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RG in band camp-2016- probably last entry this year
Rahkshi Guurahk posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1873
So as I said in the title-this is probably my last blog entry for a while, either until July or I get premier. So today we got the ballad on field, so we've got two movements of the show on field. Woohoo! See you all later. -
So today was our first full day of band camp- albeit with a bit of schedule refinement from previous years- We start at 9 (Yeeeeeeeeeees more sleep) Stop at 12 Come back at 3 for sectionals, leave at 4:45ish. And finally a block from 6:00-9:30. Plus there was our usual going out for food and such during breaks, and I had Clarinet lessons during lunch. That all was fun. =D
Band Camp 2016 day 5: Yay we have drill on the field now!
Rahkshi Guurahk posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1873
So as I said in the title, we now have some of our drill on the field. And we got ice pops when we came inside, that was a nice surpise before we started playing our music. (Plus a 20 minute break to eat them. :3) Plus we now have played music for the Opener, Ballad, and Closer. =D And my drill number is C8, therefore the 8est num8er. =P (Other than 13, and followed by 42, 7, and 76.) EDIT: Also I apparently can't type. =P -
So today went well, and we got a lot more done than previous days, as we've gone over with the freshmen how the coordinate system works, got a diagram with the first two sets, and also got to know each other a bit better.
So today was good too, even if I don't really have much to comment on.
So today also went well, we went over both the opener and ballad. Also I hate it when we're forced to do excersizes led by the percussion, as that is almost literal torture how much work that is.
So today (well, today when I'm writing this,) was the first day of band camp. Was fun, I got to meet the freshmen, we had more than last year. Plus no one threw up at all today, which was surprising. Plus I sold a trombone today, and am taking my A Clarinet in for repairs later today.
So, this will be my final year of band camp. I'm writing days 1 & 2 in advance, and will post the drafts when I'm able to. So yeah, I'm predicting this is going to go well, even if we only got the music today. (and it was promised to be ready over a week ago. =P)
So today was the ending of the first day of band camp. I JUST MIGHT get to finally have a day 6 entry, if it isn't possibly bai, unless I make a weekend entry. So we started random wearing of things week today because will will wear our band tshirts hopefully next friday. So the section costumes/stuff/clothes/whateveryouwannacallit were: Picc/Flutes- superheroes Clarinets- Clarinet Mafia Alto Saxes- "cool" (as in Prez(Tenor Saxophonist Lester Young)-made slang, not cold) also long socks for whatever reason. Tenor Saxes- as above Trumpets- "nerdy looking" Mellophones- Mello Yello Trombones- spooky scary skeletons who send shivers down your soul wearing skin for all but two. Baritones/Euphoniums -their section leader was sick. Sousaphones-I don't even know.
So for today of bandcamp, we got (most) of our drill for the opener, and also were told that we are being told tomorrow what to do about going to watch a DCI competitition near us, DCI North Alabama, as a number of us bought tickets through our band director. So if any of you reading this are going, hai. And Zox before you say I contradicted myself, I never said how long of a drive.
So today was less eventful, with marching in a competition with ourselves, me breaking a lyre, and 11th grade orientation and schedule getting. Still fun though.
Yay RGBlog is back with a bang, with me having been at a Doctor Who Convention this weekend woth a few other peole I know there too. So in band camp today, I learned that having a dairy product in breakfast before marching is a horrible idea, as I was one of 11 people who threw up, other than that was pretty good, with the usual meeting people again and tons of iinjokes,(especially me being in every section, so I have MOAR injokes.) , fun, and marching all at once.
So the first day of band camp was good, new director was good. So I have a choice in Tenor Saxes: A newish Yamaha YTS-52, OR A 1925 Buescher True Tone that needs a bit.