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I haven't had the free time to cook up a proper entry for BBC Contest #78:The Good 20-20! unfortunately, but out of nostalgia and solidarity I was determined to participate in some way. As a result, I whipped up this quick and simple Matoran build dedicated to BZPower member and fan comic creator Dark709. Early in the history of Bionicle and BZP, as a wee lad and eager fan I happened upon Dark709's comics which introduced me to the fandom. I'd spend years lurking before joining the forum in 2007.
I just recently starting re-reading the comics/books right around when this contest started had some inspiration to create a revamped version of infected Lewa so here's my take. BBC#78 Voting Infected Lewa Revamped Brickshelf Gallery I was a bit limited on pieces as much of my collection is in storage so I made due with what was easily accessible at the time. Might consider updating down the line but pretty happy with how it turned out. Thanks for checking it out and hope you like it enough to vote for it.
BBC #78: Matoro Inika Rebuilt 2.0 MOC Upgrade from 2006 to 2021 Front | Left | Back | Right Six cannisters floating towards Voya Nui contain six Matoran. Each patiently waiting for their destination. However, from above, lightning from a mysterious Red Star strikes them. When they emerge, the will be known as the Toa Inika. Fifteen years later, one of them receives a makeover: Matoro Inika! Comparison Pictures: Kopaka 2015 | Overwatch Bastion | Bastion Turret | Hulkbuster: Ultron Edition Fun Pictures: The Knighting of Matoro | Bring it! | Borrowing from Kopaka & Tahu | Fight Pose | Undefeated Brofist | Deep in thought I enjoyed making my first rebuilt Inika and considered improvements. I used both feedback and some ideas and made it simpler. It should help that Matoro doesn't have too much problems as Jaller. Side note: Linked pictures may be a bit big. I intend to upload smaller versions at a later time. Sorry if pictures look terrible. Thoughts, comments, and suggestions are appreciated. -Tomdroidser