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On a non-Nic Cage related note, I'm thinking about buying a tablet with this money specifically given for me to do something fun with and the money I make from mowing. Now, none of you have ever seen my art because I can only draw things well on a dry erase board. I tried fitting one into a scanner. Didn't work. So, I was curious as to what tablet you guys use for your art/which you think is best. Preferably at $200 or less. Currently I'm thinking a Nexus 7, but... Oh, and I'm actually building a MOC, though my biology has gotten way too far into my brain. I'm trying to build a DNA strand out of LEGOs. Hoo-ray.
Teamed up with good buddy Tahu Nuva 3.0 and did some MoCing yesterday... Felt pretty good, I must say. Was working on a sort of Anchor/weapon thing for a MoC I'll probably never end up finishing, but the Anchor itself is pretty darn cool. Very chunky, very heavy, and it doesn't break easily ~
I lied. I might be posting a bit more. It's a WIP of the Bota Magna Heroes Gelu. 1 2 Critiques?
I made a HALLOWEEN MOC. Here's the link: Trick Or Treat!
Because I have absolutely nothing else to blog about, here's a little something. Kakamas? On my Agori? It's more likely than you think.
Man this thing was so rushed It's for the HF building contest, if you didn't figure that out already. Oh well, the very fact that I made it is somewhat an accomplishment!
If you're cool you'll check out the topic -FtC
Oh hey, an excuse to build something. I do believe I'll be entering this.
It's easily the most stressful contest I've entered. But I'm totally loving it. =3 Because my team is awesome.
Teal: It's such an awesome color. Of course, we only got a hint of it in Kongu and a Tarakava (plus some pre-Bionicle Slizers), but I for one love teal. It's There's no way to explain it. Who else wants to bring teal back? Post a comment and join the Bring Back Teal Club! You will have your name listed in a custom content block on the side of my Blog and a chance to participate in official BBTC BBCCs! -=< Banners >=- [url=""][img=][/url]Credit to Chunky! [url=""][img=][/url]Credit to Chunky! [url=""][img=][/url]Credit to Chunky! Many thanks to Chunky! for making these three. [url=""][img=]Credit to Waffles[/url] Thanks to Waffles for this one. [url=""][img=] Credit to Nidman[/url] Thanks to Nidman for this one. [url=""][img=] Credit to christo1096[/url] Thanks to christo1096 for this one.
Brickeens made this. He doesn't seem to want to post this in his blog. But it's a true masterpiece of design. Presenting ... Notroblerst. The image links to a full-sized picture. Enjoy this fantastic pinnacle of skill from one of the great MOCing masters of our time.
Presenting... Brain-E Links to topic in BBC, which in turn links to the Flickr gallery. I'd really appreciate any feedback -FtC
Ya, if you could click on that picture and check out the topic, that'd be just great So, it's another MOC for the Bionicle Without the Bionicle Brickfair Collab. It's called Reaper because of its hood-like head, and the staff thing he carries. This is possibly not the final version either - I'm very rarely completely satisfied with something I make.
Looks like I won't be entering Partly because I've got too much other stuff going on and partly because I'm just slack. But hey, new font. The old one was a bit plain IMO
This is something I've been wanting to do in my blog for a while, but have never gotten around to actually doing it due to my laziness and/or general camera issues. What I do: I post WIPs, ideas, or underused parts. What you suggest: Directions to go with these ideas. This is to increase my MOCing abilities and my creativity. Challenges will be posted intermittently and updated/bumped frequently. The things I post I have full intentions of completing, I just need ideas. Another shot With my ugly hand The back Another one with my ugly hand This particular WIP has been sitting on my (rather overstuffed) MOCing desk for a while now. I had it attached to a flimsy System base with some control panels, but that was not only unstable, it fell apart. I rather like the geometry of this one. The Nuva lid works well with the trans-lime, I think.
Well, the polls are over, and the people of BZP and Piece Out have spoken. I'm also going to review the 3 finalists' MOCs In first place we have Koltrin's Silex! Wow. If I hadn't known it was made for this contest, I wouldn't have guessed that there's a HF torso in there . The overall presentation is very nice. The legs here especially caught my attention. The thin leg-section in between the upper and lower parts provides some nice contrast between the bulky armour plates on the other sections. The use of pistons on this MOC is quite clever. Instead of filling up that gap with various other pieces, the creator went for a more mechanical look. The arm with the jetpack is very cool, especially with the tubing running up the centre of the arm. The other arm is cool, but I think the flipping sword action could be a bit better. The grey piece on the axle of the sword also looks a bit off. Koltrin will recieve this banner as his prize, custom made by Spectral Avohkii Enterprises. Don't forget to give credit! [img=] Coming in for second place is Brahma's Versarak! I had a feeling that this MOC would go far. Although awfully cluttered at some points, its sheer size is quite impressive. The torso is amazingly solid, and incorporates the HF torso very nicely (down at the crotch area). The Rahkshi backs on the shoulders look really good (I know from experience that it's hard to do this) and the weapon is cool beanz. The legs look quite skinny and unposeable, but the feet make up for this. Although too big for the MOC itself, the feet are very well designed, using pistons to attach the Takanuva blades to the feet. The wings at the back look great also. Hey, I mean, what's not to like? It's a giant Visorak with antlers In third place is Fakhri's Dunkan Bulk (Assassin Armour)! This MOC, although using the HF torso in the standard way, looks awesome. Just look at that blaster arm! Those silver pieces just mesh together so nicely, especially with the aimer on top. The use of the Axxon mask on the shoulder looks good, although there is some bare space underneath. The body is brilliant. I mean it. The use of those Thunder parts looks so cool, and the Inika leg-armour in the centre just completes it. My only complaint here is that the Hero core is too far down, and sticks out too much. Ok, so I do not like the other arm at all. It looks far too skinny and bare, even though the creator tried to cover this up with the piston. The legs are fine, but sadly lacking in originality. I think that a bit more bulk here could do wonders. Congratulations to Koltrin and the other finalists! And thanks to all who participated in this contest
February MOC of the Month: Tabaris by SubAqua The first thing that I noticed about this MOC was its colour scheme. Sure, it uses black as the main colour, but just look at the red and yellow bits! Sure, the grey bits here and there might disrupt the otherwise clean colour-scheme, but it doesn't really detract from the overall look of Tabaris. I also really like the robe, and the way that it's attached (using a Bohrok eye). The HF piece on the body looks very good, especially in conjunction with those Metru-brains behind it. The tyre around the waist, although of different texture to the rest of the MOC, is fine IMO. The legs are my real complaint here. The Metru-brains stick out too far, and look like they were just slapped on at the last minute. The lower legs look kinda blocky, but the yellow shin-guards cover this up nicely. Overall, I'm impressed that Subs managed to pull off this colour scheme so well. Sure, it's not a perfect MOC, but it's so original that I chose it for MOC of the Month. So yeah, give me your thoughts on what you think of this MOC. I'm sure Subs will appreciate it too
Congratz to those who've made it this far. Now, the final three will go head to head in this last round. This round will start as of now and close on Wednesday, 9th February, at 17:00 WST. Please vote for your favourite MOC out of the following: 1. Versarak 2. Dunkan Bulk (Assassin Armour) 3. Silex Good luck guys Prizes will be announced at the conclusion of the contest.
Welcome, one and all, to Piece Out MOC Contest #1 - Make Me a Hero! This contest was held on another site, and all 7 MOCs here were made by different people. The object of the contest was to use the Hero Factory 2010 torso piece. This round of voting will start as of now, and end Saturday, 5th February at 5:00PM WST. The top MOCs from each poll will proceed into the finals. Please vote for one MOC from each poll that you think is best. Poll 1: Versarak Jack Justice Poll 2: Dunkan Bulk (Assassin Armour) Chaos Antroz Poll 3: Silex Ankylosaurus AAAT - All Adjustable Assault Trooper As a side note, I will accept votes from those on the other site who do not have a BZPower account. Do not be alarmed if the figures suddenly go up without reason The prize is yet to be decided. Good luck to all contestants!
Discovering that a piece you'd been looking for for over an hour was in your pocket all along. ;_;
In case you haven't read Primus' or Lord Oblivion's blog entries about this awesome event... here's mine. Basically, us Bionicle MOCists are going to rock Brickfair's socks off with a totally awesome collab. So if you're an MOCist and want to join in, please do! The more the merrier, the merrier the more. So, what do you have to build? For starters you can either build a COG (Central Operating Gear) or REB (Rebel). COGs are primarily black, with red armour, and are high-tech mechanical monsters. They can be big or small, just as long as they look menacing and have gunz somewhere. They don't have to be entirely humanoid either REBs are quite shabby-looking. They're like the machine equivalent of an angry mob of peasants. So the REBs are labour-machines that are now striking back. They use functions, formerly for helping others, as weapons, which is pretty funky IMO. As far as I know, there's no real colour scheme. Just build something that looks like it'd be found helping humans with menial tasks. Of course, you'll have to either be there or send your MOCs. I personally am sending mine, 'cos Aus is a biiit too far away. So yeah, make sure to join the BIONICLE WITHOUT THE BIONICLE BRICKFAIR COLLAB 'cos it's awesome.
Because my camera finally stopped being stupid.
Thought it was about time I started doing this. Let me say this first - the MOCs I feature here are from a group of mine called Piece Out, on a different website. Not all of these MOCists will be from BZPower. So yeah, enjoy January MOC of the Month: Atlantians by BioRays This MOC has one of the most unique torso designs I've ever seen. The use of Mata feet is incredible, and at first I actually though it was an Inika torso piece. I really love the arm-blades, namely those from Tarix. The colour scheme struck me as being quite different. Although gold/blue or keetorange/blue are used sometimes, I've never actually seen a gold/keetorange/blue combo. In this case, it seem to work rather well. The only real complaint I have about this MOC is the leg structure. They look a bit gappy, especially at the knee joint. Absolutely loving the head, although the eyes could have been placed a little better. Overall, a very creative MOC in all aspects.
Yeah, you should totally go check out the topic