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So, we all know (probably) that 2009 was meant as a reboot for Bionicle, to make it more accessible to new fans. In 2008 the story of the Matoran Universe had become extremely complicated (thanks to all the backstory and serials) and cluttered, rendering even old fans confused at what was going on. The Lego Group decided to leave that setting earlier than they had planned just so Bionicle could get a new beginning and live on. So they shifted their focus on Bara Magna and made Mata Nui, the only person from the previous story arch, its main character. They had a new setting and a new story. However, something went horribly wrong and Bionicle ended up cancelled in 2010. The reboot failed. I thought in this topic we could all through some ideas on why the reboot failed so badly and what would have been a proper way to do it so that it succeeded. For starters, here are some of my insights on what TLG should have done in the reboot: 1. Ditch the serials completely, or only have one of them with as simple a story as possible (no random sisters of the skrall, no hundreds of characters that never become sets, etc.) 2. Make all the canister sets and small sets somehow related. The 2009 sets were a complete mess in this regard. The first wave has only three sets that actually were Glatorian, although all were marketed as such. Vorox were some sort of beasts, Skrall were a species and Malum was exiled. Only four were individual characters and three were doing what the whole theme of 2009 was about - fighting on the arena. 3. Ditch the serials. 4. One thing they did right was making less books. Only one besides the movie novelization, actually. This would have worked well if the story in the book had been as simple. 5. No huge chunks of revelation about Spherus Magna history and trivial information every day. Ruined the mystery completely and made Bzpower into some kind of a priviledged story. It almost felt like Bionicle was continued only for this online community, ignoring others. This wasn't the case, but story-wise it just seemed that way. Revelations and backstory things should be revealed slowly over time, one or two story items a year. In 2001 we weren't told on some website that everyone was living on the face of a giant robot, so why would anyone reveal in 2009 that Bara Magna had once been Spherus Magna etc. 6. Introduce Mata Nui from the start and make the new world open up to the fans through his eyes. MNOG did this in 2001, but there are other kinds of methods to do this as well. 7. Less characters and more character development - making sure fans get attached to the characters like they did in the Matoran Universe arch. This would make it possible to expand the story to multiple years. Here were some things I thought of. With a right strategy, the Bara Magna storyline could have possibly become another 8-year run that would eventually connect to the old arch. What are your thoughts?