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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: You do realize that I'm protecting him with a Hau? You shouldn't even be near him.IC-Hasil:Hasil allowed another tsi'mri toa to enter his shield, in the hopes that he would help to guard Silver from the others with him, when he noticed that he put his blades around Silver's neck. That was too far."Put down your swords, Toa, and stop flaming. This is dishonorable, threatening an enemy like that. I say stand down and listen to the good man. Agreed?" He put his thumbs in his belt, sure sign to any mri that challenge and harm was soon on its way.

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IC: "Stop this foolishness!" The command rang into the ears of those fighting. Ara'kas looked directly at Silver, ignoring the others. "Now that you have demonstrated the ability to survive in a brawl, I propose a... solution."

OOC: Kal something, why is your BZPRPG profiles in the archive?Also, you will not realize the HORRIBLE FEELING of SO MANY NINJAS!!! :P AH!Everything I do, I do according to your last post. YOU GUYS SUCK!Feels so bad.....======IC: Silver"2 conditions. 1. I leave with Barricade. 2. I leave all of y-"

Fool! You're killin me! You like this headache?

Who're you?

Incoming fire blasts. I want to live, Silver!

I know you, yet in my memories and feelings, you don't know me. As if I can see your memories and see what you see...but only your subconscious can.Seeing the fire blasts incoming, Silver hit the deck with Barricade in his left arm. He held him in front of his face while he was on the floor, so if any fireblast hit him, it would be on Barricade. When they soared overhead, he peeked out and saw Tahuva with his sword in the ground."Ahh, that was a good tactic. But you still aren't made of wood." Silver mumbled as he used a magnetic wave to bring Tahuva up.

Stop this madness! Even you cannot stand against so many all at once without weakening.

And you can?

Truly, I don't have to.

Silver brought Tahuva's sword out of the ground, and then was about to send another magnetic blast, this time in the form of a 'ball' to deal some more damage while also knocking Tahuva back. But when he was about to shoot, his right arm twisted.!Silver soared backwards, flying back a few meters, landing on his back, nearly hitting his head on the Hau-shield. For good measure, he accidentally sent a flying kick towards Tahuva before he landed. Barricade was still on his left arm. His right arm moved to de-magnetize the Toa of Earth. The left arm went out of reach. The right arm hit the chest. Both Silver and the guy in his mind screeched.

Crud, not left enough.

Stop that!


And so continued Argentum and Silver's right arm/left arm IneedtogettobarricadeandI'llhitthisbodyifIhaveto fight.=====JL: What the heck just happened?

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: lol TNG, I was going to have Velan pay for the bail, anyway! :PIC: VelanShe waited paitently for the being to speak. But only because it might get Barricade back to her. And then watched disbaliving at silver doin' funny stuff. She was so shocked she flickered from vivsible to invisible, twice.

Edited by Gravity



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OOC: I, uh...what? They're in the archive because I never updated them, sorry, I'll do that soon. Hasil isn't in there.IC-Hasil:Hasil, seeing as Silver started attacking himself, went up to stop him."Stop this nonsense Toa, where is your sense of honor!" Hasil exclaimed angrily. He grabbed the Toa's arms, noting that the large Toa of Earth had been moved back to Silver's left arm, and tied them together with the Ka'islai and tried to hold him down."Can I get some help over here? I'm trying to stop him from killing himself and stop you all from killing him, and you're just bloody standing around!" He yelled, having trouble holding two struggling toa down at once.

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IC: SilverSilver saw the beer held by Ril, and ran towards the Hau-shield, punching it over and over. "Let me out! Let me out! I NEED TO GET TO THE BEEEEERRR!" The Toa of Magnetism howled as he continued to slam his fist against the shield.I can see you. See how you work. Your mind is rejecting all this, and all the memories of this, of what I'm doing, will be locked up. Repressed.

That is fine.


It is fine....

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC-Halis:"Kel'en, you will stop this foolishness this instant!" Halis said, holding Silver back with the Ka'islai and maintaining extreme focus on the shield. "We are going to come to a peaceful solution, you will let this poor toa off of your arm, and you will bloody calm down!"Halis looked over towards the Toa of Earth and shrugged like the other Toa did, still trying to hold off the toa of magnetism.Then Halis heard the peaceful toa speak, and he turned to him. "Ah, finally, a much-honorable member of your kind. You propose A'ani, yet without death. Hmm...Yes, we shall do that. SILVER!" He yelled, still holding on to the toa of magnetism, "Stop now and listen to this man."OOC: This is terribly confusing, so I'm just having him decide to take charge right now. If anybody wishes a full introduction, just ask IC.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: "ENOUGH!" Tahuva shot flames in every direction, pinning everyone down. If they stood up or moved they'd be so heated their armor would fuse together. "STOP PUNCHING YOURSELF! AND YOUR TERMS ARE UNACCEPTABLE! YOU MAY NOT LEAVE WITH BARRICADE! HE HAS JOINED US! ALSO, IF THERE IS TO BE A DUEL, WE MUST CHOOSE THE MOST CAPABLE!"

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: I still have my shield up, my friend.IC-Halis:Halis concentrated even harder upon his mask, trying to keep the shield together under the onslaught of flame brought about by this angry Toa of Fire."Stop. Now." He commanded, staring into the Toa's eyes. "This is your only chance to get your friend back, and you will stand aside. That, or I challenge you. Understood, Tsi'mri kel'en?"Halis held up one of his As'ei, ready to throw as needed. "If you attack again, one of these goes into your throat. I don't wish to kill you outside of A'ani, but I will if needed. Now, will you stop?"

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OOC: Kal Grochi, Ara'kas is female. Then again, she's wearing full plate armor, so you might not notice.IC: Ara'kas' eyes flicked to Tahuva briefly. "We have." She then turned back to Silver. "Do you accept?"

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: SilverSilver: I cannot. Your boyfriend is-

My responsibility, not yours.

SHUT UP! I will show you how wrong you are. Cutting the bonds you have made will make me stronger!

Retaining my bonds, I have no need to fight.

You wish to live free on responsiblity!

I do. But not like this. Not by being lonely, because I will be living with a burden, not a responsiblity. Let me out.

You fool! They'd kill you immediately and you won't know anything.

Remember that I have bonds; Bonds which you don't have. Now...Let...me...Out!

Silver: Don't tell him. Or you have another death to worry about.


Argentum: Your boyfriend is my responsibility? Uh?....what just happened? Why am I stuck here like a rag doll? And burnt? Why are you all looking at me like this? Errr..... Well, at least Barricade isn't gone. So, where's Kalama? We were searching for Kapuka, right? Then he went to dance with some of his own breed or something.So be it. And one day, when you are weakest, I will strike again. For now......for now.

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: Well then, that probably explains it.IC-Halis:Halis was about to protest about whether or not he was most capable in a duel, but he decided to stand aside due to the fact that he knew nothing of the way these people fight."So," Halis said calmly. "A'ani. Tsi'mri Kel'en silver, this..." Concentrating, Halis noticed that the challenger was, actually, a female. "This Kel'e'en has challenged you to a duel over the fate of this Barricade on your arm. Accept or yield, those are your choices. Choose fast."Saying this, Halis kept his shield up, though he admitted this new Kel'e'en into it.

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IC: Tahuva knew he was the most capable, but suddenly ARgentum changed. "What are you talking about, ARgentum? What is with you?" OOC: Tahuva is skilled in everything related to fighting, raised to fight since he was able to walk. He's not good at anything else, really, but strategy, battle, strength (not really speed, his bulk cuts down his speed unless he flies with his mask) so yeah, he is the most capable of fighting ARgentum. But for some reason someone interferes every time he fights!


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IC: ArgentumArgentum: Whaaaaaat??? She wants to kill me, and Barricade is...Oh, crud. He de-magnetized Barricade.OOC: Argentum can take Tahuva down before anything happens. Last time he used his Technique, Tahuva would have been thrown very friggin far. Unfortunately, it was used on Voi, who JL seems not to be able to find.====JL: Oh crud! Voi!

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: It is the same with Hasil, being Kel'anth of his tribe, and master with both the Yin'ein and the Zahen'ein.IC-Halis:Halis looked at the Tsi'mri kel'en silver, who seemed rather confused at what was happening just then."Kel'en, tell me everything you remember up to this point. Now. A'ani is held until an explanation is given."He tightened his shield, excluding the new Kel'e'en from it at this point to, and he untied Silver/Argentum. He also grabbed the newly freed Barricade, and set him down for a second and did a quick vitals check. Everything checked out fine with him, so he shifted his attention back to the Toa of Magnetism there with him."Hold off on that first question, though," He said quickly. "What is your name, Kel'en? Are you called Silver, or Argentum?"

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: Well that particular trick would work on just about any of us. So Tahuva has a bigger chance, however small it is in proportion to Argentum. And Tahuva is a Pyro, a family of inherited power and training. They usually train under increased gravity from a trainer with a Garai.IC: Tahuva realized that Argentum had developed a split personality. "Now I know why you fought with yourself. Velan, carry Barricade to a hospital. He's near death." Anyone average size burned by Tahuva's flames would be. "Argentum, you must control that dark side."


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IC: ArgentumArgentum: Silver was the name people used to call me. Argentum is my current name, and I'd rather stick with Argentum. The name Silver has always been a fearful back from where I came from.He stared at Tahuva.Argentum: What dark side?Because it had only been seconds since Silver let Argentum use the body again, Silver could regain control easily. And so he did.Silver: WHAT DID I JUST SAY, RETARD? I SAID DON'T TELL HIM!And then they switched back.Argentum: What the....

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC: "So Silver has resurfaced and you now fight within. Perhaps with an Iden you could solve the problem, but it would be tricky." "Where's Kahua?""I do not know. Go search for him in the Koro."Dervian started looking around, asking people if they had seen someone who fit Kahua's description.Suddenly Argentum flipped to Silver and back again. "We need to get you looked at..."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: I already said his vitals were fine, Tahu...so you're behind the times. He ain't near death right now.IC-Halis:Halis nodded. He understood now the problem that Argentum had, he was had a slight case of multiple personality disorder. He stayed by Argentum, but didn't let up his shield so that they could come to help the Toa Barricade."You're wrong, Tahuva, barricade is alright. It seems that the magnetic field generated by being held by Silver/Argentum here helped to negate some of the heat from the attack, so that his vitals are actually alright. He should heal by himself, but right now I don't deem it safe to let up the shield." Then, turning back to Argentum, he asked, "So, what all do you remember up to this point, Tsi'mri Kel'en?"

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: That would be cool, yes.IC-Halis:Halis looked over at the Tsi'mri Kel'en Tahuva, somewhat annoyed. "I'm, here, thank you. Now, will you please allow me to conduct this interrogation, or do I have to have approval for every question? That, and I think we noticed his split personality problem."Halis looked back at Argentum."Alright, Argentum, let me explain to you what has been happening. We've all been fighting you, or rather, the other you. You seem to have attacked us, I'm fairly certain. And if you didn't, I'm sorry. I've been protecting you from these others for the last few minutes, in the hopes that we could come to a peaceful solution, and it seems we have. Now...do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

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IC-Halis:Halis stared intently into Argentum's eyes, wondering when he would answer, when something...changed.Gods, what now, he thought, shoving Barricade out of the shield and pulling out the Ka'islai again."Tsi'mri," he spat, "Who are you now?" Saying this, he danced back around behind Argentum, tying him back up. He then yelled over at Tahuva, "I believe that the personality of Silver is still trying to take control!"He then looked back at Argentum. "I'm sorry for this," he said to the Tsi'Mri, "But I fear you are too dangerous right now to be left untied. Just remember this right now...Mri do not take prisoners. Be happy you are still alive."Saying this, he disengaged his shield and threw the Tsi'Mri Silver/Argentum back over towards Tahuva to hold onto, for he was tired of dealing with him.

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