Let's Henshin! Posted August 2, 2014 Posted August 2, 2014 Oh I know, I've been involved in some of them. Quote
Krayzikk Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Despite certain complaints raised, I don't see all that much of an issue with Carmen, provided my fellow staff members do not. Onarax does raise a valid point; while I do not believe her to be an expy, others may have differing standards. As such, I will consult with my fellow staff before definitively issuing an approval. On a character note; while her exploits in the backstory are amusing, it would be appreciated if the more... ludicrous thefts be kept to a minimum during actual in-game actions. Carmen (tentatively) x1 Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Snelly Posted August 3, 2014 Posted August 3, 2014 Carmen Sandiego approved x2 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Snelly Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 (edited) After talking with some people I decided I'd try bring this little gem back. Name: Unknown, if you press him he might give you a name, no telling if it’s his real name or not. Codename: The Mysterious PriestAge: Unknown, looks to be in his late twenties to early thirties. Gender: MaleFaction: Hellfire ClubPower(S): He gains energy and strength through extremely negative emotions. However extremely positive emotions do the exact opposite. He has the ability to teleport, though this is limited by distance, roughly about as far as the naked eye can see. He doesn't necessarily have to see where he's teleporting but that does risk teleporting into an object, which would be bad for his health. His final power is telepathy, which he can use to communicate with others and resist other telepath's intrusions into his mind. Appearance: Wears some rather exotic and strange purple robes, his pants are baggy and black, and has a cloak that’s black on the outside and dark green on the inside. He has somewhat long, purple hair, which he will claim is his natural color. His eyes are also purple, seems to be his thing. He appears to be Caucasian in color, though he is very tanned. About average height for a male.Weapons: Has a gnarled looking staff, seems to be oddly fond of it. Don't touch it, it's probably cursed. Skills: A skilled manipulator, he often fools his friends/enemies/distant cousins? into doing exactly what he wanted them to do, and without them even realising it half the time. Despite his witty and whimsical behavior he is an highly intelligent and educated person, knowing random facts about things most people wouldn't know or care to know. In combat he's surprising ruthless and calm, moves with a mysterious grace that is difficult to predict. Personality: He has a very calm and polite demeanor, even to his enemies/friends/distant cousins? Is constantly scheming and finding ways to achieve...whatever it is he's trying to achieve. Also has a rather mischievous sense of humor, often being rather whimsical and carefree, even during situations where most people would not be. Weakness: Incredibly optimistic and happy people make him physically ill if he gets too close, to the point where he's rendered helpless, he tends to avoid those types of people by default. They can bring him to his knees if the emotions are really strong or being expressed quite openly. If he has any other weakness they are a mystery! :DDD Bio: Not much is known about this “Mysterious Priest”, he joined the Hellfire Club for mysterious reasons, and disappeared just as mysteriously. But now he's back and he's as mysterious as he was last time. But he's returned with gifts and cake so all is well. Edited August 10, 2014 by Princess Anna of Arendelle Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Light Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 Approved x1 Quote No such thing as destiny. BZPRPG Profiles
Krayzikk Posted August 11, 2014 Posted August 11, 2014 Approved x2, provided outlined weaknesses and capabilities are followed to the letter. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Flex Lord Splash Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 Hey simon in your last post you forgot to reply to U! John from a while ago he offered Alex to join him in the danger room not sure if you missed It or not do you want to edit or should I just post we it Alex passed up the invitation? Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Advent Child Posted August 17, 2014 Posted August 17, 2014 Juuuuuust poking my head in to mention how excited I am that Carmen Sandiego has finally come to fruition. 2 Quote ~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~
shadow pridak money gang Posted August 17, 2014 Author Posted August 17, 2014 A D V E N T L I V E S can we expect more siegfried in our lives someday will we be blessed with more siegfried in our lives someday -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Advent Child Posted August 17, 2014 Posted August 17, 2014 Yeah. That could probably be a thing at some point. 2 Quote ~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~
Snelly Posted August 17, 2014 Posted August 17, 2014 yeeeeee Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Havelock Vetinari Posted August 17, 2014 Posted August 17, 2014 (edited) ADVENT YOU RETURN QUICK SOMEONE GRAB HIM DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE. Edited August 17, 2014 by Basilisk 1 Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Constructelf Posted August 17, 2014 Posted August 17, 2014 This is an idea I'm planning to use at a later date; it won't be introduced right away, but will only come into affect if certain conditions are met. Depending on in-game events, this modification to Tokiomi's profile may never be out into effect. However, I wanted to get input from the staff as to whether or not this would be allowed in the first place. Note: "Vincent" refers to the physical body. The Collective Name: "Zai", "Nagato", "Hess", "Awad", and "Torres", in addition to 100 unnamed personality fragments/incomplete tulpae. Referred to as " The Collective" when addressing all of them at once.Codename: Many.Age: All of them inhabit a 16 year old bodyGender: Biologically male; Zai, Nagato, and Awad identify as male, while Hess and Torres identify as femaleLoyalties/Faction: Zai and Awad are loyal to SHIELD, Hess is loyal to a personal (and sometimes warped) code of morality, Torres and Nagato are indifferent.Power(S): all of them are able to access their host body's power of memory manipulation. In addition, a secondary mutation of spontaneous personality creation seems to have arisen, hence the collective's sudden destabilization (the closest analogue would be Tulpa creation, except that for The Collective, this process is involuntary and random). Zai, Nagato, Hess, Awad, and Torres have the ability to wrest control of the body from each other; Nagato has the easiest time of this and is as such considered the leader of the Collective. All of them share a memory pool, but each personality has easier access to one specific section of it and can deny the others access if they wish.Appearance: to outsiders, the Collective's appearance has remained unchanged from when it was Tokiomi Nagato. From its own point of view (and if any psychics bothered to look), it appears to be surrounded by dozens of other individuals. The big ones:-Zai appears to be Vincent Zai before losing his left eye. However, his appearance is much more disheveled, with his hair messy, his eyebrows nearly gone, his eyes wide and almost popping out of their sockets, and with a very pale skin tone. He also seems to have grown fangs. He will be wearing a black two piece suit and a white shirt; both with bloodstains on them. He also wears a black tie.-Hess appears to be a German woman in her 20's with blond, shoulder length hair and blue eyes which are usually shut. She has an ethereal look about her, and when projected, will appear to glow with a golden aura. She will be wearing a suit similar to Zai's, but clean and with no tie. A knife is holstered on her hip-Awad appears to be a middle aged Arabic man with slightly grey, short hair and wearing a Google Glass. He will always be projected holding a smartphone. He wears a white shirt with grey stripes and light brown khakis. Both of his eyes will be glowing-Torres appears to be an older woman of Hisbanic descent with brown, braided hair. She will be seen wearing a white T-shirt and light blue jeans. For some reason, all of her visible veins glow with a bright white light, visible even in the brightest of conditions.-Due to being the strongest mind in the body, Nagato has no projection.-Incomplete personalities appear as hard light humanoid figures with numerous square holes in their bodies, randomly placed.Weapons: In combat, they standard SHIELD/US Army equipment. As well, they possess a device they refer to as a "Mind Projector", which has the ability to create visual and auditory projections of all of the individual constituents of The Collective (they can be seen and heard but they cannot interact with physical objects). Skills: The Collective possesses an extremely wide skill set due to the vast amount of memories they have absorbed, to the point that no concept or skill is unfamiliar to them. However, most of this knowledge is book knowledge, meaning that they can't necessarily put it into practice when it counts.Personality: as a whole, The Collective is very indecisive. Due to having to factor in 100+ opinions rather than simply one, decisions not made based on instinct can take a long time to make-Zai is best described as a warped reflection of the original. Created from an imprint of hismind at the time of his creation of Tokiomi and "corrupted " by a sudden influx of other memories, Zai has become much more vicious and bloodthirsty.-Nagato, as the remainder of the previous controlling mind, is the most coherent of the personalities. He remains largely unchanged from when he was one mind, but has reverted to a more robotic pattern of behavior due to suddenly losing an understanding of the finer nuances of human interaction.-Hess can be described as a "Knight Templar". A twisted sense of justice drives her behavior and she will break any rule (or object) in her way to fulfill her code. While not obviously vicious like Zai, she can be very sadistic and cruel.-Awad is by far the nicest mind of the Collective. Professional, organized, and polite, he is the model of a good SHIELD desk agent. He can be prone to being stiff and uptight, however, and hates it when regulations aren't followed to the letter.-Torres, for some reason, is constantly lethargic. Decisively lacking in energy as well as simply not caring, she can be very apathetic at times, preferring to sit back and let the rest of the Collective do what they want. She has the strongest sense of empathy out of all of the Collective, however, and will intervene if the others are doing something pointlessly cruel.Weakness: The Collective is prone to bickering among themselves due to the vastly different temperaments if its constituents. If not in a life or death situation, it could take them a minute to twelve hours to agree on something as simple as what to put on the bread. Nagato is capable of overriding all of their opinions and hijacking the body, but he rarely does so as he fears the wrath of all of the other personalities. The Collective has also pinpointed the source of Vincent's accelerated aging: Vincent possesses a very rare mutation similar to but independent of the X-Gene, dubbed Y. This gene causes the production of antibodies that attack cells with the X-Gene, which happens to be Vincent's entire body. The antibodies cause tissue degeneration, hence the accelerated aging. While natural production is weak, if extracted and grown in a lab, it could become a deadly weapon against mutants. Due to Vincent's sudden secondary mutation, his aging rate has sped up; doctors predict that the body has five years left at the most, creating the need to find a new host body if the Collective wants to live past that time.Bio:<insert Vincent and Tokiomi's bios> At a certain point, Tokiomi bit off more than he could chew. Having accumulated a thousand lifetimes' worth of data, he could no longer maintain continuity and suffered a massive personality fracture. In addition to a warped version of Vincent Zai resurfacing, three new complete personalities were born as well as over 100 incomplete fragments coming to light. <insert in-game events here> Quote
sunflower Posted August 24, 2014 Posted August 24, 2014 so this looks familar huh hey look i'm trying to get back into this again what a surprise Name: Megan KeitaAge: 26Gender: FemaleLoyalties/Faction: Dark AvengersPower: Megan has the ability to, put simply, create voids. Areas of space where quite literally nothing exists. Objects that touch the voids may either simply come out on the other side as if there is no distance between the two points, instantly passing from one side to the other (As technically, there isn't and space in between). Or, they may become trapped inside. Objects that the voids are created around (or the ones that pass inside to be trapped), for all intents and purposes, are frozen within, as there is no time to pass nor space to occupy. Said objects aren't destroyed, but torn from existence, only to be returned perfectly fine and exactly how they were prior as the void disappears. Voids in which material passes through simply look like spheres of water, as the light behind is slightly distorted as it passes instantly from one side to the other. Voids in which material is caught inside look completely black and featureless, as one would expect. Megan normally creates said voids in the shape of a sphere, simply because it is the easiest form to work with, though she does have the ability to manipulate them if needed. Creating the voids takes a considerable amount of energy on Megan's part, proportional to the size of the voids in question, though maintaining and manipulating them is a far easier task. The voids will fade from (non)existence after a short amount of time if Megan leaves them be, also proportional to their size. Larger ones may stay for up to an hour, though the ones she generally makes only last for a few minutes tops.Appearance: Megan is for the most part, unassuming in appearance, the one who could get lost in a crowd at the slightest glance away. She stands at around 5'7'' though generally seems slightly shorter, with a toned build that suggests one with an active lifestyle and relatively healthy diet. Facially, her features are somewhat sharp, with a thin-lipped mouth normally curved into a slight smirk, while a thin nose sits between her angled, almond-shaped eyes–the iris of which are noticeably a solid, inky black coloration. A veil of freckles covers her dark, russet complexion. Her short, chin-length hair, the only feature that really stands out, is a stark white, bordering on silvery at times.Weapons: N/ASkills: In terms of combat, Megan is no slouch, though neither is she a master assassin, with moderate training in a smattering of different martial arts. Her real skill lies in her knack for technology, with a distinctly mechanically inclined mind coupled with an almost obsessive curiosity for how things are put together. She'll take something apart for the sole reason to attempt to put it back together again, and most of the time she'll do so just because she can.Personality: Quiet, but in a withdrawn silent way rather than actually being shy. Megan is one to watch and listen, with a slightly detached air to her which could most certainly be described as “spooky”.Weakness: Her power takes a fair amount of concentration for her to put into good effect, and any manner of distraction will disrupt her control over it. At which point she's no more than your average human. Quote - BZPRPG -
Krayzikk Posted August 25, 2014 Posted August 25, 2014 Approved x1. CM, that's... An unusual concept. We'll discuss it. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Snelly Posted August 25, 2014 Posted August 25, 2014 Approved x2 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Flex Lord Splash Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 Name: Ashlynn SummersCodename: SongbirdAge: 21Gender: FemaleFaction: Xavier InstitutePower(S): Strong telepathy, she is able to enter people’s minds, read them etc, make them see things that are not there, even get them to do things for her unless they are extremely strong willed or have guards against telepathy, with her illusions she can make it so she is invisible to anyone around her if she choose. She has also developed a new power which is a sort of telepathic push her mind unleashes, similar to a force push and can only be used if she is threatened. Appearance: Ashlynn is a very attractive woman. She has long, luscious red hair, and a pair of emerald colored eyes. Her skin is soft and spotless, and is pale in color. She has a pair of nice, full lips, and pearly white teeth. She usually dressed like a traditional hipster. She has two tattoos of wings on her backside.Weapons: Her mindSkills: She’s skilled at hand to hand combat, she is highly trained in first aid, pistols, being nice, listening to comrades, leadershipPersonality: Ultimate Ashlyn's personality is very close to the old Ash's. She's kind and caring but she also has an edge to her the old Ash didn't have. She has seen worse things than the normal Ash and would therefore go to further ends to survive. Becoming a vampire changed her for a while; she became even darker for a while, and even lost control at times feeding off humans. It was due to this she desired to find a way to return to her morality, to become human again.Weakness: She can no longer heal, and her wings are also gone.Bio: Ashlynn was born in secret; her father was Cyclops, while her mother was Jean Grey. When she was born her parents felt that the X-Men were in danger and it wasn’t safe for her to live in the mansion so they took her to a family friend named the Williams for Ashlynn to stay until things cleared up. Ashlynn ended up staying with the Williams for three years, and during that time her mother was killed, but later came back to life as the Phoenix once again before killing all of the X-Men before she was killed once again by Wolverine. Eventually the Williams decided they didn’t want to raise Ashlynn because as a three year old baby she was already developing a mutation, wings. They took her to the Xavier Institute to find that Beast was the only surviving X-Men member, and now dean of the school. Beast took Ashlynn in and raised her himself. Ashlynn grew to become a strong woman, very similar to how Jean Grey was before she became the Phoenix. Ashlynn became the first of Beast’s new X-Men team, calling her Songbird because of her wings, and her last-name. When Ashlynn graduated from the school she became a teacher within the school and the school nurse, using her powers to help heal students, and her fellow X-Men. Then the Phalanx attacked and everything changed drastically. The ones she loved were killed or absorbed into the Phalanx like Alaric. Ash was also blinded by the Phalanx and since she didn't have healing powers like normal Ash she was unable to see again forced to rely on her telepathic abilities to see. While the Ultimate X-Men battled the Phalanx she and Ultimate John Howlett became a couple. She then went into the normal universe along with the surviving Ultimate X-Men of her generation to steal that universes' technopath, Alex and taking him back to their universe. Together with Alex they were able to defeat the Phalanx. Ultimate Ash also went Phoenix mode at the end and decimated many of the Phalanx before the Phoenix left her body for good. She was thought to be dead after that incident but she survived. She then made her way back to the normal universe since the Ultimateverse was pretty empty after the Phalanx attack. Not long after she was back in the normal universe she came across the Hellfire mansion where she was murdered by Harbinger in an alleyway. While she was dying none other than Jace came to her aid and accidently turned her into a vampire. Once she was a vampire her once blind eyes could now see again. She lost the mutant ability to summon her wings and heal but she gained some new vampire abilities. She stayed in the Hellfire mansion for a time with Jace before leaving to visit the Xavier institute. She arrived in time to revive a nearly dead John Howlett with her blood. After that she hunted in the woods outside the school. She's stayed at the institute since. She's worked as one of the nurses at the school since she had a vast knowledge of first aid. About a year ago she felt a strange ping of pain and thought of her maker Jace, she finally realized that he was probably dead.When she left the institute a year ago she was lost for months. She had no purpose, nowhere she belonged. She lost control and at times she even fed off humans in her weakest moments but never drained them fully. Soon she decided she didn’t want to live like this, that there had to be a way to return back to her normal self. She spent the next year dedicating herself to this personal quest.She looked through countless libraries, databases and traveled across the globe meeting with many powerful sorcerers and even other vampires. None of them were successful however until she met a Egyptian vampire sorcerer named Tarenth. He was very ancient and knew a possible way to switch her back but it required certain things for the ritual. For the ritual she was required to find the ashes of the Ashlynn from this universe. Which was no easy feat, but eventually she was able to track them down.Then she had to give her own blood willingly for the ritual and finally her maker had to be dead, which she knew he was, the last criteria was that she would have to be pure and not have killed anyone while being a vampire, which was also true. The ritual took an entire night, and Ashlynn felt herself die again. But she awoke a minute later, no longer a vampire. She found that she could no longer summon her wings either. She paid Tarenth what she could, which in this case was letting him drink from her now that she was human; he found that her blood was especially tasty. After that she was free to go. She drifted for a few more months, eventually getting the wings tattooed onto her back. Now she is heading back to the institute. I realize this might be asking for much, she's no longer a vampire and I tried to think up an interesting magical way how that could have happened. Would be really cool to play as her again though. Just thought I'd try since she was accepted earlier as a vamp. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Havelock Vetinari Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) Finally done. I'll be doing a some edits tomorrow, as I'm sure there's some grammar mistakes I missed. This is basically the final product however. Submitted for approval. Name: Lucia Livania Codename: She’s in the phonebook under “sorceress”. That’s about it. Gender: Female Age: Twenty-Seven Loyalties/Faction: Her tiny little “shop of wonders” is about the only thing she feels any loyalty towards at the moment. The fact not a day goes by where she doesn’t dream about burning it to the ground and dancing on the ashes is irrelevant. She does, on occasion, remember a time when she lodged with a group of beings not unlike herself, the wielder of a mythical sword, a thunderbird, a kitsune and a young mage who'd entered into a contract with various elemental powers. Those times, for the moment and likely, forever, have entered into the fog of memory. She would rather like those times to resurrect themselves and climb from the grave, fresh and strong. Some things however, are beyond even her formidable abilities. Power(S): Lucia’s powers lay primarily in the realm of magic known to her as sorcery*, though it has little connection the sorcery of Dr. Strange. She has become quite skilled with this type of magic however. This particular magic has limited use in terms of offensive and defensive power as it relies almost entirely on precise rituals and invocations. Some rituals are fairly simple and can be completed quickly, but most are long, drawn out, complex processes. There are certain components the rituals require These can vary from ritual to ritual, but each type tends to have at least one component common across all of it’s rituals. This is not a rule, but a generality. The various schools of sorcery are three in number. There is invocation, which channels the energy of the caster, or possibly, an outside entity to produce an effect within the world. This school can be used to enchant weapons and objects and plays host to the few offensive and defensive abilities sorcery makes use of. The second school is necromancy known to some as the magic of the blood. Necromancy lays between invocation and conjuration, as it has great similarities to both, and can play into the rituals of these schools on certain occasions. Necromancy deals with life, restoring it, channeling it and using it’s energy. As one might have guessed, this often takes the form of dealing with various forms of undead. This is far from the only use it has however. Combined with invocation, necromancy can use the power of blood to enchant a weapon or cause harm with a hex. If spell requires blood or deals with life, then, by necessity, it touches on necromancy. The last school involves calling forth creatures and dealing with realms beyond what one would call reality. This is by far the most dangerous school of sorcery, for even if the ritual works perfectly, if the sorcerer is not powerful enough to contain the effect or control the creature, it will invariably result in death, or at least, dismemberment. If the spell does not work perfectly, the consequences could be nonexistent or extremely dire. Even then, the creatures one summons are often from realms very different than that which the human mind is built to deal with, conjuring a creature of great power from these realms, often called the Outer Darkness, is a great risk. Creatures from the realms closer to mortal comprehension, sometimes called the Inner Dark, tend to be “safer”but also tend to be less powerful. Sorcery could be said to be based on the desperate manipulation of inimical or at least, uncaring forces and entities. Sorcery is a very methodical and scientific activity, as such things go. One wrong word, gesture or error within the ritual can negate the entire process-or worse, leave open a door to realms beyond. It is not something one has an innate talent for, or something one is born with. Sorcery must be learned, often by reading through dusty and terribly ancient manuscripts. It is not something one invokes lightly or quickly. As each spell, even if it is successful drains some of the invoker’s essence, depending on the strength of the spell, one could end up falling into coma or dying. This essence will regenerate, given time, but each person only has so much they can drain. Due to the nature of the powers the sorcerer seeks to use, there is always a mental cost to the would-be sorcerer, this could be major or minor, depending on the scale of the powers they seek to use. If one makes a habit of using spells, even minor ones, in a marathon-like manner, they will likely end up gibbering on the floor for a few years, or possibly, a lifetime. If a spell goes horribly wrong, the gibbering is all but a given. Appearance: The past year has not been precisely kind to Lucia. She sports a few scars on her shoulders due to a rather traumatic cross-country trip with a Nightgaunt and a few others besides, incurred when she faced danger on her trek back to New York. Aside from this, her features remain largely the same. She sports a somewhat rounded, mid-size nose with a small mole upon it. Her eyes are a dark brown, as is her hair. She tends to wear the aforementioned hair in a small bun behind her head, keeping it place with a piece of golden thread. Her skin, as fits her status as a roman, is slightly olive in color. Her wardrobe has failed to update, whilst she has a few modern prices of clothing for appearance's sake, she prefers to wear an ornate Stola (long, dress like garment worn over a tunic, in this case, a blue tunic) along with a Limbus to go along with it. The Stola is dyed a deep green, though the Instita, a part of the garment used to display wealth, is dyed a purple. The Limbus, used to give the appearance of multiple layers, and thus, wealth, shares a coloration with the rest of the Stola. The final part of the set,a Palla, a type of shawl this is draped over the shoulders. The final piece of her ensemble is a simple, ruby red brooch attached below her neck. Weapons: Lucia has not, despite the time spent in the modern age, adopted it’s weapons. Her only true weapons is a dagger of roman make, forged from noric steel. The weapon is finely made, it sports an intricate system of golden carvings and symbols upon the blade and it’s hilt. The weapon has a very important function beyond stabbing however. Lucia has enchanted the blade so that it might serve as a focus point for her magic and increase the chances of success in any given ritual. Beyond this ability however, the dagger is completely normal. Skills: Lucia has a talent for languages and speaks and reads a dozen or so archaic or dead languages, a holdover from her days in Rome. Sadly, she is still in the process of learning English and tends to be overly verbose or simple in her manner of speaking when she comes across a word she does not understand. She has quite a bit of political savvy, she can read politics, trace the ebb and flow of power and how to use these tides of power to her advantage. She is also a fairly decent diplomat, able to suppress her emotions and communicate in a calm and clear manner, as well as read the intentions of the other party, and just how far she can push them, and thus, how much she can get from them. Her skill with magic scarcely bears mentioning, as it was covered in the powers section. Related to her magical skills however, is her ability to conduct research and pursue scholarly objectives. She is a patient, careful reader, and her notes could often be mistaken for books by themselves. As a result, she has very solid footing in matters of history and such, she also knows much of the secret places of the world. Personality: Lucia is a product of Rome, despite her current residence. She tends to be polite, diplomatic and somewhat cordial to those she meets, though she is careful to ensure she tells them nothing she does not want them to know. She is very much a fish out of water however, despite her cunning and political acumen, this world is still very strange to her and, being unable to access this wonderful “internet” everyone keeps telling her about, she relies largely on her library card and wits to acclimate to the modern world. While she grown used to the more common technology of the modern world, she still has a very enthusiastic response to airplanes (“they’re giant chariots! That fly!”). As a result, her little shop of wonders is plastered with posters and photos of various types of airplanes. About half of these were taken by Lucia herself, often with the ancient sorceress posing in front of said aircraft, with a look of utter joy upon her face. Aside from this, however, she has become somewhat bitter, a product of going from a respected daughter of a senator to reading fortunes for fat tourists. Weakness: The drawbacks and weaknesses of her power is detailed above, within the powers section. Beyond this, she is a normal human being and just as vulnerable to a bullet as the next woman. Furthermore, she has little experience with open combat and is more at home striking from a distance or using her magic to summon creatures to do the fighting for her. In an intense combat situation, where her life is at risk, is possible, if not likely, her courage will fail and she will attempt to flee. Lucia, despite owning a dagger, is not a master in it’s usage and in melee combat, for any true expert, she is easy to best. Her purview is magic, not gun-slinging and sword-swinging. Bio: Lucia is, in short, a time traveling roman sorceress. She was raised by a senator in the ancient Roman Republic and, unlike many other women of the time, had the good fortune to be considered an equal by her father who took his young daughter under his wing. He provided her with the best education his not insubstantial wealth could buy. Lucia devoured these teachings ravenously. As she learned, she developed a near-innate talent for politics,diplomacy and scheming. Eventually, as she aged and grew into her own, she launched her own schemes, independent from but beneficial to her father and family. She made a habit of buying Gladiators and setting them free….and promptly giving them a job as a guards and enforcers. Though she was careful to hide who exactly was pulling their strings. Eventually however, she hit upon a choice piece of information. Rumors of a strange events and stranger creatures in the deserts of Ptolemaic Egypt reached her through her web of informants. With her bodyguards in tow, and a generous gift of gold from her father that allowed her to contract the crew of a galley, she set off to chase dancing shadows and rumors of powerful magic. Basing herself out of the Roman-controlled city of Alexandria, Lucia made several pacts with various figures within the Ptolemaic Kingdom. As the Ptolemaic’s were allies of Rome and in the process of losing influence to the Republic, the fact she was the daughter of the prominent senator was of a great help. With the help of her new found Graeco-Egyptian allies, she set about her task, sending out agents and expeditions into the deserts in search of long-lost knowledge and sorcerous secrets. Her expeditions bore some fruit, old tablets and artifacts began to filter back to her. With the aid of translator’s provided to her by her contacts, she set about translating these ancient tablets and fragments. It was not long before she realized that she had found what she came for. Many of these tablets were religious in nature, but a few of them hinted at other secrets, at rituals to bring life to the dead, to strike at one’s enemies from afar….and, mostly notably to call forth creatures from beyond the thin veil of reality. It was difficult and dangerous work to piece these disparate pieces of information together in a coherent ritual, but after several brushes with death and the total loss of some twenty lives, Lucia managed to carry out a singular ritual known as the “Invocation of Far Typhon”. She summoned forth a Typhonian Beast, a canine-like creature that hails from the Inner Dark. Lucia treated and bargains with this intelligent, otherworldly creature and in exchange for a few tasks. The most noteworthy of these tasks was capturing a certain enchanted sword from the Cheyarafim and destroying it within the ruins of an ancient temple dedicated to the old god Set. With the aid of her bodyguards and a unit of legionnaires provided by the ruler of Alexandria, she stormed the sanctuary where the sword was housed. Despite losses, she soon held within her hand that blade, known as “The Ineffable Light of Certitude” in various texts. Though, after she completed the task, it would more accurately be called “The Broken Rusty Fragments of Falsehood”. Her summoned companion, as agreed, then directed her to an Egyptian sorcerer dedicated to Set. This sorcerer, called Khafre, became Lucia’s mentor and, indeed, friend. Treating her as an equal and a peer, he introduced her properly to the arts of Sorcery and the dangers thereof. Alas, she could not stay in Egypt forever, and soon she was called back to Rome by her father, to discuss her discoveries. Khafre, though it was not part of the bargain, chose to travel with, as he put it “his most promising student”. Lucia learned much from Khafre on the journey back, coming into her own as a sorceress. When Lucia returned, she wasted no time demonstrating her newfound knowledge and abilities to her father. His reaction...was not what she’d hoped. Her new powers and the rituals thereof, were not quite what the old senator had been expecting. Khafre, in the end, had to take her father aside and explain to him, fully, just what had happened in Egypt and the powers into which his daughter had tapped. Though it took several days, her father eventually saw the potential these abilities granted his family. Under the direction of Khafre, Lucia and her father delved deeply into the art of Sorcery, occasionally calling forth creatures to aid in their plots within Rome. Eventually, the three grew even more ambitious and dared to dream of seizing power in Rome, and thus, the Republic. Allies were contacted, plans made, loyalties secured. They were not, sadly, the only sorcerers or magic users within the city of Rome. Their plans were exposed by a spymaster well versed in the magical arts. At the behest of the senate, the legion marched on their estate. Their bodyguards and servants were of little use against the might of these forces. The trio called upon the Outer Darkness in desperation. As the household died all around them, they conducted a dark and terrible ritual to attempt to called forth a powerful creature to turn the tide. The Legionnaires burst into the room in the middle of the ritual, slaying Khafre and her father before they had a chance to react. The ritual was disrupted, the circle broken and the door to the Outer Darkness left wide open. All Lucia can remember of what happened next was a wolf-headed creature entering the room through some hideous type of portal. This creature, wielding some type of bow (or what appeared to be a bow) strode forward. Legionnaires and bodyguards both seemed to either crumble to dust as it approached or were pierced by one of it’s arrows and simply vanished. Lucia’s last vision of Rome was of the creature leveling a bow at her. When she awoke, she was in modern New York and, having barely escaped with her life after an encountered with two vampires, promptly fled New York. She summoned a Nightgaunt, a creature of the Inner Dark, to take her to an area of magical concentration. This turned out to be a collection of magical beings staying in the home of an unfortunate historian named Alistair, whose neighbor was yet another magical being known as Dante. Lucia was...content there. Sadly, it could not last. Eventually circumstances separated her from the others. Having gained a somewhat capable grasp of English. She set out for New York again, making money by giving out fortunes to those she met on the road. She quickly learned they cared nothing for real magic, they just wanted to hear what would make them feel better of themselves. When she reached New York, she had dared to hope things would improve there. They have, in the sense she has a shop in which people paid to be lied too now. Needless to say, going from a sorceress with her eye on power in Rome, to a fortuneteller in New York….has not done wonders for her. Her interest in airplanes, has, at least, kept her from becoming an embittered shut in. Mostly. Hopefully. Kinda. *Note, to avoid confusion, I'll state this simply and plainly, this is an outdated name for this brand of magic. It's name in English these, the common one at least, is "Outer Gates Magic", "Magic of the Outer Gates" etc. It is not intended to serve as the sole magic system or any of that. It's just a different type of magic. Edited August 29, 2014 by Basilisk Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Krayzikk Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Alrighty, time to roll up my sleeves. @Lucia: As per the last time this character was submitted, I have some reservations. Her magic is well defined, but its myriad potential applications are something to be leery of. That said, its limitations are also well defined; as such, I grant my approval to the character, under the stipulation that rituals be double checked with me, or one of my fellow staff, before their use. Lucia +1 @Ashlynn: ... I have severe misgivings about this particular character, with roots in everything from backstory to the profile itself. As such, I am not approving it. My fellow staff are free to act as they see fit in this matter. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
shadow pridak money gang Posted September 1, 2014 Author Posted September 1, 2014 Lucia approved x2, under the same stipulations as Guy-Who-Isn't-Tyler-But-Is-Kinda-Close one post up. Ashlynn...I'll need a good cuddle, a good psychiatrist, and an anatomically correct doll to deal with Ashlynn. -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Flex Lord Splash Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 Um alright lol, not sure what that means exactly. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Snelly Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 (edited) Um alright lol, not sure what that means exactly. If I had to venture a guess I'd say it means no he's not approving it. Edited September 1, 2014 by Princess Anna of Arendelle Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
shadow pridak money gang Posted September 1, 2014 Author Posted September 1, 2014 I typically don't do this, but just this once I'm going to make an exception and tell you, beyond basic (though effective) snark, why this isn't happening: - Ashlynn is dead. - Ultimate Ashlynn was a vampire, and is, as such, dead. Thing is, we watched her die. I can dig up the post later tonight if you want. She took a straight up shotgun blast to the chest and bit it in an alleyway. I had Jace turn her because back then, the X-Men game was so sluggish - and, as I remember, you were already in control, and if you weren't the deal was nearly in effect, so it's not like it wouldn't have happened without me. At least, if I did it, I could keep tabs on her and keep her limited to a specific power set. So yeah, I turned her. Thing is, this is the exact same trick you played with Ultimate John, and we could all tell that you really wanted Ultimate John and we didn't want grievances so we let it happen. We could all tell you really wanted Ultimate John, and we bent over practically -backwards to help you find a way Ultimate John's lycanthropy could be removed, and all credit to Basilisk for helping us find it when we'd largely given up and were just going to let the profile sit before two people inevitably approved it out of defeat. It just so happened to work because lycanthropy doesn't entirely leave the body, but John's curse was suppressed just enough to not work (as far as I can understand it, at least; Bas, correct me if I'm wrong here partner) so whatever. Yeah. Slap an approval and some headphones on him, he's good to go. Yay John. Ashlynn is a much more distinct case because, aside from tattooed wings instead of the gen-yoo-ine article, there's no difference whatsoever between the two Ashlynns like there was with the two John's. The two John's were different characters; that was undeniable, mainly because one was an awful human being and one was only as awful as every other Ultimate. This Ashlynn is a pretty obvious attempt to bring back a character that the staff all ruled dead until proven otherwise, and you know what, even if she wasn't? I wouldn't approve her. Because removing vampirism isn't something simple like that. If you remove vampirism - the thing keeping Ashlynn alive - and leave her as she was before she transformed, guess where that leaves her? Dead. With Jace's blood and shotgun pellets oozing out of her chest. You can't just fix that one with an Egyptian vampire. Unapproved. -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Havelock Vetinari Posted September 1, 2014 Posted September 1, 2014 The curse is suppressed, yes. Spell could fail, in theory. Though if things get bad enough for that particular event to happen. It's....well, John would lose alot in that bargain I believe. Now I'm gonna slither back into the darkness from whence I came. All power to the Slithering Darkness of Yig. May his sibilant words guide you all. Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Makuta of Time Posted September 4, 2014 Posted September 4, 2014 Hey guys, what up. Just dropping by to say I really need to get back the RPs here. So anything new on what happened in the SHIELD mission? Quote
Constructelf Posted September 4, 2014 Posted September 4, 2014 SHIELD mission is over, everybody's back on the Helicarrier. However, the Helicarrier is under attack by a swarm of Iron Men. Quote
Flex Lord Splash Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 I typically don't do this, but just this once I'm going to make an exception and tell you, beyond basic (though effective) snark, why this isn't happening: - Ashlynn is dead. - Ultimate Ashlynn was a vampire, and is, as such, dead. Thing is, we watched her die. I can dig up the post later tonight if you want. She took a straight up shotgun blast to the chest and bit it in an alleyway. I had Jace turn her because back then, the X-Men game was so sluggish - and, as I remember, you were already in control, and if you weren't the deal was nearly in effect, so it's not like it wouldn't have happened without me. At least, if I did it, I could keep tabs on her and keep her limited to a specific power set. So yeah, I turned her. Thing is, this is the exact same trick you played with Ultimate John, and we could all tell that you really wanted Ultimate John and we didn't want grievances so we let it happen. We could all tell you really wanted Ultimate John, and we bent over practically ######-backwards to help you find a way Ultimate John's lycanthropy could be removed, and all credit to Basilisk for helping us find it when we'd largely given up and were just going to let the profile sit before two people inevitably approved it out of defeat. It just so happened to work because lycanthropy doesn't entirely leave the body, but John's curse was suppressed just enough to not work (as far as I can understand it, at least; Bas, correct me if I'm wrong here partner) so whatever. Yeah. Slap an approval and some headphones on him, he's good to go. Yay John. Ashlynn is a much more distinct case because, aside from tattooed wings instead of the gen-yoo-ine article, there's no difference whatsoever between the two Ashlynns like there was with the two John's. The two John's were different characters; that was undeniable, mainly because one was an awful human being and one was only as awful as every other Ultimate. This Ashlynn is a pretty obvious attempt to bring back a character that the staff all ruled dead until proven otherwise, and you know what, even if she wasn't? I wouldn't approve her. Because removing vampirism isn't something simple like that. If you remove vampirism - the thing keeping Ashlynn alive - and leave her as she was before she transformed, guess where that leaves her? Dead. With Jace's blood and shotgun pellets oozing out of her chest. You can't just fix that one with an Egyptian vampire. Unapproved. -Tyler As I said I thought I would try. So there is still no option of bringing her back as a vampire? Would it be allowed if I could NPC her for a little bit until she is somehow killed or something, I don't like loose ends. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Light Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 (edited) Name: James FoxgloveCodename: N/AAge: 1574Gender: MaleRace: VampireFaction: NeutralPowers: Super strength and speed above that of an ordinary vampire due to the shape his body was in when he was turned and the strict training he's gone through. His hypnosis, however, is disused.Appearance: James is about 6'2", with dark brown hair and eyes. He's slim and young looking, his face expressive and handsome. He speaks in an English accent with just the slightest inflection of a Scottish one, though can contain it if need be.Weapons: James carries a high powered pistol and a few wooden and silver daggers on a belt at his waist, and a collapsible police baton on his right shin, as well as a wooden spear with a metal tip and core across his back.Most vampires he's come across have an unhealthy obsession with swords. Spears are a good thing to have.Skills: A very good fighter with any kind of bladed weapon, can take a lot of pain without breaking. He's also well-practiced with armor, but he hasn't used any true plate in a while.Personality: James is a nice guy, normally polite and kind, but a dark fury lies under his words. He has the eyes of a killer- an exceptionally pleasant one, but his gaze is always a little detached, a little unfeeling.Weaknesses: Normal weaknesses of a vampire. Holy water, wooden objects, and he requires blood to survive.Bio: James was turned a long long time ago, found wounded near the site of a battle between the Romans and the natives by a vampire. He was turned and abandoned, left to find his own way in his now immortal life.And find it he did. See, some vampires seem to think that their immortality and physical abilities put them on a level completely above that of mortals and mortal laws. They become nothing more than glorified, supernatural serial killers.And he's a glorified, supernatural vigilante.Sometime during the early 70s he met a fellow vampire, Jenna Rosewood. He was humming Frank Sinatra's "My Way," she was singing the Sid Vicious version. They haven't seen each other since. Edited September 7, 2014 by Tali Relo Quote No such thing as destiny. BZPRPG Profiles
Snelly Posted September 8, 2014 Posted September 8, 2014 James approved x1 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Krayzikk Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 @Flex: NPCs are not for use in scenarios like that. Leads to problems. @Kaithas: I see nothing technically wrong. x2 Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Light Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 And thus, Long Live the King. Quote No such thing as destiny. BZPRPG Profiles
Metax Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 I've read all of the rules and thus: Darkest days. Name: -Classified-Codename: Kamiya 「神矢」(Eng. Devine Arrow)Gender: FemaleAge: 20Loyalties/Faction: National Police Agency (警察庁 Keisatsu-chou) - Japanese equivalent of the CIA.Power(S): Quantum Manipulation - The ability to slow or speed up time for themselves, and has the ability to manipulate objects spacial and temporal locations, movement, etc.Appearance: 5'6, Short, shoulder length black hair.Weapons: Custom PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate IISkills: Stealth, Infiltration, Sniping, Experienced in every form of martial arts (Within Asia), Fluent in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian (Incl. Ukrainian), Hebrew, English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese.Personality: Silent and Serious. But with a very kind and caring side to Her. Weakness: (Everyone has weaknesses, powers or no. Try to make them clear.)Bio: -Classified- Note: Classified sections would be revealed in story. Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
Eyru Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Weakness: (Everyone has weaknesses, powers or no. Try to make them clear.) You forgot to put in her weaknesses. Quote BRPG Forum Rules • BZPRPG Starter Topic • Q&A Compendium • SK:A Profiles
Snelly Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Skills: Stealth, Infiltration, Sniping, Experienced in every form of martial arts (Within Asia), Fluent in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian (Incl. Ukrainian), Hebrew, English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Yeah there's no way a 20 year old could have learned all of this, plus having that many skills is wayyyyyyyyyyyy OP to begin with. Not to mention having super powers on top of all that. Plus you need to fill out the weakness section of her profile. Power(S): Quantum Manipulation - The ability to slow or speed up time for themselves, and has the ability to manipulate objects spacial and temporal locations, movement, etc. Also what are the limitations for this? Because these powers alone seem pretty OP as they stand. Being able to slow and speed up time AND teleport objects to who knows where? Yeah no, too much power for any one character. So yeah, until some significant changes are made not approved. Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Metax Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Skills: Stealth, Infiltration, Sniping, Experienced in every form of martial arts (Within Asia), Fluent in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian (Incl. Ukrainian), Hebrew, English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Yeah there's no way a 20 year old could have learned all of this, plus having that many skills is wayyyyyyyyyyyy OP to begin with. Not to mention having super powers on top of all that. Plus you need to fill out the weakness section of her profile. Power(S): Quantum Manipulation - The ability to slow or speed up time for themselves, and has the ability to manipulate objects spacial and temporal locations, movement, etc. Also what are the limitations for this? Because these powers alone seem pretty OP as they stand. Being able to slow and speed up time AND teleport objects to who knows where? Yeah no, too much power for any one character. So yeah, until some significant changes are made not approved. 20 is too young? Have you read that Black Widow comics before? Black Widow was able to learn a multitude of martial art and languages skills when she was very young.If 20 seems to young, I can raise it to 25. In the end it doesn't really matter. Her powers let her slow and speed up time for herself, but only to a certain degree. (Think quicksilver in the latest x-men movie.) Her powers aren't teleportation, so she can't teleport objects, merely move them through space. The most she could do is move something the size of a bus about 20 feet. And that'd bring her to the point of blacking out. The temporal side of it allows her to move the object in and out of Temporal phase. (Meaning an object can exist 1 second in the past, or future, and thus not interact with present matter.) Or transport an object through time. (This is limited to something up to the size of a person.) (This ability is similar to Shadowcats in the latest x-men, where she is able to send a consciousness back in time. My characters power works in the same way with smaller objects. And not very far into the past of future either.) Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
Snelly Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Just because something happened in the comics or movies doesn't necessarily mean we'll allow it here. My main concern is how overpowered she seems to be compared to the average character in this game. First and foremost write out the weakness section, because without that we obviously can't approve it. Secondly more details like what you just said about her powers would help a lot so we know exactly how they work. Now I don't know about the rest of the staff but I'm really iffy about letting a character slow and speed up time for themselves and transport objects through time. Have the limitations clearly written out in the profile then we'll see. Thirdly, regardless of age, that's a lot of skills, all those languages and experience in every form of asian martial arts? I'd say cut out at least two thirds of those languages, in this game you really aren't going to need to know that many languages IC to begin with. I'm cool with the martial arts as long as she isn't a total expert in all of them. Maybe a master at one or two of them and the rest just off hand knowledge? So yeah, make those changes and we'll see from there. Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Metax Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Just because something happened in the comics or movies doesn't necessarily mean we'll allow it here. My main concern is how overpowered she seems to be compared to the average character in this game. First and foremost write out the weakness section, because without that we obviously can't approve it. Secondly more details like what you just said about her powers would help a lot so we know exactly how they work. Now I don't know about the rest of the staff but I'm really iffy about letting a character slow and speed up time for themselves and transport objects through time. Have the limitations clearly written out in the profile then we'll see. Thirdly, regardless of age, that's a lot of skills, all those languages and experience in every form of asian martial arts? I'd say cut out at least two thirds of those languages, in this game you really aren't going to need to know that many languages IC to begin with. I'm cool with the martial arts as long as she isn't a total expert in all of them. Maybe a master at one or two of them and the rest just off hand knowledge? So yeah, make those changes and we'll see from there. Well, that makes things difficult doesn't it, If we can't use marvel as a reference in a marvel RPG. Sorry about the weaknesses, forgot to put them in initially.Weaknesses: Physically speaking, she's not very strong. (Her skills are mostly in precision firearms.). Due to beign trained since she was very young, She's very isolated from other people and finds it difficult to trust people. Here's how her powers would work in a practical sense: She's aiming at a target with her rifle. She slows down time around her (Technically, she speeds herself up, thus making things around her appear slower). Target now appears slower, she gets an accurate lock on the target. She fires her gun and uses her ability to manipulate space to curve the bullet slightly to follow the target. The target suddenly stops walking, which in turn would cause the bullet to hit in front of them (As it was aimed at where they would be).She uses her temporal shift/transport ability to displace the bullet out of time. (This would put a great mental and physical strain on herself after about 45 seconds.) She waits until the target starts moving again then brings the bullet back. It continues on it's trajectory and hits the target. Mission Accomplished. Note: With her displacement ability, she can set up a "Temporal delay", in the sense that she can displace the bullet for a specific amount of time, say a few minutes, and then have it re-enter at a specific time. This lacks the control of a manual displacement as once the object is displaced, she has no control over it and it will respawn itself at the point she originally specified, no sooner or later. As for the skills, we can get rid of the martial arts. (Aside from basic CIA level training of course)Language wise though it's not a far stretch to know this many languages (Due to their similar structures and such). But for the sake of the RPG I can narrow it down. She can know Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, English, German, Italian (by default, that can include Spanish) and Russian. Note: Seeing as Japanese and Korean have an almost identical grammatical structure. It would not be difficult to learn one after the other. (Same goes with English and German, Italian and Spanish, etc.) -TheAkihabara Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
Krayzikk Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 As my colleague is going to be busy for a while, they are, metaphorically, tapping out. As such, I shall be your staff member this afternoon. To tackle this in order of difficulty, from least to most, I shall first deal with the character in question's skill set. Picking up where Skitty left off; I don't have a problem with the altered martial ability, but I do need an explanation of 'infiltration' specifically means, because it's a very vague term. As for the languages... I'm aware that it is possible for her to have learned that number, and its impact on the game at large is minimal; as a result, I, with misgivings, can let that slide. The note on infiltration, actually, brings up my problem with the profile overall; it's incredibly short. While word economy can be a virtue, it's more a hindrance here than a help. Appearance, skills, these need to be fleshed out. I would prefer if personality had a little more added, but given how difficult it can be to pin down before use, I am willing to bend a little on that one. I'm also willing to let her bio and name remain 'classified', but some semblance of an outline must be PM'd to myself or one of my colleagues. Approving a back story that consists only of "classified" is a bit like writing a blank check; not something you really want to do, nor something you should. Now, however, we reach the difficult part. Her powers. I'm going to say it right off of the bat; I cannot approve her powers, as they stand. After reading your explanations, the number of ways her powers could be applied is massive. Time powers, in and of themselves, are things I prefer not to get into; the one and only character that has been permitted to have them has only avoided forced nerfing because he hasn't used them in combat at all since the game began. If that were to change, we would be forced to reevaluate his abilities. The proposed character can; -Alter time, such that her own speed can be compared to Quicksilver in DoFP, whose speed was tremendous. In essence, high super speed.-Move items about the area; even though you have established limits on this, it's not an insubstantial effect. Limited teleportation.-Affect bullet trajectories; this in and of itself is a hefty trick to have up the sleeve.-Move things out of synch with time, and set it on a time delay; again, time powers are difficult, and this has massive potential ramifications.-Send things forward or backwards in time; this couldn't really be allowed to begin with. Time travel is a concept that would need an entire game built around it, and I can't see a way to adapt it into this game without the potential for incredible loophole abuse. And these are just the tip of the iceberg; the things I found it easiest to tackle. This powerset is one that outclasses every PC, and more than a few of them put together. Simply put... It's not something I can allow. That said, I would be willing to discuss how to nerf these abilities to be able to go through approval (my fellows, of course, have their chance for inpit as well). However, at this present time, I cannot allow them through. Sorry. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Metax Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 As my colleague is going to be busy for a while, they are, metaphorically, tapping out. As such, I shall be your staff member this afternoon. To tackle this in order of difficulty, from least to most, I shall first deal with the character in question's skill set. Picking up where Skitty left off; I don't have a problem with the altered martial ability, but I do need an explanation of 'infiltration' specifically means, because it's a very vague term. As for the languages... I'm aware that it is possible for her to have learned that number, and its impact on the game at large is minimal; as a result, I, with misgivings, can let that slide. The note on infiltration, actually, brings up my problem with the profile overall; it's incredibly short. While word economy can be a virtue, it's more a hindrance here than a help. Appearance, skills, these need to be fleshed out. I would prefer if personality had a little more added, but given how difficult it can be to pin down before use, I am willing to bend a little on that one. I'm also willing to let her bio and name remain 'classified', but some semblance of an outline must be PM'd to myself or one of my colleagues. Approving a back story that consists only of "classified" is a bit like writing a blank check; not something you really want to do, nor something you should. Now, however, we reach the difficult part. Her powers. I'm going to say it right off of the bat; I cannot approve her powers, as they stand. After reading your explanations, the number of ways her powers could be applied is massive. Time powers, in and of themselves, are things I prefer not to get into; the one and only character that has been permitted to have them has only avoided forced nerfing because he hasn't used them in combat at all since the game began. If that were to change, we would be forced to reevaluate his abilities. The proposed character can; -Alter time, such that her own speed can be compared to Quicksilver in DoFP, whose speed was tremendous. In essence, high super speed.-Move items about the area; even though you have established limits on this, it's not an insubstantial effect. Limited teleportation.-Affect bullet trajectories; this in and of itself is a hefty trick to have up the sleeve.-Move things out of synch with time, and set it on a time delay; again, time powers are difficult, and this has massive potential ramifications.-Send things forward or backwards in time; this couldn't really be allowed to begin with. Time travel is a concept that would need an entire game built around it, and I can't see a way to adapt it into this game without the potential for incredible loophole abuse. And these are just the tip of the iceberg; the things I found it easiest to tackle. This powerset is one that outclasses every PC, and more than a few of them put together. Simply put... It's not something I can allow. That said, I would be willing to discuss how to nerf these abilities to be able to go through approval (my fellows, of course, have their chance for inpit as well). However, at this present time, I cannot allow them through. Sorry. I understand completely. Perhaps this power-set could be OP if used incorrectly. Taking in Skitty and Your suggestions, I've updated the application: Name: -Classified-Codename: Kamiya 「神矢」(Eng. Devine Arrow)Gender: FemaleAge: 22Loyalties/Faction: National Police Agency (警察庁 Keisatsu-chou) - Japanese equivalent of the CIA.Power(S): Can control sound. Appearance: 5'6, Short, shoulder length black hair. Sleek black combat suit. (Ie. http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21900000/Mr-Taxi-Screencap-girls-generation-snsd-21982286-1440-1080.jpg). In casual scenarios she generally wears a Black coat with a white shirt underneath with black or navy jeans.Weapons: Custom PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II and Custom M19 Pistol.Skills: CIA/SHIELD Spec Ops Skills (Incl. Espionage, Self Defense, etc.) as well as long ranged firearm use (Sniping), Fluent in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian (Incl. Ukrainian), English, German, Italian (Incl. Spanish), French.Personality: Silent and Serious. But with a very kind and caring side to Her. Weakness: Physically speaking, she's not very strong. (Her skills are mostly in precision firearms.). Due to being trained since she was very young, She's very isolated from other people and finds it difficult to trust people.Bio: Raised since she was 5 by unknown secret organization to be a deadly sniper. She escaped her captivity when she was 18 and has since come to work with the Japanese NPA. Her parents and family is unknown. (Due to her abduction as a child). She's a very isolated and quiet person. With a rather serious and professional persona. However, now that she's freed from this unknown organization, she's been attempting to learn about and essentially "Rejoin" everyday culture. Hopefully "Can control sound" isn't too OP. I don't think it is though. And it's a perfect power for someone who's life is about being stealthy. -TheAkihabara Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
Snelly Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Well, if Krayzikk is okay with it then I give it my approval Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
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