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~Life is full of choices. The question is, which ones will we make?~ This is a series I've been thinking up the past few days. It will be different than some of my previous works (Such as Reznas Comics or Interviews with Reznas), not that I will stop making comics for those. But my main intention for these comics is to post comics/stories with morals. Perhaps after I'm done with the "Choices" Saga, I might even continue on to something else. But the main gist of these comics is to challenge people to make the right decisions and show some of the consequences of both bad and good choices. I hope you all enjoy! -The Choices Saga- #1 Introduction #2 Past Occupations Part 1 I will not be accepting PGS's or GS's for these comics as I will be using characters rather than Members. Comments and Constructive Criticism are always appreciated! -Rez
There once was an island, and on this island lived six Toa heroes; it was their duty to protect the island from all harm that may come to its inhabitants. The island was not whole, as it once was, long ago, long before the Toa had come to the island, a battle for power split the island into sixteen pieces, and fifteen of those shards of the island were blown far away, never to be seen again.When the Toa did first arrive on the island, they discovered their purpose; to bring the island back to its former state. And so they set out on their goal, traveling out to the far spread islands, and using their awesome powers to bring the island slowly back together… The Toa Mizore - The Return Chapter One: Rest and RelaxationSarda: OW! OUCH! Argh, this was never in the job description.Vhisola: Stop your complaining, at least we never get a decent break around here, and now we finally get to rest up a bit.Sarda: But… yoga, really? I hate yoga.Piruk: (Unfolds himself from some ridiculous position) I think it’s actually very calm-relaxing.Vhisola: At least one of you is positive about this.Sarda: (Sighs) I’d rather chill at Utario’s Pizza Parlor, if you two yoga.. ers, don’t mind. (Stands up, and walks away from the two stretching Toa)Vhisola: Oh well, at least he’ll get some rest in his own greasy, slimy, Xbox filled way.Piruk: And to think we’re only eight islands down… Current sure was hard.Vhisola: Agreed, but I’m glad that we all walked away unscathed, for the most part.Piruk: Yeah. Now… how in the world did I get my leg around my neck?Elsewhere…MT: So… you want me to pick you up, and throw you off the top of that building?Tath: *Nods* Just throw me off the edge; I want to see what its like to fly.MT: *Glances at Onepu* Well?Onepu: Well, the chances of survival are against him, perhaps if you tossed him into a conveniently placed barrel of water, he would survive.MT: Well, Tath, I can fly, why don’t you just let me fly you around?Tath: No, I want to fly on my own.Onepu: You wouldn’t be flying, per se, you’d be falling.MT: And screaming.Tath: Okay, I have a better idea, how about you fly me up reeeeeeeeeeaaallly high, and then drop me into the water surrounding the island?MT: *Glances at Onepu* Well?Onepu: Oh come on, you don’t seriously think he would survive a fall from ‘reeeeeeeeaaalllly high’, do you? Why do you have to ask me?MT: *Shrugs* you’re the expert on a lot of stuff.Onepu: Fine… Depending on the height from which you dropped Tath here, the water would either break many of his bones, or kill him. Personally, I don’t think that his terminal velocity would be high enough to effectively end his life upon impact, but it is possible.MT: Uh huh… Alright Tath, how high do you want to go?Tath: A thousand feet! No, no, a mile!Onepu: … MT, if you do drop him, pray that his terminal velocity is low.MT: Gotcha, alright Tath, let’s go. *Picks up Tath and flies him away*Onepu: It was nice knowing that optimistic Matoran.Following a couple Toa…Dekar: This is definitely my idea of relaxation! *Leaps off of cliff, diving into the water far below*Kara: *Watches Dekar as he disappears into the water below* … yeah, I’d never do that.Kono: Me neither.Kara: Should we go grab something to eat?Kono: Yes. I’d rather eat than dive off cliffs all day.*The two proceed to walk away, off to some restaurant*Dekar: *Climbs up onto the cliff* you guys gotta try this!! Alright, who’s first? How about we all go togeth-*notices no one is to be found* … they left? Wait, maybe they already went off the cliff. *Turns around, and runs off the cliff again, diving down into the waters below*On a trail in the Hidden woods…Kazi: I swear to Mata Nui I am never going hiking ever again.Garth: Ah come on, you unfit sloucher. You need some exer’ise e’ry once in a w’ile.Kazi: Sloucher? Is that ever a word?Garth: Doesn’t matter, you slouch, so that makes you a sloucher.Kazi: Kpik, are you enjoying this hike?Kpik: *Is engrossed in his right arm* Hm?Kazi: I asked if you were enjoying the hike.Kpik: Oh, yeah, it’s alright. Nice… scenery… *looks back at his right arm*Garth: Somethin’ wrong with yer arm, Kpik?Kpik: I don’t know, but it was changing colors when we brought the island back…Kazi: Changing colors? Like from red to purple?Kpik: No, just from white to black, over and over.Garth: Think it could have anythin’ ter do with yer double?Kpik: He wasn’t my double, he was just part of the team, and we were fused together.Garth: Ah’right, no need ter get chippy about it...Kazi: We’re just trying to help, Kpik.Kpik: I know… I just want to know what’s wrong with my arm, is all.Kazi: *Looks to Garth* should we get him some help?Garth: Would we be anneh kind o’ friends if we di’n’t?Kazi: I’ll take that as a yes. Come on, Kpik, I’m sure there’s someone that can help you.In a Basement…Sarda: OH YEAH, YES YES YES. I GOT YOU, I SO GOT YOU.TDL: NO, NO WAY. NOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAYYY, I’M THE BEAST, I AM THE BEAST, LITERALLY!Sarda: I GOT YOU AND YOU KNOW IT. YES, OH YES. I JUST RANKED UP.TDL: UNACCPETABLE!!Utario: Will you two shut up!? STOP SCREAMING OVER A VIDEO GAME!Sarda: You’re shouting over a video game right now, I say we continue this shouting match. FUS RO DAH!TDL: NO, I’M THE DRAGONBORN, FOO. *Shouts unintelligible Elder Scrolls gibberish at Sarda and Utario*Utario: … there’s no winning this fight. *Walks up the flight of stairs to the parlor**Upstairs*Ikod: And… I’ll take… er… a soda.Koon: Anything else?Ikod: That’s the fifth time you’ve asked that, no, I do not want anything else with my Pizza.Koon: Just trying to rob you of your money. *Walks away to fetch Ikod’s food*Ikod: ._.Gula: I buy everything at once, and normally get him to cut me a deal, kinda like a bundle package, only with food.Ikod: Hm…Utario: Everything alright over here? Does anybody want anything?Ikod: Please no, I’ve already bought enough food.Utario: … okay…Door Bell: *Rings as two customers walk in*Utario: Welcome to my pizza parlor. Oh, hey Kara, hi Kono, what can I get you two?Kono: A large slice of cheese pizza will do.Kara: An entire supreme supreme, please.Utario: A supreme supreme? Been a while since someone got one of those… I’ll be right back with your food, would either of you like any drinks?Kono: Don’t try to rob us; I know you and Koon have a way of getting people to buy things.Utario: Haha, alright. *Walks away to bring the two their food*Kara: Hey Ikod, how goes your new shop you opened?Ikod: Eh… it could be better, I mean, not like I’m getting customers, it’s just that the shop isn’t showing any signs of growing.Kono: Hey, what was it you sold again?Ikod: Anything, really, but mostly old antiques that aren’t found anywhere else.Kono: So I could go down there and buy a comic book and a thousand year old trinket at the same time? I don’t know why people wouldn’t be swarming the area…Ikod: I’m thinking of doing auctions as well, but I’d need to expand the shop…Kara: There’s an empty building on Thrive, and the people there are always ready to buy stuff… I don’t know why it hasn’t been completely redone yet, either.Kono: They really like the wilderness, and their little villages.Ikod: Kono, you came from Levi, right? How is the Toa Academy there going?Kono: It’s alright, we’re getting new recruits all the time, and we’re teaming up with other guards all around Hidden to keep the place safe.Kara: Here comes our food.Utario: Alright, one slice of cheese… a whole supreme supreme, and what you ordered, Ikod. *Hands out the food to their respective owners*Ikod: I can’t believe I bought this much food… *Begins to eat the mountain of food*Kara: *Wolfs her food down as well*Kono: *Also starts the process of eating*Ikod: So, this Thrive building… can you guys take me to it when we’re done eating?Kara: Sure. *Finishes her pizza*Kono: … quite an appetite…Ikod: I haven’t even started eating my food!-End Chapter OneI know. I know. It’s not a good start to a good story, but I really need to get this thing on its feet again. The next chapter may be more humorous, but I just need to take a break from all the action and stuff.If you have any questions at all about the chapter or the story, don't hesitate to PM me about it. -Skar