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Nuju Metru

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Relisai would not let the young Umbraline denigrate her name while remaining silent. So, she spoke up.


"Pleased to see you again Your Highness" Relisai began with a small bow. "I'm sorry that all this has drawn you away from your party; some people just decided to blow everything out of proportions, you understand?" she said sweetly.


"Umbraline Sinshi only arrived well after everything calmed down, and so has the facts a little wrong, not that I blame her of course. My clansmen, Datsue Mako was just asking me if I could write an exemplary letter of recommendation so that he could join you on your voyage to Mata-Nui. He grew upset when I refused to do so right away and that I would first have to consult his file back Oki - some of the guests nearby can corroborate he angry - and then he lashed out at me with his Willhammer ability. I do not think it so strange - despite being respected for the wisdom and experience, the elderly grow increasingly susceptible to moments of anger and and confusion. Something strange would be if I, a Toroshu, would think I could launch a Willhammer attack without drawing the attention of the well-trained Hogo guards.


"Anyways,I quickly began to overpower him, and thats when Xania arrived. She saw the battle of minds going on between us, and stopped it. Then the guards came, then Sinshi. I suggested I be escorted out with Mako to sort this out calmly away from the party. It is a clan matter, after all."


Relisai's voice was even and unwavering. She'd had lifetime to train her skills of deception, and she didn't doubt they would fail her now. And besides, the Rora and her family were figureheads of the Empire - oh, their words carried weight and they were the arbiter of inter clan affairs, but the true power in the Empire rested with the Toroshu, such as Relisai herself. To harm Relisai would set a dangerous precedent for all other clans to see.


She waited patiently for the whole affair to be over, knowing the results already.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


"I can confirm Sinshi's words," politely spoke Xania after bowing to arrived Chojo. She didn't leave circle of guards as she was intending to see this through the end. "From my side I have to add that Vilda Mako's face was showing distress and resistance when I first noticed this event taking place. His pet bird was also acting uneasy. Toroshu was also standing frozen and concentrated, and I figured there was a battle of wills. I used my Mindarm abilities to push Vilda Relisai so the connection can be broken, As I approached scene, guards encircled us."

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OOC: Reference: here's what Sesseta's masquerade headpiece looks like.


IC: Sesseta – Dragon Hall


Yuzio and I, flanked by two Fursic bodyguards, entered through the doors with as little fanfare as we could muster.


I could tell we were successful because we had done the above about ten minutes ago and not a soul (besides the guards and receptionists, I’m sure) had yet noticed that the Fursic Toroshu’s sister had entered the hall. Perhaps the jewels that adorned by snake-themed mask were not glittering enough.


What a shame.


“Now that’s a spectacle right there,” I said to Yuzio, pointing to the wine fountain. Not nearly as many people seemed to be hovering around it as I felt should.


“Quite a spectacle indeed,” Yuzio replied, “And perhaps folks in that corner of the hall will be less bothersome”


“Honestly, this night has me feeling less easily bothered than normal,” I said. Now don’t get me wrong, I was currently surrounded by people that I hold a perfervid hatred for, and that was bound to cause some burning in the body, but it had been too long since we had a gathering like this, and in the recent times before the arrival of the Chaotic Six and discovery of Mata Nui, I had become bored. Plus, who knows? Maybe all the recent changes and discoveries have impacted the obsequious and single-minded Umbralines and their allies in a positive way.


That was a joke.


I calmly walked over to the fountain, and Yuzio followed me closely. The two bodyguards kept a comfortable distance away, but they were still relatively close. Once I was served a glass of wine, I stood staunchly against a wall and watched the slowly growing crowd.


Looking at them reminded me a lot of saltine crackers, especially the aspect of them when they are dropped in water. I willed myself to try and avoid looking into whatever was behind their rehearsed visages and body movements.


OOC: Open for that talky-talky stuff.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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The two danced to and fro, their rhythm matching the rest of the participants on the dance floor. Soraph had to admit, the Korae First Son was remarkably good at the art for a male; most men would have misstepped and missed a beat dozens of times by this point in the song. Inioko though, kept up with the Vilda heiress perfectly, matching each move and swaying exactly as needed.


"You speak as though you are truly free, Inioko. But what of your Toroshu? Doesn't she command you like any Toroshu would their clan's First Son? I can only speak for my gender, but even as a Dasaka as high born as myself, I bow to the will of my aunt, my Toroshu. That's why I'm here on Sado, overseeing imports from my home on Oki." Soraph's tone lowered as the thought of her exile came up and sadness overtook her. She quickly pushed aside from her mind, intent on continuing the conversation and to prevent the First Son from seeing her slight moment of weakness.


"And what about the Virtues? Do you not care to fulfill them, to achieve Duty, Order and Power? And I don't mean the Menti disciplines, I mean real power, the power to change things and affect the world around us."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC Seiryu (third person)

"Ugh..." Seiryu couldn't concentrate on his work. The nearby gathering of Hogo guards could only mean one thing: that there was a mess going on. Unless he somehow got yanked into it though, he wasn't going to get involved this time; he had pushed his luck too far already. "Fie, must they be so loud..." It would seem that Seiryu would not be getting any rest at this party.


Picking up his things once again, he made his way over to another corner of the room. "Himawari, Rin, Minami, why didst you all make me your representative? I lack the skills required for situations like this. Fie..." In his brooding, he almost walked straight into a Menti, only stopping himself. "Pray forgive me," he said hastily and walked on. Not before doing a double take though; was that... Sesseta of Clan Fursic? If it was...


"Calm down," Seiryu muttered to himself. In an attempt to remain inconspicuous, he looked everywhere but the direction he had came from. "Two Menti are dancing with two others looking on, Toroshu Ageru has clothed herself in the likeness of a tree; come to think of it, I need to deliver those documents to her-wait, they're not yet finished. Shuuan is accosting the Dastana Twins, Toroshu Hogo, Plangori, and Eiyu are having a chat, those Hogo guards are still all tensed up..."


OOC open for talking, ERM, interaction

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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IC: Sesseta – Dragon Hall


I bristled as one of the party goers neared me.


“Pray forgive me,” I heard him say as he hastily walked off. I smiled graciously while killing any urge to roll my eyes. My basin patience in this particular corner was already running dry.


Then, suddenly, my eyes stopped scanning the room and rested on one familiar Dasaka. Her back mostly turned from me, she was carrying two glasses of wine. I’ve seen her often enough to recognize her easily, and once Yuzio found what I was looking at, she recognized the Dasaka as well.


Ikori, I thought, and wherever she is, my nephew is always close by.


I was given no briefing on Kuno’s schedule, and honestly, I had not been aware in the fifteen minutes I had been here that the Fursic First Son had arrived already. Though to be fair, it’s not like I was particularly engrossed in seeking the boy out.


But as Ikori neared her master I could see that Nera and Sheika had arrived as well. And my word! It looks like Kuno was strong-armed into coordinating his attire with his mommy. Their garments complimented each other, and even from a distance, one could still make out the faint Furisc red trim that my dress also had.


I suppose we all have similar taste, I thought as I looked back down at my dress – faint dark blue patterns of scales lined the dress to match my head ornament.


“Let’s not dally,” I said to Yuzio, knowing that she saw what I saw, “I would hate for them to think we arrived late”


With that, I took a sip of wine and followed Ikori's trail across the hall, away from the wine fountain. I was barely halfway there before my family members made eye contact and Yuzio and I.

Edited by Emzee

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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And as if Zuto Nui had heard the commodore's last thought, the action had shifted elsewhere, drawing away Xania, Moeru and the others - though the Vilda first son and his guard remained. Ayiwah followed Xania with her eyes as she rather quickly made her way back downstairs to the main-floor. Despite the urgency, Ayiwah couldn't help but notice how elegant the dress her clan-sister had commissioned from Soraya looked in motion. The red gem at the center of the open back of the dress swayed like a ship's port side light. It was a subtle but effective eye-catcher.


The distracting thoughts lasted only a second though, then her mind was back on the action at hand. Focus. Xania crossed the hall and then stepped up to a Datsue who looked a bit foreworn and - the Toroshu of clan Vilda? Less then a minute later the trio were surrounded by Hogo retainers. It was easier to spot the commotion from above and following the commodore's gaze, Tazera noticed it too as she looked to where her friend's attention was directed.


Quickly assessing the situation, Ayiwah and Tazera instinctively assumed more prepared poses, their backs straight and their eyes narrow.


"Vilda Kulrik," the commodore said, to make him aware of the ongoing events downstairs, "you heard me telling your bodyguard about actions reflecting back on your clan, yes?"


"It seems fortune does not smile upon your surname this night."

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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Ic: My eyes slowly panned from Relisai to Mako's bird. "Hello, Kama, remember me?" I greeted. The creature chirped joyfully back at me in recognition; I smiled broadly. The connection I developed with the janu bird would prove vital to getting to the bottom of this. "I won't hurt you..." I promised.


Kama saw red.


Her mind was released to me, opening a one-way channel between our brains facilitated by the bird's trust in me, though I wasn't there to alter or change anything. Instead, I was seeking to relive Kama's memories. What really happened, I wondered? My indomitable will searched through Kama's recent memories for transcripts as if they were pages of a book.




"So it seems, Mako, that in order to join that expedition to Mata-Nui you will need two stellar recommendations... ... I'd happily write you a personal letter of recommendation to help you. Of course, everything comes with a price, as I'm sure you've learned during your long life. In exchange for the letter I will need something of you..."


"... You don't like Soraph, I know. She's a threat to your family's hold on Toroshudom in our Clan. And you're now doubtlessly transferring that hatred to me for associating with her, isn't that right? Well, lemme tell you something Ma'am, if you think I'm in league with her you're sorely mistaken, I don't care about politics, never did and never will. I'm not some self-conceited crotch dumpling who thinks just because he's 'important' that somehow makes him a good leader or negotiator or whatever in Zataka's darned #### you want to call it. Soraph just provides good company... I just have myself and my business to worry about, politics are not my realm..."

"So don't come here to me with your baseless paranoia, if you'll excuse my pertinent tone, Toroshu... Now, what exactly do you want from me?"


"Well, when you return from Mata-Nui, I'd like the truth..."


I saw a struggle. Kama freaking out. Mako reeling from a potent hammer of will. This scene was shrouded and smeared by colours not my own or Kama's but obviously someone else's


"Your games are over, witch."






"Mmmkayyy. Thank you, Kama," I elatedly said, releasing my hold on the creature and looking back to the group. "Ladies, I have the information I need. Toroshu Relisai... you must think you're so clever, but I do not appreciate being played for a fool. I mean this with all due respect, which is none at all: What the ###### did you think you were doing?" I admonished. My cultured and congenial tone took an edge unseen to most pf those present, particularly the toroshu and Soraya (who I imagine was having a field day watching this occur). Relisai's vapid smile dried up like water on a hot stove top.


"I expected politicking to occur here, but flat out deceit and armtwisting to satisfy the hunger of your own narcissistic paranoia? That's unbecoming of your station and your clan's honour. Ah-ta-ta! Don't gab to me about this being a 'clan matter'—you denied autonomy to yourself the moment you brought this charade into my party and created a spectacle for all to witness.


"I don't have to remind you by who's goodwill your clan remains even slightly pertinent to the empire. It would have done you more good to beg forgiveness at my feet than try to outwit me, Relisai, and I will not tolerate your vainglorious malignancy any longer—do not underestimate me or overestimate my grace.


"Sergeant," I said, turning to the Hogo leader, "it is my will that Vilda Relisai be removed from the premises and placed under house arrest in one of the apartments, pending further review from the Rora and Imperial Justicar."


"Yes, Your Highness," the soldier said and waved her command to the other guards. Their circle disbanded and allowed Mako to go free before two of them placed their hands on the Vilda toroshu's shoulders.


I held my hand up before they could take her away. "Wait." I sauntered up to Relisai and placed my hands on my hips in sassy authority. My eyes glared a blue brighter than the sky and my headdress seemed to glow as though it were the imperial crown itself. Half the attendees were now staring at me as I confronted Relisai with one more barrage. "You know what upsets me the most right now? I invited you here as a toroshu of a clan we—" (meaning my clan) "—have partnered with for a long time, but this is how you repay my kindness. That's just uncouth." I chuckled, deep, low and guttural before I shot her one last strike. "So here's my final advice to you:


"Never ###### up my parties, ######."


I spun on my heels, sashayed away and gave a dismissive backwards wave while the Hogo guards extricated the disgraced toroshu out of the Dragon Hall.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis merely waved Inokio off before returning to her people watching. She could not help but notice what a group of hogo go running off towards some scene. While many may have missed it she was known for her observational skills. However she gently shook her head and laughed softly


And to think that it is not I who is doing the disrupting here. I must be getting out of practice

OOC: Celis open for interaction


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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To say the least, Sinshi was stunned into silence. Not that it showed; Her expression was as controlled as ever, but inside, she was shocked. Never before had she witnessed such a display, and it was sobering, even when directed at someone else. That said, she couldn't help but feel a small glow of pride deep inside; She had aided, in however small a way, in the apprehension and sentencing of a truly dishonorable individual. The fact that the individual in question was a Toroshu did nothing to quell her feelings of accomplishment.


The Chojo, however, departed as swiftly as she had arrived. That wasn't a surprise, nor should it have been a disappointment; Conversing with her just once under these circumstances had been daring, to say nothing of its risk. After all, had Relisai proven innocent, she would have been in very hot water indeed. It was better that she depart before she took too much note of the low-ranking Umbraline.


On the other hand, however, Xania remained. Sinshi promptly turned to her and bowed, though admittedly not as deeply as when Yumiwa had been present; The Chojo's status accorded her a higher degree of respect, after all.


"My apologies for my intrusion, Lady Xania, Datsue Mako. It was rather out of line, regardless of justification."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Ahrusa


Having finished downing her first drink, Ahrusa decided to return to the fountain to grab another drink. As expected, there were a lot of high profile Dasaka a the Ball. One in particular caught her eye, Toroshu Celis. She led Clan Vadiru, the only clan to openly support the Fursic, making her an invaluable ally. Ahrusa respected her greatly for having her clan aligned with her own, as the Fursic are generally considered the most distasteful. Innumerable failed coups will give you that reputation. Ahrusa carefully approached her, and bowed in her presence. "Toroshu Celis, it is an honor to be in your presence." Respect was her concern first and foremost, even if it came of as flattery.

Edited by Observedhalo

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



My BZPRPG Characters

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[OOC: Mobile and other commitments are messing with me more than I thought. Apologies for missing posts/etc.]


IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


Well then. By now, most of the urge to start breaking things had faded. Being cut off before she could fully explain herself had resulted in her biting her tongue so hard she was going to have trouble tasting for the next week; granted, she had started the conversation after someone had called the Chojo over, but in her defense, she'd been too preoccupied with not punching her to notice, so she called it a wash.


Watching the Chojo dismantle this Toroshu had been more fun than she was expecting to have that night, she had to admit; years of sales had honed Soraya's ability to detect someone peddling snake oil, and Relisai had been wearing the smile of someone who's stepped in their own mess and believes they can convince everyone it was all roses by talking in a low, smooth tone. Perhaps that pent-up punch could still be of use.


Soraya followed after the Chojo as she stepped away from the seething Toroshu. "Seems like as soon as you say 'Mata Nui', everyone loses their heads. By the way, very flashy with the headdress bit. Morie always just opted for the death glare."


A hint of red was still crowding her vision, and so - fighting back revulsion all the while - she did what she hoped you were supposed to do to get back to talking with your mind, which in her case mostly meant squinting a bit. .:So. Where were we? Apologies, right.:.


She took a sip of her mostly-empty drink. .:I'm not apologizing for what I said. Or even for feeling that way in the first place. I want to make that clear from the get-go. Can I continue, or should I just escort myself out now and save Morie the headache?:.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]

Morie watched the proceedings with a raised eyebrow, then motioned to an attendant.


“I do believe I have changed my mind. I think I will have a drink. Now might be a time to celebrate.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"I'll drink to that." The Eiyu Toroshu commented, briefly using her powers to make it look like confetti was raining down over the trio. Not that she targeted such illusions to the party as a whole; Just her own conversation partners. When the attendant arrived, she claimed another glass for herself, her last one nearly empty.


"Noshima, your clan performs truly spectacularly."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Ic: I was still high off of the adrenaline from kicking Relisai out and my heartlight still drummed ever so slightly faster than usual. Suddenly Soraya's dialogue brought me back to the present and to the conversation that was temporarily halted.


.:No,:. I thought into Soraya's head, fascinated by the saihoko's dauntlessness. It was an honest sort, though, a far cry more tolerable than the I had just put up with. .:Do go on, Soraya.:.

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IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


.:Alright then:. She paused for a moment to line her words up the right way.


.:When I say things like that, it's because I believe them. I believe them because in years flitting around the archipelago, I've seen them be truer than not.:.


.:And what they all boil down to is that far too often people like me get turned by people like you from "Soraya" to "the dyemaker." From "Hatchi" to "another filthy Tajaar." I- can't stand that. People are people, not roles. I take pride in my work - more than most people - but it's not who I am.:.


.:So this isn't the saihoko apologizing to her Chojo. This is Soraya apologizing to Yumiwa for being a hypocritical little pile. I should have held my tongue not because of any up-and-down rules or formalities or anything, but because I painted everyone in that room as their position and not as a person. You most of all.:.


.:So. Sorry for that. Not sorry for the snipe in the first place.:.

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC Seiryu

"Fie, what a disgrace." Seiryu needed to voice his opinions dearly. Despite his earlier opinions, he desperately needed to comment on the recent turn of events, lest he explode out of righteous indignation. Approaching a group of females he didn't recognize right off the bat (but their outfits looked familiar). "Unfortunately, situations such as this occur with much more frequency than desirable There are moments I do wonder if there is not an honest person among the powerful."


Then he realized just to whom he was speaking. "Toroshu... Hogo, Plangori, and... Eiyu?"


"Ah... Ah... Most deepest apologies! If I have slighted you, I offer my most profuse apologies! It seems that my tongue does run before my mind this day!" Seiryu repeatedly bowed so low he almost hit his forehead on his shins. "Oh dear," Seiryu thought to himself. "I have wronged not one, nor two, but three individuals of high caliber! How will they react? I do hope that they choose not to use my errant tongue as excuse to violently defend their honor..."


OOC crashing this conversation. You don't want me here, I'll leave

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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IC: (Hanako)


Yumiwa seemed like she was perfectly happy with the party, and also approved of my dress and mask choice. I'm so happy she does! As soon as the party got started getting planned I set out for my dress as well as making sure Yumi's would come in on time. I had no worries for Soraya was excellent at her craft, her work with a needle launched that craft into art though. My dress was a mix of red silk and cotton lace near the bottom, with white patterns just below my chest, around my knees and moving up towards my hips. Normally while I preferred clothing that hung properly on me this dress...well it clung a little closer than I normally was used to. The masquerade though, it wasn't a place to be too shy. Some heads turned my way as I lead my brother towards a balcony where he could talk to me in private. However along the way I noticed that Desdemona was in a great state of agitation. It wasn't something most people could see, but after spend years around Yumiwa and her family I had come accustomed to her subtle facial tics.


"Excuse me brother, there is one more thing I must do before we talk alone," I said, nodding respectfully to him and moving towards Desde and her unwanted guest, intruding upon her personal space. Perhaps someday Desdemona would be ready for suitors, but today was not this day and Yumi was far to busy to come to her sister's rescue. Desde honestly could have broken this First Son's mind in half if she wanted to. It would be frowned upon, especially at a party, she could tell him off, she could do a great many things. Things that were well within her power but were hardly socially graceful. Luckily I had the perfect excuse to separate them.


"Hello Ser, and Milady, I was wondering if you could aid me, there are still some things I wanted to go over about the party, Ma'am," I smiled and bowed slightly to both. My face was hidden behind a white mask, with carefully made patterns with a ruby set in forehead of it and white Valkyr feathers set at the top of the mask. Only my smile and my golden eyes could be seen. After this was done, I could talk to my brother with no worries about either sister.


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Left foot forward, right foot sideways, left foot close.


Inokio scoffed slightly at the reference to his toroshu and grinned. "Soraph, Clan Korae's lands are far away from Sado—my toroshu visits the Palace so infrequently I'm almost autonomous from her. Sure, I'll heed her calls but by and large she's a distant thought, literally and figuratively. I do not bow to her as you do to your aunt."


Right foot back, left foot sideways—


"Toroshu Tyee of Clan Korae!"


... right foot close.


The clan mother would try and find Inokio in the mass of attendees, and if she found him soon enough he'd be caught with the pretty thing he was dancing with. Tyee would never let the mater go—every time he sent a poem to her in order to maintain whatever tie he still had with his home clan he'd get a single letter back, the contents almost invariable, though their words changed occasionally. "Have you found the one yet?" they'd ask, or "How have you brought further glory to the clan lately?" They always pored into his life, seeking to figure out what was the matter, why hadn't the great bachelor take on a mate. Let her come, he reasoned; her authority was nothing to him.


He hadn't missed a step. He grinned, satisfied. "I change he empire every day."




"Indeed, it's hard not to when you're the tutor to the imperial throne's heiress," he admitted. "I don't teach her policy, but faith, character and competence are vital to her growth. When I started she was rather daunted, a diamond in the rough, but I like to think I've helped her find her inner fire."


Left foot forward, right foot sideways, left foot close.


The music stopped briefly. Yumiwa's characteristic voice carried over the heads of the guests like a wind and Inokio could hear her tone's sharpness, something he was helped her develop. He couldn't help but smile a little as he heard her lash out. "Never ###### up my parties, ######!"


The music resumed, as did their dance.


Right foot back, left foot sideways, right foot close.


"Power is one ###### of a Virtue," he chuckled. "Some study to accumulate it and use it for their whims, not all successful in their task. As for me, well, I'm happy to see people grow in Zuto Nui's eyes. After all, who has greater mastery of the Virtue: The acolyte? Or the instructor? And wasn't that your toroshu I just saw being dragged out by the Hogo?" he asked, hos voice curious to the point of ignorance.






This Plangori never ceased to hoard my curiosity. She was honest. Few people were able to muster the courage to be that to my face, and yet this little woman was doing it as though we were old friends bonding over an old wine on a starry night. Not even Hana was able to be this open, not with the short spurts of interaction we had which collectively amounted to mere hours over the decades. I was impressed, to be mild.


.:You're a tough chick, you know?:. I channeled to her. .:You've got guts, not just in coming up and apologizing but in holding your opinion in the first place. If I were Toroshu Relisai I'd probably be putting your skull on a spike, but...


.:Here's the thing: As I grew up and learned how to rule I also began to value people's opinions, whether I agreed with them or not. I take them and treat them like a book; I read into them, keep them or tuck them away but I appreciate them anyway because a person came up with them and there's frequently a nugget of truth to be found. I appreciate yours in the same way.:.


I was wary to not endorse her opinion. My duty as an Umbraline imperial wasn't to pick sides but to take in the facts, the fact that there was no outcry against the existent system, either—Soraya was merely jaded, I concluded, though her thoughts still carried weight. I treated her as a supplicant seeking to lose a guilty conscience without losing dignity. I could respect that.


.:I accept your apology anew, no harm done. But I think there's a lesson to be learned here, too. You're cand, but sometimes restraint and wisdom can save you a great deal of trouble,:. I warned. .:There's no telling who your next customer will be or how well she takes your remarks or how easily you can apologize.:. I passed my hands over my curves down to my hips before adding a final jest. .:And I love the dresses you make; I don't want a different Plangori broker, so take care of yourself.:.


The red peripherals in Soraya's field of vision faded away as suddenly as they came, and I sighed contentedly. "That matter aside, are you enjoying yourself so far? And did a certain Menti toting a bag of high-denomination dragons go to your shop?" I asked, referring to Nihi. I picked up an empty cup at the side of a flowing fountain of wine and passed it through the streams, filling it to the top, the brought it to my lips. I downed it immediately and repeated the process, this time keeping the glass mostly full as I stepped away and waited for Soraya to fill her own cup.

Edited by Crown Princess Yumiwa
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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Stunned after turn of events, Xania followed Yumiwa's receding back as she disappeared into not least stunned crowd of nobles. "This woman is not taking from anyone," thought Dasaka. Her euphoric adrenaline rush ended long ago and she wondered if it ever existed, before this all happened. "Such display of power and deadly grace," she remarked with her last thoughts about Yumiwa. She was stunned not only by Yumiwa's beauty or dress, but also by her character. To Xania, princess was amazing beyond anything she ever encountered. She only hoped that this incident won't ruin her mood.


As she reminisced at what happened, deep in thoughts about Yumiwa, Xania heard Sinshi apologizing for her intervention. Dasaka turned to her, her bracelets clanking against one another, and smiled under mask.


"It was very brave and honorable of you, Sinshi," genuine smile added soft, reassuring tones to her voice. "And I don't think it was out of line. Justice is blind, and order should be upheld by all of us, regardless of rank or noble origin. I am proud to have such woman as you in our clan."


She nodded to Sinshi and turned to leave the place of incident.


"I am about to speak to commodore Ayiwah. Would you like to come with me?" Xania asked her before departing.

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"Well, I'd like to think that I'm a reasonably honest person. Certainly a kind one, as many Toroshu would have had strong words at best for you if it had been they you'd spoken to." The rebuke was tinged with a surprising amount of amusement, and a surprising lack of severity. The Eiyu Toroshu merely shrugged at the Kyoshi First Son, finishing her previous drink and setting the now-empty glass back down on the tray of a nearby attendant.


"Then again, some of them are so drunk that they might not even remember you come morning."




"I would be honored, Lady Xania." The Umbraline Menti replied, a subtle note of surprise coloring her voice. Only slightly, Sinshi was too practiced in maintaining the appearance of unflappable calm, but it was there. Her actions had not only been praised, shock enough, given the normal way such events occurred, but she had been given the chance to accompany a well-known member of her clan to speak with Commodore Aiywah. Such opportunities did not come along every day, and that alone was reason enough to accompany Xania, let alone the Menti's own curiosity.


She followed at an equal pace, but kept herself respectfully one step back, and to her right; Status must be afforded certain courtesies, after all; She also kept mostly quiet. Introducing herself would be done, she would speak if spoken to, and if the situation seemed proper for her to offer a viewpoint. She would not allow herself to screw this up.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Nonsense, Sinshi" I replied with a wave of my hand that might have been the cause of some nearby curtains fluttering slightly.


"Relisai's had it coming for a while anyway, it's her fault she decided to take such a laughably inconvenient moment to set her plans in motion."


I emptied my glass, (well, actually it was the one meant for Soraph), and grabbed a new one from a waiter that passed by.


"She wanted the truth, and that I'd already given her. I may be old, but I'm not a fool"


"Anyway, thanks for your help, both of you, you're women after my own heart. Now I've got to find Soraph and tell her about this"


"And probably Kulrik too"


Kama gave a chirp of farewell from where she was perched on my head as I skedaddled through the crowd again.

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


"Take care, master Mako," Xania bid her farewells to Datsue, for now. Party is going to continue, and she's bound to bump into him again.


Accompanied by Sinshi, she made her way to where she encountered Ayiwah, Tazera and Kulrik. It wasn't far from where they were before, so she was standing before three Dasaka as she did minutes ago.


"I apologize for my unimaginably impolite leave before," she started with firm voice, clasping her hands behind her back. Her knees weren't shaky anymore. After a brief pause, she turned her head to point at Sinshi. "This is Umbraline Sinshi. She helped me and princess Yumiwa to resolve a little incident below. She proved herself quite capable, and I thought that she can enjoy the rest of the party in our company."

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IC Seiryu

"Toroshu Hogo, if you say so. Toroshu Eiyu, I have not consumed anything laced with alcohol this evening; perhaps it is fatigue combined with my own frustration of being forced to a trend that is ouding my judgment." Wait... No, that isn't what she said. Oh yeah... " ... And great blessings on your bountiful generosity and emrcy." He bowed again. Hogo and Eiyu were fine, but how would Plangori react...?

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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"So I saw." Ayiwah replied. The commodore made a slight gesture with her hand, as if brushing Xania's apology aside.


"There is no need for concern. You did a good thing for a good cause. It would be petty to reprimand you for reacting appropriately to the circumstances."


She turned to the other Menti. "The same goes for you, clan-sister; well done." She bowed her head for the formal greeting.


"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Umbraline Shinshi."


She indicated Kulrik and Tazera with her right to fulfill her part of the introductions. She would have pointed at Tazera first, but there were still some rules to follow, despite the whole incident surrounding the Vilda Toroshu.


"This is first son Vilda Kulrik and my companion here is Lieutenant Ageru Tazera, first mate aboard the imperial flagship, the Yukanna. You are more than welcome to join us."


The invitation came across her lips without any hesitation. While she still felt unsure about mingling with the high nobles present, Xania and Shinshi seemed like Dasaka after her own heart. As for Kulrik - being lectured by Princess Desdemona and witnessing his Toroshu thoroughly embarrassing herself in front of the chojo had stripped him of any reason to pay deference to him. There was no need to be disrespectful, but he had lost quite a bit of his face within the last quarter hour.


Ayiwah motioned for the seating area on the dais so they could make themselves comfortable.




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The wild mix of reactions that raced through Sinshi's mind were difficult to fully comprehend; On one hand, there was a rush of sheer elation, pride at being being complimented by someone so important, and delight at being offered the chance to mingle with such company. On the other, there was an undercurrent of worry and anxiety. Despite the offer, it was very clear that she was the odd woman out; There was the Commodore in her elegant draconic attire, her first mate in a hawk-like outfit of similar quality, a high-ranking Umbraline in clothes both beautiful and simple. Even First Son Kulrik was well-dressed, though... Eccentrically so. In contrast, Sinshi herself stood quietly in makeshift masquerade attire, unable to even properly match it to any specific bird.


There could be no clearer sign that she didn't belong, that the Commodore must be offering out of respect for Lady Xania.


Against every bit of better judgement she had, she didn't retreat, instead bowing at the waist, a small, anxious smile tugging at the edges of her lips. She straightened after a count of five, hands clasped behind her back. "I would be honored, Commodore, Lieutenant. As Lady Xania stated, I am Umbraline Sinshi; It is an honor to be of service. I have already had the pleasure of meeting First Son Vilda's acquaintance, and his mother's as well."


This is by far the most foolish thing you've ever done, Sinshi. You're going to screw something up.

Edited by Simon the Digger



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC (Tazera)


Taz sat down next to Sinshi. She'd noticed the Umbraline's nervous body-language, and gave her a warm and encouraging smile. She leaned over to Sinshi's ear.


"Calm down," she whispered. "You're not the only non-bigwig, you know - I'm only here 'cause I tag along with the Commodore, and she doesn't bite unless you deserve it. Try to relax and just enjoy yourself."


IC (Kilanya)


The Ageru Toroshu had by now acquired a glass of wine, and began to amble through the crowd, keeping an eye out for familiar faces.


OOC: Kilanya open for interaction

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"A tree in the midst of a jungle of animals, how positively poetic"


When Kilanya turned around to see the speaker, possibly to bite back against a potential insult, she'd see the wolf garb of one smiling Datsue who'd been distracted by the striking getup on my way back to Soraph (who had disappeared in the crowd anyway). I emptied Soraph's glass a second time as I threw an extra look at the Menti's getup.


"I like it. Ageru by any chance?"

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"In the flesh, Ma'am" I replied with a quick nod that made Kama scramble to keep her balance on my head. She flustered and chirped at me angrily.


"Hehe, sorry 'bout that sweetie. Guess I've just gotten so used to having ya up there at this point" I replied with a cheeky grin.


I looked at the Ageru again, taking in the full appearance of the impressive-to-the-point-of-silliness outfit, the outfit had branded her as an Ageru from a mile away, and that was only because I didn't recognize her from my own clan.


"I guess you could call perky up here my bring-along guest for the evening"

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"A real long time, I'd wager," I replied, "but the exact point I'm not sure"


"After all, she's not my first, my first was actually her own grandmother. You know avians, their lifespans don't match up with ours, so it's not uncommon when a Vilda loses their familiar to look to the familiar's own offspring for a new one, for there must always be a familiar"


I felt Kama's grip on my temple grow slightly tighter as she sensed what I was saying through our shared bridge.


"And eventually," I said with a smile, "you reach the point where you and your familiar get to grow old together"

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Relisai allowed herself to be led away by the Hogo guards out the main entrance of Dragon Hall. The entire time she maintained an air of pleasantness, even saying hello to some Toroshu as she passed them. On the inside though, she was screaming every insult imaginable at the Chojo.


After they'd exited the Hall and took a turn down a street, the Hogo guards were suddenly confronted by rather large company of Vilda soldiers, the retinue of guards that Relisai had brought with her to Sado. When the Vilda saw their leader under arrest, they all tensed up. Hands quickly went to crystal swords at their waists or summoned glowing Soulswords, while the minds of many Willhammers flared threateningly on the mental plane.


"Stand down, captain" Relisai told the lead Vilda soldier. The soldier seemed wary, but nodded to her leader and then the rest of her company. They lowered their weapons, physical and mental alike.


"The Chojo was nice enough to provide me with her own persona guard to escort me back to my apartment. Wasn't that nice of her? A little too nice, if you ask me. Anyways, don't worry, I can handle myself. Captain, I want you to take the guards and bring them to Vilda Belmaya here on Sado. I trust you know where to find her."


"And tell her what, Lady Relisai?"


"Tell her to begin Operation Winter's Rose immediately. Until it's finished, you are to obey her every command. Understood?"


"Yes, ma'am.


"Oh, and send one of the ladies back to my apartment later. I'll have an errand for her to run."


The Vilda guard nodded at her Toroshu, then directed the other to move out. They hand a task at hand, given by the Vilda Toroshu herself, and they would complete it to perfection. Such was the will of Zuto-Nui.


The Hogo guards continued on their way bringing Relisai to her house.


The insolent little child Relisai though of Chojo Yumiwa. So young, so brash and so unknowledgable when it comes to the way of the world. It's about time someone taught the meaning of the word politics.



Vilda Kulrik watched in fascination as the Chojo, though he couldn't rightly make her out, reprimanded his Toroshu and had her expelled from the party. Some might think the First Son would be angry by the Chojo's actions, embarrassed even, but that was far from the truth. Though he supposed he loved his mother, a great part of him also resented her; under her rule Kulrik was bound by the chains and constraints of society. Even as a First Son, he was not free so long as his Toroshu could command and parade him about like clever toy. With Relisai out of picture for now, Kulrik was temporarily a freer man.


Kulrik greeted the newcomers Xania and Sinshi before taking his place at the table. On his right was Commodore Ayiwah and then Lieutenant Tazera; to his left, Sinshi and then Xania.


"The beautiful Commodore, lieutenant and myself were just discussing party games before the whole debacle" Kulrik said. He didn't see any harm in the compliment, and the Commodore was in fact very pretty. "Do you have any suggestions? And Umbraline Sinshi, I don't recall having made your acquaintance before. Are you sure the man you met was me?"

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Xania nodded to Tazera and made a slight bow towards Kulrik.


"A pleasure to meet you," she said without any bitterness that could have been there because of past events. Xania believed that she can't judge a person based on actions of his relatives or clan members, so she kept politely smiling to him as she spoke.


Holding her skirt, she located herself near Ayiwah.

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It was a curious thought. Soraph had never truly considered it before, not seriously. To wield power through faint influence, guiding others rather than enforcing one's own iron will. She wasn't sure if she quite agreed with the sentiment; her whole life after childhood she'd resented her aunt who had stolen the Vilda throne from her and her mother. To become a Toroshu had always been Soraph's dream, to be pinnacle of strength and and honour in Kentoku society, besides the Rora herself. Now Inioko questioned that thesis, and Soraph would need to consider his point's validity.


But speaking of her aunt.


"And wasn't that your toroshu I just saw being dragged out by the Hogo"


"Yes, I suppose it was, wasn't it?" Soraph said cheerfully. "You aren't the only one who gets to be happy when they're free from their Toroshu's power, you know" she explained to the First Sons's inquisitive expression.


"First Son Inioko! So good to see you again! And what a beautiful young girl you are. Inikio dear, what have you been keeping from me?". Toroshu Tyee had momentarily appeared through a gap in the crowd of dancers. She gazed expectedly at Soraph and then the First Son, a questioned being asked without words. Soraph could guess what that question was; Inioko was a First Son that had yet to have any children, if Soraph remembered correctly, Soraph was fetching and Toroshu were so often concerned with the honour of their clan.


"Good evening Toroshu Tyee. Inioko and I are just waiting to hear back from my clan's breeding committee. There's all sorts of paperwork, genealogies and approvals to work through, the process could take up to year, you know" Soraph spoke up.


It was hard to gauge the Toroshu's reaction as she disappeared from view, the flow of dancers obscuring her and pushing away from the dance floor.


"That should keep her off your back for a while" Soraph told Inioko. "And don't bother asking if my clan really has a committee on breeding"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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The commodore poured herself another cup of the Bumboo, before sitting down as well with her long legs crossed. The silky cloth of the dress slid across her hips and thighs to adjust accordingly to the position, but it still felt slightly strange to her, being used to the far heavier and more modest coat of her uniform. She didn't address the first son's compliment further and instead looked from Xania to Shinshi, who, despite appearing collected, seemed tense.


You're not the only one who gets that around the nobles, Shinshi... she thought to herself, looking at the Menti with what she hoped was a reassuring expression. She took a sip from her cup, then looked back at Xania. It would be easier to start the conversation with her and would allow Shinshi to ease into things. Besides, Xania had wanted to speak with her before. It was time to find out about what.


"So, Lady Xania, before your honourable intervention, what was it you wanted to discuss with me?"

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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