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Hey, which X-Men affiliated characters are at the mansion and would be up for a mission? Thinking of having Alec lead a sortie to Times Square help deal with the ruckus. Mainly because the other two characters I have there are frozen in time at the moment.


Actually speaking of that, I know what holding Persephone up, but I can sort out something for Song. Basilisk, how would you feel about Song helping co-ordinate efforts between Romulus and his guys on the front lines? I already mentioned she got a psychic connection in one legionnaire's head, she could relay instructions from Romulus to his troops


Posted (edited)

I asked Tyler and I think he said this attack was mainly for Brotherhood, peeps with no faction and SHIELD and Avengers, but I suppose Quinn would be interested in going even though he's real new, and Christine also.


Are we allowed to just engage the Hydra NPC's now? I was kinda waiting for the fighting to get started before I did.

Edited by Flex Likes Groot

Given how little the X-Men have done and how dissolute they've become this RPG, I say they count as peeps with no faction :P


Besides, its bad RPing to say they heard of the latest attack and have them just shrug their shoulders and do nothing, at least in Alec's case. Thats just not the sort of guy he is



Hm. Would that be a large drain on her powers? They do have radio's and the like, maybe a little less efficient, but less taxing on her certainly. 

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Posted (edited)

nero did, and i'd certainly be in to do something with aleks if you're headed out. main reason i didn't plan this with the x-men in mind is just because of how crazy disorganized they currently are, but if you've got the interest then why not



Edited by tylerlicious definicious



Posted (edited)

Let's do it then Ex-X-Men Squad up: Aleks, Alec, Christine, Nero and whoever else wants to go. Maybe throw in a Julia I think she's back.


Hydra enemy wise, this is coming from Tyler:


I asked if the Arch Angels would be sent down to fight against the Hydra threat, he said "they're there"


Asked about the enemies:


"there are probably several dozen (no more than sixty or so) disguised as civilians, but for the most part you'd know hydra goons as hydra goons
Tyler St. Francis: and the guy in the elmo suit has probably detonated by now"

Edited by Flex Likes Groot
Posted (edited)

This profile has taken far, far too long to write. Much of the best work on it was done during the, hem hem, darkest days of winter (no but seriously winter was stupid mild here and I hate it), but various factors delayed it, and then I didn't feel like working on it, and then I felt guilty for delaying it so long and yeah yeah yeah, I know, I'm the worst.


Deal with it.




Name: Fadilah Fahada Kaufmann

Codename: Wilhelmina Drachentocht, or simply Drachentocht. Professionally, this is the name she uses the most, the name she uses when making introductions, and the only name most people know for her.

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Loyalties/Faction: Leader of the Drache und Dolch mercenary company, currently employed by Cynegild Picker.

Power(S):  Her mother trained her to use kerosene and a magnesium flare to breathe fire on the battlefield. Essentially, she takes a swig of kerosene, lights a flare, and sprays the kerosene over the flare at her target. The spray is essentially aerosolized, so wind conditions can affect the range, but fifteen feet is a likely assumption for the maximum range. Technically a skill, but come on, it’s firebreathing.

Appearance: Drachentocht has a strong face with an angular jawline, a slightly rounded chin, high cheekbones and a broad, flat nose. She has large, round eyes that are a light-brown colour that appears golden in some lights, and her mouth is very good at pointedly not smiling when the situation calls for it. She has thick, frizzy, dark golden hair that forms loose, spiraling curls and, depending on her mood, can be tied back in a loose bun or in box braids. She is 168 cm tall (just over 5’6”), with a compact, muscular frame and brownish-orange, terra-cotta skin. Her hands have long, strong fingers and well-trimmed nails. When relaxing, she tends to prefer comfortable, sleeveless shirts that show off her strong arms and a fair handful of battle-scars, plus loose-fitting pants. In combat, she wears whatever works – generally some variation on body armor and appropriate camouflage, plus extra equipment.

Weapons: Generally, whatever is available and suited to the mission. In some circumstances, this means a P-90, a 9-mm Beretta, and a combat knife. Others require five kilograms of C4, an AK-47, and a machete. Body armour and a length of tough rope are a given, regardless. Specific loadouts will be stated prior to any engagement, and will be no more than a strong human with military training and great funding can carry.

For engagements where subtlety is not anything like a concern, a suit of composite-reactive-armored powered armor gives an edge in strength, mobility, and durability. The suit is not flight-capable, has a sustained running speed of 12.27 meters per second on flat ground – equal to the top recorded speed of a sprinting unaugmented human. The suit is technically capable of jumping approximately three meters in the air, but without any systems in place to slow a fall, it’s not the best idea ever. The armor is especially effective against blunt force and ballistic weaponry, deflecting heavy ballistics with surfacing that reduces the likelihood of the bullet hitting straight-on. The left arm of the suit bears a large riot shield, with an automatic anti-materiel rifle typically equipped in the hand. In combat, a 0.7 meter cleaver is wielded like a large combat knife. Power for the suit is provided by an advanced internal battery that can sustain power for up to two weeks before recharging becomes necessary.

Skills: Drachentocht’s first languages are Arabic and German, she is fluent in English and French, she can listen to and understand pieces of conversation in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, can read and write (but not speak) Norwegian and old Norse runes, and is conversant in Swahili at a first-grade level.

As part of the training she received during military service, she is proficient at tying various types of knots, is skilled at unarmed combat, including being trained to know when and how to engage an opponent in hand-to-hand combat, and when to disengage from a physical confrontation and use a gun instead, and is a skilled marksman trained with a variety of firearms.

In addition to this, she has developed a fondness for the harmonica in her off-time, and tends to do quite well at poker due to her skill at reading the reactions of others and suppressing her own.

Personality: When conducting business, Drachentocht has found that it is best to maintain a strictly professional demeanor, at least for the most part. On occasion, she finds it useful to put potential clients off-balance with a demonstration of power – typically information about the client’s own life. The information used for this serves another purpose, as well; she does not trust easily, and does not like working for or with someone she does not know in detail. As a result of this selectiveness, she knows that she can trust any of the twelve mercenaries she has allowed to fight alongside her with her life. She is generally opposed to death-or-glory charges, preferring not to rush into situations that will get her closest friends killed or mutilated. Though much of her beliefs and self-image harken back to epic tales of heroes facing down impossible odds, she prefers to arrange matters in combat so that, if possible, the impossible odds are on her side – tales are worth little if you’re not around to tell them.

Weakness: She relies heavily on the background checks she runs on potential contacts, and the idea does not often occur to her that there is much more to a person than is revealed there. In addition, when she is facing a situation where the balance of power is in the opposing force’s favor, she will rarely back down cleanly if she perceives a fighting chance, and will gladly lay down her life to provide her comrades with a chance to retreat in good order.

As with most inhabitants of planet Earth, she has no powers beyond the human norm, and her physical ability is not beyond what a baseline human can achieve with rigorous training and conditioning. She has to wear armour to be bulletproof, and needs powered armour to approximate superhuman strength. The powered armor suit in her possession, being an experimental EU design, has a number of design flaws, most notably the reliance on an internal battery pack, which needs frequent recharging if continuous power output is sustained.

Bio: Fadilah Fahada Kaufmann was born in Zurich, Switzerland, the daughter of a middling Swiss banker and an infamous Moroccan mercenary known mainly as the Dragon, both quite fond of crossword puzzles and unwilling to admit that they’re not very good dancers, really. She was taught Arabic and German simultaneously as her first languages, and was raised on a steady diet of both Germanic and North African folklore, and quickly became enamored with the tale of Beowulf. Though her parents had an agreement not to push the girl into either of their professions, she grew to see herself as a warrior comparable to Beowulf, with the potential to attain the same legendary status. During her life and education in Switzerland, she picked up most of the other languages she is familiar with. During her late teens and twenties, she pursued a handful of romantic relationships with boys and girls her age, but, though both parties pursued the relationship with all the sincerity of any young love, none of them lasted particularly long, and they lost contact. When she was old enough to do so, she served three years in the Swiss army, and met many of the friends who would later follow her into the mercenary business, forming the Drache und Dolch mercenary company. After her service ended, she took up the alias of Wilhelmina Drachentocht, keeping her parents and private life separate from her new career as a mercenary while paying tribute to her mother’s near-legendary status. She has had a successful career in this business, and has modeled her company of fellows on the thirteen companions that fought with Beowulf, eventually recruiting the thirteenth, Sayf Kipsefu, during a conflict in the Congo. Kipsefu has begun teaching her Swahili after she expressed interest in picking up another language. Privately, she maintains contact with her parents, and her mother, a vigorous, healthy woman of 74, persistently reminds her that she wants grandchildren with all the subtlety of an atom bomb, sometimes introducing her to men that she thinks would be suitable choices, memorable among them a Finnish werewolf who wielded an axe bigger than he was, and a slight, bearded man in a cowl who walked as though the world was making a grave mistake in not playing the Imperial March for him.

Edited by Ymper Trymon
  • Upvote 1

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay, my attention's been spread a bit thin. That said, after taking a look, approved x2. I'll be keeping an eye on the powered armor, though. Most of its physical capabilities aren't problematic, but the implied degree of its ballistics resistance is somewhat worrying given how many characters rely on firearms for offensive capabilities.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


Posted (edited)

So Prowl has him a question... How many Animal based characters do we have in this RP? I have one I may want to try out....


Name: Yugo

Codename: Predator

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Loyalties/Faction: Mother Nature; The good guys... maybe....


Animal Transformation & Assimilation: Yugo has a mutant power to call on the spirit(s) of any animal(s) living or extinct and Transform his body in part or in whole into a physical representation of said animal(s). When he transforms into an animal spirit he can take on their characteristics and even size. Be it a small insect or a large whale. This size change can be while he still has a more humanoid form. He isn't however able to change the side of the spirit to be larger or smaller than it would be naturally. So no whale sized insects, or insect sized whales. However a similarly human sized one of either is doable due to Yugo's natural form being Human sized.


As a sea creature he can breath under water, as an avian he can fly, etc. His strength can be comparable to a creature of the size he takes. So if he remained at his normal height but is an insect he would have the proportional strength of the insect if it were his size. This is true of any transformation(s) he takes. Other aspects and abilities are also up for grabs such as eyesight, smell, hearing... In general if the original animal can/could do it, Yugo can when taking on their form in part or whole... This can result in the growth or loss of limbs or appendages.


As a side effect of his transformation ability Predator also has mutant healing ability. Due to this he is able to heal limbs or appendages that are lost due to battle or as a result of one of his transformations. Such as the loss of limbs from becoming a snake, or growing a tail and then loosing it once he returns to his normal human form. Other obscure limbs or organs(gills, flippers, wings, poison sacks, etc...) are not exempt from this ability.  


Appearance: link

Weapons: A set of tomahawks; natural weapons of whatever form he takes...


Skills: Tracking; Communing with nature; Archery and accuracy with throwing his Tomahawks.




Weakness: Yugo is big on the balance of nature.. Put him in the wilderness and nobody can match him, however; he is not the most tech savvy. Put him in front of a computer and he is lost beyond all comprehension. Yugo can sometimes loose himself completely to the instincts of the animal who's spirit inhabits his body. He also has to be careful about the transformation(s) he takes as if the creature has any inherent weaknesses such as being small and crushed(killed) if stepped on, or the pressure on his internal organs if he becomes large such as whale and being on land instead of in the water.


Bio: Yugo is a Native American of unknown heritage that discovered his powers one day while meditating infront of a fire. He had a spiritual jouney where he believes he spoke with the spirit of Mother Nature itself. Ever since that day he'd been able to comunicate directly with any member of the animal kingdom and even thouse that no longer walked the earth on the physical plain.


One day when he was tracking some hunters in his land he came across the body of a dying bear. Yugo got angry and his body shifted and he had grown fur and claws. He didn't know what was happening but could feel the spirit and mind of the bear take over his body. Within seconds his normal body had grown into a very powerful incarnation of a hybrid of the grizly who's spirit he could feel inside him and his natural human form. Suprisingly his cloths seems to remain intact even though he had put on several hundred pounds of raw muscle. Needless to say the Hunters did not feel like collecting their trophy after Yugo was done with them.

Edited by Prowl Nightwolf

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!



Well Prowl, we do have characters that can shapeshift and transform I believe, or at least we did at some point. 


Now on to the size your character can become. Errr I'm thinking blue whale size might be too big for a regular PC. What if you turned into a blue whale inside a house and instantly killed everyone else with the sheer weight? Not saying you would do that but never the less it's possible. 


I'll talk with other staff but I think we're more likely to approve it if elephant size was about as big as he could get, maybe a little smaller. Other than that I don't see anything wrong with the profile. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar


well to be fair unless I made him evil or wanted to commit suicide I don't foresee him turning into a whale while inside an enclosed space. After all he'd suffocate under his own weight... If he does it would be likely as an underwater based mission or alike. I basically added it to display a limit of his power as the blue whale is the largest animal I could think of. Unless there was a Dinosaur larger... Either way It would be a base to base I'd think... Glad you like the profile though...

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


I basically added it to display a limit of his power as the blue whale is the largest animal I could think of. Unless there was a Dinosaur larger...


Nope, blue whale is the largest creature to have ever existed on planet Earth.


Well, that we know of anyway. I'll let you know if we discover a mosasaur or something that beats it :P



:OMG: wow are they really that big? I mean I knew they were large but wow... maybe that is a bit too large. Larger than I expected that's for sure. Still while even too large for me, I'd like to hold to my prior statement just incase somehow there is a reason he ever need to be that large underwater. Or so he could take a smaller more humanoid form...

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


Posted (edited)

No idea. I guess because I didn't realize how big Blue whales were until that picture... I just though they were large, being the largest known animal...

EDIT: wow I just did the math and after some rounding I found out... not that this would be helping me but...

By becoming a blue whale he would grow 17 times larger and put on 966 times the weight... Wow someone needs to call slim fast. Or that show "The Biggest Looser." :D

Edited by Prowl Nightwolf

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!



No worries about the gun thing - a 9mm handgun isn't likely to do a whole lot, because, well, we have vests that do alright against that, but someone with a nice assault rifle would be regarded as a legitimate threat. An anti-materiel rifle would... well, it would do the job it's designed to do.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

  • 2 weeks later...

The Darkest Days of men are over, but darker days still have yet to come. 


Now that that's out of the way, Let's get rockin'!


Name: Bianca Kain


Codename: Onyx


Age: 17


Gender: Female


Loyalties/Faction: None


Morality: Chaotic Good


Powers: She has superhuman strength, able to lift 200 tons. This strength can also be used to leap up to a half a mile. She is also nearly invulnerable to harm, able to withstand oncoming fire from a Gatling gun as well as a blast from a bomb. 


Appearance: Standing at 7 feet, she is well muscled and tone, yet still retains a feminine figure. She is also seen with light tan skin and fiery red hair. Her hair is typically kept about an inch beyond shoulder-length as well as straight down and combed back. Her face is rather long and smooth, with aquamarine eyes, full lips, thin, high eyebrows that are shaped in such a way that she always seems to have a mischievous glance, and an angular nose. The lids of her eyes are often coated with smokey eye shadow and black eyeliner, which makes them pop even more. Her fingers are rather long, with black nails about 1/8th of an inch from her fingertips.


Her costume is mainly black. It is a full body suit that typically consists of light fabrics for freedom of movement. She wears a full mask with no features, not even eyes. Only those that wear the mask can see through the fabric it is made of. She also wears a full fiery red wig, which goes down to the middle of her back and is integrated with her real hair. She also wears combat boots and a belt with an onyx gem at the center of the buckle. The belt is used to hold her rope.


Weapons: She uses a tactile, black rope to catch enemies from a distance and to reach out of reach places.


Skills: She is a skilled wrangler, wrestler, and jet pilot.  


Personality: Calling her a party girl is a gross understatement, she is downright wild. To most people, she is seen to enjoy herself way too much. Even when fight crime and saving lives, she tends to go overboard. Often she will come up with scenarios to use her powers to the fullest extent, and that typically leaves needless collateral damage and body casts. She also has tendency to take unnecessary risks. Despite this though, she is not an adrenaline junkie, and she is capable to self-restraint. She just doesn't think her actions through at times. She also enjoys extreme sports.

Weaknesses: Despite her invulnerability, she is not invincible. When she does get injured, it takes her 50 percent longer to heal from said injuries than the average person. Her personality also makes it difficult to work with her.


Bio: Born into Grand Rapids, MI, she lived a happy-go-lucky life. That is, until her parents died from a car accident when she was 11. Put into foster care, she slipped into a deep depression that seemed endless. But all that changed when she met her lifelong friend, Kris Xenon, who taught her to throw herself in the moment and enjoy life. She did some experimentation with what interests her, and she instantly found extreme sports to her liking. By age 14, after about a year of living in the moment, she was adopted by a forensics analyzer named Mackenzie Kelson. It was a rough transaction, but she eventually warmed up to the idea that Ms. Kelson was her new mother. Shortly after that, while leaving a party, she noticed some weird activity a chemical plant not to far from her location. Without thinking, she went to investigate. She found that some thieves stealing a questionable substance. Unfortunately, when trying to get a closer look, the thieves discovered her and threw her into a vat of chemicals. She survived though, but her physiology was altered, giving her super strength and near invulnerability. It also increased her muscle mass and bone density. In no time, she learned about her new powers, and instantly, she wanted to become a superheroine. After buying a red wig and onyx belt, she created a black costume with a faceless mask. After her first attempt at crime fighting, she trashed a bank. The media began calling her the Infamous Onyx, and the name stuck. 

  • Upvote 1
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Name: Yugo

Codename: Predator

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Loyalties/Faction: Mother Nature; The good guys... maybe....


Animal Transformation & Assimilation: Yugo has a mutant power to call on the spirit(s) of any animal(s) living or extinct and Transform his body in part or in whole into a physical representation of said animal(s). When he transforms into an animal spirit he can take on their characteristics and even size. Be it a small insect or a large whale. This size change can be while he still has a more humanoid form. He isn't however able to change the side of the spirit to be larger or smaller than it would be naturally. So no whale sized insects, or insect sized whales. However a similarly human sized one of either is doable due to Yugo's natural form being Human sized.


As a sea creature he can breath under water, as an avian he can fly, etc. His strength can be comparable to a creature of the size he takes. So if he remained at his normal height but is an insect he would have the proportional strength of the insect if it were his size. This is true of any transformation(s) he takes. Other aspects and abilities are also up for grabs such as eyesight, smell, hearing... In general if the original animal can/could do it, Yugo can when taking on their form in part or whole... This can result in the growth or loss of limbs or appendages.


As a side effect of his transformation ability Predator also has mutant healing ability. Due to this he is able to heal limbs or appendages that are lost due to battle or as a result of one of his transformations. Such as the loss of limbs from becoming a snake, or growing a tail and then loosing it once he returns to his normal human form. Other obscure limbs or organs(gills, flippers, wings, poison sacks, etc...) are not exempt from this ability.  


Appearance: link

Weapons: A set of tomahawks; natural weapons of whatever form he takes...


Skills: Tracking; Communing with nature; Archery and accuracy with throwing his Tomahawks.




Weakness: Yugo is big on the balance of nature.. Put him in the wilderness and nobody can match him, however; he is not the most tech savvy. Put him in front of a computer and he is lost beyond all comprehension. Yugo can sometimes loose himself completely to the instincts of the animal who's spirit inhabits his body. He also has to be careful about the transformation(s) he takes as if the creature has any inherent weaknesses such as being small and crushed(killed) if stepped on, or the pressure on his internal organs if he becomes large such as whale and being on land instead of in the water.


Bio: Yugo is a Native American of unknown heritage that discovered his powers one day while meditating infront of a fire. He had a spiritual jouney where he believes he spoke with the spirit of Mother Nature itself. Ever since that day he'd been able to comunicate directly with any member of the animal kingdom and even thouse that no longer walked the earth on the physical plain.


One day when he was tracking some hunters in his land he came across the body of a dying bear. Yugo got angry and his body shifted and he had grown fur and claws. He didn't know what was happening but could feel the spirit and mind of the bear take over his body. Within seconds his normal body had grown into a very powerful incarnation of a hybrid of the grizly who's spirit he could feel inside him and his natural human form. Suprisingly his cloths seems to remain intact even though he had put on several hundred pounds of raw muscle. Needless to say the Hunters did not feel like collecting their trophy after Yugo was done with them.

I updated my Profile. I removed the blue whale reference and replaced it with a general whale one. Modified some grammar; and added a bow to his weapon roster to explain the archery skill he had as well as a healing ability to better make sense of his whole growing/loosing of limbs and organs due to transformations and such. Quoted to save effort of looking for it through the other posts here. Do I get an approval yet?

Edited by Prowl Nightwolf

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


For posterity.


Name: Strawberry Hill

Codename: Wolfgang

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Loyalties/Faction: None / Chaotic Good

Power(S): Food Manipulation, the ability to manipulate items intended for consumption. The classification of such things is not based on hard and fast rules, as 'food' is a more conceptual term. A basic example would be anything prepared with the intention to consume it or for it to be consumed by others. Here is a brief list of what this entails

  • Culinakinesis, telekinetic manipulation of existing food. An example would be levitating a loaf of bread
  • Culinary Empathy, the power to transfer memories, thoughts or emotions through food. An example would be to create food that would have the effect of a truth serum
  • Culinary Alchemy, the ability to change the chemical structure of prepared food by a small amount. An example would be to change the color of the food, this could be used to create poisonous or dangerous foods. But due to his own moral compass, I will not be doing so
  • Culinary Intuition, an innate mastery of all forms of cooking upon first exposure
  • Food Augmentation, the ability to create food with healing or empowering properties. An example would be soup that heals or strengthens the consumer
Appearance: Plain and unassuming. Hill's is half german, half japanese. He has the strong nordic build of his father and the darker, more refined complexion, hair and eyes of his mother. His hair is long, straight and black. Reaching all the way to his rhomboids, usually tied as a ponytail or conspicuously stereotypical samurai-style knot for work. Clothing is a casual affair. Dark slacks and button ups or long sleeve shirts in various tones of beige and blue. Carries the ever present satchel/backpack of the manhattannite. By far his most common outfit is that of the chef, dark slacks paired with a white double breasted jacket, a minimalist toque and a heavy apron providing protection from stains and heat. Not particularly muscular, thin or fat, stands about 5'11 and usually has some chin scruff


Weapons: Always carries his vegetable knife, a tool possessing a wide, flat and single edged blade about four inches in length. Owing to it's design, maintenance and expensive alloy, it is incredibly ludicrously sharp and once severed his own left pinky finger with nary but a misguided tap


Skills: Cooking ; Bicycling ; Moderately skilled in BJJ and classic boxing


Personality: Terse and stoic. Long and hot years in the kitchens of five star restaurants have left him hardboiled. Due to his innate powers, he has an arrogant streak on the occasion he does decide to speak or joke around, owing to the fact that no one has ever been able to live up to his standards for co-workers or indeed, employers


Weakness: Stabbing, shooting, drowning, suffocation, extreme temperatures, disease, starvation, blunt force trauma


Bio: Born to a adorably foreign couple, his parents knew little english themselves. One of their first decisions was to legally change his name, Ichigo Hugel, into an americanized version. The original nuances of the german and japanese transformed into rather gaudy and irritating nomenclature. Other that that not much has happened that I'll be going into. Lives in a city and nation full of mutants and freaks, he eschewed the use of his inborn powers for many years before dropping out of high school and becoming a chef at the tender age of fifteen

  • Upvote 1

...but close to it


No Idea. still waiting on an approval or at the very least a comment on something needing editing to get a possible approval.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!



@Bianca: While the types of powers selected are fine, their magnitude is not. Strength and invulnerability of that caliber places her too far away the accepted norm for powers. Tone them down a bit, please, and resubmit.


@Yugo: Not accepted. Firstly, the sheer scope of his transformation abilities is immense. Any living creature extinct or extant is an incredible number, and gives access, most notably, to creatures such as dinosaurs and immense sea creatures. And this is before considering that he has a healing factor, merely by another name, and the ability to take on individual traits of animals. Nor does his equipment section give any idea whatsoever of what a "spirit arrow" is. The scope of his abilities is far too large. For the moment, not approved.


@Strawberry: Unusual powers, but given that you yourself have ruled out the most worrisome aspect, approved x1. But I will be keeping an eye on them, just to be on the safe side.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG



@Yugo: Not accepted. Firstly, the sheer scope of his transformation abilities is immense. Any living creature extinct or extant is an incredible number, and gives access, most notably, to creatures such as dinosaurs and immense sea creatures. And this is before considering that he has a healing factor, merely by another name, and the ability to take on individual traits of animals. Nor does his equipment section give any idea whatsoever of what a "spirit arrow" is. The scope of his abilities is far too large. For the moment, not approved.

Yeah that was the general idea in regards to his transformations. I mean Marvel has the savage land that has actual dinos and there is that Sauron guy who is a pterosaur. So I didn't think that would be much of a problem. I mean you have other characters such as Morph and Mystic who can transform into any living thing as well. I didn't think it was that much of a stretch. Also there was a minor discussion regarding the size issue. That's why I had to reduce the blue whale, the largest ever known creature down to just large whale. I would think you'd be more worried about his ability to copy alien creatures than ones native to Terraferma.


Though agreed that is an emense amount though you are forgetting that animals in regards to abilities could be based on type. While it would be possible to be both a Lion and a tiger(liger) it really wouldn't be any different in power than just being a Lion or a tiger in terms of what abilities he would get. Increased strength and better eyesight maybe? Otherwise it would be simply cosmetic. Unless you are referring to say being able to take on both the aspects of say a bird and a wolf becoming a hybrid and yes I had that idea already. While most times it would be unrealistic the option is left open.


Yeah a bit lost on the arrow deal. Was basically looking for something that would not necessarily require carrying a quiver as while direct clothing can be morphed, external items like that would be harder. The tomahawks could be strapped tight so they'd maybe get a pass. If you want I can completely remove the bow and arrow completely. I'd rather not have to modify the actual mutant power any more than I already have since that is his main reason for being created.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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