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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Hound, Ga-KoroA careful and observant watcher would note the tiny grin growing on Hound's face. "No, not quite yet. I suggest you watch closely." He said calmly.IC: Hajia & Yant, Ga-Koro Milliseconds before Yant's gigantic fist slammed into her, Hajia revealed her consiousness, rolling to the side. Yant howled in pain and anger as his fist smash into the stone. With cat-like quickness and precision, Hajia's fists repeatedly slammed into Yant's arm, once again using her knowledge of pressure points to render it momentarily useless. Flipping backwards, She kicked directly into Yant's chest, sending him to the ground in one quick stroke. As he fell, Hajia slammed his head against one of the metal poles, rendering him unconsious. The Toa of Sonics announced her as the winner, and she raised her arms in exceptance of the crowd's praise. As soon as she was done, Wilnoth showed her back to her seat. "Two more matches, and then it's your turn, Gravity." He said hurriedly, before rushing off to attend to other matters.OOC: I almost wrote Wilnoth saying "LIVATIONS FOR EVERYBODY!" :P Zeus in Bionicle form, indeed.


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IC: Hajia, Ga-Koro"My arm hurts," She said, motioning to the badly bruised limb. "But other than that, I'm okay. Thanks, though." She said, smiling and once again beginning to hold his hand. It was interesting, to say the least, to see someone display such fighting skill one minute, and then such affection the next.


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OOC: Oh, Krayzikk, my wonderful manly, muscular titan you... I must go. The grant programmer deigns it so... With any luck, you'll renovate my house with the bones of those who broke the front door... And I hope you remember this breakfast we shared.. With the utmost fondness... *sobs*IC: Riaril (sniffle)Krayzikk's call for Riaril to hide was wasted. Something bizarre had occured. Something so horribly zany had gone awry. As the door blew open, one of the bolt had whizzed past the titan's head, flung itself innocently across the room, and penetrated through Riaril's eye. It sunk deep, burying into her brain like a worm, gnawing its infectious iron self to the back of her skull. Such was the force of the blow against the door. She was slumped, her body lost to the world. Riaril could see the irony in her death as a spectator. She had died of something so innocent. The perfect way for someone who'd spent her life devoted to healing to pass in crossfire. The curtains billowed slightly in the fragrant wind. The house creaking in tempo with the waves. She was prone, lain across the small stone railing around the hole in the floor. She had moved on to the fields of Arhtaka. Riaril had died, her one eye boring into the back of her newfound love: Krayzikk.

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OOC: Hmm. Looks like it's time for insane, vengeful Krayzikk again. IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk turned, and saw Riaril. Dead. Krayzikk stared. "No. No. It can't be. NO!" Krayzikk whirled, his heart and mind filled with anger and grief. Over the course of a week, everything had been taken from him. His teacher had become a pirate, and the one he loved had perished. He had failed in his task of protecting her.He warped out the door, and watched the group of Toa turn the corner. Insane with rage, he followed them.**************************Suddenly, the door to the inn the group of Toa currently occupied flew inward off it's hinges. Brukin stood quickly. Krayzikk stood in the doorway. "What are you doing her-"Brukin was cut off as Krayzikk tackled him with a roar.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk threw Brukin against the wall, and a loud crunch echoed through the room. His head swiveled to look at TM, and he advanced on the Toa of Plantlife. "YOUR FAULT! YOUR FAULT SHE'S DEAD!"Madness and sorrow danced in the Titan's eyes. Gone was the polite being TM had spoken with a short time ago, now replaced by a creature bent on vengeance.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: [Treize/The Fourth/The Third]AAs the group entered the restaurant, they were promptly set upon by the third of the Jaliax Sisters, creatively named Jaliax the Third, or just Three, because according to the RPer in control of these characters, 'the Third' was a pain to write, and he forgot he could just give them the names in different languages, but then it'd lead to The Seventh being named Septimus as well, and he already had a character named Septimus.But anyway ..."Hi Thirteen! Hi Four! Hi Random Matoran of Fire!"Treize smiled. "Hey Three, how have you been?""Rather fine thanks," she replied. "It's been rather fun being a chef here. I like my cooking skills. Also, did you know that Kikanalo is healthier than Kane-Ra? I prefer Kane-Ra though, it's tastier. It also gives one more energy. And more energy means that one can cook even-"The Fourth slowly moved a hand to her older sister's mouth, stopping her from continuing to go on with the random tangent. The Toa of Water sighed as she waited for her sister to calm down, before pulling her hand away."Yes we know. By the way, where's Five?"

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IC(Tajeh): Tajeh arrived at Hound's hut, but was unsure if he should knock or not. "I...I think I'll just wait outside.." he told himself, sitting beside the front door of the hut. He laid his spear besides him, his shield on his lap and slept.


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OOC: Wut da....?IC: EmbokBefore Krayzikk could get any closer to the Toa of Plantlife, Embok placed himself between the two."Stop!" he said, his voice piercing through the sounds of broken wood and stone. "What is the meaning of this?"IC: NeiThe Ga-Matoran lay stunned on the floor of the Inn. Her right arm was twisted at an odd angle, and blood was flowing out a large wound on her leg.Nei had been on Brukin when Krayzikk had slammed into him, breaking her arm. Her leg had been cut when the titan threw the Toa of Iron into the wall. She had just barely managed to keep herself from being flattened between the wall and Toa.



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IC: Tuxedo Mask - Inn, Ga-koro -"What!?" Tuxedo Mask said in surprise, quickly standing up and getting into a defensive posture. Tuxedo Mask saw how Nei had been hurt, this had to stop now. "You need to calm down sir, someone has already been hurt."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk looked at Embok, before looking back to TM. "YOUR FAULT!" He howled. "YOUR FAULT SHE'S DEAD!" Krrayzikk warped past Embok, taking a wild swing at TM. "YOUR FAULT!" If Krayzikk had even noticed Nei's injuries, he didn't show any sign of it.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:JozuJozu sped towards Nei, gently picking up the injured Matoran and creating a shield of Diamonds that separated him from the rest of the fight, ensuring that the small Matoran would be safe. "Are you alright little one?" he asked, trying to keep from touching one of her wounds.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk swung again. "RIARIL! YOU KILLED HER!" Krayzikk attacked, attacked, and attacked again in a barrage of blows. At this point, he didn't care if any of his blows connected or not.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Krayzikk"YOU BROKE THROUGH THE DOOR! IF YOU WEREN'T THERE, I COULD HAVE PROTECTED HER!" Krayzikk kept swinging. Brukin slowly stood. He had been stunned when Krayzikk threw him against the wall. He saw Nei, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hound & Hajia, Ga-Koro"He's not alone, either." Hound replied, motioning to a row of seats in another corner of the arena.Yant, still unconsious, was sprawled out between Xerxes and Vindin, who were both watching Hajia, their eyes now full of fear, not violent thoughts.Hajia, who had yet to notice this, cracked a smile. The two's eyes grew wider.


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IC:Jozu"Oh, well..." Jozu quickly sped over to a nearby table and grabbed a tablecloth, before speeding back to Nei. He quickly fashioned a harness out of the tablecloth, and attempted to get the Matoran to climb into it, so he could carry her on his back out of harms way.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: NeiThe Ga-Matoran half fell, half limped into the make-shift harness. She was almost unconscious by now.IC: EmbokThe Toa of Plasma, determined not to let anyone else get hurt, stepped inbetween Krayzikk and TM again. He may not have had a Calix like TM, but he still managed to dodge the titan's blows. "Stop! There are better ways to resolve this!""Fighting will get you nowhere!"It was probably the closest he had gotten to shouting in a long time.IC: GravityI grinned, they seemed a bit afraid of the Toa of Water now. "I bet they don't feel so good right about now..." I commented.



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IC: Krayzikk"THEY KILLED HER!" Krayzikk howled. His attack was cut off in short order by Brukin's fist crashing into his face. Swiftly, the Toa grabbed the Titan and threw him against the wall. Brukin stared at him. "No one else is getting hurt. Stay down."Krayzikk hauled himself to his feet, staggering. "You killed her."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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