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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: "Someone else. A runaway. Found me washed up on the beach in Le-Wahi, all amnesiac and stuff. Ended up being my best friend. Taught me how to survive, I taught him how to fight." he said wistfully. "Wonder what he's up to these days. Haven't seen him ever since we decided to split up..."

A pensive grimace. "Hope he didn't get himself into trouble."

helo frens

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IC: His smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "That's the thing. I don't know where he is. We agreed to travel the island on our own and meet back up here." he explained, eyes dropping to meet the double-bitted head of Rebellion. "Was supposed to happen before this place got besieged half a year ago. Haven't seen him."

He frowned. "He's a struggler. I don't doubt he's alive, he survived a Tarakava attack when he was just a kid. Has the scars to prove it, too." he said, tapping his side with a finger. "It seems like things didn't end up going as planned, and we have to deal with it until we can meet up again."


That dickhead better not have forgotten about it...

No, of course he wouldn't. Tarex remembered things. Tarex's whole thing was remembering things. That was how it was back then.

He looked back up at her. "Estrangement?" he asked.

Edited by The Doc

helo frens

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)


"I wouldn't know," Zelvin remarked, "I never had one"


"My story?" she continued bobbing her head quizically.


"There's not much to it, I'm afraid. Washed up on this island some centuries ago, just a Matoran then, but I've always been pursuing my current career path, becomig a Toa was merely a handy bonus"

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IC: "Yeah, it's a little odd adjusting to living your life like that," he gestured to Zelvin. "And then suddenly finding out, 'Oh karz, you do have one'."

"And then a few months later they just sort of... peace out for a bit. I get the sense I'm not the weird one of my family by any stretch."

helo frens

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IC: "Well, I think mine was pretty well adjusted aside from the random bout of wanderlust."


"I mean, we all seemed happy enough. I dunno what to say about it or how to explain it or anything." he said, shrugging. "The strangest part was that Dad left this axe behind. It's not mine, it's his." he explained, hoisting Rebellion onto his shoulder.

helo frens

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)


"I did almost start a family at one point, though" Zelvin said. Right about now would be a good time for the others to notice the golden ring on her finger.


"But alas," she mumbled with a somber smile, "that sort of thing was never for me, no matter how good a case he made for it"

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)

"Not quite," Zelvin mumbled hesitantly, "rather, we never made it to the altar"

She smiled solemnly.

"I'd love to tell the whole story sometime. But for now we have more pressing issues"

Edited by Gyro Gearloose

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Exa closed his eyes.


Something didn't add up.


Something about himself, curiously. Despite the cheerful demeanour he'd put up for himself, he'd always know that, deep down, there was always a slight issue that he'd always wanted fixed, yet never could. He really doubted talking to anybody would help; the fact that nobody was there to talk to might've formed some opinionated bias, but Exa was also a bit to prideful to admit that to himself.


Or maybe he already did.


He opened his eyes again. So far, nothing had changed. His bed was still a bed. The lights were still lights, shining and brightening the interior of this crimson box that seemed to qualify as a house. Not even closing your eyes and counting to ten could make the troubles go away, it seems.


"What do I want?" The words escaped in a slight gasp, as though it was something that honestly shouldn't even need to be considered; anybody sane, or insane, probably could answer that question in their minds. They had a goal in mind; a target destination that they wanted to reach. Guardsmen probably wanted to rank up and 'protect the civilians'. Fisherman wanted more fish so they could sell for more money. Men wanted women; Women wanted men. Somewhere out there, a villain wanted to take over the entire island, bending everyone to his will through heinous ways rooted in evil.


But were there anyone who didn't know what they wanted? Because from his point of view, not knowing what you want was dumb. And Exa didn't know what he want. He didn't want to be dumb, though.



Examus blinked a few seconds.


Then he got up.


* * *


Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to be a member of the Ta-Koro guard after all. Sure, he'd originally been convinced to join the military force by someone else, and that someone else hadn't exactly sent any message to him at all, thus rendering time and energy spent to become useless. But being in the guard meant you had access to information that was privy to the guard, and even if there were secrets hidden deep that the lower ranking grunts of Ta-Koro's stalwart defenders weren't allowed to see, at the very least, some information was fairly....accessible.


"The assassination of the Turaga was unexpected. Yep, knew that," the Toa of Sound muttered as he read through the catalogues of modern day history, his eyes skimming through the most basic of information. "Blah blah blah Toa Maru....blah blah blah Kini-Nui." He'd seen these words before many times, in an almost obsessive manner as he read through scrolls and books and carvings of the same information. The turaga died. And they were the spotlight of this news.


"The bombing within the streets of Ta-Koro was a distraction that allowed an assassin to get into Vakama's own home......hmmm." Exa sighed. He knew it - there wasn't any reason to be here. There weren't any answers to be found. People die; end of story.


What now?

He stood up, placing the notes back where they belonged in order of timeline. As he turned to leave, his eyes briefly took another glance, travelling back in time, tracing the beginnings of this odyssey, from the day that Tamaru had been killed by the appearance of those two Toa who served Makuta, all the way to the day when the good guys triumphed.


The information that Exa himself had been interested in was the more recent events in each of the Koro's - the assassination of each Turaga. He kept it to himself, but Turaga Vakama's death had been something he'd been deeply troubled by; especially the bombings. But as he looked through the information, something popped out.



Pala-Koro? Exa asked himself. He didn't know there was a Koro called 'Pala-Koro' on the island. Yet the name seemed strangely familiar. "Pala-Koro," he read, "Located near Lake Pala and originally run by the Island Liberation Front, a group formed by the individual known as Madrihk to combat the forces of Makuta. They were....sieged by Makuta's forces."

The timeline placed this siege as just before the death of Matau.......and if what this information was also correct, and what most probably also happened, then these ILF people went to Le-Koro to investigate the Turaga's deaths as well!

A small, nearly unnoticeable grin formed itself on Examus' face.


Maybe there would be some answers found after all.


OOC: Examus to Le-Wahi.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)

"Surprisingly light, for one" she replied. It had half disappeared within the folds of her cloak.

"I feel like I could fire it nearly indefinitely if the ammunition permitted it."

Edited by Gyro Gearloose

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IC: Kahlynn


Kahlynn's attempt to launch himself into the air and over the incoming claw was met with limited success - just as he broke contact with the ground, the giant appendage slammed into his legs, sending him cartwheeling through the air into a nearby bush, which crumbled into ash upon impact.


His vision temporarily impaired and his head swimming, Kahlynn forced himself onto his feet and swayed on the spot for a moment. Taking a step, he felt something crunch in his leg, followed by a sharp pain. He deemed it unimportant and continued to stagger forth, eager to re-enter the fray. Someone shouted something about a rock, but it was rendered inaudible in his dazed condition.


, Kahlynn.


"I, uh... Phew..."


Witty remark, witty remark...


"Huh, and I thought giant scorpions were meant to be dangerous."


Aaaand we're back.


Kahlynn smirked. Drawing his shield, he slipped off to the side and circled round until he was behind the Jaga. Darting between the trees, he slowly approached the beast from behind while its attention was taken up by the rest of the group. Closer and closer he drew, each time sticking to the shadows, peering out to make sure it was still facing the other way. Only a few more trees, and he would be close enough...

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IC: (Roshinua-Season of the Witch)




The two Ta-Koro operatives raced to the Guard headquarters even as the Piraka assembled across the city. "We need to gear up for heavy combat. Then we should grab a squad and go to town. Metaphorically and literally."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"You will not go to town without filling out the proper paperwork!" Laqriel of the nine said, appearing behind Roshinua. She quickly kept pace with the operative by walking, her long legs allowing her to keep up with the operatives by maintaining a brisk pace.


"Metaphorically, I mean. By all means, we need to organize, as the paperwork has already been filled out."

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[Ta-Koro, Ruins of the Lavapool Inn]

Lucira had reported back to the captain where everybody else was relating life stories. She'd ordered her to keep her position and communicate with the people on the ground while they waited for reinforcements.

"To bad the inn's blow up, I could use a beer."

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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[Ta-Koro, Ruins of the Lavapool Inn]

Lucira grinned bitterly. "At least my cousin will be happy. He's been complaining about the business it's taking from him incessantly for the past month. If he heard I stopped by this place a few times I'm sure I'd get an earful."

She glanced up at the Toa. "Name's Lucira. You're Jolek, I've gathered from earlier conversation."

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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