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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC (Dakte)


Dakte emerged on deck not long after the Commodore, having been present in the med-bay after helping transport the Matoran corpse, and took in the situation. His own capabilities wouldn't be of much use offensively against such a gigantic beast, but having seen one sailor almost dragged off the deck by one tentacle, he resolved to take a defensive role.


Legs braced against the swaying deck, he summoned his Soulsword weapon: a quarterstaff of psionic energy materialised in his hands. It lacked the sharp edge of a typical Soulsword, so slicing would not be an option, but he could use it to quickly deflect any tentacles that made a move for the crew.


IC (Tazera)


The Lieutenant stood ready, boarding axe in one hand, Soulwhip in the other.


"Anyone who's unarmed, get below-decks immediately!" she bellowed. "Menti, cover their retreat!"

Edited by Twelfth Ghosthands





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IC: Vakua smiled as a few matoran dropped widgets into a glass that happened to be next to him. He replaced his headphones from their place resting around his neck.


I can tell this will be a mutually advantageous situation.


When the tips trickled to a stop, Vakua emptied the meager earnings into his hand; It would grow. Hopefully. He made his exit from the Great Takea. As he stepped out, he spread his mind out; Vakua had to find a place to stay. But he got something else... panic. Sadness. Anger. Coming from a guardsman. Several guardsman. Vakua amplified the sound of their conversation:


"Ko-Koro is under attack-"


"-can we get there in time?"

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC (Akimoto)


"Uhh, yeah," Aki said, hardly sure of what was being asked of her, let alone what do. She glanced over the engine's components, searching for the damage that had apparently been found. She'd spent the first few days on the vessel getting acquainted with all the gauges and instruments, but was hardly an expert. 


Good. Good. Little high. Good. There!


Steam pressure was practically zero. This engine had a leak somewhere. Wasn't gonna stop it from running, but output would be reduced by at least half. Why didn't someone report this sooner?


:Commodore, engine two's got a minor leak. Gonna take a sec to fix:


"Look for a leak," she said out loud, beginning to do the same herself. The maze of pipes and tubing made her heart sink, but what else could they do? "Look for steam or condensation."

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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii clapped his hands together with a smile and exclaimed, "Excellent!" He took a few steps more towards the exit but then he stopped and turned around on his heel to face Ryzen.


He lifted up a finger and said, "But first, we must decide exactly where we may be going! Le and Onu Wahi seem like high candidates for their flora and fungi, but I've also heard rumors of Ta-Wahi having some excellent breeds of Lava Flowers! I'm open to suggestions, though I don't think your home land, Ko-Koro is a great idea. The place is cold, barren, and probably being ripped apart by savage Skakdi as we speak. I doubt things have been great there since Akiri Matoro was killed..." He shuddered at the thought and then took a few more notes in his pad as he waited for an answer.

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OOC: Apologies for the delay; I'll have posts for Angler/Daijuno/Tyrus up soon.  :) 




"How did the bank robbery go?" Sylus asked, smiling amidst another sip of brandy.


Vise imitated the gesture, but without the smile. "Well. But the Lesterin's dead."


The first Toa shrugged, his crimson and gold armour catching the glittering lights of the club with the slight motion. Vise grimaced at the sight of them, then glanced around the room without changing her expression. She had never been a fan of the Sunlight Lantern, with its massive, wide-open main rooms, its deafening music, and its shadowy, labyrinthian back halls. Sylus loved the place, obviously, given the fact that he was its proprietor and loyalest patron, but even their relationship wasn't enough to redeem the place in her eyes.


But it was a refuge for someone of her ... career choices. A mercenary needs to stay somewhere, doesn't she?


"A tragic loss," Sylus said, and the tone of his voice made it hard to tell whether he was being sarcastic. "Still, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. How's the ol' Bank of Onu dealing?"


"They're scrambling to recover. Most, they'll end up tightening security. New procedures, more guards."


"Wonderful," the Toa said, smiling once again.


The past few months had been busy ones for this duo. Not only had their relationship been in its infancy, but at the same time, the two of them had had to organize countless operations to undermine the security of various collectives across the island. Not all of them had been successful of course, failure being the constant companion of the criminal class, but enough of them had been for the next stage of their plan to be well on the way of proceeding.


"What about Ko-Koro and Le-Koro?" Vise asked, leaning back straight in her chair.


Sylus sighed. "Well, given Le-Koro suddenly becoming the most goddamn stable village on the whole island, we'll probably need to plant a few variables there to shake things up. Ko-Koro, however, just needs a little patience. Once everyone gets over Matoro getting shuffled off the mortal coil, we'll be seeing some new job opportunities for Sanctum Guards, you take my word for it."


The mercenary nodded, the light reflecting off of her eyes suddenly making them appear opaque. "And the rest are already ready for infiltration."


"Yeah." The other Toa took another sip. "Draen and Teacher did their jobs well here. Mata Nui's taking a on Ta-Koro, and Po-Koro's got half of its military down in the Dark Walk and the other half chasing after some escaped crime lord. It's like they want to conquered."


Vise smirked, her expression changing for the first time that evening. "Your master will be pleased."


He snorted. "He's not my master. Vod's more of a ... useful business tool. He's like a good piece of stock. He doesn't rule me. Nobody rules me."


"Except for me?"


"Is that a threat or a promise?"


Vise chuckled. Sylus was one of the only people who could make her chuckle.


"What about Antiro?" the golden Toa asked. "Any word?"


"Still with the pirates," she replied smoothly. "Last we heard, they were headed to Ta with a group of Sentinels."


Sylus blinked. "Hadn't thought those two groups were so ... I dunno, buddy-buddy. Maybe the Sentinels are dumber than I give them credit for."


Vise shrugged non-chalantly.


"But speaking of Po-Koro," the golden Toa continued, "I'll be heading there soon. Business. Gotta find some inventors from the Expo that can be converted."




There was a chuckle. "As much as I'd love to have a Vortixx like him on our payroll, he's a bit too much of an old pro for something like this. He might smell something funny in my deal. One of the young upstarts would probably be a safer bet."


"Since when are you interested in safe bets?"


"Hey, there's more to me than meets the eye, baby."


They both took sips of their brandy and idly watched the patrons of the Lantern dance and drink and deal around them. It seemed strange that this club, a former warehouse on the outskirts of Ga-Koro, could be the den of Mata Nui's criminals. There were no hushed whispers and furtive greetings here; this was a refuge from decent society, where a scoundrel and rogue could walk without fear of the law watching them.


Suddenly, Vise looked at Sylus, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.


"Do you have to leave right away?" she asked, leaning on her elbows on the table.


His mouth dropped into the shape of a perfect 'O', but then, slowly, regaining his composure, Sylus imitated the gesture.


"No, I suppose," he said, leaning towards her. "Not right away."




OOC: The Sunlight Lantern is now open for business.





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OOC: Sorry for the delay again, school work just sucks everything out of me.


IC: Akhulii


"Yes yes yes, I'm sure the Ko-koronans are playing kholii with the Muaka, but anyway we have better matters to attend to. I propose Le-Koro, but I may very well find business elsewhere..." Akhulii stood there with his arms folded behind his back.

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IC: Naishe & Vulcan


Naishe walked swiftly across the beach until she reached the cliffs, and then she drifted upwards. When she reached the top she found herself in a small clearing, with shrubbery and a few trees scattered around, and in the center of the clearing was a figure. He was tall, with spiny orange and white armor, and she saw that he was standing at the edge of a crater. The earth around him had been burned away by an extreme heat, and he was tossing handfuls of dirt aside furiously.


"Not here. Again, it's not here." he growled, his voice deep and gravelly. He stepped out of the crater as Naishe moved closer. He stopped, looking around for a moment, and then he let out a ferocious growl. The spines on his armor erupted with superheated plasma, incinerating the foliage around him. But even as the plasma reached her Naishe was untouched by it, for she was but a projection, a spirit walking unseen and unheard. When the plasma stopped spewing from the mysterious Toa's body he looked up, and then he was soaring into the sky.


"Karz! Looks like he's heading to Ta-Wahi." Naishe said, and then she was soaring back to the beach. When she reached a large rock sitting inconspicuously against the cliff face she simply stepped through it, and second later the rock split open, revealing her solid body. She took off at a run to Ga-Koro, smiling as she approached her ship. As she walked towards it a Matoran walked out in front of her.


"Miss, is that your boat?" she asked, and Naishe smiled.


"It certainly is, sweetie. That is my ship, and her name is the River Song." she replied. The Matoran nodded.


"It's beautiful." she said, and Naishe laughed.


"It certainly is!" she cried, leaping onto the deck. "Alright, you lot, let's get a move on! Set sail for Ta-Wahi!" she howled, and her ship embarked, cutting through the waters with her at the helm.


OOC: Naishe and Vulcan to Ta-Wahi

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Soraph gladly welcomed the relief Mako provided, however slight it might be. The weight of the monster's mind was still immense but now Soraph could keep herself standing up, unbearable pain transformed into a heavy throb. She steadied herself for moment using Mako's outstretched arms, then released the Vilda Datsue.


"It's all right, I can stand" she mumbled.


Soraph sought out Mako's mind on the mental, both their consciousness joining in the fight against the sea creature.


:​It's mind is too vast to dominate completely: she told Mako under the torrent of impressions and feelings. :We have to ... divert the direction of the beast's thoughts. Make it think we're a rock. A sharp rock.


"Commodore, don't attack it! We can deal with we just...." Soraph swallowed deeply, struggling to split her attention between the fight and talking aloud. "We need two or three more Willahammers, maybe a Sighteye!"


IC (Ayiwah):


"Soraph I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request!" the commodore answered to her call. She was all for unconventional ideas, but right now, surrounded by dozen or more tentacles, trying to get a grip on anything moving, it just wasn't the time. Mindarms and Sighteyes though, that was something that could be arranged. Ducking below another tentacle trying to strike at her, the Commodore sent out a mental message to Soraph and Mako, which would thankfully also be heard by the other intended recipients, currently guarding their VIP passenger belowdecks:


:Get Lady Hanako's retainers, coordinate with them!:


The Hogo would received the message, two of their number immediately reporting that they were en route to help. Ayiwah just hoped Mako could get these very different kind of Menti to work together. But she couldn't worry about that, as her full attention focused back on defending her ship. Ayiwah's rapier cut and thrust, keeping two of the tree trunk sized appendages of the cephalopod at bay. They had sustained numerous cuts and slices, but were still trying to come for her and moved erratically enough that she couldn't get a clean strike in to cut them to pieces. Behind her,  Sinshi was doing the same thing, charging forward to aid Arisaka, who was increasingly beset from multiple angles, due to her preference for close combat.


The Sinshi's attack diverted one of the tentacles away from her crewmate, the rubbery flesh of it twitching in pain from the deep slice, but it immediately reacted, twisting itself into a coil-shape to build up strength, before unleashing a devastating amount of force in a whip-like attack aimed for the Menti.


Meanwhile the other was still heading for Arisaka, trying to seize her and drag her overboard. But the intended victim was determined not to let that happen. She sidestepped and with a mighty, Pakari-enhanced swing of her souldsword, she lopped off the tentacles tip. It recoiled, spurting with hydraulic liquid and blood which mixed and covered the deck and Arisaka in a weirdly purple mixture. But she was free for the moment, just in time to hear the first mate issue another order. 


"Anyone who's unarmed, get below-decks immediately!" Tazera bellowed. "Menti, cover their retreat!"


There were still several deckhands topside who had not been able to get to a weapon and they happily followed the Lieutenant's order. Unarmed they couldn't assist and were just more possible prey for the monster. Together, the Dashi and Saihoko Sailors hurried towards the open main-hatch, trying to get to where Asa was. They had made it halfway when the rearmost Saihoko suddenly screamed as she was seized by another of the monster's many arms, lifting her off her feet. Not willing to just abandon a fellow Suihei, two more of the group stopped and grabbed onto their shipmate's ankles, fighting against the pull - and loosing, as they were dragged closer and closer to the side of the sub. 


"Arisaka, Dakte, Nihi!"


:Commodore, engine two's got a minor leak. Gonna take a sec to fix: Akimoto reported just then. 


:Engineering, can you get us some speed with engine one?: Ayiwah asked in return. The reply was almost instant:


:I cannot do that, cap'n, I don't have the power!:


:Just do what you can as quickly as possible.:


Just then, one of the Dashi gave a shout that made Ayiwah crack a quick smile: "Launchers ready!"


Along both sides of the deck, the sailors were manning the crystal launchers, four per side. Mounted on mechanical swivel-arms that followed the gunner's movements, the looked a little like crossbows, but what would have been the prod was considerably shorter and merely served as form of vent for the highly pressurized air used to fire the crystalline spikes, which came in magazines, replaced by another Dashi, the loader. The gunners had their fingers on the triggers, carefully aiming for the tentacles, waiting for the word to be given. Ayiwah had only one thing left to say, which she did, without hesitation: 


"Fire at will!"


OOC: Keep up the good fight, crew!





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IC: (Eiyu Rano)


Eiyu's bident Soulsword materialized in her hand, twirled between her nimble fingers as she eyed an the monster began attacking the Ryuu. Then she remembered: she she took orders now. Now was not the time to make a scene by acting on her own accord.


:Captain Ayiwah, shall I man a launcher?:

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Ayiwah):


:Negative, Rano.: the commodore replied. :The Dashi don't have access to disciplines, we need them on the launchers. If you man one we lose your soulsword capabilities in the fight.: she explained. That was the good thing about ideatalk: It worked at the speed of thoughts so she could give a reason for actions without wasting time.


:If one of the gunners is incapacitated you may take over for them, but not before. Use your discipline.:




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IC (Akimoto)

"Look for a leak," she said out loud, beginning to do the same herself. The maze of pipes and tubing made her heart sink, but what else could they do? "Look for steam or condensation."


IC: Soraya [The Chiisai Ryu]


Steam.  Steam steam steam come on there had to be some somewhere didn't she feel some earlier when she was helping with the checkup she had to have right so why couldn't she find any now-


Her hand was wet.  She looked down to see water rolling down the side of her sleeve; the valve it had been resting on sputtered pathetically.  For a moment she felt a twinge of satisfaction - been usin' this coat for years now and it still doesn't soak through, just slough off - and then reality reasserted itself.


"Over here!" she called back.


Above them, there was a sharp, short thrum as the first gunner opened fire.

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka, now drenched in the blood of her enemy, turned as she heard the Saihoko's scream. She began to sprint toward the attacking tentacle, both her hands held her soulsword as she raised it above her head. As she came in range of the tentacle currently pulling the Saihoko she brought her soulsword down upon it with all the strength she could muster. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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There is nothing simpler than a fight. Action and reaction, attack and counterattack, combat is a logic progression from one point to the next, a dance between two partners; a dance with a duration determined by the skill of its partners. And it was a dance that Sinshi was far better suited for than any ballroom step. The movement of her enemy, the preparatory coil, did not pass unnoticed. 


The Zataka-forsaken cephalopod had power, the Menti had to give it that, but she had speed. As the beast lashed out at her, she darted forward and slid nimbly under it, raking her blades along its underside before jumping back to her feet and pivoting with Calix-level swiftness to bring her target within her sights once more. 


Blood pumping, muscles taut, and mind focused as sharply as her blades, this was the dance she knew.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Eiyu Rano)


:Affirmative, captain.: she replied dutifully.


Her Soulsword bident once again materialized in her hands, and she went to work stabbing a tentacle repeatedly with ever-increasing vigor.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Akhulii


"Very well then! Le-Koro seems like the best way to go with this! I do believe I have a map to get there. It's a bit outdated but it should work nonetheless." Akhulii turned on his heel and walked out the door. "On we go!" he said with his mouth full of grapes.

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IC (Dakte)


Of the three called upon by Ayiwah, Dakte was the first to act.


He leaped past the two Dashi as they fought their losing battle to escape the tentacle's grasp, and delivered a swift and forceful jab from his Soulsword weapon into the writhing appendage's soft 'underbelly'. The quarterstaff was not sharp and bladed like most psionic weapons, but it still had its plasma-like heat. It would not be comfortable for the creature.





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IC: Hm. This particular cove seems familiar...

The mercenary stood at the water's edge, peering into the clear aquamarine shallows below.

He looked around at the buildings. A decent place for an archer to perch here, a rather new-looking hut there, one very familiar bench behind him...


Only one way to test this out.

He took a deep breath in, and dropped into the waters, some 8 feet deep.

Oh god where's the dock where's land--there.

His roving arms found purchase onto the lilypad once more. He surfaced, propping himself up on one arm...

Well I'll be .

Wordlessly, Cipher hoisted himself fully out of the water, expression stoic.

Needless to say, the Ga-Matoran who had been watching this whole scene play out from within her home was very confused.

He began to wring the water out from his headband and shirt nonchalantly.

Fun times.


Again, very confused.


IC: "Er... yeah, we'll have to figure something out about that." Sudo said, scratching the back of his head.


"You're joining?"


helo frens

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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii continued walking down the streets of Ga-Koro, making his way to the exit gate. He was excited beyond belief that he finally had gotten the opportunity to get out and see the world and discover. He's a little stiff... thought Akhulii as he looked back behind him at the toa of ice ...but he'll do


He slowed down and popped back to Ryzen's side. "If I may ask, have you ever been to Le-Koro before?"


OOC: I imagine in a few posts we'll be at the edge of Ga-Wahi and can do a little skip ahead into the next koro. Hopefully Akhulii's good with that map though.  ;)  :P

Edited by Banana Gunz
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IC: Hehe.

Hear, I get it.

"Well, I suppose I can't argue with that logic, but are you sure you'll do fine on a ship?" he asked, looking down a note concernedly at the blind girl next to him. To be perfectly frank, the wiry young Toa of Wind would absolutely not mind her presence here on the ship. However, as a new crewmember and prospective officer, one with a grand total of two hours at least's seniority, he was obligated to take it upon himself to play the part of a responsible sailor. 

Therefore, the Kakama-wearer concluded, looking curiously at those dull, expressionless purple eyes, I absolutely HAVE to be sure of this.

Of course, I wouldn't normally question a Toa of Sonics's ability to get by without sight, given their advanced hearing and ability to act as their own sonar if need be. However, Ekko DID end up running straight into me. Yes, it was an oversight on both our parts, this I won't deny, but that still means that at least some of the blame is on her.

In light of this, and ONLY in light of this mind you, I must risk wounding her pride with the question, if merely to keep up appearances. After all; I am, again, a responsible crewmember. I must act like one, and place the safety of my prospective shipmates first.

I hope she understands.

"After all, the First Mate seems pretty hardcore."


helo frens

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OOC: We could do it now, perhaps.


IC: Ryzen


I might have to tell him a thing or two about myself. "Le-Koro? Tell you what. I've been wandering around the island for quite a long time, so maybe I could be a, let's just say, 'tour guide.'"


We've been out of the Koro for a bit now, but as the land is a little lacking in size, we should be near the edge now. " To tell you, Ga wahi ain't too close to Le wahi. So wed have to pass through different areas to get there."

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OOC: Which Wahi should we pass through? Or should we just skip directly to Le-Wahi and wash over the trip?


IC: Akhulii


Akhulii looked up to Ryzen and squinted. "Hum. I suppose so." He ruffled around with his map and then turned it all the way around. "This path will take us far, and we should be out of Ga-Wahi very soon, but from there I'm not sure where we go... we could attempt to make it to Ta-Koro and see if we can find a mono-rail to the end of it. From there I think we can rent an ussal crab and make the rest of the way to Le-Koro. But I can't be sure, this map really is outdated..."

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"Says the woman who hangs out with a group of teenage cops. Compared to us, you're the most ancient hot woman on this island. What are you, like, a couple decades older than us? Henceforth, I dub thee Toa Nosferatu."





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"Oi." The Le-Toa shot him a withering glare, scowling. "I'm not nearly that much older than you, and you most certainly don't get to be called a teenager anymore. Don't have that right."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Mura and Kayliss from Po-Wahi

IC: (Mura)


They had come to a stop near the koro.

Mura found that it was quite hard to convince himself to let go of Kayliss. When he managed it, he went and had a lie down.

The journey had not been an enjoyable experience.

Edited by Silo



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IC: ...

No buildings.

Around we go!

Cipher made the 180 degree turn almost on a dime, the motion so practiced it almost looked mechanical in its precision. Sure enough, there lied Ga-Koro, directly in his vision once more. Destination in sight, he began to move forward back towards the village.

He really did wish Dorian had needed him to do something here. Not like it was a blast just sort of sitting around and doing whatever whilst he waited for his friend to finish up business.

No leads to follow? No cells to clear out?

No Valkyr to unintentionally subterfuge?

You couldn't give me anything, Dor?

...Is this punishment for the jacket, you petty little?

Edited by -Windrider-

helo frens

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"I don't notice much of a change." The doctor replied after a feigned analysis, beginning to smile despite herself. It was a beautiful day in Ga-Koro; the sun was shining brightly, and a cool ocean breeze kept it from being too hot. Liara was rather thankful for that, as she was loathe to leave her light weight lab coat behind, and breathed the fresh air deeply.


"Guess you're normally pouting."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[Ga-Koro, Near Shore]

Talli walked, whistling, past the huts of the south-side.  She’d managed to net quite a few little shrimps in her time off; her mother would have something other than the standard fish to add to the stew.


OOC: Talli open for interaction.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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