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At the suggestion of Master Inika, I’ve edited another map of the Matoran Universe, this time to depict the known territories of the various canon Makuta. The original suggestion was to do a colour-coded map, but that ended up looking very cluttered, so I decided to go for a simpler style. According to Greg Farshtey, there were once 100 Makuta, and only a handful of them are covered by canon. Even so, based on the amount of territory controlled by the Makuta we do know of, it seems like a lot of the unknown Makuta probably didn’t have regions, or controlled islands so minor they weren’t even worth putting on the map. Starting from the top, our main man Teridax was the assigned Makuta of Metru Nui, while the Brotherhood’s alleged best fighter, Icarax, took over Karzahni. Krika was originally assigned to the north part of the northern continent, and later expanded his territory to include Zakaz after Spiriah’s fall from grace. Sharing the Northern Continent was Gorast, who is specified to have ruled the lower region known as the Tren Krom peninsula. Based on this division, it seems like at least one more Makuta must have had a claim to part of the Northern Continent. Tridax ruled Nynrah, biker bro Antroz ruled Xia, and Vamprah was responsible for Odina (I guess he sucked at his job, since he clearly never did anything about the Dark Hunters). I feel like Greg only vaguely glanced at the map when he decided on Chirox’s territory, since his region includes two completely disconnected islands that are nowhere near each other (one in the hand, one in the leg). He controls Keetongu’s and Tobduk’s homelands (the latter being better known by its current name, Visorak). (I realised after posting that I'd also made a mistake here myself, drawing a line to the wrong island). Chirox-but-with-a-better-colourscheme Mutran controlled the “central part of the Southern Continent”, which is probably intended to refer to Voya Nui. Prior to being deposed, Miserix was the Makuta of Destral. As far as we know, no other Makuta formally claimed that title after Miserix was imprisoned. Bitil is said to have controlled the west chain of the southern islands. However, the map claims that no one has explored further than Artidax, so Bitil’s territory likely ends there. It’s worth noting here that while Spiriah was formerly the Makuta of Zakaz, some pages on BS01 say that he also controlled Artidax. However, there seems to be no citation for this, and since he’s in exile I’ve left him off the map entirely. Finally, a couple of Makuta we don’t have canon appearances for: Kojol was the Makuta of Artakha, prior to raiding the place and getting assassinated by the Order Of Mata Nui, while the Makuta of Stelt is exactly what it says on the tin. This leaves a number of locations unclaimed. Given the way most territories have been divided up, there would have been at least one more Makuta for the Northern continent, and potentially two or three more dividing up the Southern. The large island above Keetongu’s homeland may have had a Makuta (unless it was also included in Chirox’s territory). The small island between Nynrah and Odina could also have had a Makuta (unless it fell into Tridax or Vamprah’s territories). The two islands up near Stelt and Xia (Nocturn’s homeland?) would have likely had at least one Makuta assigned to them, possibly two. I’m less sure about the other side of the map, since we have no information to confirm if the Makuta had any major presence at all in that entire arm. There are also a whole bunch of other islands out there that don’t appear on the map but are mentioned in-story, some of which would have likely had Makuta overseers as well. Let me know if there's anything I've missed, or if you have any suggestions. I'd also love to hear if anyone's assigned territories to their own fanon Makuta.
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Metru nui, which was the most densely populated part of the matoran universe, and had about 1000 inhabitants, so if i had to guess, comoaring the size of metru nui to the rest of the universe, there would be around 5000 other matoran in the matoran universe. But that's just a theory - a Bionicle the- ok sorry about that. Let me know your opinion, if i missed something, you found a reliable source, or if you have your own theory. I also included a picture of the matoran universe so you could do your own comparison.
In an alternate Reign of Shadows timeline... See? This plan is flawless. It was always going to work. Just like the dynasties that came before them, Mata Nui must eventually fall. It is plain destiny that Teridax was going to succeed in his ingenious plan. It has been so cleverly calculated over the course of thousands of years. It all pays off at this very point... for him, at least. On the other hand, it's too good for me. Knowing that Teridax attempted to kill me and my brethren in the heart of the Matoran Universe is unsettling enough. Now, I'm stuck in a measly shack in the abominable island that is Xia. By the Great Beings, I despise this place. Now that Teridax is in control, this place bears a striking resemblance to Karzahni. We have everything here; the slaving Matoran, the uninhabitable, barren landscape, a dictatorial overseer... the list goes on. However, it has gotten progressively worse with the military boom, if you will. For every minute that passes by, another ten Exo-Toa roam the streets and the Universe. In fact, I believe the curfew starts now. Awaiting a thorough and brutal inspection by Exo-Toa in three... two... one... The door is bashed down the towering enforcers with prejudice as they immediately start ransacking the claustrophobic room in a seeking frenzy for any weapons or artifacts. The Exo-Toa are aggressively proficient, managing to search through every chest and compartment in seconds. "Xia Citizen Number 895200, your personal room is free of any items that may pose a threat to our great Overseer. Thank you for your cooperation." says the commanding Exo-Toa in a monotonous, robotic voice. The Exo-Toa then proceed to exit the room in an orderly fashion and do a strip-search of another hundred thousand more personal rooms. Right as they see themselves out and are out of the room, the resident shapeshifts back into his original form. "Well, another day, another inspection," he groans. "That'll be my energy consumption for the day." Elsewhere... "Alright, we're in Xia, now what? We can't just stroll in." says Hafu. "Well, we... can... just stroll in. To them, we're just another bunch of Matoran for the factories to take," replies Garan. "We just need to find our mystery man." "And why exactly do we trust him with this?" queries Idris. "I hear that he's unstable and cannot be trusted." "See here... Idris. This mastermind has a pension for holding a grudge against the current ruler of this universe and having invaluable powers, so this bet is as good as any." responds Garan. "Still unstable though." says Faiyok. "You know, Faiyok, I think it's best if we shut our mouths and go in. Agreed?" commands Garan. Idris, Hafu and Faiyok nod their heads in unison. It was at that point that they stepped into a truly dangerous place. Garan and Idris had each experienced the nightmarish island of Karzahni, but this was far worse. Right as they were walking in the realm of oppression, they have no idea what's in store for them. * * * "Well, back to work it is. Don't you just love supplying military equipment to the cruel Makuta that rules the Universe? Because I certainly don't. Speaking of tiny biomechanical machines that are oppressively ruled by Teridax, where are those Matoran? I thought we agreed on a meeting place. I guess it's back to the drawing board," thinks the resident. He was going to have to establish a telepathic link again. It took a lot of searching and mind-hopping, but he was able to locate Garan in a armour factory. "Time to go," the resident whispers to himself. The resident, attempting to be as discreet as possible, navigates the bustling roads by shapeshifting into a random Matoran to make his way to the armour factory. In the eyes of the resident, all he could see was countless Matoran bumping into each other with the occasional sight of a comparably titanic Exo-Toa. He had been itching for the chance to teleport to the factory, but under the watchful eye of the Exo-Toa, there was no way that he could get away with it in the traditional way. His way involved projecting a being of shadow that acted as a decoy and then teleporting. Using this method, he teleported himself to the factory he was looking for and shapeshifted into an Exo-Toa following his transference. This form would allow him to escort Garan's group out and potentially help them escape. "Ahhh... feels good to be in a body that boasts a fraction of the power of my original form. Glad my height was compensated for, though," the resident thought. Now in an Exo-Toa's body, he marched in and spotted Garan crafting Protosteel gauntlets. After rattling off a robotic command to Garan, Hafu, Faiyok and Idris, the resident escorted the four out of the factory and forced them into a secluded room. Once the five were inside, the resident started speaking to Garan via telepathy. "So there you are, Garan." says the resident. "Yes, Mutran, I'm the Garan in question. Could we just leave the pleasantries for later and get out of this Mata Nui-forsaken place?" replies Garan. "I believe I have the right to be skeptical, Matoran. As for the departure, just hang on for a few seconds." responds Mutran. In an instant, Mutran teleports himself with the four Matoran to a slightly more secluded area. The Matoran were initially shocked at the realisation of such a sudden happening, but they eventually calmed down after looking around and noticing that they were near the entrance of what seemed to be a cave. Faiyok then looked up to Mutran in confusion, expecting an explanation. "Good question, Idris. What is this place? This cave is more of a tuhhh..." "Mutran! Did you just read my mind?" "IDRIS!" Mutran snapped. "Your vocal processors are being unnecessarily disruptive. Let me do the talking." "What could ever make my voice inaudible to you? I can still talk." sassed Faiyok. "Yeah, I've had enough." moaned Mutran. In an instant, Mutran used his Shelek to render Faiyok's voice inaudible and hopefully calm her down. "You're always so... electric. Not a surprise, really." "Enough foolery, what is this place?" asked Garan. "This mountain is particular is known as The Mountain. Such an underwhelming name for a living, breathing rock that can literally eat things. It's also quite amusing that I'm standing at the foot of a mountain that was once my beloved sentient stone, don't you think?" added Mutran. "More amusing that he held emotions for a rock though..." said Hafu under his breath. Mutran gave Hafu a dirty look for his response before commanding the Matoran to go into the cave and through the tunnel. He could tell that they have more than a few questions about this undertaking, but he ignored them and kept signaling them to progress through the tunnel. Mutran had a bit of a distressed look on his face, but continued on despite possible hesitance. Faiyok was fed up at this point, however. "Where is this going, exactly?" questioned Faiyok. "I don't have much time to explain, Matoran. We're running through the oesophagus of the Mountain. Proceed with caution." explained Mutran. Faiyok responded with wide eyes, which prompted her to run faster. Mutran, using his echolocation abilities, was mapping out the inner workings of the Mountain. They were going to have to go deeper into the stomach of the living rock in the hopes of ending up in a subterranean tunnel. The winding oesophagus of the Mountain eventually led into the ‘stomach’ of the Mountain, which had turned out to be a gigantic pool of Protodites. “Why protodites? Any idea...?” asked Hafu confusingly. “Po-Matoran, I think it might be beneficial to beg the question: What would be their purpose?” replied Mutran. “To act as individual assistant digesters?” added Garan. “Spot on. Now, don’t you dare go into their without immediately not going in there. They will quite literally eat you alive.” condescended Mutran. “So why are we here? questioned Idris. “This is our best hope of finding a secluded tunnel. The last people that ended up here became Protodite prey. Won’t see anyone else down here.” said Mutran. “Alright, let’s go in.” In an instant, Mutran had pushed himself and the four Matoran into the Protodite pit without warning. He knew that they would hesitate, so he just had to go for it. Just before the Matoran could reach the Protodites and meet their doom, Mutran had summoned a large-scale stasis attack and focused it down to the pit, freezing all of the billions of Protodites in place. But only for a short moment. Mutran frantically rushes around to locate the Matoran and bring them together and explain to them what is happening. “WHAT IS GOING ON?” screamed Faiyok. “I pushed you four off and into the digestion pit.” responded Mutran. “But that wasn’t me.” “It wasn’t you? Oh, it’s very ‘you’ to push us off.” sassed Hafu. “No... I’m being controlled. Telepathically. Odd, since I have near impenetrable mental shielding...” said Mutran. Just as Mutran had mentioned mental shielding, he had the sudden urge to undo his stasis attack. He had seemed a tad more murderous than usual. Mutran, knowing that he was being telepathically influenced, swiftly teleported himself and the four Matoran to a random location. Anywhere that wasn’t a pit of Protodites was a viable destination for him. This landed the five in a remote jungle in Daxia. “Alright, you Brakas-mind of a Makuta, where are we now?” enquired Faiyok. “I think we’re in... Daxia. Yeah, it’s Daxia.” answered Mutran. “Wait... Daxia? The Order of Mata Nui Daxia? Well, we best...” responded Garan. Mutran was stunned when Garan had mentioned this. For that, he had used his Shelek once again to keep Garan quiet. Mutran was utterly shocked when he heard mention of the Order of Mata Nui from a mere Matoran. Even he had no idea of the Order before the Karda Nui crisis. “Enough of this. We need to find our way to the nearest settlement. Don’t want to be acquainted to a hungry Muaka, do we now?” commanded Mutran. “But Muaka don’t live in jungles...” said Hafu. Mutran, eager to move on and possibly meet another Makuta who wasn’t sided with Teridax, had commanded the four Matoran to advance forward in a random direction through the olive-green thicket. The jungle itself wasn’t quite as lively or dense as one of the rumoured rainforests of Le-Wahi, but it wasn’t a scrubland either. The jungle appeared to be spotted with either puddles of liquid Protodermis or minuscule veins of Protosteel, but in lieu of that, primitive-looking spears and discs were littered among the jungle. Hafu immediately took interest in the discs, picking one up to investigate. The disc didn’t have any noticeable inscriptions or markings, but Hafu didn’t need a name. Even though he frequently made stone sculptures and not Protodermis sculptures, he could tell one type from the other. Upon closer inspection, Hafu felt that the Protodermis type was familiar. He wouldn’t be mistaken, as the Protodermis was a mass-producable, tools-grade Metru Nui Protodermis. Hafu couldn’t look for much longer, though. “Alright, you Matoran, we have to go.” said Mutran. To Be Continued In Chapter 2
Greetings, lovely readers of my story! First off, thank you for reading. Second, this will be a topic in which can allow you to discuss the story or anything related to the epic in general. Know that I heavily appreciate audience input. If I'm doing something wrong, let me know. If there's something you want to see, there's a slight chance that I might insert that into the story. Good day!
There's been plenty of debate among bonkles fans as to the size and scale of the Great Spirit Robot, and if there's even enough room inside there for a whole world while still being able to move without completely destroying the surface of Bara Magna due to its gravity. Plus the fact that if the GSR was 40 million feet tall, Spherus Magna would have to be the size of Jupiter. No terrestrial planet can get that big. I thought about how to make the GSR work for my fanfics. Then it hit me. Mata Nui is bigger on the inside...the Matoran Universe is a pocket dimension! Why didn’t the writers themselves use that explanation? It would have been so simple. The Matoran Universe being another dimension solves almost all the problems with Mata Nui’s size and scale. Plus there’s already alternate dimensions in Bionicle canon. It would also explain the weird physics. Bam I just fixed Bionicle. You're welcome nerds.
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Hi. I was wondering about something. You know that guy Nicrophoros-Americanus who has that series "Fleshing out the Matoran Universe" on tumblr? Well, I re-read the first part of that series and he/she has a really good concept for how there can be seasons in the MU: He/she is also a member here on BZP, and theorizes here in S&T, but I am embarassed to not know what your username is on here. If you see this post Nicro, then please post below He/she writes: * Seasons did exist in the Matoran universe, and were the effects of Mata Nui’s self-regulation of temperature. Much energy was produced in his hands, feet, and internal engines, which he then circulated through the rest of the universe on a regular cycle. The lands of the Su-Matoran and the Southern Islands, however, were almost always swelteringly hot This then got me thinking. If the MU did have seasons, then they must have a calendar too, or perhaps more than one system to count days. Perhaps years and months as well. But what kind of system? And here's a better question: How long is a day in the MU? How long is a year? If the GBs based the cycles of years in the MU on what Spherus Magna had, it must have been very long, considering the immense size of SM, unless our own universe's physics don't apply here as it often does not in the world of the BIONICLE. We do know that they measure time, or at least the Great Beings did, since they made the Great Sundial, which have 24 markins, each representing an hour of a day.
Phantom's Trials, a story about a wandering Ce-Toa and his adventures Review Topic
A while ago I started working on an encyclopedic history of the canonical MU, reaching from the construction of the Great Spirit Robot to (hopefully) Journey's End. Unfortunately, I've slowed down on it, and in the interest of finishing more timely and making it look better, I wanted to make a request for help. If there is anyone on here who wants to help at all, please PM me or email me(I have my address in the document). Help could include research, writing, timeline assembly, editing, reviewing, fact checking, artwork making, and any other task we end up needing while we work. Currently, I am working on the League of Six Kingdoms. Here is the link if you want to read what I have so far: If you want to help on it at all, or even just give feedback, please check it out and email me. Thanks!
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I started a while ago trying to write a complete, chronological history of the Matoran Universe. I realized pretty quickly that that was a pretty big task, so I wanted to get help from a few places. I tried Tumblr and Reddit's Bionicle sections, but haven't gotten much back. Here's a link to the document so far. I explain the project further in the Introduction section. Feel free to read through what's there, and either email me or PM me if you want to help in any way. Thanks!
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So I was thinking about Rahi and the Matoran Universe, and how they're a part of the MU's artificial ecosystem. And then I thought about how Matoran are really important for Mata Nui's health, and so the GBs/Mata Nui would surely want them to be working smoothly and without much bother. Of course, if they die, or are damaged, there are systems to solve that (Red Star, Karzahni), but ideally they shouldn't really be needed much. So I was just wondering, why did the Makuta make such nasty Rahi that would more than occasionally attack Matoran/sentient species? I'm not talking about Teridax on the island of Mata Nui, since the Makuta were already "evil" by that point, and Rahi like Visorak which were basically mass production weapons for the Brotherhood. I mean when the Makuta were new, not considered evil, given the job of making animals that would help (my theory now) maintain some kind of "Protodermis Cycle" (sort of comparable to the carbon/nitrogen cycles on Earth). Did they then also think "Hey, let's make these Rahi prone to attacking the workers who do the important stuff that needs higher sentient intelligence to do in our synthetic ecosystem, because that will surely help too". Were Rahi always meant to be aggressive to Sent. Species? Sure it was never a huge problem, there wasn't really ever a significant loss of life (I wonder if the Kanohi Dragon/Tahtorak/First Rahi may have been exceptions) but surely dangerous Rahi could only have been bad for sent. species? So yeah, why did the pre-evil Makuta make Rahi that would kill Matoran?
Hello, I am Makuta Trydeltix, the Makuta assigned to watch over and protect the southern region, the island Occidus. Occidus is a very secluded location in the Matoran Universe, and it is in its most southern point. It is an oddity in the universe, as it is home to an abundance of tropical flora. It is a beautiful place. An island paradise. The Matoran of Occidus, a combination of Ta, Bo, De, Su, and Vo Matoran, always liked to keep to themselves, and I found myself wanting to do the same. What more could we need? We had everything we could ever want on Occidus. There was no need to communicate with the rest of the universe. After tens of thousands of years with no contact with any beings outside our home, most of the inhabitants of our universe have forgotten about the island's very existence, and myself along with it. I had no friends in the Brotherhood of Makuta, since I found most of them to have simply toxic personalities. They too, eventually forgot about me. With all my connections to the outer world severed, I had the opportunity to break away from the Brotherhood after Teridax's revolt against the Great Spirit Mata Nui unnoticed. To ensure that they would never find me, I destroyed all their records of mine or Occidus' existence. I was finally free from the tyrannical leadership of Teridax, and free to lead my people in peace and harmony. I never thought Teridax would succeed in his plans to wrest power away from Mata Nui, but in the end, shadows prevailed, and Teridax fulfilled his evil plan. The Great Cataclysm struck Occidus hard, and many lives were lost, and cities destroyed. I survived, though, and pledged to lead my people through the darkness and hardships ahead. We rebuilt our tropical island back into the paradise it once was, and we continued to thrive. We watched our Universe die, and be saved by a great and noble heroes, and we watched lived through its final destruction, and the long overdue death of Teridax. In a mass exodus of the universe we had lived in for as long as we could remember, we emerged onto a place more beautiful than we ever could have imagined, and even though we had never seen it before, it was immediately our new home. The three was once more one, and Mata Nui had blessed the reformed world with beauty and hospitality. Against all odds, my people and I had slipped away from the darkness, and we would be ever thankful to the Great Spirit for that. With a final goodbye and look back upon our old home, its corpse sprawled out on the land behind, we embraced our new home and our new life on the world of Spherus Magna.
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When the Matoran of Metru Nui returned to their home island after living on Mata Nui for a millennium, they received some terrible news. Turaga Dume had seen in the stars that Mata Nui was dying. My question is, did people in the rest of the universe know he was dying? Was it common knowledge, or a secret? Everyone knew when he briefly died, and we see Matoran in the comic rejoicing at his resurrection. But was his death sudden to them, or did they see it coming over the -- how long was that story arc anyway? A couple weeks?
Note: Edited for spelling and grammar mistakes by author.Fellow denizens of BZPower- after much thought, I think I may have found a logical explantion as to why the MU's good guys do not, or, in certain interpretations, heavily look down upon, killing.I believe that it all depends strictly upon the nature of the environment created by the Great Beings for the MU inhabitants to live in. Firstly, as we saw in The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet, there does not appear to be an established system of law and punishment in even the most "civilized" parts of the MU, such as Metru Nui. There is certainly crime (such as smuggling and forgery), but the Vahki are in place there for internal threats, though they are mainly concerned with making the Matoran get back to work.Actually punishing caught criminals such as rouge Toa seems beyond the capacities of our heroes Lhikan and Nidhiki, who actually have to take time to deliberate Tuyet's punishment, as opposed to getting her a court date, through which a judgement and punishment would be imposed. But wait, I forgot; the MU does not have any courts of law.Since Metru Nui, and indeed, the entire MU, was designed as little more than a giant circuit board, it is easy to see why the GBs did not put into place some sort of crime and punishment system. The Toa are more about dealing with external threats, and the Vahki are about keeping the Matoran in line. In a way, Metru Nui is not unlike a socialist police state. The only reason it works is because the inhabitants do not need food, and the closest alternative is easily obtained at apparently no cost. Also, everyone effectively works for the government, seeing as how Metru Nui is essentially an oversized powerplant.But getting back to the main subject, because an automated world with automated inhabitants provides the only reasonable solution to the "if but men were angels" dilemma of all societies, the Great Beings did not see the need to establish a justice system, or at least a protocol for one, since there were no criminals- only hostile outsiders or aberrants. So, we see that at least in the beginning, it wasn't that Toa weren't allowed to kill; they simply didn't need to.However, as the Brotherhood of Makuta can attest, those of the MU were not all "angels", due to the sentience inducing "glitch" that eventually pervaded all of that realm's inhabitants (dear me, I sound like a GB writing a term paper). So, we see that somewhere along the very long line of MU history, when the possibility of having to kill someone came up, the concept of "There is no need to kill" transformed into one of the key tenants of the vaguely defined "Toa Code": "Do not kill." Thus, no courts of law, because infractions by Matoran could be easily "corrected" by Vahki, and anything else essentially constituted an act of war, and that's a whole different akilini game.In the courts of the real world, Tuyet would surely have received the death penalty or at least life in prison for treason, three counts of murder, property damage, theft, resisting arrest, and obstruction of justice, and I'm not even sure that's everything.This is exactly why the Order of Mata Nui was founded, and it also explains why the police, the neighborhood watch program, and the CIA have apparently switched places in this allegory (quick reference- Toa=NWS, should be Police; OMN=CIA, though essentially fills police role as well; Ta-Koro guard, Chronicler's Company, etc- Undetermined. Logically, the Chronicler's Co. would be a NWS and the TKG would be police, but it's never clearly defined as their main job is to call the Toa if they can't handle something), and why the OMN is constantly demonized for their allowance of killing and why the Toa are often seen as morons.So, in the end, the whole no-kill rule isn't about misguided honor or illogical policy- it's about an unforseen programming error. Thanks a lot GB's, you totally nerfed the super-police.Of course, it's only theory... X-Ray
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We learned that the Great Beings were apparently surprised that the matoran ended up intelligent and with emotions and such. But how could that have happened? How could the Great Beings have "accidentally" discovered super intelligent AI. Here on Earth, we've tried for decades to get something like that, and the closest we've come is a computer that can play Jeopardy ( The idea that something so complex as a computer with actual emotions could be created by accident is just not logical.So if the Great Beings just wanted mindless machines, then why didn't they just create an army of vahki-like creatures that Mata-Nui could command at will? And if that's what they intended, then how could it have gone so wrong? The vahki didn't develop any emotion whatsoever. What are your thoughts?-don't touch my pocket protector
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will work on Tahu?Will it just turn off his Mask of Shielding and Fire powers and leave the Rahkshi powers intact? Or will it turn Tahu fully into a powerless being?On a related note, would the Great Beings be able to form similar methods to shut off other beings' powers (such as Makuta, Skakdi, Vortixx, etc)? Or will this be difficult or impossible due to the fact that some of these were created by Mata Nui, not the Great Beings?
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So, I couldn't find this topic anywhere, but please point me in the right direction if it's somewhere else, but I really want to start a discussion about the Great Being inside the Matoran Universe. Since Greg hasn't written too often, we should have enough time to discuss it and try to come up with clues. I actually have an opinion, but I don't want to announce it unless people respond... so please respond! >~Makuta'sdarkslave