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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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OOC: I'd laugh, but I'm currently smashing the bridge of my skull from sheer horror of what I'm about to write...First, I've been debating whether or not to use spoiler tags...Second, I've edited to the point where the tag is no longer necessary.Third, read on and cry. Or laugh till you die, whatev'.IC: Riaril (This WILL be good... no, no, it won't...)The halls echoed slowly, reverberating in languid puddles of driveling glory in the base of Riaril's skull. Each world from the outside was a torture, a pain beyond the pulsing realization she was still alive in her hand. Scenes blurred, and slowly the bulk of something came into bi-focus. A cracked smile splayed on her lips as she muttered;"Where the Karz..." It was a dream. The muscular tone spread before her like a grand forest blanketed her world in dazzling sweat, or perhaps it was the mirage of the pounding going on in her attic. After wrestling for control of her own hand from the intoxication of her previous indulgence, Riaril's head nuzzled up, her chin sliding along the ribs of a certain titan with a slight "bump. bump" as she went. Her face displayed joy. She turned, nuzzling into the great smell of the beast. Then she saw the crowd.

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OOC: Kughii, I am incredibly amused. Why'd ya think that needed spiler tags?IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk, who had just started to drift off to dreamland (OOC: Pun intended.), opened his eyes when Riaril started to stir. He noticed mutterings and rather groggily stared down. He had no clue whether she was awake or looking for something to slap.Laserbeak on the other hand, visibly retreated a few steps, hoping to avoid a repeat performance. She did not want to be slapped again.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Morik Brum'WaizThe Akrainid lead the two of them to a local bar of Ta-Koro, a rather popular one at that. Opening the door, Morik had to crouch to enter the building to avoid hitting his head against the wall, many stares following him as he made his way to the counter. Even the bartender observed him as if he was an anomaly, which Morik was, in fact."Give me the strongest thing you've got. What do you want, Gravity?"

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IC: RiarilShe shifted her weight, her hips rotating tantalizingly as she pulled out of Krayzikk's lap on her first class trip to the floor. Riaril sat, knees spread odd-angled, a raw hand stretching up to rub her eyes. "I blame the alcohol," She grumbled, still really unsure whether there were suddenly ten individuals, or just five staring at her innocent and head-splitting self.

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IC: Krayzikk"I more blame me for buying the alcohol, but I didn't think you'd drain the bottle." Krayzik replied, holding a hand to his forehead which continued to ache. "Other than that, I blame the alcohol."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Morik Brum'WaizAs the bartender passed Morik a rather sinister-looking black drink, he went to go take a seat at the same table Gravity sat at. As usual, the chair was too small, causing uncomfortable shifting to no avail. Finally, Morik stood up in frustration, towering over everyone else."Tch. Happens all the time." he declared, taking a sip of his drink.

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OOC: I blame rap music. It's destroyed a generation (or three) of beautiful minds and made a billion people into bottom-of-the-barrel thinkers who's lives remain in the gutter of humanity's true potential. Yes, I include myself in that billion.I can't remember how to spell my ingredients. OH yeah, look for the "Leviathan trilogy" writing style notes. :PIC: FaeruloHe grimaced as the dining table blew to smithereens."Well, perhaps the Habeneros were in too high a dosage," the insane herbalist muttered as he walked forwards with his metal prodding stick, not moving the eyeglasses or nose plugs a squick from his valuable orifices. With decision, he removed the remains of the metal flask that once held his concoction and retreated to the kitchen where a mound of ingredients lay wrapped in wood boxes awaiting their use as test fodder.

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Ic: Riaril"Who-a u," Riaril managed to mutter as she pointed at the male who's voice was breaking her face in two. Looking around, she realized there weren't ten in the room anymore. There was Tarex, that muaka-fodder of a bumbkin who couldn't tell a door from a kicking-post, Some chick from back in the hospital siege who was probably just a delusion of the alcohol since any enemy should have been rounded up and stuck behind bars by Jaller, and then there was glorious Krayzikk splayed on Riaril's chair like some king of the castle. A familiar image with Takimoc's figure swam before her eyes and she shook her head violently to rid her mind of the memory. "I need water," Riaril groaned as she slowly hefted herself up with the held of her desk. Unfortunately, she was soon toppling over again from bad balance.OOC: DID I hear something about Mef being offline for a while? If so, I'll just pretend Tairel is a large blot on the wall-paper

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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IC: LaserbeakLaserbeak AKA tne figment of Riaril's imagination used her mask to dart forward and catch Riaril, as Krayzikk was too sluggish. "I don't think you should be walking by yourself yet, miss."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: RiarilHaving a figment of your imagination is rather scary, especially when one is wide awake.Riaril simply stared, utterly shocked by the fact some treacherous churl was in her hospital. "Why are you here?" Riaril said with steal. Her hand was drunkenly fumbling for the sai on her calf.

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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OOC: He could have leaned out of the way, but whatever. :PIC: OnuzekThe massive toa felt the knife cut into him. A hole in his armor from the Rahkshi battle let it cut deep into his organic parts.But he was to enraged to feel it. The punches snaped his head back, but he still kept on going.The huge Toa of Gravity tried to tackle the Akrainid and get him into a head lock. He was no longer thinking, only reacting.



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IC - Kyju - FightKyju curled up, knees to his forehead and brought his arms in. The Toa, an unstoppable force, tripped past him. He brought his arm up and attempted to slam his elbow into his opponent's back. If that indeed struck, he would get shocked in pain, in which case the next strike- a fist slam to the descending chest -make contact.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: OnuzekThe Toa tripped past Kyju, still going at quite a speed. The elbow to the missed him by centimeters, the punch however, still connected. Although not quite as hard, as Onuzek hadn't been forced into it.The titan backed off, and advanced towards Kyju. He swung a Pakari enhanced fist towards the Akrainid's right side, followed by a another to the chest.



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IC-Jaron:Jaron smiled happily at Plagia. "Well," he said, "I think I'm going to reconnect with an old teammate of mine.." He turned back to the Toa of Water:"Well," he said, acting as though he didn't know who he was speaking to, "What do I want. Well, there's a lot of things... I want my armour repaired, I want more money..." He sipped his drink thoughtfully. "But what I need to know, that's a different story...I need to know who you are, right now," Jaron said, smacking his hand on the table.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: I'd hope so, but I'd say they need to do a bit of catching up...seeing as Jaron was in a coma for a month or two, hehe.IC-Jaron:"Really?" Jaron said, smirking. "Cause you certainly seem a lot like a Toa of Lightning most Toa know about..." He sipped at his drink, finishing the bottle. He looked back at the Toa of Water. "So," he said, "How long have you been here?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Well, I guess Armadijo-san really DID mean I should take over playing this chick... so, here goes. :P I'll attempt to play as close as possible to someone's ideals. :) (Ideals? who's ideals?)IC: RiarilRiaril shifted uncomfortably, her hand stretching and relaxing as the situation was hurriedly explained. "So then," She began; "We're all friends now."Even as a friend you're still my enemy as a woman, Riaril thought as she stared Lazerbeak up and down with slowly sobering eyes."I need water." She attempted to force the words past her sticking tongue in a semi-commanding tone. Seeing no one's immediate response, she simply leaned back on the desk and walked herself around the corner of the bookcase and pulled back the curtain separating her office from her living quarters; a first for her to do in front of a female enemy. Riaril jittered her wobbling legs back to the small sink in the stone basin hidden back near the tiny two burner stove, and cracked the tap. Hot, refreshing water cascaded down her dry throat."That's better," She said, a mouthful of water splashing into the basin with a light sound. Turning back around, her blood-shot eyes viewed the crowd. Somehow, her reason was returning at a remarkable speed. Perhaps the water? She drank again. Go figure, since I'm a toa of water I'd get sober by drinking it. Stumbling her way back, she closed the curtain and said;"Let's all forget what just happened and get back in the swing of -- hic -- things."With those words hanging in the air like a speech bubble, she popped right through her train of thought and walked out the door."Doctor Riaril is back in service!" She called, then remembered the burns on her body."Or not."

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IC: Nikila"I have no idea," she said, "I just found myself here not too long ago.""How about you? How'd you get out of that coma?"

IC-Jaron:Jaron stared at the Toa of Water, incredulously. Then he began to laugh. Hard. "Which one?" He said, bursting into tears at what she had said. "From the Muaka a while ago, getting brought here, or the one you're about to put me in?" He held out his hand to the other Toa by him."My name's Jaron," he said, smiling his trademark smile. "And, If I'm not mistaken, your name is most likely Nikila, isn't it?" He giggled slightly, all the cider he'd been drinking managing to make him drunk. Wow, he thought, It's certainly been a while since the last time I drank, hasn't it?

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Oh, this should be fun.IC-Jaron:Jaron squirmed under Nikila's gaze, looking away from her. "Maybe," he said, guiltily. Then he straightened, looking back at Nikila. He wasn't going to plead or beg for her to be nice to him...he was a Toa of Fire, for Mata-Nui's sake. "Why does it matter?" He asked, glaring back as the room suddenly got hotter. A bottle of cheap whiskey a certain Toa named Plagia had ordered exploded on its way to her mouth.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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