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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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But I thought Alcohol was flammable, and that the cloth was in the bottle and therefore soaked in alcohol?

OOC: Alcohol and gasoline and similar fluids burn, but in order to ignite it you can't just stick a match into it, because that is still too liquid. It is the vapor that burns, and of course the more pure alcohol you have the easier it becomes vapor. Molotov cocktails work by stuffing half of a soaked rag into the bottle filled with gasoline and motor oil, light it, then throw, as you all know.

In action, the wick is lit and the bottle hurled at a target such as a vehicle or fortification. When the bottle smashes on impact, the ensuing cloud of petrol droplets and vapour ignites, causing an immediate fireball followed by a raging fire as the remainder of the fuel is consumed.

A tank full of gasoline can also ignite from just a match, but that is because there is vapor above the surface. If there weren't, I think dipping the match into the liquid would just put it out before anything got hot enough to burn. Don't quote me on that, however.I would think you can ignite alcohol with heat/laser vision, though, since that is not dependent on vapor or flame. You just heat the stuff in an instant so that it self-ignites. You can not, however, just stuff a rag in the bottle and use it as a timed fuse.When it comes to team divisions, I will use the term "strike team" for the inside job, and from the earlier discussion here I would say "advance team" refers to the Ko/Ta-group that will be going in next to the hive (but not inside) with their explosive fruit. Then we have the Gukko force and other flyers, plus at least one more group on foot. That is the one I want Vompran to be part of. Amerikos can go with the Ko/Ta people, I guess. I should draw a chart of all this. :lol:IC: Madrihk"If your makeshift fire bombs can work without igniting the entire region, sure, use them. I'd advice against it, though, if you don't know exactly what you are doing. I don't want to see any of our ground members on fire because one flyer can't aim his throw properly."
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OOC: Ah, okay. I just said Kahlynn was hallucinating due to the alcohol he drank earlier :P But I guess I could throw a bottle in the air and shoot it, but I probably won't due to the unpredictable nature of it, as Madrihk said.IC:"You're part of it." Trakuda told him from his seat in the shadows. His tone suggested a smirk, but his face could not be seen.

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IC: "Owe you? If you want a free drink the next time we travel-pass and inn, all you do-need is nice-ask. But I certainly not-owe you." Sisk replied, but had to chuckle again right after. Of all the things he could imagine Lashev to be worried about, this was something he wouldn't have anticipated in his wildest dreams. The Staff Sergeant noticed Lans and Verdi being approached by a messenger. He looked at Lashev and motioned for him to follow. The towo walked over to where the other two Matoran were standing. Sisk could guess what the messenger had talked to Lans about. "We shouldn't keep the Captain long-waiting." he said to Lans, nodding his head in the direction of the large 'Gukko-hangar' entrance.




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IC: The pair of Skakdi made their way to a newsstand across the square - it seemed to Iraanus as good a place as any to get information on the whereabouts of the bar. The Matoran at the stand looked up at them with mild interest. "What can I help you with?"Iraanus skimmed the front page of a newspaper idly. Mata Nui Daily. Seemed to be filled with nothing but deaths and disappearances. Great reading material for your first week on the island. "We need directions to a bar," he told the Matoran. "The Flightless Kahu. Heard of it?"A dark look spread across the Matoran's face. He pulled out a map and pointed to a spot. "It's here," he said. "I could mark how exactly to get there, but, if you don't mind my asking...why do you want to go there?"Normally, Iraanus would have told the Matoran in no uncertain terms that it was exactly none of his business why he wanted to go there, but something in the being's face changed his mind. "We're looking for the bartender. Lerakus, I think?" He shrugged. "Now, how do we get there?"The Matoran shook his head. "Telling you that would be pointless." He folded up the map and replaced it before explaining himself. "Lerakus is dead. They found his body not long ago. Arrow straight through the heart."Whatever Iraanus had expected, it wasn't that, but he quickly regained his composure. "Well, that's...inconvenient." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Thanks for your time, at least."As the pair of Skakdi departed, Iraanus turned to Rhow, an eyebrow raised. "Dropping like flies, aren't they?"


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IC-Unari:Unari sighed, looking about the Bright-Star inn. Ryllia had left, Geriam was dead, and now running it was left up to him. He quickly set about fixing the room after the battle that had nearly occurred, along with checking the inventory.


Unari smiled, looking down in the wine cellar. Light Ga-Wahi whites, a few musky Po-Koro darks...perfect. He stepped up, before moving to the whiskey storage. He smiled, pulling out a special bottle. "Mmm," he moaned happily, "A nice Onu-Wahi vintage...very good." He quickly did a check of the various whiskeys, liquors, and other spirits, before checking the brew kegs.

"Uh-huh, there's the home-brew," he muttered, pointing to a rack of kegs he had. "There's the cider, straight from the trees outside...looks like everything is in order." He clapped his hands happily, before quickly running back up the stairs to the main platform, switching the small sign out front to 'Open.' Time for business to start back up


OOC: And the Bright-Star inn is now officially open, my friends!

IC (Tooroko): Walking into Le-koro from the elevators, Tooroko started looking around for somewhere he might acquire some supplies. After the Ta-koro fiasco, he wanted to do it right this time. Seeing an inn up ahead, he thought he might be able to get something there, or at least find out where the best place was to get some.Pushing open the door, the entered the establishment. "Hello?" he called. "Anyone here?"


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IC:Ire and TradTrad:"Dismayed" So we came all this way just to find out that we didn't had to come all this way? Ire: Yay! More adventuring! Trad: You didn't need to be carried! You could have just walked!

"Wer Traumt?"


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OOC: It's mobile time againIC: "What to do, what to do." Rockosis muttered to himself, pacing back and forth. "I know, I'll have a blacksmith upgrade my weapons! Probably be worth be worth exploring, anyway. Humming to himself, he wandered into the city square.OOC: Lorax, my other character is Amerikos,a toa in the ILS. Didn't you say you had another char here?-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: @Bane, well, my character hasn't actually joined the ILS yet. He's sitting at home in his cave, just north of Lake Kanae. I figure that is pretty close to where the Rama-hive is, so he'll join in the battle once the ILS gets around to attacking. Oh, and if you're looking for a weaponsmith in Le-koro, may I recommend Matan and Natan? Their shop is near the edge of the village.IC (Tooroko): "A Xian ale would be nce" Tooroko replied, "But I'm here on other business as well. I need to find enough supplies out outfit a ship and its crew for a voyage. How are you for grog at the moment? If you've any spare, I'll buy a couple of barrels."


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IC-Unari:"We certainly have enough rum in store to make some," Unari said, smiling. "After all, this is Le-Koro. I'll be back in a sec." He quickly grabbed a small pewter tankard, filling it to an approximate pint and spinning it down the bar with a flourish to the other.He quickly ran to one of the cellars in the underpart of the building, on a village sub-level. He walked over to a row of barrels on the ground, and bent down, heaving one of them up. Years of working in the inn had given him the ability to do that eventually.He carried it out, and then repeated the process another time. "You'll have to find the ingredients for the mixture yourself," he apologized. "All we have is the rum."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC (Tooroko): The Vortixx sipped at thie pint while Unari was downstairs fetching the barrels. It was refreshingly cool and sweet after the smoky atmosphere around Xa-koro. Maybe he should come back here some time. When the bartender returned, he replied "That should be fine. Sailors like their rum anyway, so I won't need to mix anything. Now, do you do food here? If you have anything that keeps well, I could take a bit of that, but I understand if you perpare meals fresh. I imagine sailors are a bit less fussy than some of your customers."


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IC: After searching through most of the town, Rockosis had found a blacksmith shop. "Matan and Natan," he mused. "Brothers, or buisness partners?" Walking in, he called, "Hi, is this a blacksmith shop? I got a tip from a nearby matoran to come here. I need some work on upgrading a sword."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC (Matan and Natan): "Then you're in the right place" said a tall green Skakdi who stepped out from behind the door. "I'm Matan by the way. Come on in and tell me what you want done". He was joined by a second Skakdi, this one with red highlights on his smooth grey armour. They guided him through to their workshop, which was full of various pieces of half-finished machinery and tools. Shelves lined the walls, which were littered with gears, springs, wheels and other paraphernalia pretinent to their profession.


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OOC: Nice alliteration, by the way. Also, last post for tonightIC: "Well, I've got this sword, and this mave," he gestured towards a nearby tabe he had set his weapons on, one of the few not cluttered with tinkerings. "I was wondering If you could create a fusion of the two. I was thinking a sword with a launchable blade, attached to the handle by a chain. But if you guys have any suggestions, I'm willing to listen. And I've got some cash from some mercenary work, unless you don't like tking dirty money."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC (Matan and Natan): "So let me get this straight" Matan commented, picking at a plate of armour on his forearm. "What you want is a sword with the blade and hilt connected by a chain. The two can be connected together to be used like a conventional blade, or detatched and swung around like a mace. Finally, the two can be detatched with considerable force, enough to shoot the blade out and through an enemy's armour." He paused for a moment to consider how that might be done."I think a spring-loaded mechanism would work best, because a pressure system to shoot the blade would be too bulky to swing around on a sword. If there were a switch on the handle that would trigger the release, I think that would be doable without too much trouble. There might be some issues with impacts in combat setting the spring off early, but we could find a way around that. You realise that the chain will have to be quite short? If it were more than a bio or so it would either get tangled or require a very large hilt, which would make it awkward to swing accurately. You won't be able to shoot somebody more than a few paces away."OOC: You had no problems getting approval for this, I assume?


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OOC: No problems, as long as you guys have the know-how. Friar Tuck said this was almost a quest-type item, but he approved my direct design.IC: "Yes, that's what I want. I'm just wanting to stab without someone getting too near to me. That sounds good. I was only wanting something nunchuck like, besides. How bad do you think the kickback will be? And how effective do you think the design will be? This was just an idea forming in my head. If you can improve on it, I'd appreciate it." Rockosis shifted, taking a quick glance around. "Looks like you've been here a while."OOC: Wonder when Kal will get you supplies.-Bane

Edited by Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: LansLans shook his head at Verdi, "No you needn't come, your not at fault for anything as you have yet to have even been properly trained in combat." Lans then turned to face Sisk, "Sisk, you needn't come. You were on official reassignment, this concerns me and me alone. Lashev, being a new recruit, still needs to stop by registration, and you should probably give both Verdi and Lashev a tour of the Koro. I'll be back as soon as I can, but for now you all can enjoy yourself." Lans then nodded to the messenger, and two set off towards the Gukko Force Headquarters.


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OOC: Getting impatient here. Sorry, it's just a habit. I wanna' write as Ishi DESPERATELY. So, I will. :PIC: The DogIshi shrugged as Tillian ignored him again. Nothing like a leader without grace. Looking back to where he knew Lazerbeak was standing, he waved a bit to motion her closer. He was sick of not getting information at the rate he wanted, and the best available source was bird-girl. I hope something in her head is worth picking at. Though I'm not surprised if her brain is the size of a nut.

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IC: the DogI want your face plastered on the opposite wall. "I was thinking we could put our heads together and figure some things out," Ishi said honestlywith the slightest dry tone of boredom, as if Ishi believed there was nothing for Lazerbeak to really contribute, but was making an effort to help her feel needed. He walked over to the small steps leading into the outpost and sat down. "Let's see. We have an evil organization, and we have a kidnapped bride. What's this all got to do with anything?"

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IC: Laserbeak"I can offer some information in that regard." Laserbeak commented. "The last time Tillian was in Le-Koro, he was kidnapped by the same criminal organization. Most of the operatives responsible were killed, and one tortured by Tillian. Another of the kidnappers was tortured by me. Needless to say, Tillian managed to tick them off."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: You know what, I'm gonna post as Skyra...cause I want to. IC: Skyra - Crimson Nova Outpost, Le-koro -Skyra was now inside the Outpost. No guards or anyone seemed to be in the hallway, so far so good. Skyra noted that no one had followed him in, Tillian and the others were still outside. This was a good thing in Skyra's mind, he could scout the place out, come back, and then they could all form a plan on what to do after. Skyra began to stealthily walk down the hallway. OOC: Now I know your busy GMing the Techna RPG Tyler...but if something doesn't happen with this plot soon...Skyra's gonna blow up this outpost... :)

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Aryll couldn't help but be a bit jealous of Madrihk. His leader was in command a reasonable army and was respected and supported by almost all the ILS. Aryll clung to the believe that he could do it better, that he could plan out this little adventure far more effectively.Although, he felt he'd claw up the ranks with politeness and civility. So, quite kindly, he explained to Madrihk the limits of fire-bombs. "Madrihk, the jungle is far too moist . This means we'll have to set the fires within the hive."

Edited by Zombie Shark Ragnarok
I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: JiMingJiMing raised his hand and said, "Excuse me, I'm interested in joining this 'Island Liberation Squad'. But I'm not sure what help I could be for this exact mission. It seems like you're going to rely on Toa mostly, and I'm not exactly the greatest fighter. So I ask, what kind of help, if any, could I be?"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: Kethrye cleared his throat and answered JiMing. "Uhm, well, you could help combat the Nui-Rama," he said, reaching up and scratching the top of his head."Presumably the Gukko Force won't be able to lead of all the Rahi, and we're going to need people on standby to take them out."The Toa of Ice glance at Aryll and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Le-Wahi's too humid for any fire to last very long, and besides, we have enough Toa of water of ice to extinguish any fire that gets out of control."

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IC: Madrihk"You have valid arguments, Aryll and Kethrye. Still, the jungle is not just moist, but also very hot and full of swamp gas and similar things, I'm sure. Accidents can happen. I trust our Toa of Water in an emergency, however, so I agree, use the fire bombs as long as you are careful with them. As a Toa of Fire, Aryll, I guess you can also put them out in a pinch. For that reason, perhaps you should lead the fire bomb squad, if one is made.""We have lots of brave Matoran," Madrihk said to JMing. "I am sure you can do your part as well, if you feel up for a battle. I believe we have all heard the story of the Chronicler's Company, who defended the Kini-Nui against Makuta's beasts when the Toa Mata decended into it. Unfortunately, they did not succeed, but the Matoran held their line still. Now, we have a bigger force, against a smaller target. We can do this. Just tell me your name, and you're in, basically."Then he glanced over his papers again, seeing the squads that were forming there."Strike team, air force, demolitions troop, secondary ground squad, firebomb squad... This is looking good," he said. "Still, a lot of you have not been placed in any specific group, and I'm not familiar with all of you yet. Let's have a roll call to ascertain our current standing. Everyone, in turn and briefly, state your name, power and skills, and your current role assignment. If you have none, state that and say what you might like to be."OOC: Also, do and OOC and tell me if you are part of the ILS roster or not, so I can kick myself in the rear and update the squad page properly with both the team images and the battle plan list. :P

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IC:Rhow frowned at the news of the dead Matoran. "Yeah..." she just said. After a minute or so of silence, she spoke again though: "Is it just me, or is something on this Island really messed up?"She looked at Iraanus, waiting for the other Skakdi to answer. He knew more about this conflict with the Makuta the Island was in then she did. Karzhani, not long ago her only concern had been Rahi that she might run into in the wild and wether or not they would be suitable dinner. Maybe figuring out a safe place for the nights, but that was the pinnacle of her problems...Now, she found herself in the middle of a village, full of Matoran, who were fighting against the hold of the Makuta. And there were more villages like this on the Island, all fighting for the same thing. But by the looks of it, they were loosing. Of course, Rhow did not really care about them. She wasn't a Toa, much less a hero. But she was still a Skakdi. And to her, that meant the Makuta had a very special place in her life. They very a race of warriors and barbarians. Their homes on Zakaz were pretty much built on the bones of the fallen, who had died fighting a war among each other that had lasted for generations and was still going on, as far as she knew. But for all the infighting among them, there was one thing Skakdi could agree on: The Makuta deserved a special kind of hatred. And maybe there was a way to channel that hatred and anger into a unified effort...As the thought crossed her mind, Rhow decided that it wasn't such a bad idea...in fact, maybe it was even worth pursuing.




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OOC: I'm now in the roster. Go kick yourself in the rear :goofy:IC: "Amerikos, toa of Iron, active member, shatterpoint ability, stealth mask and abilities and shield. I'm on the defense team for the strike force," Amerikos saluted, clacking his boots together. "Honor to serve, sir. Let's hope we don't get our tails kicked," he said, smirking.-Bane

Edited by Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: IC Kahlynn is counted as a member, but OOC it probably isn't worth putting him in because he's just gonna ditch y'all and head off on his own again after the assault.IC:"Trakuda, fighter, Demolitions Team.""Kahlynn, Rahi Killer, Secondary Ground Squad. I think you should scrap the whole firebomb squad thing, seeing as it would have limited range, may not work, and there's only me."

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OOC: I guess I'm in too.IC: JiMing"JiMing, Ta-matoran, has a sword and shield, pretty much it. Don't have a position right now, and I'm not sure which to be in. I'm not sure how much of a help I can be, but I'll try my best."

Edited by Belonephobia

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC-Dendron & Co.:"Dendron, Toa of Plantlife, Kakama, no team," the Toa of Plantlife said."Kal, Toa of Stone, Huna, no team," the younger Toa said."You're going to force me into this, aren't you?" Mussiki muttered, viewing his brothers. He sighed when they nodded. "Mussiki, Toa of Sonics, Pehkui, no team." He glared at his brother and nephew, annoyed.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Sisk shrugged at Lans and then turned to Verid and Lashev. If Lans hadn't had this odd tone in the way he had told him to not come along, he would have insisted. He would have to ask Lans what was up with the strange looks the other Matoran working on the airfield were giving him once he got back. He looked at the two Matoran in front of him. "Alright then, it look-seems that Lans has solo-business to take care of with the Captain. We will need to same-head in that direction though, to see-tour the village." he said. "Is there anywhere special-important you want to see-go in the Koro?" he asked them.




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IC-Lashev:"I've always heard that the Bright-Star inn was a nice place," Lashev suggested.IC-Unari:"We normally prepare our food fresh," Unari said, "But we do have a few non-perishables, like powdered eggs and milk. That, and quite a few canned goods. Would that work?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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