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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

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IC:PearlThe Matoran turned to Krian. "Is that true Mr. Krian?"JozuLuckily Jozu had managed to avoid the flames, using the vines and his mask. He turned to Tuxedo Mask. "I assume that I can thank you for the vines?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC-Aclaraung:"And yet, if all we do is capture and imprison him, he still has a chance to get out. Whereas, if we kill him, he won't have the ability to run around and harm or kill more people, will he?" The dragon scowled."Sometimes death is the best choice. The same with that Skakdi down in Onu-Koro."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC-Aclaraung:"It's a special trait," Acla said dryly. "But answer me this: Would you rather imprison a murderer, possibly even give him parole, giving him a chance to get out, be free, and kill more people, or would you rather kill them to protect the masses?"He frowned. "It's a similar scenario to whether you would kill one person if it would save a thousand. Would you?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Tuxedo Mask - Riaril's Place -"It isn't a Toa's duty to be the judge, jury, and executioner. We will catch Frieza, turn him into the authorities, and allow them to place judgement. If we went around killing those we thought deserved it, not only would that make society fear us, but we'd become no better than the murderers themselves."

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Aclaraung:"I'm saying this for those that deserve death, such as these murderers. There's the possibility that if you took them in to get sentenced, they might attack out of desperation and get killed anyways. You have to learn to make decisions such as this at times. The more dangerous a person is, the less likely they are to come quietly." He snorted. "Sometimes if you don't kill them, they'll kill you."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: VenatorThe Toa of ice sat still against the tree, not asleep as Salamander thought, but deep within his own thoughts, concentrating on a memory, a fragment of his past. Within it, something was wrong. It wasn't as he remembered it... It was as though something had twisted it, warped it into something else. It was the dragon, the small one he had slain in Ta-Koro. His mind didn't show him a dragon, it showed him a rat. He had killed a dragon... he did not know why his memories showed him a rodent in its place.He pushed the oddly chilling memory aside, trying to get back to what he was trying to remember. The being who had caused him so much pain and suffering. The dragon who had killed her. The beast was still out there in the world somewhere... he felt more urgency to find it than ever before... Like something was pulling him towards it.He snapped out of his dreamlike thoughts, wondering to himself what he should do.

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OOC: Of course he's not asleep... :PIC: SalamanderSalamander noted that Venator was awake and walked towards the Toa of Ice, careful to avoid making any more noise than absolutely necessary. He had been distracted by the birds, but now that they were gone he had remembered why it was he had woken up in the first place. Bending down, Salamander spoke in a whisper, although he had no idea why he was doing it at the time. Perhaps the birds had put him on alert for anybody who might be watching him, or maybe he was simply in one of his occasional paranoia bouts. At any rate, he asked his question in a voice quiet enough to barely register as a whisper, and secretively enough to draw the attention of anyone who might be spying on him."Where's the food?"Venator, seemingly in a daze, silently pointed towards the bag he had propped up against a tree. Nodding n thanks, Salamander walked over and found a piece of bread to eat, along with a jar of some sweet-tasting drink that he was unfamiliar with.I don't remember buying anything like this. I'll have to ask Venator where he got it... When Salamander had finished eating, he clapped his hands once as if to wake himself up. The sound, while not quite enough to jolt Venator out of his reverie, did help ease Salamander's anxiety a bit. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that it would be foolish to remain in the clearing any longer.


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OOC: I said in my last post that he was awake... I think. XDIC: VenatorSomething inside his mind was telling him that he should do something, as though something wasn't right. It seemed connected to his memories, to the rodent... dragon. But he just couldn't figure it out. There was no sense in dwelling upon it any longer he supposed, opening his eyes. He had vaguely heard Salamander mention the food, though it didn't really fit into place. He had been distracted at the time.Though the more he thought about it, getting something to eat did not sound like a bad idea... He rose up to his feet with a slight groan, feeling soreness in his knee. It had been bothering him since the fight against Utu all that time ago, but it wasn't important, he could deal with it like he had been.He walked over towards where Salamander was eating, before stopping. "I don't remember that being in the bags..." he commented at the drink Salamander was holding. He must have been father out of it than he thought. Salamader had probably gone to the village to get it.

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OOC: Yeah, but Salamander doesn't know that. Besides, he doesn't really care enough to distinguish between sleeping and lost in thought. :PIC: Salamander"Wait, are you sure? Because I only bought meat, you got everything else."He stared at the drink for a moment, torn between curiosity as to where it came from and the desire to continue drinking it. Eventually, the latter won and he resumed gulping the drink down as quickly as he could. When he was done, he tossed the jar into the bag and started rummaging for something else to eat. By the time he found something that would satisfy his appetite, the sun had begun its ascent into the sky and a warm sea breeze had started blowing through the trees.It was a pleasant place, Ga-Wahi. The temperature was just right, and the beings who resided there were usually quite friendly. However, the clearing where Salamander and Venator had been staying at was nearly the exact opposite. Trees lay across the ground, their interiors often burned beyond recognition. Branches that had broken during Salamander's vicious attacks littered the entire clearing, and the overall atmosphere was one of death and destruction.Salamander had never been one to particularly care for the environment, and even now he didn't really care if the entire forest went up in flames. However, if the rumors he had heard were correct, the Ga-Matoran felt quite differently. It wouldn't be at all surprising if they deemed Salamander to be a threat to the island and would start making attempts to capture him.That is, if he continued to train in the forest clearing. The option to relocate was still present, and seemed more enticing by the moment. But where could he go?A picture of the Charred Forest surfaced in his mind. It may not have been quite as good a location as the Ga-Wahi forest, but at least he wouldn't get into trouble by burning it down. Indeed, he might end up doing the Matoran a favor by doing just that.Definitely can't let that happen..."Venator, what do you say we start heading towards Ta-Wahi? I can continue training on the way there, and we'll be close enough to Ta-Koro to easily gather information on Utu. That is, if Tuara has returned by now..."The mention of Utu reminded Salamander of the murderous Toa of Ice he had met and fought during his travels. No, not Venator. He was a cool dude. Utu... Salamander instinctively disliked the other Toa, almost as if they were eternally fated to oppose each other. Even during that time in Ko-Wahi when they both had something to gain, Utu refused to work together with Salamander. Of course, if he had been in Utu's position Salamander would have done the same thing.Utu... I hope you are doing well, because I want you to suffer as much as possible when watching all of your schemes fall to pieces as I burn you alive.A savage smile covered his face for the first time in what felt like months. Salamander was looking forward to that day.


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IC(Tajeh): Tajeh walked the streets, looking for something heroic to do, something to kick-start his war on evil. So far, all he manged was helping a family of Dermis Turtles back into Naho Bay and finding a Ta-Matoran's lost knife. It didn't matter to Tajeh however, just looking like a hero and helping others put him on top of the island. He felt number one, invincible, all-powerful. As he was walking, he passed by an inn. There was nothing real special about this one, but it seemed like a good place to find someone seeking a hero. With his head held high, he chest puffed out and his spear at his side, he walked through the entrance.


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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk observed the beings without a word. He removed the armor covering his left forearm to get a better look at his burns.IC: Brukin"Killing should only be considered when every other option has been exhausted." Brukin commented. "Otherwise you are little better than the one you killed."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: VenatorThe Toa of ice shrugged slightly. "I see no reason to oppose to travel towards Ta-Koro." He commented as he ate whatever was in the bag. He was wondering what exactly it was that Salamander was drinking. He himself had only gotten water. Anything beyond that was unnecessary, you didn't need anything but water to survive. Food was a little more diverse, but he had made certain to get an assortment of foods optimal for health... but Salamander had eaten all of the bread. He thought about complaining, but decided against it. It wasn't really all that important anyway.Then a somewhat sickening thought crossed his mind. "Salamander, what did you do with the blood from the meat, or was it already cooked?" The thought that the drink Salamander had drunken was blood stuck in his mind.

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OOC: :superfunny:IC: Salamander"It was cooked. I didn't want it going bad, and actually planned on eating it later that day anyway. Of course, I got a bit distracted and forgot about it, but it still tasted fine."Salamander picked up one of the two bags and started walking in the general direction of Ga-Wahi."Then let's go. I'd like to get there as soon as possible..."OOC: I propose that we call this mysterious drink MANA JUICE (caps necessary). It appears without warning, lingering only long enough to revitalize the minds, bodies, and powers of those who drink it.


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OOC: It was the part about the blood, wasn't it? XDIC: VenatorThe Toa of ice lifted up the second bag and followed after Salamander. They were heading into a land of inferno, and he wasn't fond of the idea really. But, that was the best place to look for monstrous creatures.... such as his current target, the reason he needed to keep moving. Sometimes he wondered if he was becoming more like the creatures he hunted, singleminded and destructive. He hadn't tried to help anyone, protect anyone at all for a while... it had all been hunting after dragons, and now working to keep Salamander under control. It was a little depressing really.Then there was the memory, it didn't add up correctly. Nothing seemed right about it. His head was really messing with him. But he could live through it, a simple memory was not all that important.. but he wondered why it haunted him, seemed more important than it really was. A headache was echoing in his mind, but it wasn't very important.OOC: OfrVenator could have forgotten he bought it. XD The name makes it sound alcoholic. XD

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OOC: No, the part where Salamander may have unknowingly drank it. Blood has too unique of a flavor to not recognize. :PPerhaps he did. That was exactly what I was aiming for. It's essentially an alcohol without the alcohol. Truly a drunkard's dream...IC: SalamanderSalamander walked through the trees, his footsteps startling a family of small Rahi and causing them to flee in terror. He stopped to watch as they vanished into the underbrush, resuming his trek once they had disappeared. Venator, trailing behind as always, seemed to not notice what was going on around him. Indeed, the Toa of Ice had seemed strange all day, as if he was disconnected from the rest of the world.None of my business.Despite this, Salamander couldn't help but be slightly curious as to the cause of Venator's silence. In all the time he had known Venator (which thankfully had not been very long), he had never seen the Toa of Ice so quiet. Usually his mouth was flapping open, spewing out all sort of nonsense. Today however... There was nothing.None of my business, none of my business. It's none of my business...


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IC:Jozu"Me? I've been traveling the island for a while, and just happened to notice a person in need of assistance." Jozu replied, shrugging. "While we're on the topic, where exactly did you come from?"Pearl"Oh, sorry." Pearl offered a sheepish glance at Mimira. "I'm not used to sharing a room. I lived all by myself for a long time so..."

Edited by 'Da Boss: BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: I know, but Venator wouldn't know that... he doesn't drink blood. XDBrilliant.Also... something may or may not be wrong with Venator. And I may or may not be using my medical knowledge for this.IC: VenatorSalamander had noticed the oddness of his silence. It was indeed odd for Venator to be so Quiet. But he was not feeling as well as normal. His head was hurting and his memories seemed strange. He wasn't going to say anything about it, it wasn't anything of major importance. He just didn't really feel up to having a conversation at the time. He felt less talkative, and more along the lines of being somewhat sick to his stomach. He guessed it was probably just what he had eaten.So in silence, he followed after Salamander, not having anything to say, only wishing the pain in his head would let up. The light seemed unpleasantly bright today... he wasn't sure why.

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OOC: Salamander may or may not think that fire can burn away illnesses. :evilgrin:IC: SalamanderSalamander continued walking, pretending to ignore Venator's steadily decreasing walking speed. By the time the two had reached the base of Mount Ihu, the sun had nearly disappeared beyond the horizon.We're not traveling as fast as I would have liked, but there's no helping it. Venator is probably walking slow on purpose in order to lure me into trying to make a break for it. Well, a pathetic trick like that won't work on me!Fortunately, Salamander had taken the time to train a bit while waiting for Venator to catch up. It had been tough, but he felt as if was making steady progress towards acquiring some more techniques in addition to the ones he had already learned.OOC: He's seriously paranoid at times...Oh, and because I hate writing up training sequence after training sequence, I'll be doing these offscreen training sessions for a little while. :P


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IC: VenatorAs the two reached the base of the mountain, Venator walked aside into some bushes. the sickness of his stomach made him feel as though he and his lunch were parting ways. He walked back towards the Toa of fire, wincing slightly from his headache. His ears had started ringing slightly, but it was nothing to concern him. It was probably from his headache, like the light being brighter had been. And his sickness was obviously just connected to the food he had eaten."I don't think he should continue this night, I believe we... should stop here."

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Ic: Kakaru“Dancing on the rooftops.” Kakaru put both hands down on the table; forcefully but silent. “I suppose we may. Adventure, I get it. I used to be an adventurer like you. And yet–”He paused. He would have liked to make an excuse about a crippling injury keeping him out of the game, but the truth was that he had changed. In five month’s time, the infectious lifestyle of the Ga-Matoran had calmed him, and although he may have become more reclusive, he had also learned to appreciate what little contact he had with others in the simple life he led.A part of him still yearned for the mercenary life, living off the land and going day-to-day, scavenging whatever he could find. But through his entire life he had ingrained a strong survival instinct. If you find a way of life that keeps you alive, you never leave it.And yet.There was something about these two. Something that said that anyone who would still honor a commitment five months after they were obligated to could be trusted.“I still am an adventurer.” He carefully picked his sword up off the wall where it had hung, untouched and unused. He gave it a couple practice swings.“Count me in.”

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IC: Gravity"Seriously, man?" I asked. "Yeah, that would be awesome."I stood up from the chair, wincing a bit as the sudden movement cause my back to flare up again.IC: EmbokThe Toa of Plasma spoke up, not having said a word during the entire encounter. "We should leave, and take this conversation elsewhere."Embok was standing outside of the hut, watching the beings.IC: Nei"That was so cool!"



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IC: BrukinBrukin folded his arms. "Oh, I see how it is. I see how it is. The instant a dragon comes along everybody forgets about poor Brukin." Under his helm, Brukin was smirking.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hound, Ga-KoroHound nodded before exiting the bar, his massive frame stepping around and past the many entering and leaving beings. As he made his way down the streets, he nodded at the many beings who smiled and waved at him.Soon, Hound crossed a few lilipads, ending up on a small island, only fifty paces or so wide. It was made entirely of sand, except for a few feet of dirt in the center. Walking to the far side of the Island, Hound took up a horse-stance like stand. Nodding at Gravity, he began to flex his hands, ready to counterattack and defend himself. "Let's see what you've got."


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IC: Hound, Ga-WahiHound moved almost impossibly fast as he stepped to the side, letting the punch go flying past his head. When the first roundhouse kick came, he ducked down, ducked down, letting it fly over his head. However, when the second came, his hands shot foward, grabbing the leg and pushing it up into the air.


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IC: GravityMy eyes widened in momentary suprize as Hound burst out of the water. I couldn't even land a hit on this guy! The other way around, though, not so much. Two of his blows landed before I could swing away from him. I leaned out of the way of the third, and before Hound could react, I had grabbed onto his arm with one of my tentacles. I didn't try and pull him, though, but insead I pulled myself towards him. I used the fowards movement to enhance a punch aimed him.OOC: Sorta auto-hitty.... Kinda...



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