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Ekimu Prime Ekimu Prime: Toa mode by Toa TimeLord, on Flickr "I am creations last stand. Toa Roll out." This is my first time trying to create a Bioformer. So I tried to incorporate the as much Transformer like features as possible. Such as a Matrix a smooth transformation and a weapon that can be stored in vehicle mode.
For the BBC #75 Contest, I teamed up with Admiral Otohp (though new to BZP, he's known in the Bionicle Community as Dödke). Our decided common theme was building a pair of "bioformers", both of which have animal-based altmodes and whose colour schemes contrast each others'. Admiral Otohp: Morak, Judge of War and Peace Morak is the God of War and Peace in the mythos of the northern nomadic tribes. He is seen as both benevolent and malevolent, and the people revere and fear him equally. He is neither cruel nor merciful, but just to a fault. He reigns in the shadows of the night, for shadows see and hear everything. It is said that when conflicts erupt and wars are declared, Morak already knows who will win, who will lose, who will live and who will die. Flickr album for more photos. Pohaturon: Sahtet, Huntress of Life and Death Sahtet is a being deified by the wandering nomadic tribes of the frozen north where she hunts. The Huntress represents life and death - life in that hunters provide the tribe with food for eating and fur for clothes, and death because when she marks a target, it will surely perish. Sahtet's aim is always true, her arrows never miss - but they're never fatal, either. They only wound - Sahtet prefers to deliver the killing blow with tooth and claw in her snow panther form. It is said that Sahtet only hunts during dawn and dusk, as the rising and setting sun's low rays are blindingly reflected by the pristine snow of the northern frozen wastes - only this gleam can hide her golden armor amid the white snow. Flickr album for more photos.
***Metru-Nui Penitentiary*** PRISONER REGISTRATION FORM Visual Identification: (Officer's note: due to shapeshifting abilities, two images are on file) I.D: 22346Name: DarkfangRace: UnknownAffiliation: Dark HuntersDanger level: 7 Confiscated property: Two (2) protosteel swords, can function as wingsOne (1) Yellow Powerless Kanohi Mahiki, badly damaged (Officer's note: bite marks) Physical description: Black/Purple, winged, body covered in spikes, roughly Toa height, Mask styled after Krana (but not actually Krana), Ugly.(Captain's note: please refrain from adding subjective personal observations.)(Captain's note 2: upon seeing the prisoner's mugshot, I've decided to make an exception, disregard previous note.) Known abilities: Shapeshifting (limited to one other form), flight, acid discharge, fangs can shear protosteel. Additional notes: Has a tendency to consume Matoran. This is not a nutritional requirement but is needed to produce acid for offensive purposes. Prisoner objected violently to the confiscation of the damaged Mahiki. Refused to answer questions until item is returned. Interrogation officers report the prisoner repeatedly referring to confiscated item as "chew toy". Convictions: 37 counts of murder, 109 counts of destruction of public property, 21 counts of resisting arrest, 54 counts of vandalism, 4 counts of public indecency Section: Maximum Security - Solitary (Officer's note: recommend returning the Mahiki in order to minimize cell maintenance expenditure)--- Darkfang is my first Bioformer, and was inspired in no small part by Mindwipe. What prompted me to build him was finding that Invasion from Below beast head in a mixed lot of CCBS and Bionicle parts. I'd greatly appreciate any comments you may have! More images: Flickr album
>>>>The Album<<<< A character from Arctic's Comics brought to life as a Bioformer. Personality: Shockingly social. XD Description (May spoil for B:RS readers): A loyal friend to Arctic. Even after death, Sparx has taken attempts to try and revive him. To do so, he used a Transform engine to become a Bioformer and leads the Silver Elite (thus all the silver), a group of Arctic's allies and friends, past, present, and future alike. He is an inventor as he created his weapons. From the image here I can tell you a lot. He's equipped with Lightning Stingers and has Shoulder Tesla Cannons. Additionally he can combine his Stingers and Cannons to form his Shock Swords. He transforms into a Tank, Weapons Platform, and a Shuttle. And before you say anything, please click the link above and look through the gallery.