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Introduction and Concept I wanted to combine the Uniter and Master sets into figures of the Toa that would look good and be fun to play with. I started with Tahu, with the only constraint that I had to only use pieces from Tahu's Uniter and Master sets. Originally, I was just going to slap on the gearbox and weapons from the Master set onto the Uniter's body, but the result did not look that great and had huge gaps in it. After spending some more time, this is the Tahu I got: Side: Back: Action: Details and Design Scabbards: Something I love about the Star Wars Buildable figures is that they have places to store their weapons. I wanted to have something similar , so I gave Tahu places to store his swords and surfboard/shield. The surfboard storage is not perfect and only looks good if Tahu looks like he is clutching it, but I quite like how the swords turned out. Legs: I love the Nuva-like bell bottoms legs that the Master set gave tahu, but they always looked a bit flat from the sides. The crystal armor gave them some much needed depth. I decided to keep the Uniter feet because the gold fit the color scheme more than silver, and the light blue made a nice accent. I kept the Uniter upper legs because the more detailed pieces fit in with the Uniter torso better and let me attach the weapon holsters. Arms: This was the part of the build that I spent the least amount of time on. They are practically unchanged from either set. I moved the golden skull armor to the upper arms so it would flow better with Tahu's newly broadened shoulders. Head and Torso: At first, I just wanted to incorporate the Master set's gearbox onto the Uniter's body. But then I tried to fill in the gaps resulting in this. The collar and shoulder armor was put in place to fill in the gaps. The flames are held in a similar manner that the Master's swords are, except they are attached to the spinning part of arm assembly. They can fold up and under the arms so that they don't get in the way of the gear function. They would have been attached the same way as the Master's golden swords, except that those connection points were now dedicated to the collar and filling in the gaps on the sides. I chose to use the Golden Uniter mask because the figure still kept the Uniter's heavy gold and trans-orange color scheme. Plus the thinner mask looked better with the collar. Asking for MOC Help/Challenge So, I am not a talented MOCer. In fact, this is the first MOC I have posted anywhere. So I am curious to see what more talented people than I can do with the same challenge I gave myself, so I can get ideas for what to do with the rest of my Toa. THE CHALLENGE: What is the best version of one of the main 6 Toa you can come up with using just the parts from their Master and Uniter sets? I'd love to see what other people can come up with. Please share your links, pictures, and topics related to this so I can see what awesome things other people have come up with. I'd love any tips or help that are offered in relation to this challenge so I can become a better MOCer. Thanks, J46 Nui.
The most responsible use of $30
This is Jetera, my Generation 2 selfMOC. He's the narrator, but not necessarily the hero, of an experimental storyline based around all the main characters being inspired by real people. His physical appearance was inspired by my own, to some extent, while retaining a few similarities to previous versions that were explicitly based on other character designs. His personality (described blow) is a mix of my own and that of my G1 selfMOC, who Jetera parallels in the same way that the Masters/Uniters parallel the Mata/Nuva. A stranger who claims to have no memory of his past. Although some have tried, no one has been able to refute this claim - and none have been able to trace him from prior to his arrival on the beaches of Erkelon, far south of Okoto, in a strange "canister". What little knowledge he does have of his nature comes from his recent experience - although he has been awake for but fifteen months - and a few strange "premonitions". He is not even sure of his own name - "Jetera", he says, is only a reconstruction. Shortly after his arrival, Jetera was chosen to be the Master of Storms of the Toa Vihagu. However, Jetera's control over his electrical element was inconsistent and best, and nonexistent at worst - so he used deception and surprise as his chief tools. Despite his initally aloof and sometimes outright hostile to his teammates, his affinity for them has grown greatly, and the friendships he has with them have become his driving force - as he had no fixed morality or sense of purpose upon arrival. Jetera currently wields a lightning-infused steel sword known as Faera, which was bequeathed to him after a battle on the island of Talis. Its natural power greatly increases Jetera's elemental potency, although, for reasons unknown, he often opts for a non-elemental weapon. Jetera initially had two knives upon arrival - one was lost within his first few months, but the second he still keeps as a sidearm. It appears to have come from a far more technologically advanced society than that of Erkelon or any of the surrounding islands. Flickr Gallery
Tahu The Master of Infernos Made with very limited amount of parts and a terrible camera and stop motion skills, I introduce Tahu! I tried to include red axles on red parts and black axles on black parts. How exciting! I also tried to incorporate the yellow gear into his color scheme as well. Tahu Energy Activated Backside
Hello people! I do wanna apologize that I didn't post it here last week. The reason, I have been travelling to St. Petersburg city, and there was a "race" for my team and the other two teams. Okay enough for that, let's talk about Gali here, she is fascinating Toa, and I really love the look of Gali. But, shall I introduce for you, Gali, Master of Water (2.0 version)! More pics: Video review: As always, I mentioned my opinion about her original form of it in small synopsis form, so I kinda reviewed her, but also explaining my personal opinion about her 2.0 version. But as you can see, comparing 2.0 version with pre-redesign version, she is dramatically different, especially the upper torso area, it was pain in a butt. Like, I revamped her upper torso three or four times before I got it some what better looking. Either I did it better or worse. The pre-redesign of her was "too" manly looking Gali, now that I see it in person, because of those bulkiness and those stuff. I didn't bother to build feminine torso design for her, and yes, I could have added some nuva breasts, but they're already overused. And the other reason why I did that, because I wanted to keep that printed chest part, I think that is cool looking and it gives a personality for Gali, and maybe it is necessary because it is good to match with the other Toa Okoto members. And the other thing what I want to say about Gali's design, yes, she has some bulkiness, but not bad looking comparing with her previous form. The thing is that that I have seen female characters, who were almost like in smaller role from RPG games and from the other genre type games. What I mean by that is that they were, either in healer role, or something else. But there are some cases that some of those video games, the female character is muscular, like Samus Aran in her power suit (well, maybe it was bad example, but giving a point also about Gali, why she's bulky). Secondly, this is Bionicle, and there are some cases that not every female character has feminine look or shape. The best example is Roodaka, she has female look and shape of it. While the Toa of Water (and lighting and psionics Toa, and light and shadow Toa) characters, doesn't appear with feminine look. Sure in fan fictions (or some of them) female characters have a female body look. All in all, she was kinda the hardest Toa to revamp, especially due to feminine elements. Yes, she might be bulky, but I don't mind it that much. I'm pretty happy to revamp her with new parts. But that's about it ^ ^
Hello people! I originally wanted to write this after that I have written Gali's topic, but then I was TOOOOO lazy. But, ladies and gentlemen, Kopaka, Master of Ice (2.0 version)! More pics: Video review: Okay, so obviously this might be my number one of Toa Okoto team in his revamped formm. I don't know, I just like this! >w< Okay I'm very sorry for bragging, but let's face it, I didn't expect how good looking he is in his new form (and I meant the original version of Kopaka 2015). But at first, I wasn't sure about his bulky look, but when I built him, it grew me up that I instantly fell in love his new design. But enough for that, so let's talk about the previous version of it. I was originally keeping him in "slender" type Toa, but hi was kinda out of the look of it, because the legs weren't that bulky. The spear was originally too wide due to the ice effect on the top of the spear. But other than that, I'm happy how it turned out ^ ^ Extra: Pohatu: " Hey Kopaka! Nice to meet ya! How's the day?" Kopaka: " Ugh. First a headeche and now you!? Leave me alone." Pohatu: " Say what's that drink anyways?" Kopaka: " It's none of your business."
This wasn't my first choice for a character. However, it was the only idea that really worked out, so I decided to go with it. Here you go! ^Click for entry picture^ Front Side Pose With Ackar I think this is quite a step up from my usual works. I'm rather proud of how this turned out. (Also, that Ackar MOC was one of my other attempts, and I'll post him in a separate topic later) For now, enjoy! Comments? Criticism? Cookies?
This took really, REEEEEAAAAALLY long to make. I wanted to cover just about every little thing about these guys I could, leaving no stone unturned (aside from the combo models, the boxes and the skull spiders, which I'll go over in the LoSS review). I wanted to make this THE definitive review of the new Toa for anyone just jumping into this. And, in case anyone's missed it, here's the Protectors review. Now, the thing to keep in mind about the Toa review... yes. It's very, very long. I am looking at all six of them in one video, after all, and there's a lot more to talk about with them than the Protectors. There's more to it than that, though. If I just went over the basic gist of the Toa themselves, the review itself would be half as long. The first twenty minutes or so are me... actually REVIEWING the Toa in the same style as the Protectors, because that's how long it took me to go over most of the finer points of them. The last twenty minutes, though, are me going down memory lane and talking about what constraction's always meant to people, for good and ill. It's mainly a much needed defense of CCBS, though, to combat the ignorance being spread by people (mostly on youtube) who say things like "You're a bad moccist if you use hero factory parts" or "If you like these new sets, you have no credibility and nothing you say should be taken seriously." There is an ALARMING number of people like this. Simply disliking CCBS is fine, but the reasons for it I'm hearing are... pretty crazy. So, I felt compelled to take this chance to push back at the ignorance being spread, to make some kind of final statement on the true value of these toys, and if any of you have been dealing with these sorts of people, this video should be some sort of catharsis for you, and maybe something to share with those people. Don't worry, there's no swear words or harsh language. I was originally going to save those final thoughts for the end of the LoSS review, but I realized they just wouldn't have a tenth of the impact then, if I did that. I had to include it in the Toa review, the new face of Bionicle that so many people disregard unfairly. Anyway, I hope this starts a good discussion. If you know anyone who you think should see this (be it the first twenty minutes or the last twenty minutes), please don't hesitate to share it with them. I made this to be THE final word on these things, CCBS an' all that. I know that sounds incredibly arrogant, like I'm making myself the man in charge, but I'm not. Just saying, if anyone gives you trouble for liking the new sets, shoot them down with this. Anything to combat the spread of ignorance. Enjoy! I rarely do toy reviews like this, so feedback is much appreciated.
Here's my entry to BBC #69 - Jaller, Master of Fire. Enjoy!
My interpretation of Takanuva 2015. Mostly hand-drawn with a couple of small edits in places due to bad colouring on my part I recoloured the eyes on MS Paint (yeah, I know) as they were too dark to see after scanning them. I also recoloured parts of the mask as the yellow blended with grey lines that I had drawn before going over in black felt tip. C&C appreciated for my first uploaded work Thanks guys!
"Welcome to the Pit..." Well. Here he is. My entry for BBCC 69. I had a lot of fun building him, trying to make him look as much like Hydraxon as possible while keeping with the theme of the contest. I chose to downsize him due to a lack of parts and a fear that if I made him too tall, he would be either too gappy/lanky and/or his legs wouldn't be able to hold his torso. I hope you like him as much as I do. (Some votes in the contest would be nice too.) ][ Flickr Gallery ][
I recently received a Bricklink order of Bionicle and Hero Factory parts. Among them I ordered black gears to replace the yellow gears on most of the Toa sets I own. (I own all six, but Gali's yellow gears make sense to me) I also ordered pieces to give lower arms to Protectors of Fire and Ice. Did you guys do these things? What little changes did you guys make, if any?
I do hope this is right place to post these anyways. I got Lewa for chrimbus. Decided to take some pics of him and edit said pics to make them look more...well... Awesome? (Both the source photo and the two versions of the edit are my own. Version 1: Version 2:
The current official Protector/Toa (ProToa) combiners, while interesting enough, have one common deficiency: they stink like a Toa of Dumpsters went nova. To amend this, I went to get a couple of Protectors and combined them with their respective Toa. I wanted to make the combinations easily reversible from the Toa's side, incorporate elements of both Toa and Protector tools, have some Skull Spider integration, and be done only with pieces from the Toa and Protector sets. Here's what I came up with. Pohatu + Protector of Herbs and Spices Stone This one's my personal favorite of the two. The projectile weapon is identical to the official design. It looked nice, so why change it? I made the armor on both arms symmetrical, and fashioned a pair of "headdress" shoulderpads to accentuate a "tribal chieftan" look. To this end, the tool in his left hand is a double-ended War Rattle. Lewa + Protector of Jungle Not much to say about this one. The clawed feet are a shoutout to Lewa Nuva's MoL design. What do you guys think? Do you have custom ProToa combiners of your own to share? Edit: Images linked; please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and 100 kB, about. -Wind-
Then, a while later: There's a Steam group too now and it's getting out of control aaaaa ~Unit#phntk#1
Last time we saw Gali, she was only two colors, this Gali's more vivid.
"If you destroy my mask, you will destroy the future..." -Vohan to Sandstorm at the very VERY end of my epic. Meet Vohan, the Toa of Time and honorary member of the Toa Alpha. I never got a Vahi, so, I just used Pohatu's '08 mask. I mean, it looks the part. ^Click for LARGER pic!^ Toa Team Alpha so far (Just missing another Toa of Air, Sonics, and Fire): LINK Any C&C is welcome!
This is JIMMY POWER MASTER 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. A MOC spin of the 2.0 and 3.0 ones in LDD will be coming soon but, I have not had the time to do that yet but, I do have this Hero Recon Team Gallery picture of them instead,JPM 4.0 is one of my incredibly impressive ones but, if you want his awesomeness to take full effect view 2.0 first then 3.0 and last 4.0. I hope you like my MOCs!!!!!!!!!!(Spoiler:This is the 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 version of one of my character from my epic Hero Recon Team Alpha 8.)Here they are!!!!!!!!2.0