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Photos on Instagram I've honestly not purchased a lot of Friends sets in recent years. First I started collecting from the theme because of the new pastel colors, but the novelty kinda wore off after a while (and I started focusing on the Elves theme instead) so I haven't picked up any. But this set had a few fun pieces that I was interested to get. And besides, I've always been tempted by submarine sets. The figs are... honestly I don't care, which is kinda unusual for me. The designs and hair pieces are nice but I have no real need for the minidolls. (I hear this is a scene directly from the show though, and the other character is actually an antagonist, so that's cool.) Indeed, the bigger drawl was the wildlife. The adult dolphin isn't new but I love the mold so I can appreciate another one. The baby dolphin is a great addition too, and actually has better connection anti-studs, so more versatile. Plus, the pack of coral-colored sea life is great, with fish, clams, seahorses, starfish, and an octopus; these are super fun and I can't wait to find a way to incorporate them into a MOC. If we're also looking at new molds, the teal seaweed / coral elements also greatly interests me. The plethora of pins and attachments is inspiring me to have fun with these somehow. I am a bit disappointed that they are very much unsymmetrical, but that just adds further challenges to using them in builds. And the angles are quite fun to experiment with. You get three pieces in this set, which is a nice start, but I'm thinking I'll need a lot more to really come up with something crazy. (And I've apparently angered a lot of folks in LUGBulk by making these my part choice. Hehehe.) The first big build is the submarine, which is well rounded and compact. It's not a super intricate build by any standards, but the rounded doors in the back and the bubble window are positioned quite well, and the setup inside to seat the minidoll works quite well. It's a bit of a junorized built but it works well. My biggest gripe is that the arms on the front are too short to really be useful. (I'm sorry, I'm nostalgic for the Aquazone subs and their lanky arms.) The two mini-builds that you build before the sub, on the other hand, are forgettable. The landscape piece is very simple (and I guess it has a cloth that reveals a treasure map when it gets wet... I didn't really deal with that element.). The underwater scooter also positions the propeller right beneath the diver's belly, which seems unsafe. The best part of the build was the sunken ship wreckage. It was kinda fun building a mini pirate ship and then covering it with sealife. The stern of the ship has a neat technique that angles it upward pretty nicely, but the bow's angled attempt is a much weaker connection that is prone to breaking whenever the model gets moved. There are a few hiding spots for fish and the baby dolphin built around the ship, and the mast has an action feature where it can fall down and pin the dolphin, which necessitates the need for the sub to swing by and help them out. It's also not a super complex design, but it really does a great job at setting the undersea location. Very well done. For $39.99 USD, only 363 seems a little low, but the coral, dolphins, and sea life elements bring up the value. It's also the second cheapest set for the teal coral and baby dolphin, the cheapest set for the coral colored sea life elements, but it has them all in one set. Plus, the sub and sunken ship are fun designs and add a lot of play value. Yeah, it won't win set of the year, but it's a modestly priced set that does a great job at bringing out the Friends underwater adventure. And it's been a while since a Friends set caught my eye, so I'd say it's worth it. (Granted, I bought it nearly six months ago but only recently put it together, so I guess I wasn't that hard pressed for the pieces.)
Shared through the LEGO Ambassador Network:
And now it's over. Great friends. Great times. More details later. -CF
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What a fantastic time! I miss you all. I love you all.* I say that ever year. But hey, there was merriment, there was fun, there was friendship, there was building, there was a bit of everything. I will definitely remember this year fondly like I do every year. And boy did I had a good time with everyone! Granted, I didn't get enough time with everyone, and I like to take my "everyone" in separate chunks, but putting everyone together in the same place really makes BrickFair feel like a LEGO Christmas. It's those moments that really make it special, even if it's 2 AM in a giant hotel room with a cool drink in hand. BrickFair highlights for me include my SHIP being nominated for two Brickees (though I didn't win), meeting set designer Marcos Bessa who made a ton of superhero sets like the Milano (and even took a picture holding it on the set of the actual ship) and is a big X-Men fan, seeing the LEGO Brickumentary for free (everyone should see it), and getting lots of good deals and free swag (bubble helmets!). I also walked around with a huge BrickBadge, as usual. This was my 11th year going to a LEGO convention, and my 12th convention under my belt. (And I might get to BrickFair NJ this October, making a third for this year.) My BrickBadge looked something like this all weekend: It's actually a great conversation starter! People always say "you've been doing this for a while!" or something, and then a few other bricks point out themes I'm active in that they should definitely check out. This year I made a tiny Pharaoh's Labyrinth vignette which I think really adds to the pizzazz. We should really just make this thing two weeks long. We could actually plan movie nights that don't start at midnight, take plenty of photos, build to our hearts' content, visit DC, sleep in, and tell each other our deepest darkest LEGO secrets. Until next time, play well! -CF *BrickFair theme tehe.jpg
Is it bad that I think the LEGO Elves are a lot cuter and more interesting as mini-dolls than they would ever have been as classic minifigs? It seems like for a lot of people, the classic minifigure is sacred and untouchable. I disagree. It has some real, meaningful disadvantages. Mini-dolls aren't perfect either, but there's nothing wrong with sometimes or always preferring its advantages (more realistic faces and proportions, less blocky body shape, more detailed outfits) over those of the minifigure. And it bugs me to no end to hear mini-dolls described as anorexic, because it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. To have minifigure-like body proportions, an average 20– to 29-year-old man in the United States (69.5 inches tall) would need an eighty-inch waistline, and an average adult woman in that age range (64 inches tall) would need a 73-inch waistline. Either way, that's twice the size of a waistline that would put you at high risk for obesity-related diseases. (Source: By contrast, people those heights with mini-doll proportions would have healthy 34.5-inch (male) and 32-inch (female) waistlines. Arguably if the minifigure and mini-doll didn't both have such exaggeratedly large heads (probably the most exaggerated feature of both figures), then both figures' waists would be even larger relative to their heights. And yet you don't see anybody complaining that minifigures and mini-dolls alike promote an unhealthy or unrealistic head size...
So I came across a Friends set and went "oh wowowowowow look at the pretty pieces," and thus decided to purchase it. HOWEVER, it appears that it is not currently available in the US or Canada - only the EU. Does anyone know if 41098-1: Emma's Tourist Kiosk will become available in the US, or is it an EU exclusive? Also, is this the case with other Friends sets? E: I haven't posted on BZP in ages, so if this is the wrong locale please move this topic gently.
I keep hearing the Bionicle is a "niche" theme, meaning that it has a group of people (i.e. kids) who like it, and that group is big enough for Lego to keep producing it...but not enough to warrant large expenditures like TV shows. (As opposed to, say, Ninjago/Chima "the smash hits", or the "evergreen" themes) My question is where the "girly" marketed themes fall on this categorization. I lean toward Friends as a "evergreen" theme, and possibly Disney princess as "niche", but I'd like to hear what all of you think on the subject. Elves feels harder to pin down as it's brand new, but where do you think it will go?
- 25 replies
Everybody loves clowns, right? So I've picked up some parts a couple of weeks ago and made the tiny orange clown, later dubbed Mr. Giggles. I've had a lot of people tell me he turned out really creepy, so I decided to make an intentionally scary looking counterpart, a sort of a Jekyll/Hyde thing. Note the size difference in the group shot. The result is what you see here. I'm not entirely satisfied with the monstrous version, mostly because I no wish I had integrated more color into it, I went a bit overzealous with the black, under the influence of a recent Alien quadrilogy marathon. I also think the first one is still more scary :v Anyway, thanks for taking a look! Any comments and feedback you might have would be greatly appreciated.
The Bricks Cascade LEGO convention took place this weekend in Portland, Oregon. After hearing from friends how it's worth visiting, this year I was able to see for myself! At about 200 AFOL attendees, it was a little small for what I was used to. But that meant a much higher chance of snagging deals, getting into some games and taking home some freebies. On Friday I played the Mixels Mix Up, where players combined two Mixels sets into something else (using all the pieces). I got third place in the judging (and more free sets)! And then on Saturday I got second place in the one-handed speed build with a City set! (No prize.) And since everyone was guaranteed to win a big set, I won the latest iteration of the Mos Eisley Cantina set! There were a few other perks due to support LEGO has started contributing to conventions. There were plenty of cool MOCs on display (pictures coming soon to the front page), some big, some small, and something that stood out in every theme. Keep in mind the con was "tiny" by my usual standards, but MOCs were still impressive both for the attendees and the public. Speaking of the public, Micah tipped me off that local Marvel Comics scribe Matt Fraction was visiting on Saturday. Due to my wishful thinking (wishful hoping) that he would, I wore my Hawkeye #3 "Because boomerangs" t-shirt, met him and had him sign it! (Majhost is down, so no pictures.) He immediately recognized the shirt to which I said it was my favorite issue. It was really cool meeting him since I missed out at New York Comic Con. For me, the main attraction has become less on MOCs and sales and more on hanging out with friends! Getting to the West Coast has different advantages than the East Coast, so I was able to see some friends I haven't seen in years, and some friends I haven't seen in months. Other members also attended, so making new friends was just another perk. You know who you all are. It was great to be able to spend time with everyone, and I think I divided my time appropriately (and hanging out as a group was great too). I also made sure I took some time to hike the famed great outdoors of Oregon. On Monday xccj and I hiked Eagle Creek and then stopped by Multnomah Falls. Due to the weekend's rain, all the waterfalls along the Eagle Creek trail were at full blast and made for some amazing scenery. Absolutely beautiful. It was great to be able to go hiking and get some fresh air, something I hadn't done in way too long. And now, another fun event has come and gone. I wholeheartedly recommend seeing if there is a LEGO convention or similar event in your area (even if going is a committed day trip) for any country. BZPower aims to have a large presence at many of the US-based conventions, discussed in our Event forum along with the goal to display your MOCs! My next big event will be BrickFair VA in August, but I plan on building some more between now and then. Events like this rejuvenate my inspiration to build something different and, if I really want to aim towards some awards, big and unique. Until then, leg godt! -CF
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So all Matoran, after the Great Sprit robot's demise have evacuated to SM. That would logically include all of the Matoran on the island of Artahka, correct? What do you think they will do? Will they try to keep to themselves, as they were in the MU, and possibly branch out into their own little village? Will some of them try to find Artahka, seeing that he's missing? Or will they try to integrate themselves back into Matoran society? What do you think?
So as the topic title says. Who is your best friend here on bzp? As for me, its Zeene. Because he is a really imaginative and awesome dude.
This is a topic to share your thoughts on LEGO Friends. I'm personally very interested in these sets from both a sociological perspective and a design perspective, though I don't collect them myself. I sure am tempted by some of the amazing designs, though!High-res pics of the summer sets were posted to recently. Here are some links!41005 Heartlake High [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt4[*]alt541006 Downtown Bakery [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt441009 Andrea's Bedroom [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt4[*]alt541010 Olivia's Beach Buggy [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt441013 Emma's Sports Car [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt441015 Dolphin Cruiser [*]alt1[*]alt2[*]alt3[*]alt4Older LEGO Friends sets can be seen on Brickset.Which of these sets is your favorite? What other settings and subject matter would you like to see in LEGO Friends? Share your thoughts!
If I call you by your username, it means I love you. Or I don't like your real name. Or your username is cooler. Or easier to say. Or I might call you by your real name too. Like if I've known you for a while. Or just feel like saying it for a change. Or I know you prefer me doing so. But sometimes I just don't care. To me, a username transcends a person's identity. It becomes them. To me, I am ChocolateFrogs, a person, not someone named after a Harry Potter candy, but the term has changed meaning to be my name. Other names-- Sisen, Disky, Nukaya, Arpy-- are just as unique as a name given at birth, but instead is also one chosen by the bearer to be them. I know some people don't like being called their username in public, which is totally fine, but it doesn't change that it is part of their identity now. Of course, that's just my personal view. Maybe you look at me and think I'm crazy for choosing a name after the Harry Potter-verse. Maybe you would much prefer to call people by their real name, because it is perfect and also them. But when I'm out having fun, I have fun with your names too. And that is something we all share. -CF
How do you use the "Friends" system on BZPower? Do you just "befriend" any ol' member, or limit the list to people you actually talk to?Edit: I should probably say how I use it.When I first started out on the site, I "befriended" a member I didn't really know, but then started to consider it to be for people you talk to. When people put me down as a friend, I would send them a message, asking them why the wanted to be my friend, attempting to do it in a non-confrontational way.This didn't always work (sorry christo1096).I've now stopped doing that, and just allow anyone to "befriend" me.
So now that the dust is settling and I’m back into the swing of things at home and work, I feel ready to detail the great adventure I had at the beginning of this month. DeeVee teased the trip and left a beautiful photo over in his blog, but only here will you find the full details (ha ha, just kidding; we will never ever disclose the full details of that week's beautiful depravity on BZPower ). 'Twas an adventure that spanned an entire continent, in which I set foot in six different states, one congressional district, and one foreign country. I got around that week. I'll be using BZPower usernames for people who are BZPower members in this, since this is BZ and all. Leg 1: On the Origin of Parties In truth, it began the twenty-ninth of December, when Lehvaklah bused on down to DC from the New York City area and I picked her up at the closest Metro stop. Of course, this was nothing out of the ordinary, seeing as she and I hang out all the time (it’s pretty much a bi-weekly affair: she comes down, spends a few days, eats all my food; I go up there, spend a few days, drink all her scotch – repeat process ad infinitum); the meat of the journey’s hearty, seven-course meal began the next day, after work, when Lehvaklah and I mounted my trusty steed (car) and took a ride through the Danger Zone (Capital Beltway and I-95, with an unplanned detour through downtown Baltimore) to a raucous bacchanalian resort (Black Six’s house). It was there we spend the next two evenings enraptured in an endless stream of partying. We gave hugs to Black Six and exchanged belated Federal Holiday gifts – he bequeathed upon me a remastered, 180-gram vinyl release of Paul McCartney’s eponymous debut (which we enjoyed immediately); I offered him a t-shirt, a book, and a bottle of champagne. Also present, and joining the hugging, were AJ, Noel, and Shaun, three more excellent friends. The six of us enjoyed a weekend-long New Year’s celebration, full of great music, great laughter, and terrible movies. We made fun of the fools on our television screen and then made fools of ourselves in Fake Video Game Band Game 3. Special shout-out to AJ, with whom I unleashed the Kraken. All in all, a fantastic time at Black Six’s Second Annual New Year’s Eve Bash. Leg 1 Round-Up Friends Fistbumped: Lehvaklah, Black Six, AJ, Noel, Shaun (5, total 5) States/Provinces/Districts Visited: Virginia, Maryland (2, total 2) Terrible Movies Watched: Con Air, “Spock’s Brain,” Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (3, 3 total) “Your Mom” Jokes Told: At least 300 Leg 2: Go West, Young Man Lehvaklah and I awoke the morning of January first in a daze and peeled ourselves from the floor where we slept amid the scattered refuse of the days-long party (discarded cups, cookie crumbs, spilled tequila, et cetera). After requisite goodbyes to our compatriots and a final middle finger to our host, we disembarked once more, in the same steed but the opposite direction. Guided by the lilting voice of Ray Davies on the stereo, we schlepped on back home in record time and took a hefty nap in my ancient bed. Several hours later, a knock on the door announced the arrival of my old buddy Christian – our ride to the airport. Yes, my friends: our journey was far from over…it had barely begun. Still exhausted, we hoisted our luggage into Christian’s trunk and he sped down the Fairfax County Parkway and deposited us at the Franconia/Springfield Metro Station. After profuse thanks, Lehvaklah and I hopped onto the blue line and stumbled into National Airport after a few stops. We endured the hassle of modern Airport Security, the inconvenience of overpriced lunch, and the excruciating wait and feeling of dread present at a place labeled “terminal” in order that we could face my greatest fear: flight. It’d be more appropriate to call it my only fear, really. There are things that I dislike (misogyny, dogs, and mayonnaise, for instance) and there are things that discomfort me (claustrophobic spaces, churches, Republicans), but flying is the only thing I’m truly, truly afraid of. It’s neither the heights nor speed of the experience that frighten me, nor any fear of crashing, but rather the existentially terrifying state it represents. With literally nothing below you but empty air, you’ve nothing solid to grasp to; you’re completely disconnected from all semblance of control. For the duration of the flight, your fate is totally removed from your own hands and now choices you can make can alter it, unless you’re choosing a definite death. That just makes me sick with fright. Luckily, I powered through thanks to Lehvaklah’s soothing presence and liberal application of calming George Harrison songs. We sped through many hours, four timezones, and a layover in Phoenix to arrive at our destination, the fabled Portland, Oregon. Nukaya and DeeVee picked us up just outside PDX airport and we were plunged immediately into the raucous laughter and good feelings that their company provides. The duo led us on a late-night semi-tour of Portland, which provided enough of a tease that I’m now driven to visit again in the future, as soon as I am able. A special highlight was the bulk grocery, where we bought one-hundred fortune cookies for six dollars. Score. Lehvaklah and I shared our first adequate slumber in days on a large air mattress provided by Nukaya and her family (who seemed like all-around cool folks to me), then arose far too early the following morning alongside DeeVee and Nukaya and winged our way to the Greyhound station. We all managed to grab a little more sleep while on the bus (though definitely not during our transfer in Seattle, which was the grungiest and sketchiest bus stop I’ve ever been to, about fifty times worse than Newark, New Jersey’s), but had much more fun when we were so loudly cavorting that the driver specifically had to order us to settle down. Yeah, we were those guys. No regrets! We almost were delayed by the fact that our bus blew a tire, but instead of having it replaced, the bus driver kept on trucking like a boss. Throughout the duration of the trip, I stayed in touch with a certain Tufi Piyufi we all know and love, letting her know updates on our transit progress. For you see, our next stop, and the ultimate destination of this most epic journey…was the mystical land of Canada. But to hear that tale, the longest and most fantastic portion of this journey, you will have to wait for the next installment later this week! Leg 2 Round-Up Friends Fistbumped: Christian, DeeVee, Nukaya (3, total 8) States/Provinces/Districts Visited: Arizona, Oregon, Washington State (3, total 5) Number of Plays of “All Things Must Pass”: 17 Amount Spent on Bulk Groceries: $21.00
So, what's your opinion on the various girl-oriented sets released over the years? Paradisa, Clikits, Belville, and the new line, Lego Friends?Is there anything you would really like to see in a "girls' line" (Boys, this includes you, too- perhaps there's a specific part you would like in a colour that tends to be used only in products aimed at girls?)I for one would really like to see a story-driven constraction line (buildable figures) aimed at girls, with a more streamlined, feminine design than Bionicle or Hero Factory. I think it has the potential to include a wide range of styles and colour schemes.
1. She has never steered me wrong 2. She is the best 3. She is also the best admin 4. She is sitting right here in the room with me and we have been having dope times all week 5. She is a true friend, like wow Shout-outs to Makaru, Nukaya, DeeVee, and the exceptional LehvakLah who are also right here in this room too!! I love you allllllllll <3
ASK VEZON! and friends... Episode one: No questions.In a distant land, far away, sits a planet, Spherus Magna, on this planet live the inhabitants of the Bionicle universe, one of them is walking through a city, making his way towards a building. The Being wears a cloak, his armor shines with light, and his footsteps echo throughout the street, regardless of the noise. This person enters the building, and is greeted by a receptionist, as the Being nods, he enters an elevator, and pushes one button. The elevator goes up, and then opens to reveal a stage, one closed by large red curtains, as the Being walks out, the elevator doors behind him shut, and the Being speaks with a few other people. After their conversation, the being sighs, adjusts his cloak, and then steps out onto the stage, and is once again greeted, but this time by a crowd...Later...A small Blue Matoran helps her boss back behind the curtain, her name is Dalu, and she pulls him into a seat, and starts to speak to him, "what did you do this time? Throw a tomato back at them?" She asks, the Being looks up, and sighs, looking at his assistant, "no, I tried to calm them down, but they only got angrier, and threw more things at me, I think someone pitched a gold watch at me." The being known as Vezon holds up a small golden watch, which Dalu snatches from him. "We need to work on your personality; you can't be insulting the audience when they don't applaud!" Dalu shouted, even though she was only Vezon's assistant, she could still yell at him, and she seemed to be more like his caretaker.Vezon shook his head, "I can't help it, and you know that's not the only thing I do wrong, maybe it's my humor that throws them off. Oh well, I said that I would be back on after the commercial, maybe you and Fenrak can help me out a bit, I can't answer to questions and do the interviews all by myself!" Vezon said, looking around at the set, he was surprised that he could pay for all of this, but he didn't really care as long as it was there. Vezon stood, and walked into a room, Dalu behind him.A Large chair and mirror sat at the end of the basket-ball court sized room, the chair sprouted four legs, and something massive got out of it. The large monstrosity slowly walked toward them, and half of its face came into the light of the room. "What do you seek?" A deep voice said, obviously from the beast in front of them.Vezon stepped up, "I seek... Dessert," Vezon said, and Fenrak shook his head, "I can eat you, right now, and then continue on the show without you." Fenrak came out into the light, making Vezon and Dalu back up. "No, you can't do that, we have a contract that says you can't eat me, or any of the crew. And a few other things, like eating anything here excluding food, or eating the outside of the building." Vezon held up a piece of paper, filled with words. Fenrak growled, "Why I signed that, I will never know, but a little piece of paper can't stop me from eating everyone and everything here." Vezon slipped out of the room, along with Dalu, Fenrak was pretty intimidating.Dalu grabbed the paper from Vezon, "everything on here is eating related, it's like he is food depraved or something, when was the last time you fed him?" she asked, looking up from the paper, Vezon thought back, but was stopped when Dalu spoke again, "obviously it's been a while," she said, handing him the paper back. "Actually, I was only trying to remember, it could have been yesterday, or three hours ago." Vezon stuffed the paper back in between his armor, and Dalu scowled at him, "okay, maybe it was more than a few days ago... but he hasn't killed anyone yet!" Dalu just shook her head, and the two continued on through the building, probably searching for another co-host.CUT! We got 698 words here people, good job!--So this is returning from the grave. I'll get chapters up every day until I can start writing them again. Also, send in questions, ye landlubbers, they're the beating heart of the comedy! -Skar
- 20 replies
Ok, this short (or long ) story needs a little explanation. I do not follow canon very closely, particularly with regards to BIONICLE anatomy. I have them about 60% biological (blood, organs, muscles, even hair) and 40% mechanical. They also have familial relationships, children and females and males in all villages. Sorry to anyone who doesn't like it that way, but I think it makes it more fun. This story is rated PG, because of mild romance between Kongu and Sashaya. Chroniclers' Spirit: Takua and Hahli The young girl picked one last cowrie shell out of the white sand, placed it in her pack, and headed for the surface of the sea. She climbed onto a floating platform formed by a living niipa plant, and shook herself dry. A nineteen-year-old native of Ga-koro, she wore a translucent blue Mask of Water Breathing over her face, and plain, undyed clothes under her armor. Her golden-brown hair was neatly braided and her eyes looked by turns green or blue, or a mix of both. “Hahli!” a sweet, clear voice called. “Oh, Haaaaaahliiii!” The teenager smiled to herself, recognizing her cousin’s voice. Then, she heard another familiar voice and her smile vanished. Kongu had come, too. Suppressing a sigh, she reluctantly walked towards the sound. “There you are!” Sashaya, her cousin, cried. Her face was shining with happiness, a look that all but broke Hahli’s heart. “We quicksped to bring you some fresh fruit, now that Kal darktime is pastgone.” Kongu added, holding an enormous basket loaded with the produce of Le-koro, “And Sashaya has some talenews for you, and mother.” “What news?” Hahli asked, understanding only the general idea of Kongu’s treespeak. Sashaya smiled, a little shyly. “I’d like to tell you and mom at the same time. Where is she?” “In the hut, working, I think.” Hahli indicated the family home. “Then quickspeed!” Kongu laughed. “It’s such happygood, I can’t patientwait much longer!” The village flaxmaker, Amaya, appeared at the door of her hut, hearing her daughter’s voice. “Sashaya?” “Hi, mom.” The pretty young woman hurried over to give her parent a hug. “And Kongu, welcome back.” Amaya added, looking past Sashaya to her son-in-law. “It’s been a while.” “Well, with the Kal-bugs on the looserun, I wanted to safekeep my lovely bride.” Kongu explained, giving Amaya a hug as well. “As well you should.” the older woman smiled. “Oh, mom, I have to tell you,” Sashaya burst in impatiently. “I’m going to have a baby!” Tears started to Amaya’s eyes. “I guess my little baby isn’t so little anymore. I’m so happy for you, sweetie.” “That’s great, Sashaya.” Hahli added, genuine joy in her face. “Isn’t it?” Kongu nodded. “I’m gonna be the happyproudest dad on the whole island.” Amaya wiped her happy tears away. “Well, come inside, and we’ll talk about it, and have some tea. Hahli, will you get some oysters, please?” “Sure, Aunt Amaya.” She gave her cousin a quick, gentle hug, then ran off, determined that Sashaya would have everything she wanted while she was here. * * * Hahli sat on the edge of a platform, dangling her legs in the sea. It was eight... no, nine months, since her cousin had married Kongu, the Captain of the Le-koro Gukko Force. Nine long months. They had met when Kongu had been delivering messages for the Turaga during the Siege of the Tren Krom Pass, and Sashaya instantly fell head-over-heels in love. Hahli, however, had remained shy and silent, disliking Kongu’s noisy, boisterous, though good-natured manners. In less than three months, the two were happily married, just a few short weeks after the Toa’s arrival. When Sashaya moved to Le-koro with her husband, visits had been few and far between, since the Bohrok swarms and the Bohrok-Kal had threatened the island soon after Makuta’s death. But the Toa had just defeated the Kal, and peace had at last come to stay on an island that had been at war for far too long. A single tear trickled down Hahli’s cheek. The pain of Sashaya leaving her had not healed. He had so many girls he could’ve picked, she thought unhappily, but I only had Sashaya. It’s not fair. “It’s hard for you, isn’t it, sweetheart?” Amaya asked gently, sitting down next to her niece. “Very.” Hahli glanced at her aunt. “Why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t Sashaya and I stayed with you forever? Or why couldn’t we have been boys?” “Well, I for one prefer that you are you, not a boy.” the Komau-clad woman smiled. “and for another, Sashaya is happy as Kongu’s wife. Do you really not want her to have that? If you could, would you have kept her here?” Hahli sighed. “No.” “Your turn may come too, little ruki fish.” Amaya said after a moment. “When you find that you are willing to leave everything behind to be with someone. Sashaya knew her moment, and now she’s going to have her own family. Just like the tides, you can only stay on the beach for so long. Someday, you have to go out into the open sea.” “But what if my turn doesn’t come?” Hahli protested, kicking at the water. “Will I just have to be lonely and hurt forever?” Amaya frowned, concerned. “No. First of all, you’ve been like a second daughter to me since you were little. I’ll always be here for you, as long as I live. And second, you choose whether or not Sashaya's happiness makes you feel hurt. It can only hurt you as long as you, in your secret heart, say to yourself, ‘I won’t forgive her for leaving me’.” Hahli started. “I’m not mad at her! I’m mad at Kongu!” “Are you? Really?” Amaya answered, standing up. “I’ll see you at suppertime.” Hahli angrily splashed the water with her feet. I’m not mad at Sashaya. I’m can’t be. * * * Over the next few days, Hahli turned the conversation over in her mind. At last, she had to admit, it was Sashaya she was angry with. Angry for leaving her alone... angry for finding a new best friend so quickly... and angry for simply being happy, while she was sad. And that’s not fair of me, Hahli told herself. Why should I be upset, if I really care about her? If I want what’s best for her, not for me, I should be happy she and Kongu ever found each other. On the island of Mata-Nui, marriages between villages were rare, because of the dangers of traveling. Or at least, they had been rare, until the Toa had come. There were six of them - Tahu, Lewa, Gali, Onua, Pohatu, and Kopaka. The Turaga said that they had been sent by the Great Spirit Mata Nui himself, for whom the island was named. They had arrived with no knowledge of the past, or each other; only their names, and questions. Ga-koro’s protector, Gali, was the only female Toa, and the matoran of her village had loved her from the start. She was kind and gentle, ready to help with even their smallest problems. She made a point of learning her people’s names and families, which made her seem not so much a great heroine as a friend. One of the few Toa who pitied even Makuta’s slaves, she still did not hesitate to risk her life to stop them. Makuta. Hahli thought, shuddering. If the Toa hadn’t come, we might all be his slaves now. The Great Spirit’s own brother, Makuta was as evil as Mata Nui was good. When Mata Nui had guided the matoran to the island and given it to them for their home, Makuta’s jealousy finally came to light. He betrayed his brother, throwing him into a deep slumber from which only the Toa could awaken him. He had then plagued the island with his Rahi - wild creatures under his control, because of the infected masks they wore. For nearly a thousand years, they had attacked the villages and killed matoran, keeping communication between villages risky and travel downright deadly. But that dark time was over; the Toa had defeated him. Killed him, really; who could live, after being blasted into a thousand fragments? And now, we get to celebrate another victory, Hahli smiled. And I’ll finally get to see the other Toa, and talk to Sashaya's friends from Le-koro. And maybe the Chronicler will tell some of the stories of the Kal. “Hahli! Snap out of it!” a young man laughed. She shook herself and turned to her friend. “Sorry, Pelagia. I was just... remembering.” “Well, can you remember while we load the boats?” he grinned. “This stuff won’t get to Kini-Nui on it’s own, ya know!” “Right.” she smiled, tossing another sack into the hold. In honor of the Toa’s latest deeds, the Turaga had declared a celebration would be held at Kini-Nui, the great memorial to Mata-Nui in the very center of the island. All the villages would come for the two days of games, food and parties. The Ga-matoran planned to sail from their floating village in the Naho Bay, up the Kaligi River to the lush valley of Kini-Nui. All the matoran were busily packing a few last supplies into the boats, and she was supposed to be helping, not reminiscing. As soon as the last bags were thrown onboard, the Ga-matoran all leaped easily into their canoes. The long boats made of Wakiki palm wood had tall masts in the center, covered by flaxen sails, but the wind would not serve their course today, so all those who could took an oar. “Pull out!” came the command from the helmsman in the back of the canoe. Accordingly, the rows of canoes pulled away from the docks and began sweeping into the open water. While the wind might not be suitable for the larger craft, it worked well for Hahli and a few other young matoran who were on sailboards - small, light wooden surfboards with swingable sails attached - darting in and out of the bigger boats, and riding the waves. In the lead boat, Toa Gali sat talking to Turaga Nokama, the leader of Ga-koro. Without warning, the Toa used her Mask of Levitation to rise up out of the boat, then dove into the water, easily keeping pace with the canoes, and returning a few splashes from her more daring villagers. Using her elemental powers, she summoned a current to help the rowers. Hahli glanced around. Everyone was laughing and happy, talking and singing. Peace, at long last, reigned in her home. * * * She tied her sailboard down and stretched her arms. Four straight hours of sailing was something she enjoyed with her whole heart. But the sight before her was more than enough to make her glad that it was over. In front of the huge stone temple was a large clearing, covered in grass as soft as the finest feathers. A stream ran off the nearby slopes of Mount Ihu, flowing through the temple, and down through the field before joining the river on its journey to the sea. Huge trees surrounded the meadow, giving shade and fruit. Several dozen tents were already set up on the other side of the field; from the pale blue snowflakes embroidered on the white cloth, Hahli knew them to belong to the Ko-matoran, the people of ice. The Ga-matoran moored their boats and scrambled up the bank of the river, which was somewhat steep. Some passed bundles of food and supplies to those on shore, and others began setting up their own camp. A few of the Ko-matoran came over, and after brief greetings, began helping the blue-armored matoran of Ga-koro unpack. As they began setting up bamboo poles for tents and huts, the sound of briskly marching feet was heard from the south. A spurt of flames above the trees confirmed that the Ta-matoran had arrived, and Toa Tahu was with them. Hahli glanced over at the line of red, yellow and fire-orange villagers emerging from the trees. Even at this distance, she easily spotted the blue-masked Chronicler walking in the front. Takua never seemed to quite fit into any of the six villages. He was always accepted, yes, even welcomed, but somehow always different. His blue mask was like the Ga-matoran, but his red body, arm and leg armor matched the fire village. Mentally, he took parts from all six of the elements: he was playful and impulsive, like the Le-matoran; the same wistful curiosity as the water-villagers; direct and friendly, like the Po-matoran; a truth-seeker, like the Onu-matoran; fearless as any Ta-matoran, and thoughtful, like the people of ice. Of course, he also carried some of the faults of the villagers, too: he was somewhat lazy and talkative, a little too blunt sometimes, and perhaps too curious for his own good. But he was most noted for his ability to tell stories. Even the most stoic of the Ko-matoran seemed bewitched by his vivid tales, and he never tired of telling them. Even now, he was probably telling a story, as the Ta-matoran all set up their tents in picture-perfect rows, under the supervision of Jala, the Right Hand of Turaga Vakama, and Captain of the Ta-koro Guard. The Le-matoran arrived later in the morning, flying in on their huge gukko birds and playfully pelting each other and the camp below with over-ripe fruit. The Onu-matoran came marching out of their tunnels near midday, humming a low song of the mines. Just in time for the last meal of the day, Pohatu, Toa Nuva of Stone, sped into the clearing, carrying two Po-matoran on his shoulders. The rest of the Po-koro caravan trotted behind him on maha; the goat-like animals bleated loudly and seemed to think that the party was all in their honor. Hahli and Sashaya, who had never been apart since the Le-matoran had landed, finished cooking the food they would share with everyone, and went to try some of the dishes from the other villages. Some seemed quite odd, and others, downright disgusting. “Yuck!” Hahli whispered, spitting a mushroom into the safety of a bush. “Tastes a a sea sponge rolled in dirt.” “Here, try this. No way mangoes taste like dirty sponges.” Sashaya laughed, placing one on her cousin’s wooden plate. “And don’t try any of the Ta-matoran food. I found out the hard way they like things really spicy.” “This isn’t bad.” Hahli commented, indicating a juicy piece of meat on her plate. “What is it?” “I think it’s volo deer.” She tried a tiny bite and made a face. “Ugh; definitely volo.” “You don’t like it?” a merry voice asked from behind them. Both girls jumped in surprise and turned to see Kongu and Takua, grins on their faces. “I don’t like to think about cute deer getting killed.” Sashaya replied, a little loftily. “I’ll gladly eat your share for you.” Takua laughed. “So you must be--” “My wife, Sashaya. My sister, Hahli.” Kongu finished. “Sashaya, at longlast, you get to seemeet my brotherfriend, Takua.” The Ta-matoran bowed playfully. “You see, Takua was supposed to be childborn a Le-matoran, but he got swapmixed with someone else. Stopended up in Ta-koro, poor guy.” Kongu joked. He handed his wife an orange, knowing it to be her favorite fruit. She rewarded him with a smile that would have melted a takea shark’s heart, if such a thing were possible. Hahli felt her heart sink again. No, no, she told herself. I promised I would learn to be happy for her. To mask her feelings, she forced herself to do something entirely out of character: she turned to Takua and began a conversation. “I heard your story about the trap the Toa made for the Tahnok-Kal. It was really great.” Takua smiled. “Thanks, but I can’t really take any credit for it. First of all, the Toa did all the work, and second, I don’t write the stories; they write themselves.” “Huh?” Hahli frowned. “Well, I mean...” he bit his lip, thinking. “I’ve tried explaining it to other people, but they don’t get it. Do you understand what I mean when I say that words aren’t just words? People don’t always have to talk for words to be there; they just are... they exist, and always will.” She looked down shyly. “I kinda get it.” He shook his head impatiently. “Words, written and spoken, are what set matoran apart from rahi. They communicate in grunts and growls and squeaks, and they only have instinct. But we have emotion and logic, and the words to express them. But we didn’t create words; we were given them by Mata Nui. They exist outside of us. Get it?” Hahli considered. “Yeah; it's like they have a life of their own?” "Exactly." Takua smiled. “Words are a tool and a weapon, just as much as swords and spears are. But words cut more deeply, and heal better than anything else can. They’re metaphysical.” He saw the confusion on her face and added, “They’re not something you can touch, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” “Yes.” Her Kaukau now wore a smile, too. “I think I get it. But it sounds kind of silly when I say it.” He laughed. “Just because no one else understands it? That doesn't make it silly; it’s just what is. Catch my drift?” “I think I do.” She cocked her head to one side thoughtfully. “Then maybe you’re a storyteller, too.” he commented, glancing around at all the assembled matoran. Some had already finished eating and were back to playing games and sports. Several couples had begun a lively dance, to the tune of a band of matoran from all six villages. “Hey, do you like dancing?” he asked suddenly. Taken by surprise, she answered honestly. “Yeah.” “Then come on.” He took her hand and led her into the cleared lawn. “I asked Nixie to save one for me, but she’s so tired from all the nights she’s been stargazing recently, she’s just going to go to sleep early. Pity; she’ll miss the fireworks.” A moment later, to her own astonishment, Takua pulled her into the line of dancers. As an added surprise, she remembered the lessons her aunt had given her and managed to perform the right steps. As they whirled around with the other matoran, she gathered her courage and spoke. “So, you like Nixie?” Takua’s blue mask flushed red. “Um, well, it’s kinda... ok, yeah, I like her. Just don’t tell Kongu. I’ll never live it down.” Hahli laughed. “She’s really nice. I wish you luck.” “Thanks.” He was silent for a moment. “You know, if I told most of the girls in Ta-koro I liked someone else while I was dancing with them, they wouldn’t take it so well. How come you do?” She frowned. “Why would I be upset? I like Nixie, and you’re a hero. I think you’d be great together.” He laughed. “Ok, we’re going to be pals.” Hahli focused her energies on the dance, feeling the movements and trying to remember all the steps. It’s like a river, she remembered her aunt saying. There are strong currents and soft eddies, but they always keep flowing towards the same place. A dance is just another stream to be traveled. Keeping that in mind, she found she was actually having fun. Takua was such an easy, friendly person, that it seemed impossible to be shy around him. When the dance ended, she was breathless, but happy. “Thanks, Chronicler. That was fun.” He grinned. “Hey, if we’re going to be friends, you have to call me Takua. And thanks for being so nice while stepping on my feet.”Before she could even blush, a horn sounded, signaling the beginning of a kohlii game somewhere in the field. As the call ceased, a voice could be heard yelling, “Taaaaaakuuuuuaaaa!” “Oops.” The Ta-matoran smacked his forehead. “I was supposed to play in one of the matches!” “The field isn’t far; maybe you can still make it.” she suggested. “I’d better, or Jala will throw me into the Mangai.” he groaned. “Come on!” They ran across the green swath to the stone kohlii field Toa Pohatu had made. Since these games were just for fun, and not the serious tournament, amateurs and veterans alike teamed up and competed. Although there was still some betting done, even on these small games, the atmosphere was much less intense than the Great Games, which were played every six years. At least, every six until the last seventy years, Hahli thought. When the rahi attacks became really intense, the tournaments were canceled. This is the first year they’ll be played since before I was born. While the games may not have been serious, the Ta-matoran standing at the south entrance with his arms crossed certainly was. “We’re up next. I figured you’d be late, so I gave you a few minutes to get here.” Takua rolled his eyes. “Thanks for yelling my name all over the camp, like I’m a lost maha.” The other Ta-matoran frowned. “You act like one, so it’s appropriate.” He noticed Hahli and nodded to her politely. “I don’t think we’ve met.” Hahli flushed and hoped desperately her mask wouldn’t show it. She had instantly recognized him as the great Captain Jala himself, the hero of countless battles all across the island. Her mouth felt dry and her tongue wouldn’t obey her brain. She managed a slight curtsy. “Hahli, meet my bossy friend, Jala.” Takua grinned. “Jala, my non-bossy-actually-nice friend, Hahli.” Jala tapped his fingers impatiently. “Nice to meet you, Miss Hahli. Takua, let’s go; we have to be ready when the match starts.” “You act like it’s a Naming Day ceremony.” Takua grumbled. “Hahli, you wanna wait in the stands until after the game? Me and a couple friends are gonna climb to the top of the temple to watch the fireworks. Kongu said he and Sashaya were coming, too.” She smiled. “I’d like that. Thanks.” Jala was practically dragging the Chronicler away, but he managed to tap his fist against hers in the Toa’s gesture of unity and comradeship. I wonder how he does that, she thought. It's almost like Takua... Understands me. * * * Another rocket flew into the air, giving off a high scream as it burst into a million stars, which floated gently back to the ground. Hahli felt her muscles tense as the bang went off and the sparkles rained over the field. “It’s so beautiful.” Sashaya murmured, sitting in between her cousin and her husband. “I’ve never seen fireworks before.” “That makes two of us.” Kongu nodded. “The firespitters must be too hardworking to craftmake them often.” “Yeah.” Takua laughed, giving Kongu a friendly punch in the arm. “I was surprised they even knew how to make something just for fun.” “Oh, grow up, will you?” Jaller shook his head. Takua grinned. “So not happening, dude.” The Captain rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the new wave of rockets that were rising through the air. “I wish I knew how they make them.” Hahli whispered to Sashaya. “Then I’d make them for all our birthdays.” The young woman laughed. “I’ll be happy if you just bring me some fresh oysters for my birthday. All the fruit and plants the Le-matoran eat are delicious, but once in a while, I just want fish again.” “You’re not happy in Le-koro?” Kongu asked, faking sorrow. Sashaya only laughed again and kissed him. “You know better.” Takua whistled sharply. “Too much romance on the field! One-point penalty!” Hahli laughed. Takua was right - somehow, they were already friends.
I had good friends move away today because they found some new jobs that not only pay well but that they both enjoy. He's going to be a "very important" somalia and she's finding a job as a nurse, as she just graduated this year! Both were great friends and so supportive when we all worked together. Here's to them and best of wishes. ^^ I do miss them already though. On another note, I also painted a fence with this old man who was just wonderful to listen to. Old people rock. And Wish You Were Here, best Pink Floyd song, ever.
Well, not really. But I at least feel a little better than I have been lately. Hung out with my friend's girlfriend and her friend on Saturday (my friend couldn't make it, so it was kinda weird). Still had a lot of fun, though. Definitely made me feel better than I had been. Went over to another friend's house on Halloween. We supervised a bunch of little kids trick-or-treating, and then we spent the rest of the night wandering around the neighborhood talking. I made up my mind to ask her out on Thursday or Friday. It's really my last chance, with band season just about coming to an end. I figure that, even though I'm almost sure at this point she's going to say no, it's worth trying. I'll regret it if I don't try, anyway.
Just some information on Greenman - the character Charlie Kelly on "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" used to dress up in a green spandex suit when he was in high school. People called him greenman. So my friend bought a Greenman suit, and he decided to crash band camp. He just ran out on the field and starting shouting at people. Another one of my friends filmed it...apparently, they hung out at the school after and someone recognized my friend that was taping it - he's really good with people though, and he was able to get both of them out of trouble. So everything went good and it was pretty funny. Great day - made band camp worth it. (I don't think I mentioned that I didn't want to do marching band; it was too late to drop out by the time I convinced my mom that I really didn't want to do it).
I died again...I keep procrastinating using BZP, even though it's painfully easy to get on since the school doesn't block it. Ah well.. Life kinda sucks. I have four close friends - Zac, Andy, Jblz, and Rachel (all nicknames/fake names, just for the sake of consistency here). Andy and Rachel are going out, which is awesome for them. Then Jblz has a girlfriend too. They keep doing stuff together as couples and I keep getting left I'm really left with only one good friend, and he lives a little too far away to hang out with all that much. It's really terrible; I feel pressured to get a girlfriend just so that I can hang out with my friends. And I still like the same girl (which is a whole other miserable issue). She has a boyfriend, and even if she didn't she's out of my league anyway. So I really have no other choices than to suck it up and be the fifth wheel, or just not go hang out with my friends ever. Don't like either of those choices...and I don't like the idea of getting a girlfriend to get my friends back either. This must happen to a ton of people; don't know how they deal with it...