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What do you think the themes of the Bionicle story are?
I'm sure that there must be others out there that, like myself, enjoy cooking, eating, and researching foods, drinks, and recipes. So, what are your favorite things to cook, eat, drink, or absorb energy from through your hand. eh heh yeah i forgot that some people on here are human, not matoran You can also talk about your favorite restaurants/cafés/bars/tea houses, etc. and what you like to get. Basically, this thread is for anything relating to food or drink. Also, feel free to post recipes on here that you want to share. Although I'll write more about stuff I make eventually, I really enjoy baking different types of bread (baguette, irish soda bread, regular-bread, sourdough, etc.). (Oll Korrect'ed by -Windrider-, by the way.)
Alright, hey, check this out. I have an issue I want to talk about. Maybe it's something that hasn't come up recently. Maybe it's something that the mods are pulling their hair out over and telling people to let it drop. Whatever the issue is, it's like a live wire. You simply mention it and people are at each others throats. People don't know this mainly because it doesn't get mentioned often, but dropping a bombshell issue like that could feasibly considered trolling. But it won't stop me. I'll post this entry no matter what. Now I need to decide on a modus operandi. Maybe I'll be passive aggressive. Delicately, or perhaps not so delicately, skirting around the issue. Make a vague reference to it. "The recent hot topic on BZP is..." or perhaps if you wanted to be more direct you could say "The content in people's signatures..." or "The Staff on BZP are..." Go ahead. Fill in the blanks. But perhaps I'll be more brash. Drop the passive and skip right to the aggressive. Name drop. Skip words like 'offensive' and go straight to more potent ones like 'disgust.' I dunno, I'm just making this up as I go along. But whoa! Slow up Daniel-San. Before you can go on the offensive, you need to learn balance. Good balance, good troll entry. Bad balance, pack up and go home. Your balance will be in your topic of choice. You pick a good topic, you'll be sure to troll people. Bad topic, and either no one will bite or the staff will be on you so fast you'll wonder where your proto went. Here are some of the classic issues. Take heed. While potent, these topics have been cycled through so often that most staff will recognize them for what they are. Use at your own risk. The common issues include: sexuality, sexism, the legitimacy of certain kinds of art and music, bullies, anime, and the impact of neo-western cultural imperialism on Japan. But wait, there's more. I'm like the Billy Mays of bad blog entries, and I'm here to tell you about our latest offer. Call now, and I'll throw in my "Lock It And Drop It" mini-booklet absolutely free, just pay separate shipping and handling. The 'Lock It And Drop It" technique is your crane kick. If you can do it right, there's no defense. It's the ultimate passive aggressive method. In this informative booklet, I'll give you my fool proof guide on how to lock entries and then drop 'em into the blogs for maximum effectiveness. Now then, so you've got your perfectly crafted post, topic, or blog entry. Perfectly designed to incite the most trouble. One post. One flame war. Before you hit that post button, there's one last step you need to do. It's the most crucial one, and if you goof this one up then you're done for. Here's what you do. You move your cursor over to the little red x in the top right hand corner of your browser and click it. Exit out, and don't post it. Trust me, your proto will thank you later. So will the staff. I thought about locking it as per the 'Lock It And Drop It' technique, but I figure I could get some more out of this by keeping it open and answering questions in a vague, mysterious, and passive aggressive manner that will infuriate just about everyone. Rebumping this back up to the top with a new addendum: Perhaps you see the heated topic you just posted spiraling out of control. People are calling you out for being wrong! They're being respectful in doing so! They're intelligently discussing their points. You decide to retroactively lock the post so that it stops. After all, you never really intended to cause a 'fight.' You never intended to be called out for your hurtful words. You just want to take it all back so that way people don't call you 'hurtful' things. Discussion is allowed and encouraged on BZPower. Hate and intolerance is not.
Hello BZP,You may not remember me. I've been wondering what has happened to BZP in the past year or so. It's all so new to me. It's a lot to take in. Even so, the nostalgia is powerful. All these memories keep rushing back to me. It's amazing.And yet, there seems to be a piece missing. It's not the same community that I poured hours of my life into. So many people I knew have left and so many new faces have appeared.I'd like to take the time to thank BZP. You were my support group when I needed one. You were something exciting and fresh, yet safe and friendly. You were and are some of the best people I"ve ever met. I'd like to thank you for that.I don't know if I'll be staying here, but I thought I'd stop by and say hello. :)Three cheers for BZPower!Questions:-What is your favorite memory of the BZPower of the past?-What keeps you here?-How long do you plan to stay here?
Do you get them at Brickfair, or have to make them yourself?
What are your opinions on my using this color?
I'M GETTING A BRICKSHELF! And then I shall post multiple MOC topics. However, this will happen later today. Does anyone have a use for a Bionicle boot design in a MOC? I can't think of any.
WOW. Chesapeake Bay is a crater. Yet another reason to go to Brickfair.
At first I saw Thornraxx and thought: YAY! Then I realized it wasn't real teal and I thought Aww… But at least it's somewhat like teal. STILL need to get a brickshelf…
Splitface Not that interesting. Kinda odd proportions. And a redo of Thunder. Black Phantom Not that interesting either. Don't really like the mace. Jawblade Like the top of the head. Since when do sharks have hands? Thornraxx again Teal-ish. Really hope it is teal though. Also, the head is pretty interesting. Toxic Creapa This guy needs a better name. But I like the pieces (trans!) Rocka Bow and arrow? But I do like the chain-like thing that holds the extra arrows. As Brickeens said, they're still fighting crime with bendy arrows and plastic spheres. Breeze Shoulder armor looks like it would be interesting to MOC with. Why do they always have DOUBLE swords instead of a SINGLE sword? Furno Very awkward. Though I am wondering if those tubes are like those on Thornraxx or like the ones on the Ussanui. Evo Wow, pretty cool head. Other than that he's a little simple. Surge Kinda odd. How does he get around in space if he has no propulsion? There we go, dontcha know.
Cause there's a Swert coming your way soon! (May 10th to the 13th, not set in stone yet, but it's planned.) Probably avoiding anything major, but you never know.
First, I should add a Gaming category. I talk about games so much Second, I think if they make a third game, the Turret King should be the boss. You know who I mean. Imagine him crashing into a wall in a test chamber randomly. "I SEE YOU!" in a loud booming voice. "ARE YOU STILL THERE?" ... "NAP TIME." That would be epic to be chased by all game. I'd love to see his electronic eye point at you randomly in levels as he searches for you. "THERE YOU ARE!" And then, just for fun, his ammunition would be... *spoiler alert* » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Lemons. Combustible lemons. It would be GLORIOUS 8O
The Following Kinda Spammish Blog Post Is Brought To You By Aperture Swertience
Swert posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_703
So, I have finished the story modes of both Single Player and Multiplayer. I must commend the following players for assisting me in getting to the ending of multiplayer: Erebus Timboman (yes, he's still alive out there ) Tesseract (ditto on that part) Erebus and I started it off, got to about part 2 and called it good, Timboman and I played til about part 4, then I replayed with ER, got him up to speed, then finished it all off with Timboman to the ending. I won't spoil any of it for Erebus or Tesseract, but I will assist them when they want to play XD Tesseract and I went in while he had not played the multiplayer, so I got the Professor Portal achievement, which is described as the hardest to get. My achievement status is 39 out of 50. The majority of them appear to be singleplayer achievements now, so it's just a matter of playing through to where those are and be done with it. I sadly cannot see a way to replay just a single level, unless I use the console commands (I might just have to ) This will be fun getting to 100%. And I have a feeling there'll be more chambers down the line.
YOU WILL NOT SPOIL ONE THING ABOUT PORTAL 2. NOT ONE! >: O Why did you have to get that golden potato? WHYYYY? .... congrats : D
Good album so far, sounds like it'll be an aquired taste going in to it. Couple of songs stand out as favorites already, like Rope and I Should Have Known.
I'm totally getting it on time, regardless if it's early or not
No, seriously XD Story behind it: We were talking, she commented she was waiting til she got tired enough to go to sleep (I've had to do that before XD) and I randomly said "I'd laugh if someone popped their head in on ya while you just got to sleep and said "HI LK!" So she had me do it in comic form. Yaaay. Now, if anybody would be willing to, my phone's on the floor. Please dial 911 and send the paramedics for me.
I'm making this public. It's time for a Moderator Challenge! It has recently come to my attention that not many people know about David Bowie. David didn't really do Glam Metal. He was born before metal was even a genre. He did Glam Rock. I talked with some people a bit off BZP, and they admitted they had no idea who David Bowie was. I honestly thought they were trolling, but in reality it turns they you just didn't know. So that's why I'm going to give yourself a chance to improve yourself. To expand your horizons. To see what's out there in the world. Since you obviously know nothing about Bowie, you will learn and you will tell us of your findings. There will be three sections to this contest, and each section will be put to a vote. The person with the most votes gets nothing special except the admiration of thous around him. Remember people, there are no losers here. Each and every single one of you is a winner for taking the time to learn something new. You have until April 15th to get your entries in! You may pick one of these three. 1) Dress up like David Bowie In this challenge, you will dress like David Bowie. It doesn't have to be something that he once wore. It just has to look like something he'd wear. This will be informitive as it will force you to think like David Bowie and look and examine just what his taste in fashion is. You will prove that you have dressed like David Bowie by posting a picture of yourself in the clothes in question. 2) Sing like David Bowie For this challenge, you will sing a David Bowie song. I don't care which one, but it will be BZP appropriate. You will then host the audio file and post it here. You don't have to have any backing, your simple voice will suffice. 3) Praise David Bowie In this challenge, you will praise David Bowie and write a 500 word minimum summary of the achievements of David Bowie. You may not copy and paste from any website, and doing so will make your entry null and void and you will be forced to do one of the other challenges. The summary must be a praise article, you must not be facetious, sarcastic, or otherwise demeaning of David Bowie. If you do so, your entry will be null and void and you will do one of the other challenges. Entry Format [code][b]Username:[/b] [b]Section Entered:[/b] [b]Entry[/b][/ code] F.A.Q. Q: But what if we know of/like Bowie? A: You can still enter! Remember, this is about broadening your horizons. Explore an area of Bowie's accomplishments that you weren't aware of. I'm sure that (most of) you haven't recorded yourself singing a Bowie song or dressed up like Bowie, so those are fair game. Q: Also do I win the contest if I successfully put out fire with gasoline? A: Doing so and posting a video of you doing so will net you an auto-win. seriously though please don't do this Entries
Alrighty then. Picture this if you will. So EmperorWhenua and I have a bit of a conflict coming up. To an outsider's POV, it's harmless fun. We'll be bringing NERF swords, NERF guns, maybe even custom stuff. But to us? This is war. I will walk in to BrickCon 2011, armed to the teeth with a foam sword, some hatchets, and even a sniper rifle. EW will enter with guns packed to his eyeballs. Only one will survive this foam battle. But I will be victorious, for two reasons! ONE! I will have spent by far less money on this war. SWORDS COST 13 USD. GUNS COST 30. WHAT IS THIS? TWO! I won't have to pick up 200 rounds of foam darts at the end. Six at most, and I'm borrowing Kakaru/Arkov's sniper rifle. So I propose this to you: Who will win this battle? The armed-to-the-teeth, foam-spitting arsenal of EmperorWhenua, or the foam-bladed, hatchet-wielding, sniper cunning of Swert? WHO! IS! THE DEADLIEST NERFIOR?
Which should I play as when I get my hands on Portal 2? (After I beat the SP, of course.) Pros to ATLAS: Blue portal gun 8O Cons to ATLAS: Rather short and stout. Pros to P-body: Taller and looks more agile. Cons to P-body: Orange portal gun Though both's rollcage skin is epic :3