, two of the three Matoran standing outside flinched; the third merely rolled his eyes. The one that had not flinched was a white and grey Ko-Matoran known as Mazeka, and he made no attempt to hide the smoking pipe in his hand that disgusted Vultraz so much. The other two Matoran were, respectively, a red and blue Av-Matoran called Takua, and the Matoran that Vultraz had ventured out here to see - the red and yellow Ta-Matoran known as Jaller. “Which of you was on coffee today?” Vultraz asked. The three Matoran remained silent for a full minute before Jaller finally quietly stammered, “M-me…” “I have half a mind to beat you to death,” Vultraz said, “and the other half just wants to fire you and chain you in the freezer, to see how long you’ll last.” “What was wrong?” Mazeka asked cautiously. “That’s none of your business,” Vultraz snapped. “And get that pipe out of my sight! I explicitly told you that smoking was not allowed here!” He turned back to Jaller, who flinched again and cowered against the wall, letting out a squeaky “what did I do?!” “The coffee was stone cold, and now I’m being sued by some idiot I don’t even know the name of!” Vultraz snarled. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve kinda been underperforming lately! If I have to pay too large a settlement, this place is going under!” “Wait, stone cold?” Jaller asked, seeming confused. “But… it was piping hot when I made it! How could it have gotten cold? I just went on break two minutes ago!” Before Vultraz could speak, Mazeka interrupted, looking sheepish. “Oh… that uh… that might be my fault.” “What?” Vultraz hissed, whirling on the Ko-Matoran. “I-well, I wanted to prank Jaller,” Mazeka said, looking alarmed. “While he was watching over the pancakes I flash froze the coffee in the freezer and then brought it back out. I thought he’d notice that it wasn’t steaming!” “It was steaming though!” Jaller protested. “How would it be steaming?!” Mazeka exclaimed. “That was my fault,” Takua mumbled. The other three Matoran froze, slowly turning to the Matoran of Light, who refused to meet any of their eyes, instead staring at the ground. “What did you do?” Vultraz asked slowly. “I put acid in the coffee,” Takua mumbled. “Turaga Vakama was being rude to me again….” “You’re fired,” Vultraz said, as Mazeka facepalmed behind him. “And I think you really deserve this.” The Shadow Matoran swung the bat and it collided with Takua’s head with a thud, knocking the Av-Matoran into the wall, where he crumpled to the ground, dazed. Pulling the bat back, Vultraz furiously whipped it into the air, and it landed on the roof of the Diner with a clatter. “I cannot believe you three!” he exploded. “Seriously, what in Karzahni possessed you all to be so stupid? Was the whole Mutran debacle not lesson enough that you shouldn’t be messing around at work?! I mean, come on! Attempted murder? Really?” “Yeah, because you’ve totally never tried to kill anyone,” Mazeka said drily. “Shut up!” Vultraz snapped. “Today sucks,” Jaller muttered. “I didn’t even do anything wrong!” “You could have actually noticed that the coffee was frozen!” Vultraz exclaimed. “All three of you are fools!” “You keep playing up the ‘we’re in financial trouble’ card, and yet you employ Makuta and have a Mask of Dimensional Gates in your possession,” Mazeka replied. “Maybe you could, like, sell the mask? Not employ the most powerful species in the universe?” “You know that we shouldn’t even have the mask, and you know why the Makuta were all hired,” Vultraz hissed. “And I swear to Karzahni, if you mention those topics out loud again, I will gut you.” He was cut off from saying more by the sound of the door to the kitchen opening again, and he turned around to see Makuta Bitil, looking extremely worried. “What is it?” Vultraz asked, sighing. “Um, Mr. Makuro is here…” Bitil said, trailing off. “Mr. Makuro?” Mazeka asked. “You mean the owner of Hero School?” Vultraz turned to face him. “Shut you mouth. Jaller, Mazeka, get Takua back inside and wait in my office until I have time to deal with you.” “Mr. Makuro is in the office right now,” Bitil said from behind him. “FINE! They can go to the basement and wait there!” Vultraz yelled, turning back to Bitil as the other Matoran scrambled to do as he had ordered. “Why is he here?” “He says that he hasn’t been pleased with the performance of the Metru-Nui Eatery, something about Radiak being a pain to work with,” Bitil replied. “If you’re willing, he wants to work out a deal with us instead.” Vultraz grinned. “Are you serious?” “Dead serious. Well, not dead, but… you know.” “This might just save us,” Vultraz replied, rubbing his hands together gleefully. “Alright - I’ll go meet with Mr. Makuro. Bitil, the business card of the fartface trying to sue us is in the pocket of my apron - go do a check up on whoever it is, alright? And have Vamprah go downstairs and guard those three bumbling idiots. The last thing I need is one of them messing up something down there….” “Yes, it might be an issue if they activated the Mask of Dimensional Gates,” Bitil mused. “I thought that was in the attic,” Vultraz said. “No, there wasn’t room for the dimensional travel chamber up there,” Bitil explained. “So Mutran had Chirox and I move it to the basement instead.” “Have Vamprah get down there immediately, then,” Vultraz decided. “If they find some way to travel through dimensions or blow up the Diner or whatever, so help me, I shall send them to Karzahni in person.” “Of course, sir. Would you like anything for your meeting?” Vultraz thought for a moment before nodding. “A glass of Dr. Pepper might be nice.” As the Makuta rushed away to fulfill the Shadow Matoran’s commands, Vultraz took a moment to frown at the turnout of the day. He had a sinking feeling that whether his meeting went well with Mr. Makuro or not, this day was just going to get worse. And to top it all off, I lost the one item that could make everything right again, he thought. I should have stayed as king. To Be Continued. Review Topic
I'm starting work on a BIONICLE reboot-style saga focusing on the aftermath of the return of Vultraz to the main dimension, and I need a bit of help getting some facts straight about Annona and the Melding Universe in general. So here they are: 1. Does Annona exist in the Melding alternate universe? 2. Does Annona have telekinetic powers like Toa of Psionics, or are her psionic abilities limited to telepathy? 3. Do any Olmaks exist in the Melding Universe? These questions (Especially the Olmak question) are basically what the whole plausibility of my saga hinges on, so these are slightly important. All thoughts are welcome! -Miras
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At this point you should reconsider your life. Why are you looking for my stories?
What if things happened differently? Vultraz’s Journey ReturnsJail Break, Part 1Chapter 1 – The Punch LineiBrow Comedy Productions The Diner “Alright, what’s on the menu today?” Turaga Vakama asked, tottering into the diner, leaving the glass doors to slam shut with a crash and a rather large crack.“Same as always, duh.” Jaller told the Turaga, pointing up at the menu above his head. The Turaga squinted at the menu.“I think I’ll just have a coffee today.” Turaga Vakama decided.“Awesome.” Jaller said. The Ta-Matoran grabbed the coffee making machine, thrusting a mug underneath it, as coffee poured down.“That’s seven dollars.” Jaller told Turaga Vakama.“SEVEN DOLARS?! THAT’S ROBBERY!”“No, it’s not. You’re paying for two litres.”“Ah... right.” Turaga Vakama shoved his hand into his pocket, feeling around for change. “All I’ve got is $5.50.” Jaller clicked his fingers; an instant later, Vamprah and Gorast lunged out of the shadows, latching on to the protesting Turaga Vakama.“What are you doing?!” he cried. “Where are you taking me?!” Toa Hahli stepped up to the counter, grabbing the mug of scalding coffee out of Jaller’s hand.“Thanks!” she gasped, chugging it down. “ARGH, MY THROAT!”“What do you expect?” Jaller snorted. “It’s burning hot.”“I DEMAND A REFUND!” Toa Hahli screamed into his face. Jaller was sent sprawling by the sound waves, landing on his face on top of the over behind him.“WHY IS THIS EVEN HERE?!” he screamed, running into the kitchens and dunking his head into a vat.His head was promptly lit on fire; the vat was full of grease.“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!” Vultraz lazily held the bathroom door open for the Ta-Matoran, allowing Jaller to rush in to the sinks and begin dousing himself.“What do you need?” he asked Toa Hahli, yawning.“A refund.”“I saw you. You didn’t pay. You think I’m stupid?” he questioned.“A little, yes.” Toa Hahli told him. Vultraz drew his fist back and punched Hahli in the face; an instant later, he was face down on the ground, his hands being cuffed behind him.“What did he do to you, madam?” Toa Hewkii asked.“Don’t speak to me like I’m some innocent old lady!” Toa Hahli snapped, slapping Toa Hewkii across the face. “I’m an officer just like you!”“Fine!” Toa Hewkii muttered, rubbing his bruised cheek. “What did he do to you?!”“He punched me in the face.”“...I honestly doubt that.” Toa Hewkii replied uncomfortably, taking a step back. “Do you, now?” Toa Hahli whispered dangerously, stepping closer to him.“IF YOU DON’T MIND, I’d like to get off the floor!” Vultraz interrupted. “It’s kinda dirty down here, you know. Vezon hasn’t cleaned yet.”Both Toa froze.“You have... Vezon... on cleaning?” Toa Hewkii whispered.“Well, yeah,” Vultraz started. “He fails at doing everything else-” Toa Hewkii interrupted him by grabbing Vultraz by the throat and slamming him into the wall.“That’s it, no warning.” The Toa of stone told him. “You’re under arrest for being completely insane.”“Aw, come on!” Vultraz protested, attempting to wriggle out of Toa Hewkii’s grip. “You’re not being fair!”“I am so.” Toa Hewkii snorted. “You have Vezon on cleaning!”“Alright, so maybe he isn’t the best, but-” Vultraz began, ending as Toa Hewkii threw him into a table.“Ouch!” “All Vezon does is clean with his drool!” Toa Hewkii groaned. “It’s disgusting!”“He’s actually getting better with that.” Vultraz responded. “He actually uses soap now- and if he doesn’t it means he just hasn’t cleaned, period.” “I don’t care.” Toa Hahli said, grabbing Vultraz by the mask. “Now you’re coming with us, because you are going to jail, no questions asked." Later on, in Jail: “Why, hello there!” a voice said enthusiastically, as Vultraz was tossed into his cell. “Imagine you being the one to join me in here!”Vultraz groaned, turning around.“Hello, Kopeke.” He replied.“Hello.” Kopeke grinned. “How’s life?”“Very bad.” Vultraz answered. “And it just got worse, seeing as we’re not even five feet apart, but I’m not allowed to kill you.” “Yeah, I thought you might say that.” Kopeke said casually. “That’s why I’m in here. I went and destroyed the Great Furnace so that I’d be in here, where you couldn’t touch me.”Vultraz turned to the Ko-Matoran, grinning maliciously.“Uh... why are you grinning like that?” Kopeke asked him, edging away.“Because I might not be able to kill you in here...” Vultraz trailed off. “But I can still brutally beat you to a pulp.” Kopeke screamed; the guard outside simply rolled his eyes before returning to his newspaper.“Shut up.” He called into the cell.Vultraz ignored him, as he was busy punching the daylights out of Kopeke. Meanwhile, Back at the Diner: “They simply can’t lock him up for that!” Bitil protested.“You, good sir, are right.” Vezon nodded. “Indeed, if anything, I believe Icarax should go to jail.”“Why me?!” Icarax exclaimed.“Well, you clearly deserve it.” Vezon told him. “After all, you’re the one who recommended me for the job.”“No I’m not!” Icarax exclaimed flabbergasted. “What is he talking about?” Bitil shrugged.“Regardless, we should break him out.”“I don’t really want to, actually.” Jaller replied. “He never treats me with respect.”“That’s because nobody likes you.” Bitil pointed out.“But-”“At least he pays you! Now shut up!” Bitil sighed. “That’s why we’re busting him out. If we don’t, we don’t get paid. And then we starve, and die.”“That sounds boring.” Vezon shook his head. “Let’s go save him.”“Indeed, let’s.” To Be Continued.... Next time on Vultraz’s Journey Returns: I announce my return with the next installment of The Vultraz Trilogy, first chapter re-posted here for your convenience. Expect chapters 2 & 3 within the next few days- they'll be slightly edited. Welcome to the final chapter of The Vultraz Trilogy. Get ready for the final battle with Vultraz's greatest enemy. -ibrow