I had no scanner, these photos were taken with my phone. All of them, yay! Macku, for those who can't tell that it's a blu chick. Kopeke, for those who can't hear him saying "My name is Kopeke". Taipu & Hafu, Taifu & Hapu, Haifu & Tafu, for those who don't know who is who, like me. Takua, for those who are too blinded by the light to see that he's blue, red and yellow. Kapura, for those who is scrolling down this page too fast to see who it is. Tamaru, for those who can't read Matoran. Made these yesterday after I've thought about how awesome all these guys were, I also accidentally started shipping Taipu and Hafu when researching all the characters. I'm so sorry, BZP. I like these designs, but I'm not too sure about my skills in general, constructive feedback would be appreciated. On my tumblr, if you want to reblog it.