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BrickCon, and Comic making
Akaku: Master of Flight posted a blog entry in The Blog which may or may not exist.
Sorry lads! Games, School and life has a funny way of distracting one from things... and making one forget there was a certain website he used to frequently go to. Anyways, I don't know if you've heard, but me and Inferna are going to the Brickcon this weekend. Super excited, as I've never been to one before! Would be super awesome if I actually got to meet a bunch of BZPers there, the only ones I've met so far other the Fern' is my good friends Kini Hawkeye and Kagha. I'm not bringing anything this year (since I'm pretty sure its waaaaay too late for that), but I might send in a few of my old creations next year, assuming I'm able to also make it then. So yeah. see you guys there! And in other news, I've been spending the past week planning with Fern, making an old story of mine a few of you may remember into something rock solid that wont die with me not knowing where to take it because I was originally more or less making it up as I went along. The Story in question? Legends of Taladi Nui. Her help is definitely the biggest motivation for finally continuing it, though the idea for me picking it up again recently started with General Zahaki mentioning to me he was going to be starting up his comics soon, and the deal we had that once one of us did, so had to the other. I'm not sure if he's going to take his from DA' to here, but you can expect to probably see my series show in both sites in question (I'm also taking a Graphic novel course, which is turning out pretty cool. I never knew I knew so much about making comics! Super excited ) --Akaku: Master of Flight -
BrickCon: Sign-in Sheet and BZP Art Page!
Akaku: Master of Flight posted a blog entry in The Blog which may or may not exist.
I'm back home, which means I was finally able to upload my pictures from Saturday... Here they are! The Sign-In Sheet! Straight from my Sketchbook. We heard that a Sign-in sheet wasn't able to be made as it usually was, so me and Inferna decided to create one ourselves, and track down some BZPers! For those who cant quite tell who wrote what, heres all the members that put their names on the sheet, along with their messages: Inferna Firesword "I have Returned!" Akaku: Master of Flight "Hello!" GSR "?????" Kakaru ">:C" Cajun Cederak "Wassup!?" Ezorou "AAAAAA" Roa McToa "Build it bigger" Letagi Kayru "rawrawrawrawrawr" Ziontyro Metalhead "First Convention!!!" Based Goomy "#yolo" xccj "Bionicle is Back!!! For now." Correct me if I myself messed up on converting any of that into text format; If I left it blank, that means I wasn't 100% sure what was written... Sorry In other news, another product of the Brickcon: the BZP doodle page! Next year ill bring a more proper sheet and more pencils for people to sketch with, I think Art! Same Art, with Labels of the Artists! the doodles are still in my sketchbook, but the Sign-in Page got torn out so that way more people could sign in on Sunday. if anyone has an updated picture of it, let me know and I'll add it to this entry (If BZP is gonna do a story on the brick con like they used to, does anyone know where I can see if I can get these pictures to the right place for them to be included?) --Akaku: Master of Flight -
The Blogmobile is out of the shop.
Akaku: Master of Flight posted a blog entry in The Blog which may or may not exist.
That's right! Thanks to B6 (and Dimensioneer behind the scenes from the sounds of things) for helping me sort out Premier membership stuffs; Not sure what went wrong there, but im happy that it got all sorted out Anyways, some news; LoTN is back up and running (with four new pages I've made in the last week, three last night! ), and im thinking of taking more requests in the near future. Also, I'm most likely going to be at Brickcon again this year, cant wait to meet everyone again 😄 Have a good one! And most importantly, if you're hopping on for the ride, DO NOT PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON. --Akaku: Master of Flight -
So I figure this needs its own separate entry. Basically, I ran into CzaR about five minutes after I arrived at BrickCon and promptly bought it from him for the BZP discount of $55. Now, this may seem a bit steep, but considering Flintsmith only made four of these (and who knows where the other three are) it's actually a great deal. So, thank you once again Matt! Here's a pic CzaR took of it next to his trans-purple Kaukau, also a Flintsmith custom, which he sold to Razlak at BCon09: And some lovely Tohunga displaying them: -
I am going. (this decision is largely thanks to a certain Rene that some of you may know) I have been wanting to go for years and years and finally I do believe this will be the year (unless something huge inexplicably comes up but shhh don't jinx it). My only problem: it is 260 days, 10 hours, and 29 minutes away, and I don't know if I can make it because I am super excited and nervous already and it's only January. Um so yeah that's all I really have to say here.
[10/8/2012 11:27:24 PM] John 55555: SON [10/8/2012 11:27:29 PM] John 55555: THE BATBOTS [10/8/2012 11:27:30 PM] John 55555: HOW ARE THEY [10/8/2012 11:27:44 PM] Kakaru: I CHECKED ON THEM [10/8/2012 11:27:47 PM] Kakaru: THEY ARE GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:07 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:08 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:10 PM] John 55555: GOOD [10/8/2012 11:28:15 PM] John 55555: SNAZZY [10/8/2012 11:28:25 PM] John 55555: BRICKCON [10/8/2012 11:28:31 PM] John 55555: WAS IT CONVENTIONAL [10/8/2012 11:28:39 PM] Kakaru: OMG NO [10/8/2012 11:29:13 PM] Kakaru: BUT I GUESS IN A TECHNICAL SENSE THERE WAS SORT OF A CONVENTION THING GOING ON IN THE BACKGROUND WHILE WE ALL YELLED AND FLAILED OUR ARMS AND RAN IN CIRCLES [10/8/2012 11:29:54 PM] John 55555: SOUNDS LEGIT
- #arsoairport
- Jogn
(and 1 more)
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>> Went to Brickcon. >> Met Kughii. >> Going to start playing in the RPG again. Will probably be sluggish as usual. >> >> >> I dunno where this entry is going. >> >> >> Also I started to get nasty cold symptoms right as we left Seattle city limits, same as last year. My body understands that Brickcon is too important to get sick and and that's pretty awesome I guess. My sincerest apologies to anyone whom I shook hands with because I didn't see it coming either. :?
- #arsoairport
- arsooo
(and 2 more)
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Jason and the Rileys are awesome. So is Steven. And Micah, (especially) Katie, Conner, Breanne, Norbert, Trisha, Stephanie, Nickolas, and Russel. Jason is especially awesome and i am going to pay for his lunch tomorrow. And especially Riley because he has silk pajamas. -
- #arsoairport
- Brickcon
(and 3 more)
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2012 EDITION Phew, finally kicking this project into gear! First things first: "What are you guys doing?" You look in those pics of BrickFair or BrickFest and see those staffers in them snazzy BZPower staff shirts? Then you see the members wearing their rainbow of a wardrobe, looking all... yanno... normal? (Seriously, guys-- you're Lego fans from BZPower. You're not allowed to look normal.) And then you want to, if you ever go to one of these conventions, have some sort of uniformity to make y'all look all sharp and awesome? The aptly-named BZPower T-shirt Project is intended to address this and more! Imagine walking down the halls of the Tyson's Corner hotels in your lovely BZPower member's t-shirt, getting admiring oohs and ahhs from passerby as they dig your sexy and snazzy member's shirt, catching whiff of your lovely perfume or cologne (perfume and cologne sold separately). You can walk with pride and without a care in the world in your custom-made BZPower member's t-shirt. "Sounds epic. What do the shirts look like?" See, that's the thing. We don't know. We don't even have a design or even know what colour the shirts will be. Why? Because you guys get to design the shirts. Yes, not only will you get to wear the shirts, you will also take pride in a sense of artistic ownership of the designs on the garment. Imagine you walking down the hallway of the hotel again. "Oh, nice shirts!" a cute girl says in that carefree Southern accent. "Where'd ya get them?" "I [helped]* make them," you respond. "Oh, rad!" she says. She may even ask for your number. * added because we trust you will have some degree of decency and humility and not take all the credit. "So, how does this work?" We'll have a few days of spreading the word around, and I encourage you to link to this entry from your signature and blog, if you have one. After this PR period, I will start a contest here in this blog, also posting rules and stuff when we decide on them. Once the contest finishes, we will look at the entries and decide on the one we will use on the T-shirt. Then, voila! They will magically appear and be available at BrickFair this August. "Just BrickFair?" No! They'll also be available at BrickCon this fall, and depending if we have enough interest and a way of getting it done, they'll also be at other conventions in the US. Additionally, any carryovers will be made available at BrickFair AL next year. "I'm staff. Can I have one too, pweese?" Absolutely! You're all members, too. =D "I don't have any plans to go to any of those conventions. How can I still get a shirt?" Depending on your location and your desire to get a shirt, we may (or may not! haha!) be able to ship a shirt to you. =3 Comments, questions, concerns, and such go here. PS: Yes, I know I just blatantly copied and pasted this entry from 2010. Don't judge me.
This was my big 2011 Lego Project; build two large subs based on the old Aquazone themes, Aquanauts and AquaSharks. The yellow Aquanaut sub was originally much longer, but I redesigned it to make it flow better, and thus it shrunk down. Both subs were at BrickFair VA 2011 and BrickCon 2011, and the AquaShark sub won the Best Adaptation Award at BrickFair. They've been sitting in my room for months now, but I finally got around to taking pictures of them. (I'm aslo eyeing them for parts, so in anticipating of scrapping them, I decided to finally take some decent pictures.) I'd appreciate comments and such on them, but so far my experience in this forum doesn't expect those to show up. Oh well. Brickshelf (When Public)Flickr Page
I seem to have lost a small bag of BrickArms containing several purple and blue sci-fi weapons, a camouflaged sniper, and some sort of tan gun (can't remember exactly which, but it was a prototype). I also can't find my Series 2 surfer. I think I've PMed a few of you about this but if I haven't I would appreciate it if you could take a quick look through your stuff, as I think I put in someone else's bag by accident. Thanks. -
Alright, let's get right to it. First off, I didn't travel with my dad this time. Rather, Razlak and his mother were kind enough to take me down with them, so a huge thank-you to them. Razlak's mom picked us up at school at shortly after three or Friday, from where we went straight to Seattle. We arrived over an hour late due to traffic coming out of Vancouver and coming into Seattle. Our ETA had been something like 6:00, but we got there right after the Friday Keynote session had ended. Once we arrived at the convention centre, we quickly set up our stuff, ran into CzaR (who sold me a metallic purple Akaku - a Flintsmith custom - for just $55) and his family, and then ran off to the Rainier Room to see if we could catch the last bit of the keynote session. We got there just as they were opening the doors to let everyone out. After waiting outside the doors to intercept xccj and whoever might be with him, we decide to head back to the centre and try to catch them there. After walking about ten feet Jason (xccj) steps out from a small crowd of people and is all like hey it's the Rileys (since Razlak and I are both named Riley. No relation.). Within that small group we met EW, Kayru, Arenthas/Arkov (currently going as -Kevin-), Swert, kopakanui, and Kayru's friend Stephanie. After much hand-shaking, we decide to head back to the convention centre, where Razlak and I were finally able to pick up our Brickbadges and goody bags (they had been locked up when we first arrived). Then we all went to the Lego Store, where I managed to snag the UCS Imperial Shuttle and Republic Swamp Speeder both at 50% off, as well as a large Pick a Brick cup. The line-up was at least 65 feet long, so it took me like an hour to get through, but luckily Arkov and Kayru were right behind me, so it was actually pretty fun chatting with them. Razlak unfortunately took a little longer than me, so I had to wait an extra 45 minutes. Oh well. We got back to the hotel at about 1:45 in the morning. The next day we arrived at the convention at about 9:00, where we waited and waited for Jason and Rene (EW) to arrive. During the public hours we went out for lunch, reviewed the Skopio set, and had the BZP meet-n-greet, during which Swert, Kayru, and Kraahlix, who was there for the public hours, were in some sort of BS01 interview thing, so they were absent for the BZP group shot. We were none too happy about this, of course, so Rene grabbed an AK-47, Inferna Firesword (also there for the public hours, with her amazing copper bronze Kirop) grabbed a grende, and I grabbed a massive dagger, and we went hunting for them. Rene managed to keep a straight face for most of the time, but Lauren and I were laughing our heads off. We did end up finding and executing them, and shortly after made some tentative arrangements for dinner. I can't really remember what happened then, but we got back from dinner just in time for the awards ceremony. Arkov won a trophy for most unappreciated MOCist and CzaR won for best overall. I can't remember who won for best small or large though. I was the first BZPer to win a door prize, which ended up being one of the smaller Space Police sets. I also caught a shirt that was thrown into the audience by jumping a foot and a half and snatching it out of the air. I then did almost the same thing again with an identical shirt, which Rene stole from me. Jason then won his massive LU thing, which I'll let him reveal, and Kayru won the Adventures of Clutch Powers on DVD, which she didn't want. She had to leave right after the awards ceremony though so I represented her in the Dirty Brickster in an attempt to get rid of the DVD. Sunday was the last day of the con. We got there at about 9:30, just in time for the Wacky Races. I got videos of almost all the entries, so I'll try to upload at least a few. The public hours were a little less eventful than the previous day, but I did get a bunch of awesome videos of BZPers killing each other with Arkov's weapons. The closing ceremonies started at 4:00. I only was able to catch the last bit of them though as I was busy packing up, but I know that Micah managed to win a large Indiana Jones set in the door prize draws. After helping Jason transport his big win to Rene's car, which was a bit of a fiasco (but I hear it did survive the trip), we had a group hug in the middle of the sidewalk which included Rene, Jason, Swert, Razlak, and myself. After rushing back inside to avoid the squadron of police cars that had been called to the scene to apprehend us, we had another group hug including Micah, Connor, Razlak, and myself, wished farewell to whoever else was in the vicinity, and headed back to the car and back up to Vancouver. AND DON'T YOU GO ALL TL;DR ON ME Just some quick shoutouts to people: xccj - It was great hanging out with you again man. I'm so envious of your big win, and I hope you have fun with it. We totally have to have that fight next time we see each other. Hope to see you at BrickFest. EW - Dude, you're awesome. Can't wait to see you at Fest. It was great running around the hall with you and Inferna hunting down those crazy BS01 people. And I don't think I would have preferred to wander through a grocery store looking for water for twenty minutes with anyone else. Razlak - I had a blast traveling with you. Although next time, try to be a little quicker at the Lego Store! Oh, and no Muse next time. Arkov - I think you're probably the most insane person I've ever met. I hope you can make it to the Con next year! Well, you kinda have to, we'll have that collab build to bring! Kayru - I don't think I ever spoke with you online, but it was great getting to know you, and it was fun representing you at the Dirty Brickster. The review was awesome, I can't wait to see it. Hope to see you next year, and make sure to bring your fedora again! kopakanui - My fellow British Columbian! It was great to see you again, and I look forward to being in the VLC with you! If I ever get around to joining, that is. and you totally need to be more active on BZP. CzaR - Man, you're the best vendor BrickCon has ever seen. Thank you so much for the amazing deals you gave us, and I hope you can make it to BrickFest! Congrats on winning that trophy, you deserved it. Swert - It was great meeting you. You totally have to attend again next year! I'll get those videos of you and Arkov and EW killing each other uploaded ASAP! Inferna Firesword - Your bronze Kirop was simply amazing, as was hunting down BS01ers with you and EW! Next year you should really attend the whole convention! Kraahlix - We didn't really talk much, but it was great meeting you! Binkmeister - We totally got that guy to make an announcement telling you your friends were looking for you. Unfortunately you had gone by that time. Come on over the the Bionicle table and say hi next time! -
24 hours ago I was... What was I doing? Packing up my MOCs or something. Now I'm home sick. Timing couldn't have been better. I think it must have been Rene (EW), he was sitting next to me at dinner. Oh, man. BrickCon was so awesome. Especially the people. I don't think I even have to name you guys, you know who you are. I'll get a proper entry up later today or tomorrow, but for now I should really get back to building that UCS Imperial Shuttle. Oh, and congrats once again to Jason (xccj) on winning that amazing... Thing. I think I'll let him tell you what it is. And thanks to Matt (CzaR) for the awesome deals on rare stuff! Pics later. My one regret was that I didn't get pictures of even half the stuff that was there - I only covered Bionicle, Model Team, Space, and Mecha. But I think I at least saw most of the stuff I didn't get pics of. For now I'll just leave you with a few random pics. These will all be of only people, since CzaR already posted pics of all the best MOCs. If anyone objects to having their picture or real first name online just let me know and I shall edit this entry accordingly: xccj and most of Razlak's hair. Waiting in line at the Lego store with Micah (Arenthas, currently known as -Kevin-) and Trisha (Kayru). Trying to stay awake at midnight. Still about thirty feet from even entering the store. I'm the guy off to the side with the hat. Some awesome pictures of Micah. He was in all the good ones. A wild Steve Witt appears! He totally would have gone out for dinner with us on Saturday but you know how those crazy people from Lego can be. I think this is one of my favourites - Micah, Steven (Swert, who has absolutely no sense of humour) and Rene (wearing my hat). Riley (Razlak) photobombing Rene. Micah looking intense, with Jason, Micah's brother, and Steven in the background. The large white blob is Riley's shirt. Riley and Micah photobombing Connor (Kopakanui). And now some from dinner on Saturday night: Trisha (right) and her friend Stephanie, with a massive plate of nachos. Connor with Steven in the background. I think that's Jason's hand off to the right. Jason, with parts of Steven, Riley, and Connor off to the sides. Rene. Me on the way home. This was actually taken while at the border, which took about and hour and a half to get through. And that will be all for now. -
So unless the hotel has interwebs access, or if somebody is kind enough to let me use their laptop, this will be my last entry until Monday. But I guess you already knew that. -
'Till the Lego store visit. Actually about 26, but whatever. And less then 20 until I arrive at the convention. I'll see you folks tomorrow. -
It's in like, nine days or something. Woah. -
SEND MOCS TO BRICKCON OR BETTER YET GO TO BRICKCON WE CURRENTLY HAVE A PITIFULLY SMALL DISPLAY AS SEEN ON THIS PAGE (about a third of the way down.) So, send in everything you've got! We don't care if you think it's no good, send it in anyways! More information on this page. List of people going so far: xccj EW CzaR kopakanui Swert Kraahlix e=mc^2 Inferna Firesword Fluffy Skirmix (maybe?) Codrex_Builder The Big Razlak Letagi *** Oh, and can you believe it? Today's the fortieth anniversary of Jimi Hendrix's death. -
So I don't feel like writing a big long review of the Con so I'll just say it was awesome. There, I'm done. I should probably also say that it was the best convention I've been to so far. Oh, and I won the three chrome Star Wars minifigs. Yay! Also PEOPLE MEETING. I got to see a bunch of people for the first time in a year or six months and got to meet Alsru, HH, Tufi, and Arkov for the first time. -
So since I'm not going to be on much if at all until Monday I guess I'll say this now: For all you peeps going to BrickCon, don't be too shy to come up to the BZPers and introduce yourselves. We don't bite too much (except for Cajun) so just come on up and say hi. 'Mkay? So yeah. Awesomeness will happen in about 18 hours. -
Is in approximately two weeks and a few days. BE THERE. Those BZPers who will be attending or may be attending are: Tufi Piyufi Cajun Roa McToa Xccj Hahli Husky Alsru Toa of Honor Arpy CzaR Letagi Razlak1 kopakanui? Binkmeister? Steve Witt will also be there who has an extremely high level of inarguable awesomeness. Tormod Askildsen from Lego Community Develpment will also be there so prepare for an hour-long speech full of awesomeness and fascinatingityness. -
Time to BrickCon (or rather when I'll get there): forty-seven hours, fourteen minutes, forty-five seconds as of this typing. As you can see, I'm rather looking forward to that time. I'll be packing tonight probably, then I'll have just a few more classes to not look forward to and then AWESOME. -
I'm all registered and stuff. Are you? -
Please don't feed the hungry Rahi. -
I got an email from Steve Witt! It's a little survey-type thing. I think I'll go reply now. -