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Story Topic This is my entry for BZPower Fanfic Exchange 2018. I'm writing for Darth Jaller, who's prompt was to write about "the members of the Chronicler's Company, working together to do their bit to resist Makuta's control of the MU." I've decided to tell a side story involving some of the Company's quirkier members, Tamaru, Taipu, and Kapura. (I later realized that the prompt could be interpreted as happening in the post-Makuta takeover of the Matoran Universe... but I prefer MNOLG stories, so I set it there and decided not to change. Hope that's still acceptable, Darth Jaller!) Because my story ended up being a little too long, I decided to split it up into a mini epic. I have the first three chapters written, and plan to extend it out into seven chapters overall, although I'm still working on the middle and ending. I hope to get the rest up in a timely manner, but gosh it has been hard trying to find the time to write! A couple of notes about the story:Yes, Tamaru is written with female pronouns. There was a fan theory going around a few years ago that Tamaru was trans, so I wanted to write her that way, although that specific identity will not be a major focus of the story.I am aware that certain Rahi like the Burnak are not deemed native to Mata Nui. My story assumes they're an uncommon Rahi but a few did make it up to the island.The story takes place shortly after Takua's adventures in Le-Koro in the MNOLG, but before he embarks on his journey to put together the Chronicler's Company.Critique and criticism is appreciated, so please leave a review. Hope you enjoy the story! Thanks!
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BZPower Fanfic Exchange 2018 for Darth Jaller Tamaru crouched low, as she sighted her quarry perched on a branch up ahead. The green Kewa was preening her feathers, but looked up as the Le-Matoran walked out from underneath the foliage. “There you be, Kunono,” Tamaru said softly, as she started to approach the bird. “I have been search-seeking much for you today. Would you be up for a little wind-fly?” The Kewa Kunono tilted her head slightly at the advancing Matoran. Tamaru took cautious steps forward, taking care to make no sudden movements that might startle the Rahi. Meanwhile, she maintained eye contact with the Kewa, hoping to build upon their bond. But it wasn’t enough; when Tamaru was only three strides away, Kunono suddenly cried out and spread her wings. Before Tamaru could pounce forward, Kunono took to the air and disappeared into the canopy of Le-Wahi. “Braka-bones,” Tamaru cursed. “I got ever-close that time!” Tamaru had in fact been tracking down that particular Kewa all day. Kunono had been assigned to her for the Gukko Force. Kewa were normally fairly docile Rahi, and many of the Le-Matoran pilots were able to quickly train them and use them in aerial combat. Tamaru had learned how to groom and feed the other Kewa, but she had never flown one before. Kongu had assigned her Kunono, saying that once she trained her they could join in practicing for the Gukko Force. Yet for whatever reason that particular Kewa was unwilling to put up with Tamaru and refused to bond with her. As such, Tamaru had decided to name her Kunono, which roughly translated to “Stubborn.” Of course, there were other reasons why Tamaru was reluctant to take flight on a Kewa. She briefly wondered if Kunono could sense her fear of heights and if that was why she wouldn’t let her approach. Tamaru was working very hard to overcome her vertigo, but how could she improve when her assigned Kewa refused to fly with her? Tamaru’s frustrated thoughts were soon placed aside as she heard something rustling in the forest behind her. She glanced back, wondering if it was a Rahi of some sort. However, from the sound of it, whatever was walking nearby was clumsily moving through the jungle; any native Rahi would be making far less noise, and certain predators would be nearly silent. So who was this outsider who was wandering the dangerous jungle floor of Le-Wahi? Tamaru drew her bamboo disc and approached through the jungle. She soon sighted the source of the commotion; a short Onu-Matoran was pushing his way through the brush, looking around widely for something. Tamaru jumped up on a log next to the Onu-Matoran. “Why are you down-tree out here?” she asked. “Ground-path is much-far away, and it ever-dangerous out here.” The Onu-Matoran yelped out and toppled backwards. As he unsteadily got back to his feet, he asked, “Where did you come from? I swear you weren’t there earlier!” “I am good leaf-runner,” Tamaru explained. “Make sound-no. Unlike crash-bang Onu-Matoran.” She paused, recognizing his black noble Ruru Kanohi. “You were visitor in tree-bright Le-Koro, right? Survivor of Rama hive?” The Onu-Matoran nodded. “Yes, I’m Taipu, a digger from Onu-Koro. I’ve seen you in the village before, but I don’t think we’ve met.” “I am Tamaru, Highfly Vinesman, Deepwood Wayfinder,” Tamaru said, introducing herself. “And I am confused why earth-digger is not in sing-song Le-Koro.” “I really do like it up there!” Taipu said. “But the thing is. . . well, I have been away from my work for too long. I know Turaga Whenua hasn’t summoned me yet, but I should probably head back home.” “You have been in Le-Koro for many moon-nights,” Tamaru agreed. “But ground-path to earth-city is far from here. How you up-end in jungle-deep?” “I’m actually looking for something,” Taipu said. He bowed his head guiltily. “I dropped my pickax when I was up in Le-Koro. It wouldn’t look good if I return without it, so I’ve been trying to find it before I leave. However, the jungle is very confusing down here, so I haven’t had much luck with my search.” “You’re looking for something you tree-dropped?” Tamaru asked, and she couldn’t hold back a laugh. “Well, you are far-off, friend Taipu. Village not up-tree from us here.” Taipu frowned. “I was worried about that,” he said. “Le-Koro is so spread out up in the trees, and it’s difficult to tell where everything is from down here.” Tamaru nodded. “It is ever-confusing, yes. Even some Le-Matoran orient-no when they come down-tree. When most Matoran tree-drop stuff, they deem it lost-gone.” “But I can’t just give up my pickax!” Taipu said. “It’s sentimental to me, in a way; I used it to dig the tunnel from Onu-Koro to Le-Wahi, and it’s very sturdy, better than most. Plus, it would be very costly to replace, and Onu-Koro doesn’t exactly have the resources to get me a new one. I’d feel like I’d be letting Turaga Whenua, Onepu, and the others down if I return without it.” “I understand,” Tamaru said, placing a hand on Taipu’s shoulder. After all, she herself felt like she was letting down her fellow villagers by not being on the Gukko Force; she knew that Taipu must be in a similar situation. “What-tell-you, I can ever-help,” she said. “Once Matau tree-dropped Kau Kau staff, so I seek-searched ground and found it for him. Turaga was ever-pleased. Maybe I can same-do for your tool.” “You’ll help me?” Taipu asked, his spirit rising. “Thank you so much, Tamaru.” “First, from where did you tree-drop pickax?” Tamaru asked. “Important for seek-searching that is.” “I had it propped up on a trunk behind the band area,” Taipu described. “But I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally kicked it while dancing, and before I could grab it, it fell over the edge.” “I know where on ground-level to go to be beneath band platform,” Tamaru said, leading the way. “Me-follow!” Tamaru did her best to lead Taipu on the easiest route to the spot beneath the village. Taipu had in fact wandered quite a ways away from the trees that housed Le-Koro; if he had continued he would’ve gone deeper into the Fau Swamp, where he could’ve easily turned into a Rahi’s supper. However, Tamaru had heard stories of how the hardy Onu-Matoran had survived in the Nui-Rama hive, so perhaps he was not so foolhardy after all. Tamaru shuttered at the remembrance of the Nui-Rama attack. Less than a week prior, the jungle village had been besieged by evil Nui-Rama insects, controlled by the Makuta. They had captured most of the Le-Matoran, but Tamaru and a few others had managed to escape. Kongu led a desperate attempt to rescue the others with the Gukko Force, but Tamaru had been one of the few Matoran forced to remain behind. The guilt and shame still ate away at her, even though everyone had eventually been rescued by the Toa. Tamaru came to a halt at the edge of a shallow marsh. She gestured to a large tree growing out of the swamp, and said, “Tree-bright Le-Koro above. If tree-dropped from band platform, it should be in this area.” “Ew, you mean it’s in the swamp?” Taipu said, making a face under his mask. Tamaru nodded, already wading in. “It deep-not, so unless you afraid of mud-grime, nothing to ever-fear,” she said. Taipu slowly waded in after her, and tried to feel around for something with his feet. “I thought Le-Matoran hated the swamp,” he said. “I heard stories that they fear water.” “Water is not to be feared,” Tamaru said, reaching her hands into the swamp to search for the pickax. “But further in Fau Swamp, Rahi-beasts hide in deeper waters, and fast-attack Matoran from below. If you want to keep mask in one piece, you avoid being down-tree in Le-Wahi.” “You don’t seem too afraid down here,” Taipu said. Tamaru shrugged. “I am good leaf-runner,” she said. “I can out-pace all but the fastest of Rahi-beasts. I even know how to swim-stroke, although I often-not get the chance to.” “I guess not all Le-Matoran are the same,” Taipu mused. Tamaru nodded. “You also seem strange-odd for an earth Matoran. I thought you would not like being up-tree.” “Oh, it doesn’t bother me,” Taipu said. “I don’t have a fear of heights; I have lots of experience with them.” Tamaru gave him a look. “Please tell-explain.” “Oh, I mean in the Great Mines,” Taipu said. “There are a lot of very deep drops from where we’ve dug deep pits in our search for protodermis. It’s not uncommon to look down and not see the bottom. However, in the Great Mines, we do put up guard rails along the edges so we don’t accidentally fall over; I noticed there isn’t anything similar in Le-Koro.” Tamaru chuckled. “No, if Matoran tree-falls, they’re expected to vine-grab on way down.” She paused, and then added, “So you no-fear flying?” “Well, that’s different,” Taipu said. “Flying is scarier, especially when you’re relying on a Rahi to keep you in the air. Luckily, I was with Toa Onua on the flight back from the Rama hive, so his confidence helped me get by.” Tamaru couldn’t help but grin; the Onu-Matoran was a lot more like her than she expected. Together, the two continued to search through the marsh, trying to locate Taipu’s fallen pickaxe in the mud. Tamaru was the one who finally made the discovery; her hand closed down on metal, and she pulled the tool up out of the muck. “This yours?” she asked Taipu. “Yes, you found it!” Taipu exclaimed. “Thank you so much!” “Problem-no,” Tamaru said, handing the tool over to Taipu, who gleefully started examining it for damage. “I know source of nearby clear-water, where we can off-wash mud-grime.” Taipu followed Tamaru until they reached a small stream flowing into the edge of the swamp. Although the stream itself was shallow, its waters were clear and ideal for a quick bath for the Matoran. “Waters off-flow from Mount Ihu and enter Fau Swamp here,” Tamaru explained, washing the mud off her arms. “Rahi come here to drink-sip; good for far-watching.” “You do know an awful lot about stuff down here,” Taipu said, rinsing off the handle of his pickaxe. “Are all Le-Matoran so knowledgeable about the jungle?” Tamaru was quiet for a moment. “I know more than most,” she finally said. “Many are not tree-bound as I, so do not come to down-tree as often.” “What does tree-bound mean?” Taipu asked. Tamaru sighed; she never liked explaining this part to outsiders. “It means I fly-not. To tree I am bound; sky is out of reach, only for those who can Kewa-fly. For I have heights-fears, so I have trouble learning how to train Kewa.” “Wait, you have a fear of heights?” Taipu asked, confused. “But you’re just fine up in the canopy.” “Yes, because if I fall from tree-high, then I can vine-grab,” Tamaru said. “But when sky-bound on Kewa, vine-grab not always possible.” To her surprise, Taipu nodded. “That totally makes sense,” he said. “But there’s more fun stuff to do on Mata Nui than flying. Maybe someday you can journey to Onu-Koro and I can show you the lightstone mines! I’ve seen a lot of beautiful sights in the jungle, but still nothing quite beats the sight of the lightstone mines.” “Maybe one day I will journey-take around Mata Nui,” Tamaru said. “But for today, I should really back-get to Le-Koro. I can ever-lead you to the ground-path to Onu-Koro first, so you get lost-no in jungle.” Taipu sighed. “You’re right, it is time to go home,” he said dejectedly. “Please lead the way, Highfly Vinesman Tamaru.” Tamaru was about to lead them away from the stream when she heard a twig snap nearby. She froze, and gestured for Taipu to remain silent. Something was in the bushes nearby, and this time it was moving stealthier than Taipu had. This time, it could be a Rahi. Tamaru drew her disc, even as her eyes scanned the jungle. She heard more sounds; whatever was approaching them was moving slowly, but she knew that the mighty Muaka would often creep up on its prey before pouncing. She waited until she saw a shadow move between the bushes, and then she flung her disc with pinpoint accuracy, hoping to strike whatever was approaching. There was a rustle in the bushes, and in a blur the figure dodged her disc just before it would’ve struck. But it was not a Rahi who appeared from under the foliage, but rather a Ta-Matoran with a red great Pakari. “Please do not shoot; I mean you no harm,” he said. Tamaru blinked, surprised to find another foreign Matoran in the jungle. “A fire-spitter?” she asked, confused. “I am Kapura of the Ta-Koro guard,” the Matoran said, addressing Tamaru. “I am seeking the Chronicler.” “How did you quick-get here?” Tamaru asked, confused. “You travel through jungle with stealth; it is odd-much for a Ta-Matoran to do.” “I move slowly to get to where I am not,” Kapura explained. “I was in a forest of black, charred trees. There were no lush, green trees there, but then I am here, and the trees are big and healthy. I am no longer in the Charred Forest.” “You funny-speak,” Tamaru pointed out. “Why you seek-search for Chronicler?” Kapura shrugged. “Turaga Vakama wishes an audience with him, but as he is often traveling, it is hard to find him. I have learned how to travel great distances by moving slowly, so I was sent to seek him out.” “I know the Chronicler!” Taipu said. “He helped me in the mines, and then rescued me from the Nui-Rama! It was quite an adventure.” He waved. “I’m Taipu, by the way, from Onu-Koro. And that’s Tamaru of Le-Koro; she really knows her way around the jungle!” “That traveler was the Chronicler?” Tamaru mused. “I am sorry to say, but he has been-not to Le-Koro in many moons.” “Then I shall find him where I am not,” Kapura said. “But I would like to meet with Turaga Matau before I travel on; Turaga Vakama has sent his regards.” “I should go back to Le-Koro too, one last time,” Taipu added. “Just to say good-bye, of course.” “Okay, then I will ever-lead you to the village,” Tamaru said, taking off. “Close-stay to me, else you might be attacked by Rahi-beast.” “I fear not the beasts of Makuta,” Kapura said. “We have fought many in Ta-Koro, and I have the strength to contest them.” “I’m actually pretty strong too!” Taipu said. “In fact, Onepu said that I’m so strong that I can do the work for both of us in the mines!” As Tamaru marched through the jungle, she soon became annoyed with the Ta-Matoran. While Taipu was a bit clumsy and slow walking along the jungle floor, Kapura was unreasonably sluggish. His movements were deliberate and consistent, but extremely slow. Tamaru had met some Ta-Matoran before, and she knew they could be quite speedy in their own right, but she had never seen a Matoran dawdle as much as Kapura. She and Taipu had to pause quite a lot to wait for him to catch up. Since Tamaru knew about the dangers of the jungle, she wanted to keep moving as quickly as possible, and so the Ta-Matoran’s lack of haste was both irksome and dangerous. “We’re nearly to elevator to up-rise to village,” Tamaru said over her shoulder. “If we could quick-hurry, that would be happy-good.” However, she suddenly paused herself. Something was wrong. The usually noisy jungle had suddenly fallen quiet; all the chattering Rahi has ceased their calls, and Tamaru knew that meant danger was nearby. She strained her ears, trying to detect the sound of a charging Kane-Ra or Ash Bear. Instead, what she heard was a faint buzzing that originated from above the treetops. Fear gripped her heartlight. “Rama swarm!” she gasped, and took off at a sprint. “They must be attacking the village. We must quick-return and help with defenses!” Taipu rushed after Tamaru, and they quickly left Kapura behind. Tamaru found the main pathway to Le-Koro and raced down it. However, as they approached the great tree, she saw that the Le-Koro elevator had already been severed, and the wreckage was floating in the swamp. “Oh no, how do we get up there now?” Taipu asked. “There’s a vine-ladder round-back of tree,” Tamaru said. “We can use that to up-climb!” Tamaru led Taipu around the trunk of the tree and reach the ladder, whose steps were woven into the branches of the tree. Above, Tamaru could already hear the sounds of battle; the Gukko Force must already be facing the attacking Nui-Rama swarm. Their defenses were better prepared now, but they would need every Matoran to help, and Tamaru was determined to join in. She may not be able to fly, but she could throw a disc with pinpoint accuracy. She quickly grabbed onto the ladder and shot upwards, even as Taipu struggled to climb up himself. But Tamaru hadn’t gotten very far before she saw a dark shape descending towards her. Only it wasn’t a Nui-Rama or some other forest beast she was familiar with; rather it was a dark armored canine, and it was clawing its way down the tree trunk right towards her. Review Topic
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Okay, so the powers that Toa have are pretty well established. They have an elemental power, a mask power,can make Toa stones, protodermis seals, form Kaita, etc. Matoran have low-level elemental power that manifests as elemental resistance (mostly... sorry, De-Matoran) and cannot use mask powers. But then there are the oddballs. Characters using powers that don't come from their mask or element. The most common one is receiving visions of the future- Vakama is the most obvious example, but it's also happened occasionally to Kopaka, Gali, and a few random Matoran in the MNOGs. What's interesting is that the visions are similar to those granted by a Mask of Clairvoyance in that the user doesn't control when they occur, and the images and sounds they experience are somewhat abstract in nature, rather than being a literal depiction of what will happen. Perhaps the mask simply hones or enhances an ability that is theoretically already present in all Matoran and Toa? Or do those who get visions "naturally" have a glitch of some sort that makes it happen? There's a lot of evidence for Gali having some sort of general psychic ability- the Hapka books depict her as empathetic and perceptive to the point of near mind-reading other Toa, she levitates herself while meditating in MoL, and she can create some form of mind-link with Takua (it could be a manifestation of the latter's Av-Matoran power, but the fact that it only worked with Gali, and that it's sustained over distance, suggests there's something else happening here). It looks as though Gali has some abilities similar to what a wearer of a Mask of Psionics might be able to achieve, though possibly at a lower level or with much less precision. And then there's a character even Greg couldn't explain- Kapura, who moves very slowly but can get places almost instantly when he needs to. Vakama has apparently trained him in using this ability by getting him to hone his focus. Kopaka once said of his elemental powers that the power came from within- "the sword is but the focus". What if the same was true of mask powers- what if they were powered by the users' own energy, but the nature of the mask took the energy and focused and shaped it into that specific power? (Side note- Is there any evidence to suggest characters experience fatigue from using mask powers a lot?) What if some individuals had mutations or glitches in their AI that allowed them to access and shape that energy without a mask? I imagine it would be particularly rare in Matoran, who normally can't use masks anyway, but Vakama might have recognised a potential in Kapura that was similar to what he himself experienced. What do you think? How would you explain all these "bonus" powers?
Does anybody have any conspiracy theory on how he does this?
I've been trying to come up with a reason for Kapura's uncanny ability to teleport for a while now. Lines such as "Even though I am slow, I may be faster than all the others", "I think I can feel it" and, of course, "I am practicing" seem to imply that Kapura is accessing and making use of some sort of unknown and ancient property of the universe. Somehow, being aware of this force allows Kapura to "be where [he] is not", or teleport. Kapura is also established as being an eccentric, and possibly very nervous character; he asks if Takua, a random stranger, is Makuta, and seems to be genuinely surprised to discover that he isn't. "If you do not know what is the Makuta, then I guess you are not it. That is good." He also suggests that Makuta is "everywhere", and gives us a rather creepy explanation of how Makuta never leaves the things that he destroys. He repeats that he is either practicing or that he must practice four times, and generally gives off the impression that spends pretty much all of his time in a dead forest running back and forth, "practicing". He also claims that Vakama is the one who tells him that he must practice in order to move faster. Vakama is another character who displays a lot of anxiety and fear, particularly in the Metru Nui story arc which takes place 1,000 years before we meet Kapura in the Charred Forest. He doubts himself and worries about his own skill as a Toa for a significant part of the 2004 storyline, even having an extremely vivid nightmare towards the end of that story arc, emphasizing his anxiety. What if the ability to teleport as Kapura does is hardwired into every Matoran by the Great Beings as a sort of safety feature; if a Matoran feels very threatened, nervous, or fearful, he or she will automatically teleport to a random place in order to stay safe. Matoran/Toa such as Vakama and Kapura would have spent a lot of their time not only under threat, but feeling anxious and fearful when not under threat, that they might have been teleporting around a lot. It's quite possible that countless years of neurosis as a Toa would have allowed Vakama to control the teleportation ability to the point where he could do so at will, to a specific destination. Then, he passed the knowledge of how to conrol and cultivate the ability down to his left hand, who was probably also inclined to fear and nervousness. How does that sound?
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- Practicing
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The script for Mysterious Island, the musical film which I've been working on re-telling the 2001 story, is well underway, and I've put together these two songs together for your viewing pleasure. One of them, He is Makuta, fits in the part of the script that this sneak preview features, and the other, Oh Jala, is the first in the script, being sung in the second scene of the film. Please enjoy the songs. Also, please give feedback on one or both of the songs if you have the time; I'd appreciate any tips to help to make Mysterious Island better. As a small side note, you can expect the first chapter of the script to be online in the short stories forum on this site by this next Saturday night.
Following up on my relatively recent return to the Bionicle fan community, I have begun work on a large project: a film adaption of the 2001 Bionicle story. The title is tentatively “Mysterious Island”; it turns out that it’s already the title of a Jules Verne fantasy novel, but it’s not going to be the final title, and of course I don’t own the rights to Bionicle, either. I have decided, after a lot of thought, to make it a musical in order to distinguish it from similar projects. There has been an enormous amount of care into composing original songs which fit the tone of the 2001 story, and my hope is that none of them will disappoint. This preview is technically two scenes, one of which is closely connected to the next. It's written in screenplay format, or as close to it as Bzpower formatting will allow, though that shouldn't make it challenging to read. I picked the fifth scene to showcase as it is the only one which I have a complete musical number for as of now. Any comments, criticism, or questions are greatly appreciated. 4 EXT. SAND BEACH – MIDDAY TAKUA, a curious, outgoing, Ta-Matoran who dislikes following rules, walks from the TA-WAHI BEACH towards a forest several hundred feet away from him, beyond a ROUGH BASALT OUTCROPPING He hopes to find VAKAMA, the elderly yet clever sage who governs TA-KORO, in order to question him. As he scales the outcropping to approach the forest, he notices that it appears to have been severely damaged by a wildfire. 5 EXT. HEAVILY BURNED FOREST – MIDDAY Though it is noon, the trees of the vast forest blot out much of the sun’s light. Takua’s pace slows and his face begins to reflect his increasing nervousness. TAKUA Vakama? It’s Takua; I’m sorry for being so unannounced. Could you remind me of which way the city is? A breeze rustles several of the many dead leaves which cover the forest floor. The sound is frightening to Takua, who is already fearful. TAKUA ‘Cause I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere- ummm, around here. But I don’t know where. Help, please? Realizing quickly that Vakama does not hear him, Takua frantically looks around himself. He notices KAPURA, a Ta-Matoran with little patience yet is himself prone to philosophical musing, several hundred feet away. He is jogging between trees. TAKUA (Softly) Excuse me sir; do you know the way to the city? Sir? Kapura does not hear him. TAKUA (Louder) I’m near the beach; do you see me? Help, please? Or could you use some help? Kapura does not waver from his jogging. TAKUA (Louder still) You there; yes, with the Ruru: can you hear me? Do you need help from me? Or should I call someone? Takua pauses, worried. TAKUA Hello? Kapura notices Takua and turns to face him, running toward him. KAPURA What do you mean, need help? You've got to have seen me here before; I'm here almost every day. TAKUA Well, I-I... KAPURA I know this place so well, I could label every tree in here on a map. Come to think of it, I can't even remember the last time I went home to Ta-Koro... my, does time fly when you're having fun. TAKUA Are you sure you're okay? KAPURA Why wouldn't I be? TAKUA Well, you're running around alone... in a dark forest....full of dead trees. KAPURA They may look dead, but they're very much alive. Living in a different way as they did as simply trees. TAKUA Isn't that all they are still? Just trees? Uh...all dead, of course, but- Kapura cuts Takua off. KAPURA (Interrupting Takua) Not at all. These trees; really, everything in this forest holds a different kind of life. Takua has decided it best to simply play along with whatever Kapura is saying; he is now nodding silently and hoping that he isn't asked a question. KAPURA That is why it is such a good place for me to practice. But I didn't say that the trees are kind. TAKUA (Feigning Interest) I see. KAPURA They stare all day long, staring and hating me. We are kindred spirits, to a degree, so they do appreciate my practicing, in a way, but in between, they hate me. TAKUA Of course. KAPURA They were once all part of Ta-Wahi, but now they are part of something else. Takua is no longer able to contain all the questions which are constantly popping into his head. TAKUA But they're all dead! They're dead trees! Not alive! KAPURA No, you don't yet understand. The spirit of the MAKUTA dwells inside each of these trees, each of these leaves, each rock and each pinch of dirt. The air is the Makuta's, and he grips it tightly, living in it also. The Makuta can appear however he likes, and know whatever he wishes. Kapura suddenly tenses up with no warning, spins around and pointing a finger directly at Takua, shouts: KAPURA Are YOU the Makuta? TAKUA Ummm, I-I guess so? Kapura gasps, his face frozen in a stare reflecting a degree of horror completely unfathomable to the average person. KAPURA (Boldly) Creature, I h-have the c-c-courage to face a th-thousand demons of your kind! If y-you value your l-l-life, step away from me, now! In total panic, Takua raises his hands above his head and runs backward several yards as quickly as he can. After a few minutes of frightened staring, both completely unsure of the next move of each other, both Takua and Kapura begin to lose their fear. Each assumes a casual, peaceful posture, in stark contrast to their previous positions of fully willing warriors. KAPURA You just might not be the Makuta, actually. Yeah, you're not. The Makuta would never act so frightened. (Beat) Kapura gestures for Takua to walk alongside him. KAPURA (Welcoming) Come with me. They begin to walk side by side towards Ta-Koro. It can be seen lying just outside the forest. KAPURA Do you even know what the Makuta is? TAKUA Not exactly. KAPURA Oh... someone's got to explain that to you, sooner or later. Kapura breaks into song at his next line. KAPURA Forced to sneak out one night I’d lost my shield Couldn’t allow another day Jala’d punish me Made my way to Tren Krom Break I found myself In the midst of a little quake Only me and my board Over lava Suddenly lost my balance And with it All my hope For even without rahi The lava’s not easy He is Makuta The spirit of hatred A demon who lusts for command He is Makuta And for centuries now He’s held his dark mark on our land.
Yes, folks. That's right. Let's travel back 10 years to the good ol' days of Bionicle. I give you what I think to be the first complete set of all six members of... THE CHRONICLER'S COMPANY Now, remember, a lot of these pieces were never made in the right colors. I did what I could with what was there, including tacking down a misprint red ruru for Kapura. I spent over $50 to make these guys, and I don't regret it. Individual pics:KapuraTamaruKopekeHafuTaipu Hope you enjoy!
IMPORTANT EDIT: Three more Matoran in a similar build have been added to the page; Kapura, Macku and a custom character Rukvin. See below. Original Post: So I made a drawing based on this MOC, and people on that thread want to see the actual model I drew. So this is Tanma, freshly 'rebuilt' into a stronger form. He's a little tall for ordinary Matoran, but when I lined him up next to a Hero (which is roughly the same height, isn't it?) and a skeleton frame of the Inika Build, he is still shorter which is good enough for me. Funnily enough, he does look the perfect scale against a Titan set like the Light-and-Darkness Takanuva. Honestly, if I could change anything about this MOC, it would be that I'd love to be able to have his limb and body colouration match the original set, which sadly is impossible due to a lack of lime green Vahki leg pieces. Also, I definitely cheated to give the illusion of armour and colour in this. Oh, and the pipes in the first picture were removed since I felt they were out of place. NORMAL (with since-removed pipes) Cool Pose (the one I drew) Talking with another Matoran (note: The Ta-Matoran pictured was the 'prototype' to the rebuild design for Tanma. As you can see, a lot of edits were made) So how much shorter is he compared to a Toa or Hero? As Queen Elizabeth would have said; "shortened by a head". but I guess he still carries that Matoran charm either way.And one of my favourite things about this build is probably that since I was making Tanma, I wanted to use the original Av-Matoran body (complete with Jetpack), and I was surprised to be able to use all the sockets on it. EDIT: Oh, also, about his red eyes: Red is the only version of that headpiece which I have that DOESN'T have a snapped socket. even his hands have snapped sockets. It's so frustrating. Lego, whiy couldn't you have made the parts less brittle during this period! ____ ExtrasI had nothing better to do, so I used up whatever parts I could scavenge to make as many more Matoran in the same design, specifically choosing 2 canon Matoran and a third custom character. While the custom character Rukvin is the same height as Tanma, Macku and Kapura are slightly shorter and thus a little more Matoran-like due to their smaller feet. I think this just makes the two Av-Matoran stand out from the others. Macku RebuiltFor Macku, i brought back the discarded chest piece from Tanma's design (a removed feature that remained for the other males), since it seemed to give off a more feminine appearance. Her tools for whatever it is she would need to do on Spherus Magna are a couple of short armblades. Macku's Cool PoseKapura Rebuilt For Kapura, I tried to use as much red as possible based on his Mata Nui rebuild form. Since I don't have an all-red ruru, the one from the Metru Nui matoran set had to do. His tool is a launcher, which fires small energy pellets or Thornax Fruit. Kapura's Not-Cool Pose OC - RukvinRukvin is an Av-Matoran, one of the many Av-Matoran that lived in Karda Nui. During the invasion by the Makuta, he was in one of the villages that got attacked and as such got turned into a Shadow Matoran. His original Kanohi, a powerless Great Hau, was replaced with a powerless Noble Avsa during this period. When he was restored to the light with all the other villagers, he decided to keep his Avsa despite the insistence of the Turaga's wishes, as he wanted to keep a memento of his time in the shadows (though unlike Gavla, he rejoiced returning to the light). He since became a wanderer on Spherus Magna, helping out Agori and Glatorians where necessary. He also participated in a rebuild for Matoran on Spherus Magna. His tool is a Photon Blade, which is an outlet for Light energy when in contact with a Toa (and when he was a Shadow Matoran, it was an outlet for his shadow energy). Rukvin's Cool Pose TEAM SHOT!
- 9 replies
- Rebuild Matoran MOC
- Tanma
(and 3 more)
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For as long as I can recall, it has been a goal of mine to be able to animate my own videos like the ones seen in Mata-Nui Online Game. Recently, I've begun planning a short film in the vein of those done by Templar that accompanied the news updates in 2002 and 2003. With the help of funds generated from]my B/S/T topic[/url] and the fact that Adobe gives you a discount if you are a student, I have acquired Flash. With this vital tool in hand, I have been able to begin animating. What I have to share today is a short test animation of Kapura. In it, I am familiarizing myself with Flash and Templar's animation style. Kapura goes through several different motions that are common to Matoran/Tohunga. ....I'll stop boring you with words now. The animation is below:]Kapura[/url] Issues I am already aware of: - There is a strange and distracting clicking sound after some of the usual mechanical sound effects. - The frame rate is too fast. I will have to do a bit of tinkering to figure this out. As you probably know, this is also a problem with any of Templar's animations on modern computers. - Kapura's flame burp was too small and quick. It needs to be made more noticeable, and more closely timed to the sound effect. The symbols used are all the original creations of Templar Studios, and the sound effects are theirs as well, provided by that project of BIONICLE media. All due credit goes to them. Enjoy! Feedback is greatly appreciated.
I noticed something strange about The Kingdom and which matoran became Toa because of Turaga Takanuva There is no Earth Toa There is no Ice Toa There are two Ta-Matoran transformed into Toa, why would a Toa team need 2 Fire Toa The two matoran are Balta and Kapura. Kapura was taught by Vakama to master being slow, and how to use it in advantage. I think Vakama was holding onto the Vahi until he deemed Kapura ready for wearing the Vahi. Most likely Kapura would become the Toa of Time instead of Toa of Flame like the Bionicle Wiki. Vakama was awful at using the mask, and Tahu had the same problem, I feel like Kapura should have been important to the story, but he was passed up like he was since the Battle of Kini Nui.Plus I never understood why they passed up Macku as a Toa when she has chemistry with Hewkii, and she probably is the only one that talks to the Toa Mahri because of this bond. Jaller was important to Ta-Koro, so I dont undertsnad why he is unpopular, he and Kongu brought reinforcements to the battle of Kini Nui. Nuparu most likely could have improved the Kingdom because he is the best mechanic they have seen. Hewkii is the patron of Kohlii and in The Kingdom he should be in charge of running the competition.Matoro being called the Disgraced One is the only thing that didn't seem flawed to me...I need to reread the rest of The Kingdom in order to see if there is anything else I find flawed. I understand the Kingdom is about Matoro failure, but why penalize the whole team for his mistake. He helped Makuta, the rest of the Mahri didn't.