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Hi, guys! Do any of you remember that Lego theme called Mixels? It’s a theme that is like constraction, like Bionicle and Hero Factory, but everything is made of bricks with those new ball-and-joint pieces designed for them. The theme is about fun-loving and creative colorful creatures of various shapes called Mixels having wacky adventures by using magical objects called Cubits to mix together into new crazy-looking combinations. The Mixels also have various powers, like fire, rock, electricity, ice, and much more, and are divided into many tribes because of that. Their only challenge is the Nixels, which are evil, small, crazy, destructive, colorless, and black and white creatures who want to destroy the Mixels and the Cubits, so they can't mix. Anyway, it's like Monsters Inc. and Monsters University (ever watched these Pixar movies?). There is a TV series in Cartoon Network that went from 30-second-to-2-minute shorts in early 2014 to 22-minute specials, where each is the half of a year, it ran from February 12, 2014 to October 1, 2016, and it had 9 episodes in total. Lego creates and sells 9 different tribes of three Mixels every year since 2014 (which is when the franchise was born), three tribes at a time and some of the Mixels sets include Nixels and fun accessories. There are 24 known tribes of Mixels, and they are the Infernites (red guys with fire powers) Cragsters (gray guys with earth powers) Electroids (yellow guys with electric powers), Frosticons (blue guys with ice powers) Fang Gang (brown guys who are based on wood and have fangs that help them eat lots of stuff), Flexers (orange guys who can stretch like rubber bands), Glorp Corp (green guys who are slimy), Spikels (tan guys who have silver spikes), Wiztastics (purple wizards), Orbitons (green and white space alien guys who are based on astronauts and rockets) Glowkies (dark blue space alien guys who have eyes that glow in the dark) Klinkers (brown and gold guys who are based on steampunk machines) Lixers (yellow and orange guys who can lick with their long tongues), Weldos (yellow and black construction workers), Munchos (purple and lavender guys who can eat lots of stuff and love food), MCPD (blue and white police officers), Medivals (brown and gray Medival-based knights), Mixies (yellow and purple guys who are based on musical instruments), MCFD (red and yellow firefighters), Pyrratez (brown and green pirates), Medix (white and blue doctors), Trashoz (dark green garage guys), Nindjas (orange and black ninjas), and Newzers (blue and yellow news reporters). There are 27 groups of three Mixels (81 in total) because there are six members in each of three tribes, the Infernites, Frosticons, and the Glorp Corp, released as sets, but three members of each of these tribes are called “cousins” in 2015. Each of the theme’s years, 2014-2016, has nine of the groups of three Mixels. There are also 27 Nixels, as one is included in one of the members in one of the groups. The Nixels in 2015 can combine into King Nixel, the main antagonist of the franchise. There are three kinds of mixes, and they all use and combine the powers of their Mixel components. One is a Mix, which is a mix of two or more Mixels. The other is a Max, which is a mix of three members of a tribe. The third is a Murp, which is a Mix or Max gone horribly wrong. A Mix or a Murp can happen depending on a Cubit itself (I’d say that defective Cubits can cause Murps, but it’s impossible to tell which one). Mixels, who are in their Mixes, can use the Cubits to shape-shift. Even Mixes can use Cubits to combine. The Mixels and Nixels are cyborgic, and they live in a planet called Planet Mixel, which has a moon called the Mixel Moon, where two tribes, the Orbitons and the Glowkies, live. The Mixels are the Heroes while the Nixels are the villains. The Mixels’ tribes are led by overall leaders, and probably their overall leader of them all is Flain, the leader of the Infernites. King Nixel has a second-in-command named Major Nixel, who is an old guy with anger issues. King Nixels constantly screams at Major Nixel for his failures by the Mixels. King Nixel looks like that he is the tallest of people, but he is actually a normal-sized Nixel who uses other Nixels and some robotic equipment to make him look tall. However, with those, he is very powerful. There are also special Cubits called Rainbow Cubits, which are colorful Cubits that can used by any two or more Mixels rather than just Cubits with one or two colors, as each color only responds to a certain tribe with the same color. Cubits are very important to Mixels, as they are used for their everyday lives and emergency. They are ultimate weapons against the Nixels. The Nixels want to destroy them, and draining the color out of the Cubits and Mixels can give the Nixels advantage over them. The Nixels usually say “Nix” all the time as a way to talk, but they speak other words rarely. They are probably not bright at all. The Mixels also live in a city called Mixopolis in 2016. There are two significant characters who were never released as sets, and they are Major Nixel and a Glorp Corp Mixel nnamed Booger, who is a young kid. There’s also two app games that promote the theme. One in 2014 is where you explore the 2014 Mixels’ home environments and battle Nixels to defend their Cubits. The other in 2015 is where you have to run away from a storm made of Nixels. There are also some online games. The sets have a lot of new Lego pieces introduced in the theme, including those small circle tiles that the Mixels have for eyes and teeth, those ball pieces that the Mixels use for eyes, the half-oval-shaped pieces that the Mixels have for eyes, and the ball-and-joint limbs. In my opinion, the theme is quite fun. It’s a creative way of building something based on your imagination. The Mixels and Nixels are quite fun and funny. There are some good character development on some of them, but why not all of them? I mean, the Mixels are not equal to each other on every single thing, like certain videos and app games. Plus, why not put more shorts to expand of that. We don’t know how do Mixels and Nixels came to be, and I would like to learn much more about them. Plus, I wish that Major Nixel and Booger could be released as sets because they are significant characters. The theme is overly weird in many ways. I also wish that there are more Mixel tribes with more powers, like Stone, Magnetism, Gravity, Air, Plasma, Plants, and Psionics (I’m thinking stuff from Bionicle). I don’t feel what happened is enough. It’s sad that the theme ended with so little story, and it became of the victims in this decade. Plus, the app games are kind of glitchy, and that’s annoying. The TV show also has some animation problems, which are annoying to look at. Seriously. What’s up with Lego these days? Man, I wish Mixels could last for another year and bring back the old ones. Unlike Bionicle in 2001-2010, there is no replacement for Mixels. Well, it’s a downer, but the theme made a legacy for other themes: 1. Bionicle 2015-2016, Ultra Agents, Ninjago, Legends of Chima, Lego Dimensions, Nexo Knights, The Lego Movies, Lego Super Heroes themes and many others has been using the Mixels parts, as you can see. 2. Lego Worlds video game has one of the Infernites named Burnard from 2015. The theme impacts me of my life because it reminds me about me hanging out with my friends. It also inspired me to make certain ideas for my drawings of my friends as superheroes, so they can look like that they have the same powers as the Mixels. Anyway, I’m saying all of this to celebrate the Mixels TV show’s 5th anniversary since it came out on February 12, 2014. It’s a good theme, so yeah. What’s your favorite thing about Mixels? Any good memories about it? What franchises remind you of the theme? For me, there’s some: 1. Bionicle - the Toa with various elemental powers and the ability to combine into fusions with their elements. 2. Monsters, Inc. and Monsters University - The monsters are like the Mixels 3. Steven Universe - Gems do fusions. Some of them are made of same Gems while others with different Gems. 4. Ben 10 - the aliens are kind of like Mixels because of their powers. There are times where they are combined to form new beings.
Hi, guys! I know there is a Lego theme called Mixels. It is about colorful tribes of creatures mixing. The theme has a Catoon Network TV series, which is primarily 30-to-120-second shorts at first, and then it turns into 22-to-30-minute specials. We have been having it for 2 years since 2014. My question is what do you think? For me, I think the franchise as a whole is good, but I wish it could become better. Here's my thoughts: 1. I would rather go with shorts preferably, so the Mixels can mix with everyone in their respective series. I could think of 27 possible different mixes in the series, like their set forms, before we could move on the next series. For example, every Mixels in Series 1 (the first Infernites, Cragsters, and Electroids) should make 27 of these mixes, like the Infernite mixing with another Infernite, Volectro mixing with Shuff, and Zaptor mixing with Zorch. Those are things that I would like to see, including how they look like and how their combined powers work. The same goes to Series 2-9, and beyond (if that could happen). I don't a Mixel from one series mixing with one from another series, like Series 1 Mixel with Series 3 Mixel, Series 2 with Series 5, Series 4 with Series 7. I don't mind three or Mixels mixing, either. 2. Give Series 2-3 and Series 5-7 Maxes more screen time. Give each his own short. 3. Give characters some more character development, like overcoming their fears or competitiveness or something. 4. Make new sets that are the old Mixels returning, but probably make them look slightly different (say Flain coming back as Flain Nuva (a reference to another theme called Bionicle). 5. Give Series 7 and 8 27 possible different mixes in set forms in Lego's Mixels page, too. I only saw 3. I wish there are 24 more, like Series 1-6. 4. Give certain Mixels some more screen time, like the Mixies besides Jamzy. 5. Kraw's and Scorpi's voice actors be revealed. 6. Give Mixels who are released as sets more lines to say. 7. Have it crossover with another theme called Ninjago (since Ninjago stated that there are 16 realms, and I would like to think that Mixels is one of them. Lol. Both shows are in the same TV channel, after all.). 8. The history of Mixels' lives and origins be explained, like how they first learned how to Mix, how their Cubits are created, and how are the Cubits have different colors. The same goes to Nixels, like why Nixels hate Mixels and their mixing and have their origins explained. 9. Give Major Nixel and King Nixel their own sets. 10. If Mixels is a Cartoon Network TV show, then it should be a show with 15-or-30-minute episodes, rather than shorts or specials, but all of the ideas above would apply there. This is another option that I would go with, too. 11. Update and expand the Mixels app games with more Mixels. What I meant by that meaning give Calling All Mixels Series 4-9 and beyond (if that could happen) and Mixels Rush all other Mixels and their homes. Plus, a new app game this year (so I would at least see Series 7-9's animated Max forms). I know the existing ones are outdated, but it would be great if that could happen. So, there. What about your thoughts?
The title says it all. Click here for a side view of my creation built from the Glorp Corp Max's spare parts and here for a front view. I'll be posting more soon, I haven't got the photos uploaded to Brickshelf yet.
Hi there all! I am looking for a handful of Series 1 Mixels that I still need to complete my collection, however they are proving to be rather allusive at a fair price. Therefore, I turn to the people of BZPower in the hopes that I could work out a few trades or transactions. Listed below are the sets I want and the sets I would be willing to trade for. I will not be paying anymore than £5 for each Mixel, plus some postage. For the consideration of postal fees, I live in Hampshire, England. SETS I WANT: 41053: Krader41054: Seismo41055: Shuff41057: Zaptor41058: VolectroSETS FOR TRADE: Agents8631: Jetpack PursuitAqua Raiders7770: Deep Sea Treasure Hunter7771: Angler Ambush7773: Tiger Shark AttackAtlantis7977: Seabed Strider7985: City of Atlantis8056: Monster Crab Clash8057: Wreck Raider8075: Neptune CarrierKnights Kingdom8791: Sir Danju8794: Sir Santis8796: King MathiasGames3841: Minotaurus3845: Shave A SheepIndiana Jones7621: Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb7623: Temple Escape7624: Jungle Duel7682: Shanghai ChaseLegends of Chima30250: Ewar's Acro FighterPharaoh's Quest30090: Desert Glider30091: Desert RoverPirates of the Caribbean30130: Mini Black Pearl30131: Jack Sparrow's BoatPower Miners8956: Stone Chopper8958: Granite Grinder8959: Claw DiggerRacers8648: Buzz SawGalaxy Squad30231: Space InsectoidStar Wars7913: Clone Trooper Battle Pack7914: Mandalorian Battle Pack75034: Death Star TroopersTechnic8238: Dueling Dragsters8415: Dump Truck8418: Mini Loader8436: TruckI also have a complete Hero Factory collection, all mainstream sets and 40116: Hero Robot, which I would also trade. Any trades must, obviously, be between two sets of items of roughly equivalent retail value, but I would consider other offers. Thank you for your consideration, ~Xetra
Series 1 (you're on it) Series 2 Series 3 SQURMISITES The squishy Squrmisites love to lend a hand-or-similar-appendage to a friend in need. that is, when they aren't busy rolling in dirt or eating dead leaves in the rotting gardens they call home. Planar 46 Pieces Even more willing to help than most Squirmisites, Planar may even try to help when you don't need any! But if you do, a body flatter than most mixels helps with those tight pinches! Doon 54 pieces The armor covered leader of the Squrmisites is always in the mood for a friendly greeting, though you might not want to shake hands with Doon's sharp tail claw. Sqeem 50 pieces Full of energy and almost never standing still, Squeem is nearly always tied in a slipper knot! Lacking any actual hands, Sqeem's long tongue makes a sutible substitute. Squirmisite MAX PLUMBERNAUTS The Plumbernauts are always trying to fix things, but their repairwork usually leaves it spewing water everywhere. (even if it didn't have any water in it to begin with.) They are always eager to explore, and have charted many parts of the underground sewers the live in. Schnozet 49 pieces The Slow-moving Leader of the Plumbernauts is very smart, but not well-liked by many other mixels. the constant drippy nose doesn't help much. Drizz 72 pieces A shy and easily scared Mixel, Drizz is often found hiding away from every loud noise, even the sounds of the other Plumbernauts working. Floosh 64 pieces This high-pressure mixel is the Plumbernauts best defens against nixels. Floosh's arms are always ready to release masive bursts of water. great for defense, but not so fun at a party. Plumbernaut MAX BRANCH BUNCH A mixel tribe with a strong sense of order and safety, the Branch Bunch make and enforce a lot of weird rules for other mixels that walk into their forest. other mixels find them to be a bit stiff. Sequi 66 pieces Thinking itself taller than others around, Sequi is actually very short. don't say that around this mixel though, because a short temper and a pointy head are a painful mix. Snang 73 pieces The tallest and strongest, Snang can easily lift fallen logs and boulders, clearing a pat for smaller mixels. Though imposing in appearance, this mixel is actually quite gentle. Stomph 58 pieces Everything's a joke to Stomph, a very funny one at that! If something's funny enough, Stomph will laugh and stomp up and down on three heavy feet. Branch Bunch MAX
- 42 replies
- 21
Figured it was worth taking the time to do something for Halloween and a friend's work inspired me to do a tribe of Halloween-themed Mixels. So, without further ado, here are the Spookibelles! Jacko (68 pieces) Jacko is a jolly fellow, vine arms always ready to ensnare you in a friendly embrace! Of course, Jacko sometimes forgets his own strength in doing so. Jacko's body is so round, they sometimes trip and roll for miles! (The first design that started the tribe. Originally the design was a smaller pumpkin on a body but I saved that for something else.) Mewzment (62 pieces) Mewzment is a feisty Mixel full of energy. They like to slink around in the shadows to surprise people, but hate surprises themselves! (Easily the weakest of the three. Attaching the head to the body was a pain. But hey, had to have a Halloween cat!) Spinstrest (62 pieces) Spinstrest has woven a network of webs all over the Spookibelle's home region; nothing moves that they don't know about! Of course, other Mixels easily get infuriated at being tangled up in the sticky snares! (having fun with the eye colors of these Mixels was fun. also the bottom of the abdomen was originally black which looked better but I made it orange for the Max's sake.) Spookibelles MAX! (While this one is less thrown-together than the Sauropoids max, it's also not as big or impressive. Still, it is cohesive, and pretty recognizable as a horseless headless horseman, so I'm satisfied.) Well, that's all! Comments and criticism would be much appreciated! Happy Halloween!
I know, I know, the Mixels are supposed to be happy and fun and everything. But I felt like doodling a sad Hoogi who definitely needs a hug. He's cute though.
SO someone on Eurobricks suggested a possible tribe of Mixels based on dinosaurs. Now, after Dino Attack and Dino 2010, I trust Lego with dinosaurs about as much as I trust a baby to dual-wield flintlock pistols. However, the idea of dinosaur-themed Mixels appealed to me enough for me to try designing my own. The results are... mixed. Patos (57 pieces) What PATOS lacks in brains is made up for in brawn. While the other Sauropoids are often left waiting on this slow creature, Patos is essential to the team to push past any obstacle in their way, whether it be a large boulder or an annoying Nixel! (The body is a little rectangular because I wanted that back spine, and I was already pushing it with the parts count. Also this is an Apatosaurus, NOT a "Brontosaurus". there will be none of the "b" word here.) Tyrux (57 pieces) The leader of the Sauropoids, TYRUX relies on pure jaw power to assert authority. Tyrux tends to get a little big-headed, but in a pinch, those jaws that can bite through iron will help against even the strongest threat. (I'm a little disappointed I couldn't keep the white studs off the upper jaw, but putting a tile over it would block the eyes and make the jaw far too wide for my comfort. Still, I am happy with how the head turned out. Also there's no feathers because even if there was solid evidence of T-rex having feathers, it would be difficult to show the likely feathering patters on this.) Vilousus (59 pieces) VILOUSUS is fast and clever, but often has trouble slowing down, both in running and thinking! This Sauropoid's wings are too small to fly, but with their help, plus powerful legs, Vilousus is the best jumper around! (if i could have found a way to get hands beneath the wings, I would have, but the parts count was already a little high. besides, the wings look fine to me.) Sauropoids MAX ...okay, so I MAY have designed them without a good MAX in mind and tried throwing one together after the fact. The head and legs are both severely lacking and kinda awkward. If anyone wants to have a shot at it, I might post an inventory for the three Sauropoids and let them have a crack at it. Only catch is I really would rather it was based on a real dinosaur instead of just being vaguely saurian. For instance, this is intended to be a Spinosaurus. Not sure on their color scheme; it comes across as a less-vivid version of the upcoming green mixels so I might try something different, possibly with dark tan, possibly with pink, maybe even with both? That might look awful but it MIGHT NOT. Comments and criticism would be much appreciated.
These are my ideas for Series 4 of Mixels Lxf file Tribe 1- Carolites Color- Pink Special Power- Restoration. They repair damaged landscapes caused by other Mixels. Location- Heartlands- A lake surrounded by flowers. Members Hearth- 57 pieces- Hearth may not be very bright but she put a lot of effort in her work. Scala- 52 pieces- Scala's focus is a long as her body. Once she starts something she rarely stops until its done. Mamo- 61 pieces- Leader of the Carolites. Mamo tends to be overprotective towards the other Mixels. She thinks the Nixels don't mean to be bad and tries to reason with them. Carolites Max Tribe 2- Airheds Color- Light Grey Special Power- Weather control. They can manipulate the air currents to control where the weather will fall. All the Airheads can fly Location- The-O-Zone High up in the sky accessible through a giant escalator Members Bluster- 50 pieces- Bluster is a bit clumsy. It may be due to his fan head always spinning making him dizzy. He at least brings a cool breeze to hot days. Fogorn- 52 pieces- Fogorn can make almost any type of sound. He also tends to talk a lot He and Slumbo don't get along very well. Waftson- 63 pieces- Leader of the Airheds. Waftson has a bit of a gas problem and can be lazy at times. This is one Mixel you don't want to get behind. Airheds Max Tribe 3- Eye Guys Color- Gold Special Power- Various vision based power. Including Laser, X-ray, Infrared, Hypnosis, Etc Location- Refract Valley- A land full of Mirrors Members Oculus- 59 pieces- Oculus loves shiny objects. He's tried to steal Shuff's ceramic collection on more than one occasion. Quatro- 60 pieces- Quatro tend to be rather unlucky. He finds a Muck (Mixels currency) on the ground only to fall in a puddle.He is the mostly likely to Murp with other Mixels Spiclops- 50 pieces- Leader of the Eye Guys. Spiclops always sees the glass as half full. Even when Nixels are attacking he looks on the bright side of life. Eye Guys Max Nixels- Orange and Blue Nixel from Nixels Mix over and Major Nixel. Orange Mixel comes with Quatro. Blue Nixel comes with Fogorn and Major Nixel comes with Mamo. Major Nixel has 18 pieces
Now that LDD has updated to have the Mixels joints. I was able to finish my idea of a Mixels tribe. These are a tribe of female Mixels. These were designed if they were actual sets. There tribe's special power is restoration. They repair damaged landscapes caused by other Mixels. There tribe is called the Carolites LXF file http://www.brickshel.../mixel_mocs.lxf Here are pictures of them Hearth- Hearth may not be very bright but she always puts a lot of effort in her work. (Piece count 57) http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_1.png http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_2.png Scala- Scala's focus is as long as her body. Once she's started something she won't stop till it's done. (Piece count 52) http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_3.png http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_4.png Mamo- Leader of the Carolites. Mamo tends to be overprotective towards the other Mixels. She thinks the Nixels don't mean to be bad and tries to reason with them. (Her set is the one that comes with the Nixel) (Piece count 61)(43 for Mixel. 18 for Nixel) http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_5.png http://www.brickshel...ale_mixel_6.png Nixel (Major Nixel from Another Nixel) http://www.brickshel...major_nixel.png Carolites Max http://www.brickshel...mixel_max_1.png http://www.brickshel...mixel_max_2.png http://www.brickshel...mixel_max_3.png Comments and criticism appreciated
^click for Flickr gallery^ Brickset has a contest for building Mixels Mixes or Maxes and I've been wanting to combine the Infernites into something that uses more pieces than the official Max and also use more eyes than any official Max. It was tricky because sometimes I found myself wanting a piece that just wasn't there and I had to find a way to build around that. I'm pretty proud of managing thumbs, though.
Seeing as there isn't a proper discussion thread for Mixels on BZP, I've decided to start one. Mainly because these little models deserve to be talked about. What do you think of the "story" (loosely speaking here), and the models themselves? Personally, I think that while this series seems like a cash-in by LEGO and Cartoon Network, it's not the WORST idea I've seen (*COUGHBEN10COUGH*), and the pieces are highly reusable. My main qualm would be that the series 1 Mixels would be more memorable than the other series (although they do look cooler) Also, Flain looks NOTHING like his cartoon counterpart. But that's my opinion. What's yours on Mixels in general?
Recently lego announced a new theme called "Lego Mixels." It is going to have it's own Cartoon Network show as well as some sets. What exactly it is, we don't precisely know apart from what has been posted on the lego wiki (which we still don't precisely know.. it's a wiki, what can you expect.) It will feature "the colorful Mixels creatures that can mix and combine with one another in creative and unpredictable storylines. A collectible portfolio of low-priced mini building sets will launch in three waves in 2014 and an app-powered gaming experience will engage fans in a deep mobile game that will cover the sprawling world of Mixels." It is one of those things that may have promise, but could also be incredibly anticlimactic. The fact that lego is working with cartoon network is certainly not promising imho (I personally find the Chima and Ninjago TV series to be some of the worst media decisions by Lego). However this about an "app-powered gaming experience will engage fans in a deep mobile game that will cover the sprawling world of Mixels" could be really cool, maybe even like Bionicle. Remember, Bionicle started out small. It might also be like the old creator x-pods which were pretty cool. But it's all in the balance. Though this theme is geared for a younger audience, I hope there will be a deeper storyline that could appeal to us older fans.