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IC- VerakThe toa of stone waved from his steel prison at Ankt and the others, giving the toa of oil a thumbs up. He would love to see Ankt beat the living daylights out of this electricity toa. When you can't fight, he thought, get others to.The worst part of it, actually, was the ice around his mouth. Not being able to talk is obnoxious when you have so much to say. Not to mention his small breathing holes which were constantly filled with melted ice and humidity. He had swallowed a lot more water than he wanted too, and some sort of awful taste had built up in the back of his throat, which he couldn't spit it out with the ice mask over his head.He continued to chip at the melting ice and watched recruits walk by his cage - a new ornament of sort adorning the spot just inside the gates of the Koro. He was still waiting to get let out, although he had to admit- jail was much more fun when you had a clear view at the village, it's inhabitants, and defenses. Of course, the information was being overshadowed by this exciting drama taking place here.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC:Skaarn's eyes followed the Toa as he flew into the air and landed with a light thud behind him. Skaarn grinned. The Toa must have thought that he could dodge Skaarn's Rhotuka. Obviously, the Toa didn't know much about Rhotuka.Without turning around Skaarn let go the Rhotuka behind his back, and his used mind to send it flying at the Toa behind him. Skaarn took the moment to look at the golden sword. He realized it was nothing more than polished bronze. Not worthless, although nearly so. Wait. There was something etched on it. Skaarn strained his eyes to figure out what was spelled.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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The Toa chuckled. "Oh don't be a stick in the mud." Ankt said, rolling his eyes. "We'll be careful to not break anything, or anyone. And watch the language little boy. It's quite rude."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Leah nodde, then snapped her fingers, as she had an idea."How about, you stay at my place for the night, or as long as you need until you have your rations, and we can set out to wherever that thingy is you are looking for. What do you think?"Her voice sounded as if they were talking about going for a long walk, instead of a quite dangerous quest. Which was Leah's intention. She didn't want to make her mark in this story as the one who unwittingly talked about secret stones in the middle of a village.




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OOC: How your post fit into this, I have no idea. But it does.IC: AxeronAxeron himself had not been paying attention to anything - had he been in a situation where he was, he would have known the person was eavesdropping there too, although to what, he didn't know."Eavesdropping, are we?" came a voice behind Axeron, who turned to look at this new arrival. "Me too." smiled Kohu, walking over to a tree stump that reached all the way up to his chest and hopped up to sit on it, swinging his legs and cocking his head like a curious child. "Name's Kohu. Sorry if I startled you, it's the green. I tend to blend in with this place, and I like it. Kind of like a ground version of Le-Koro in a way. Anyway, I don't believe we've met, what's your name?""My name? Axeron. So, Kohu, you're from Le-Koro?"

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Corciano"Yes, I am," he said in reply. "And I guess that you're the main act, the famous Windriders?"
IC: Makani grinned, "That's us!"The two then turned to see a group of three Le-Matoran walk up to them. The leader what an all-green Matoran wearing a great Mahiki. To his right stood a teal and yellow-green Matoan wearing a noble Komau, and to his left stood a teal and yellow-green Matoran with a transparent Kaukau. "Are you Corciano?" asked the green Matoran in the center.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Canteen, trail mix, dried veggies, jerky. I pick some out of each and put them in the pack. This might be my last chance to stock. My hut's defenses are losing effect without me. And by itself, some of the stuffs will spoil in a few weeks. I gotta fill up while I can. Those matoran won't feed themselves.I've tossed Daylah's letters. I don't have the time anymore to even look at them. They're just taking up space in my pack that could be used for food. I think I can remember her without them okay. So I can max rations.One last canteen. Then I fit the pack on and jump out the door.Moving down, sounds...Calm. Weird kinda calm. Feels like something's looking at me. I don't slow, just keep watch as usual. Can't let whatever know I'm onta it.I catch a glint of armor in the undergrowth last jump. I land in my roll, but flip my body at the last sec so I move in the other direction. A stinger flies outta the brush and hits the ground where I was a little bit ago.Number-one. Strong, fast. Stinger, claws. Threat level: Moderate.I spring up and unsheath the prosthetic. Pull out the polearm. Whirl....It's suffocating. Dark. Wet. Exit.I push up. Eyes blink a little in the mess. Can't get any of it in 'em.Another push. I see daylight. Fading.I toss out the rahkstaff. Reach over to a root and pull. I slide out from under, then turn and punch again.The infected nui-jaga's dead. I rip off what's left of the kanohi. Then I wipe my weapons, sheath them, and grab it. Food. I'll bring it back.Infected -> Meat, bit of coat lost. Casualties: Infected -jaga.I start hauling. It's a bit back. Gotta move before sunset.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Corciano"Yes, I am," he said in reply. "And I guess that you're the main act, the famous Windriders?"
IC: Makani grinned, "That's us!"The two then turned to see a group of three Le-Matoran walk up to them. The leader what an all-green Matoran wearing a great Mahiki. To his right stood a teal and yellow-green Matoan wearing a noble Komau, and to his left stood a teal and yellow-green Matoran with a transparent Kaukau."Are you Corciano?" asked the green Matoran in the center.
IC Corciano"Yes, I am," he said in reply to the green matoran. "And your names, if you would be so kind? It is a pleasure to meet you."
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IC:Soulgain leaned back against a tree, staring at the cloudy blue sky. It was a relaxing feeling for the strange Toa of Plasma, and the feeling calmed its chaotic mind for a bit. Such a feeling also allowed it to ponder on the events that had occurred recently, such as the kidnapping of Salvinn the Vortixx an hour or so prior. It had not interfered, merely watching as the kidnapper left, with the Vortixx's Matoran friend quickly following.It had been an amusing event, but not one of any importance.As it pondered, something reacted within the Toa, an urge seemingly wanting to drag it somewhere. Quickly composing itself, Soulgain wondered why the feeling was so familiar, and soon began to scour through its memories for the reasons why. Soon enough, it remembered where it had felt the feeling before, and a smirk flashed across its face before disappearing."So you have arrived," it whispered.

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IC: "I see small-gain to do so, as great-chance you'll think-drop them anyway," said the Le-Matoran in the center, not in a snarky way, but in a playful but honest manner. "We're the show-runners. Managers, as other cultures would name them. We want to go over the performance time-board, get your makeup on, and do a practice run of your song. If that's lot-whelming, then we can play music later"Corciano followed the three Matoran to a covered area behind the stage. There were simple walls, the floor was just the ground from outside. There were a lot of pictures on the walls, all depicting the musicians in the Windrider band. Surprisingly, the environment was slightly calmer in here than on stage. It seemed like everyone here knew exactly what to do, and were just waiting for the opportunity to do it. A vibrantly-dressed Le-Matoran approached the group."Hi Corciano, you can name me Ngangahau. My duty is to make sure you look, sound, and feel your best," the Le-Matoran said so quickly that even the Le-Matoran behind Corciano had trouble understanding, "Let's start with 'look'".Corciano didn't even have time to respond before he was dragged to the next room, leaving his belongings next to the three managers. "Worry not!" said the Kaukau-wearing yellow-green and teal Le-Matoran, "We have lockers to quick-move all of these vital-items!"OOC: Fair warning, you're literally going to be dragged through much of this process, such is show business. Enjoy the ride!

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC- LakiThe Le-Matoran waved to the ticket salesman. He'd been past here a lot. Bought tickets a very long time ago, too. But he was working on his old job, what he would have been doing if he wasn't fulfilling his destiny: building the stage the Windriders were to perform on.An old friend tossed Laki some building materials and quickly pointed out the bits of construction that still needed to be set up- mainly banners and bits of the stage now. Laki smiled and went to set up chairs along the edges of the concert platform, feeling happy as he did so.Laki was home. No matter what he tried to tell himself about Destiny or Duty to the ILS, this was home. It was part of him. His soul belonged here, and the birds and the trees and the horde of fellow Le-Matoran just resounded with him on some deep, primal level. He felt happy here, like every part of him was whole. He hadn't even noticed what was missing in Pala-Koro.What am I thinking? he thought to himself. My Destiny is saving the island with the ILS! Laki tried to convince himself this was just normal, that he was just homesick, but it didn't change the fact- he didn't love the Island Liberation Squad like he loved Le-Koro.He pushed the thoughts aside for later. He had work to do.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC (Avya) [Pala-koro]Well, I hadn't exactly been expecting to see a battle the moment I joined the ILS, but there you go. Wasn't much of a fight- the guy who started it had quickly been incaracerated, leaving me with not much to do. For being the dominant force for good on the island, the ILS had little in the way of planning. I'd signed up, yeah, but now what did I do?Plagia had told me I could claim a space in the barracks, so I figured that was a start, at least. Hasil wasn't around, not that I could see, but that hadn't stopped him from popping up out of nowhere before. I started walking towards the barracks; I'd probably run into him sooner or later.

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Ic: Stannis shook his head as he wisely opted out of Leah's offer. "It's too small," he countered, though he had another reason. A nonchalant glance around him allowed him freedom of speech for a moment. "The time for inns and civilized living quarters has passed, and the more people stacked into a small hut will just create a tabloid stir. We will be camped outside of the village." The sound of civilian footsteps in the area brought his speech back to clandestine methods. "Gather what supplies you need for the hike. We'll be around when you're ready."And one more thing," he said. "I need new spears. Where does the Force get their straightest shafts?""There's a shop down a few--""Not market items, boughs," Stannis clarified. "I make my own weapons."

Edited by EmperorWhenua
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IC: Plagia Simul - Pala-Koro


IC: Jomar
IC: Mevi"Our members gain the benefits of shared resources and protection from this team," Mevi said to Kiron. "In return, each of us also help protect the populace and each other from Makuta's threat." Her uncovered eye could be seen to gain a hardened gaze. "Excuse me."The Ta-Matoran walked over towards where Ankt, Plagia and the others were still standing. Suddenly she felt very small amongst all the Toa, but as a Guard of Ta-Koro she would not back down. She had seen worse than a petty argument and lived."No duels," she said, with ice-cold intent that rivaled a Ko-Matoran. "No more smack-talk or thinly veiled threats. There is no time or place here for arrogance, in-fighting, quarrels or ridiculous pride. So long as you are in view of this Koro, you will abide by its rules; one of which is: You must not cause harm to this squad or its members. A duel, however lighthearted, only serves to state an unfortunate example. I will not stand for it."Mevi locked eyes with Ankt, sizing up the Toa not because she planned to fight him, but for what little intimidation factor it might add."You will direct your offense towards our common enemy - Makuta - or you will keep your weapons and powers to yourself. Disruptive people have been tossed out of this place before." Edited by Katuko
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IC: Kiron and Sulkua"Tha..." the Matoran strode off to deal with some arguing members. But that was not the only reason he stopped. Just comingg down the path was Sulkua.Sulkua spotted Kiron and strode up to him."Sulkua! Looks like you're fine. I thought something happened when the connection was cut off,"Kiron said, referring to the shattered communications crystal."It was alright, nothing bad happened," Sulkua said, implying that Makuta <i>had<i/> seent agents again."So this is the ILS? Looks quite okay.""Yep. I was considering whether or not join-" Kiron stopped when he remembered Sulkua 's advice to be suspicious of everything, and suddenly looked guilty.To his surprise, the normally stoical Sulkua laughed."This is an exception. I'm thinking we should join. They seem genuine in their aim, even if their leader is rumoured not to be,"Sulkua said.

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OOC:Here JL, this may help. :)

IC: Mevi"If you are looking to join as well, then you really just need to sign your name on the roster by the main hut. Make especially sure to read the rules, though; we had some trouble with that just a few minutes ago, if you noticed. People going around picking fights... not a good idea."Mevi used her spear to point towards the headquarters near the center of the village."Our leader and his deputies are currently in a meeting, but I'm sure they'd like to exchange a few words with any new members."
IC:KironKiron excused himself and walked to Slade."If you're looking to signup write your name at the rooster by the main hut and read the rules. At least, some guard told me that," hetold Slade. Edited by Norik Ta Hagah
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IC: Jomar"We don't :censored: care about what you think we are," Jomar retorted. "In the Kumu Islets, the rules follow you (OOC: Soviet Russia joke!!!), but not here. Here, you follow the rules, and if you don't, well, bad things happen. So if you want to stay here unharmed, I suggest that you follow the :censored: riles. Capisce?"

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IC: A tall red and blue Toa walked up to the argument between Ankt and Jomar. "Break it up, both of you. What is going on here?" His face showed no emotion, as his faceplate blocked his mouth and all the expression anyone could see came from his calm, blue eyes. He had been staying in the area of Pala-Koro for a long time, watching the activities there.


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IC: Jomar"Uh, signore, may you be so kind as to introduce yourself? Jomar Kyrae at your service, it you're asking for my name. This toa of 'Oil' here is trying to instigate a duel despite repeated attempts by the ILS to inform him of the rules. but the threat level should be pretty low now; I was just telling him off for calling us 'killjoys' who enjoy stopping violence."

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IC: Slate"Not really, Tahuva Pyro, It's mine," Slate said as he smiled, a tiny bit of past insanity creeping in. And then, to Jomar and Ankt, "I'm sure that we all love a fight. In fact, many of us probably want to prove our worth to some person we don't know of yet by fighting against Rahkshi and taking them down. Unfortunately, the truth is, that doesn't happen - not all the time. But scuffles happen. The second last time that happened to me......"He turned back towards Optimus, and smiled."And how are you a killjoy? You stop fights by fighting. You call yourself liberators, and yet you yourself fight. Is that true, or is it that you don't know what you're truly doing? Just doing your job, because someone said its good, and you wanted to play hero. But the truth is.....nothing is true. "He laughed, and then swung his shield."But, should a fight break out...I am sure we would want to be outside the village, right? After all, we wouldn't want to damage anything with sheer power, do we....."

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: Slate"And how are you a killjoy? You stop fights by fighting. You call yourself liberators, and yet you yourself fight. Is that true, or is it that you don't know what you're truly doing? Just doing your job, because someone said its good, and you wanted to play hero. But the truth is.....nothing is true. "
IC: Mevi"Of course we fight to free ourselves from the shadows, but amongst ourselves: We do. Not. Fight. Is that clear to everyone?" Mevi said, more than a trace of anger in her voice. "Monsters, madmen, marauders and murderers run rampant on the island, and here we are quarreling amongst ourselves. It's almost like you don't even see the grim truth of what we are facing, but I and anyone else who fought to destroy that Nui-Rama hive know exactly what forces we must recon to deal with. We need every warrior we can get, and if two of you end up eliminating each other somehow, then it's just a senseless waste that leaves the rest of all more weak."
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IC: Kohu"I am indeed. I was in the Gukko Force back in the day. You remember that battle at the Rama Hive? I was there." the Matoran replied, choosing not to mention his friend being stabbed straight through the chest with a Rahkshi staff. "I decided to stay here because here I'm fighting for and against something rather than just standing around on guard duty all day.""How about you, Axeron? I guess you have a more exciting past since well, y'know, you're a Toa. And, uh, stuff."

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OOC: That was the first time I said it today, and I forgot about the filter. I'll change it.IC: Detective

OOC: Timeskip sorta thing

IC: AkreeAkree sat against a wall. "I'm bored!" he shouted to The Detective. "We've been working on this case-thing for the last eleven days and found no evidence whatsoever! Maybe we should leave stuff like this to the professionals."

"AAGH!!!" he screamed. "This is impossible! There are no leads whatsoever! It's like that she just disappeared from the island altogether!!!"
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