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IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya smiled compassionately.


"I wish you every happiness in doing so," she said. "But tell me...how many Vilda take familiars? Is it a common thing? I had the" ordeal "pleasure of entertaining one of your clan recently, and he did not appear to be accompanied by any Rahi."





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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


The Dasaka looked Commodore over and smiled under her mask.


"Such a lovely costume," she said, making a note about Ayiwah's belly, especially of jewelry she had there. "Looks very good on your figure, ma'am."


Her eyes trailed down to captain's legs, but she stopped there and returned her gaze to Ayiwah's face as she spoke to her.


"I was about to tell you that her highness appointed me to accompany her on voyage to Mata Nui," Xania made a quick exhale, trying not to overreact because the euphoric sensation from "news" returned. She even nervously chuckled. "I was really surprised... I need a drink."

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Ah" I said in understanding, I had a pretty good idea who she was talking about.


"Our dear First Son dropped by, didn't he?"


Kulrik had been the first Vilda male after a generation without them (certainly not my fault, ehem), so if there was any male of note without a familiar it was him.

Edited by Gyro Gearloose

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As Sesseta approached the little Fursic cluster, Nera caught sight of her, but did nothing to bridge the gap between them. Instead, Nera let her sister and her sister’s attendant come the entire way on their own feet; a subtle but certain disrespect. Nera didn’t like her sister, and she wasn’t one to disguise her disapproval.


“Hello, Sesseta,” Nera scowled, fondling the glass I’d just brought her.


“Aunt Sesseta,” Kuno said, greeting Sesseta much more jovially than his mother had; anything that upset Nera was enjoyable to him. He stepped to Sesseta and took her hand with a thin grin. “It’s so good to see you. You’re looking very well… how have you been?”


Sheika, sensing her presence in this Fursic mixer had outrun its course, slunk with an undisguised smirk away from our circle. Sesseta’s handmaiden and I met gazes, and exchanged a nodded salutation. Our kind didn’t usually hold the animosity of our masters against one another.


Above and behind Sesseta’s servant, my eye was caught by the many-colored dress of a newly arrived guest. While Kuno and his aunt exchanged their pleasantries, I watched the rainbow-clad Dasaka pass past the guest caller, but then be summoned over to her with a hushed word and a beckoning finger. The caller bent close to the rainbow-clad Dasaka and spoke something her ear; the Dasaka pulled out her invitation, showing it to the caller, and said a few words back. The caller nodded slowly, and dismissed the rainbow-clad Dasaka. As she proceeded down the steps, I couldn’t help but feel that there was something very familiar about this Dasaka.


Upon her announcement, Kuno’s attention was drawn, too, and my sensations of familiarity were confirmed.


“Nihi, of Clan Eiyu.”


Of course it was Nihi; her athletic build, the way she descended the stairs – with trepidation belied by the surety of her warrior’s steps – were unmistakable now that they were named. Nihi’s dress and mask had stayed my recognition, as they were very much unlike anything I’d ever seen her wear. Draped from one shoulder, the better to display her sharp collarbone, Nihi’s dress clung to her form as it proceeded downwards. Shortly after passing her jaunty hips, though, the long skirt of the garment diverged into front and back drapes, each of which came to a triangular point that fell straight down and displayed her legs on either side.


The shape of the dress was elegant – all rounded points – but what made it stand apart, and made it so rich, was its rainbow coloration. No two spots were of quite the same hue, and yet there was astonishing unity wrought by this infinity; green, yellow, crimson, violet, ocher, gold, cream, indigo, peach, russet, turquoise and countless other colors were skillfully dyed and overlaid within the fabric, creating a striking, effortless-seeming harmony. Nihi’s mask and the fringe of her dress were covered by real – and therefore, extremely pricey – Janu feathers; there was no question what animal she’d come disguised in the semblance of.


Kuno watched Nihi cautiously descend into the party, and his face had reverted to its emergency default: blankness. To see his failed instrument at the Chojo’s party, and costumed so expensively that only the Chojo could have invited her, indicated to him that his ploy had been uncovered, at least to an extent. He would have to proceed with supreme caution.


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"There is, with respect Lieutenant," The Menti replied quietly, voice barely audible to the other Dasaka, and certainly inaudible to anyone but Tazera. "A distinction between one who is not of importance, and one a step above worthless."


Distinctly louder, with with a note of dry, subtle wit, she addressed the Vilda First Son. "I am quite sure, Vilda Kulrik. We spoke not ten minutes past, just prior to the Princess' intervention. If you do not recall, I think it may be wise, sir, to take a respite from the drinks."


She fell silent as Xania began speaking, nerves quieting somewhat. Nevertheless, she did her best to stay relatively quiet; Though her presence seemed to have been met with a degree of acceptance, she was nervous nonetheless. And though she wouldn't admit it, nor commentvon it, she was distinctly impressed by how well her new companions had picked their dresses; And how they wore them. She was distracted from both her anxiety and her lines of thought as Xania mentioned her new duty.


"That..." She began, trailing off momentarily, before gathering her nerves and continuing. "That is a great honor, Lady Xania. I'm sure you are well suited to the task."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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Ayiwah shot Tazera a quick glance, noting the bemused smile as Xania looked her up and down. Well, if somebody with her taste says it looks good, I guess it can't be that bad...still ridiculous though. she thought to herself. Back to the matter at hand:


"Those are wonderful news, Xania. Truth be told, I have thought about asking you to join the expedition myself. I am happy to see her highness beat me to it."


Another waitress passed by and with a quick gesture, Ayiwah caught her attention, signaling for her to come over so that Xania could order the drink she was thirsting for.




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Kulrik frowned.


"Umbraline Sinshi, I would hardly call that making my acquaintance. We weren't introduced properly, so how could you really know who I am? Well, it's in the past now, so let's not dwell on it. There's a party to enjoy!"


Kulrik gently grabbed a drink from the waiter's platter, taking another sip.


"You've still not answered my question, Sinshi. And Xania, that is wonderful news. It is a great honour to have been asked by the Chojo herself to accompany her on the expedition to Mata-Nui. My most sincere congratulations to you and your family." Kulrik turned his attention Ayiwah. "Commodore, it just occurred to me, why didn't you lead that first ship to Mata-Nui? Why have you only been chosen to captain the journey now?

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If Sinshi has not answered your question yet, why do you ask another before she can reply? the commodore thought, but did not say.


She did not feel inclined to discuss what, with the chojo's partaking in the expedition, were rather sensitive details of her upcoming mission at the party.


"Because the Rora deemed it necessary." she replied, matter-of-factly.

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]



IC: Arsix Dastana - The Dragon Room


The twins glanced at each other. Their eyes turned once more to the Dasaka before them, showing no signs of internal thoughts or feeling. They were known within the courts for their poker faces, "I don't know... those were pretty interesting accusations to say the least."


Arsix's brow furrowed, "I'm not so sure Jasik, by the looks of her gene pool she's likely to know more about that sort of thing than us."


"Arsix, play nice. The Plangori here is worthy of our respect - look at all the fine dresses her family's made for this evening. What are our royal Umbralines supposed to do if she takes offense and decides to crawl back under her rock? Go naked? Nobody wants to see that any more than we want to see her."

Edited by Palm

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Xania ordered herself some tequila. She removed her hummingbird mask and quickly gulped down a shot of tequila before closing her eyes for a moment.


"You have my thanks, Vilda Kulrik," she said neutrally. "After demonstration of your spirit down there, Sinshi," she shortly addressed Sinshi, breathing calmly and enjoying warm feeling inside of her throat. "I want to talk to princess so she can take you as well. You will be a great addition, in my opinion."

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"Ah, of course. Military secrets and all that, I completely understand."


While waiting for Sinshi to come up response, Kulrik listened to what Xania was saying.


"I want to talk to princess so she can take you as well. You will be a great addition, in my opinion."


"At this rate, I'll be the only Dasaka left in the Empire after the expedition leaves. Just as well, I suppose. Dasaka are so caught up with the excitement of another civilization across the sea, they forget there's still much we don't know about our own Archipalego" Kulrik said, the crystal-blade-that-pulsed-red coming to mind.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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The guards were not gentle.


It wasn't a common thing for a toroshu to be arrested and paraded as Relisai was, so their brains were in overdrive looking for threats. The sergeant, though, took this all as an exhilarating exercise of her skills and dedication; this was what she and her squad were trained to do with the utmost gravity. While the first test of the night was in serving as the barrier of law in the party, the second test was when the Vilda clan guards readied their weapons and flared psionic arms. Instantly, the sergeant and the squad members not holding Relisai bristled with their own arms. Lances were aimed down at the Vilda retainers, buzzing blue weapons shimmered to life and the Willhammer quickly entered a meditative stance. Even after Relisai told them to stand down they remained on their guard; they would not be tricked.


"The Chojo was nice enough to provide me with her own persona guard to escort me back to my apartment. Wasn't that nice of her? A little too nice, if you ask me. Anyways, don't worry, I can handle myself. Captain, I want you to take the guards and bring them to Vilda Belmaya here on Sado. I trust you know where to find her."


"And tell her what, Lady Relisai?"


"Tell her to begin Operation Winter's Rose immediately. Until it's finished, you are to obey her every command. Understood?"


"Yes, ma'am.


"Oh, and send one of the ladies back to my apartment later. I'll have an errand for her to run."


The cryptic but overt mentions of "Belmaya" and "Operation Winter's Rose" made the sergeant more angry than before, and her footfalls almost threatened to leave craters in the stone steps. As a Hogo, she and her fellows were tasked not only with protecting the royals but also holding imperial power in the highest regard. To her, Relisai had done the unthinkable and lied to the Chōjo with indifference, which was punishable by death. Surely, she thought, only Relisai's position as a toroshu saved her from a worse and quicker fate. Whatever the case, it was her sworn duty to enforce Yumiwa's will and guarding the prisoner, even if it meant dealing with upcoming threats.


A while later, halfway up the steps to the apartments where none were watching, the sergeant began to speak to her ward. "Firstly, my lady, we're not taking you to your apartment—Her Imperial Highness never specified which one, so you're going to one I choose. I'd hope you find it adequate, but I don't care. Secondly, no visitors are allowed without royal consent. Thirdly..."


She gingerly put her foot in Relisai's way and shoved her strongly with her Mindarm powers. The toroshu fell on her face, nearly knocking her Kanohi off while also bruising her knee and giving her a gash on her chin. "Oops."


The squad came up to another band of Hogo and the sergeant pointed to one of her own. "Go alert Toroshu Noshima and Chōjo Yumiwa of what you've witnessed. You there," she said, pointing to one the other band, "join us on Chōjo Yumiwa's authority." Relisai suddenly found herself being detained by two squads, none of whom looked like they had an ounce of love to give her.


"What happened to your ward?" a new guard asked, curiously looking over the seemingly battered noble they were escorting.


The sergeant shrugged. "She fell." Trip. Shove. "Just like that."


Finally, they arrived at the apartment. Originally intended for the third assistant to the adjunct vice laundrymaster to some forgotten once-glorious toroshu, it hadn't been filled for years. Sparsely furnished and even less decorated, all it afforded was a single window the size of Relisai's head with which to look at the setting sun. "You'll be secure here," the sergeant said. "You're formally under house arrest. Guards will be stationed outside at all times, and if you need anything, ask. No guarantees you'll get it, though."


She shut the door, leaving Relisai all alone.





Inokio said nothing as Tyee found him and Soraph spoke to her. She quickly drifted off like a dead fish at sea, though, so he couldn't complain. "Do you, though?" he asked, partially joking. He watched where Tyee had come from with wariness. The toroshu had taken him in as a son when his own mother died, though along with that motherly assistance came the overbearing drive. Inokio was never used to that, instead preferring hard floors, rigid schedules and no time for women. His clan mother was someone he'd rather not have to deal with at all, yet tradition and order would always prevail.


Well, not always.


"She'll come back for me eventually, though," he muttered. Tyee was quite skilled in the nagging department. "But what about you? What dreams of conquest do you hold?"

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The Menti opened her mouth to reply to Kulrik, only to stop short when her name came up. A single moment later, her head had whipped around to face Xania, and not for the reason one would expect; Sinshi's face had blanched, distinctly pale underneath her blue masquerade mask. It was the first real expression that anyone had seen her make, and she was silent a long moment, mouth still partially open as if to speak, while her eyes widened.


"No, no, Lady Xania, that's not necessary. Really. I mean," The Soulsword caught herself, backtracking rapidly. "I truly appreciate the sentiment, so please don't mistake this for ingratitude. The Chojo needs warriors, diplomats, beings of standing and ability to form her accompaniment. You are well-suited to that role, and the Commodore, as well as her Lieutenant, are incredible in their professions; Truly, beings of the caliber needed."


"... Not one such as myself. Matters of the lowly need not be of one such as her's concern, nor yours. We are not of such importance." She had placed a drink request a few moments prior, and as it arrived, she took a long, long swallow from it. "The expedition needs the best the archipelago has to offer, not the mediocre."


"She needn't concern herself with the prospect of myself."

Edited by Simon the Digger



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


"Now you are just being humble! You are great, I saw you there," protested Xania. "And as being of 'caliber' I think you are what this expedition needs. Now please, stop calling yourself 'mediocre', it's my clan-sister you are talking about! I won't tolerate this any longer." she continued with serious face, but Sinshi could clearly see a smile in her eyes, genuine wrinkles forming around her eyecorners as she tried to keep her face straight as possible.


But then she just allowed herself to laugh, politely covering her mouth.

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IC: Ahrusa


Having finished downing her first drink, Ahrusa decided to return to the fountain to grab another drink. As expected, there were a lot of high profile Dasaka a the Ball. One in particular caught her eye, Toroshu Celis. She led Clan Vadiru, the only clan to openly support the Fursic, making her an invaluable ally. Ahrusa respected her greatly for having her clan aligned with her own, as the Fursic are generally considered the most distasteful. Innumerable failed coups will give you that reputation. They had only met once prior, during the Market Incident as Ahrusa had taken to calling it, having been whacked in the head by her. Ahrusa carefully approached her, and bowed in her presence. "Toroshu Celis, it is an honor to be in your presence." Respect was her concern first and foremost, even if it came of as flattery.

IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis looked over at Ahrusa as she spoke, A quick cursory glance brought up no memories of this dasaka but not wishing to be rude, well to be frank she would love to be rude but this was not the situation for it, she offers a smile in return

"Well well..Yet another who knows me yet i don't know them. And I don't know if it is truly an honor.. though honor is at times just another word for flattery in these situations."


She brought her left hand to rest near her hip as she straightened up a bit

"So do you have a name?"


ooc: um... i just did a quick search and none of my previous posts had celis smacking anyone in the back of the head, let alone ahrusa


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Ayiwah's brow furrowed below her mask and her look got serious. Despite all the preparations for the party, she had taken care of her administrative duties as well and seen to it that the process of compiling a list of dossiers for the expedition would be finished on time. She had not yet seen all the results, but the profiles that she had taken looks at had contained Sinshi's name among them. She had not thought about it at first, but sitting here, talking to the Menti had suddenly reminded her. It had also made her recall something else, that she had not consciously thought about in many years.


She downed another mouthful of Bumboo and slightly cleared her throat.


"Back when I was a student in the yards and here in the palace and my" - Don't say father, Aya.- "instructor taught me in the ways of the soulsword, I did read a lot about the history of the discipline on the Archipelago. My teacher was a learned and wise man; and he insisted that in order to fully respect the art and to provide a foundation upon which I could develop my potential, I should learn as much of that history as I could, especially that of clans and families that distinguished themselves through their achievements in the discipline of the sword."


"I did not immediately make the connection upon seeing you, since it has been such a long time since I first learned about this, but I did come across your family's name a few days ago by chance."

The commodore smiled friendly at Sinshi.

"Your lineage is far from unimportant. Quite the opposite, according to history."

Edited by Smaug the Terrible




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IC: Ahrusa


"Ahrusa, Toroshu. I am a member of the Imperial Bureau of Security. I am not surprised you haven't heard of me." Ahrusa decided to bow again, even though it may have seemed unnecessary. "I would just like to inquire about something. Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary tonight? With the recent discover of Mata-Nui, political tension has raised tremendous amounts, and you are known for your perceptiveness. I fear that with so many high ranking officials in one room, some political dissident may try to pull something."


OOC: Sorry about that, must have got her confused with some other wisent older. Fixed my post so Ahrusa doesn't look drunk.

"Poor Cyclonus - Sworn To Reject A World That Hates and Fears Him. He And I Are Very Similar, Really: Two Reformed Characters Struggling To Make Our Way In Life. He Just Has Less Violent Coping Strategies." Whirl



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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"Well I can only guess what my 'favourite' First Son did with his time while he was there" I replied, with a delightfully inconspicuous chirp from Kama as she appeared to be looking at the Ageru rather intently.


"Either way, to actually answer your question," I began, still a little wary about Kama's sudden fascination with the Ageru's costume, "to take a familiar is pretty much par for the course for all of us Vilda. Heck, I've been told when I was a wee lad I was pretty strongly attached to a teddy bear. It's almost like it's in our nature."


"To not take one usually requires a good reason, usually that'd be an unbalanced mind or a great disgrace fallen upon you. It is actually... used as a severe punishment in extreme cases to take a Vilda's familiar away"


I shuddered at the mere thought of having Kama ripped away from me, and emptied Soraph's glass a third time.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"There's a running joke that it's actually his Herupa aide that's his familiar," I said with a light-hearted grin, "but to tell you the truth I don't know, I don't associate with Kulrik much.


:Kama, nooooo: I cautioned the bird. I really wasn't liking the aura of mischief she was giving off as she followed the Ageru's headdress where it swayed.

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Does the sergeant really think that four walls can keep me cooped up in here? thought Toroshu Relisai. I am the beloved leader of Clan Vilda, a general in the Empire's army. How can he suppose to suppress a Willhammer of extraordinary skill?


Relisai reached up to her chin, felt the small gash and drop of blood.


Another face to add to my list. She will be sorry she treated me with such disrespect, as will the Chojo.


The Vilda leader looked out the window, waiting. All she needed to escape was a passing bird.





A few hours later Relisai returned to her body. Through the eyes of a bird she'd flown; Relisai had managed to communicate with the captain the message she needed to send, and to whom. Even now it was being transported by fast-relay to it's target on another island. She had also gone to oversee the Vilda soldiers that had come with her to Sado. They'd reached their destination, met the contact and proceeded with their orders.


Operation Winter Snow was well underway, and would be completed soon.


Relisai lay down, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.


The Vilda Toroshu had a big day ahead of her. At some point, probably near noon, the Rora herself would come visit her.




"Me? Oh, I have dreams of this and that. All sorts of things really; there's so much in this world to see, own and know."


Soraph was twirled again, waiting to return to the First Son's steady grip before continuing.


"I'd be lying if I didn't say I don't dream of becoming Toroshu one day. With the position so close, I've often felt like it should be mine already." Soraph laughed. "But unless Kulrik or my aunt should die, I'll never have the honour of leading my clan. Not that I'm thinking of doing any killing" she said hurriedly. "I suppose visiting Mata-Nui would be nice. Perhaps creating a Vilda settlement there, another piece of land on which live and rule. And I...well, a girl can't be giving away all her secrets, now can she?" she told Inioko with an air of mystery.


The song was ending soon, and a member of the announced that it would be followed by a faster one.


"So Inioko, why haven't you found the one yet?" she asked mischievously.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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[imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


Morie took a long drink, and then looked Amakusa up and down very slowly.


“The only thing a offensive is seeing my clans work misused in such a manner, but I suspect it was not you who decided upon it, so I will forgive you this time, first son.”


The old toroshu’s eyes twinkled with a sharp humor. She would have normally been pretty annoyed at the tasteless mess in front of her, but there was Relisai's humiliation, so no reason to make undo noise. There was also the barleywine, which she supposed was dulling her irritation. She glanced over at Commander Ayiwah, but the Umbraline Menti appeared to be otherwise occupied. She would have to wait until later.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

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And some aren't even on your side.

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IC Seiryu

Seiryu cringed slightly at the mention of his outfit. "If I do recall correctly, this outfit was made on order of Toroshu Kyoshi as a prank. The outfit was specifically tailored to my measurements but was fashioned with a pattern originally intended for one of our retainers." Seiryu sighed again. "I voiced my complaints, but subsequently forgot that incident, due to more pressing matters. It does appear that my poor memory was taken advantage of."

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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Sinshi was, for several moments, stunned into silence. Xania's more direct method, coupled with Aiwah's references to her family's history, had successfully left her at a loss for things to say. Instead, she took a small sip of her drink, regarding them all quietly as a touch of color began to return to her face. Her posture had lost much of its nervousness, as well; Whether she was growing more comfortable, or she simply was too surprised to be nervous was uncertain.


"... Thank you, Lady Xania, Commodore." The Menti said finally, voice rather quiet. "I appreciate your words. Commodore, I wish you were entirely correct; My lineage, once, was a proud one. It has not been such since before I was born."


"Nevertheless, I appreciate what you have said. I will... Try to be less self-critical in the future."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Soraya [imperial Palace, Dragon Room]


Well, that had gone about as well as could be expected. She hadn't missed that the Chojo had avoided commenting on the content of said opinion, nor that she had slipped into the tone of giving advice to someone perhaps a little below her, but - she still had her head, at least.


She tipped her own cup into the fountain. "As far as parties go, it's not bad, even if just about everyone here could ruin my day one way or another and my neck's starting to get tired from looking up all the time. Couple of the dresses have some mighty interesting dyework on them, too." She took a sip. "I might exchange notes with Morie when the night's over."


"And Nihi-"


And at that moment the Menti in question was announced.


"See for yourself," Soraya said with a grin. "I was opting for something a bit simpler, but with Morie and the others helping out there was time enough to give it the full feather treatment."


For a few moments they watched the Menti. Soraya's face darkened, and when she spoke again she was quiet. "I thought I knew her when I saw her, so I asked around a bit while we were delivering. She's the one, isn't she? She lost her sister to those- dirtbags." She didn't mention Nihi's extra order; somehow, that felt like something best left on its own, and if someone came asking about a discrepancy between dress price and dragons spent, they were in for a very bad day.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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IC (Kilanya)


And I can't blame you, she almost added. The Toroshu scolded herself; annoyance at Kulrik's behaviour aside, she ought to forgive and forget, and enjoy the company and atmosphere of the party. This Vilda Datsue, for example, was providing most appreciable conversation.


She looked at the Janu bird.


"Is your little friend finding my costume interesting?" she asked, amused.


IC (Tazera)


"Perhaps you're the one to return Honour and Power to your family," the Lieutenant suggested. "And perhaps your part in this expedition is the first step of that, no?"

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


"She's used to being around nature, all this time in Sado's probably gotten her a bit anxious" I explained, feeling Kama's taloned feet shift on my head.


"Didn't get your name, by the way. Mine's Mako, at your service"


"Just like you were taught" I muttered with satisfaction. It came in handy still sometimes.

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IC: Sesseta – Dragon Hall


Well, if that’s how my dear sister wants to play ball, then count me in. I could tell that Kuno was more than happy to see the “mild” annoyance of Nera – which wasn’t surprising to me at all. That still didn’t mean that I liked Kuno, but at least the boy had some semblance of honor – enough honor to treat the Toroshu’s Sister with some respect.


Why yes, what you assumed is correct. Nera and I aren’t on the best terms, and honestly, I have trouble remembering the last time that wasn’t the case. Take that as a testament to the abrasiveness of my sister’s character; if there’s anyone who could hold animosity in the family, it would be the sibling who isn’t overseeing an entire clan. To explain such frigidity (cause by Zataka if I’m going to actually ask her why she still hold negative feelings to this day; what has been said and done over these past decades has been said and done), I’ve always assumed that it is simply that Nera sees family only as tools to be used for her benefit. I am no tool. If I do things, it will be because I am personally invested.


Nera should learn to give before she tries to take.


“I’m doing quite well, Kuno, and thank you for your compliment,” I replied in an uncharacteristically jovial tone. Kuno, Nera, Yuzio, and Ikori all knew dang well that my timbre was rehearsed, but that was only because they all knew me too well. To those who may have been listening, I was now the happiest of the Fursics to be at this party.


That’s when I had heard another name being called from the entryway behind me. I looked to see Kuno’s eyes now fixated on the newest guest, and I turned around so that I could see myself. My face remained neutral, but mentally, I gasped: it was Nihi, the woman who made a rather embarrassing scene at the market.


I had known that Nihi’s sermon was Kuno’s idea, and the fact that she had been invited by the Chojo, and somehow given access to a dress far beyond what a simple soldier could afford.


Suffice to say, I was almost as concerned as my nephew. I could only imagine that the boy was feeling right now.


“Why is she here?” I mused aloud, so softly that only Kuno, Yuzio, Ikori, and Nera could hear. Still, I remained cheerful. We were a family, and despite Nera’s wishes (or perhaps, in spite of them), we would act like one on this night.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Daijuno -- Dragon Hall


Put enough Hogos in a room, in one concentrated position, in one identical temperament (read: DIE), and even a cold 'Hoko like me would be liable to think twice about sticking around too long. Besides, it wasn't like anyone was listening to me -- play me the world's smallest violin, not the first time it's happened -- and gossip about the Fursics lost its appeal after about five seconds (like everything else about the Fursics), so I jumped conversational ship and made my way to the edge of the room. Maybe near to the wine fountain; without cigarettes, I needed something to keep my nerve.


There was a Dasaka already there, presently occupied by filling her cup with wine, drinking it, and then filling it with more wine. I grinned inwardly; this could be very advantageous, just so long as she didn't start thinking I was manipulating her (which I wouldn't be) and decide to snap me in two (which her physique and Kanohi suggested plausible). Procuring a glass of my own from the table, I "drew from the well".


"Wonderful party, don't you think?" I asked warmly.


OOC: Arisaka, you're up.





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IC: Noshima


"Memos are a highly useful tool."

IC Seiryu

"Toroshu Hogo, thank you for your advice. I have heard many words spoken the efficacy of writing down notes, but the fact that I have been privy to this advice numerous times before does not affect its weight coming from you. May I inquire as to the material recommended for these mnemonic aids? Stone and wood are somewhat unwieldy, while paper and bamboo scrolls are quite expensive."

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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka's vision was starting to get a little hazy, which was saying something since Arisaka could hold her wine very well. She blinked a few times as she heard someone speak to her, looking around a bit before she turned her head downwards and saw a Dashi.


"...yes...I suppose it is...for a party."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Daijuno -- Dragon Hall


Inebriated. Excellent.


I took a sip from my own cup (slightly sweet for my tastes, most likely from southern Odaiba), casually leaning against the table.


"Not a socialite, I guess? I can relate," I said. "Never really cared much for parties. Too much risk of bifurcation, far too little reward."





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IC: Celis (Dragon Hall)


Celis brought a hand towards her chest and made to have a look of mock surprise

"Me perceptive? You must have me confused with someone else. Though you must be new to the whole political scene... This whole party is just one ticking time bomb. When you have toroshu and other influential people in one room, all flaunting their wealth and acting like they are better than the next common person there is no doubt that there will be tension. Heck I would not be surprised if by the end of the night things come to blows."

It was obvious that Celis did not intend on giving a straight answer to this instead making Ahrusa work for her meal

Edited by VoxuChro


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