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Tex, you traitor. I'd better still live through it. I even gave you a good death.


I refuse to allow this silly six-way lynching to proceed; I had to cut my losses. I'd rather not kill Tyler either, but the way things played out around my prior votes I had no other options.

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I just wanna try and live through a full game. I believe I haven't managed to survive a single game, without hosts leaving or hackers hacking.

Edited by ShadowVezon1


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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ok guys lemme tally votes and write scene


vote ally is

A dead Chro
A dead Xaeraz
so gravity, tyler, burn, and SV all die.
Edited by Ehks


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Day two: A bad day for the Hunters.


The village was angry. Very, very angry. Three people had died the night before, and they wanted vengeance. So, they casted their votes to execute who they thought had died. It had taken days, and many had decided to switch their votes, but it had finally come.

The reckoning of a Dark Hunter had come.

Four Matoran stood in front of Ehks, apart from the crowd. The four that had been chosen to die. He looked at each of them, and after examining them, he looked to the blood-hungry crowd.

“Are you ready for a lynching everyone?!”

The crowd yelled in agreement. A few corpses yelled, too.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road! Who wants to go first?”

Burnmad stepped up. “I guess I’ll go first.”

Ehks nodded. “Alright, I hope you enjoy dy-”

Suddenly, Burnmad collapsed on the ground, and the corpse of Xaeraz stood behind him. “SPINE!”

The crowd was silent. Ehks was silent, too. “Uh...thanks, Xaeraz?”

Xaeraz looked at the spine he had ripped out in confusion. “Wait, this is a bit too large for a Matoran his size…”

And with that, Burnmad’s body reverted to its original form, that of the Dark Hunter Tyrant.

Burnmad (Dark Hunter) lynched

“Oh, nice job! You guys killed a Dark Hunter! Well, half of you will be sad now, but I bet the other half is happy!” Ehks smiled to the group of Matoran. “Alrighty, who wants to be the next victim? Don’t worry, you won’t die to Xaeraz’s spine ripping shenanigans.”

Gravity and Tyler glanced at each other, and both grabbed Shadowvezon by the arms. They threw him towards Ehks. “So, I guess you’re going to be the victim?”

“N-n-no! I...I don’t wanna die! It sounds painful! And you guys know I’m always a villager! It never fails!” Shadowvezon pleaded.

“Look, I’m sorry, but popular vote demands your blood.”

Shadowvezon sighed, and stood up. “Fine. I guess you guys killed off another poor, innocent villager.”

Ehks whirled his staff through the air, and pointed it at SV. “Now die!”

Shadowvezon’s head exploded into a bright blue, fruit-flavored mist. No one understood why, not even Ehks. Just a great mystery in the world.

Shadowvezon1 (Dark Hunter Villager) lynched

“...That was interesting. I wonder how the next person will die...Oh, and I’m not taking volunteers any more. You’re up next, Gravity!”

The poor Brotherhood villager was hauled forward by the power of the Staff. “Oh come on, I haven’t even done anything…” he muttered. Ehks pointed his staff at Gravity, and...nothing happened.

Ehks glared at the staff, and pointed it at Gravity again. Still nothing.

“Oh come on!” He banged the staff on the ground, trying to get it to work. Suddenly, Gravity fell over dead. He sat still on the ground, dead as everyone else. Except he had all his body parts still.

Gravity (Brotherhood villager) lynched

“...Ok, what is going on with this thing?”

Ehks looked at the last person standing before him, the final Matoran to be lynched. Tyler Durden stood there.

“Okay, are you ready for death?”


“Well...too bad! You gotta die, they demand your blood! Which hopefully won’t be fruit punch like Shadowvezon’s…

Ehks reared the staff back, and swung it forwards with great force. Tyler’s entire body simply caught on fire, but he was dead before he hit the ground. Which is good, being burned to death would be horribly painful.

Tyler Durden (Dark Hunter Villager) lynched

“So, now that everyone has been lynched… I’d better be going!” Ehks turned to leave, when a voice from the Brotherhood half of the Divided Corpse Heap spoke up.

“You will not leave until you say what I was!”

Chro’s disembodied head (somehow) was talking. Not the most disturbing thing all day, though.

“Oh. Right. You died, and I haven’t said what you were. Well, fine. I guess I will.” Ehks cleared his throat, and began:

“Chro was a Shadow Matoran, a poor Matoran who had been attacked by shadow leeches right before this game had begun. Though he lived in the Dark Hunter village, he is loyal to Makuta, and wins with him. But, if either Detective looked at him, they would see he is but a simple Dark Hunter Villager, though his purpose is far more sinister. Every night, he fought with himself, and thus had a fifty-percent chance of killing someone, and upon doing so he can blame it on another person. He can chose who to blame, but if they got voted...he would die instead. Oh, and his votes wouldn’t count either.”

The head of Chro nodded, and went back to being dead.

“Well, see you guys later!”

And with that, Ehks turned and ran away into the woods.


Edited by Ehks


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Yay!.. wait i am not sure if this is good or bad.. we have no good or bad side so.. um.. Yay Confusion!


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Sheriff XXaron on the morning of an execution. As a matter of fact, it's seven-thirty in the morning. Logic and natural laws dictate that at this hour there should be daylight. It is a simple rule of physical science that the sun should rise at a certain moment and supersede the darkness. But at this given moment, Sheriff XXaron, a deputy named Teridax, a condemned man named Burnmad and a small, inconsequential village will shortly find out that there are causes and effects that have no precedent. Such is usually the case--in BIONICLE Mafia.


- :burnmad:

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From what I've been hearing, the Brotherhood had this pretty much in the bag before two Dark Hunters were lynched.

Woo B-)


E: Pardon me, I meant bag, not bad. Although I suppose the Brotherhood are villains, so they're bad too.

Edited by Freelancer Tex
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