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I was recently reminded that blogs exist, so I figured that this was as good a place as any to post the first official teaser for an upcoming project that will be releasing later this year. ___________________ Deep down, everyone’s afraid of the dark. It’s a powerful, primal thing, an instinct born long before any of us were created. In the dark, anything could be waiting. A ravenous rahi, a roving Rahkshi, Karzahni or Irnakk or Tren Krom or any one of the other nightmares of legend. But now we know there’s nothing waiting for us in the dark. Nothing at all. And somehow, that makes it even more frightening. ___________________ In this alternate reality take on the Bionicle story, the Great Spirit Robot was mysteriously shut down shortly after Teridax took over. In the wake of this second Great Cataclysm, lightstones and heatstones begin to dim and die throughout the universe, dooming its denizens to a dark, cold demise. Metru Nui – with lifegiving light still seeping through the sun holes overhead, and its cold streets heated by the fires of the Great Furnace – becomes the last bastion for the Matoran species. But when the city’s Toa depart to rescue Matoran still trapped out in the dark of the dying universe, they leave the populace vulnerable to the machinations of an unexpected enemy, and return to a city they no longer recognise… Work on Embers began in August of 2022. During that time, I was writing for my Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi collaboration, which put me in a nostalgic, inspired frame of mind, motivating me to finally act on some story concepts I’d been toying with for a long time. Embers was originally envisioned as a trilogy of three “books” that I expected to be ready for release sometime in 2023, but the story ballooned massively in size and scope as I began work on it, expanding to six instalments instead. Due to my nasty habit of starting projects, getting overwhelmed, and not finishing them, I was determined to fully complete a first draft before I began posting anything. I felt that being able to go back and revise the story as a whole would also allow for a more cohesive and consistent narrative overall. As I post this teaser, I’m finishing off the first draft of Book 6. While I’ll still need to carry out a few editing passes (and probably completely rewrite some parts I rushed through), I’ll absolutely be in a position to begin posting chapters sometime later this year. This is by the far the biggest project I’ve attempted and actually followed through on, and I’ve already got ideas for a possible sequel trilogy if the story is well-received. Keep an eye out on the Epics forum for the official release in the coming months.
Thoughts on Transformers: The Last Knight Teaser Trailer
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
Yep, another one of these is coming out next summer. And Michael Bay directed it, so expect tons of explosions. Joking aside, I actually think this is a decent trailer. I don't like the song that plays in it though, particularly with the singer and the way his voice sounds in this. But having Anthony Hopkins do a voice over for it is cool IMO. Plus it's ending is good too. Seeing Bumblebee take on Optimus Prime could be very interesting, if the build up to it is done right. Who knows, maybe one of them won't make it out of this one. Overall, I'm not as excited to see this next year as I am Guardians 2, Logan, Spider-Man, and other movies, and this trailer doesn't really help to raise my interest in it. That being said, I've always gone to see these movies for their action scenes, because I think this Transformers franchise actually has some really cool action sequences. Especially in Dark of the Moon and Age of Extinction. So I'll probably will end up seeing this, just to see what crazy action scenes will be in it. What do you guys think of this trailer? Will you be seeing The Last Knight? And do you think that this franchise needed a fifth movie?- 5 comments
(I know this came out last weekend, but I didn't have time to make an entry on it until now.) I don't know if I ever talked about this here, but I used to be a big fan of the Power Rangers back in the day. My first season I ever watched was Power Rangers: In Space. I continued to watch the following seasons all the way up to SPD Emergency. From there, my interest had gone down in the show, probably because I didn't enjoy SPD that much and I was getting into other interests. But still, I remember really enjoying the seasons that I watched before it. But for many people, their favorite Power Rangers will always be the first seasons of the show, The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I believe the show held this title for three seasons before becoming Power Rangers Zeo. But regardless, these seasons of the show are still held in high regards by many fans of the show. (Even if they are a bit dated IMO.) So in this age where anything that can be turned into a movie is, well, turned into a movie, it was only a matter of time before Power Rangers found their way back to the big screen. And in a movie that is attempting to start a new franchise, at that. Warning, spoilers for the teaser are below. Read at your own risk if you don't want to be spoiled. Now normally, I'd link the trailer in this entry. However, there are one or two words mentioned in the teaser that aren't allowed to be typed on BZP, so no link here. But that does lead into one of the things I want to mention about the teaser. It shows us that this is going to be a little bit of a darker origin story than the one from the show. All five rangers (Jason, Zack, Billy, Kimberly, and Trini) are all shown to be going through various situations that many teenagers found themselves in in high school movies. Bullies, anger issues, being an outcast, etc. All of them are shown going through at least one of these problems. Another darker aspect of the movie is the villain, Rita Repulsa. Anyone who seen the original show knows about her. And, well, she wasn't the best villain to ever face the Power Rangers. But you wouldn't get that from this teaser. Played by the actress who voiced Wildstyle herself, Elisabeth Banks, Rita has a completely new look here and actually says that she has killed Rangers before. I don't recall the original Rita ever saying something like that. The teaser also reveals that the rangers obtain some powers from simply getting the coins. These powers being super strength and I guess the ability to super heat stuff. (Though that second one may have to do with the coins being placed on a counter.) When I first saw this, I thought to myself 'Why are they taking a story page out of Chronicle?' But then I remembered that in some of the seasons of Power Rangers, the Rangers did have powers aside from the ones given to them after morphin. (Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, and SPD Emergency are examples of this.) So this could be a callback to a concept from those seasons. But I think one of the best things about this teaser is what it didn't show us. It didn't show us Zordon, Alpha 5, Megazords, or even Jason and co. in their Ranger Suits. In fact, the only hints we really get that this is a Power Rangers movie are that the characters find power coins, Rita shows up for a second, and at the very end of the teaser we start to see Jason morph into the Red Ranger, but then it cuts itself off right there. It actually does a good job of just teasing us of what the movie is going to be about, as a good teaser should. Now most or all of these things mentioned will probably be shown to some extent in an upcoming trailer. I have no doubt about that. But I'm surprised that this teaser didn't give us more than it did, and I think that's a good thing. Overall, I don't think I'll ever get as excited about something Power Rangers related than I would've when I was younger. But that being said, this teaser did get my interest, more than I thought it would have done before I saw it. I'm not jumping out of my seat in excitement for it, but it has made me a little more interested in seeing it when it comes out in 2017. What did you guys think of the teaser?
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Thoughts on Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Teaser
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island Well, I wasn't expecting to see this during the season 2 finale of Fear The Walking Dead. This is a cool teaser IMO. It doesn't give away too much, yet gets one excited for the movie, just as a teaser trailer should do. There really isn't much to say about it, other than it looks like Jack Sparrow will be dealing with another supernatural Pirate crew. They sort of look like Davy Jones's crew from the second and third movies, but with more of a ghostly presence about them. Maybe these guys are ghost pirates? Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing this latest movie. I really enjoyed the first three Pirates movies, though I wasn't too impressed with the fourth one. Hopefully this film will be good like the first three before it. -
Thoughts on New Pokemon from Sun/Moon and Spider-Man PS4 Teaser
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
With all the reveals going on at E3 this year, only info on two other games besides The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wind have really caught my attention so far. Those games would be Pokemon: Sun/Moon and the Spider-Man PS4 teaser that was revealed. I figured I'd give my thoughts on both of them in this one entry. So let's start with Pokemon: A few new Pokemon are revealed in this new trailer. Pikipek is probably my favorite out of the reveals. Then again, I've always liked the flying type Pokemon one can usually always find at the beginning of any Pokemon game, and Pikipek continues that trend for me. I'm not that big of a fan of Yungoos, however. I don't like how its jaw looks. It just looks weird to me. As for Grubbin, it looks cool IMO. I like the parasitic look it has. It makes me wonder what it looks like when it evolves. Then there is Magearna. With the ability it has, I bet it will used in a lot of double battles when the games come out. Plus, it being a fairy and steel type makes it even cooler IMO. But I think the biggest reveal in this trailer is obviously the Battle Royal. This looks like it will be a lot of fun to play. I'm already looking forward to trying it out when Sun/Moon are released in November. Hopefully the Battle Royal will be as fun as it looks here. Now onto Spider-Man: I've stated before that I'm not the biggest fan of exclusives when it comes to games. I understand why some companies make some of their games exclusives, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. I bring this up because this new Spider-Man game is a PS4 exclusive. As I'm someone who doesn't own a PS4, this means I won't be playing it unless I get one. (Though I will admit that the PS4 has had some good games come out on it over the years that I've wanted to try out, like this Spider-Man game, The Last of Us, the Uncharted games, and so worth. So I may think about getting one in the future...) Anyways, as for the game itself, this Spider-Man game looks great. The music for it sounds good too. It definitely got me pumped up for the game when I first heard it. Also, in the description box for the video, it says that this is an experienced Spider-man who has helping the city for awhile. Though I imagine the game will probably give a brief summary of how he got his powers, I do like that this isn't an origin story for Spider-Man, as everyone and their mother probably knows how he got his powers by now. Probably the biggest reveal in the teaser is Spider-Man's suit. I've never seen him wear a suit like this before. Then again, I'm more familiar with the suits we wears in the movies than what he wears in the comics. Regardless, I really like the new suit. I think that its color scheme looks really good on him. It actually kind of reminds me of Samus Aran's PED Power Suit from the early stages of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I don't know why, but I just get that vibe from it when I look at it. Overall, it looks like it will be a really cool game. If I ever get a PS4, I'll probably try it out myself. P.S. Serious question for those who know more about Spider-Man than I do: Has Spider-Man ever worn a suit similar to the in this trailer in the comics? Like I said, I haven't seen one like it before and I'm wondering if its a new suit first introduced in this game. -
A while ago I stumbled onto a peculiar eBay auction, with a used 8516 "The Boss" RoboRider set, where there appeared to be a booklet advertising the Toa Mata. There was no box included, so I just assumed the seller had mixed their sets up; it happens, right? Then today I saw another auction with the same set in much better condition, original box included, and the SAME 2001 teaser/ad booklet for BIONICLE 2001. Have a look right here. I wanted to ask if anybody knew how common this thing was? As far as I can tell, it's only been available in US packages of the set (maybe in later releases?), which is sad, because I recently bought one from the Netherlands in mint condition, hoping I'd maybe find the little booklet in there. Does anybody also have any idea if it's on BrickLink under any name? I'm having a hard time finding it, and honestly it seems pretty neat.
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Something is coming... #JovanOrigins
And the words of the Skull Grinder continued to echo in the Protector’s mind: “Even a fool can see why you lowlanders are destined to fall before us. Put plainly, you fight only if you need to. You think battle is something that finds you, something you can wait out and endure. Even when raising a weapon you think it a shield or a tool. All your villages, your very position, ‘Protector’, is based on this delusion. “My people are different. For us, fighting is like breathing. Our lineage is a combat record, a family tree whose roots entangle and tear asunder whomever we can call an enemy. We find battle, and then we conquer it. The will to fight, the unstoppable thirst for blood, is what our souls are made of. Should it not be obvious? You inherently peaceful villagers can never truly win a war with we of the City. For us, war is essential. War is everything. “War is in our bones.”
Source Chapter 4 was never published. So what's with the long lines? And the switch? Did we ever get the answer? What do you think?
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- Teasing something wonderful.