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If you could change your name to a Bionicle name, what would it be?

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Going by real-world meanings, one of the more interesting/poetic I know of is "Aiyetoro", which is Nigerian for "peace on earth". Onu-Matoran names generally include the word "earth" or "sand" in their definitions but not all actually deal with earth as a literal substance, so in BIONICLE the real-world name is more or less irrelevant to the character. As another example, Tehuti is an alternate transliteration of the Egyptian god Thoth, who governs the earth among about a billion other things. :P"Takua" is Swahili for hope or pride, though I have no confirmation that this is where his name in BIONICLE came from and no reason to think that it is the most likely derivation. It's just the only one I've found."Mata Nui" is of course Maori for "great face"."Boreas" is the Latin and Greek name for the north wind.Moving away from character names, "Hura Mafa" means something like "falling tears" in a Polynesian language called Rotuman. Poetic, but kind of depressing as names go.But let's take this a bit more seriously. If I just wanted a name that would be meaningful in an arbitrary real-world language, there's no reason I'd be limiting myself to one from BIONICLE. The character has to mean something as well.I can't think of any BIONICLE character I identify with enough that I'd want to carry their name. Artakha, at least, would be an ideal to strive for (a creator and designer of things equal parts artistic and practical). Of Matoran, there is Golyo who teaches strategy, Kantai who teaches willpower, Hafu who creates art, and Velika who speaks in parables and riddles. Of Turaga there is Vakama who has visions, Nuju who thinks ahead and keeps secrets, Nokama who teaches and shares secrets, and Whenua who keeps histories. But I can't see myself taking any of those names. It feels false and pretentious. BIONICLE is a story of larger-than-life characters, not of relatable role models.Lemme just go ahead and say Pohatu. Pohatu's a character everyone can look up to. He's lighthearted and friendly, but knows when to joke around and when to be serious. He takes others' welfare seriously. He is of the Po-Matoran, a culture of crafters, and is practically-minded about things. He is not pompous or overbearing. Furthermore, the name Pohatu has a nice ring to it. It's a name I could get used to. So yeah. Pohatu.

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Takanuva he's just so awsome with dat mask. But how cool would it be to be a living flash light?:D No power outege can stop you now :smiletol:

one day this will contain greatness only the best. But take this with the ocean of salt then you will know what to expect from this

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I'm not sure what the "could" is - all of you can legally change your names to any of these. You just have to go through the legal process. If you wanna be called Tahu or Makuta or Keetongu, nothing's stopping you other than the inherent absurdity.


So, I can change my name to a Bionicle name if I want, but naturally I choose not to because why would I want to? That said, to extrapolate the sentiment, if I had to change my name to a Bionicle one, I'd probably go with "Gali" because it's spelled really close to "Gail" and I could just tell people that's my name and nobody would notice the spelling difference. ;)

bring back "an cool dude"

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Going by real-world meanings, one of the more interesting/poetic I know of is "Aiyetoro", which is Nigerian for "peace on earth". Onu-Matoran names generally include the word "earth" or "sand" in their definitions but not all actually deal with earth as a literal substance, so in BIONICLE the real-world name is more or less irrelevant to the character. As another example, Tehuti is an alternate transliteration of the Egyptian god Thoth, who governs the earth among about a billion other things. :P"Takua" is Swahili for hope or pride, though I have no confirmation that this is where his name in BIONICLE came from and no reason to think that it is the most likely derivation. It's just the only one I've found."Mata Nui" is of course Maori for "great face"."Boreas" is the Latin and Greek name for the north wind.Moving away from character names, "Hura Mafa" means something like "falling tears" in a Polynesian language called Rotuman. Poetic, but kind of depressing as names go.But let's take this a bit more seriously. If I just wanted a name that would be meaningful in an arbitrary real-world language, there's no reason I'd be limiting myself to one from BIONICLE. The character has to mean something as well.I can't think of any BIONICLE character I identify with enough that I'd want to carry their name. Artakha, at least, would be an ideal to strive for (a creator and designer of things equal parts artistic and practical). Of Matoran, there is Golyo who teaches strategy, Kantai who teaches willpower, Hafu who creates art, and Velika who speaks in parables and riddles. Of Turaga there is Vakama who has visions, Nuju who thinks ahead and keeps secrets, Nokama who teaches and shares secrets, and Whenua who keeps histories. But I can't see myself taking any of those names. It feels false and pretentious. BIONICLE is a story of larger-than-life characters, not of relatable role models.Lemme just go ahead and say Pohatu. Pohatu's a character everyone can look up to. He's lighthearted and friendly, but knows when to joke around and when to be serious. He takes others' welfare seriously. He is of the Po-Matoran, a culture of crafters, and is practically-minded about things. He is not pompous or overbearing. Furthermore, the name Pohatu has a nice ring to it. It's a name I could get used to. So yeah. Pohatu.

Well Aanchir, you sure have given this topic a deeper meaning than I originally intended, but that's not a bad thing.


I'm not sure what the "could" is - all of you can legally change your names to any of these. You just have to go through the legal process. If you wanna be called Tahu or Makuta or Keetongu, nothing's stopping you other than the inherent absurdity.


So, I can change my name to a Bionicle name if I want, but naturally I choose not to because why would I want to? That said, to extrapolate the sentiment, if I had to change my name to a Bionicle one, I'd probably go with "Gali" because it's spelled really close to "Gail" and I could just tell people that's my name and nobody would notice the spelling difference. ;)

True, you could if you wanted to, but it would be absolutely preposterous, like you said. I guess a better title for this topic would be, "if you had to change your name to that of a Bionicle character, what would it be?" Oh well, I just couldn't think of a better way to put it at the time I created the topic.

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Gadunka. Because then when people ask me my name, I can just go "Gadunkadunkadunkadunkadunkadunkadunka" and waddle backwards out the door.


I wish BZPower had a "like" feature because boy howdy I'd click it for this post


Your not the only one, i wish there one as well.

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Icarax. Because he was BA. And better then all the other Makuta in my book.

"There was no way that was an ordinary Toa, no Toa killed like this. No Toa fought so mercilessly. This hooded thing had single handedly killed hundreds of his Rahkshi children with twin gleaming swords. No that was no Toa.... that thing was Death himself....

Last thoughts of an unknown Makuta on Toa Erebus

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