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Here's a rundown of what I built for the BioCup 2024. BioCup 2024 R0: Journey to Mars! Journey to Mars by Mohamed Marei, on Flickr "Seven years of astronaut school. Seven more years of travel... And here we are. RING RING RING .... Time to wake up." Built for the preliminary round of the BioCup. Theme: space. For this MOC, I combined the classic Lunar Buggy aesthetic with some modern concept art designs to yield this piece. The astronaut builds on top of a Technic Fig whose arms are swapped out for thicker-looking padded arms. The legs get a similar treatment with metal ingots in white. Merlin the deranged! by Mohamed Marei, on Flickr "Merlin's newfound fascination with alchemy has yielded an array of.... interesting experiments, to say the least." Built for BioCup 2024 R1 Theme: Energy Subtheme: Chemical Building something interesting for this round was a real challenge. I toyed around with various concepts until I stumbled upon my limited collection of light nougat bricks.. and then a face emerged. Slowly over the next few days, I built up Merlin and the rest of the scene, inspired by an alchemical twist on the traditional Dungeons and Dragons evil wizard trope. The whole time I was building, you could hear me sing "Necromancer" by Judas Priest. In fact, this ended up being the theme song of this build, and Merlin was built in the image of Rob Halford, legendary musician and Judas Priest frontman, who's also a native Brummie! The gargoyles at the back came last; they were more of an afterthought that panned out quite well I must admit. Sadly, this MOC didn't make it through the matchup I was in, but I took it to my display at Brick Festival Birmingham the following day (Saturday 22nd of June), where it received widespread critical acclaim.
Ducklette Adams After a long time since I first used this way of building, I wanted to go back to the first method I used to find an idea: being inspired by the shape of an odd piece. So I opened my Galidor box and started looking at some pieces. After looking at Galidor Connector Block 6 x 6 x 3, with 3 Sockets and 1 Light Gray Pin (gal03), I found the inspiration. The rounded line on this connector piece reminded me of a duck's beak, starting from this idea I decided to build a space ranger duck. For the feet I find elephant ears to be the perfect match to recreate duck feet. I also built a bunny companion for Ducklette. 02/03/23
Tachyon Thrasher "An alien robot bounty hunter from deep space. Executing his mission with ruthless precision, only for those deemed worthy of his service" My entry to the 2023 BioCup preliminary round!
So I started watching the OG Star Trek series, and loving it. It has put me in a sci-fi mood lately. In spirit of this, I have picked up Stellaris again. My, there have been quite a few changes to this game, and I welcome most of them! Game is more fun now. I revisited the Roman Empire space civilization i designed and touched upon some details before wiping all my previous saves and starting a new campaign with my interstellar Roman Empire. Many of you may be thinking, "How the Heck could the Roman Empire have survived beyond the modern day and unify the planet under its grasp?" Well allow me to explore some ideas of mine that could allow for such a course. I must specify here that in relation to talks of domination below, I am opposed to these Roman things and its taint on my faith in history. I am not saying this would be a better world, but a different world, that is all. Enjoy. - Despite what your outdated history classes may teach, the Roman Empire did not fall in Late Antiquity (a half decayed into independent Foederati kingdoms), but rather in 1204 at the hands of rogue catholic crusaders tempted by Venetian guile and in zealous revenge for a genocide of catholics in the domain of the Roman Empire under Andronikos Komnenos, culminating in the disastrous Sack of Cosntantinople. Its demise was settled upon during the Partition of Constantinople where Western occupying forces split up the remnants of the Roman Empire into crusader states and unified them under a crusader dynasty dubbed the Latin Empire, and successor Greco-Roman Kingdoms vied for who better represented the continuation of the Roman Empire. The so-called "Empire of Nikaea" was able to dismantle the Latin dynasty in New Rome and a second Roman Empire was founded under the Palaiologos dynasty, though the damage from the Sack was so extensive that they would never be able to rise anywhere to the great power that the first Roman Empire had. This second take was more of a Greek kingdom with strong Roman Imperial ties, and from here the term Byzantium would be used in later centuries to classify the Palaiologos realm that lasted from 1261 to 1453 (before purposefully misused in western eurocentric propaganda during the early modern period), where the shadow of a shadow fell to eastern invaders and thence forge an attempted Islamic Roman Empire, the Ottomans. That is what happened in our timeline, but it did not need to be so. - - By implementation of the Foederati states to save funds on the military and the fall of imperial authority in the Occidental Roman realms due to corruption and puppet emperor, the West was going to be lost to the Roman Empire eventually, even if Maiorianus and the other last vestiges of strong authority were not assassinated by corruption. But a preventable loss of influence in the West would be the prevention of the rise of the Catholic, or Universal church movement, a counter-culture movement against the Roman Empire. During and after the reign of the Theodosius I, the Roman Empire proclaimed itself to be the realized New Jerusalem from the Holy Bible, and with that thinking, all of Christendom was to be under the power of the Roman Empire (the light in a dark world) and the leader was both a political and religious figure, this spawning the modern word Caesaropapism and the modern definition of autocracy which comes from the rank of the Roman Emperor in the government, Autokrator, absolute, supreme power (different from the title used by rulers to describe this position to their person, like Caesar, Augustus, and Basileus). The Catholic Universalism movement in the West taught that Christianity and Christians could exist and live beyond Roman Imperial borders and can survive without the Roman Empire or its authority. Parts of this initial movement still reside in the modern Papal Church, but was largely overtaken by church politics what with the Donations of Constantine and the making of their own (Carolingian) Roman Empire and Holy Roman Empire to secure their own hegemony over masses, and is now muddled with variance of traditions. The word Catholic was the same as Orthodox until they separated too far from one another and claimed one word each for themselves. (In short, the word Catholic Church now has a lot more baggage to it than the original Theodosian and later Universalist movement and main remnant from this period is the word Catholic itself). Likewise, the loyalists to the Caesaropapist rule of the Emperors were classified as being orthodox to the legal norm, and likewise this name exists in the modern day with little relevance to its present existence, unless a new Orthodox Emperor (understood as Divine Regent over New Jerusalem) is crowned by the Patriarch of Constantinople (which has been vacant since the fall of the Russian Empire; Vladimir Putin was offered Imperial coronation but he declined the offer). In local levels, the traditions of the Roman Republic stayed true to freemen, though the growing danger of the world from the 200's-forward made many people give up their civil rights and become the first serfs in exchange for protection, and so serfs outnumbered freemen. On this topic, it must be said that slavery would later be technically outlawed on Christian grounds as the Abomination of the Age but many rich people had house slaves from captured prisoners of war and the Islamic Slave Trade and people turned a blind eye towards these as the only people that didn't like it were those in lower societal positions. The Roman Empire came to find that the best source of work came from motivation, so the Roman Empire serves as one of the earliest sources of free waged labor in the world. Funny how they go from mass slavery to free labor, but it took them less than a thousand years, and serfs were still a thing. With those things in mind, a good way to prevent the rise of Western Christian Universalism (also in the East, like the Nestorians ceasing Iranian persecution of Christians during the Sassanian period was by declaring themselves separate from the Romans) is to expand upon Justinian I's creation of the Patriarchial Pentarchy, for by this there was only one Patriarch in the western provinces, the Patriarch of Rome (later to be called the Pope) who assumed control over the rest of Europe as being under his religious dominion and at the same time led the counter culture Universalism movement, and also at the same time the Patriarch of Roma claiming the place of Imperial divine power with the help of the forged document called the Donation of Constantine (discovered to be a forgery in the 1400's) being used to attain higher power and help solidify Papal rule over the (Frankish/German) "Roman Empire" in Europe (the Emergent West as Romans called the developing kingdoms of Europe when being polite and not dubbing them as barbarians even by the crusades). Another means of this is to not be so strict in theological debates, allowing for more mental freedom and recognition in humanity's divine element of sentience, free-will. What constitutes as heresy and the crimes for it should be loosened, and Christ's message of freedom should be emphasized while also pointing out the need for a strong central authority to protect the commoners and economic stability, while also finding some way to make laws for the Emperors so that the prize of ultimate authority, the throne of the Roman Emperor, would not be as coveted and civil wars be prevented; reconciling this with divine authority and the boost of ego that comes with this is a tricky thing, only thing i can think of is adopting a philosophy of their contemporary future, Enlightened Despotism as laid out by Frederick II Hohenzollern, King of Prussia. This point of limitation of and responsible use of power is what stretches any plausibility for an ever-lasting Roman Empire, but the creation of the USA and the Internet are other events of implausibility in history as well as many other things, so perhaps something could be made. Potential reforms that fuse the Greco-Roman Empire with the earlier Latinate Roman Republic. To go off of the structure of the United States, perhaps a divine imperial federal level and smaller provinces/states with senators and monarchical governors, or in other words, in ways similar to the German Holy Roman Empire prior to the fall of House Hohenstaufen. The Empire being in a better economic situation for reasons stated below means that that Emperor Constans II will have no reason to strip precious metals from public works across Italy (shipping the stuff back to Constantinople), which accompanied by arresting the Patriarch of Rome (that is, the Pope) at the time for rebellious attitude, will make Italy and the rest of the West less angry at the Roman Empire and see a need for further independence. - - Whatever the cause may be, retaining the unity of the Roman Empire, institutionalization of inherent freedom of man (within the plausible confines of their deranged Roman-Christian views), and the limitations of power while retaining divine authority, are the key ways of making a Roman Empire that could last. History would have an affect on these things, however, namely Islam. In our history, in the 600's Islam was able to expand beyond Arabia with a combination of military genius and unmerciful destruction, but solidifying their conquests over native peoples was because of national disunity and war weariness, the former for the Roman Empire in the form of rebellious Christian populations who tired of the tyranny of the caesaropapist Emperors and invited Islamic conquerors in so that they could practice their faith even it meant that they would have to pay more money than muslims (the dhimmi class of the Muslim caste system; i imagine it was only the wealthy because the poor in lacking funds would be forced to either convert or die), and the latter in the form of Iran under the Sassasnid dynasty who was essentially destroyed by the Roman Empire in their final war with them (though Iranian resistance persisted with minute Chinese assistance) and in this state found that after two major defeats they were wholly conquered, to not gain independence until (briefly the 1000's and (finally) the 1400's. In a world where the local Christians of North Africa, Egypt, Palestine and Syria were allowed to express sentience on theology and not bear physical punishment of force for crossing the whims of a tyrant, the Muslim invaders would have found it so much harder to keep their conquest of the East Mediterranean, if being able to do so at all. With this means that Carthage, the richest city in the western realms, would have been spared a second complete annihilation and Roman imperial presence in the western Mediterranean have been secure, so long as the city remained in control or intact (Carthage and Ravenna were the most powerful cities in the Empire's western realms, they being the capitals of vice-royalty polities, Rome was naught but a nostalgic relic of the past). In our timeline, so destroyed was Carthage after its conquest by Islamic forces that the citiy's ruins were abandoned and the nearby village of Tunis was instead invested in (in time Carthage became a village and Tunis became the big city); the fall of Carthage allowed for the conquest of Marrakesh and after a betrayal by a Roman fort commander opposite of Gibraltar, the Muslims conquered the Visigothic Kingdom of Hispania, save the northern hill-lands. With Carthage intact, Roman presence in New Carthage (South Spain) may be retained, and the heavily Romanized Visigoths will continue to be allies of the Roman Empire, providing a good counterpart to the Merovingian Frankish realms in Gaul. Without the Battle of Tours (Frankish realms in Gaul unify in order to halt and defeat a great Muslim horde from invading Europe from the West) to legitimize the illegitimate Frankish prince Charles Martel, the Carolingian dynasty does not rise to power and there will be no Charlemagne and the whole influence on history he had. The Conquest of Egypt and Spain proved to be vital to the economy of the Caliphate dynasties of the Arabian Empire, so without the funds in the form of the great treasures looted from these lands, we can expect that Islam to not be as expanded upon in this world, at least in the West. According to their scriptures, however, Islamic forces would continue onslaught to breach roman borders and the East Mediterranean may see a similar militarization of settlements like what was seen in Europe during and following the Third Century Crisis to defend against Germanic invaders. One thing I wish to add is that the Chinese Tang Empire help fund Zoroastrianism Iranian resistance against the Arabian Empire, so after an inevitable fall of the "second" Persian Empire (under the Sassanid dynasty) I can imagine that to cause trouble for their newfound foes, the Roman Empire would fund their ancient enemy in rebel uprisings, the mutual funding of such things between Romania might cause diplomatic talks to ha e been attempted, adding a third attempt to the two attempts made by these two regions. - - With the Roman Empire retaining influence over the Christian world (save the Nestorians of Iraq, the Syriacs of India, and the Oriental Church of China) and retaining its vital power-bases in north africa, the Roman Empire would be able to push back the great Sklavonian Horde that conquered Greece and laid waste to the lands and the ancient inhabitants before the empire was able to push most of the invaders out and they mixed with the natives. the Danuvian Limes would still be a hot bed for conflict, if not by the Bulghar Horde that Justinian II unwisely brought to those lands (and the nemesis Bulgarian Empire that the horde would turn into) then by other forces, but again the funds from the Mediterranean means that it would not be as apocalyptic. With ties to the West still intact, perhaps an alternative history counterpart to Constans II would successfully make Syracuse of Sicily the new Roman capital (he was assassinated for this consideration), so Justinian I's restoration of the West could still be a dream to be realized in the future. From this point onward, with the technological achievements of the Roman Empire seen during the early medieval ages (Greek Fire, the automatons of the throne room, the flying throne, and mining machines) and stable national security, as well as ties to the Germanic kingdoms of the West without rise in papal power, we can see that the Roman Empire will become a couple centuries ahead of what was seen in our world, especially in the passing of ideas from the Germanic west (like the advancement of steel plate armor) to the mathematics of Iranian muslims prior to the crushing of scientific advancement by a certain al-Ghazali. Only worries be the tradition of Roman cut-throat politics, the pride of Emperors, and the influences of possible invaders like: The Viking Norsemen (a lack of Charlemagne's Saxon Wars would prevent the radical fury of the Norsemen and their attacks on Christian lands would be less fervent, but climate change and overpopulation would lead to excursions out from the north so Viking raids and invasions will still occur, but just be less severe; this might also lead to earlier exploration beyond Iceland and longer lasting settlement in Labrador), Seljuk Turks (Seljuk never converts to Islam, the actions of all his descendants never occur), and the Mongols (Temujin Borjigin could have died very easily while exiled as a child in the winter wilderness). But who knows, maybe with the survival of the great empire of the west, perhaps gunpowder could be brought to Rhomania without need of Mongol delivery, or maybe chemists could make their own gunpowder in their own search for eternal life and power. And with that, it is only a matter of time before a second era of Roman expansionism unites a resurgent Europe back with the Roman Empire or at least vassalizes them, religious fervor may make a thing like Roman Crusades, and in seeking alternate routes around the Islamic world to their eastern counterparts in Cathay , may have them discover the New World. (Cathay a strange archaic word for China, but they thought was separate from China, so there was both China and Cathay coexisting when in reality they were the same thing.) - - From here, i can say that centuries down the line after a lot of stuff happens, the Roman Empire spans the globe, whereby in an early action in Stellaris, they then unify the Earth under a single banner, and start mining the rest of the Sol System. They seek to expand the realm of their realized New Jerusalem to the stars, pressing their claim as the inheritor of all Creation no matter who or what may stand in their way. All planets shall like tzatziki sauce, or perish! Joking aside, a lot more places are going to go with neo-byzantine and neo-byzantine-gothic architecture (from the influence of Franks and Visigoths), and so might remind you of Theed from Naboo. To fit this new world of total dominance of a single, theocratic-monarchic imperial state, a new Dominante System may evolve (the first version in our timeline never dying until the empire died twice, started by Constantine I following his abolition of the Tetarchy System, tweaked by Theodosius I), the title of Basileus (meaning King or Emperor) having since given way to Sebastokrator (a title coined by Emperor Alexios I Komnenos that was itself meant to supplant the ancient title of Caesar in rank). Sebastion is a Greek translation of the Latin Augustus, and means "venerable, awe, reverence, dread, to feel ashamed in the presence of", and Kratos means Ruler in Greek. This new word is to hark back to the times of the Pax Romana while not upsetting the Greek-speaking majority of the Empire. The planet Earth is known as Hagioteira, or Holy Land/Holy Earth. The capital is Nea-Atlantikos, a massive green-tech megalopolis in-between Spain and the Caribbean, and is largely populated by global warming refugees of a largely beflooded Europe. The words of this, and its tone, befit my Space-Age Empire of the Romans, and the Roman Empire in general, its epic grip of fascination on me as an example of a dark picture of humanity that we must avoid to become, to never return to, and thus, to learn from.
This thing was made with both CCBS and system working together, and I don't know if this would go in the Bionicle-Based Creations or System-Based Creations. flickr This figure is design to have both the CCBS and system working together, with the base torso being a long CCBS bone piece. This figure was also made to use up an of those Star Wars Ultrabuild human heads that I have, and while the CCBS human heads are something that is disliked, the adding of system which add some texture rather than printing, really helps not make it too ugly. Which the current human head that are around, Chirrut Îmwe from the Rogue One is a perfect size and can move around in the helmet greatly. This figure was made as an LEGO idea project, hopping that with a concept like this, could get more people to try mixing CCBS and system, along with pleasing the fans of the two building system. If you like this and wish to see a set of it, please support it on LEGO ideas. LEGO Idea page: (Click Here)
Hello everyone! the first episode of my Insectoids series is ready, this one is more of a prologue to the main series as it doesn't feature the Insectoids vehicles yet, Episode 2 will be coming in the future. It is inspired by 1950s Sci-fi tropes, I hope you enjoy it please tell me what you think
A small collaboration between me and RhymesShelter. Egg Crawler by me. Additional pics: Egg Crawler, Speedy Scout.
Gallery This MOC was intended for the preliminary round of the 2017 Bio-Cup contest on Flickr, the prompt for which was to re-imagine a Lego set in Bionicle form. I've always thought some of the coolest System sets were from Mars Mission, and the Alien Infiltrator already has sort of a humanoid silhouette, so that was a natural choice for me. Unfortunately I was too busy to finish it in time for the contest, but I still definitely wanted to finish and post it at some point. Enjoy!
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After doings a bit of digging I have noticed a possible timeline to the Lego space themes some of it is fan speculation, but some is able to be proven with inset information as well as background story information. So here is The time line of lego space lines (including some space themed sets that are not classified as lego space such as Rock raiders and launch pad). as well as just a few non space themes to spice up the story. 1.Launch command The Lego towns folk begin their first forays into the final frontier. 2.Spaceport 2 More advanced shuttle technology gets the city folk to the moon. 3.Spaceport 1 A kid named BB wins a contest to be one of the first men on mars and must go through training to get there. 4.Life on Mars BB and the rest of the crew land on mars and discover a peaceful race of martians on the planets surface. These martians are collecting a type of crystal that can be used as an energy source. 5.Power Miners The same crystals are discovered on earth when a team of miners calling them selves the power miners are called into study strange earth quakes . 6.Alien Conquest The earth is attacked and defended from alien invaders. 7.Mars Mission Earth is having an energy crisis so they turn to their friendly neighbors on mars for help only to find mars over run by enemy aliens, that have come for the planets rich energy crystal deposits. 8.Rock raiders. After the defeat of the aliens on mars and increase in technology from the alien encounters a large crew is gathered together aboard the LMS-Explorer and in turn with the power miners that came before them , they are loaded with mining equipment to find new planets with energy crystal deposits. The ship is badly damaged and thrown through a worm hole into the Andromeda Galaxy and discover just what they were searching for . 9.Insectoids a race of beings from the Andromeda galaxy called the Insectoids appear . 10.Galaxy Squad A team is gathered to protect the new planets that have been discovered from the Insectoids. (Ultra agents takes place not long after this point back on earth due to a connecting character) 11.Classic space A time of peaceful exploration in the Andromeda and milky way galaxies is ushered in. 12. Blacktron 1 - Futuron - Space Police 1 - M-Tron As the classic factions start to form sides Blacktron starts a war that will lat for nearly 30 years. 13. Blacktron 2 - Space Police 2 - Ice Planet 2002 The war continues as a second wave of blactrons attack. 14.Unitron - Spyrius - Exploriens - Ufo - Robo force The spyrius attack the explorians who are studying a planet along side the UFO aliens and are protected by Unitron. 15.Space Police 3 The furthest into the timeline appears to be Space Police 3 mainly due to the statue of a classic lego space figure that reads in Latin "Thirty years of building and the sky is still unlimited" or "Three Decades of Building in the Infinite Heavens" . This Is my little back story for the Lego Space theme please give me feed back on what you think and on how I could improve it or even include more themes. If you have any Ideas on how this could have worked out post it below.
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I can't remember a time aside from the summer season where so many movies came out that I wanted to see within weeks of each other. Logan, Kong, Power Rangers, Beauty and the Beast, and Life all fall into this category for me. I guess this means I'll be spending a lot of time at the theaters in the near future. But that's off topic from what I want to talk about in this entry. I saw Life this past weekend, and I thought it was an entertaining movie. The characters were interesting, the special effects were good, and the story was pretty decent. It kept me on the edge of my seat at a few moments throughout the film, which is good for a horror movie in space to do. I guess my only real complaint about it is that it doesn't feel like the movie does anything new in the 'space horror movie' department. I will admit that I personally haven't seen many movies that fall into that category, but I felt like this movie's story has been done before. That being said, I still thought it was enjoyable. Plus, it did have a couple good twists to keep things interesting. Or at least, they kept me interested. Overall, I did enjoy this film. It's not going to be my favorite movie of the year, but it was still entertaining enough that I say check it out if you like horror movies in space. That is, if you are old enough to see rated R movies, as this movie has that rating. Have you seen 'Life?' And if so, what did you think of it?
Syndicated Systems: CT-50 Star Barge Front | Back | In-Game Ship I play Endless Sky. Probably too much. Anyway. It's a 2D singleplayer sci-fi trading/combat game in the same vein as Escape Velocity. The Syndicate CT-50 Star Barge is one of the three starter ships you can buy at the beginning of the game, alongside the Tarazed Sparrow (an interceptor) and the Betelgeuse Shipyards Shuttle (a passenger transport). The Star Barge above is painted in Free Worlds green; Navy-aligned Star Barges have a red dorsal fin and orange side fins, merchant Star Barges have all blue fins, Syndicate-aligned have purple fins, and Pirate Star Barges have red fins. I know it isn't the most inspired build, but System and innovation don't really go hand-in-hand when it's me wielding the bricks. C&C welcome!
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Lego Space has been a big thing for me recently. So I decided to tie every single subtheme of it together as best I could. Criticism/comments appreciated. After years of research and work, the people of Lego Town are finally able to launch a large fleet of space explorers. The CLASSIC explorers, as they would come to be known, station themselves on the moon and begin studying it and exploring the surface. Eventually they discover a cache of rare materials, and one of the higher ranking officers is struck by greed. He and his followers steal the materials, launch an assault on the main base and take off into the depths in their ships, forming the BLACKTRON. They will go on to plunder power sources from around the galaxy, becoming more deadly in their attempts to rule all of space. The other astronauts are able to bounce back from this betrayal and form themselves into the FUTURON. They have more advanced weaponry and vehicles, but are largely still an exploration crew. They create a SPACE POLICE subdivision to counter the marauding Blacktron pirates. After several clashes, the Space Police are forced to destroy, not capture, most of the Blacktron. They do, however, take some of the more important officers into custody. With space now considered a safe zone and with the Futuron having established a firm colony on the moon, Earth launches a second, more advanced exploration team, the EXPLORIENS. The Exploriens travel deeper into Space and encounter an icy planet; they create a small ICE PLANET detachment. They feel the ice planet could hold the secrets of the Lego world's past. They also encounter a few other alien species. Several years later, the Blacktron have rallied more support from the depths of space and have rebuilt themselves into the more militarized BLACKTRON 2. However, the Space Police expected a new threat and also upgraded into SPACE POLICE 2. The new Blacktron have incredibly powerful ships and cloaking devices, allowing them to initiate many successful raids on the Futuron and even some direct assaults on Earth. The Space Police cannot match them, and contract the Ice Planet astronauts to build a powerful satellite that will disable all Blacktron ships. Meanwhile, the peaceful ZOTAXIANS (Insectoids) that have been fleeing from the tyrannical HUMORLESS (U.F.O.) have been forced from both their home planet and the insect world where they had hidden. They wind up on the ice planet and help to defend the odyssey base from the Humorless. The Humorless easily overpower both groups and the satellite is destroyed. A few Zotaxians are able to escape with the main branch of Exploriens. Without the satellite they relied on, the Space Police are destroyed by Blacktron and the Futuron are terrorized and relocate to the dark side of the moon. The Futuron split into two groups: the militaristic UNITRON, and the worker-class M-TRON. Both groups are constantly sabotaged by the mysterious SPYRIUS, whose origins are clouded. The Blacktron are considered the rulers of space. Many years later, Earth launches a third team in secret to Mars, in the hopes that they will find new allies to counteract Blacktron and Spyrius, as well as the lurking Humorless. The LOM team meets friendly Martians and establishes a base there, free from Blacktron influence. A few years later, after contact is lost with the LoM team, another group is sent. They are tasked with discovering the fate of the Martians and the LoM agents as well as collecting energy crystals for a new space presence.... This MARS MISSION team finds the Martians and LoM agents dead, but it is not the work of Blacktron or Spyrius.... The ALIENS attack, invaders from another part of the galaxy. They also try to claim the crystals, but the efforts of the heroic Mars Mission group defeats them. However, the leader of the Aliens leaves them with a grim message: This is only the beginning. The energy they collected was for SPACE POLICE 3. These third generation officers track and arrest the evil Humorless and rogue Zotaxians, as well as other galactic scum. The Spyrius manage to evade them, but they find a match in Blacktron. Earth is later attacked by the CONQUEST ALIENS, a more evolved form of the aliens encountered on Mars. However, Earth has been preparing and launches the ADU. The Conquest Aliens stand no chance and are quickly defeated. The ADU upgrades their gear for deep space and heads off to find the source of this threat. The GALAXY SQUAD tangles with the true masterminds of the invasion, the BUGGOIDS. Their clash continues to this day. *collapses onto floor*
So, I don't know if anyone has brought this up before, but I had an interesting idea. I was reading about the Kingdom alternate universe, and I saw something I had forgotten about: when Vezon passed through that universe, he saw them preparing to launch a spacecraft. Now, this obviously has some pretty huge implications on its own, as it would mean that the beings from the Matoran Universe would obviously come in contact with the people of Bara Magna and Bota Magna. But something else occurred to me: in that universe, Velika had become a Toa. Of course, when Greg wrote The Kingdom, he probably hadn't yet decided that Velika was a Great Being in disguise, and so he couldn't have taken into account the implications of him becoming a Toa. However, knowing what we know now, these facts give rise to some interesting speculation. Some things to consider: the Matoran, and all other beings of that universe, have lived out their entire lives inside the GSR, and so should theoretically not have any concept of anything beyond. For 100,000 years, their world ended at the tops of the domes; on the island of Mata Nui, they shouldn't have thought that the sky was anything different. They would have no way of knowing that outer space existed, as nobody had ever told them anything about it. The only person in the entire MU that knows about the true nature of things is Velika. Also, if events played out the way they did in this alternate universe, Velika would be in a total panic. His goal is to rule Spherus Magna, but here Mata Nui's mission has failed, and Spherus Magna is pretty much doomed. Furthermore, he has no way of ever getting off the uninhabited world of Aqua Magna to return to his loyal agents. He's completely stranded, with no way of seeing his goal through. So, this is my idea: what if the Kingdom's space program was Velika's idea? He could have used his status as one of Turaga Takanuva's prime Toa to convince people that there was a whole universe in the sky, and that they should build a craft to explore it, as a ploy to get off Aqua Magna, return to either Bara Magna or Bota Magna to see his agents, find another way to reform Spherus Magna, and then take it over. I think it makes sense. What do you guys think? Do you think that this could have occurred to Greg, and, had the story continued, we would maybe revisit this universe? I think it would have some interesting story potential.
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Recently, NASA's Hubble Telescope set its gaze upon the planetary nebula PK 329-02.2, AKA Menzel 2. Here's the image Hubble sent back to Earth. Looks familiar, huh?
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Main (alt) In flight (alt) I had the idea for the wings/landing gear, and it all sprung from there. I'm pretty happy with how the body worked out, but I do regret it not fitting a fig. Surprisingly, the problem wasn't the arms (as it usually is) but the hands — since the seat was so far forward, they ran into the windscreen's corner "bricks." If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's this piece. (Sorry for not embedding the images)
*Begin Transmission 57758 at 23:48. Hey there! Seems you stumbled upon my datatrack somehow. Oh, who am I kidding, I've been pushing this on all the major 'nets. Anyways, ladies and gents, here's the star of the show: Havoc II! Err.... that's one of her forms anyways. You see, the beauty of this ship is that she's totally modular! Is... is that the right word? I can configure her how I need to for my current robbery vandalizing ventures! It's pretty useful for different situations and lets me escape the fuzz rush hour space-traffic. Here's the weaponry: a pair of military-grade frontal laser cannons, two sets of plasma rockets, and a totally legal rotating rocket turret! The storage pod can carry my captures citizens who are up to no good and need to be turned in, or all this cool stuff I didn't steal from rich dudes! The whole deal's powered by Mars Crystals, which are powerful but run out quickly. A good buddy of mine.... loaned me the groundbreaking blueprints for the easy-removal boxes. Well, I've got to be going now. Blast ya later! End transmission Any further image inquiries are to be placed to Space Police Division 39, as the vehicle has been taken into their custody.
Okay, so, I was planning a thing to submit (maybe) to the Lego Ideas site, but it had to be something really really good and or special, I decided to go with a theme revisit sort of deal, but idk how faithfully i captured the feel? I want feedback as I hope this will be the second-to-last Iteration of this model, (which has taken a long time) Front Back Side Detail Top Errors with the current model: the crane scoop is too big to fit through the building currently, will replace with thinner scoop.The minifigs don't have the space-logo print, will make a custom decal for the final render.The rail projections are... incomplete, there is also not yet a bucket cart to hold the (not pictured) Ice crystals. (it's already around 570 pieces, i'll only add more stuff it it seems necessary.)rock face element closest to tower isn't anchored too well, not sure how it holds up physics-wise.Unsure of number of pieces in existing colors, oops.Male minifig has no hair, may not be a big problem...?Also take note the previous Iteration, which i consider less appealing but idk? anyway, feedback? EDIT: v3.0 has been finialized, Front Back Inside Left Right Changelog Complete overhaul from first floor-up.Crane-arm moved to left sidetower rework to be space-ier"windows replaced with "space-ier" varientIce crystals FINALLY added to parts countpart count raised fro, "500-something" to "700-something"Roof added! finally a respectable roof! (it swings open!!)More practical details added to interior, more science-y!extra cart to hold ice-crystals.
- 9 replies
- 1
- Ice Planet 2002
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(and 3 more)
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A new exo-planet approximately 1400 light-years away has been found circling a star just like ours, in approximately the same distance from it as Earth is from Sol, and is not that much bigger than our planet (Surface gravity might be around 2g, so twice that of Earth's). Distance is not an issue. I'm packing my bags now to head over to this world and stake my claim on the planet for the eventual interstellar wars that will break out amongst the various planet-kingdoms that will spread out through the Milky Way! Just have to go fire up that hyperspace engine, and I should be good to go. Who is with me? I'm packing extra water bottles in case of no surface water. Plus, it will help me lose weight just enough that I don't weigh terribly more than an ordinary overweight person here in the United States. Please keep that in mind should you choose to accompany me. After all, I don't want to hear you complaining about needing a hoverchair to get around once we're there simply because you now weigh over 500 pounds.
- Yeah... not really a story for this one. Took some of the concepts I learned with the Goliath-A cargo ship and made another flying brick. Lotta SNOT (basically a custom 2x1x2 SNOT brick with a 2x2 surface on one side) as well as a sorta-kinda hangar bay in the back. There's some engine pods on the sides and to round things off, some nice detailing on the front. I also made it my mission to avoid showing any studs. If only there was a 1x2 inverted plate. That'd be nice. I dubbed it "the Christmas Brick" because it looks like a very Christmas-y kind of ship and it's rather brick shaped. They don't look too great, but brick-shaped ships are a lot of fun to build.
(Note: anything in default font is current information, while anything in Lucida Sans is from four years ago) Greetings, welcome to Bionicle: -Star Trek- Obviously, these comics are based on the Star Trek franchise, with The Next Generation mostly in mind.Anyway, all credit for the kit goes to Dark 709 for the awesomeness that Chimoru Omega is. I must also credit Gene Roddenberry for creating the Star Trek franchise. Disclaimer: Star Trek is a property of Paramount. I do not attempt to claim the franchise as my own in any way. This comic series falls under the category of a non-profit parody. Now, with that out of the way, let's get started. Season 1 Episode 1 -unfinished- Last Update: December 6. 2011 Episode 2 -coming soon- Note: Episode 1 is still under construction. I just wanted to show you the beginning of it, or what's already done. Consider it, not a preview, but more like a short part 1. Hope you like it... Comments and Criticism appreciated. Four years later update: Well well. I was hoping someone else had made a good star trek bionicle sprite comic, but when I googled it, this was the first thing that came up. I guess this means that the responsibility of creating a star trek bionicle sprite comic falls upon my shoulders.* Mabye I'll update this finally, although since I've lost all the materials I used to create this originally, I guess I'll have to start over again. Consider the unfinished Episode 1 a prototype pilot episode, while the (hopefully) upcoming new episode 1 will be the true pilot. Oh, and I will be using the original chimoru omega, due to the simplicity of its style, and the ease this allows in modifying the sprites, and producing new ones. And since I'll very much so need to create many different characters for a varied cast as well as a large story, this is for the best. I may take this story in a new direction too, so look out for some original concepts and deviation from the standard trek formula... Live long and prosper. Update 2: *: It seems I have been lied to by google. There was in fact an other star trek bionicle sprite comic, but it didn't come up in my google search. I had to check out the comics wiki to find out about it. Regardless, I still think it's a good idea to bring this one back. Can't hurt to have one more star trek bionicle sprite comic, especially since the other one is no longer around.
The Imperial Navy commissioned a new strike bomber in 2178 to replace their aging Laius. It took Orion's Military R&D wing two years to design and build the Creon Strike Bomber. Unlike prior bombers, the Creon adopts a strictly space focus position. Besides being inoperable in atmosphere, its sole armaments are the cannons on either side. The massive rounds propelled in part by the energy generated in the connected nacelles, though too slow to be effective against enemy fighters, are devastating against frigates and capital ships. Pictured here is the factory model, though given an additional coat of black to make it more, in the words of lead designer Jensen, striking. The Imperial Navy ordered an additional batch upon receiving their initial request. Their variant is gray with the familiar insignia on either wing. Upon finding out about the American Empire's new acquisition, the other ultrapowers decided to act. ESAU ordered their own complement (theirs are a deep blue with white instead of the gray on the factory model). The Collective and Federation, however, have turned to internal sources for their new bombers. Currently, the Creon can also be found in larger paramilitary groups, though ARV is the only who have publicly announced their deployment. •••••• I wanted to build a spaceship ever since I saw The LEGO Movie back in January (early screenings ftw). While in SC for the summer I had access to my bricks and promptly built a spaceship while watching copious amounts of Parks and Rec. One thing became obvious while building: My building LEGOs are hopelessly out of date. I mean, my grays are in old gray for crying out loud. This means that I didn't have access to any of those newfound fancy pieces (all of my new sets are either assembled or in their baggies waiting to be reassembled). Due to that, this MOC looks to me like one built a decade ago. Which is pretty cool. I also tried to use as much SNOT as possible, as you can see on the nose and around the forward gray strip. Mostly just to challenge myself. So yeah, there's the Creon Strike Bomber, put together over a couple days with a decade old LEGO collection. And yes, it does fit a pilot.
On the Ta-Wahi beach: Jay: Look, a girl who needs help...hmm, your village is attacked by savage beasts...okay...yes! I will help you! Kai: Jaaay, get your eyes off that robot! The savage monster footprints are headed this way! Zane: The telescope at the top of the hill is most intriging. Mind if I take a look? Cole: Maybe we should split up. Zane, you get the telescope, Kai, the monster, Jay, you get the girl, and I'll...try to figure a way off this island. Nya: I'm going with Kai. Jay: No fair! Nya: I'm a samurai. Investigating monsters is what I do. Ta-Wahi: Kai: So we have a choice: the glowing red toadtools or the creepy evil fortress of doom. Nya: I'm thinking toadstools, the fortress thing is probably a boss. Kai: Okay. Later... Kapura: I am practicing. Kai: Okay, that is just weird. What is the Makuta? Kapura: If you do not know what the Makuta is, than I guess you are not it. Kai (whispering): He's probably the evil bad guy we have to defeat on level 47. Nya: Where is Vakama? Kapura: Vakama is in Ta-Koro. Kai: Where is Ta-Koro? Eh...this place creeps me out. Wanna try the fortress? Nya: Yeah, sure, okay. Kai: Stay strong, Nya. This won't be easy. In Ga-Koro: Jay: *groans* I wish I was Cole right now. *final rock clanks into the gate* *door opens* Man, I am wiped. Helping girls out hard. *flops on sand* Back on the beach: Zane: Facinating. These symbols display the story that we will experience. Each one of these rocks tells the future. Cole: Really, that's great and all, but how are we going to get out of here if Jay took our boat? Zane: Patience. In the meantime, I would really like to examine that cluster of rocks. Cole: I wonder if I can throw one of those at Jay when he comes back... Cole & Zane:! Zane: That is a rock. Cole: Oh, look, that is me in Fist to Face 2! Ha! Zane: I fail to see how this vision has any relation to your videogaming skills. Its location suggests that it is entirely symbolic. Cole: Of me! I am the ninja of rock! Zane: This is a completely different universe, which suggests that correlation is likely invalid. Meanwhile... Kai: Wait a minute...these evil guys with pitchforks are actually friendly? Nya: Well...the other guy was. Kai: I'll take that lava surfboard. Could have used it back at that volcano way back when. Nya: Ooh, Kai, look at this guy. He's dancing! Kai: Hi, orange dude who likes fire. Um, okay, your guys welcomed that big tall guy with pitchforks and it didn't work out so good. Okay, yeah, that's bad. Seriously, that orange dude just called us a moron. I'm out of here. Ga-Koro: Jay: Okay, looks like this pump's broken. *zaps it with electricity* *girls scream below* Jay: No worries, ladies, I'll get you out of there soon! Later... Kai: *punches buttons furiously* How do I get this thing to work? Nya: It's a puzzle, see? *punches the right buttons* Kai: Wow. Back at Ga-Koro: Jay: I hate water. *dives in* *bubbles, trying to talk* *surfaces, coughing* *dives down, gets part, places it on pump thing* Jay: Hey all! Wait, please don't run me over! Somewhere else... Cole: Okay, where are the enemies in this game. I need something to fight. Zane: Fascinating. Apparently this village is inhabited by peaceful robots who perform the same tasks over and over again. Such a boring and mundane existance. Cole: Can we seriously get to the dark tunnel? I'm hoping that there will be something to fight in there. Zane: If there is anything we have learned, it is that evil lurks in the shadows. Later... Kai: What is this place? Nya: A village, underground. Come on, that looks like the leader's hut. Kai: Okay, sis, but if it turns out to be evil... *they enter Whenua's hut* Nya: Relax, Kai, it's just some miners talking about how they can't break through a rock layer or get to Le-Koro. Kai: What is a Le-Koro? Nya: I think it's a place. Elsewhere... Cole: Hey, arrow headed robot dude, what up? *Taipu smashes through, getting to Le-Koro* Taipu: We did it! We've broken though! Cole: See. With the ninja of rock on your side...let's finish this. Ninja GO! Taipu: This is so awesome! *is snatched by the Nui-Rama* Zane: I believe our enemies have found us, Cole. Back at Ga-Koro: Jay: You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome, aaaand you're welcome. *takes bow* Gali: *glares at Jay, nursing wounds* Jay: Hey, I was saving you from the giant Rahi monster. Show a little gratitude. Gali: *sends a gust of water to push Jay into off the lily pad* Jay: I HATE WATER! Later... Cole: *throws disks at Nui Rama* Now this is my kind of game. Zane: Half of those enemies are innocent. They're not even attacking. Even Later... Pohatu: Tell me where to kick the ball, and we can bring down the Nui Jaga's nest! Jay: Excuse me, but I have a better way. Ninja GO! *is wacked by the Nui Jaga* Ow. Okay, we'll do it your way. Much, Much Later... Onua: Hold, there is an intruder among us! Onua: But what is this? *ninjas hide* Gali: Stay your claws, Onua. It's just the Chronicler, and his company, not those freaking ninjas. *all the Toa nod in thankful agreement* THE END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I leave up to the reader's interpretation whether the ninjas were in the MNOG or playing the MNOG or something else entirely. Comments and suggestions are appreciated. I did throw this together in less than two hours, so feel free to complain about ...everything.
Wow, haven't contributed much to this forum in a long time. Recently, I decided it was time to take some pictures of some old space ships I've designed and just had sitting on my shelf for years. I figured it was time to see what I've built with actual Lego bricks. From oldest to newest: Macro-GARC: "The Tub" ^More info and pictures on Flickr^ "The Tub" is just one ship of the racing fleet of the Zane family. It's built tough and fast for use in the high-risk outer-rim races where there are no rules. (Built 2007) Republic E-Wing Fighter ^More info and pictures on Flickr^ The E-Wing was built as a fast-attack Jedi Starfighter, with heavy, sensitive Delta Cannons that can tear apart cargo ships in minutes. As such, it was swiftly decommissioned by the Jedi Council. (Built 2008) Ensign Comet ^More info and pictures on Flickr^ A single-seat starcraft built for speed and comfort. As such, it is often used by space pirates in raids. (Built 2011) Please comment, critique, and especially enjoy!
March 15th 83 Years After Light Travel Major's Office on Puerto de Extensión The Captain's desk was littered with all sorts of memorabilia; a small plant from the far reaches of Zoltan space, several old Terran coins, a Engi's eye sensor suspended in some sort of blueish goo, even a few pirate sabers hanging behind her on the wall. Major Palmira Ojeda wasn't the tidy sort, not after twenty years on the frontier. She gave herself a start; twenty years out here, and she had just signed a contract for one more tour of duty. She must hate civilization, staying so far away from it as she was. The planet below was little more than a smuggler colony, littered with undesirables who were seeking a better life from the crowded Terra. Maybe that's why she was still out here; going back to the Inner Worlds reminded her too much of home. She knew she couldn't stay away forever, it was an irrational fear of old surroundings. Couldn't stay locked in the past forever. Had to go and say hi to her parents, see what her brothers were doing... “Major,” her staff Sargent opened the door, the grizzled woman surprisingly clean for once. “Your transfer is here.” “Transfer? I didn't ask for any transfer.” “Higher ups don't seem to think so.” “Give me a few seconds to clean up.” With the Sargent's snickering to give her comfort, the Major closed her desk monitor quickly, attempting to clear the table of the papers and tablets piled on it. Opting for the strategy of shoving everything in a draw, it was done quickly, and her new underling was shown in. The woman was young, barely looking twenty, dark skin that looked more like leather, a combination of hardwork and sun. Her hands in particular looked like those of a factory worker, burn marks and cuts littering them. Obviously had been in a dangerous business before, or at very least, a painful one. Her hair flowed down, nearly reaching the shoulders and giving the Major a pause for concern. Other than that, her uniform seemed in good shape, freshly pressed, and her insignias were on right. She was First Lieutenant Chastain, young and sporting a look that had a combination of boredom, impatience, and some amount of respect all rolled into one. “First Lieutenant Sophie Chastain, reporting for duty ma'am.” Her salute was sharp, respectable if a bit mechanical. “I guess they wanted to replace Horatio.” The Major dug around behind her desk, finding a tablet and flipping it on. Of course, they send her the information packet right as the recruit walks into her office. “You know what happened to Horatio, Lieutenant?” “Never heard of him, ma'am.” “Pirates got him. He was out patrolling on the boundaries of the system and bam, just like that, they got him.” The Lieutenant stared at her with an ambiguous expression. “You know what they send us? His finger. It's standard pirate procedure. Intimidation, they cut off fingers and just ship 'em over in little pods. Too bad for them that they used an ion-powered pod. Traced it back, I got Horatio, and then I nuked the asteroid they were hiding on. Poor boy though, he's back on Terra right now, getting his fingers and a few other bits replaced.” “I'll be sure to keep a careful eye on what bits I got, then... ma'am.” “I'm sure you will.” The info was pretty bleak on this recruit; highschool dropout, got in via the Academy's “no really we aren't desperate” program, had a decent standing in the Academy but got into fights. Sort of person they'd be willing to send out to the frontier. She didn't seem to be easily intimidated, though admittedly, the Horatio story wasn't that good. “Says here you requested to be out here; takes a special kind of person to want to be out on the frontier. Why?” “I want some adventure ma'am.” “Did they tell you anything about me?” “Your Staff Sargent said you like poker ma'am.” “Not the answer I wanted.” The Major was fighting an overwhelming urge to just call it a night. She didn't really feel like giving this recruit a hard time, but it was the treatment all under her command had to face at some point. “Let me help you; I'm Major Palmira Ojeda. I've been out on the frontier for twenty years. My most recent assignment is this rickety station we're on; two hundred soldiers, watching over our little smuggler city on the ground. We keep the Mantis raiders at bay and in exchange the good people of Terra give us their tax money. If you want adventure, I guess you're going find it here, but it's not going last. You're going be sick of it before your tour's over.” “If I may, ma'am, then why are you still here after five?” The Major gave the barest hint of a smile. “They won't let me go back home Lieutenant. Follow me, I'll introduce you to your co-workers. Sarah!” The door slid open the Sargent poking her head in. “Get the rest of the officers into the conference room, I have an introduction to make.” April 2nd 83 Years After Light Travel Recreation room on Puerto de Extensión “Major told her about her finger yet, Chastain?” It was a jovial atmosphere, a walk-in closet that had been recommissioned as a poker room. The rest of the crew didn't like the smoking, it being Space Force policy to keep smoking a private affair, so here the officers were. The closet was four by four meters, the lot of them crammed around a little table that was currently piled high with iridium credits. The officer asking Chastain was a certain Captain Isaac Mayera, a well dressed and sharp looking man who Ojeda had long ago deduced asked for the frontier just for the exotic women that came through. “Never did.” The woman tossed out a fifty credit coin, a string of curses and chair creaking following. “Tell her and I'll try you for mutiny,” Ojeda murmured, taking a long inhale of a nearby cigar. She tossed out a couple tens. “Charmer, isn't she?” The Captain gave a laugh. “Ties into the story actually. So here we are, young Ojeda's -yes soldiers, she was once young like you- out on the frontier. Finds the man of her dreams, marries him. Turns out he was a smuggler and everything he told her was a lie. What's more? The ring he gave her was actually a secret shipment of high-grade supermetal, supermetal like you lot have never seen, the sort so good they don't even make more than a few grams at a time. Couldn't get the ring off though, so in his haste, took her finger too.” The rest of the officers had a good laugh, Ojeda sitting at her end of the table and just taking another drink of her scotch. “Well Major? You gonna confirm or deny it to the rookie?” The Sargent handed her a new cigar, a smirk on her face. “Go **** yourselves.” The Colonel laid down her cards, four queens. Everyone gave a quick glance at their cards, Mayera keeping a cocky look on his face. The Major gave him a look, the Captain returning it, the two seeing who'd snap first. Finally, he sighed, putting down his cards and admitting defeat. The Major gave a smile, collecting her hoard of credits. Chastain found the Major half an hour later, sitting on the observation deck in the dark and generally looking broody. The Major herself wasn't actually brooding, it took a lot more than Mayera to get under her skin, it was more that continued exposure to quon leaves left the eyes pretty sore. The subordinates didn't need to know that, though. “Major,” Chastain began. “I'd like an assignment to the next patrol.” “Granted.” The Major had her head reclined back and feet on the coffee table, looking up at the roof and the stars beyond. “I heard about the incident on Deck 3.” There was a stiffening in the room. “Punched out a spaceman. Came to me, blood drizzling out of his nose and a sob story. Told me you and him had a disagreement.” “He insulted New Orleans, ma'am. Said it'd be more helpful as a lake.” “Yeah, I know, I had him scrubbing floors for a week after he made a comment about my beloved Mexico.” The Major didn't really leave her prone state. “That's the thing though Chastain, we aren't barbarians, as much as the folks back home might like to think. Feels good to break someone's face open, but it's not an officer's place. Leave that dirty work to his sargent. You, you're there to be better than that. You tell him to go scrub your quarters and invite his mates to watch. Humiliation is your tool now, lieutenant. Out here, on the frontier, you don't need to prove how strong you are or that you can beat up the biggest kid on the block. Surviving is enough for that.” She took a long drink, then leaned forward, gently setting the glass down and looked Chastain in the eyes. “Do I make myself clear?” “Yes ma'am.” “Get ready for the patrol.” March 15th 84 Years After Light Travel In orbit over Clark 8 “Bit of a pickle, I'd say.” The Major had her gun in one hand and sword in the other, evaluating the situation quickly. On her back was Chastain, who was armed with a rifle, and surrounding them were the angriest Mantis she'd seen in her life. There was something about the expression of a Mantis that so desperately wanted to eat your internal organs, but was being held back by its master. It was this pained look, all of its rage and hate directed right at its meal. In this situation, the Mantis' master was some sort of Mantis captain, a female that had risen through the raider's ranks. Ojeda remembered enough from the Academy to know that Mantis females were the nastious creatures you could meet out here; relegated to little more than breeders back in the Mantis core worlds, they had to prove themselves to get in a position of power. Combine that with the indomitable will Mantis gained as they matured and rose in command... very bad. “I don't think she appreciated the gumbo,” Chastain commented. “Did you put any poison in it?” “No, I was just expecting it to do its magic.” “Goddammit Chastain.” The Mantis female crept closer, long teeth revealed as she sneered. There was something that gave the scientists back home a run for their money; how insects had teeth. Then again, the Mantis weren't really insects, they defied enough boundaries that they were just lumped in a whole new biological class. “[You refused to stop encroaching on my feeding grounds human!]” The Major's Mantis was pretty rough but she got most of what the bug was saying. “[My hunters want food, and you will return our livestock or become it yourself!]” “My translation might be a bit off but... I think she just said she wants food and we're food.” The Major tapped her sword, a signal being sent to the assault party. Any moment now... “Chastain, you want to take over diplomacy on this one?” “You've got this one boss.” “Right. Mantis captain, we appreciate the fact that you need to eat but you have your little slug pets for that. When you start stealing our cattle we nuke you from orbit.” “[Return our livestock!]” “Don't say I didn't at least try.” Hearing a crunch of metal overhead, the two took the moment to dive out of the way, a pod coming down right on their location. Crashing into the floor and sending the Mantis into disarray, the pod broke open to reveal four Planetary Force spec ops, clad in dark armor and picking Mantis off one by one. Soon, the room was cleared, Ojeda and Chastain standing a bit stunned as one of the men walked up, saluting her. “Corporal Harken, sir.” The man's face was obscured behind his helmet, and absent-mindedly he crushed the skull of a nearby squirming Mantis. “We talked on the comms. Can I ask why you were down here ma'am? Seems a bit dangerous to have two officers doing the talking.” “I have to keep active, it's the latest strategy for living longer, living an active lifestyle. Say you can get to a hundred and fifty that way.” “Whatever you say ma'am. My men will clean up the rest of the Mantis on this ship; the cattle are being returned to your station.” The man gave another salute and walked off to supervise some killing, leaving Ojeda to stand over the corpse of the Mantis captain and ponder it for a moment. “You've never seen Mantis killing up front, have you Lieutenant?” The Major kicked the body over to reveal the face. “Don't think so ma'am.” The Lieutenant shrugged. “Anniversary of your transfer, you know that?” The Major took out a knife, carefully cutting out a long protrusion on the Mantis' skull. It had the appearance of hardened cartilage, the same stuff the Mantis exo-skeletons were made out of, but it was very hard. Holding it up, the Major examined it, then tossed it to Chastain. “See that? It's something the females develop. Mantis are funny creatures like that, they almost have built-in ranks. Older they get, the more distinctive their head-plates become. Mantis females though, they tend to be so doped up on one of those breeding worlds, or frozen, they never grow them. Pretty distinctive when they do, though. Keep it on your shelf and tell the new transfers about it. Should be amusing.” With those words of wisdom, the two walked off, heading to the nearest airlock so they could get back to the station and, hopefully, avoid near-death experiences for a little while longer.