In the barren, snowy wastelands, a group of hopeless Pyromancers march on a lonely tower... 12345678910111213Folder (when public)I love snow. I also love castles. But something I don't love is when there aRE UNINTENTIONAL CRACKS IN MY MOCS WHERE THE BRICKS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FULLY CONNECTED BUT THOSE CRACKS ARE STILL THERE ARRRGHFADFDAFS-...sorry...So, that being said, I present to you one of my older Castle MOCs, in which a bunch of Pyromancers and [much cooler] Cyromancers fight. There are two figs you can't really see in any of the pics I have - there's one who's 'frozen' in the 'block of ice' which is being 'shot out of' the old dude's hand (metaphorically, of course ), and another dude who's in the first floor of the tower, injured. Also, the pic of the archer (this one) is just what's inside the bartizan - that circular turret/tower thingy jutting off of the side of the tower. I'll be posting a topic relatively soon on how to build one of those (the bartizan, not the archer).