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Hi, guys! You ever compare Bionicle to something special. You ever feel that Bionicle may have potential to be something much more successful than it is and what it had done in its history. Well, in the 2000s and during Bionicle’s G1 years, after Bionicle was born, it became very successful and well remembered that it got a lot of stuff, like four direct-to-video movies, books, comics, and references in many TV shows. The Lego Movie in 2014 even mentioned it before Bionicle 2015-2016, like some kind of prophecy. Plus, The Lego Batman Movie in 2017 mentioned it at one scene. Hopefully, The Lego Movie 2 in 2019 will reference Bionicle again, and it could mean that Bionicle would come back in 2020, judging from how Bionicle G2 happened. Bionicle G2 is not as a successful as G1, but it has some good charm. It is successful in a few ways, and it got some books and a Netflix show. These aren’t great things, G2 may have been cancelled after two years, and constraction wasn’t doing too great until it will disappear in 2019, and in Thanos from Avengers: Infinity War in this year made it disappear. This decade ain’t great for constraction in general, in other words. Aside from that, if Lego could do more things for Bionicle somehow, like how it did with Ninjago, that would be awesome. Batman and Spider-Man movie series may get cancelled sequels and then get rebooted, and I believe that Bionicle may have that kind of potential because it is well remembered, like these movie series. I mean, it’s Lego’s own Transformers (don’t think about how those movies are terrible. They just look cool and are well remembered.). Other constraction themes, Hero Factory, RoboRiders, and Slizers/Throwbots, may not have the potential (despite Universal Studios planning to make a live-action HF movie, but didn’t happen since 2012), because they were not that successful and did not last as long as Bionicle G1. Bionicle G1 lasted for 9 years, and Bionicle got the reboot for two years, so that’s something. Don’t blame Bionicle for doing not so successful in this decade. Lego just has problems with constraction nowadays. I look at Bionicle as healthy. I would say that Bionicle G1 is like a cinematic universe because it has so many characters and stories. Marvel, DC Comics, and even Transformers got their cinematic universes, so what about Bionicle. I think Bionicle May have that kind of potential if Lego could work something out. I know that Lego made The Lego Movie Cinematic Universe, but if Bionicle characters appear here, it would be hard for them to move their mask to talk. Weird. Well, I think it’s best that Bionicle would have its own cinematic universe that is an alternate universe from that just to make them look better. It would be either a computer-animated theatrical movie or a kid-friendly live-action one with humans and the planet Earth just to make it feel more human (Bionicle characters should get out often, and no profanity words, not like how Transformers overly did it.). Either way, I would love that to happen. Many successful things, like Captain Underpants and Sonic The Hedgehog, are getting their movies in this decade, and I believe Bionicle should do the same, probably in the next decade. If a Bionicle Cinematic Universe were to happen, how would you want it to be. For me, well, here’s this: 1. Bionicle - the Toa Mata/Toa Masters would be the main protagonists, and they would collect magical masks while fighting Makuta Teridax and his minions, whether it be Infected Rahi, Skull Army, Umarak and the Elemental Beasts, Rahkshi, Vahki, Visorak, or the Piraka. 2. Bionicle 2 - the Toa Mata/Toa Nuva/Toa Masters/Toa Uniters would fight the Bohrok, Bohrok-Kal or Umarak and the Elemental Beasts. 3. Bionicle 3 - the Toa would fight against Teridax and the Brotherhood of Makuta, both Makuta and the Rahkshi. 4. Bionicle: Toa Metru - a prequel spin-off about the Toa Metru 5. Bionicle: Toa Hordika - a sequel to that about the Toa Hordika, but still a prequel 6. Bionicle: Toa Inika - a spin-off involving the Toa Inika 7. Bionicle: Toa Mahri - a sequel to that about the Toa Mahri 8. Bionicle: Lesovikk - a spin-off about Lesovikk 9. Bionicle: Mazeka - a spin-off about Mazeka 10. Bionicle: Order of Mata Nui - a spin-off about the Order of Mata Nui. 11. Bionicle: Ekimu - a prequel spin-off about Ekimu. 12. Bionicle 4: Mata Nui’s adventure in Bara Magna. This is based on the 2009 storyline 13. Bionicle 5: the battle between Mata Nui and Makuta Teridax in a final showdown with Teridax. This is based on the 2010 storyline. 14. Bionicle 6: Good guys and bad guys fight each other over the restored Spherus Magna (and maybe the planet Earth). This is based on the 2011 story serials. 15. Bionicle and Hero Factory: Well, I would love to see the Toa and Hero Factory’s Heroes fight each other, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Captain America: Civil War in 2016 style, but a Hero Factory solo movie first before this. It would get two more sequels where the Toa heroes and HF’s Heroes work together to fight their common threats. This would turn the Bionicle Cinematic Universe into the Constraction Cinematic Universe if the first Bionicle movie is successful enough. Well, I would also see the Federation of Fear, the Protectors, Order of Mata Nui, and Glatorian as either TV shows or movies. For the creators of the cinematic universe, the movie company would be Lego and either Warner Bros, Disney, or maybe Universal (because of that planned Hero Factory movie, but I don’t trust it on this one, neither do I on Sony). The directors/writers/producers would be either Steven Spielberg, Travis Knight, George Lucas, or maybe Greg Farshtey. The story would be very good and well-written with some good comedy and action, like Bionicle G1, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Transformers, and Ninjago (the TV show and not the silly theatrical movie), but more stuff resolved and with a very good conclusion. The actors in there would be very great and popular celebrities (I got a lot in my mind, though). If the movies are animated, make it a very good 3-D animated quality, like Moana and How to Train Your Dragon. If the movies are live-action, make good quality on the Bionicle characters (they would be CGI). For human-sized ones, it would be like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this decade and “I, Robot”, and for different-sized ones and etc., it would be like the Transformers movies (if done right and to match the G1 characters) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Music scores would be by either Cryoshell or some good singers or band. They all should be very well promoted and extremely not cheap, unlike Bionicle’s past years. Think Marvel Cinematic Universe for much better stuff. Don’t make things too weird. Just go with G1’s way of things. Hasbro, the creators of Transformers, would do a Hasbro Cinematic Universe, but Transformers is more reasonable, so I think Lego should make Bionicle a cinematic universe. So, guys, how would you envision a Bionicle Cinematic Universe to be in your own image? You know, it would be awesome if this could happen. I think Bionicle should deserve this wonderful treatment.
[ ] Apparently, this was the idea for Jurassic Park IV as envisioned in a script written by John Sayles, years before Jurassic World was a thing. Now, despite being someone who rolls their eyes every time someone in the "Jurassic World" movies brings up the idea that dinosaurs have any military value what so ever I just love the idea of a scene where an Ankylosaurus is sitting inside the hold of a C-130 Hercules, the door opens and an army guy shouts, "GO, GO GO, GO!" Prompting the dinosaur to jump out the aircraft and three big ol' parachutes deploy causing it to fall safely to earth. And don't forget the priceless reactions of the poor guys on the ground looking up as an eight ton dinosaur gets dropped on their heads. I just thought everyone's life would better with that imagery in their brains.
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- Jurassic Park
- Dinosaurs
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So, last month after "Green Book" won Best Picture at the Academy Awards I was made aware, through headlines like, "Green Book worst best picture since Gladiator", of the fact that people don't like Ridley Scott's "Gladiator". Now, my first reaction to this news, of course, was, "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!" Which, despite Zoey Deutch saying it in "Vampire Academy" (one of the most cringe worthy moments in any movie from the last 20-ish years) is one of the best lines in cinema of all time. After that, I did some looking to see what movies "Gladiator" was competing against and found that "Cast Away" is probably my next favorite film from 2000 although I can't say whether I like it more than "Gladiator". When I told my sister about this, her response was something to the effect of, "So it's 'are you not entertained," vs. "Wilson"?" That made me wonder, "What if movies were as good as the memes they inspired?" Then the Star Wars prequels would all be masterpieces! "Taken" would be worth watching more than once; "The Dark Knight Rises" might actually be better than "The Dark Knight". I could sit here and think of some more, but I'll let anyone in the comments work out the implications of living in such a world.
[This review is spoiler free] An unpopular opinion (I have many of those), but I liked Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice, and the longer cut of the film makes it one of my favorite films. With it's release, many more DC Comic movies were set for release. One of these was a welcome surprise, Aquaman, and i have been waiting to see this movie for a couple of years now. Despite his ridicule across the past half-century, I always thought Aquaman was cool, and after reading Geoff John's take on the character that he did early in the New 52 era of DC Comics, Aquaman became one of my favorite superheroes. I have a fridge magnet and two shirts, and have been wanting figures of some characters. People may ask why, nay, they always do, and I explain Aquaman's base plot-points as laid out by Geoff Johns: Arthur Curry is not only the heir to the Throne of Atlantis, he is also an unwelcome hybrid is an outcast between two worlds, and he runs from the world as a result. A time comes however when he must conquer his self-doubts and take up responsibility, and stops his half-brother from totally destroying the surface world and take up the Throne of Atlantis to create world peace. After that he has to watch over a people that doubt his place in power and conspire his downfall and represent his people in face of a surface world that holds him responsible for the actions of his people and predecessor. Also, the ocean is quite deep and vast, so supernatural forces often come to the forefront. The 2018 movie is largely inspired by the the Geoff John's run on Aquaman, but also takes inspiration from many points from throughout the character's long history as a comic book character. And i say inspired because it does not follow the comics point-per-point, and I largely applaud the vision seen in this movie as it takes many liberties, and some of those decisions I found myself preferring over the source material. Others, i think the source material did better. Story-wise, the movie is a little all over the place, something that would have been helped out in a clear Lord of the Rings-style intro exposition rather than telling such lore details in passing. A moment was given to explain everything but it was rather rushed. And the plot is very reliant on this world's history of the Empire of Atlantis and the varying kingdoms it split into (most of the existing remnants are mutants), so making it more clear would have been helpful. Also brief showing of character names a la Burn Notice would have been good. Another point to gripe about is West Sahara. The transition for the first royal duel and the events there and the arrival to West Sahara have quite the jarring difference in tone. You got to ease into the tone difference so ti is not natural, you don't go from being edge-of-the-seat action, to making jokes that felt more befitting of a romantic comedy. Redoing West Sahara prior to the ruins would have been preferred. Likewise, the action scenes in Siciliy lasted too long, took away from the overall plot. But to what i loved, were the elements of high sci-fantasy and the visuals. Sweet Jesus, the scale of the visuals were ambitious, the scope of the lights of Atlantis made you feel small, and the ending large-scale battle felt like an underwater version of Warhammer 40k. Another note are the sound effects, you actually feel as if they were filmed underwater, as both the vision fitted this and it sounded like they spoke underwater. And all the lore? I was able to pick up on it along the way, and i feel like we were only teased at the full scope of the underwater realms and the stuff related to them. Of all the DC Comics movies made with this universe, this movie felt like it carried more franchise potential then the main Superman entries. So, is this a perfect movie? No, but i loved this movie and I can look past the small mistakes. I implore everyone to go give this movie a shot and see more to Aquaman than just the orange dude that talks to fish. i was purposefully vague here because everything i liked is important to the story and i don't want any spoilers.
Seen a movie recently and thought it was atrocious? Think you've just witnessed the best piece of cinema on this fine planet? Well, say how you feel about it! Example (needn't be followed to a T but a good format): I recently saw Geostorm in theatres and despite going into it knowing full well that it would be like most other disaster films it blew me away by it's complete and utter lack of story. World ending events can only be done so many times in movies before they become old and this movie would qualify for a seniors discount. Pros: CGI Okay acting Cons: What is time!?! No comprehensive story Hamfisted comedy What is character development Overall: 4.9/10
I just got back home from the movies. I'm normally not a movie person, personally. Movies tend to be about heteronormative romances on the side of some other quirk designed to sell tickets for whatever special effects the industry wants to show off this time. Okay, maybe that's a tad unfair because I'm not a movie person, but that's how I generally view them. And it's not like I dislike every movie. But mostly I stick to Disney movies. That has changed lately as I am now a bus ride or a decent walk away from a movie theater these days. And hey, I actually have an income now, so I can actually justify going out to enjoy my life. I digress. When I first heard that this movie was about a gay romance with a PG-13 rating, I pretty much knew I was going to see it. LGBT movies tend to be too trashy or too heartbreaking or too esoteric for me to notice. Granted I haven't seen too many of them, but in general none of them really quite fit. It's kind of like "even when it's LGBT oriented it still doesn't really pertain to me." Maybe I've just seen the wrong movies. So my experience started when I first entered the theater. I was second in line at the ticket booth. I had gotten there about twenty minutes before the theater opened for the afternoon (they open 15 minutes before the first movie is scheduled to air). After I got a small soda and popcorn, I was the first person in the theater. Now, I live in a more conservative area so I honestly wasn't sure if anyone else was going to show (even though it was opening weekend for Love, Simon). The first group to walk in was this group of teenagers. Not wanting to be a total creep, I didn't make eye contact, something I rarely do with anyone I don't personally know, and I browsed my phone. I couldn't help overhearing them, however. They were talking about whether or not they had come out to their family. Most of them had, but one of them said they hadn't. "My mom thinks I'm confused." One of them said and in response their friend said "Hahaha, it's cute that [she] thinks that." They talked about their orientations "I'm pan." "I'm grey asexual" and so on. One of them made a point to say that none of their group was heterosexual. This struck a chord with me. I had known there were other kids who were out when I was going to school. I decided to remain closeted for a long period of my life. I went through most of my younger days dealing with everything on my own. It was difficult at the time. It made me really happy just to overhear these young adults. Throughout the entire movie they were reacting (just like I was) to the events onscreen. Most of the people who came in after that seemed to be young women. There was one elderly couple. One thing the theater seemed to lack were problematic men. That suited me just fine. After the previews aired, the countdown for the movie started. I honestly didn't realize how excited I was to see this movie until just before it started. I was really optimistic. For the first time ever, t h e... f i r s t... t i m e... e v e r, I felt like I was seeing a movie that was made for someone like me. Even if I wound up not liking the movie, which I knew was a very real possibility, I knew that this was something that I never had before. Going to the movie theater to see a movie about a gay teen as the average joe. I never thought I'd have that experience, so to actually have it... I don't even know what words to use to describe how that felt. As for the movie? Well, without spoiling anything, I have to say I really enjoyed it. I wish I had seen a movie like this one when I was still a questioning teenager. It touches base on a fair amount of issues that I personally related to, even if they weren't exactly the same situations. There was more than one scene where I felt like "Oh, Simon, I feel you, bro" and there was definitely more than one scene that got an emotional reaction out of me. In my opinion this movie doesn't waste a single minute of its screen time. After the movie my head was filled with so many thoughts. This was an incredible experience and all it took was one movie that did a good job representing someone like me. -Tekulo
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Hi, guys! You guys into dream-casting celebrities (meaning you wishing that a celebrity could play a certain character for your enjoyment)? Well, this topic would make you happy. I know that some Bionicle characters are played by TV show voice actors in their direct-to-video movies and The Journey to One show from Netflix, but we will be talking about having Bionicle characters being played by famous celebrity movie actors. These actors include ones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and The Lego Movie Cinematic Universe. Ninjago's TV show has TV actors, but the new Lego movie, coming this September, will have different actors, who are, of course, famous celebrity movie actors. So, what famous celebrity movie actor would you like to play what character (could be your favorite character)? For me, I have a bunch of ideas, but I put some asterisks point out my favorite characters. 1. Tahu* - Richard Armitage or Hugh Jackman 2. Gali - Scarlett Johansson or Evangeline Lillie 3. Lewa - Jackie Chan, Johnny Depp, or David Tennant 4. Kopaka - Michael Fassbender or Jeremy Renner 5. Pohatu - Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, Will Arnett, or Ben Affleck 6. Onua* - Vin Diesel 7. Takua/Takanuva* - Tom Holland 8. Makuta Teridax/Makuta* - Ibris Elba or Josh Brolin 9. Vakama (Toa) - James McCoy 10. Vakama (Turaga) - Patrick Stewart 11. Nokama (Toa) - Gal Gadot 12. Nokama (Turaga) - Rachel House 13. Whenua (Toa) - Michael Chiklis 14. Whenua (Turaga) - Billy Dee Williams 15. Turaga Dume - Keegan-Michael Key 16. Roodaka - Angelina Jolie or Michelle Pfeiffer 17. Keetongu - Vin Diesel 18. The Shadowed One - Gary Oldman 19. Hakann - Topher Grace 20. Thok - Frank Grillo 21. Avak - Mickey Rourke or Thomas Haden Church 22. Vezon - Johnny Depp or Andy Serkis 23. Jaller - Andrew Garfield 24. Hahli - Anne Hathaway 25. Macku - Kate McKinnon or Auli'i Cravalho 26. Velika - Peter Dinklage 27. Pridak - Hugo Weaving or Willem Dafoe 28. Lesovikk - Luke Evans 29. Karzahni - Alfred Molina 30. Makuta Miserix - Tony Todd 31. Helryx - Cobie Smulders 32. Tuyet - Jennifer Lawrence or Karen Gillan 33. Mata Nui - Michael Dorn 34. Gresh* - Andrew Garfield 35. Malum - Sebastian Stan 36. Metus - Sam Rockwell 37. Kiina - Daisy Ridley, Victoria Justice, or Kate McKinnon 38. Korgot - Emma Stone 39. Ekimu - Keegan-Michael Key 40. Skull Slicer - Sam Rockwell or Tom Kenny 41. Kulta the Skull Grinder* - Lee Pace 42. Umarak* - Mark Ryan, Tim Roth, or Robin Atkin Downes 43. Rahi - Dee Bradley Baker and/or Frank Welker (vocal effects) 44. Spherus Magna creatures - Dee Bradly Baker and/or Frank Welker (vocal effects) 45. Elemental Creatures and Okotan animals from Bionicle G2 - Dee Bradly Baker and/or Frank Welker (vocal effects) Well, this is how much I can think of. You guys mean what I mean over there? So, what famous movie celebrity actor would you like to play your favorite Bionicle character(s) (or more)?
Me: It's been over a month since my last blog entry. I wonder if I can find something to blog about. 'finds story about a live action Dora The Explorer movie being made with Michael Bay as a producer' Me: Yeah, that's something to blog about. So Michael Bay is helping to make a Dora The Explorer movie. I didn't see that coming, TBH. Apparently the movie will age Dora up to a teenager and will be about her moving to the city to live with her cousin, Diego. So congrats to all the Dora The Explorer fans for getting a live action movie for your show. Let's just hope that Michael Bay doesn't blow it up.
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- Michael Bay
- Dora the Explorer
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Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting my thoughts on movies that have been coming out this summer. (Or you have not noticed. I don't know. ) This is because it's been a really rough summer for me at my job. Summers have always been rough at my job, but this year has been extremely tough, especially this month. But I still wanted to at least mention some of the movies I've seen this past summer. So I'm going to just mention which movies I've seen and give some quick thoughts on them. They are as follows: 1. Wonder Woman: Finally DC gets a great movie for the DCEU under its belt. I really enjoyed it, despite the fact I had to see it in 3D because the 2D showing I wanted to see was sold out. I definitely recommend this movie. 2. Transformers: The Last Knight: Anthony Hopkins being in this movie is the best thing about it. Otherwise, though, it's your typical Transformers movie from Michael Bay. It's the only movie I've seen this summer that I was though was 'meh.' I say wait for the film to be discounted in a sale to get it if you really want to see it. 3. Spider-Man: Homecoming: This is probably my favorite movie I've seen this summer so far. Tom Holland proves that he can hold a movie on his own as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. I really liked the many callbacks to the previous Marvel films too. Plus, The Vulture was an interesting villain, and was different from other villains we've seen in the MCU. I highly recommend this movie to those interested. 4. War for the Planet of the Apes: Another great movie IMO. It doesn't have as many action scenes in it as the name of the movie might suggest, but that didn't bother me because the story kept me invested in the film. Though the action scenes it did have were really good. I will admit that I think that Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the movie that came out before this one, had a slightly stronger story. But this film is still great and I recommend it to all those interested. And there are my summed up thoughts on these movies. Maybe sometime in the future I'll talk about some of these in more detail. But right now I'm looking forward to the future, and really hoping an Avengers: Infinity War trailer gets released this weekend at Comic-Con. Have any of you seen these movies? And if so, what did you think of them?
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Very recently, Voltex posted in his blog about making a list of every one of your favorite movies from every year you've been alive and I decided to do the same thing. Echoing some of the things he said, I too need something to blog about and I also need to watch more movies especially from the year I was born. I will also add that I need an excuse not to start writing a short story that's a sequel to that "Twilight Zone" episode "To Serve Man". Now on to the movies! 96: "That Thing You Do" 97: "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" 98: "Mulan" 99: "The Sixth Sense" 00: "Gladiator" (sorry "Unbreakable" and "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust") 01: "The Fellowship of the Ring" 02: "Signs" (sorry "Spider-Man") 03: "The Return of the King" (sorry "Master and Commander", but I guess that's the story of your life) 04: "Hotel Rwanda" (sorry "Spider-Man 2") 05: "Batman Begins" 06: "Facing the Giants" (I'm not sorry "Spider-Man 3") 07: "Ratatouille" 08: "The Dark Knight" 09: "Star Trek" 10: "Robin Hood" 11: "Super 8" 12: "October Baby" 13: "Captain Phillips" 14: "Edge of Tommorow" (sorry five or six other movies that I also really like and everyone else would agree is better than this one) 15: "Mad Max: Fury Road" 16: "10 Cloverfield Lane" (sorry "The Neon Demon" for not getting around to watching you yet) 17: I've only seen 8 films this year so far and "Dunkirk", "The Last Jedi", "Guardians Vol.2", and "Valerian" are still on the way, but at this point I'd probably pick "Life" or "Kong: Skull Island" as my favorite movie of the year with "The Lego Batman Movie" as a strong runner up.
So truth be told, I actually saw this movie when it came out a few weeks back. I just haven't had the motivation time to type up my thoughts on it. I've seen it two more times since then, and since I have some free time now, I'll go ahead and get my thoughts posted on it. There are spoilers below, so read at your own risk.
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- Thoughts
- Star Trek: Beyond
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Arg, this movie. The feels, the music, the plot, the dogs, the Adventure book, the Kevin... It's so feelsy. Maybe not as feelsy to me as The Fox and the Hound, but still it's a favorite of mine. GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3
There are a LOT of movies coming out this year. Here is a list of the ones I plan to see. It is in no particular order. 1. Captain America: Civil War 2. DeadPool 3. Doctor Strange 4. 10 Cloverfield Lane 5. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice 6. Star Trek Beyond 7. Suicide Squad 8. X-Men: Apocalypse 9. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 10. Gambit 11. Independence Day: Resurgence I've already seen the Revenant, so I can check that one off the list. I might also see Finding Dory and Kung Fu Panda 3. Are there any other movies that you guys think I should add to this?
With The Force Awakens coming out in a couple weeks, I thought it would be interesting to ask some Star Wars related questions this time around. And those questions are: What is your all-time favorite Star Wars movie, and why is it your favorite?
What are the moments or things from the bionicle DVDs you didn't like? I always thought that the lack of elemental powers in the second movie was weird. Why didn't Lhikan use his powers to escape? He could've just shot a fireball at Krekka and Nhidiki to slow them down, buying him more time to escape. He could've also at least been kind enough to tell one of the matoran like Nokama what they can do as toa and have them pass on their knowledge to the others. I also found it stupid that the Toa Metru ran off without taking a few minutes to see what they can do as toa.
Here is a hypothetical question that I thought of while posting in another topic. Would you want 3D versions of the Bionicle movies to be made? And if so, which ones? Now, I know that Lego will probably never do this. And even if they did, I have no idea if they would make a profit from it. But I am asking what would YOU want, disregarding whether Lego will or won't do this in the future. Would YOU want 3D versions of these movies? I, personally, don't like 3D. I feel that it causes the viewer to be distracted from the movie's story. So I wouldn't want 3D versions of them. But that is just me. I want to see what everyone else says on this question. So vote away!
(note: most of these pertain to movies, video games, etc. so don't keep reading if that's not yo thang) I want: -Marvel Studios to purchase the rights to Fantastic Four back, but do nothing much with the actual Fantastic Four themselves. Rather, give Doctor Doom a solo movie that leads into Avengers 4, in which he's the main villain. In said movie, he's presented at first as a sympathetic child born from tragedy (his mother gets killed in a deal with the devil I mean that kinda sucks). It manages to create a well-rounded character more like the one presented in the comics and includes the advancement of both his magical and technological skill, and the second half deals with how he overthrows the Latverian government and establishes himself as king. So we get both magical, sci-fi, and political intrigue in a movie that's a pretty stark (heh) departure from most comic-book movies. -Brett Dalton to play Nathan Drake, nonnegotiable -A television series based off of FTL: Faster than Light. Each episode contains an event or two, and each season is a sector (with the exception of the eighth and last season, which contains both the Crystal Sector and The Last Stand). We get new cast members every season as more crew members are recruited; at the same time, main character deaths are frequent to simulate the heartbreak and utter frustration from the game. -A weird, action-packed, summer-blockbuster-fun zombie apocalypse movie starring Emma Watson, Anthony Mackie, Ellie Kemper, and Jeff Bridges. It would be gloriously bizarre. -A has-science-gone-to-far extension of the capture of Mew/creation of Mewtwo, with Dr. Fuji as the main character. Contains themes that pertain to modern genetic research. -The Heroes reboot to be good. -Robert Downey, Jr. to guest star on Marvel's Agents of Shield as a lead in to Captain America: Civil War. This is probably the most likely to happen, a lot more likely than the one directly above this one. -World peace. -A sequel to Space Jam about the military-industrial complex. This is a joke, but dangit i want more space jam -Charlize Theron or Emily Blunt as Captain Marvel. Call me mainstream, but I think they'd be good for the role based on what I have heard secondhand and what other people have told me but also slightly maybe my opinion (I really do think they'd be good for it) -Andy Serkis in everything. -More hats. To be honest this started with five or six serious ideas and devolved into a bunch of jokes and random opinions so this is what it's come to I guess, time to procrastinate more for this physics test bye
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- spoiled brat
- movies
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ANOTHER favorite topic from Bonkle? Yes. What is your favorite moment from BIONICLE? It can be from a book, comic, movie, pack-in flyer, or whatever else. Personally, this scene always hits me in the feels: I love this so much.
Saw this one recently when browsing old movies. It's a Cinderella musical, and it's one that I quite enjoyed. The characters were fun and engaging, the dance numbers were impressive and the songs were catchy, silly and other times lovely. Other than that, I recently got The Muppet Show on DVD, and ahhhh it's the best thing ever. I love how it has culture and big celebrity names (and cheesy jokes). They don't make 'em like they used to. Miss Piggy might just be my favorite character. Well then, Billy, GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3
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- Fairy Tales
- Cinderella
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My Opinion on Movies I've seen so far this year. (2015)
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
Here is go again! Here is my opinion on the movies I've seen so far this year. (I will go into some spoilers for the movies. That is why they are in spoiler tags.) Avengers: Age of Ultron: Jurassic World: Terminator: Genisys: Ant-Man: American Sniper: Southpaw: These are the movies I've seen so far this year. Thanks to anyone who reads all of this! -
You know how some people complain about the G2 animations? Thank goodness we didn't get mostly terrible 75-minute CGI movies. That would have been even worse. We'd either get totally robotic characters that resemble the sets a little too much or biomechanical characters that only vaguely resemble the sets, small insects somehow forming giant Wave One Red Coloured Sets, cringe-worthy lines, eyes magically changing colour to indicate alignment, and characters with more rocks in their head than a Po-Matoran of Stone. We might get halfway decent voice actors though... You know, if this was Hero Factory, we'd know the plot of the entire year by the end of January. ...Completely unrelated, but did anyone else think that the Metru Nui years took place after the Mata Nui years until the end of 2004? Because I did, and I got really angry about Ahkmou being in MNOG II, claiming that, of course, he should not be there because he was on Metru Nui. I don't think I had realised the Toa Metru and Turaga were the same characters that point, I just thought they had the same names. I once bought a Pohatu Nuva but I somehow managed to crack the torso in half within five minutes. I was 7.
-so finals are approaching, i'm taking 2 ap tests, and so logically the best option is to cram as much schoolwork down student's throats as possible -I'm taking part in the day of silence this Friday! As a part of my high school's Allies Club, I'm making a more conscious effort to be informed and to take a more active part in promoting equality, so I won't be talking to anyone or interacting with anyone outside of what's required for school for the entire school day. I'm friends with one of the co-leaders of the club, and she explained to me that the purpose of the day was to simulate as best as possible what it feels like when you don't feel like you can talk to anyone (obviously not anywhere close to how it actually feels), so I'm excited and hope that this will be a learning experience for me. -Also going on the retreat for my high school next week. This is the last one I'll be able to go on unless I sign up to be a student leader on a retreat, but next week's retreat is apparently the amazing, life-changing, super feels-y one. From what I've heard everyone cries. I'm excited because yay feelings! -not bragging or anything but a 2360 is a good SAT super-score right #totallybragging sorry just excited -Daredevil. Soooo good. I'm only on episode 10 and I won't be able to watch anymore until this weekend but oh boy wow this is a big step for Marvel. If you haven't been a fan of Marvel's stuff up to now there's still a good chance you'll enjoy Daredevil. -Speaking of Marvel, AOU in two weeks! I am a fanboy so I'll love it regardless of actual quality (that being said I don't expect it to be anything under great) -super secret writing project is underway. Stay tuned! It will most likely not be good but I really just want to test the waters with writing and stretch myself, and I think that's a good goal. -I've been feeling a little odd lately. On one hand, a lot of my relationships with other people have been going really well! My friendships feel like they're in a good place and I'm strengthening some of my newer ones. But at the same time something feels off. I'm not sure if it's one thing or many things, but I think one factor is this creeping feeling that all relationships and experiences are temporary and fleeting- a little deep, but I get where I might be coming from as I lost touch with almost all of my grade/middle school friends of 8+ years upon coming to high school, plus some complex relationship-y stuff once in high school. Trying to make sense of it all but it feels all muddy and unclear. I'll try to make sense of it as best I can but I'll be fine. -Ending on a happier note- prom is this Saturday! Also the ACT is this Saturday! haha you thought this post was gonna end on a happy note but for real I am very excited for prom! And pre-prom and after-prom and after-after-prom and crashing at a friends place after after-after-prom and jeez who designed this system what even
So apparently there's rumours floating around that Jenna Maroney Jena Malone will play a female Robin in the new Batman vs. Superman movie. Two things: 1) Maybe a dose of feminine energy will help balance the manliness of the Bat-chin. 2) Seriously, DC, why can't you just make a movie based on The Dark Knight Returns and sit back and sip your cocktail made of $100 bills by the poolside which is also filled with money on your beach chair which is also made of- you guessed it- money? The material is there, just make it already D: I'm still excited for this movie and I'm looking forward to see how exactly they plan to handle the mix of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, she-Robin, Lex Luthor and Khal Drogo Aquaman without botching everything, as Zack Snyder is known to do occasionally. I don't have very high hopes at this point, but I'd love to be proven wrong in two years' (!) time.
I've been wanting to do this entry for a while, if only to share my own experience with something people have a very limited exposure to. It also happens to be my 200th entry (I honestly don't even remember when I made the other 190+, but whatever ). Anyway, I don't know how familiar y'all are with Bollywood. You've probably seen Slumdog Millionaire, but that one doesn't really count because it was made by a British filmmaker and just had Indian actors and was set in India (at least, it doesn't count for me. ) The other things you might have heard are that Bollywood is full of mindless comedies that make no sense, often relying on overused tropes and slapstick humor that is in the loosest sense of the term, "funny". That, plus the music and the dance numbers. Ever present and in abundance in almost every movie that's released. Some filmmakers tend to stick to the age-old, tried and tested formula of a "comedy" with the occasional catchy (and often exploitative) song to draw the audiences in. Then, there are others who use the medium of film to tell smart, compelling stories that are miles removed from the other films that tend to fill the space of Bollywood. I wanted to use this entry to share some of the movies I'd seen recently that are able to remain uniquely Indian, and are not just "good" in the Bollywood sense of the term (which honestly isn't very hard), but good films in general. They tell their stories well and use music to accentuate themselves, rather than as standalone crowd-pleasers. I was planning to do a series of these sort of entries. There's a lot of gems that get lost in the sea of generic films that are released almost every week, and I don't think I'll be able to cover them all in one entry. Let me know if you want to see more of these. The following are movies I've seen and loved, so I might miss out on some that I haven't seen but are equally good or better (I'll probably talk about those later). If you're interested, you can probably find most, if not all, of these films on Netflix or something. OK, enough rambling, onto the list: Kahaani ("Story"): I don't want to spoil too much because this is after all a mystery. It is a beautifully shot movie set in the city of Calcutta. I would say she goes against the grain and tends to portray strong, independent female characters that do not rely on a male lead. This was the first movie of hers I'd seen and the ending blew my mind (it was a little contrived, but not like anything audiences had seen before). The journey is amazing and tells you a lot about the city and living in it, and the performances are exquisite. If you're into foreign films at all, pretty much all films starring the lead actress Vidya Balan, and the actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui are worth a watch. Mardaani: The title literally translates to "manly", but this film is entirely centered on the life of a female police officer in Mumbai. It deals with some strong subject matters and is quite ruthless in its depiction- not something I'm used to seeing. Again, I don't want to say too much, but it does a good job in dealing with an issue that is a serious problem in society, not just in India, but the world. Like any film, it does have a feel-good ending, but that shouldn't take away from the fact that it is a great movie nonetheless. I would argue that after seeing or learning about the things depicted in the movie, you need to end on a high note. This movie released only a few months ago, btw. Queen: Another movie released recently that centers around the life of a girl named Rani (queen). I don't know what to say about this movie, except that you're missing out by not watching it. Think of it as a sort of coming-of-age movie, with some actual self-realization and character development thrown in. It's progressive by almost any standards you apply to it, which is a huge step for Bollywood. It also helps that the music is pretty amazing and if anything accentuates the film, rather than being a standalone thing. Chak De India: Released a while ago, in 2007 I think? But it was a huge success. It starred Shah Rukh Khan (you may have heard of him) in an actual, serious role. It is a sports film, and one that deals with the Indian national women's hockey team and their coach. This was unheard of because a) it is a women's sports team and, b) the sport is hockey, which despite being the national sport of India, is sadly neglected in favor of cricket (which is almost like a religion now). Again, this is a feel-good movie but in a way that almost anyone who has been part of a team can relate to. It does a good job of shedding light on the plight of women's sports and this is a problem not just isolated to one corner of the globe. I don't know, but I felt super awesome after watching the movie. This one is definitely available on Netflix. So there it is. This is just a fraction of the movies I could talk about, but if you guys want, I could make a series or something out of this (and maybe even include some music?). Let me know. If not, that's fine, I just wanted my 200th entry to be something semi-important.
Just saw the movie today. It was really awesome, probably the best X-Men movie yet. It was even better because I just watched First Class like a week ago, so I didn't have to go back and rewatch anything to understand what was going on. Really loved Young!Charles and Young!Erik the most, TBH. Their actors are just really good. Definitely looking forward to X-Men: Apocalypse, which is coming out in 2016. If it's gonna be anything like Days, it is probably going to be awesome. -TNTOS-