Metax Posted September 18, 2014 Posted September 18, 2014 Well, if Krayzikk is okay with it then I give it my approval Awesome! I'll wait for Krayzikk to approve before I start posting in the RPG. -Akiba Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
Krayzikk Posted September 19, 2014 Posted September 19, 2014 After reviewing the resubmitted profile, approved x2. I will be keeping an eye on her abilities, just because "control sound" is fairly vague and could have some unforeseen effects, but it should be fine. I do much the same for most abilities. Welcome to the game. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
Light Posted September 19, 2014 Posted September 19, 2014 my gosh are you two torturing newbies again, i told you that that scares them. Welcome to the game, new person. 1 Quote No such thing as destiny. BZPRPG Profiles
Metax Posted September 19, 2014 Posted September 19, 2014 After reviewing the resubmitted profile, approved x2. I will be keeping an eye on her abilities, just because "control sound" is fairly vague and could have some unforeseen effects, but it should be fine. I do much the same for most abilities. Welcome to the game.Awesome, Thank you! -Akiba Quote Hi, I'm Metax. BS01's Lead Programmer and Longtime Bionicle Fan!
25K Now! Posted October 1, 2014 Posted October 1, 2014 Hey guys it's been a while what's hip-and-happening these days? Quote BZPRPG Profiles
Light Posted October 8, 2014 Posted October 8, 2014 Name: Tali Alihera ReloCodename: ShutdownAge: Early twenties.Gender: FemaleFaction: Ultimate X-MenPowers: Appropriately, Tali is able to completely cut off any mutant from their powers for up to ten minutes, or severely weaken up to three. How this exactly works has never been completely examined, but it's safe to assume it works on some kind of psychic level, since it does not force individuals who have physical mutations (like bone claws) to revert to their pre-mutated form. Her second ability (feeding off the first) is resistance to supernatural and biological factors. A psychic attempting to invade her mind would feel like they were trying to slog through particularly stubborn mud, even without Tali trying to block them. Her biological resistance managed to force the Phalanx's techno-organic virus back multiple times, though it left her scarred. Her next power is decidedly more aggressive. She's able to make physical blows shatter inorganic materials effortlessly, though organic things are only affected normally. Finally, she's a very low level empath, only capable of detecting a single emotion (pain) at a very short range (about 3 feet).Appearance: If you're looking at Tali above the neck, the first thing you would notice would be two large, bright, emerald green eyes, set on either side of a nose that's decidedly average in size, but just a little turned up at the end. The shade of green is a little darker than her normal universe counterpart's, all the heartbreak of her universe deepening her irises. The white lines of scars that run rampant over Tali's body haven't left her face untouched, each doing its dance across her nose, over her high cheekbones and even in her eyes, the lines showing up as electric blue lightning bolts in the green. They lead upward into her longer than shoulder length wavy ebony hair and down her neck to the collar of whatever outfit she's wearing, the only facial feature not marked her lips, fuller than average and more often smirking than smiling. Those scars continue their little ballet down her shoulders, spreading out like a plague, especially apparent against her tan skin, granted by time in the sun instead of any intentional means. They carry on through her full figure, over her well-muscled stomach, and all the way to her feet, remaining as nothing more than lines apart from one section in the center of her back between her shoulder blades where the Phalanx focused their efforts. The scars there rise slightly above the skin, becoming a little red and twisted looking. The other defining lines on her skin are the tattoos she has, all obtained in recent times. One, in the small of her back, says “Property of Dallas Green” in block letters, a line running around the words making it look like a packing stamp. The second is a floral script of “Veni, Vidi, Vici” down her left forearm. Spiraling around her right bicep in italicized font is “the Truth shall set you free,” and her final tattoo is the white inked, plain letters of “These are the scars I chose” across her midriff. Her ordinary clothing falls into one of two camps, depending on two deciding factors: How many people are around, if one of them is Dallas. If it's only a few people she trusts and Dallas is one, her clothes tend to be scantier, slightly tighter t-shirts that sometimes expose the tattoos on her stomach and back, with jean shorts. If there are more than just a few she wears cargo jeans and turtlenecks, trying to cover as much of her scarring as possible. Under no circumstances does she wear anything that would show the marks between her shoulder blades, unless she's alone or only with Dallas. In combat she wears tight, form fitting, tough leather to protect against knife wounds and the like, with weak points at the joints to allow for proper movement.Weapons: Tali is a traditionalist, but that doesn't keep her from holding two knives at her hips.Skills: Tali has lost none of her hand to hand abilities. If anything, she's better than her main universe self, particularly at fighting large targets. She's also stronger than her appearance would suggest. Shutdown has some of her late brother's musical skill, though she only plays the acoustic guitar.Personality: Aptly described by Dallas Green as a “dork dork,” Tali tends toward off-kilter humor, mid-conversation pop culture references, and accidentally swaying between acting sultry and awkward. She's a violent pacifist, willing to go to extreme measures if it means ending the conflict immediately, and she's very attached to Dallas- no matter how much he might seem to not be attached to her.Weaknesses: None of her powers (save empathy) affect normal humans, and none of them are long range, meaning bullets and guns are probably the most effective way to deal with her.Bio: Shutdown had history similar to Negate up until the Phalanx invasion, when her brother was killed in the first wave, trying to defend his family with barely understood powers. After that it was one heartbreak after another, leading her to volunteer for the mission to search for Showstopper's parents. She was listed as KIA during that trip, though the reality was different, and if possible, worse. See, Tali was one of the only people taken prisoner by the Phalanx. They tried to infect her, but her resistance kept throwing the virus back. The aliens started to torture her with a machine similar to Scalpel's powers, increasing the level of the artificial pain slowly, trying to break her. When that didn't work she was injected with a newer strain of the virus, one geared toward her, and thrown into a ditch, left to convert. She fought it off, yes. But it left its mark. Scars, no more than white lines, merely markers of the underlying pain, stretch across her body, and she keeps them covered. No reason to wake old memories. She's forgiven Dallas. Well, "forgiven" is an understatement. They're kinda together, though the relationship is a little rocky. It's gotten better over the past few months, but you wouldn't know it. Neither has told the other how they feel, and sometimes... Sometimes Tali wonders if they have a future. And I redid Ultimate Tali's profile. You know, for fits and giggles. Quote No such thing as destiny. BZPRPG Profiles
Zulu Yankee Kilo Echo Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Submitting a thing for approval: Name: Julia Phillips (Earth-1610) Codename: None Age: 18 Gender: Female Loyalties/Faction: X-Men Power(s): Superhuman speed, strength, and agility, as well as enhanced reflexes and two claws in each hand that extend from her knuckles. She can cover these claws in organic metal. Appearance: Almost identical to her mainstream universe counterpart with the exception of her teeth: unlike typical human teeth, hers are razor-sharp. Weapons: None Skills: Knows several martial arts. Personality: Julia took the Phalanx war about as well as anyone else, dealing with her pessimistic outlook on life through dry humor. She does open up to those she genuinely cares about, but never seems to take a romantic partner. Weakness: She is very fragile and usually won't stay in combat after sustaining a few major hits. Bio: Julia was cloned from her universe's Wolverine and placed within a falsely-constructed family as part of a Weapon-X experiment. She lived happily for a time until her overseers determined that it was time for her to fulfill her purpose as one of their bio-weapons. Julia got wind of these plans and escaped before she could be taken. She ran until she found Xavier's institute, where she took up residence, made a few friends, and eventually fell in love with that universe's Alexander Smith. When the Phalanx invaded and killed Alex, she was distraught, developing her coarse, matter-of-fact sense of humor to mask her anguish. Since then, she has found difficulty forming deep romantic connections with others, and traveled to the mainstream universe more for so that she could see Alex again than to save her world. Quote
Constructelf Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 (edited) New Brotherhood profile; Damian fell through the floor. Name: Chandra BhandariCodename: WallflowerAge: 23Gender: FemaleLoyalties/Faction: Brotherhood of MutantsPower(S): Chandra's mutation is twofold: to not be noticed, and to be forgotten. -The first part of her power works as an invisible aura that telepathically tricks the minds of others around her to gloss over her, allowing her to move undetected as long as she remains inconspicuous. Sounds she makes also go unnoticed, unless specifically addressed to someone, in which case her powers will make an exception for that person. Unless she is blocking somebody's vision, making blatantly obvious movements, or bumps into someone, she can pass by anyone with nary a trace of her presence. -In the event that she is discovered, the second part of her mutation kicks in. If somebody sees her or bumps into her but she can avoid them for about five minutes, that person will gradually forget information about her to the point that they will eventually forget encountering her. If they tell other people about her, however, those people won't forget anything. Appearance: If one can manage to see her, Chandra strikes a relatively plain but still attractive figure. She is reasonably slim, has somewhat short legs, and has light brown eyes. Her naturally brown skin has darkened further due to spending a lot of time outside taking photos. She usually wears a white T-shirt, and depending on the weather, baggy jeans or jean-shorts. Weapons: Fixed blade dagger (Fairbairn-Sykes)Other equipment: digital camera with lenses of varying lengths and monopod, camcorder with microphone, digital voice recorder, and batteries and SD cards for each. She has a full-scale movie camera with film at the Brotherhood camp.Skills: Chandra has learned how to negotiate crowded spaces without bumping into anybody, thus increasing the effectiveness of her powers. She is also very good at projecting her voice, due to the fact that she sort of has to in order to get acknowledged at all. Despite her powers essentially guaranteeing stealth, she has practiced many modes of ambushing and getaways in the event that her powers fail on her, which they do more often than she thinks. She has also become a skilled photographer and filmmaker.Personality: Chandra is an extremely lonely individual. Her powers mean that it is very difficult for her to form meaningful relationships with anybody, due to how easily she is forgotten. As such, she tends to spend a lot of her time on the Internet, foregoing easily forgotten personal relationships in favor of interactions on the web that are recorded forever. This means that her day-to-day social skills aren't the best, as she can often freeze up when trying to talk to strangers. She is also obsessed with cameras, video cameras, and microphones, due to their ability to record events.Weakness: Chandra's powers cannot be turned off. This poses issues in that close friends and allies can easily forget her existence, and even if they do remember, they would have trouble finding and communicating with her. Her powers also get in the way of everyday tasks such as shopping or driving. As well, her scent isn't covered by her powers; if she wears too strong perfume or some other smell marks her, she can be tracked. The forgetting aspecy of her abilities can be easily bypassed by writing down information ahout her; likewise, people she becomes acquainted with over text or email will remember her. Finally, she can't affect cameras, audio recorders, robots, or non-terrestrial lifeforms.Bio: Chandra was very lucky that both of her parents were mutants; otherwise, they may have not been prepared to deal with their daughter suddenly disappearing and reappearing on them. Other than the issue of having to reintroduce themselves to their daughter everyday, they managed to give Chandra an otherwise normal childhood before having to flee the USA roughly two years ago. Chandra's powers prevented her from integrating with normal society, so she joined the Brotherhood of Mutants, though half they time they didn't notice her either... Edited October 22, 2014 by namcurtsnoC Quote
Flex Lord Splash Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 (edited) Name: Raiden Chi Codename: NoneAge: 24Gender: MaleFaction: NPA (National Police Agency) Japan Power(S): Raiden has two strange powers. His first power is that any sword he holds in his hand he can somehow extend the metal blade with his powers. So he usually carries around twin katana that he is able to extend the blade of the sword much longer than normal, giving him greater slicing distance, though he can’t curve or warp the blades. Raiden’s second power is a mutation he thinks of as a natural cloaking. He can control this power to make certain things he wears invisible, but since this is controlled with his mind if he doesn't stay in focus you can see the objects he is choosing to cloak and he can't cloak more then four. He usually wears some armored pieces and cloaks them, these are there and has the same properties, yet it is just invisible to the naked eye. Raiden usually wears a Kevlar-light armored vest over his chest, light armored piece over each thighs and a small metal samurai looking helmet; which goes around his head but doesn't cover his face but all of this is invisible. Any other place on his body is unarmored. Since he controls this power if he is hit and is distracted his armor might flash for a second, or if he passes out it will be visible.Appearance: Raiden has long black jagged hair that he sometimes ties up in a pony-tail. He looks like your average Japanese male, usually wearing a white and black robe top and bottom. It is sometimes obvious he is a mutant since he was born with crimson colored irises. Weapons: His twin katana that he likes to extend with his powers. Skills: Very skilled sword fighter, skilled at faking his own death with his armor. (Put ketchup packets underneath it once and allowed himself to be shot.) Not a bad tracker either. Personality: Raiden is sort of reserved. He would rather work alone, but he is nice enough. He feels for other mutants, since he doesn’t see too many other Japanese mutants but he knows they are generally treated better than they would in America. Weakness: Parts of him that are unarmored, the strange nature of his powers. Bio: Raiden was born to a normal family as a mutant. His life was average until he turned sixteen and his powers manifested. He eventually came to grips with his powers and began practicing sword fighting for several years. After that he became a vigilante of sorts, using his powers to help people who were in danger. He became known as a city hero of sorts, for his efforts and was later invited to join the NPA, which he did and has worked for ever since. New character up for approval. Edited October 24, 2014 by Flex Likes Groot Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Havelock Vetinari Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Name: Alecto Kava Codename: Tends to chose his aliases on a case by case basis. No need to restrict himself to one, after all. Gender: Male Age: Appears to be in his early to mid twenties. When asked about his exact age, he will reply with something along the lines of “Thank you Keith Richards.” Loyalties/Faction: Alecto doesn’t have firm loyalties to any one faction. He tends take jobs as they come….and only if he’s paid well enough. He doesn’t tend to take a lot of work on a pro-bono basis. There are a few factions he will absolutely refuse to work for, HYDRA because it has a habit of killing the people who work for it, along with the typical ethical objections one has to working for terrorist organizations. He has intensely personal reasons for refusing any work given out by the Brotherhood or the X-Men however. He doesn’t have any grand cause to serve, at the end of the day, and beyond some matters of common decency, his only real loyalty is to his next paycheck and his own personal security. Power(S): Alecto sports two batlike wings, growing out of his upper back, along with the modified biology needed to allow flight and the function of these wings. The modified biology that allows his body to fly takes the form of less dense bones and a generally thin and light body structure. The physical rigors of flight have also ensured his muscles, in particular, the muscles of the chest and back, are fairly well developed. His wings are attached to what could be termed an addition to the shoulder blades, this coupled with the already flexible nature of the bones within the wings, allows him to maneuver in a fairly energy-efficient manner.The surface of these wings is fairly sensitive, sporting merkel cells (touch sensitive receptors also found on the tips of human fingers), these receptor cells are somewhat different from the human norm however, sporting tiny hairs in their centers, making them even more sensitive in general. This allows Alecto to collect information on the airflow patterns around his wings and change their shape and position to allow for more efficient flight. Aside from the wings and the modified biology that comes with them, he also has a few characteristics normally attributed to bats, his feet and toes are, in general, slightly more flexible than the human norm and his arteries and veins, bear some resemblance to the systems of bats. The main consequence of this is the fact he can sleep upside down absolutely no ill effects. Aside from the ability detailed above, Alecto also has some knowledge of the magics of the Outer Gates. He learned what he knows of this brand of magic from one particular tome, known as the “De Vermis Mysteriis”. Whilst he has knowledge of many spells, in general, his powers within the field are somewhat limited in nature when compared to one who has studied the art exclusively. Of the three schools of Outer Gates magic, he has the most skill in invocation, in particular the arts of healing contained within that school. Offensively speaking, he has not had the opportunity to study the more destructive applications of the school, and thus, brings little firepower to a knock down, drag-out brawl in terms of magic. He has no particular skill with necromancy, generally speaking, though he has a studied a few possible applications for it, he has not made a point of delving into the field. Conjuration, however, has drawn his interest though his skill within it does not quite match his natural aptitude when it comes to healing rituals. Appearance: Alecto’s powers have had quite the effect on his general appearance (Aside from the wings), while his general body type is unmistakably human though there are a number of small differences between him and the human norm physically. He is, in general, lighter and more wiry than the average human in terms of density and general weight. He is somewhat tall and, due to the stresses of flight, much of what weight he does have is pure muscle. His chest muscles, due to the rigors flight forces upon that region of the body are by far the most defined however. Alecto’s hair is layered, feathered, black in color and he tends to grow it long and keep it long, only trimming on occasion to keep it from interfering with his vision. That said Alecto is no slouch when it comes to hair maintenance and in general, his hair is quite well groomed. His eyes are hooded and colored a bright amber and, when focusing, he tends to narrow them slightly. Alecto’s skin tone is rather pale and he burns rather easily in the sunlight as consequences of this. Alecto’s face bears small straight Greek nose, small, slightly curved lips, and a rounded chin. He has the fingers of a pianist and he tends to keep his nails filed down and clean. The primary facet of his appearance that truly sets him apart from the rest of humanity however, would be the two large, webbed, batlike wings that spring from his back. Each of these wings sports one tipped claw, as is typical of certain species of bats. The material making up these wings is fairly delicate and thin, as well as fairly dark-almost black-in coloration. These wings cannot be effectively hidden, no matter how clever the design. That said, Alecto can use them as an impromptu blanket, wrapping them around his body and ensuring some modicum of warmth no matter the situation. Of course, the existence of these wings means all of his clothing, or the shirts and jackets, at least, must be specially tailored or have holes crudely cut into their backs. For clear reasons, Alecto prefers to have his clothing tailored. He tends to wear suits of various sorts, typically colored a dark grey. That said, his wardrobe is quite flexible and tends to match the weather. When he’s alone, it tends to be somewhat informal, for meetings and work, the snazzier suits come out. Weapons: Due to his light and wiry build, Alecto prefers to utilize melee weapons rather than firearms. The only firearm he makes use of is an old, but rather well maintained Mauser C-96 chambered in 9x19mm. This semi-automatic pistol was the highest velocity pistol in the world for a time, and Alecto was quite mindful of it’s legacy when selecting the rather expensive piece for his own personal use. The C-96 can fire ten times before it has to be reloaded. Aside from this small concession to the realities of modern combat, Alecto makes use of a Rapier which he has enchanted. This enchantment, crafted by Alecto as he chanted a ritual in the name of an entity known as Yog-Sothoth, has anchored the weapon in both space and time, rendering it and the wounds it inflicts unaffected by time travel. The weapon cannot be sent forward in time by the powers of any mutant or known spell and the same is true of the wounds it inflicts. If one travels backwards or forwards in time, the wounds will remain, even if the battle has not happened yet. This rapier (called, simply, Talon by Alecto) is also immune to the vagaries of time, it does not age, it does not rust and, unless attacked by an enchanted weapon itself, cannot be sundered. Alecto also makes use of a Stiletto often in conjunction with Talon. This Stiletto (called Nettle by Alecto) also bears an enchantment, though of somewhat lesser power. Nettle, enchanted in the name of the Snakefather, bears a deadly poison that, when thrusted into the flesh of an enemy, oozes from the blade. This poison is a potent paralytic and hallucinogen and if left untreated, quite deadly. Wounds inflicted by Nettle are slow to heal, and often become infected even if the poison is countered. Both of these weapons are quite ornate. Talon is inscribed with runes etched in gold, along with carvings of swirling galaxies and far off, alien lands. Nettle bears carvings of several species of serpents and, the tip of the blade, an open serpentine maw, lined with fangs. Skills: Alecto is skilled in the use of melee weapons-swords and such, largely because his lightweight frame restricts what firearms he can use without being thrown across the room or into the floor by the recoil. Alecto attempting to use a shotgun is better suited to America’s Funniest Home Video’s then combat for example. He also has difficulty taking a punch...he rather prefers to avoid it entirely really. Alecto’s combat style focuses on speed and maneuvering as a result of this. He strikes quickly and then tries to ensure his enemy gets no such opportunity. Aside from combat, he has a degree of self-educated skill in the field of medicine, for those wounds that aren’t quite severe enough to warrant magic. To be frank however, much of that skills boils down to “suck it up and take these pills”. He has some skill with ancient, dead languages, a necessity for his studies into his particular brand of magic. It’s rather hard to chant a spell when you don’t know the words after all. Alecto’s willpower, as a result of both his personal history and the pure strength of mind needed to call upon the powers he treats with, has developed an ironlike quality to it, making his mind difficult to penetrate for many telepaths. He has an interest in nature-mostly nocturnal nature, and has devoted quite a bit of his personal time to studying it. He tends to keep notebooks filled with sketches of various creatures, alongside a few scribbles that could be called notes if one was feeling generous. He takes a special interest in the proper care of bats and the various health problems they face however-aside from being useful when it comes to his chosen form of pet, one can never tell what else he might have in common with the winged creatures. In the same vein, due to his unique condition, he’s also quite skilled at grooming human sized wings. Turns out they itch if you don’t. Who knew? Personality: Alecto’s personality is best described as the result of an asocial upbringing, abuse from his peers, and an intense loathing of the Brotherhood and the X-Men, whom he partially blames for the bleak situation that was his childhood. Alecto cares little for individuals, though he professes some care for humanity, both mutant and not, citing this as a reason he refuses to work with HYDRA and similar organizations. Aside from this, he is resolutely out for himself, as individual people did nothing for him, he fails to see why he should do anything for individual people. He has a habit, and a talent one could say, for picking out people’s insecurities and needling them incessantly about them until they cease to interact with him, or, in cases of battle, are unable to fight. His sense of humor tends to take the form of such remarks. Thought it also sees use in deflecting questions about his past, which he is loath to answer whatever the occasion. He is, occasionally, moved to sympathy by the plight of someone he can relate too-isolated mutants, the lost souls of the world, and such as. In sum, the only people he may feel some level of sympathy for, well sympathy he will take action on at least, are those who he sees himself in. That said, when someone has done him a favor, or managed to befriend him, he tends to be much more open and sociable. Though he makes a point of calling them a variety of nicknames when applicable. Not all of them flattering. But one must have one’s outlets. He also has a habit of doting on his pet vampire bats, and has made notable donations to wildlife funds in regards to various bat species. In short, he gets along better with bats then most people. His studies into the Magics of the Outer Gates has also left him with a few strange phobias. Completely mundane symbols and objects appear to frighten him, often for no evident reason. Weakness: Alecto is a weaker than the average human, in many respects. Much of his body is built in such a way as to be conducive to flight. Practically, this means he is unable to handle weapons like shotguns, that he is weaker than the average human in a fist to fist brawl and unable to take much of a beating. His lighter bone structure also ensures his bones break easier than those of an average human. In short, Alecto relies on speed and his enchantments to win a battle, if he is unable to maneuver, he will likely lose the battle, as he is simply not built for knockdown dragout brawls. His other weaknesses of note include the fact that his magic, like Lucia’s is quite dangerous. For reference to the perils these spells carry with them, please see her profile. Bio: Alecto’s childhood was not a happy one. Growing up in a society that views a mutant as a deviation at best, and an outright monster at worst, is bad enough. Growing up in a world where there are two very public mutant groups, one of which had a habit of killing normal humans out of a sense of superiority, the other insistent on doing battle in areas where collateral damage is not only a risk, but a guarantee, is substantially worse. This of course, refers to the Brotherhood and the X-Men respectively. Alecto’s parents, a Jayne and Samantha Kava, did their best for their son, as he grew up. But the family was not prosperous and their options limited and all equally unsavory. Alecto could go through life uneducated, as the family was unable to afford private schooling and able to pursue homeschooling without sliding into bankruptcy. The X-Men were also not an option, for what parent would willingly send their child to an organization that regularly engaged in combat? Or was targeted as often as the X-Men? The final option, sending Alecto to public school at the height of anti-mutant hysteria. If his powers were more subtle perhaps Alecto would have done decently in such an environment. But two highly visible wings, wings related in appearance to those of a bat no less, already a symbol of fear, was another story altogether. Ultimately, the choice was made to send him to the public schools. His parents reason that the world would be unkind to him no matter his background, and it was crueler to leave him without an education with which to face it. The resulting experience was not kind. Beaten and insulted by his fellow children, disparaged by many of his teachers, Alecto was the favorite target of many within the school, with few willing to defend him. Still, Alecto walked out of it with an education, if nothing else. Holding down a job proved to be difficult, however. Out of desperation, Alecto began talking out contracts from a few less than legal organizations. A theft here, an infiltration there and other such matters. Finding this was the only reliable work he could find, Alecto began to training the usage of various weapons to aid in him in this newfound career. He was not overly picky about what jobs he took. He’d work for thieves, or simply someone who needed a suitably intimidating bodyguard. He did well, for a time. But eventually, he was forced to leave his home state. He was simply too recognizable. The youthful mercenary elected to take a vacation to Germany. More specifically, he was interested in certain ancient ruins and castles he had read of. It was there that he found a book that would change his life. It was a simple, yellowed volume, barely held together, titled, with golden lettering: “De Vermis Mysteriis”. Instantly interested in the book for reasons he still struggles to name, Alecto set about translating it, and learning the dialect it had been written in. Progress was slow and painful, consuming two years of his life before the task was done. The knowledge within that book however, was more than worth it. Alecto had taught himself what is often called the Magics of the Outer Gate. At a sizeable risk to himself, Alecto used this magic to enhance his value as a mercenary, able to demand higher and higher rates as his powers grew. Surprisingly enough, he found he had a natural talent for healing. As this healing is still borne of the Outer Gates, one must still be extremely careful while using it, but the miracles it can work ensure that such an effort, and the dangerous, are well worth it. Much of his contracts were now, simply, acting as a medic of sorts to extremely ill, wounded or otherwise harmed persons with sufficient wealth. After his last patron died, passing beyond even Alecto’s abilities to mend, Alecto found himself in New York city.Now at least somewhat well-off, Alecto purchased a private apartment within the city, put a room aside for his pet bats, and settled down to wait for the next offer. If, indeed, one ever comes. Edited October 22, 2014 by Basilisk Quote I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Flex Lord Splash Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 (edited) Hate to give you guys even more work, but when it rains it pours right? I showed this profile to Tyler who said he didn't see anything wrong with it. He also said with the influx of vampire characters, and the fact that her powers now are that only of a normal vampire she might have more of a chance to be accepted. Name: (Ultimate) Ashlynn SummersCodename: None she isn’t a Superhero, but some people know her as “Red” as a nickname. Age: 22Gender: FemaleFaction: None Power(S): All of the special mutant powers Ashlynn once had are gone. She has no wings, no healing and zero telepathic abilities. In all cases she is your average 20 something vampire with the same average power set: senses, speed and strength are heightened, she can turn an car over but she could never lift it all the way. She hasn’t been taught the skill of compulsion well at all so far. She has the normal vampire healing factor, though depending on how bad her wounds are, she can recover anywhere from a few minutes to even a few hours or entire days depending on how injured she gets. Appearance: Ashlynn is a very attractive woman. She has long, luscious red hair, and a pair of emerald colored eyes. Her skin is soft and spotless, and is pale in color. She has a pair of nice, full lips, and pearly white teeth. She bought a red cloak in Hollywood with a hood attachment and wears it often, which lead to the nickname Red after the famous Red Riding Hood character. She also has black wings tattooed on her back to remember the wings she once had. Weapons: Her vampire powers, she also equips herself with a pistol now a days. Skills: She’s skilled at hand to hand combat, she is highly trained in first aid, trained with pistols and good at killing Phalanx still. Personality: Ultimate Ashlyn's personality is very different than that of a year ago. She in some senses is a totally different person. The old Ashlynn Summers died by Eric’s hand; and in her stead the new vampire Ash has risen. She is a sort of party girl, loving to go out and have fun. She is hungry all the time and has some trouble controlling her urges which scares her. She wants to explore the new vampire side of herself but is looking for guidance. She has killed a few people on accident and feels very guilty about it and wants to avoid anything of that sort in the future.Weakness: As a vampire, a wooden stake through the heart spells out instant death for her; any wooden object inside her body will cause her terrible pain, being a steak stabbed somewhere else, a branch, or even a wooden bullet. Wooden bullet to the heart will kill her as well. She is also weak to a special flower known as the verbena which burns her almost like acid would, though she has never come into contact with it thankfully. She needs to keep feeding or she would shrivel up and go into a coma eventually. Daylight is usually a no-no for vampires in most lore, but in the Marvel universe it really only hurts their eyes.Bio: The first half of Ashlynn’s life with the Ultimate’s is well known by now. She lived a normal life, similar to the other Ashlynn only different really in that she was naturally blind and was forced to see with her telepathic powers and had been in a long romantic relationship with the John Howlett of that universe. After the Phalanx were defeated and the Ultimates returned back to the normal (RP) universe Ash was tragically killed by the insane mutant Eric. Left dying in an alleyway she was turned by the late Jace. She stayed with Jace only for a little while before going back to the institute and saving John Howlett’s life. As a vampire she was gifted back her sight also. She soon realized she wouldn’t be able to control herself so she left the school before actually ever stepping foot inside its doors as a vampire. Moving by the cover of darkness she moved around the country, eventually settling in Hollywood California where she tried to make it as an actress on the silver screen. It didn’t go well and she ended up working as an RN helping sick people in a hospital. When she wasn’t working she went out to clubs and partied her butt off. She lost control a few times and a few innocent people ended up dead when it came to feeding. This finally drove Ash to want to come back to New York, return to the Hellfire mansion and hopefully find Jace and learn some answers and how to be a vampire that doesn’t end up killing people. She felt something strange with Jace some time ago, but she wasn’t sure what that was (she has no idea he was killed). Edited October 31, 2014 by Flex Likes Groot Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
shadow pridak money gang Posted October 22, 2014 Author Posted October 22, 2014 Yeezus. Alright. Let's take this from the top. - Ultimate Julia: Looks good to me. Approved +1. -Chandra: I don't like the idea of the mutant cure existing in this game; it existed in one decent comic run and one subpar movie, and it opened up a whole ethical/freedom of choice argument we'd rather not get into yet. -Ronin: Profile looks fine (though I do have concerns about another character based on the opposite end of the world from the rest of the plot) but the name happens to belong to an iteration of Hawkeye that spent time with the Avengers. You'd probably be safer changing that. -Alecto: Approved +1. -Ultimate Ashlynn: Approving this +1 as a show of good faith. Don't prove me wrong. -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Constructelf Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 Removed all references to the mutant cure/suppresant (I think) and added some equipment. Quote
Let's Henshin! Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Ronin is beautiful. Both Hawkeye and Echo. Quote
Flex Lord Splash Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Thanks Tyler, and alright I'll edit the ronin part out later then. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
AuRon the champion Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 (edited) Hey here's a profile.Name: Will AmbroseAge: 15Gender: MaleFaction: NonePower(S): Light 'Manipulation'. Able to create solid objects out of visible light. Able to make such configurations in any way possible to his imagination, and to manipulate them accordingly.Levels of solidity:Gold: Destuctable, highest level of toughness. Requires intense light to create.Light Blue: Destructable, Normal level of toughness. Requires daylight to create.Yellow: Destructable, somewhat fragile. Requires any amount of light to create. Red: Destructable, easily shattered. Requires dim light to create.When a construct of his is destroyed, it fragments into smaller orange pieces which then dissolve. His constructs are limited by his attention, as well as how much light he can absorb to create his constructs.Appearance: A young man with partly curly brown hair that's long enough to often get in his eyes. His acne has started to finally clear up, while the faintest of hand-shaped outlines remain on the lower left side of his face. He commonly wears casual jeans, shirts and a jacket.Weapons: NoneSkills: Decent at hand-to-hand combat, slightly above average strength for his size, creative mind and useless trivia.Personality: A quiet sullen individual, haunted now by his previous experiences with SHIELD and Hughes. He enjoys being left alone, preferring to read and try to think of solutions to contemporary problems. Most of his idealism has been washed away, but deep down he still believes that there's for peace between mankind and mutants.Weaknesses: Ambrose isn't physically strong, he also can't use his powers well in darkness.Bio: Following being kidnapped and used as a soldier by certain politician, Will Ambrose headed to New York, staying out of everyone's way. He was last seen in the wreckage of New York. That's really all that's happened since the last time New York attacked. Edited October 27, 2014 by Hatty Hattington Quote BZPRPG Characters
Let's Henshin! Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 (edited) I wonder what is going on with-- Edited October 26, 2014 by Purple Devil Quote
25K Now! Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 --the remnants of Delta Squad? Quote BZPRPG Profiles
Snelly Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Ultimate Julia, Raiden, Alecto, Chandra (with the new changes), Ultimate Ashlynn, and Will + 1 approval Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Constructelf Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I wonder what is going on with----the remnants of Delta Squad?If you wanna know, go write it yourself. Quote
shadow pridak money gang Posted October 27, 2014 Author Posted October 27, 2014 Power(S): Light 'Manipulation'. Able to create solid objects out of visible light. Able to make such configurations in any way possible to his imagination, and to manipulate them accordingly.Levels of solidity:White: Nigh indestructible.Gold: Destuctable, highest level of toughness.Light Blue: Destructable, Normal level of toughness.Yellow: Destructable, somewhat fragile.Red: Destructable, easily shattered.When a construct of his is destroyed, it fragments into smaller orange pieces which then dissolve. Is there some kind of...limitation to any of these? What's to stop him from just deploying White and Gold all the time? I'm gonna want some checks and balances. -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
AuRon the champion Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 I knew I forgot something... Quote BZPRPG Characters
otter Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 --the remnants of Delta Squad? Should we bring them back? Quote profiles i guess i'm a south american giant otter now
25K Now! Posted October 31, 2014 Posted October 31, 2014 --the remnants of Delta Squad? Should we bring them back? One's currently angsting in a giant robot that's sitting in the middle of some rubble in New York and the other's angsting in a camp in New York. Quote BZPRPG Profiles
otter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Wasn't that first one from, like...multiple months ago?Or did I miss another giant robot attack while I was gone? Quote profiles i guess i'm a south american giant otter now
Constructelf Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Ya know you could just say some NPCs dug him out and have him hit a pub or something. Quote
AuRon the champion Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 He could also see who has characters who arent doing anything at the moment. Quote BZPRPG Characters
otter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Angsting in a pub? That's too normal for DeltaSquadTM. Quote profiles i guess i'm a south american giant otter now
Let's Henshin! Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Middle Eastern Cafe is more their style. Quote
Flex Lord Splash Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 actually a while ago a fight went down at the docks not far away from the sleeper attack and the rubble and I had a rocket launcher go off and blast into said rubble in a Terrance post I even PMd you about it but you never replied, was trying to give you a hand and free your robot Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Krayzikk Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Angsting in a pub? That's too normal for DeltaSquadTM. I've had a Jayne profile sitting in my backlog for weeks. Quote On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point? Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG
25K Now! Posted November 2, 2014 Posted November 2, 2014 Angsting in a pub? That's too normal for DeltaSquadTM. I've had a Jayne profile sitting in my backlog for weeks. Correction. Years. Quote BZPRPG Profiles
Flex Lord Splash Posted November 11, 2014 Posted November 11, 2014 So about that HeIIibuster drone, is it confirmed KIA? Along with the other drones? Was thinking about getting back into Jen, just trying to make sure. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
Ichthys Posted November 21, 2014 Posted November 21, 2014 (edited) Name: Adam AardvarkCodename: Captain AllergenGender: MaleAge: 23Loyalties/Faction: UnalignedPower(S): Captain Allergen's power is to trigger allergic reactions in people. This includes watery eyes, sneezing fits, rashes, hiccups, and other more severe symptoms.Appearance: (What your character looks like.)Captain Allergen looks like a 23 year old male. He has approximately two eyes, two feet, and two hands. Other noticeable features include a headful of hair, and his nose. He thinks he has a pretty nice nose. Weapons: He has a can of pepperspray. He also has a sidekick named Rocko, who is a brick that he throws at enemies.Skills: (Things your character is good at.) He can make a mean peanut butter and cheese sandwich. He also likes to write haikus.Personality: (Your character’s behaviors, how they interact with others, how they think about things.)He's kind of an oddball, sort of oblivious in some ways, he thinks he has pretty cool powers and sees himself as being on par with the likes of the Greats like Spider-Man, Captain America, Professor Xavier, etc.Weakness: (Everyone has weaknesses, powers or no. Try to make them clear.) Benedryl can temporarily strip him of his powers.Bio: (Your character’s history. Can be almost anything really, try to make it at least a couple sentences.)Adam Aardvark was involved in a top secret experiment designed to turn him into the ultimate killing machine. When the experiment failed, and no powers materialized, they wiped his memory and sent him back home. Little did they know that the experiment was a surprise success- while he did not become a killing machine, he did become CAPTAIN ALLERGEN!! Edited November 21, 2014 by Ichthys 1 Quote One Way, One Truth, One Life
Snelly Posted November 21, 2014 Posted November 21, 2014 (edited) I have to say, this is probably the best profile I've ever seen. I'd prefer if you had a written description to go along with that picture of his appearance, but otherwise Captain Allergen +1 approval. Edited November 21, 2014 by Skitty 1 Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
shadow pridak money gang Posted November 21, 2014 Author Posted November 21, 2014 g o r g e o u s welcome brother approved x2 -Tyler Quote SAY IT ONE MORE TIME TELL ME WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND
Flex Lord Splash Posted November 21, 2014 Posted November 21, 2014 I really like the comic thing you made, nice job. Just so you know Doc Ock isn't really around anymore right guys? Or maybe he is, just most canon heroes and villains are presumed dead. Quote BZP-RPG Profiles Marvel Profiles
AuRon the champion Posted December 7, 2014 Posted December 7, 2014 Hey more profiles: Name: Arcadia GraysonAge: 18 going on 19Loyalties/Faction: Mostly to her father. Unaware of where his loyalties lies.Appearance: Something like this: A natural mechanic, engineer, and tinkerer.Personality: Quiet, observant. Prone to quips, puns, jokes, jibes and jabs. She feels bound to follow her father's footsteps, and get revenge on SHIELD. Innately curious, and often disrespects others boundaries. Likes trying to instigate others.Weakness: A regular human with no powers or training.Bio: Her father came from the Cherokee, a heritage that definitely shows in her natural features. She never met the people who's lineage ran in her blood, or her mother for that matter. She simply lives with her father, who homeschooled her when not at work. Around the age of ten, her father was taken and killed by agents of SHIELD during a covert op, leaving Arcadia an orphan. For the next eight years she would be shuttles from foster home to foster home, the introverted yet talented girl wanted by none. By the age of fourteen, she began to research her father's personal life, eventually being able to piece together that he was killed by SHIELD. Then she did the illogical thing and tried to blow up the SHIELD public offices several months before New York. She was caught, and conviently held awaiting trial until Eighteen, and sentenced to jail for a long, long time. Except for the fact that her father's employers have learned that she's still alive, and that she had a semblance of where her father's work was going, something they haven't been able to do. So of course they're going to break her out of jail. Quote BZPRPG Characters
Snelly Posted December 7, 2014 Posted December 7, 2014 Seems to be in order Arcadia + 1 approval Quote My Bzprpg Profiles, Ghosts of Bara Magna Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar
Mr. House Posted December 19, 2014 Posted December 19, 2014 So, just out of curiosity, what the heck is happening? Quote I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur
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