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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: I'll ask everyone. We'll need a comlpete list of all of the OoP members. Feel free to give Bonecrusher the miserable weakling, beating/speech. ;)IC: Bonecrusher"Uhh, yes, sssir." He tried to make sir sound like and insult.OOC: This is your chance!IC: DemolishorHaving finished with cleaning his rifle, he went over to Incinerator and asked, "Did you finish the project you were working on?"OOC: I'm to lazy right now to make one up, its all yours.



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IC - Brawl - CaveCatching the sarcasm, Brawl slammed his fist into Bonecrusher's stomache."Shut up, fool."-Incinerator - CaveThe Toa nodded."Yes, indeed. The berry mixture will help heal you, but I'll have to build extra parts." he said, as though it were a horrible inconvenience.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC, Xibre: Xibre looked around. The group had dissolved and were now all over the place, fighting people. "WILL ALL OF YOU JUST STOP FIGHTIN' FOR ONE SECOND? KARZ! YOU GUYS ARE WORSE THAN A BRAKAS TROOP!" He turned to Tanuka. "Tanuka... snap out of it! Don't just stand there."OOC: Kalama? Where'd you go?

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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OOC: Grr, I wanna use Demolishor's laser rifle in a fight now...IC: Demolishor"Thanks for taking the time to do this. I ow you one." He said slapping him on the shoulder. "Well its my turn on watch, your next."He exited the cave and patroled the area around the cave mouth.IC: BonecrusherHe had trouble breathing now, between ragged breaths he said, "Fine... Sir." This time dead serious. He went over to Incinerator, "Mind *breath* patching me *breath* up?"



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IC - Incinerator - CaveIncinerator had already fashioned another claw by the time he was asked. He kept a few commonly lost parts for when they needed repairs. "I don't mind." he said blankly. The Toa grabbed the Skakdi's third arm, nailing the claw back on where the old one had been broken. It was relatively painless, as it happened a lot."I'll have your arm repairs ready in a few hours."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: RamanoxRamanox feet touched the ground of Ta-Koro, ah home, oh how long it's been. I thought I'd never see this place again. Ramanox then turned to Skyra and Noran, "If you guys don't mind, I wish speak to Jaller alone. Atleast for the first time I see him. The two of us, have some, well, personal issues to discuss."


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OOC: WHOA WHOA WHOA. SHOCKWAVE IS DEAD, GO READ HIS PROFILE TO FIND OUT WHICH DECEPTICONS NEVER TO MAKE BECAUSE THEY'RE DEAD. Slicax was Starscream, Zeltroth was (more obviously) Megatron, Senturon was Sentinel. And who the Karz is Incinerator? Oh and Demolishor never had a laser rifle...List of all Decepticons that are usable: Blackout, Frenzy, Bonecrusher, Demolishor, Sideways, Soundwave (although Orgath was soundwave, that wasn't as noticeable so I let it go), and someone please tell me who the Karz Incinerator is, I don't remember seeing him anywhere. Oh and Demolishor is red and white, not black and brown. Frenzy's an insane Ko-Matoran with unusually long thin limbs. Armed with twin disk launchers. Sideways is a Toa of Iron with a Volitak, weaponry is anything he wants. Blackout is Grindorak's (see his profile) identical twin. IC: Barricade fell on the ground. "What the--" His friends had helped him! "Oh thank Mata Nui I had the small sense to not kill you guys...are we fighting here?" Tahuva noticed Argentum go insane. Great. The last person they needed going insane. That made 3 madmen in one day, despite 2 having gone back to normal. "Stand down, Argentum! Have you forgotten your duties?"

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: When did I ever say I was using Shockwave? Google Incinerator. He made a cameo at the beginning of RotF. I'm not using any of the ones who died- save Soundwave, who I didn't know was Orgath. I redid Frenzy a bit.IC - Incinerator - CaveThe Toa of gravity continued work on Bonecrusher's arm. "Tahuva strikes again." he grumbled.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Had to change Demolishor around a bit because his wheel-thingy wasn't excepted. I gave him a laser rifle because it was the closest thing I could think of for Transformers Tech. Could rename him though, might be better.IC: VelanNot caring what the crazed toa of magnatizm would do, she ran up to Barricade and tackel/hugged him.



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OOC: Yeah, rename him. He's just not the Demolishor I know without the wheel thingy...IC: Barricade hugged back. "I'm so sorry." Then he decided it was time for them to do something romantic again, like..."Now what do you say we kick Argentum's insane rear?""Welcome back..." Tahuva said, smiling. "Barricade." He pointed his sword at Argentum. "I said stand down!"


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IC (Blackout, cave): Blackout sat down on a rock, which cracked under his weight. He was exhausted, and frustrated. Looking up at the others, he growled, "What will be our next move? We're leaderless, and Tahuva will probably annihilate us again if we do anything drastic." He took out one of his blades, and moved it's blade around between his fingers, pretending to think. In truth, he had no ideas, and was waiting for someone else to say something.

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OOC: Gar! Shockwave would be awesome for a Vortixx I have planned... oh well. Um, i don't really have a new name for him, sudjestions?IC: Velan"Yeah ok." She stood up to face the Toa of magnitizm, taking out her other katana and her knife, she said, "Stop this now."IC: Bonecrusher"Stupid claw, I hate it. I hate Barricade even more, but only if he's not on fire." He complained.IC: Super strong skakdi with laser rifle whos name used to be Demolishor."Shut up Bonecrusher, you hate everything. Like Brawl said, we wait for Frenzy to get back."

Edited by Gravity



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OOC: You could call not-Demolishor something like...Mixmaster. Yes, that'll do. Mixmaster has a huge gun. Make him a poison expert to fit his name (so modify his profile) and give him large shield plates on his arms, 2 per arm. That'll fix EVERYTHING. Two, the Vortixx can be Rampage, whose 2 pieces of foreign tech are a gyroscopically balanced spike in place of legs, serves as a pogo stick and to stab, and small guns in his hands. Also armed with heavy jointed metal whips that can crush stone by their sheer weight. And if you really want ONE MORE decepticon, make Scrapper. Any species you want, has a SUPER long flail ending in a clawed wrecking ball.IC: "Ril, mind giving me my weapons back? My disk launcher would be useful, since it fires a nonmetal projectile. I can also transform it into a claw and defend against those swords, and use the wheel whip to catch the swords!" Dervian joined in too. "I can make many sharp objects out of condensed wind..." Kahua laughed, then formed two wrist swords out of Iron Sand. "Karz, I'm good."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC - Frenzy - SpyingFrenzy copied down the information as they changed weapons. The more they knew, the better they could combat their enemies. The Matoran scowled in disgust at Barricade. To think he had served that traitor.He would get him back by feeding information to the Phantom Deceptix.OOC: I change their name to reflect the change in leadership.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: [Ril/Fragarach]"I hate this week!" shouted Ril as he started ranting. "First I get called in to deal with a criminal, sure it was a normal day for me, but nooo, said criminal had to just try and eat my colleagues alive! To make it worse he had dissociative identity disorder! Then after having to deal with his smug and obnoxious personality by getting a therapist, he goes all weird, attacks me and runs off! Then I have to see Stronin AGAIN. And now I meet ANOTHER PERSON WITH DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER! DOES THE UNIVERSE HATE ME OR SOMETHING?"He paused for a moment to suck in some air."Screw this! BOMBARDA!"Fire promptly exploded out of his body, some of them sending the swords next to him flying off, while the others went in all directions.---"What's going on?" asked Fragarach. "I seriously have no idea what just happened."

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OOC: Stupid ninjas stealin meh place!IC: Velan*Puppy eyes to Ril* "Puweeze." She said. "He weally needs his weepons."OOC: There is no resisting.IC: Mixmasta' (JK)He had become bored with just standing around and had begun to blast trees into oblivion using his laser rifle.

Edited by Gravity



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IC: Barricade threw up an earth wall to stop the fireballs from hitting his teammates. "Hey, stop going crazy, will you? Me going crazy isn't enough for one day? I NEED MY WEAPONS!" He was still a bit uptight. "No thanks, Velan." He angrily stole Ril's weapons pack and pulled his weapons out, then returned it. "AND YOU'D BETTER NOT TAKE THESE BACK!"Tahuva noticed trees blowing up. "Dervian, recon. Find out what the Karz is shooting trees! Ril, let him use his weapons." Dervian found a large gray Skakdi that looked something like a Deceptoa...but his insignia was slightly different. "You!" he said, forming a wind sphere. "Who the Karz are you?"Kahua stayed, watching the dangerous Argentum/Silver/WHATEVER.


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IC: A voice spoke up from behind Fragarach. "You lapsed into your former self. A maniac by the name of Darylhii." Kamaehu explained. Then Ara'kas cracked her knuckles. "The fight's over, but I'm just getting started. I want answers, now. Hold him." Kamaehu stepped forward, locking Fragarach's arms behind the toa's back. "Now," Ara'kas said, her eyes shockingly devoid of emotion. "Tell me all you know."OOC: Yes, that was an autohit, but we're not actually fighting, Ara'kas is just asking Fragarach questions.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC - Frenzy - SpyingFrenzy jotted down the comradery between Velan and Barricade.He then saw Dervian leave to investigate something. Quietly leaping out from his rock, he pulled a cloak and hood over himself. He was now unrecognizable.Leaving in pursuit, he realized it was Mixmaster who Dervian had discovered.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: [Fragarach]"Well I woke up in a jungle," he said, somewhat surprised by the others attempting to interrogate him. "Then a rock slammed into my head. That lead to me picking the name Fragarach, and I randomly ended up wandering around before arriving on the beach. Then another rock hit my head, and I bumped into Jay-El, who I decided to follow. Then I met you guys, followed you, came here, got attacked by a Toa of Fire, then I woke up in the forest outside of here."

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OOC: And here I thought he'd be more agressive. XDIC: Dervian formed a second wind sphere. "One, because I know I've seen you with the Deceptoa, or whatever they're called now. Two, because you were blasting trees." Kahua saw a hooded Matoran approaching Dervian and the strange Skakdi. He didn't recognize him, but something was suspicious. He jumped in front of Frenzy extremely fast, using his Kakama. "Hey, you. No solicitors."


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OOC: Watch me solve this diplomaticaly... He knows not to attack yet, so he's trying to make them go away so that the real attack can start.IC: Mixmaster"Really, I've never heard of the Deceptoa. And is it illigal to blast trees down? If so, I will find someway else to burn off steam." He replied to the strange toa's questions.



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IC: [Fragarach]"Last memory?" asked Fragarach. "Well I came into the village, then this Fire guy just starts glaring at me. Then a few seconds later he starts trying to kill me, saying something about me planting a tree in him. Then as he threw another fireball at me, I just sort of woke up in the forest."

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IC: "Right, right, that's why you have the cloak. What's in there? Daggers? Products? Or are you an assassin? Besides..." He slashed the hood off with his blade. "Normal Matoran only have two eyes."Dervian facepalmed. "Yes, smash random rocks instead. Sure. You're not a Deceptoa or anything similar. That's why you have this faction symbol on one of your shields."


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