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IC-Jaron:Jaron, in his half-drunken state, took what Nikila said as a challenge. "As if I ever could, eh?" He said, tapping his fingers against the bar. "I can think as strait as any other Toa," He said, and belched again, the smell of alcohol surrounding him. He scowled, and snapped his fingers, burning the excess out of the air."Hmm..." Jaron hmm'ed to himself, thinking, "I think I should take you to meet the team I'm traveling with now. Would you care to join me?" He asked, taking her hand. He tried to get up, but stumbled and fell, Nikila barely holding his face from the ground.

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OOC: I think you're right...seeing as I can't resist it when my girlfriend does that to me in real life, haha.IC-Jaron:Jaron stared helplessly at Nikila, trying to maintain his resolve...and he failed, terribly. Shoulders sagging, he gave in."All right," he groaned, starting to drag her off to the door. "I guess I get to go through the whole process of sobering up again because of you," he said, playfully-angry. He began to walk back to the hospital, still holding her hand.

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OOC: You lucky, lucky creature...OC-Jaron:Jaron let Nikila nestle into him, even though it would make walking somewhat more...awkward. And he was having trouble enough already."Well," he said, "I plan to take you to the hospital to introduce you to the people I've been traveling with, but first I plan to check on one of them." Jaron smiled when he thought of Onuzek. "You'll like him-He's big, friendly, and it's pretty much impossible to get mad at him." Jaron chuckled again, another alcohol-influenced thought coming into his head."Come on, let's head over to the Turaga's hut to find him," Jaron said, walking off while holding onto Nikila.

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IC-Jaron:Jaron looked in the direction Nikila pointed, noticing the larger Toa. "Yep," he said, smiling, "That's him."Jaron walked up to Onuzek, Nikila beside him, noticing the titan trying to kill an equally large lizard-like creature. "Stay here," he said quietly to Nikila, then he ran up. He heated the air beneath Onuzek, creating an updraft just strong enough to lift the Toa of Gravity off of the person he'd been fighting. "Onuzek," he growled, getting angry faster than usual, "What in bloody Karzahni is the meaning of this? What could this...er....lizard have possibly done to you to make you try to kill him?" Jaron activated his mask, while holding up his hand with a flame in it."Care to explain?" He growled at Onuzek, ready to try to subdue the larger Toa.OOC: Yep, Jaron's drunk. He's preparing to fight Onuzek, after all.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: OnuzekHe was surprized at being pulled off Kyju.He looked down at Jaron, everything that made up an intelligent being was gone. Replaced by pure instinct and emotion. An animal like growl escaped him.The massive toa's mask flared briefly, and he raised a claw, preparing to smash Jaron into red and gold goo.OOC: Now is the time to make him see reason.



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IC-Jaron:Jaron hid behind his hau-shield, confident in his ability to deflect Onuzek's crushing blows...though he brought out his other shield just in case. "Onuzek," he said, trying to stay calm, "I think I have a bit of a game we can play. It's called hide and seek. You wanna know how to play? We all go hide at the hospital, talking about what we've done today, while we wait for..." He thought for a moment, and recalled what the lizard's name was. "We wait for Kyju to come and find us, alright?" He lowered his fiery hand, not wanting to threaten Onuzek. "And if he doesn't find us by the time Skyra is better, we win, and you can have another medal!" He smiled at the larger Toa, but still maintaining his defense. "Doesn't that sound like a fun game, Onuzek?"OOC: Will this work?

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IC: Havon - Vakama's Hut -"Rahkshi..." Havon managed slowly, "I found his remains in Le-Wahi, where a huge battle just took place, we won the fight thank Mata Nui, downing three of the awful monsters, but at a high cost. There was...nothing left of him...but bones..." He slowly handed the mask to Vakama. "I don't know how to break this to Skyra...he was determined to find him and get his clue...we're so close to having them all too..."

IC:"If Kapura was killed, then Makuta clearly saw no rationale in keeping him alive any longer," Vakama said. "Whatever secrets he had are now with Makuta; the discovery of these will be next to impossible The Master of Shadows does not part with secrets lightly."


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IC-Jaron:Jaron smiled, he appeared to be getting through to Onuzek. "Yes, Onuzek," He said, daring to lose his shield and hold out his hand to the larger Toa. "I'm Jaron, and I actually found an old friend of mine not too long ago. Would you like to meet her and make a new friend?" Jaron asked, hoping to get Onuzek to calm down."Then, once we're all good and introduced to each other, we can all three of us play hide and seek against Kyju." Jaron whispered to Onuzek then: "I hope he loses, don't you? I mean, he's going to be terrible at this, obviously...but I still want him to lose. And remember, if you win you get another pretty medal," Jaron then stood up, looking at his friend happily. He dragged Nikila over."So, what do you say, Onuzek?" Jaron asked, succeeding to keep calm. "Would you like to meet my friend Nikila?"

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IC: Nikila"Remind me to thank you later for dragging me over to an insane titan," she said to Jaron.IC: Onuzek"A new friend?" he said, still a bit confused.He suddenly remembered who and what he was. His eyes widened. He picked Jaron and Nikila up as if they were made of paper, and ran off to the hospital. He increased Kyju's gravity while doing this, stopping him from following.Once he reached the hospital he set the two toa down, before falling over. He had lost to much blood, and his wounds were taking a toll on him."Onuzek is... sorry." he managed to say.



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IC-Jaron:Jaron smiled at his big friend, patting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Onuzek," he said calmly. "You didn't hurt your friends, and I thank you for that." He pulled out his shield/hoverboard, managing to force it up under the titan. He then started to drag the unconscious Onuzek along, trying to find that one doctor he had spoken to.He looked over at Nikila, and smiled. "Just another day in the job for me, eh?" He said, starting to laugh.

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IC-Jaron:Jaron nodded at Nikila. "Yeah," he said, shrugging, "That's kind of how I felt when I woke up over in Ga-Wahi. I thought it was still December...turns out I was very, very wrong." He stood up, finding himself back near the doctor's room. And, surprisingly enough, Skyra was up and moving around."Skyra," Jaron grunted towards the Toa of Air. "Onuzek is hurt, badly. I'd say we need A doctor, wouldn't you? Is the head doctor here awake yet?"OOC: Last post for the night, guys. It's 1:20 AM here, and I have to be awake and ready for a shower in 5 hours. See ya!

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Morik Brum'WaizMorik 'sat' on the gravity affected area Gravity conjured. Much to his surprise, he could actually sit down for once as he hovered in mid-air, earning him even more strange looks and whispers. A small chuckle escaped from him and turned into a small upward curl of his lip."Thanks. Hopefully you'll be able to sustain it for long." The Akrainid took a final swig of his drink and the raw alcohol in it burned on the way down and in his mouth, causing him to shake his head and open his eyes rapidly as if he hate something really hot."Whew...Anyways, I was kind of curious. You said you woke up on the shore today?"

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----------: IC :----------Glanway chuckled, then said, "Well, I have nothing better to do either. I Just came here because..... well, now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I came here. I guess that I wanted to do something interesting for once. And on the way, I got to see and interesting battle". He pulled out the rahkshi skull from his pack. "I was able to scavenge some of their armor. others did as well"

OOC: Man does this topic move fast.IC: Ekage:"A Rahkshi?!" Ekage said, staring in awe at the beast's skull. " But nobody has seen a Rahksh in years!"
OOC: sorry for the wait.IC:"Yes, It's terrifying! a day or so before the attack, I heard news of another attack in po-koro. strange things are happening, with all these chronicler's company murders and whatnot", glanway said.

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IC:"If Kapura was killed, then Makuta clearly saw no rationale in keeping him alive any longer," Vakama said. "Whatever secrets he had are now with Makuta; the discovery of these will be next to impossible The Master of Shadows does not part with secrets lightly."

IC: Havon"Then...we've failed..." Havon said despairingly. How would they ever get that clue from Makuta himself? Without that clue the puzzle would be forever incomplete. IC: SkyraSkyra looked at Onuzek, Jaron, and some new girl. "Onuzek!" He tried to move a little to quickly, and payed for it, the pain in his abdomen shot up. "Oww.......what...what happened? The doctors are standing right here!" Edited by Snelly

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IC: DurimThe Heat and flame grew more and more as he stepped out of then tunnels. Here they were, their next destination on what seemed to be a trip across the entire island. He really didn't like that very much, but he could deal with it if it meant forming himself a team to make a bit of profit off of. And now here they were..."Well, now we search for potential recruits once again, wouldn't you all agree?"OOC: Toa Ancora from Onu-Wahi?

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IC: Laserbeak + KrayzikkLaserbeak quietly turned to Riaril and said "Miss Riaril? I wanted to apologize. Before I can move on from it, I wanted to apologize for my part in the siege of this hospital. We had been told all non-combatants had been evacuated, and we took that as a fact. We shouldn't have."Krayzikk, on the other hand, had noticed Onuzek and warped over to him, unsteadily. "Xek, you alright?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Onuzek"Oh, hi Krayzikk." the titan said. He was still loosing blood from his wounds and begining to fall unconcious.It had took the combined power of falling 30 meters to the ground, a Rahkshi battle, and a knife weilding Akrainid just to get through his armor.

Edited by Gravity



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IC: JikalJikal shrugged. "I don't know the answer to either of those questions. I blacked out in Ko-Koro, and woke up in Le-Koro with a mark on my shoulder." Jikal shrugged again. "It has it's advantages. Not many, but some. Oh, and a tip? If you ever see my eyes go green, without me telling you, the mark has taken hold." Even now, his eyes could be seen to have a greenish tinge to them.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: JikalJikal nodded. "He went to go operate on somebody after I nearly beat the snot out of him, then he went to comfort somebody, and now he is visiting somebody in one of the hospital rooms. That helpful?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Yeah sorry about my lack of posting, I'm a little busy at the moment with school and all. I'll try to be more active ASAP.IC: Morik Brum'WaizAs always, people keep saying his loss of memory was Makuta's doing, which Morik did believe that t may indeed the case but there's never been an explanation for his mark."Well, would you happen to know anything about people with special marks?"

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IC: JikalJikal quietly stood and retrieved his broadsword. Looking back the way Kitsune and Raion had left, he said silently to himself, "May the next time we meet be under better circumstances." With that, the Toa left the hospital for Ga-Koro, hoping to get away from his deeds there.OOC: Jikal to Ga-Koro



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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