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VOID - 74/140

You could indeed take all of my current health away, Void responded. It is a risk I am willing to take if it means ending this silly distraction.


OOC: In other words, if you want to kill us both, go for it. That's totally legal here.

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-==IC: Blade - HP: 9/20==-


Blade scowled, not liking this at all.

"Not on my watch..." Blade mumbled, as he kicked off from the ground, attempting to stab Shadowhawk quickly with a lightning 'lance'. However, it was simply a distraction, as a spike of ice attempting to impale Shadowhawk from below from within the protection.

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The lightning was absorbed into the shield of shadow-imbued ice, powering it further.


E: Blade stawp gosh



VOID - 74/140

The Shadowy Ice Rod easily smashed the spike of ice, protecting Shadowhawk while Void vanished in a whirl of shadow, reappeaing next to Blade and blasting him with pure shadow for three damage.

Edited by Voltex 2
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if i was able to get my post in

i would have done a lot of damage to Void before dying



hardlight-coated steel katanas at super-fast speeds tend to hurt people

especially when followed by a lot of lasers

Edited by Ehks


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Apparently More Dakka and Giant Freaking Laser Beams can't work. So I dunno what to tell you, Ehks. =P


Seriously though, something should've been touched by that. Especially when it covers an extraordinarily large area.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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more dakka is always the solution

That was what I thought. It really shouldn't matter when you can dodge one blast when there are hundreds more heading in almost every direction imagninable.


Either JiMing is pathetically weak to everyone but me or every character on the Shadow team runs on nonsensoleum or is made of plotdevicetanium. People have a habit of massively underselling my attacks...

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: I'd go with the latter one, because Void dodged every single one of my lightning bolts and my ice spikes. =P And then, well, yeah, what just happened. I'm just gonna walk off now, because obviously things aren't supposed to happen that aren't as planned.

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But the rest of the Shadow Team too? Bull. Really no other way to put it.


You know, I sorta organized the Respawn Update to remove the sting from this sorta stuff.... Maybe I didn't make that clear enough.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 1/20 HP ] - Endgame

Brave words, my leader.

Eyes narrowing to triumphant slits, voice ringing harsh and otherworldly in the gloom of Dragon's Keep, the Shadowhawk drew breath then and hissed a single black syllable of cold command across the dungeon battlefield. Blazing tendrils of dark energy kindled and swirled around him in an instant, wisps trailing smoke-like from his bloodied talons as every last trace of the Void's life force was brutally, abruptly wrenched from him in a shrieking explosive whirlwind of shadow and chill.

For better or worse, let's hope you meant them.

Without a backwards glance at whatever broken shell remained of his former Overlord, the necromancer turned and charged, black leather boots digging for traction as he flashed in a noiseless sprint across the rubble-strewn ground. Three yards to impact-- two-- one-- and then he was slamming straight into Bloodfeast's chest and underbelly, driving his overcharged talons home in a searing shockwave of death itself. Flesh burned, minds splintered, as the second Overlord rent and broke before the vicious stabbing blow.

Death is my business, and you just earned a free trial subscription. Enjoy the afterlife, big-and-ugly.

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IC - HP: 4/20


Pupwa attempted a stab at my back, but my already-having-been-running, plus my slash hitting him, gave me just enough momentum to move away from the sword. Suddenly, a multitude of shadow-based shockwaves sent me flying, and I groaned at the host's health-whittling as I slammed into the ground after the latest one.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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*Sharpens his scythe using authentic whetstone and grinding wheel*

Don't mind me. Just preparing.

Edited by Voxumo


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Seriously, people. There was absolutely no planning whatsoever going on here, other than what was spoken of publicly in this very thread. I just caught the ball and ran with it, so to speak. No plots, no behind-the-scenes, no nothing.

No you were handed the ball and you ran with it. There was no catching involved


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Seriously, people. There was absolutely no planning whatsoever going on here, other than what was spoken of publicly in this very thread. I just caught the ball and ran with it, so to speak. No plots, no behind-the-scenes, no nothing.

No you were handed the ball and you ran with it. There was no catching involved


What-ever. Try to imagine yourself in my situation; would you have done anything different? :P

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Seriously, people. There was absolutely no planning whatsoever going on here, other than what was spoken of publicly in this very thread. I just caught the ball and ran with it, so to speak. No plots, no behind-the-scenes, no nothing.

No you were handed the ball and you ran with it. There was no catching involved


What-ever. Try to imagine yourself in my situation; would you have done anything different? :P


Likely no.. Though I would have killed both void and Canis.. Just out of spite.


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Likely no.. Though I would have killed both void and Canis.. Just out of spite.

Exactly the perspective of my own Bionifighter, more or less. Who wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity to double-cross the GM's own character and take out two boss Overlords in a single post?


Chaos and gore is the name of the game, and every man for himself. Glad we agree on that, eh? ;)

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Likely no.. Though I would have killed both void and Canis.. Just out of spite.

Exactly the perspective of my own Bionifighter, more or less. Who wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity to double-cross the GM's own character and take out two boss Overlords in a single post?


Chaos and gore is the name of the game, and every man for himself. Glad we agree on that, eh? ;)


Yep. Sweet sweet double-cross is something I and my fighter can get behind


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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Seriously, people. There was absolutely no planning whatsoever going on here, other than what was spoken of publicly in this very thread. I just caught the ball and ran with it, so to speak. No plots, no behind-the-scenes, no nothing.

I think the bloodlust is because you were handed the ball, not because there was a particular large effort to catch it.


The repetitive no planning you say, at least for me, makes it that I want to kill you dead some more. :/

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: Would Shadowhawk have been able to to take Void's health, and waste it on a wall, or a fighter, or something? That's what I would have done.




Nah, just kidding, I would have killed both too.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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I have an inexplicable urge to murder Shadowhawk next round.

Am I the only one?

Yes, because for me it's perfectly explicable. ;)


What-ever. Try to imagine yourself in my situation; would you have done anything different? :P

Actually, no. With the whole "rebel against Void, fight the system" mentality - as shown by Pulse - I think I'd have done something entirely different. Edited by Chro

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Okay, the fact that it wasn't planned frustrates me more that my More Dakka attack did absolutely nothing. Seriously, next time I try something like that, treat it like, you know, a powerful attack? If Void isn't hit, then someone has to suffer. Why is my character a freaking joke to most of you?


Really, this was a case of becoming Creator's Pet. What sense remained was thrown out if the window just to show off that Shadowhawk was the most bad### out of all of us. But your godlike position will not last next round tomorrow. I want to murder you dead, and I'm not the only one.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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See the above post


(And please note, JiMing, that the only reason your attack didn't hit me was because it'd be like reverse godmodding on my part to make myself be hit by it, considering our locations in the dungeon at the time)

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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OOC: No, there was JL and Shadowhawk, though Shadowhawk was being protected.


JiMing: He wasn't really 'awesome', so much as Void went 'here, do this for me, it'll be like I did this all-out attack myself and I CAN BEND THE RULES 8D' and Shadowhawk was just like 'k lol'; any awesomeness there was null and void,and specifically all Void's doing.


That said, the fact that none of our attacks even made a dent in the last day or two, is what is the head scratcher here. That and the fact that the ball was not given to Shadowhawk, it was shoved into his hands with the criteria that if he didn't run with it, he'd be flicked to death. Though whether that was actually said to him or not is a different question.


I would have liked this more, probably, if you know, there was a way to stop it for those who didn't want Shadowhawk to get a lol-auto win.

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Just so you all (seriously, no one specific individual here; this is just 'to whom it may concern') know, any in-game decisions that I personally made, any IC actions that my Bionifighter specificially took, were totally legit and aboveboard. I do not regret any of them and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Gang up on me all you like; I don't blame any of you one bit if you thirst for vengeance, and I'm not going to moan and complain and pretend that I'm taking any sort of personal offense. All's fair in love, war, and Mafia Bionifight, so far as I'm concerned, and a bit of friendly(!) rivalries and grudges are great fun. Bring it on, folks. Bring it on. Just keep it lighthearted, please; I honestly don't enjoy veiled insults and pointed mutterings any better than the rest of humanity, even if I do very rarely take such comments seriously. :P

That said, and while I don't want to belittle the time and effort Voltex is putting into this game, that last little episode of Void-ness was a bit irrealistic by what were assumed to be the standards of the game. True, there was a lot of awesome, but it was the kind that belongs in an epic, rather than a text-based fighting game where the players call most of the shots. Again, I do certainly appreciate the significant effort Voltex is putting forward in order to run this (admittedly somewhat infuriating at times, both IC and OOC; let's give him a hand for putting up with it) game, but that last bit was more than a trifle heavyhanded in favor of 'GM plot steamrollering', if I make my point clear. Yes, I too agree that a few of those powerful attacks made against the Void should have connected; no, I don't agree that there was any sort of favoritism that granted me opportunity to bring things to an explosive conclusion. I was in the right place at the right time, that's all, and it's not ashamed I am to admit that I'm a fairly decent writer and like to make my posts dramatic.

But let's all, myself included, try to keep the grumblings to a minimum, and cut everyone a bit of slack, alright? We're all human, even the GM; sometimes we unwittingly do things that upon further reflection maybe weren't the best things to do, and it's nice when those around us can be a bit understanding of our momentarily flaws. We sure do appreciate it when other people do it for us, don't we? Keep in mind, Voltex is the one running this game, and it's his rules he's running it by. Every one of us voluntarily signed up to play; there's nothing at all that prevents us from quitting at any time if we don't like the way things are going. So no reasons to degenerate into a flame war, as has happened multiple times before.

Let's just all try our best to keep it cool-headed, mature, and civil, alright? ;) In ten days, this little incident will have been resolved and put behind us; in ten months, few of us if any will remember it ever even happened. It's absolutely not worth getting fired up about; few things are, and a momentary bending of the rules in a text-based fighting game in an overlooked corner of an insignificant little forum dedicated to a discontinued toy line, is not, I repeat, not worth it. We're all human, we're all alive; in a world of digital text and silicon, that's something that we sometimes tend to forget. Someone real and sapient is sitting on the other end of the line, and our actions taken via Internet can be just as hurtful to that person as actions taken via real-life.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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Just so you all (seriously, no one specific individual here; this is just 'to whom it may concern') know, any in-game decisions that I personally made, any IC actions that my Bionifighter specificially took, were totally legit and aboveboard. I do not regret any of them and would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Gang up on me all you like; I don't blame any of you one bit if you thirst for vengeance, and I'm not going to moan and complain and pretend that I'm taking any sort of personal offense. All's fair in love, war, and Mafia Bionifight, so far as I'm concerned, and a bit of friendly(!) rivalries and grudges are great fun. Bring it on, folks. Bring it on. Just keep it lighthearted, please; I honestly don't enjoy veiled insults and pointed mutterings any better than the rest of humanity, even if I do very rarely take such comments seriously. :P

That said, and while I don't want to belittle the time and effort Voltex is putting into this game, that last little episode of Void-ness was a bit irrealistic by what were assumed to be the standards of the game. True, there was a lot of awesome, but it was the kind that belongs in an epic, rather than a text-based fighting game where the players call most of the shots. Again, I do certainly appreciate the significant effort Voltex is putting forward in order to run this (admittedly somewhat infuriating at times, both IC and OOC; let's give him a hand for putting up with it) game, but that last bit was more than a trifle heavyhanded in favor of 'GM plot steamrollering', if I make my point clear. Yes, I too agree that a few of those powerful attacks made against the Void should have connected; no, I don't agree that there was any sort of favoritism that granted me opportunity to bring things to an explosive conclusion. I was in the right place at the right time, that's all, and it's not ashamed I am to admit that I'm a fairly decent writer and like to make my posts dramatic.

But let's all, myself included, try to keep the grumblings to a minimum, and cut everyone a bit of slack, alright? We're all human, even the GM; sometimes we unwittingly do things that upon further reflection maybe weren't the best things to do, and it's nice when those around us can be a bit understanding of our momentarily flaws. We sure do appreciate it when other people do it for us, don't we? Keep in mind, Voltex is the one running this game, and it's his rules he's running it by. Every one of us voluntarily signed up to play; there's nothing at all that prevents us from quitting at any time if we don't like the way things are going. So no reasons to degenerate into a flame war, as has happened multiple times before.

Let's just all try our best to keep it cool-headed, mature, and civil, alright? ;) In ten days, this little incident will have been resolved and put behind us; in ten months, few of us if any will remember it ever even happened. It's absolutely not worth getting fired up about; few things are, and a momentary bending of the rules in a text-based fighting game in an overlooked corner of an insignificant little forum dedicated to a discontinued toy line, is not, I repeat, not worth it. We're all human, we're all alive; in a world of digital text and silicon, that's something that we sometimes tend to forget. Someone real and sapient is sitting on the other end of the line, and our actions taken via Internet can be just as hurtful to that person as actions taken via real-life.





Edit: I've warned you about spamming. -Proto.


Edited by -Windrider-

Looks like it's the end of the line for 21.

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